Aquarius love horoscope.

Aquarius in the first month of spring - March - is waiting for a difficult time. It will show how ready the representatives of this zodiac sign are to harmonious relations paired with. This month will put everything in its place and make Aquarians experience strong feelings. Will Aquarian feelings lead to a happy love life? The answer to this question can be found in the exact love horoscope for March.

In March 2017, free Aquarians will have a great opportunity to change their loneliness for a tender relationship with the opposite sex. Many representatives of this sign will feel the interested look of a long-familiar person on themselves and decide to get to know him from a new perspective. Aquarians have a great opportunity to make this relationship life-changing.

Aquarius, who are in a family relationship, in March will be able to fully appreciate the consequences of their attitude towards a partner, shown in previous months. For some representatives of this sign, the first days of spring will become a time of complete harmony, mutual care and love. For other Aquarians, March of this year will return all resentment and inattention to their spouses with a boomerang. An accurate love horoscope advises Aquarius not to bring the relationship to a critical point and understand that everything that happens this month is the result of only their actions in relation to their spouse.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius woman for March 2017

This month will give Aquarius girls, who have yet to find their love, an opportunity to feel a large number of signs of attention from men. This circumstance will slightly turn the heads of girls born under the sign of Aquarius, and will make it possible to enjoy meetings and communication with the opposite sex without looking back. Aquarius girls in March of this year will be able to attract the attention of almost any man they like. Many of them will make new, interesting acquaintances, which have every chance of developing into a stable relationship.

Many married Aquarius women in March will finally receive a lot of attention, gratitude and care from their spouses. First spring month- a time to strengthen sincere relationships for Aquarius, but a test for many couples who have forgotten about their halves in the everyday bustle. In March, women will have many opportunities to fix their relationships and return their former passion and love. To do this, you will have to make an effort, otherwise the family relationships of Aquarius can very quickly come to a break.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for March 2017

March prepares for single Aquarius men the opportunity to be active and perseverant in relation to the opposite sex. Men born under the sign of Aquarius, if desired, will easily establish their personal lives. They should not miss this opportunity to enjoy mutual feelings. The natural sociability of Aquarius will help to make new acquaintances and transfer them to a romantic level. Whether these relationships will be serious or a fleeting romance is up to the men themselves to decide. love horoscope recommends Aquarius to take a closer look at the object of their tenderness: there is a high probability of a rapid development of relations and marriage before the end of this year.

Married representatives of the sign of Aquarius in March are aware of the consequences of all the emotions that they expressed to their women during the previous months. For some Aquarius men, this period will be very favorable due to the positive emotions, love and care previously invested in relationships. For such couples, this is the heyday and fullness of family life.

Many Aquarius men will make life-changing decisions about planning for children or changing homes. Other Aquarians in March may find themselves immersed in relationships and family squabbles. Not everyone will be able to normalize relations on their own: many Aquarians will need the advice of their parents or older relatives. Only the joint work of the spouses on the mistakes will be able to return a full-fledged relationship to such a family.

It will only support your ventures when you hit a dead end or feel cornered. Aquarians should not expect any specific instructions or clear advantages that seem to appear out of nowhere, because in 2017, all your achievements, by and large, will be completely natural.

By the way, for many Aquarians, 2017 will be a fateful year - you can meet the "love of your life." Alas, not all such acquaintances end positively, and we are all well aware of this. Human relationships are so complex and unpredictable that only God knows if we should expect any problems in this or that case. It's all up to you, and if you fail, you have no one to blame but yourself. In this horoscope, we can only outline and identify the right directions, because the stars indicate that in 2017 you can make some kind of pivotal decision, after which your personal and intimate life will change course of its development. To minimize the risk of possible error, be prepared to make decisions that are out of character for you. In other words, you may be faced with a serious discrepancy between your ability and real need.

In terms of personal relationships, 2017 can be divided into two stages. The first stage will last from the beginning of the year and the beginning of summer. The entire first half of 2017 will be a little more dynamic than you expected, dear Aquarius. Existing relationships will develop rather slowly, or they will even come to a standstill (or temporarily stop) - in cases where neither side is ready to make concessions or change their behavior for the sake of a partner. Even if the cause of the quarrel is petty and insignificant and it really shouldn't have been a fight over it (as it is 99.99% of the time), you shouldn't force things! Surrender to the will of circumstances and switch to the solution of the task that is in second place on your list of priorities. Of course, you should not completely rely on chance - just deal with some other current problems. This will allow you to quickly adapt to changes in the situation, as well as save resources that you will need later.

In the second half of the year, which will last from the beginning of June 2017 until the end of the Fire Rooster reign cycle, you will have to significantly increase your level of activity. Feel free to take advantage of all the opportunities that open up before you - even if you have them significantly more than your opponents. Strive to achieve your goals, feel free to start a relationship if you consider it necessary. There are no clearly right and clearly wrong options. If you don't get something in the end, you can at least be sure that you personally did everything right.

As mentioned earlier, the stars indicate that you will succeed in literally everything, which means that you can count on additional reserves. But you must manage these assets wisely - however, as always!

For lonely Aquarians, 2017 will give many opportunities for amorous exploits and adventures in the company of many friends. All this will be accompanied by a rapid change of events, dizzying plot twists, unpredictability, and sometimes complete leapfrog. In general, as always happens in the life of an Aquarius.

A string of love ups and downs will begin in the first days of the new year, when Aquarians are overcome by an irresistible desire to fall in love with someone. Even the fact that they themselves are married / married, they will not be embarrassed in any way.

The best way to start a new, albeit short-lived and far from always promising relationship is to go away from everyone and everything, on a journey where it doesn’t specifically matter. There are enough suitable candidates for Aquarius.

The objects of attention themselves will not always be "for" the development of acquaintance. But Aquarians can recklessly recognize in them their new love of life. Therefore, in no case should you rush into serious decisions, you can expose yourself to ridicule or get more tragic consequences in the form of divorce and loneliness.

In principle, family Aquarians will spend the year safely, surrounded by loving households, if they are careful and manage to hide their hobbies, if any. Aquarius will spend a lot of time with children, spouses, going out into the world, doing household chores. And if clouds still hang over family happiness, Aquarius will be able to drive them away with love and care for their soul mate.

But excessive coldness can lead not only to quarrels, but also to parting.

Aquarians, who gathered in 2017 to tie the knot, are strongly advised by astrologers to abandon this venture for a while. Most of these alliances are doomed to fail. The wedding can be held no earlier than the end of the year.

It is possible that this year Aquarians will learn a lot of interesting, but not at all flattering things about their partner and his infidelity. It can also provoke a major quarrel up to a complete break in relations. Aquarius will be wounded, offended and will not soon leave from betrayal.

For newlyweds and civil spouses, among whom there are representatives of this sign, the stars offer to have children, and it is best to work hard on this issue in the middle of the warm season.

The year will pass in contrast, and in order to avoid unpleasant situations, Aquarians must be extremely careful, not make impulsive decisions, not make rash statements, and also think through their actions and their consequences in detail.

Horoscope of Love for 2017 for all zodiac signs:


Love will be present in the life of Aquarius throughout 2017. Representatives of your zodiac sign will love themselves and at the same time will be the object of someone's passion. Family Aquarians will begin to treat their partner more sensitively, which will significantly improve relationships in a couple. From March to July 2017, the time will come for complete mutual understanding, and representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to afford to show off, share accumulated fears and even scold your spouse, if there is any reason.

From August to October, Aquarius will want a romantic secret, solitude together, quivering tenderness and peace. At this time, representatives of your zodiac sign will discover such deep feelings in themselves that they are simply afraid to spill their magic cup of love. At this time, different people will begin to reach out to them, whose level of emotional maturity will be as close as possible to what Aquarians will feel. Although for a short time, the representatives of your zodiac sign will have a state of amazing complete harmony with themselves and the world around them. It will not even be happiness, but something more - completeness, deep satisfaction with life. Those close to Aquarius, albeit to a lesser extent, will also be able to touch this universal source of love.

Lonely representatives of your zodiac sign, being in a state of inner harmony, will begin to feel other people more subtly and will be able to easily perceive signals from those who are enduringly sympathetic. Until November, you will have to make a choice if the relationship requires it. In December, there will come a favorable moment to get married or consider marriage proposals. Aquarians should keep in mind that the agreements of this period will lead to cardinal changes in fate. If they say yes, there is no way to win back without major emotional upheavals.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius should be taken philosophically. Fire Rooster will help solve any problems. Troubles in the family and love relationships Aquarius can easily resolve heart-to-heart talks and romantic surprises. The financial situation will be stable, but you should not look for easy money. Financial savings and success in the professional field are possible. Strengthening family ties will take a lot of strength from Aquarius. Relatives will demand active participation in household chores.

2017 is the perfect time to start physical training. Aquarius should sign up for a pool, fitness, yoga or dance class. Sports will help to lose extra pounds and tighten the figure. The risk of sexual infections is high. Aquarius is better not to enter into a questionable relationship for one night. A moment of pleasure can turn into long weeks of problematic treatment.

The Aquarius woman should pay special attention to the state of mind and nervous system. Don't forget to take the pressure off. Aromatherapy, relaxing massage or spa treatments for the whole day will have a beneficial effect on the emotional state. Diet supplement fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products and healthy cereals will positively affect the work of the digestive tract and figure.

The Aquarius man will be able to put his thoughts in order during long walks. New ideas will have a positive effect on performance. To maintain the health of Aquarius, the diet should be composed of lean meat, fish, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.


In 2017, Aquarius will be involved in family matters and household chores. Parents or a significant other can start renovations, and you will have to take on part of the construction work and financial obligations. At the beginning of the year, try to look at the possible scope of work and evaluate your capabilities.

For Aquarius, it will be useful to read professional construction literature or attend special courses.

For organizing family leisure, Aquarius can offer cultural events: museums, opera, art exhibitions, theater performances, etc. Communication with children and help with lessons will significantly increase the performance of the child. Walks in the park and active outdoor games will improve your health. As a tool for personal growth, Aquarius is well suited for courses to study foreign language or special training for professional development.


Men and women born under the sign of Aquarius in 2017 are waiting for storms and thunderstorms in love. Relationships can go wrong for no apparent reason. The best strategy is to remain calm. Do not try to argue with your soul mate and sort things out, refrain from claims and accusations. Firstly, save your nerves, and secondly, establish a dialogue with your loved one.

An honest discussion of the accumulated problems will help Aquarius to establish harmony in love relationships. You will probably be presented with well-founded claims, do not try to deny your guilt. The second half clearly lacks attention and love from Aquarius. The opportunity to build relationships is in your hands.

The Aquarius man should not start love affairs on the side - your soul mate will probably find out about them. Try to devote all your free time to your family. The Aquarius woman will discover organizational talents, in particular it will be easy to organize parties and children's holidays. Try to plan activities for a romantic getaway with the man you love. Strengthen love relationships and a simple trip to a restaurant and a weekend together in a quiet hotel. Of course, the tastes and desires of the partner should be taken into account.


The professional sphere will require high attention and honest fulfillment of the obligations assumed. Management will appreciate the responsible attitude of Aquarius to work. Success in the career and financial sphere is possible only if you fully dedicate yourself to work. Do not be distracted by minor trifles and smoke breaks, do not leave work early.

To achieve maximum efficiency, Aquarius will need to properly plan their time. Make a schedule and fully plan the workflow in stages and time intervals.

Increasing efficiency at work will help you complete all projects on time and count on financial rewards and promotions.

The long-awaited promotion will open new horizons and professional prospects for Aquarius. Do not be too proud of the new status and put yourself above colleagues, remember about self-criticism.


The beginning of 2017 will not be successful financially, but the situation will quickly improve. Already in the summer, financial success will cover all past failures. An influx of money can only be secured by hard and persistent work, but adventures and lotteries will not bring success. Financial transactions should be treated with caution. Carefully check all the data, order legal advice. If possible, it is better to postpone the start business relations until a more favorable time.

An improvement in your financial situation will allow you to make a long-awaited major purchase. The choice should be approached responsibly and analyze the various options. It is better to refuse parties and festivities, empty financial spending will not bring the expected pleasure. Accumulated funds should be stored in a safe place, funds may leak.


For married ladies, 2017 will bring unpleasant surprises on the love front. Cheating on the part of a permanent partner is possible, and the Aquarius woman will not be able to influence the situation in any way.

Help and support awaits you from relatives and friends.

Free Aquarius women can expect an interesting acquaintance in the spring. If you like a man, feel free to cast aside doubts and start a new relationship. But you should not deceive your partner, betrayal will become known, and love relationships will be destroyed forever.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aquarius: Anna German, Ekaterina Klimova, Tina Karol, Oprah Winfrey, Shakira, Jennifer Aniston, Anna Pavlova, Christina Richie, Yulia Savicheva, Denise Richards.

The male

Aquarius will have to try hard to meet the expectations of others. The boss will expect high-quality performance of professional duties, parents - good grades and successful achievements. For his soulmate, the Aquarius man must become a real hero and support.

High expectations in love and professional life can lead to stress, but you can count on the help of friends and loved ones.

At the end of the year, the efforts of the Aquarius man will pay off, very pleasant surprises await you.

A free Aquarius man can try to arrange his personal life. Winning a woman will not be easy, you will have a rival. The main weapon of Aquarius: romance, small surprises and exquisite compliments. Refrain from being too active. Possible physical collision with an opponent and injury.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aquarius: Vladimir Vysotsky, Leonid Gaidai, George Gordon Byron, Lewis Carroll, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Christian Dior, Cristiano Ronaldo, Christian Bale.

The Year of the Fire Rooster for Aquarius will be a difficult time, however, with due attention to detail and the people around you, you can succeed. Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius can be taken with skepticism. Love relationship will require a lot of attention and effort. Summer holidays will have a good effect on Aquarius. Plan a trip abroad, to the sea, or at least to the country. A change of scenery and a warm climate will benefit the whole family.