What a useful porridge for weight loss. Wheat porridge: benefits for weight loss

From childhood, everyone knows that cereals are very useful. This is a constant breakfast in all kindergartens and schools, the right parents stuff their children with them in the morning. But adults themselves do not always like to dilute their daily diet with this dish. In the meantime, it is such food that normalizes the microflora of the stomach, saturates the body with a huge amount nutrients, allows you to hold out without snacks until lunchtime and fills with vitality for the whole day.

One has only to realize all these benefits, and you will definitely fall in love with cereals. And if they are also dietary, they will contribute to fast and persistent weight loss without any harm to health.

Slimming benefits

V Lately more and more often, nutritionists are proposing to actively use cereals, which are useful for health, and allow you to preserve the harmony and beauty of the figure. If you are tired of dieting, it's time to switch to new level nutrition and include in the diet carbohydrates, which are so necessary for vital energy. What do they give to a starving body and how do they contribute to weight loss?

Here's what happens in this case:

  • a prolonged feeling of fullness, which allows you not to have snacks between meals;
  • providing the body with vital substances, which excludes additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • cleansing from toxins, carcinogens, harmful cholesterol, thanks to fiber, which is called a brush for the body;
  • increased efficiency and good mood by converting carbohydrates into useful energy;
  • supplying the body with plant proteins that allow you to maintain muscle mass and not get stretch marks as a result of weight loss;
  • improvement of the stomach;
  • decrease in fat intake;
  • acceleration of lipolysis, which allows you to break down already accumulated fat deposits and prevent the appearance of new ones.

So there is no doubt that cereals really contribute to weight loss, and without any harm to health. It remains only to find out which cereal is better to choose for effective weight loss and how to properly prepare and consume this unique dish.


Despite the fact that cereals are very useful for losing weight, they do not always end successfully. They have their own contraindications due to the fact that the diet of such hunger strikes is poor in protein. Its lack adversely affects the work of many internal organs, which can lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

Therefore, you should not use cereals for long and strict diets if you have the following health problems and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • thyroid disease;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • taking powerful medications;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus (with the exception of barley porridge);
  • celiac disease.

In addition, keep in mind that if you choose exclusively low-calorie cereals for your diet, then it is recommended to reduce any stress on the body (physical, intellectual, emotional) in order to avoid exhaustion.

Pros and cons

To make the right decision, whether to arrange weight loss on porridge or not, first evaluate all the positive and negative sides.


  • excretion of salts;
  • cheapness;
  • the minimum number of contraindications;
  • saturation with vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, polyunsaturated fats;
  • absence side effects;
  • cleansing the body;
  • Benefit for health;
  • prevention of oncology, cardiovascular diseases;
  • improving the work of the pancreas;
  • satisfying hunger.


  • high calorie content and high glycemic index can result in reverse side- there were cases of gain, not weight loss;
  • hunger strikes are difficult to bear.
  • a ban on sweeteners;
  • low efficiency: very slow weight loss;
  • insipid taste.

It is tempting that there are much more pros than minuses, but it is on the last list that you need to pay special attention to be able to get around them.

Calorie List

To make it easier for you to choose cereals for weight loss, you can take the following list into service. The calorie content per 100 grams of porridge cooked in water is indicated in brackets. The second number in the fraction is the glycemic index. Both of these indicators are of great importance for weight loss. The lower they are, the better.

  1. Barley (76 kcal / 55) - suitable even for diabetics, contains a lot of phosphorus, speeds up metabolism.
  2. (78/56) - like a sponge, it absorbs and then removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  3. (80/80) - A natural source of simple carbohydrates and plant proteins that provide fast satiety.
  4. (86/70) - eliminates the processes of putrefaction in the intestines, is cooked from completely non-allergenic cereals.
  5. (88/50) - the leader in fiber content, which means that it is she who will qualitatively cleanse the body of debris.
  6. Pea (90/35) - also contains a lot of fiber.
  7. (90/55) - in an honorable second place among dietary cereals after millet, it is considered the most environmentally friendly, contains complex carbohydrates that satisfy hunger for a long time.
  8. (90/50) - stops the synthesis of fats, promotes their excretion, the leader among dietary cereals.
  9. (100/35) - combines fiber and vegetable protein, which is very important for weight loss.
  10. (105/45) - differs in that it is able to regulate lipid metabolism, so it is simply necessary in the diet to remove fat.
  11. (109/25) - although not the most delicious, but one of the most useful.

Here is such a rating of healthy cereals offered to us by nutritionists for effective and rapid weight loss without the slightest harm to health. All these cereals can be eaten as part of the diet or, and also included in breakfast when organizing proper nutrition(which, by the way, is much more effective than any hunger strike).

Which is the best

The rating is, of course, good, but still what is the best cereal from this list? How to choose it correctly in each individual case, in accordance with your individual characteristics? We invite you to pay attention to the following points.

  1. The lower the glycemic index, the slower the porridge is absorbed and the less fat the body stores in reserve. In this regard, barley is optimal.
  2. The more vitamins and minerals it contains, the better. Many people know that the most useful cereal is barley again. Therefore, it is recommended to choose it for long hunger strikes.
  3. The lowest calorie is barley, so it fits perfectly into any diet.
  4. If you listen to the opinions of nutritionists, then excellent results can be achieved with millet, which has a comprehensive effect on the body and has practically no flaws. After it comes buckwheat.
  5. If you feel like excess weight It is mainly associated with the slagging of the body, for weight loss it is better to choose rice, but you need to take cereals, which are much more useful than white.
  6. There are cereals that burn fat - these are wheat and millet.
  7. Diabetics can lose weight on barley, and allergy sufferers - on corn.

When choosing, consider your taste preferences. If, for example, you hate barley, then you should not go on a diet on it just because it has the lowest GI and it contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. You must like the dish, otherwise you will break off already at the beginning of the journey.

"Black list"

Some nutritionists believe that not all cereals are equally good for weight loss. There is a separate, "black list" of cereals, which do not always have a positive effect on health. The facts are somewhat dubious, but they should still be taken into account when organizing such diets.

  • Semolina

These are the remnants of the finest grinding of wheat. It is low in vegetable protein and vitamins. Almost 70% of its composition is starch. It also contains a complex mucopolysaccharide that is difficult to break down and digest. It inhibits the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • White rice

It is also called an empty source of calories. There are few vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should opt for brown, wild and red varieties.

Oatmeal can be harmful if you use finely ground flakes that can be cooked in literally 5 minutes. There is no fiber or anything else of value here.

Application options

How exactly to use porridge for weight loss? You can arrange special fasting days, short or long term hunger strikes, mixed or mono diets. You can always choose the option to suit your needs.

  • Fasting days

It is recommended to eat 500 grams of porridge cooked in water per day. This volume must be divided into several (5-6) small portions. Drinking plenty of fluids is encouraged. Except one and a half liters pure water, you can drink 2-3 glasses. For such a hunger strike, it is better to choose the lowest-calorie cereals.

  • Diet for 3 days

You can choose a strict option when the fasting day menu is repeated. Losing weight will be stunning, but not everyone can withstand such a marathon. A more gentle option - you need to divide the same 500 grams of porridge for a day, but you can add green ones to snacks or directly to the dish. Low-calorie salads made from fresh vegetables in small quantities are also allowed.

  • Diet for a week

The most popular version of the cereal diet is the weekly one. Here you can cook cereals in milk every other day. The list of permitted products is expanding: unsweetened fruits, non-starchy vegetables, a couple of times a week - a small piece of boiled chicken breast.

If you like the results, a similar diet can be extended for 10 and 14 days.

In addition, diets can be mixed and mono. The first option involves the use different types croup. For example, today you eat only barley, tomorrow - millet, then - oatmeal, etc. It is a very convenient weight loss scheme, because it differs in a variety of diet, which you will definitely not get bored with. Mono-hunger strikes are much more difficult to endure, when during the entire marathon you have to eat dishes from only one cereal. But, according to nutritionists, they are the most effective.

Now you know what dietary cereals can be used to make cereals as part of a diet. It remains to take on board a few nuances of such weight loss and choose the appropriate recipes.

  1. Drink as much water as possible: up to one and a half liters a day.
  2. Start losing weight on a fasting day to test your strength.
  3. Do not immediately choose strict food systems with long lists of prohibitions. Let it be some kind of mixed version at first.
  4. If you like the results, next time choose a mono-starvation diet with a more limited diet.
  5. Grains will supply you with carbohydrates, so be sure to exercise to convert them into energy, not fat.
  6. The main thing in preparing porridge for weight loss is not to add sweeteners, salt, or any other ingredients to them. The recipe should be as simple as possible: water + cereal.
  7. If you cannot withstand such a bland diet, it is allowed to cook porridge in milk, or add a little salt, or add / pieces of unsweetened fruit.
  8. Observe the recommended portion sizes to avoid overeating: for breakfast - 150 ml, for lunch - 300, for dinner - 200. For lunch you can eat fruit, for an afternoon snack - drink a glass of fresh juice, smoothies, kefir.
  9. Keep in mind that each cereal also has its own list of contraindications, as well as side effects that must be considered.

Remember: the better the cereal, the more useful the porridge will be and the faster the process of fat burning and weight loss will go. Therefore, please note that brown rice should be preferred over white; natural oats, not instant food in sachets; dry, not canned, etc. Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.


And finally, the recipes that will form the basis of your diet for the period of weight loss.

Universal recipe

All dietary cereals can be prepared according to one recipe. Moreover, this must be done before bedtime, so that the next morning the dish is already waiting for you on the table.

  1. Rinse a glass of cereals.
  2. Pour in 3 glasses cold water.
  3. Boil, cook over medium heat for the required time.
  4. Remove from the stove, wrap in something warm.
  5. Leave to blame overnight.

The cooking time depends on how cooked the cereal is. If, for example, the oatmeal is ready in 10 minutes, then the barley will have to be kept on fire for 30-40 minutes.

  • Oatmeal in milk (102 kcal)

Pour 50 gr oatmeal 1.5 cups of boiling milk. Cook for about 10 minutes.

  • Oven brown rice (89 kcal)

Soak 200 g of brown rice in 600 ml of cold water in the evening. Leave it overnight. Strain in the morning, pour 400 ml of water over again. Boil. Place the container in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C.

  • Pea (90 kcal)

Rinse 200 g of dry peas several times, add 1 liter of water, leave overnight. Strain in the morning, pour again clean water... Boil. Cook for half an hour without a lid. In this case, you need to constantly stir and remove the foam. To add flavor, salt at the very end of cooking.

  • Buckwheat in milk (118 kcal)

Pour a glass of buckwheat with 2 glasses of cold water. Boil. Cook for 15 minutes. Strain, pour half a glass of 1% milk into the boiled cereal. Bring to a boil again. Cook for no more than 5 minutes.

Try to incorporate cereal into your daily intake. Prepare cereals from them that promote weight loss. Choose the ones that suit your taste, look for the most low calorie recipes, experiment. Discover these dishes from a completely new perspective. Few foods contain carbohydrates for vital energy, and so many vitamins for health, and besides, they also take care of the figure. Forget about the hated breakfasts from childhood - now you yourself make up your diet, on which your beauty depends.

PressFoto / Shcheglov

Groats are products that help to get rid of extra pounds and at the same time saturate the body with the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes. Almost every species is enriched with plant fiber, which removes toxins and toxins from the body. Many women are not sufficiently aware of the benefits of other cereals and only use the most popular ones, such as buckwheat and oatmeal. Especially for you, we have compiled a list of used for weight loss.

Millet groats

Millet grains are processed millet seeds. Many villagers are used to calling it "bird", because in this area it is used for raising chickens, but it is not only suitable for birds. Golden grains are involved in the breakdown of fats that enter the body along with food and contribute to their elimination.

An equally important function is performed by millet and for diseases in the treatment of which antibiotics were used - it removes the remnants of medicines and toxic substances. Millet saturates the body during the diet with vitamins and microelements:

  • groups B, PP and E;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

It is impossible to ignore and diet on millet porridge for weight loss. With this method, it is possible to lose an extra 5-6 kg. Take 250 g of millet groats, rinse thoroughly and add 750 ml of cold water. Cook over low heat until cereal is done. The cooked porridge should be divided into 5 servings - this will be the diet for the whole day. In order to improve the taste, it is allowed to use sesame seeds or ½ tsp. flax oil.

On this diet, a significant place is occupied by the drinking regimen - during the course of it you need to drink as much liquid as possible without sugar, gas and flavorings.


One of the most dietary cereals - buckwheat ranks second on the list. Buckwheat belongs to environmentally friendly cereals, because no synthetic additives are used for its cultivation. Due to the high level of iron in buckwheat, it is used in combination with the treatment of iron deficiency. Many vitamins that make up brown kernels help to obtain such essential substances as rutin, vitamins of group B, PP and P.

For those who adhere to a dietary menu, buckwheat is a valuable product with complex carbohydrates, on the assimilation of which, the body spends more time. Therefore, one serving of buckwheat contributes to long-term satiety.

Buckwheat kernels help to get rid of excess weight. You can use one of the selected methods -.

In order to arrange a fasting day, you will need to prepare porridge in the evening. To do this, pour a glass of buckwheat with boiling water, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. The next day, you should eat exclusively prepared buckwheat porridge, without additives. As an exception, greens are allowed. Drink plenty of water. A fasting day will help you lose extra 0.5 - 2 kg, it all depends on the initial weight.

The buckwheat diet is based on the use of this porridge throughout the day, without additives in the form of salt, spices and butter for 14 days. There are no restrictions on the number of servings per day. As practice shows, on the third day, the appetite is significantly reduced due to the monotonous menu. For a change, it is recommended to supplement the buckwheat menu with low-fat kefir, but not more than 1 liter per day. This is not the most light diet, but after 14 days on the scales you can see up to - 10 kg. In this case, after the end, the volume of the stomach will be significantly reduced, which will help not to gain extra pounds again.

For any of the methods of losing weight, steamed buckwheat should be used, at the rate of 250 g of kernels per 750 ml of boiling water.

Wheat groats

In third place in the ranking slimming porridge there is wheat. Groats are an indispensable product for enhancing immunity. But for many, wheat is presented exclusively in the form of pasta, but not healthy cereals. Wheat grains are involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, including fatty ones, and also reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Wheat is a beauty product for women: it improves the skin barrier, strengthens hair and nails, and is an anti-aging agent. Due to the elimination of fat deposits from the body - this cereal is one of the most effective dietary components. Moreover, wheat groats are one of the most low-calorie weight loss cereals.

As an effective technique, we offer a seven-day wheat diet that saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. In the process, you can lose up to 5 kg, but the volume of the abdomen and waist will decrease to a greater extent.

Wheat groats must be boiled without adding spices, including salt. In addition to porridge, you can include in the diet seasonal fruits (except for bananas), stewed or baked vegetables (except for potatoes), low-fat dairy products, no more than ½ tsp. honey per day and plenty of water.


Honorable fourth place list of dietary cereals takes semolina. Not everyone knows that semolina is made from wheat. This is a kind of flour, but coarsely ground. In most journalistic publications you can find information about the useless use of semolina. If you look in more detail, then this product is healthier than rice. It is rich in potassium, vitamin B1 and E in more than rice porrige... Therefore, you should not make sudden conclusions and get rid of healthy cereals in the diet. The only exceptions are people with celiac disease (chronic intolerance to gluten-containing components).

The semolina diet is a seven-day diet that is notable for a good variety. For weight loss, semolina should be cooked in milk, not more than 2.5% fat.

For breakfast, cook semolina with the addition of 100 g of any fresh fruit. For lunch, semolina is also used, but already with dried fruits - no more than 20 g. For dinner, invariably semolina with the addition of 1 tbsp. condensed milk.

Despite the good taste characteristics of this diet, in comparison with other methods of losing weight. In 7 days you can lose up to 9 kg in weight.

Oat groats

One of the healthiest cereals oatmeal is in fifth place on our list. Despite the fact that oatmeal flakes contain a large amount of a vitamin complex consisting of vitamins E, group B, PP, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and sodium - these cereals contain a lot of fat - 6 g per 100 g of product.

Of great value for those who are losing weight is the fiber contained in oatmeal. It cleanses the intestines from slag accumulations, which greatly contributes to the better assimilation of all trace elements and minerals in the process of losing weight.

Thanks to the oatmeal diet, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​in literally 7 days. The essence diet food consists in using the menu exclusively from Hercules cereals. For a change, it is recommended to add seasonal fruits and berries to the porridge, with the exception of raisins and bananas.

As a spice, in the cooking process, you can use cinnamon, which helps to accelerate metabolic processes. Other additives are strictly prohibited.

Using the oatmeal diet, you will not only get rid of excess weight, but even after its completion, you will continue to lose weight, because seven days is enough to start the process of self-cleaning of all systems in the body.

Barley grits

In sixth place are the grains of barley under the usual name for us - barley groats. This product is rich in vitamins B, D, E and PP, manganese, potassium and calcium. A large coefficient of phosphorus content in cereals is a valuable complex that allows you to start the correct metabolic process, which is very valuable for those who are losing weight.

Barley breakfast porridge for weight loss fits perfectly, because it saturates on long time so you forget about overeating. In addition, for people with diabetes, this is the only option for losing weight, because barley grits reduce the blood sugar ratio.

For a week of barley diet, you will be able to lose about five kilograms. As with other methods, the main diet consists of barley grits. It is allowed to add fresh or steamed vegetables, berries and fruits to the menu. For cooking, you need 500 g of cereal. We put it in boiling water (1 l) and cook until thickened. Prefer 1% kefir as drinks.

Pearl barley

Ranked seventh slimming porridge there is pearl barley. Besides the extensive vitamin complex and useful minerals, barley grains contain the amino acid lysine, due to which collagen is produced in the body - a natural elixir of skin youth.

Pearl barley during cooking increases fivefold, which contributes to quick satiety and the absence of hunger for a long time.

The pearl barley diet is used for 5-10 days. On such a diet, you can get rid of up to 1 kg daily. The first days are characterized by the elimination of excess fluid from the body, so for those who suffer from puffiness there is an opportunity to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

In the evening, the barley is washed and soaked, and in the morning you can cook it. Porridge is consumed in any quantity until full saturation.

Corn grits

The eighth place is occupied by corn grits. It is a hypoallergenic product that stops the fermentation and decay process in the large intestine, which are provoked by undigested food debris.

The protein composition of corn grains is digestible, and the percentage of calories is quite low, so this product is valuable for losing weight.

Three days of corn diet will save you 5 kg of body fat. To prepare porridge, you will first need to soak it for 2 hours. It is necessary to cook in the proportion of ¼. Divide the cooked corn grits into 6 servings for consumption throughout the day.


Nearing the end of the list, peas are in ninth place. The crushed product is enriched with vitamins, fiber and valuable mineral salts. Protein-rich peas are used by athletes for growth muscle mass.

On a weekly pea diet, you can effortlessly lose up to 3 kg. During dietary meals, you cannot use the following products:

  • any smoked meats;
  • conservation;
  • sweet;
  • baked goods;
  • roast.

Breakfast and dinner can consist of any products, except for the above, and for lunch, pea porridge should be used.

Wheat porridge - dish number 1 for those who want to lose weight quickly. Containing many micronutrients, vitamins and fiber, wheat is easily digestible, effectively supporting work gastrointestinal tract... Such porridge relieves constipation and stomach dysfunctions, lowers blood cholesterol levels, removes excess fat, toxins, antibiotic residues, and heavy metal salts from the body. And thanks to the content of choline, a substance responsible for fat metabolism in the body, the wheat diet makes it possible to give the figure a toned and slender look.

Losing weight on wheat porridge, you will not suffer from hunger, since porridge is nutritious.

How many kilograms can you lose on wheat porridge

Wheat porridge is one of the lowest in calories, so losing weight on it is effective. Diet on wheat porridge is balanced and does not deplete the body of losing weight, not only due to its short duration, but also to its rich vitamin composition. But low calorie content is characteristic only of wheat groats made from durum wheat. An example of such a cereal is the TM Zhmenka wheat groats. This wheat porridge has a lower starch content and a higher protein content (21% of the daily intake).

A couple of days - and you will notice a decrease in volumes, and with it - an improvement appearance skin, hair and nails. And in seven days of the diet, you can get rid of about 4 kg of weight and reduce body fat in the waist area.

What to use for successful weight loss

A wheat porridge diet is not necessarily a strict and boring mono diet. Yes, it is better to cook porridge without any spices and oils, without adding salt and sugar. But you can diversify your menu with herbs, vegetables and fruits (except for bananas and grapes).

For high-quality weight loss, it is better to give up potatoes, meat, sour cream, milk and other fatty foods. Try to add something new to cereals every day, for example, grated carrots, parsley, radishes, cucumbers, herbs.

Attention: porridge should be eaten in small portions 4-5 times a day. Do not artificially starve yourself, you are a little hungry - eat a couple of tablespoons of porridge.

How to cook porridge

As we said, without spices, but cinnamon or a little is allowed spicy herbs... You can cook it, or you can steam it in the evening. For this we take 1 tbsp. wheat groats TM "Zhmenka" and fill in 3 tbsp. boiling water. We leave to languish overnight in a warm place. In the morning, porridge can be consumed.

An important condition for losing weight

During such a diet, be sure to monitor your drinking regime: drink a glass of clean water half an hour before meals and drink in small portions throughout the day, so that in total you get about 2 liters per day. In addition, it is recommended dairy products low fat, green and herbal teas.

Approximate menu for the day

Breakfast - 250 g of porridge, an apple or an orange.

Lunch - 250 g of porridge, vegetable lean soup or vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack - apple or orange + yogurt or kefir.

Dinner - 250 g of porridge.

Before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

Bon appetit and successful weight loss!

Wheat porridge used to be considered a royal meal. It was prepared in different ways, adding various herbs and spices. Now this porridge is no longer so popular, although it can sometimes be found on the table. Wheat porridge is very useful (however, like other cereals), when used correctly, it saturates well and at the same time helps to become slimmer. Losing weight with porridge is very simple and satisfying.

Losing weight with healthy porridge

Wheat groats are prepared from wheat, the grains are processed in different ways (larger and smaller). The coarser the grind, the healthier the cereal. Moreover, wheat porridge contains a lot of valuable substances. These are vitamins C, E, A, F, group B, iodine, potassium, silicon, molybdenum, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, titanium, aluminum, nickel, selenium, boron, strontium, vanadium, boron, tin, sulfur, chlorine , copper, silver, protein, mono- and disaccharides, fiber, fats, carbohydrates.

Wheat porridge saturates well, is easily absorbed by the body, does not contain very many calories, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps to regulate fat metabolism. Porridge helps to maintain optimal blood sugar levels, perfectly cleanses the intestines, as it contains a lot of fiber. In addition, porridge has a low glycemic index. As you can see, wheat porridge is almost an ideal weight loss product.

Healthy porridge helps to improve vision, reduce muscle pain and fatigue, and help slow down cell aging. With regular use of this product, blood cholesterol levels are normalized, memory improves, stress levels are reduced, and immunity is strengthened. Wheat porridge gives the body energy, is useful for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to get rid of constipation and dysbiosis, and improves metabolism.

But this useful product should not be used for flatulence, low stomach acidity, endocrine problems, gluten intolerance, as well as after any surgery on internal organs. Do not get carried away with porridge for men, as it can weaken potency.

If there are such contraindications, it is better to choose another method for losing weight. For example, on vegetables or dairy products.

Weight loss on wheat porridge can be long or short. You can choose a diet for three days, or you can choose a weekly diet. In addition, if you wish, you can simply eat right, eliminating sweets, pastries and fatty foods, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits. At the same time, there is healthy porridge in the morning at least 4-5 times a week. It can lose weight too.

So, the three-day diet is quite satisfying, but monotonous. You can eat yoghurts, vegetables, oranges and apples. You can drink kefir and green tea.

Here is the diet menu:

  • in the morning: porridge and yogurt;
  • lunch: porridge and vegetable soup;
  • dinner: porridge and kefir.

You can snack on fruits (only apples and oranges). If desired, you can drink half a glass of low-fat kefir at night.

The weekly diet has a more varied diet. It is allowed to eat fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Salt, sugar, butter cannot be added to porridge. It can only be boiled in water. It is necessary to drink a lot of clean water, but various herbal and green teas, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk are also allowed.

An approximate diet menu is:

  • in the morning: porridge with fruits or herbs, tea;
  • snack: fruit or yogurt;
  • lunch: stewed fish, porridge and salad, sugar-free compote;
  • afternoon snack: fermented baked milk or fruit salad;
  • in the evening: porridge with stewed vegetables, kefir.

It is advisable to eat wheat porridge three times a day, but options are possible. For example, divide it into 5 meals (eat a little) or consume porridge only twice a day.

During a diet (both short and long), you need to monitor your health. If you feel unwell, you should stop the diet.

Of course, you can just cook porridge in milk or water, but there are more interesting recipes... Here are a few of them.

With nuts and cinnamon

Boil half a glass of wheat groats in a mixture of milk and water (you must take a glass each). Salt the porridge. Pour the saffron with half a glass of milk. Add some brown sugar to the wheat and cook for a couple of minutes. Then pour milk with saffron and cook for literally half a minute. Remove from heat, sprinkle porridge with raisins, cinnamon, almonds.

With vegetables

Dice the courgette, 200 g cabbage, one onion, two tomatoes and grate the carrots. Fry a little onion, add vegetables and simmer for a couple of minutes. Then put a glass of washed wheat groats on the vegetables, add water and simmer under a closed lid for half an hour. Season the porridge with salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs.

With pumpkin

Cut 400 g of pumpkin and cook for two minutes, add 40 g of wheat grits, salt and cook until tender over low heat. It is necessary to stir the porridge periodically. When serving, you can add a little sugar or dried fruit.

Porridge recipes can be different, because it goes well not only with vegetables, but also with fruits, dried fruits. You can also cook other meals with this ingredient.

Zucchini stuffed with porridge

Boil 160 g of wheat grits until cooked. Cut three eggplants in half lengthwise and bake in the oven. Chop two garlic cloves, grate two carrots. Fry vegetables, add a little green onions and fry more. Cut the finished eggplants into slices. Mix all vegetables and porridge. Cut the zucchini in half lengthways and remove the middle. Stuff with ready-made filling, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for half an hour. Serve the dish with arugula.


One red pepper, fresh cucumber and chop half of the red onion. Boil half a glass of wheat grits. Boil 500 g of shrimp for five minutes. Mix vegetables, porridge and shrimp. Season salad lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

As you can see, the recipes for dishes with wheat porridge are different and interesting. Therefore, losing weight with porridge will be easy, satisfying, with a varied menu. It is worth trying if you like porridge.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 31 2017 Nov.


During the diet, the body receives the missing vitamins from useful products, for example, cereals, but it is important to know what cereals you can eat while losing weight. There are many, but not all are suitable for burning fat. It all depends on the calorie content and properties of the cereal itself. Having studied them in more detail, you can properly include cereals in your diet menu.

The benefits of cereals for weight loss

The main condition for losing weight on porridge is that they are not from the fast food category. The contents of the tea bags will not do any good. In terms of the content of nutrients, they are inferior to natural cereals. Porridge refers to slow carbohydrates, thanks to which the body stays full for a long time. Fiber, trace elements and vegetable protein in cereals also have a beneficial effect. They improve bowel function and help burn fat. Noting the most useful cereals for weight loss, the following list can be given:

  1. Buckwheat. It is considered the "queen" of all cereals. Contains many vitamins, calcium, fats, potassium, phosphorus, starch, proteins. Recommended by nutritionists even for obese patients. Caloric content per 100 g - 329 kcal.
  2. Oatmeal. It removes toxins and toxins from the body. Contains enzymes to help the absorption of fats, amino acids and proteins. Caloric content per 100 g - 345 kcal.
  3. Pea. Rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and mineral salts. Boiled contains only 90 calories.
  4. Millet. Differs in a high content of niacin, copper, manganese, zinc and protein, which are often lacking in those who are losing weight. Caloric content per 100 g - 334 kcal.
  5. Wheat. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, stabilizes fat metabolism, improves the condition of the skin, its elasticity and smoothness, and improves the overall functioning of the body. Its caloric content is 316 kcal per 100 g.
  6. Corn. Breaks down fat cells, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol, hypoallergenic. Contains 337 kcal.
  7. Rice. Groats rich in vitamins of the entire B group, fiber, starch, protein, carbohydrates. Effectively cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins. Boiled has a low calorie content - only 81 kcal. Only brown brown rice contributes to weight loss. White, on the other hand, helps to gain mass.
  8. Pearl barley, or barley. With a lower content of vitamins and minerals, it is able to supply the body with strength and energy. Useful for those who suffer from constipation. Contains 324 kcal per 100 g.
  9. Semolina. It is not a dietary cereal, but if consumed in moderation, it can contribute to weight loss. In addition, it helps the body cleanse itself and improve metabolism. Contains 338 kcal per 100 grams.

What is the lowest calorie porridge for weight loss

The first on the list when answering the question of which cereals are good for weight loss is oatmeal. But there are cereals and with less energy value as seen in the information above. The lowest-calorie porridge is wheat. It is the least risk of getting better. Wheat is followed by barley, followed by buckwheat, millet, corn, semolina. You can also add pea porridge to this. The most high-calorie is white rice groats.

Diet on cereals for weight loss

One of the best options for losing weight is a cereal diet. On it you can not only adjust your weight, but also improve the condition of the body, saturating it with the necessary microelements and vitamins. Diet cereals are very easy to make at home. Just use water for cooking and do not add butter, sugar and salt. The result will be a liquid dish with an average calorie content of 80 kcal per 100 g. These are the types of cereals you can eat on a diet - not milk, but on water. You will find specific recommendations for losing weight on each type of cereal below.

Diet on buckwheat buckwheat

Thanks to the routine and iron in the buckwheat, it helps to avoid anemia and compensates for the lack of vitamins of all groups in the body. Itself or steamed. Buckwheat porridge when losing weight, it can be with the addition of other useful and low-calorie ingredients, for example, zucchini. For taste, in some recipes, it is allowed to add a little olive oil... In general, there are two options for losing weight on buckwheat:

  1. Cycle of 2 weeks. Throughout the entire period of the diet, it is allowed to eat only buckwheat in any quantity.
  2. Fasting day. In this case, you only need to use a menu of one buckwheat once a week. For this, the cereals are steamed since the evening. You can fill it with kefir or yogurt. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water on this day.

Oatmeal diet for weight loss

Due to the fact that oatmeal contains a high amount of fat, it turns out to be low-carb and with significant restrictions on other ingredients. Optimal term to reduce weight by about 5 kg - a week. Oatmeal for weight loss is used steamed. As additives, it is allowed to use only berries or fruits, except for bananas and grapes. After a weekly course, it is worth carrying out fasting days every 7-14 days. So the weight will continue to gradually decrease - you can lose up to 15 kg in 2 months.

Peas with a diet

Pea porridge for weight loss is considered especially pleasant. On a diet with this cereal, a large number of additional products are allowed. It is forbidden to eat only sweet, fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods. The rest of the food is reasonably allowed for breakfast and dinner. Lunch should consist of pea porridge, which is prepared without any additives. The result of following such a diet with familiar products in 7 days is minus 3-4 kg.

Diet 7 cereals

An unusual variant of the cereal diet is the 7 cereals diet for weight loss. Compared to others, it does much less harm to the body. All for the reason that it is not a mono-diet. Every day for a week, you need to eat only cereals, and in a certain sequence:

  • wheat;
  • millet;
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • barley;
  • pearl barley;
  • a mixture of all cereals in equal proportions.

Is it possible to eat millet porridge on a diet

Millet is also allowed for weight loss. By its properties, it is very similar to wheat, therefore, it is also often used to lose weight. Judging by the reviews of those losing weight, a millet diet allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg per week. The main thing when choosing to take grains of a bright shade, because they contain a maximum of useful substances. Boil cereals in water in a ratio of 1: 3. It must be consumed throughout the day in small portions. The best option- 5-6 meals. It is allowed to fill the porridge linseed oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds, mix with dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins.

Wheat diet for weight loss

More often wheat can be found on the table in the form of pasta, but it is more useful in the form of cereals. It is especially effective for strengthening immunity, and due to its low calorie content, it is considered the most effective for losing weight. The optimal diet for such porridge is 7 days. The groats are boiled in water without adding salt, oil, spices and sugar. So wheat porridge with weight loss will be even more effective. Steamed vegetables or fresh fruits can be added to it. Potatoes and bananas should be excluded from the diet. Green tea and low-fat dairy products, milk are allowed from drinks.

Corn diet

Corn grits help you lose weight quickly and very effectively. It is boiled in water in a 1: 4 ratio. The resulting amount of porridge remains to be divided into 5-6 meals with the same interval between them. To shorten the cooking time, you can steam the product several hours before cooking. Corn grits for weight loss is very effective. Judging by the reviews, with its help you can lose weight by 3-4 kg in just three days.

Which porridge is best for losing weight

The undisputed leader among all types of cereals is millet. The reason is that this cereal not only stops the deposition of fat, but also promotes its active elimination. In addition, millet saturates the body with most of the substances it needs - vitamins of groups E, B and PP, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, magnesium. The cereal also removes the toxins left after taking antibiotics.

When to eat porridge for weight loss

It is not enough to answer the question of what cereals you can eat while losing weight. It is also important when they need to be consumed. Any porridge is a slow carbohydrate that is digested for a long time, due to which the satiety effect is achieved. For this reason, it is necessary to eat cereals in the morning. The best option is to cook low-calorie slimming porridge for breakfast, but you can also cook it for lunch as a side dish. Another way is to consume a little throughout the day, but do not overeat at night.

Healthy breakfast cereals for weight loss

Thanks to the long carbohydrates, breakfast cereals are much healthier. Oatmeal is considered habitual in this case. It is most often used for breakfast. It can be cereals or flakes. In any case, they need to be boiled in water without sugar and oil. For taste, it is allowed to add a little cinnamon, honey or fresh berries and fruits. Any other cereals are also suitable for breakfast, but buckwheat, millet, rice and corn are considered optimal.