Bachelor Maria Drigola. Maria Drigola and Maxim Chernyavsky are still together

Maria Drigola is the winner of season 2 of the show “The Bachelor”. The girl captivated the audience with her naivety and sincerity. Perhaps this also bribed the main character of the project. From the very beginning, it was clear that Masha came to the program for feelings and relationships, and not for PR. Despite the attacks of her competitors, the girl reached the final and received the coveted ring from Maxim’s hands.

Childhood and youth

Maria Vladimirovna Drigola was born in St. Petersburg on February 27, 1990. Father Vladimir Kirillovich Drigola is a retired rear admiral. After finishing his military career, he went into business - he is the general director of a company specializing in the repair and sale of military equipment. Mother Elena Vladimirovna Drigola works as deputy director of personnel in her husband’s company. Maria has a younger brother, Vladimir.

The girl was brought up in austerity and prosperity. She studied at the Emperor's Gymnasium, and later entered the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia at the Faculty of Economics and Law. Received a specialist's diploma in the field of jurisprudence. Afterwards she worked as a lawyer for her father. Maria is very close to her family. She has a very trusting relationship with her parents.

After the project, the girl spent a lot of time with Maxim in Los Angeles. I even planned to continue studying law there and was choosing between divorce law and transport law. But, unfortunately, there is no information about whether she received her education in America.


Maria unexpectedly ended up on the TV project “The Bachelor”. She saw a casting advertisement on TV and thought that perhaps she would meet her destiny there. Plus, her mother and brother insisted on this, justifying it by the fact that the girl needed to unwind. At the casting, Maria joked and told the producers of the show that she had not been to a camp as a child, and perhaps for her this camp would be the “Bachelor” project.

The main character of the second season of the show was the businessman and ex-husband of the singer. Maxim and Anna had a daughter, Monica. The man lives in California, his business is related to construction. He decided to participate in the project a year after his divorce from Sedokova.

Only when filming began did the girl realize how difficult it all was. Constant lack of sleep and fatigue, inability to concentrate on relationships. Soon Maria began to notice that some participants came to the project for the sake of self-promotion, but she herself remained sincere to the end.

Maria Drigola in the show "The Bachelor"

By the way, some viewers believed that Drigola was still a child and lived with rose-colored glasses. Masha lived on the project, and did not compete, like some girls. She tried not to conflict and not offend anyone. She behaved naturally and, in a sense, naively. Project participant Natalya Dolgopolova said that

“Masha for a show is like a suitcase without a handle.”

When the time came to meet Maxim’s parents, she was worried and worried. Chernyavsky’s relatives liked the girl, the only thing that confused them was how much money the girl spends on herself per month. At that time, Maria earned 20 thousand rubles, and spent all 70. But she did not hide the fact that her parents were helping her.

As a result, Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova remained in the finals of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky chose the open and bright Masha, because by the end of the show the guys truly fell in love with each other.

Five seasons of the show “The Bachelor” have already passed, and the couple of Maxim and Masha is considered the most sincere of all.

Personal life

Before the Bachelor project, the girl dated a young man. Their relationship lasted 9 months. Maria did not reveal his name, but said that the guy was from a wealthy family and gave Masha gifts. According to the girl, the guy was sure that it was possible to buy absolutely everything. He was starting a project in Bulgaria, and he invited Maria to go with him and even offered to marry him. But at the same time, he asked her to sign a paper that stated the condition that Maria refuse to communicate with her own family. This was unacceptable for a girl.

Maxim was never against such a trusting and close relationship between Maria and her parents. Therefore, at first, the lovers lived in two countries. But the girl often visited Maxim in Los Angeles, the guys went on vacation together. Masha immediately found a common language with Maxim’s daughter. And soon the couple began to prepare for the wedding.

Then information about the couple’s separation began to appear online. For a long time, none of the guys confirmed this. As a result, their relationship lasted a year and a half. In November 2015, Maxim spoke about the true reasons for the separation. According to him, the further development of relations depended on him.

Maria did not want to break her strong connection with her family and move to America with him. Thus, the root cause of the gap was distance. Although even during the project, her father said that he understands that spouses should not live separately, especially in different countries, and is ready for Masha to move to Los Angeles.

Maria Drigola now

The girl has a private profile on "Instagram". She does not chase popularity and the number of subscribers. Sometimes he posts photos

Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola were one of the cutest couples in the entire history of the Bachelor project. Unfortunately, a year later the young people broke up, but fans still admire their relationship at a time when the lovers were still together.

Maxim's life before the project

The main character of the Bachelor project (season 2) was raised by his mother and grandmother. Now he is a successful businessman, lives in California, and also has a mansion in Kyiv. Few people know that Maxim owes his professional success to his grandmother. This strong woman founded a huge chain of construction stores and was even awarded the Person of the Year award.

When Chernyavsky turned 19 and studied at the Kiev University of Trade and Economics, his grandmother entrusted the guy with the management of one of her stores. By the way, she named her network “Maxi”, in honor of her beloved grandson. Until now, Chernyavsky continues to work on the construction business, but now Max is managing his own project.

It is known that in 2011 Maxim married Anna Sedokova. At that time, the girl already had a child, but this did not bother the guy at all. Chernyavsky repeatedly said in his interviews that he considered Alina his own daughter. Six months after the wedding, Monica was born to the couple. At this time, the couple lived in Los Angeles. Anna, who enjoyed enormous popularity both in Russia and in other CIS countries, was unable to achieve fame in California.

Then she received an invitation to work in her homeland and left Maxim. According to the guy himself, he understood that his wife could not be content with the life of a housewife, so he let Sedokova go to Moscow. In 2013, it became known that the couple were divorcing. A year after this, Chernyavsky starred in season 2 of “The Bachelor.”

Who is Maria Drigola?

Unlike Maxim, nothing was known about Masha before participating in Season 2 of The Bachelor. Her father was a former admiral and now heads a research and production company that repairs military equipment. The girl’s mother also works there. When Drigola graduated as a lawyer, there was also a place for her in her father’s company.

Little is known about Masha’s past relationships. During the project, the girl herself said that she had previously been preparing for a wedding with one guy. Since the former lover came from a very rich family, he thought that he could even acquire a person, but Drigola did not think so. One day a guy invited Maria to move with him to Bulgaria, but on the condition that she no longer communicate with her family. It is not known why the ex-boyfriend was opposed to Drigola’s family, but this was precisely the reason for the separation.

The girl went to the project solely because of the persuasion of her mother and younger brother. Relatives said that she would still be able to have a good time, even if nothing worked out with the bachelor. Masha herself joked at the casting that she had never been to children’s camps, where everyone was constantly competing, and it was “The Bachelor” that could fill this gap.

Love story

An unusual connection appeared between Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola from the very beginning of the project, and over time it only strengthened. Despite this, being on the show was not easy for the girl. The competitors, as soon as they saw that Masha was soft and in many ways naive, began to put pressure on her. One of the participants, Natalya Dolgopolova, endlessly asserted that for a bachelor, Maria Drigola is no more than a suitcase without a handle: it would be a pity to throw it away, but it would not be easy to carry it either.

Despite such statements, Natasha left the project in the third week, and Masha reached the finals and became the winner.

In the final, Maxim had to choose between Masha and Alena Pavlova. The girls are completely different from each other, and the guy understood this. Maxim knew that his life would be dynamic and very dramatic if he chose Alena, but he was attracted to Masha by something completely different. He saw how much tenderness, kindness and calmness there was in Drigol. Maxim also admitted that the girl knows how to enjoy little things and she can definitely be happy with him. Of course, Chernyavsky was worried whether Maria was ready for a serious relationship, but he overcame his doubts.

How did the lovers' relationship develop after the show?

After the show, Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola appeared together in the last episode. It was dedicated to discussing how the fates of the participants turned out after “The Bachelor.”

Viewers saw a short video about the life of a couple, and also learned about the most in love and answers to all their questions. According to Maxim and Masha, they are happy together. While the former participants of the show live separately, the girl very often comes to her beloved in Los Angeles.

Maxim also met a girl in Turkey, where she was vacationing with her family. Much to the surprise of fans, the couple did not post many photos together, which is why fans thought that not everything in the lovers’ relationship was as smooth as they say. The rumors were denied by actress Olga Rodina. The girl said that she met with lovers in Moscow. Despite the fact that a year had passed since the end of the project, the couple looked just as cute as they did on “The Bachelor.” Olga also added that all evening she simply admired how they spoon-fed each other.

Maria and Maxim justify the lack of photographs by saying that the girl does not like publicity and is simply embarrassed to put her life on display.

Couple separation

In the fall of 2015, it became known that the couple had broken up. The love story of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola has come to an end. The guy decided to give an interview to tell fans what really happened.

According to Maxim, what happened between the lovers was real, sincere. The guy even previously told reporters that he really wants to marry Drigol. However, if everything was exactly like this, why did the connection between the lovers disappear?

It turns out that distance ruined the amazing love story: Masha lives in Russia, and Maxim lives in Los Angeles. Of course, the couple kept in touch, often seeing each other on vacation, either in California or in Moscow, but over time it became more and more difficult to maintain feelings. Chernyavsky repeatedly asked Maria to move in with him, but it turned out that the girl was not ready for such a step. Drigola explains this by her attachment to her family, from whom she simply cannot imagine being separated. The reaction from fans was very mixed. Many fans accused Maria of being childish. At her age, she should have long ago separated from her parents and built her own family. Viewers of season 2 of “The Bachelor” are also sure that Maxim would help his lover keep in touch with her family.

Personal life of former lovers

After the separation, almost nothing is known about the personal lives of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria. The girl does not publish photos with men, except with her younger brother. Maxim can be seen in photographs in the company of girls, but the guy himself says that his heart is free.

Participant name: Drigola Maria

Age (birthday): 27.02.1990

City: St. Petersburg

Education: SPBUGPS EMERCOM, jurisprudence

Job: lawyer at my father's firm

Family: never married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Maria was born into a military family. Maria's father is a retired rear admiral, now devoted to working as the director of a research and production enterprise for the repair of military equipment.

Mom also holds a leadership position and is deputy director for personnel management. Maria's family lives in Turkey, owns an apartment, and communicates with her daughter only via Skype. In addition, Masha has a brother.

Masha admits that she loves small children very much. In addition to spending time with the kids, she is passionate about fashion shows, loves go-karting, and swimming in the pool. His bad habits include excessive love for cakes and sweets.

Before the project, the girl dated a young guy from a rich family. Their relationship lasted for nine months.

But Masha decided to break up with him because of his difficult behavior. He believed that money would allow him to buy everyone.

The guy showered Masha with gifts, invited her to go live with him in another country, but at the same time set the conditions that the girl would have to stop communicating with her loved ones forever.

On the “Bachelor” project she established herself as an honest, sweet and open-to-communication girl. Maria became the winner of the project, and Max presented her with a bouquet of white roses and a ring on her finger with words of declaration of love. Later the couple separated.

    Probably, Maxim and Maria are tired of the show in their lives after 3 months and want to be alone with each other and sort out their relationship, if there is one of course.

    And if there is no relationship between them, then there is especially nothing to talk about, although perhaps it is worth telling the truth.

    I read on social networks that Masha cannot answer questions about her relationship with Maxim, since her contract with the TNT channel contains a non-disclosure clause about their relationship until all episodes of Bachelor 2 are over. Maria also asked not to ask her such questions .When the contract ends, we will all find out what is happening among the loving couple.

  • Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha Drigola: life after the show..

    This is probably better for the heroes of the show The Bachelor themselves. For now, you need to keep up the brand and maintain intrigue and interest. This romantic couple has a lot of fans and admirers, why show them all your cards? Let there remain some mystery, it’s more interesting.

    Andrei Malakhov wanted to create a program, Let Them Talk, dedicated to the show The Bachelor and in particular to the hero of the project, Max. But alas, the program has not yet been released. Then all the secrets and mysteries will be revealed, but for now there are only guesses and assumptions. They say that Masha is going to visit Max in Los Angeles.

    My personal opinion is that the show is over, the relationship is over, everything has returned to normal...

    There is even information on the Internet that Maria Drigola is pregnant! Wow!

  • Maxim Chernyavsky chose Masha Drigol, the girl did not hide her love for Maxim, in one of the episodes she confessed to the camera her feelings for the man. In an interview after the show, she admitted that she was forced to say this out loud by the producers of the show, she herself would never have decided and this makes Masha Drigola look even prettier

    The show ended almost five months ago, filming was completed, but there was no word or breath about Masha and Maxim. Everything turned out to be simple. Contract. Since all the viewers really wanted to know who would win, it was impossible to reveal the secrets of the show, in which huge amounts of money were being invested, Masha was hidden. Everyone already knows that the higher the rating, the more profitable the project. Secrets are not revealed ahead of time.

    And Masha herself was looking forward with great impatience to the time when she could stop hiding and start dating Maxim like normal lovers. What are they doing now?

    According to the contract, during the broadcast of the TV show The Bachelor, not a single participant and the hero himself have the right to post joint photographs, posts, and so on, anything that could reveal the truth about who will win the Bachelor show. Now a lot of time has passed since the airing of Bachelor Season 2, but Maria Drigola and Maxim Chernyavsky no longer post photos together and do not comment on their personal lives - most likely, the characters of Bachelor Season 2 broke up.

    Neither the romantic atmosphere, nor the magic of Moroccan days and nights, nor other unforgettable trips (for example, California, the Grand Canyon) helped; apparently, the bright couple broke up.

    Surprisingly, I couldn’t understand it either, why nothing was known about them. It turns out that these are the terms of contact for the TNT channel: do not meet until the end of the show on television. That's why journalists and other curious people didn't get wind of anything until the end of the show. Now they begin to live like an ordinary couple in love. so, in any case, Masha said in an interview with one of the women's magazines.

    It seems Maxim Chernyavsky and his chosen one Maria Drigola don't hide your relationships but simply do not publish unnecessary things, as celebrities usually do when they want to attract attention to their person.

    Why tell them anything if they are happy and just enjoying each other.

    Just the other day, Maxim Chernyavsky posted almost bed photo with Maria Drigola, it can’t even be called bed, just a very cute photo of two lovers (see below).

    This only proves the seriousness of their feelings and Maxim’s intentions. Moreover, they are already writing in full about the upcoming wedding of Maxim and Maria.

    It remains to wish the young couple happiness if they are really together now.

Maxim Chernyavsky is a businessman. Known to the Russian television audience thanks to his participation in the show "". The man came to the project in the hope of finding his other half and was very confident that he would immediately spot the fakes and money hunters. Being, by his own admission, a shy person, he doubted that show business was the right place to find a bride.

“And there’s also a lot of work in America, a daughter, friends, hobbies.”

It was Maxim’s friends who persuaded him to accept the invitation, and the producers promised to move part of the filming to the USA so that the entrepreneur’s usual schedule would not change.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Chernyavsky was born in Kyiv, according to the zodiac sign Virgo. At the time of his son’s birth, the father was a military serviceman, and the mother was a student at an economics university, and later began working as the chief accountant of a large enterprise. A few years later, the father decided to start his own business, the financial situation in the family went up sharply, but after that the parents decided to divorce.

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Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim stayed to live with his mother and his grandmother Marina, who took care of the boy most of all. Actually, it was the grandmother who was the head of the family. The woman is the founder and owner of the well-known chain of construction hypermarkets “Maxi” in Kyiv, which she named after her only grandson. In one of these stores, while still at school age, Chernyavsky received his first work experience, working as a cashier. And when he turned 19, his grandmother entrusted the young man with managing the hypermarket.

After graduating from an elite school with a gold medal, Maxim entered the Kiev National Trade and Economic University, from which he graduated with honors. He founded his first company while still a student.

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It was a development company that did not bring in much income, and the company was suspended. After graduating from university, Maxim Chernyavsky returned to the project and began to successfully engage in construction, as well as the sale of luxury real estate.

Later, the young man moved to Los Angeles, where he completed an architecture course at a local college. The man also transferred most of his business to America, as he prefers to build houses in the Art Nouveau style, which is not in demand in post-Soviet countries. Nevertheless, Maxim often visits both Ukraine and Russia.

Project "Bachelor"

In 2013, the TNT television channel invited Maxim Chernyavsky to become the main character of the Russian version of the romantic reality show “The Bachelor.” Since after his divorce from his first wife, Anna Sedokova, the young man was free, and the project, which offered communication with 26 diverse girls, would add to his popularity, Maxim agreed.

Maxim Chernyavsky and participants in the show “The Bachelor” (still from the TV show “The Bachelor”)

In the program, Maxim Chernyavsky is surrounded by the trappings of a luxurious life. In the first episode, a man arrives in a shiny Rolls-Royce and receives guests in an elite home in Los Angeles.

Filming of the project took place in the fall and winter of 2013 in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Switzerland, Italy and France, and the show appeared on the air in the spring of 2014. 26 girls from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus competed for Chernyavsky’s heart.

The winner of the 2nd season of the show “The Bachelor” was a 23-year-old employee of a law office, whom Maxim Chernyavsky preferred to the other contenders. Explaining his choice, he explained that he believed in the girl’s sincerity, that she was experiencing real feelings. In addition, Masha is smart and loves children, which was important for Maxim.

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Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola

Chernyavsky remained to live in Los Angeles, Drigola - in St. Petersburg, but once a month she flew to her potential groom. According to rumors, the lovers planned a wedding for September 2014; they wanted to register in the bride’s homeland and celebrate the wedding in the Maldives. Maria allegedly had her eye on a dress from Vera Wang, and Maxim ordered Cartier rings.

However, love could not withstand the distance, and the couple broke up. Nevertheless, the project played an important role in the biography of Chernyavsky. And Drigola, who has become prettier and has changed her hairstyle, now travels a lot and does not remember the show, thereby making it clear that she is quite happy with life.


The man is often presented in the media as a “successful millionaire”, the owner of “a large construction company in Los Angeles, which has branches all over the world,” but in 2016, Russian publications repeatedly reported that Chernyavsky was experiencing financial difficulties, but this is not visible behind the haze of false wealth.

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Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim's grandmother, is a successful businesswoman in Ukraine. As Ukrainian journalists report, the development company headed by Maxim is the merit of his grandmother, since she helped develop her grandson’s first project. However, Maxim’s business failed, and 3 months after the start of his activities, the young businessman was left with nothing. But the man managed to purchase real estate in Kyiv and Los Angeles.

In addition, journalists learned that the name of Maxim Chernyavsky’s company is Monaco Development. It does not have an official website, but only a Facebook page. Media representatives reported that at the address indicated on the social network there is a private village house, but not the office of the “construction empire.”

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