Collection of free divination. Divination at home, divination on paper Divination at home

Many people are very fond of guessing, using completely different ways. If you also want to know your future, then this article will be useful and exciting for you. V modern world almost all items can help, they are used for divination. TVs, elevators, cell phones, microwave ovens… It would seem that everyday things that every person uses now. But no, with the help of the same elevator or microwave, you can find out your future, not only cook food (climb to your floor).

Fortune-telling, which came to us from antiquity, can accurately predict future events, but this does not mean at all that modern methods of “looking” into the future will not help. The current methods of divination do not require any special training or special items. Everything is simple and clear here.

How can you know your future using a regular book

Many people like to read, so the method of divination from a book is very famous and familiar to almost everyone. A person who is going to guess using this printed edition needs to guess the page number and paragraph (top or bottom). After you make a wish, open desired page, find a paragraph and read what awaits you. Very basic but effective way. Of course, fantasy books are not exactly suitable for such divination. It is better to take something "more serious" - the Bible, the Gospel. There, the description will be more detailed, and there is no extra information.

Modern methods of divination have gone somewhat forward. They began to use not only books, but also TV and radio. You make a wish, determine the time frame to find out if it will come true or not. At this time, you need to turn on the radio wave (previously guess it) or the TV channel. Thus, everything said at this time, through this channel, will be your future. After a few days (weeks), you will understand how true that fortune-telling was. This way you can find out what awaits you at least every day.

How to tell fortunes using a cell phone

You need to use this type of fortune-telling only during that period of your life when you want to know whether the transaction will be successful, whether it is worth taking that step, and so on. That is, it is important to take that segment of your life when you are in a state of choice, at a crossroads. So, how to guess using a mobile device?

Sit back, focus on what you need to know. Next, with your eyes closed, you open the first contact in your address book. The number must be written out on paper, and then all the numbers should be added together. For example, the number was: 910 - 565 - 11 - 11. You add up 9+1+0+5+6+5+1+1+1+1. It turns out the number 30. The number 3 and 0 must also be added: 3 + 0. It turns out 3 - this will be the answer to your question.

Now in more detail how to decrypt the received digit from the phone number. Here it is important to turn to the great science of numerology.

The number 1 there means future luck, success in all planned affairs and undertakings.

Two - you will have to compromise in order to achieve your goal. Think about the best way to do it, with the least loss.

Three - the situation must be analyzed and studied from all sides. Do not make a decision in a hurry, carefully weigh everything.

Four in numerology indicates that circumstances can be stronger than you. Do not become their victim, think sensibly.

Five - your faith and an active life position will help you succeed, everything will be fine.

Six - think positive, set yourself up only for a successful outcome.

Seven - it is important to listen to your intuition. She won't let you down this time.

Eight - be careful, prudent. This position will help you achieve what you want.

Nine - prove yourself, then triumph awaits you.

How to tell fortunes using an elevator

To do this, you need to take the elevator to the middle floor of your entrance. Get out of the elevator, and you have to wait until someone calls him. At the same time, you think about what you thought (about desire). If the elevator goes up, it will come true; if down, no.

How to tell fortunes on a computer

To do this, you need to go online, in some kind of chat. The first person you meet there will be needed for divination. You need to find out his real name (not a nickname). Exactly the name of a man or woman will be called your husband / wife (depending on who is guessing).

You can also guess on the keyboard. To do this, you need to remove all the keys (use the old, already unnecessary, keyboard). Of the many letters, they must be turned upside down (so that you do not see the letters), choose one letter. It is on her (this letter) that the name of your future husband or wife will begin. Do not forget to remove b, b s, y ahead of time - they are not needed. If you forgot to do this, then your husband (wife) may be called a strange, awkward name. And why do you need it?!

Fortune-telling, no matter how simple they may be, is important to be taken responsibly and seriously. No need to test your curiosity or "test the rites for strength." Only a serious attitude.

How to guess using public transport

This fortune-telling will be very informative in its content. For example, when you guess on the numbers of cars. If you calculate that the sum of the first two numbers of the number gives the third digit, then wealth awaits you. If you made a wish, looked out the window at a nearby car, and a man or woman is sitting there with a very gloomy look, then your future husband or wife will be like that (like that). And if a blonde is sitting behind the wheel of a car in front of you, then it is better to change lanes. An accident might happen.

Fortune telling in itself is very interesting and informative. Almost all the objects that surround us, we can use to recognize our future. The main thing is to make a wish as correctly and clearly as possible, to formulate the question that interests you. Then you will get a specific answer to it. Try to choose simple desires, or ask simple, monosyllabic questions. The more correctly you can formulate your thought, the better the outcome of fortune-telling will be. If you cannot decide what you want to know, then either you should not guess at all, or the fortune-telling will not be true. There is no third one here. You don’t have to be surprised later why it didn’t work out, or the result of fortune-telling doesn’t suit you - you did something wrong.

For example, divination for the dollar / euro. You need to ask, wondering if the rate will rise in the near future, and not: how much will one dollar or one euro cost. Yet fortune-telling is not a game, not a quiz. Therefore, watch what you ask, what thoughts are spinning in your head.

If you regularly (correctly!) Guess, no matter which way, then your life will become more interesting and even easier. After all, knowing your future, at least in general terms, you can change something in yourself (first of all), in your attitude to life, people around you, to influence certain events. Fortune telling people are more confident. They are active in life, they are practically not afraid of anything. And this is very important in today's world.

If the existing methods and methods of divination do not suit you, then you can come up with your own. Dream up, take a closer look at the surrounding objects, start guessing on them. Perhaps it is the invented ritual of divination that will become your talisman.

For many centuries, mankind has been striving to look beyond the veil of fate, trying to unravel its future and looking for the key to the unknown and defying any logic. It is not surprising that at all times there were people who devoted almost their entire lives to fortune-telling, studying the world from all sides. At present, there are a great many paraphernalia that could help to learn about our destiny. But is it possible to tell fortunes on your own with the help of ordinary household items? Of course you can! And there are a lot of such ways. We will introduce you to some of them in our article. Interesting? Then let's get started!

Creepy, but quite effective for the future with the help of a mirror

Terrible fortune-telling, in which the main attribute is a mirror, cannot do without otherworldly forces. What are these forces prophesying to us from a parallel world? The answer to this question still remains a mystery behind seven locks. But if you are subject to any fears, and curiosity knows no limits, it's worth a try. So, how is fortune-telling carried out at home for the future using a mirror?

If a girl wants to know the appearance of her future chosen one, she should lock herself in a dark room and put a large and medium mirror opposite each other. Her hair must be loose, and her body completely freed from clothing.

The main point of such fortune-telling is complete concentration. The girl should not talk to anyone about the upcoming process and talk to anyone after.

So, the fortuneteller sits opposite large mirror and arranges two candles on the sides so that an endless corridor is reflected in the small.

Now you should concentrate and carefully observe. Many girls saw shapeless white shadows in the reflection, flashing images and different kind illegible figures. It should be remembered: a lot of time will pass until the girl sees her betrothed, so attentiveness is the main indicator in this fortune-telling. So, the future chosen one should appear behind the back of the fortune-telling girl in the form of a clear image.

If the process is not at all scary, you can peer into the face of the betrothed for some time. But you should not get carried away with this for too long, so as not to leave the “mirror-like” creature in our physical world, because it is it that takes the form of the future chosen one at the request of the fortuneteller. So we should not forget that the visitor must be sent back as soon as possible, saying the following phrase: “Stay away from this place!” After that, the guest must necessarily disappear.

This is a rather creepy fortune-telling at home for the future. Some girls who decided on this process, seeing the terrible phenomena that appear in the mirror corridor, were frightened and forgot to utter the cherished words, thereby putting their lives in danger.

Christmas divination for the future

Our ancestors were convinced that during the period of Christmas time, the activity of evil spirits and dead souls in our world increased significantly. That is why fortune-telling at that time was considered more effective and efficient. But you should be aware that this is not just some kind of fun, but a direct connection with otherworldly forces.


Christmas fortune-telling for the future should be carried out exclusively at night, from 24-00 to 3-00. So take two identical cups and fill them up clean water. From cardboard, make a strip that will serve as a bridge. Put on a white nightgown and let your hair down. Place the cups at the foot of the bed, and “draw” a bridge from above. Turn off the light and say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me in a dream!” After that, go to bed. In the morning, remember who you dreamed about, because you will have to go through life with him.

"Tell me, bean..."

For the future, you can do it with the help of ordinary beans. Take 3 beans and 3 small bags. Clean one completely, the second half, and leave the third as it is. Place bean bags under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, put your hand in and take out one of them. If you come across peeled beans, this speaks of a rich and handsome groom, unpeeled - a man with a meager income, half peeled - your chosen one will have an average income.

“Come, betrothed, to my dinner!”

Some Christmas divination for the future is beyond reason, but many girls take such a desperate step to find out their betrothed. So, the fortuneteller should be left alone in dark room and prepare the table for dinner. The tablecloth is only white, and two lighted candles are placed in the center.

The only and main condition: do not put forks and knives on the table, and windows and doors must be tightly locked.

When all the conditions are met, the following words should be pronounced: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner!”

The fortuneteller should sit at the table and wait. If the chosen one is close, then the wind will howl outside the window, and a dull tapping will be heard behind the doors. After that, the betrothed will appear. The girl should remain in place and carefully consider all the external qualities of the guest that interest her.

It should be remembered: you can not answer his questions and talk to him. As soon as the fortuneteller examines the "betrothed", you should sharply shout: "Your name!" The “comer” must name him and reach into his pocket. As soon as this happens, the girl should shout out: "Stay away from me!" After these words, the ghost will disappear.

Possible consequences of such fortune-telling

Remember: this is a very dangerous process, because the betrothed is none other than the ghost of the deceased, or evil spirits wandering our land, who decided to have fun with you, reincarnated in the guise of a person of interest to you. Rumor has it that the consequences of this kind of divination were simply terrifying - the girl could be found dead and mutilated.

Tarot spreads for the future

Tarot fortune telling for the future is one of the most reliable, because these mystical symbols carry the wisdom, culture and teachings of many peoples. So, in order to know fate with the help of these occult images, one should have a certain experience in interpretation. Mentally, closing your eyes, ask the cards the question: “What awaits me this year?”

Then take out 7 major arcana and 12 minor ones from the deck. The first 4 major arcana will mean 4 long periods in a year, and the remaining 3 - the past, present and future.

The Minor Arcana will tell you about important events that await you during the year. Each minor card will mean one month of the year in order.

It should be remembered: this tarot divination for the future can be done only once a month.

After all the necessary cards have been removed from the deck, it is necessary to select a form (a card indicating the identity of the fortuneteller by age, appearance, gender). If it is in the arcana of your choice, replace it with another one. The form should be located in the center of the layout.

As you can see, fortune-telling at home for the future with the help of Tarot is quite simple. The main thing is to be able to correctly interpret upcoming events.

Divination for the near future using playing cards

In order for this process to bring an effect, it should be carried out at the end of the current month. So, carefully shuffle the deck and take out 9 cards in random order. This will be a prediction regarding the near future.

If most of the dropped cards are spades, then expect serious problems, worms - well-being and success, clubs mean minor troubles and fuss, diamonds - unexpected profits.

Next, you should pay attention to the number of high and low cards that have fallen out. The advantage of the latter means dislike, negativity and an unsuccessful life. If more senior cards fell out in the layout, get ready for a pleasant meeting with friends and relatives.

Then fortune-telling for the near future involves paying attention to the number of dropped cards of the same value (2-4 eights, 2-4 jacks, etc.).

2-4 aces indicate that you can get into an unpleasant situation, which in the future will develop into serious problems, so be careful in all kinds of adventures;

2-4 kings mean success in all matters and undertakings;

2-4 ladies say that a series of minor troubles and problems will go in your life, because of which you should not worry too much;

2-4 jacks mean shortage Money and warn about caution before borrowing;

2-4 tens - your desires will soon come true;

2-4 nines mean pleasant surprise and joy;

2-4 eights speak of unhappy everyday life;

2-4 sevens promise a quick separation from your loved one;

2-4 sixes mean your vulnerability to problems and failures.

Jack of clubs, which is located between other jacks - a hectic future awaits you;

A queen of diamonds with a ten of spades and a jack of diamonds - bad people will soon appear in your house;

Six of the crosses, which lies between large figures - a walk in a government house;

The king of spades, jack and queen of the same suit - help from a person who occupies a high position in society awaits you;

A large figure with a tambourine seven and eight is a betrayal by a person who is dear to you;

An ace of hearts with a figure and a seven of spades is a great joyful event in your life;

Nine of spades with a seven of the same suit and a figure - grief with your loved ones;

King of clubs with jack and six - rest.

If you decide to conduct a fortune-telling for the future, playing cards in this case - a great option, but remember that this is not fun at all, but a rather serious process that requires responsibility and concentration from yourself.

Many of us dream of knowing what lies ahead of us. Who will we marry and will we marry at all? Will we have children, in what quantity and what gender? Will your career grow? Will we get our own housing, car, cottage? Everyone has their own questions, desires, dreams. And we all want to make sure we're heading in the right direction. The easiest way to do this is fortune telling. And most often this ritual is carried out at home, and not visiting a professional fortune teller.

Today there are a large number of rituals for divination at home. These are fortune-telling for love, finances, relationships, health and many others. All home rituals are built on accessible items and attributes so that anyone can perform them and get, if not a clear picture of the future, then advice on acting in the right direction.

There are a lot of home divination methods. You can find them in books, specialized publications, on the Internet. Which of the methods is the most effective and truthful? It's hard to judge. We hope that you will choose the right option from the proposed variety. We will offer you the basic methods and practices.

Divination time

The most important thing in any divination is the time of its implementation. For divination for love by the most best time It is considered Christmas Eve, which falls on the night of 6 to 7 January. Christmas time is also ideal - it lasts from January 6 to January 19. At this time, for a long time they were guessing at the betrothed and love relationships.

These divinations used candles, wax, mirrors, cards, rings, paper, and more. And if for the ancestors fortune-telling in most cases was fun for a pleasant pastime of the evening, today it is given a special magical meaning.

For girls who wanted to know their betrothed or fate, Christmas night and Ivan Kupala were especially popular. However, no one forbids guessing during all year round, because problems and questions always exist, and curiosity in general is an inexhaustible thing.

When you can guess

For divination, it is better to choose days and nights that are significant in witchcraft, when a person’s intuition is aggravated, and the connection with the otherworldly and mystical world is strengthened. Most of these days and nights fall on the full moon and some days of the waning moon - 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 13 days of the lazy cycle.

Friday and Saturday are not suitable for divination. It is believed that if you guess these days, then later you can not part with a heap of troubles that will follow you around. The exception is Fridays, which fall on Christmas and Christmas time, as they belong to the generally accepted "fortune-telling" days. Christmas time is also called "holy days", dividing into two weeks, from Christmas to Epiphany.

At this time, fortune-telling is the most reliable, and magical rituals are the most effective. Vasiliev evening (January 13) and Christmas Eve evening (January 18) are recognized as the strongest. On these evenings, you can guess even in noisy companies. What topic? Any! You can find out your future, ask a question about love relationships, wedding, financial well-being, career advancement and much more.

January is the best month of the year for divination, especially for the long term. The exact answer to financial questions can be obtained on the growing moon. The best months for financial fortune-telling are February, October, November.

It is better to guess at the betrothed on the feast of St. Andrew - December 13, as well as at Christmas time and at Epiphany.

When and what is better to guess? In January for the duration of life. On love and relationships - in April. Fortune telling on health in July. In September, they are interested in long-distance trips.


If you want you to dream of a betrothed, put a small mirror under your pillow and fall asleep with the thought that you will dream of your future husband and he will definitely dream. You can also repeat to yourself several times: “Narrowed-mummer, come to me dressed up!”

To tell fortunes on a wish, take 12 pieces of paper and write a wish on each of them. In total, you should get 12 wishes. Papers are placed under the pillow before going to bed. In the morning, you need to pull out any three pieces of paper from under the pillow. They will come true next year.

The most simple and familiar fortune-telling is from a book. Take any book, preferably spiritual content, guess the page number and line from above or below and read the hidden.

Divination with water was also popular in Russia, especially in winter. V new year's eve everyone present should take a spoonful of water and take it out into the cold. In the morning, the interpretation of the prediction was made on frozen water. A flat surface or with tubercles - good luck. Depressions and depressions - to misfortunes and illnesses.

Divination for four kings from a simple playing deck of cards. During Christmas time or under New Year, before going to bed, take out four kings from the deck and put it under the pillow, saying: “Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will dream of me in a dream.” After that, the betrothed must have had a dream.

Is it possible to know your future and tell yourself right It was enough to have the right things with you. There are enough different and unusual ways of divination on cards, on books, on strangers and even on buses. But the latter is more of a modern divination. Many methods have changed, adapted to modern reality, but this does not mean that they have stopped working. After all, the principles remained those that were laid down in the distant past.

And almost every fortune-telling requires you to ask a specific question, the answer to which you would like to hear. Most often these are positive questions, the desire to know the future or the fate of loved ones. But before asking such a question, it is necessary to comply with several prerequisites:
calm down and get rid of a nervous or agitated state;
clearly formulate the question, and sometimes even visualize it (if we are talking about a loved one);
relax and surrender to the will of fate.
Failure to comply with these conditions can significantly lubricate the result of divination. Well, if all the warnings have been said, let's move on to the methods of fortune telling! This article will describe the most effective fortune-telling on your own.

Fortune telling on a book at home

Wait for yourself you can use an ordinary book, you just need to look in the closet and get your favorite book.! They are always nearby, and if you did not find a paper version, use the electronic one. Many people know about this fortune-telling, and we will not talk about it in detail. Just relax, calm down and formulate your question. Then you need to guess the page and line in the book and open it. Then we read what is written in this line and listen to the voice of fate! Sometimes the meaning of what is written can not be understood immediately. But try to unfocus your consciousness, and you will see something hidden and coming!

Divination by radio

Yes, there is one unusual way discover a future that has existed for more than a decade. This method is similar to the previous one. We remember the three mandatory conditions that must be met before divination and proceed. How to tell fortunes on the radio?
- turn on the radio;
- agree that, for example, the fourth song will play and will be the answer to the question;
- wait for the song and listen carefully.
The first song from which you should count the compositions should be considered the one that was playing when you turned on the radio.

Divination on the bus

Another way of divination is the buses familiar to everyone. But the vehicles themselves are of secondary importance here. Direct fortune-telling occurs on advertising or informational banners. The principle here is the same as in divination by radio. We ask a question and affirm that the second or third (you choose the number yourself) banner will give an answer to it. This method is good because the information on the banners is usually short and concise. It can give a simpler and more understandable answer to everyone's secret question. Asking if a prize will be given out today and seeing a banner with a goldfish in front of you, you can safely hope for a replenishment of the budget!

Fortune telling on passers-by on the street

This is a very original and easy way to know the future! And it will suit city dwellers in the first place! You ask yourself a question, and then you need to decide that, say, the first random person you meet will be a man. If so, then the answer to the question is “Yes”, and if you meet a woman, then the answer will be “No”. Or vice versa, you set the rules here yourself. Knowing how to guess correctly, you can see omens, signs and symbols everywhere. You can even find answers to your questions in a crowd of people. And fate itself, life itself will tell you.

How to tell fortunes to yourself on the cards

Frankly speaking, divination by oneself on cards it can be very confusing and difficult. Without special knowledge one should not embark on such a mysterious ritual. But if you really want, you can get some answers. Of course, use some special cards the uninitiated should not. They can have too much influence on fate. But ordinary playing cards are suitable for everyone.

It is believed that the most accurate answers are given by cards on which a virgin will sit before divination. She thereby cleanses them of all dark and negative influences. The cards should be laid out with respect, and the question should be asked carefully. Think well if you want to know what the cards will tell. Often in fortune-telling on cards greater value have figures (jack, queen, king, ace) than numbers, but they are also able to give clues.

The suit of the cards also matters a lot. So, for example, the suit of hearts represents love, care and something bright. Tambourine - stamina, determination and the obligatory fulfillment of the plan. The cross suit promises trouble, the end of something, or just death. Vini is some kind of intrigue of ill-wishers, obstacles in the way or unhappy love.

Now a few words about the meaning of the cards. When guessing for love, it is important to remember that the lady personifies a rival or assistant, the jack is a lover (if a woman is guessing) or a rival (if a man is guessing). The king here acts as a father or patron. And an ace can be a confirmation of failure or achievement of the desired. The numbers will tell you about the age, dates and quantity. You can find out the future on an esoteric site and use the service. It is not so easy to find with real reviews.

The signs that fate shows us

There are situations in life that in themselves can tell a lot about the future or destiny. You can, of course, tell fortunes for yourself using a book or radio. But such methods are biased. There are millions of signs and clues all around us. These signs include primarily birds.
Doves are a symbol of something bright and happy. And to find a pure white bird in a flock of pigeons is a good sign. The black raven marks the cardinal opposite. A flock of sparrows, met in the morning, is a symbol of a cheerful and carefree conversation that lies ahead.

A change in the weather, a chance meeting, and even a car number can suggest the right decision. After asking a question, pay attention to how the weather has changed. Whether there were clouds in the sky and what kind of wind blew. Letters on car numbers can say more than it might seem at first glance. Among them there are frank "yes" and "no", but there are also veiled forms. Three letters "t" a symbol of impasse and impossibility to resolve the situation. But in combination with the number 7 or 8, on the contrary, they indicate an imminent exit from the impasse. In general, look into your eyes, and life will seem more interesting and easier to you!


The future has always fascinated man. Thousands of systems were created to help spy on the future. The mystery of how to guess by own hand has long occupied the minds of many girls. This is a very popular way, with the help of which the "relief" of the palm recognizes the future, determines the qualities of the soul, talents, successes that await a person. This system, long before today, was called palmistry. What are the signs and what do each line mean?

What is palmistry

How to guess by hand correctly, palmistry will help you learn. Previously, it was a science taught in higher educational institutions. The literal translation of the word "chiromancy" from Greek means "fortune telling, prediction by hand." The first study books appeared in German cities in the middle of the 15th century. Science does not require special knowledge in the medical field; age does not matter for palmistry.

Divination by hand

Since the face receives a certain expression depending on emotional experiences, such unrest is reflected on the hands. Any manifestation of emotions is accompanied by movements that make the muscular system work, which leads to the formation of wrinkles on the palms. Palmistry on the hand is one of the most confusing ways to find out your destiny. Guessing the future is not easy, it requires special knowledge.

How to guess for beginner palmists by the hand of another person? Character is determined by deduction and careful observation. It is not at all necessary to go into the depths of palmistry for this. Just look at the hand that is the leading person. Some roughness of the skin is a sign of a straightforward character, cool and thin limbs will tell about the refinement of nature. The shape of the palm adds clarity to the interpretation: square - a person is very practical, and elongated - impressionable, suspicious.

To get a little more information, pay attention to the length of all the fingers of a person. Superficial people with a huge supply of energy generally have short fingers. Owners of long are distinguished by a stubborn character, they are very pedantic. Average length fingers says that in a person everything is in moderation - perseverance and superficiality. If they are more than average, then it is better to stay away from this.

For what to guess a man and a woman

Before you start fortune telling along the lines on your hand, decide on the leading palm. In this science, it is believed that left hand- this is the "book" of fate, which is bestowed by nature, but the right one changes throughout life, because it is "built" by the person himself. How to guess by the hand of a woman? The right one will show what she was born with, and the left one, what she acquired during her life. The same principle applies to men, only in reverse.

Main lines

After a superficial examination of the palms, figure out how to guess by the human hand, its main elements. Each hand has its own picture, any person is the owner of a unique image. There are only 4 main lines:

  1. Life - determines the character of a person and features that distinguish him from other people;
  2. fate;
  3. hearts;
  4. heads.

The study of palmistry comes down to deciphering various signs, letters in the palm of your hand. What does the letter m in the palm of your hand or another name for the Rune mean? For the owner it auspicious sign, indicating changes for the better in those areas from which lines this letter is created. This is the sign of a master who knows exactly what he wants from life. It is found in many people and indicates the material world.

Hearts (of love)

What does line mean? She determines how to guess at marriage by hand. The strip of the heart gives information about all the emotions of a person. According to it, a palmist or fortune teller will read about the characteristics of character and temperament, determine the ability to sympathize and compassion. This element indicates the general condition of the heart. The unexpressed line characterizes a very sensitive human nature.

Palmists distinguish people along the lines of the heart of the physical and spiritual kind. The first type is characterized by an ending between the middle and index fingers. The spiritual is located parallel to the line of the base of the fingers. The physical personifies love and the ability to express yourself, resistance to depression. The spiritual line is a symbol of sensitivity.

The line of the heart, which runs too high, characterizes a person who is very jealous and demanding of his partner. Well pronounced - means generosity, the absence of branches indicates dryness, ruthlessness. If the element bifurcates, then the owner will be a very devoted spouse. Crossing with other lines promises deceptive actions in love. With the help of this element, fortune-telling takes place on the hand for marriage.

Uma (heads)

This element is very important, and a person wondering how to guess by hand must definitely take it into account. It indicates the power of thinking, intellectual development. If this part of the palm drawing is too short, then the person is unable to analyze information, a large length indicates versatility, large-scale thinking.

Branches determine the creativity of a person. If the line of the mind connects or touches others, then the owner is careful. Intermittent pattern characterizes underdeveloped intelligence, poor memory, inattention. A thin, long line indicates frivolity, a wide line indicates imprudence and irascibility. The color of the line has its own meaning: red - cruelty, pink - high level intellectual development.


How to read the lines on the hand? The better the streak of life is expressed, the more vigor and vitality a person has. A small line does not mean that the days are numbered, such people are less physically resilient. The intersection with small dashes indicates the presence of stress and anxiety in life. A good sign is a stripe running parallel to the main line, the owner of such a pattern has a guardian angel.

Health is at stake when the lines of the head and heart merge. If the stripes are connected only at the very beginning, people with such a palm relief are cautious and unsure of themselves. If there are no mergers of these lines, a person develops early, has determination. Such people are gifted and creative.


This is another basic element of the science of palmistry. He is responsible for information about career and labor success. Not everyone has this line, but its presence will allow the owner to make the right decisions. To interpret the line, you first need to find it: above the wrist, tending to the middle finger. A large length speaks of a person's independence. The trait may be good or weak. Discontinuity means frequent changes professional activity, branching - the ability to enjoy life.