Interesting Facts. Illustrator Nika Goltz: “The Snow Queen Kai and Gerda who are they

Grandmother tells a fairy tale about the Snow Queen Kaya and Gerda. The first thing Kai asked, remember? He asked in a coveted voice: "Is she beautiful?" Strange, right? He has a beautiful and kind Gerda, it would seem, what more could you want? And from the very beginning he was interested in another woman, and the Coolest. As cool and cold as he would like to see himself. After all, feelings are not for a real man. Kai does not want to be able to worry, does not want to be pitied. This is the beginning of the downfall of many of our men who want to look tough but can't do it with a mommy woman.

That bad boy who was pricked by a splinter always slept in Kai. And it could not be otherwise, because living with Gerda is not fun at all. This is a mother woman. You can't be Cool in front of her. After all, she is always ready to take care of you, even if you are completely drunk. While looking for the Snow Queen, Kai carries out a neurotic scenario. Hadn't he himself hooked his sleigh to hers?

Kai's scenario is to plunge into history, repent and receive forgiveness from a mommy woman. This is the scenario of the latent alcoholic. Moreover, half of the fairy tales are built precisely on this scenario: an all-forgiving woman makes a man out of a dissolute man. Beauty and the Beast, Nutcracker, Pinocchio, Scarlet Flower, Lady and the Tramp, Aristocratic Cats…

Fairy tales teach us that all ends well. The man repents and becomes an exemplary family man. But life is not like that.

It would be possible to remove 2-3 more episodes of the continuation of the Snow Queen. Because behind the snow queen there will be another woman who will charm Kai and draw him into some kind of adventure. Well, let's say the same Rogue is quite suitable for this role. Kai, most likely, will run away with the Rogue, again get into some kind of story, lose everything and come to ask for forgiveness from Gerda. Or, rather, she herself will look for him in the cellars.

HDon't choose men like Kai. However, if you are Gerda, then you have no choice. First, a nice man, roses and "I will never hurt you." Then - rudeness and "overturned sled" (the first violence). Then - going on a spree. And Gerda still believes that he was bewitched. And that she is able to disenchant. What do fairy tales teach our girls? In fact, it is impossible to disenchant such a man. Better not to bewitch the little boy. Teach him that feelings and tenderness are not ashamed. That you don’t have to be cool or closed off from everyone by a monster, a bear, where under the skin lurks gentle man, and someone will have to take off this skin ... Neither Gerda nor the Snow Queen are able to save Kai. He will be torn between these two roles, drawn into the script. One - supports his skin of coolness ("you are a strong macho"), the other - sweeps the consequences of this coolness behind him ("you are a weak poor thing"). Poor Kai, he shouldn't be one or the other!

I really dislike this cartoon because Gerda is presented as an ideal woman. It's obvious she's addicted to Kai. He several times makes it clear that there is no need to save him, but it is not enough for her. And when she finds out that another woman took him into her arms and that he is happy (the erroneous story with the princess) - any normal loving girl would say "And thank God" and walk away. But not Gerda. After all, Gerda really did not need Kai's happiness. If there was a question about his happiness, she would be happy here for him. But Gerda rushes ahead, because she had to "rescue". The lifeguard scenario was the meaning of her life. And the more victims she suffers along the way, the more she will feel needed. The golden carriage was bound to be plundered. And it's better to go barefoot in the snow. Definitely hungry. From the last forces. So that the victim is more visible and there is a feeling of gratitude. It's just that Gerda can't offer a man anything else. Who needs a lifeguard? The one who gets stuck in history all the time.

That's why I don't believe in saving Kai. That he is able to throw off his cold disguise and become a person who is between the "weak" as Gerda sees him, and the "strong" as the Snow Queen sees him. That is normal. Maybe he would have become like that next to a normal woman. But, alas, they do not notice each other. Is there a way out of this vicious circle? They say that personal growth. Pinocchio, for example, got down to business, and immediately the thirst for adventure somehow weathered. He found the golden key to himself.

We will be very happy to meet our neighbors, friends of the same age and other citizens! =)

Gerda Johansen and Kai Larsen are ordinary Copenhagen teenagers, dairy brother and sister. Offspring of worthy, but impoverished families.

About family

There was a man named Hans Johansen, a self-taught artist and the son of a bookseller. His close friend was Soren Larsen, he was a technician and spent several years in England. Soren and Hans invented new way printing color engravings. They took out loans, entered into a share and became the owners of a small printing house "Larsen and Johansen". Published luxurious gift books. Especially for children! And I must say, young people were a little ... idealists. Didn't get the right patents. Soon their equipment was mastered by competitors and strangled, bankrupted. It happened fifteen years ago. Books "from Larsen and Johansen" are now selling for three times the old price, the books are hunted by a collector. And the children of publishers huddle in the attic ...
Trouble does not come alone - Christina, the young wife of Hans Johansen, died in childbirth. Little Gerda was brought up by Soren's wife, Camille Larsen, who had a boy named Kai a little earlier. The misfortune only strengthened the friendship between the two houses. They also rent housing next door! The parents of Gerda and Kai had to work together with the very competitors that ruined them - for fifteen years they have been delivering books to the bearish corners of dear Denmark, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and rarely happen at home ...
Until now, “the fragments of imperial greatness” are kept in the atmosphere of our dwellings. Parents cherish old things and samples of their luxury publications. They want to save money and start a business again. They dream of bringing children into people. They save, save, save a penny, feel like the last poor people! But arrogance, arrogance ...
Kai's mother is a companion of the old countess, lives in her country estate. The countess has a “charitable cause”: she keeps twenty-eight virgins of Balzac age without dowries and strives with all her might to “arrange their happiness.” True, the old woman has memory lapses, and she tries to marry Kai's mother to the company. Camilla rereads, a scandal rises, the “ungrateful” rolls into the attic to Kai in tears. But mother and countess can no longer live without each other, everything returns to normal. The old woman is pathologically stingy and with a difficult character, but wants to bequeath part of the estate to her companion if she "proves her gratitude."
Gerda and Kai are left with Magda Johansen, Gerda's grandmother. Now Kai considers her a grandmother. Here our dear grandmother told about herself:

Children live in neighboring attics. between them humble dwellings- a lovely little rose garden!
Of course, the parents are virtual characters, only Gerda appears in the game ( Mirish ), grandmother ( glornaith ) and Kai (me).

About Gerda

She just turned 13. She looks like an ordinary city girl: well-educated (grandmother did her best, taught politeness), neat, shy, beautiful. Moderately cheerful, moderately quiet, moderately devout. In a word - an exemplary bride will grow up! Only trouble with the dowry. And I read a lot of books.
Gerda is a kind and sympathetic girl, but she knows how to insist on her own, if she is sure that she is doing well. People are drawn to her...
Gerda's girlfriends know her excessive flight of imagination, which is why not everyone can play with her: it's hard to keep up. Therefore, Gerda speaks and plays more and more with Kai, and with the girls - insofar as.
Kai loves like a brother. He considers him the smartest boy on Earth and even in all of Copenhagen. V Lately Gerda doesn't even know who is smarter, grandma or Kai. Although the authority of the grandmother, of course, is indisputable.
“We have a stupid last name with my grandmother,” Gerda laments. - Larsen is cooler.
Ah, what a juicy street dictionary: “cooler, stupid” ... How good that grandmother didn’t hear this - Gerda would have been thrashed!

As you can see, Gerda is a multifaceted nature.

About Kai

To the best of the original urban teenager of fourteen, indeterminate social status: dressed poorly, but with a claim. However, the boy is pleasant, friendly, not boring, with a variety of hobbies. I studied at school for several years, while there was enough money. Seems to be a child prodigy. Dreams of going to university in the future!
Runs around libraries, reads a lot. “A lot, but all nonsense,” the neighbor laughed without malice. There was a case, Kai was caught with a volume of Voltaire in his hands.
They arranged the boy for a printing house - he worked for three weeks, then something did not work out with the owner ...

Gerda loves like a sister. Walk together, adventure! Gerda and Kai seem to balance each other out. Gerda with a boy - Common Sense.

Kai and Gerda also play tricky games. It happens that you don’t even know whether it’s a trick or an innocent game, and you just wave your hand so that you don’t mess with their grandmother once again: she knows better what children can do.

There is a rumor that Kai has recently had some cockroaches ... And there was such a good boy with beady eyes! Another kind boy, Kai, knows how to spit poison.

In a big city there lived a boy and a girl who loved each other very much, like brother and sister. The boy's name was Kai, and the girl's name was Gerda. Their parents, who lived under the very roof of the house, had a large wooden box each, where rose bushes grew. Kai and Gerda visited each other and played among the roses.

They came to each other in winter, and the old grandmother told them about the queen of white snowflakes, often flying through the streets of the city at night and covering the windows of houses with frosty patterns. Gerda was afraid that the Snow Queen might enter their house, but Kai promised: “I will put her on warm stove, so she will melt.

Going to sleep, Kai looked out the window and saw "a woman wrapped in the thinnest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars." She beckoned Kai with her hand, but he got scared and moved away from the window.

Gerda instantly noticed the changes that had taken place in her friend: the roses that he used to love, now he began to call ugly ...

One day, Kai went to ride in the square with other boys. Suddenly, a large white sleigh appeared on the square, to which Kai tied his sledge. Finally, the woman sitting in the sleigh looked around, and the boy recognized her as the Snow Queen.

She put the boy in her sleigh, kissed him on the forehead, and Kai forgot all his relatives and Gerda. Kai decided that he had not seen anyone smarter and more beautiful than this woman. The Snow Queen, having picked up the boy, soared into the black sky.

The girl put on her new red shoes and went to the river to ask about Kai. She decided to give her shoes to the river, if only she would return her friend to her.

The old woman treated Gerda with cherries and combed her hair with a golden comb. The longer she combed her guest's curls, the more she forgot Kai.

Gerda sank to the ground and wept, and her tears fell right on the spot where rose bush. As soon as the tears moistened the earth, the rose bush in an instant grew as blooming as before. Gerda remembered Kai and that he needed to be found.

Gerda sat down to rest. A large raven jumped in the snow beside her. Suddenly, the bird said hello in human language to the girl

The raven brought Gerda to the palace to his bride, who found Gerda's story very touching. She told Gerda to take the lamp and follow her forward.

The next day, they dressed Gerda in beautiful clothes - shoes, a muff, a wonderful dress, put her in a carriage made of pure gold and wished her a happy journey.

“She will play with me,” said the little robber. “She will give me her muff, her pretty dress, and sleep with me in my bed.

When the little robber fell asleep, the pigeons told Gerda that they saw Kai sitting in the Snow Queen's sleigh and that they were probably heading to Lapland.

The little robber took pity on the girl, helped her escape and even released the reindeer in exchange for the fact that he should take Gerda to the Snow Queen's palace. The reindeer set off at full speed to the North Pole, and very soon they found themselves in Lapland.

The Lapland woman said that they needed to get to Finland, and wrote a message on dried cod addressed to a Finnish woman living there. Deer and Gerda quickly found the Finns' accommodation.

... The deer did not dare to stop until he ran to a bush with red berries. Then he lowered the girl, kissed her on the lips, and large, shiny tears rolled down his cheeks. Then he shot back like an arrow. The poor girl was left alone in the bitter cold, without shoes, without mittens.

The tale of H. H. Andersen is dedicated to the very famous in the 18th century Jenny Lind, an opera actress. She had a phenomenal range. Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna applauded her. Her voice was admired, and the performances were sold out. Andersen was subdued to the depths of her soul by her beautiful voice. Lind and the writer met in Copenhagen. Literally at first sight, he fell in love with the singer. Whether the feeling was mutual is unknown. But she greatly appreciated his writing talent. Andersen could not speak beautifully about his love, so he decided to write about it and confess his feelings. After sending a letter confessing to Lind, he did not wait for a response. And so the famous fairy tale was born, telling about the touching love that Gerda and Kai experienced for each other. The prototypes of heroes in a fairy tale Two years later, Lind and Andersen met. The actress invited Andersen to become her brother. He agreed (because it's better than being nobody), thinking that Gerda and Kai were also like brother and sister. Perhaps in search of a real feeling, Andersen spent a lot of time traveling, trying to escape from the realm of the Snow Queen, which for him was Copenhagen. Everything in life is not like in a fairy tale. The image of Kai and Gerda, invented by Andersen and personifying him and Lind, was just as pure. In life, Kai was never able to fall in love with Gerda and escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Brief analysis fairy tales G. H. Andersen is the first Danish writer, whose works entered the world literature. The most famous are the fairy tales "The Little Mermaid" and "The Snow Queen". They are familiar to almost all of us. The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" tells about good and evil, love and oblivion. It also tells about devotion and betrayal. The image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale was taken for a reason. Andersen's father told him before he died that the Ice Maiden had come for him. In his fairy tale, the writer personified the Snow Queen precisely with the Ice Maiden, who took his dying father with her. The tale at first glance is simple and does not contain a deep meaning. Delving deeper into the process of analysis, you realize that the plot raises some of the most important aspects life is love, devotion, purposefulness, kindness, the fight against evil, religious motives. The story of Kai and Gerda This is a touching story of friendship and love between two fairy tale characters from Andersen's fairy tale. Gerda and Kai had known each other since childhood and spent a lot of time together. In the fairy tale, it is Gerda who has to prove the strength of friendship, who went on a long and difficult journey after the boy, who became a prisoner of the Snow Queen herself. Having charmed Kai with a piece of ice, she turned him into a callous, spoiled and arrogant boy. At the same time, Kai was not aware of his changes. Having managed to go through many difficulties, Gerda managed to find Kai and melt his icy heart. Kindness and faith in the salvation of a friend gave the girl strength and confidence. The fairy tale teaches to be devoted to one's feelings, not to leave a loved one in trouble, to be kind and, despite the difficulties, strive to achieve the goal. Characteristics of Kai and Gerda Andersen's fairy tale describes to us a kind, attentive and sympathetic Kai. But after a challenge to the Snow Queen herself, he turns into a rude and angry boy, capable of offending anyone, even Gerda and his grandmother, whose fairy tales he loved to listen to. One of Kai's tricks ended up being captured by the Snow Queen. In the palace of the evil queen, he became a boy with an icy heart. Kai kept trying to put the word "eternity" out of ice cubes, but he couldn't. Then she promised him to give skates and the whole world. Kai's desire to comprehend eternity indicates his lack of understanding that this cannot be done without true feelings, without love, having only a cold mind...