What does the pliers tool look like? Pliers and pliers: types and differences of wire cutters

Pliers and pliers are common and popular tools, both in everyday life and among professional craftsmen.

Meanwhile, many confuse pliers with pliers, not seeing much difference in them. The following explains what is the difference between pliers and pliers and which of these tools is most in demand and versatile.

Pliers by type

According to their purposes, pliers are different:

  • with short jaws for a firm and firm grip
  • with long jaws
  • with narrow (or thin) jaws
  • with curved - when working in hard-to-reach places
  • with internal plastic overlays to avoid damaging parts
  • specialized, for working with wire

The working (inner) surface of the jaws is smooth or with small shallow notches - for a better grip on the object. “Sponges” is the part of the tool that captures the details.

Differences between pliers and pliers

Pliers are a locksmith's tool that looks like pliers. In some versions - you can no longer confuse them with pliers - an adjustable hinge mechanism is used. The jaws of standard pliers are usually shorter than the jaws of pliers.

The name "pliers" is French, literally - "to clamp the rod." And in order to clamp it tightly, on the inside of the edges, always corrugated - with notches, there is an oval or round recess, often two.

Pliers are a more serious tool

Pliers, unlike pliers, are designed for more serious work. Therefore, in terms of strength, the requirements for them are high. If the level of hardening of the pliers does not exceed 45 units, then the pliers are hardened to the level of 53 units. And the cutting parts - side cutters and cutters - are hardened to the level of 60 units.

They have good metal too.

Higher quality and the metal from which the pliers are made. If carbon steel of a certain grade is used for the production of pliers, then chromium is used in combination with molybdenum or vanadium to produce pliers.

Dimensions according to GOST

The sizes of pliers are different. There are categories “miniature” - for delicate and precise work, for example, bench modeling or beading - 10 centimeters.

Dimensions of tools for assembly, plumbing, automotive and other works are specified in GOST 17 438-72. For pliers of the first group, he determines the length of 160, 180 and 200 mm.

In the second group, intended for industrial works, fit into three types of length - 200, 250 and 300 mm.

Imported products, made in the EU, US and China, come in sizes 10; 11.5 and 14 cm.

What are pliers

Used in production and everyday life different types pliers:

  • Universal
  • Dielectric
  • Combined
  • elongated
  • * Adjustable, sometimes called pipe
  • For eyelets

If we compare photos of pliers of all these types, the differences are immediately evident. Their main functions and purposes are listed below.

Pliers for all occasions

Universal pliers, or, as they are also called, locksmith pliers, are often incorrectly called pliers. They, after finely corrugated sponges, always have a jagged notch. It is followed by side cutters - for cutting the wire, and next to the hinge there are cutters for biting stronger wire, nails and even the chain-link mesh.

For work under voltage

Dielectric pliers are designed for electrical work. They are available with insulating handles, usually rubber or combinations of rubber with various types of dielectric plastic.

Mains voltage is divided into two types - in everyday life 220 V. In production, the same 220 V and an additional 380 V. To avoid trouble, the insulating handles of the pliers are able to protect against shock with a voltage of 1000 V.

Please note: this parameter must be indicated on the pliers themselves, and not on its packaging. Since we are talking about human life, it is better to buy dielectric pliers from trusted manufacturers.

Pliers for eyelets

Plastic or metal eyelets are designed to strengthen holes in the shoe, leather goods and other industries and workshops.

In view of this, “grommet” pliers are a highly specialized and highly professional tool. They differ from other pliers in their specific appearance and are easily recognizable.

The longest of the pliers

Elongated pliers distinguish long sponges. In some variants, the length of the sponges reaches 20 centimeters. Outwardly, they resemble tweezers to which the handles of pliers are attached. They are designed to work in narrow slots or holes.

On the principle of a penknife

This species is directly opposite to the narrowly specialized "grommets". It is called "combined pliers". Such a tool is intended for various household tasks. But they are also used by professionals as universal - for all occasions. But in this case, the tool must be from a quality manufacturer, otherwise it quickly fails.

Combined pliers are made on the principle of a penknife or Swiss knife and are equipped with a host of functions and capabilities.

Usually combined pliers are only part of a multifunctional kit, which includes a number of necessary tools, for example, screwdrivers with nozzles.

Pliers for plumbers

Plumbing is the largest among the pliers. They are used exclusively for plumbing work. For capturing gas or water pipes large diameter in the design of these tools used adjustable swivel mechanism. Thanks to this, it is possible to change - increase or decrease the diameter of the notched recess.

Photo differences between pliers and pliers

The difference between pliers and pliers is a fact beyond doubt.

Pliers and pliers have some differences.

Common features of tools and design features of pliers

These are hand tools that belong to the class of pliers. Outwardly similar to each other, pliers and pliers often cause confusion, especially among ignorant people. Their construction is simple. These are two metal sponges that perform the main working functions (clamp, hold, bite, etc.), with handles, connected by a hinged mechanism. They have the same simple principle of operation: it is based on the same actions - closing and opening the jaws. The reduced handles provide compression of the sponges, divorced - their unclenching.

The described tools are rightfully considered the most popular. And this statement applies to both professionals and amateurs. Electricians, locksmiths, mechanics, electronics engineers - this is not a complete list of specialists in need of them. And there is no need to talk about domestic orientation.

Pliers are a multifaceted, multifunctional tool. At the same time, when working, they can act as wire cutters and side cutters, pincers and pliers. Some of them are additionally equipped with a screwdriver and an awl located at the ends of the handles. The working area of ​​sponges is equipped with notches. There can also be up to two recesses of different circles at once, the main purpose of which is to capture and hold parts of a round, cylindrical or other shape. outer side on sponges it is endowed with sharp edges (edges), with which you can bite nails or wire.

And pliers equipped with dielectric handles marked "1000V" on them are used to carry out electrical work.

There are pliers, where an additional work area is defined under the swivel joint. This means that you can also grab objects with the handles.

On some models, it is possible to adjust the compression force of the jaws, as well as the distance between their faces by occupying a certain position of the hinge in special grooves.

Pliers are made from high quality steel, the processing of which takes place in several stages. And a special anti-corrosion coating is applied to the surface of the finished tool by oxidation or chromium plating.

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The variety of pliers, their narrow specialization, differences between tools

Pliers are deprived of everything that is present in pliers. There are no recesses, pointed edges on the lips. Their hinge is fixed.

But there are many of them, and they are designed for different tasks. Only for each operation you have to individually select a certain type.

The main differences are in the width, length and shape of the working jaws. So, when working in places where access is very limited or even difficult to implement, pliers with elongated (long) narrow or curved jaws are used.

There are "platypuses" that provide great compressive strength, required where precise work is especially needed.

And when performing electrical work, you need a tool, the handles of which must be insulated with an indication of the maximum allowable voltage on them.

There are pliers for plumbing work, there is a tool for which special nozzles are used (especially relevant when working with fragile objects), universal pliers are widely used.

However, with all the similarities, there are significant differences between pliers and pliers. Here are the main ones:

  1. The size (length, width) of the working jaws. For some, their width is standard, the same along the entire length, for others, due to the specificity of the task appearance The length and width are completely different.
  2. The shape of the working surface of the sponges. The presence on its inner part, in addition to notches, of one or even two notches of different sizes and pointed edges for pliers and a completely flat working surface (notches do not count) for pliers.
  3. Not fixed, and therefore adjustable hinge (pliers) and its rigid fastening (pliers).
  4. Compression force. For pliers, it is higher, which is achieved by stronger steel.
  5. The versatility of some and the narrow focus of others.
  6. Different GOSTs and technical requirements from manufacturers upon release.

There is just a huge number of different hand tools that can be used in the work. The most common can be called pliers. They are used in everyday life and in the organization professional activity. A fairly common question is what is the difference between pliers and pliers. These differences are taken into account by all masters when choosing a hand tool. It is worth considering in more detail pliers and pliers, what is the difference between these designs and other points.


Mankind has been familiar with blacksmith's tongs for many centuries. It is not yet known exactly when the instrument in question was made. There are different types of pliers:

  1. Ticks.
  2. Classic design.
  3. Round nose pliers.
  4. Pliers.
  5. Wire cutters.

Moreover, each group has several of its subcategories, which have their own form and purpose. For example, it is possible to properly process the cores when using round-nose pliers. The curved conical shape of the working surface allows for convenient bending of the cable end.

Varieties and uses of pliers

The most common type of such tools can be called pliers. The required tool has the following design features:

  1. Sponges are flat, have applied notches. In this case, the sizes of the sponges can vary significantly.
  2. The cutters are connected using a hinged design.
  3. To transfer pressure, the design has special handles that can be made using various materials.

A good tool is made by various companies that specialize in the production of similar products. For the convenience of carrying out various works, the design is performed in several versions. There may be significant differences between them. The following pliers are widely used:

It should be borne in mind that working with various electrical equipment or conductive products requires special pliers with handles made using insulating material. The manufacturer is obliged to write on the handles the maximum voltage with which you can work. Information can be written using a variety of technologies, many will exclude the possibility of overwriting when long-term operation. If the maximum voltage is not indicated, then the use of the tool is strictly prohibited.

There are two main groups of pliers:

Classification is also carried out according to the size of the product. The master, who often uses the tool in question, may have several options for the execution of pliers in the kit: larger size, the more force can be transferred, smaller models are suitable for working in hard-to-reach places.

The difference between pliers and pliers

All tools are designed for use in carrying out a specific job. The differences between pliers and pliers are in the following points:

Considering how pliers differ from pliers, it should be noted that the first version is multifunctional, the other is suitable for a small amount of work.

It is necessary to choose the most suitable tool correctly in order to provide the most comfortable conditions for performing work. The fact that a design can consist of several elements determines the difficulties that arise when choosing. The best way performance can be selected taking into account the following information:

It is recommended to pay attention to the offer of exclusively well-known manufacturers. This is due to the fact that they value their reputation and apply only the most quality materials and also checks all manufactured products.

Transfer force adjustment

On sale you can find products that allow you to adjust the compression force. Similar models can be used when the workpiece to be processed should not be subjected to mechanical stress.

Perhaps it is impossible to imagine a more popular hand tool in everyday life and professional activities than pliers and pliers. The difference between them is quite significant. And although some people confuse these two types of instruments because of their appearance, however, the quality and even the standards of workmanship in both cases are not the same. The difference between pliers and pliers should be considered by all craftsmen when choosing them. There is a specific type of tool for everyone.

General concept of a pliers tool

To understand the differences between pliers and pliers, you should delve into their device. Both of these varieties belong to the class of pliers. This type of improvised means was used by ancient masters.

This class of tool includes various pliers, round-nose pliers, wire cutters, pliers, pincers. Each of these species has its own purpose. Pliers and pliers, the difference (photo below) between which every master must understand, have their own subspecies.

Basically, they differ in the size of the sponges, which makes it possible to use such improvised tools for work of any complexity. Each type of pliers is designed to perform a certain type of operation.

For electrical work, it is necessary to choose a special type of equipment. Its handles are insulated with a special material, which most often withstands a voltage of 1 kV. Plumbers and locksmiths can choose simple varieties of pliers and pliers.

Characteristics of pliers

The difference between pliers and pliers (the photo is presented to your attention below) is easier to understand by considering the characteristics of each of these available tools.

Special attention deserves their appearance and application in the work of masters. The length of the pliers is in the range from 12.5 to 20 cm.

Types of pliers

Considering such varieties of pliers as pliers and pliers, it will not be difficult to understand how they differ. In order not to confuse these two hand tools, their subspecies should be described. Pliers include several types of devices. They differ in working surface.

If the jaws are elongated, this will allow you to work in hard-to-reach places, to reach the necessary wires or parts. If they are not only elongated, but also curved, this is most likely a tool for electricians. Such devices are used in work when it is extremely difficult to reach the object. The bend radius can be 40 or 60 degrees.

Platypuses are similar to tweezers, only they have more compressive strength. Pliers and pliers, the difference between which in some respect affects the work of the master, may have different nozzles. This will allow you to skillfully handle fragile materials.

Characteristics of pliers

Pliers and pliers are the same type of tool and can be small, medium or large. Their scope is similar. They are used in plumbing, assembly, electrical, plumbing work etc.

The surface of the jaws of the pliers has a notch. This allows you to hold round smooth parts. Most often, the surface in them is combined. There is a flat area, as well as recesses of different diameters.

Pliers and pliers, the difference between which lies not only in the shape of the surface of the jaws, also differ in capabilities. This increases the range of operations performed by the wizard.

Pliers allow you to adjust the compression force, as well as the distance between the surfaces of the jaws. Therefore, such a tool is suitable for parts of various diameters.

Additional features of pliers

Pliers and pliers, the difference between which lies in functionality, should be selected in accordance with the type of activity of the master. The electrician and plumber must select the appropriate type of hand tool.

Based on the needs of a specialist who uses pliers, the latter may have different additional features. Many manufacturers supply their products with side cutters. This device allows you to strip the insulation from the cable, cut the wire.

Sometimes on front side pliers have a special edge that allows you to cut very strong wire.

In other cases work zone pliers extends beyond the swivel. On the handles of such models there are serifs that allow you to hold the workpiece not only with sponges. Not every master is comfortable with this, but it depends on personal preferences.

Characteristic differences

Pliers and pliers have a lot of similarities. What is the difference between these two similar tools should be considered in more detail.

The very first thing that can be noted when studying these products is the difference in the shape of the sponges. Their inner surface at the pliers has recesses to hold round parts. Pliers also have a flat surface with notches for better grip on the surface of the part.

The pliers have the same width of the jaws along the entire length. Pliers can have different lengths and widths. The choice depends on the purpose of the tool.

Main differences

Pliers and pliers small, medium or large have three main differences.

  1. Sponge surface shape. For pliers, it is even, and for pliers - with a notch. In the second case, the tool is designed for stronger types of steels during operation.
  2. Possibility of adjustment. It is possible to select the required gap of the working surface and the compression force only in the case of pliers. Therefore, this feature should be taken into account when choosing improvised means.
  3. Versatility and additional functions (side cutter, special edges) are inherent only to pliers. However, in case of fulfillment simple jobs for ease of control, you must opt ​​for ordinary pliers.

How to choose a tool

Pliers and pliers, the difference between which determines the scope of their application, it is better to choose professional ones. These are the most durable products that will serve their owner for many years. Cheap models sometimes quickly lose their functionality or even fail. Therefore, when choosing a tool, it is better not to save.

A quality product can be identified by looking at the hinge department. There should be no backlashes, and the course of the handles must be smooth. When connecting the jaws, there should be no gaps, distortions. In a quality tool, they close evenly.

It is extremely important, especially for electrical work, that the handles sit tightly on the base and do not fidget. This will allow you to work with improvised means safely, without fear of electric shock.

Having become acquainted with distinctive features such products as pliers and pliers, any master will understand their difference from each other. In accordance with the required type of work, hand tools are also selected. It differs in size, shape, additional features and functionality. Each specialist must take into account the features of a hand tool and purchase high-quality copies. This will guarantee a long service life of pliers and pliers of any configuration.

Pliers are an essential part of any craftsman, be it a professional locksmith, installer, plumber or electrician.

They can be gripped, held, bent and twisted various items, including those under voltage (when using dielectric models).

How to choose pliers

  • The first thing to consider when choosing a tool is for what purpose it is needed. If the product is required as a working hand tool of the master, then their professional types should be considered.

Varieties intended for domestic purposes are not suitable for constant use and increased loads.

  • The second criterion is the manufacturer. A high quality tool can last for many years if properly maintained.
  • You need to pay attention to the performance and functionality of the pliers. Electricians need to be sure to choose electrically insulated models. It is desirable for professionals to have several types of products for various kinds operations.
  • It is desirable to choose tool handles that are ergonomic, repeating the anatomical shape of the hands. In the case of prolonged use during a work shift, the hands of the master will get tired less.
  • When choosing hand tools, their color matters, since, for example, black pliers are hard to find in dark rooms.

Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to models with a bright coating of handles. Nowadays, you can even buy pliers with fluorescent handles that will glow in the dark.

  • When choosing a product, you need to check it by squeezing the handles. In this case, the jaws of the tool should close tightly and evenly.
  • The desire to save money on hand tools and the purchase of goods not from authorized dealers may entail the purchase of non-original products.

This will be a waste of money as they won't last long. A fake will not meet security requirements.

  1. It does not matter what kind of decorative coating the body of the product has (chrome, nickel, etc.), that is, the external beauty of the instrument. It absolutely does not affect the functionality and other essential characteristics of the product.
  2. The presence of additional functions in highly specialized models (most likely, they will not be useful).

  • The best combination pliers are Knipex. Their manufacturer is German firm producing high quality hand tools according to VDE standards.

The pliers of this company can bite through hard wire. They are the most expensive, but at the same time durable, ergonomic and high-performance.

  • Pliers for professionals under the brand name Bahco(Sweden) are among the best and are produced in factories in Western Europe and USA.

The products comply with the ISO standard. All Bahco combined products are electrically insulated.

  • branded tools IRWIN(USA) are also professional and of high quality.

This manufacturer's electrically insulated combination pliers comply with VDE standards, but they have a shorter life than the above models.

The combined product has wire cutters in the middle and on the sides (side slots in the hinge area). In addition, the pliers have a notch with teeth to capture rounded objects of small diameter.

This model is designed primarily for gripping and handling wire and cylindrical objects. Modern pliers can be equipped with a return spring or adjustable hinge to adjust for pipes of different sizes.


  • multifunctionality,
  • versatility.

Minus: most often domestic orientation.

  • Corresponding products of the company BeadSmith is a high quality silicone coated handle that is non-slip and fits well in the hand.

They are ideal for wire alignment and work with brittle material, but are quite expensive.

  • Model HTP-18 with nylon nozzles Micron is the most popular in Russia due to the excellent combination of price and quality. It has high functionality, despite the budget cost.
  • Tools with nylon tips production Beadalon(USA) are functional and easy to use, but their quality is no better than that of the cheaper Micron model.

Pliers designed for jewelry making and other similar work are made with nylon tips (tips).

This is a tool with a non-slip grip and soft protection on the lips, which allows you not to scratch fragile parts. They can also be used for domestic purposes.

Because this model is not designed to operate on energized electrical installations, its handles are not properly insulated from electrical current.

In addition, such tools are not reinforced and do not have a large margin of safety. They cannot be used for other purposes, as they will quickly become unusable from improper use.

  • Wire stripper pliers BAHCO 2223 S-150 high quality alloy steel with plastic coated handles treated with oxidation and anti-corrosion treatment; able to clean the wire up to 5 mm.
  • Electrical pliers for insulation stripping KRAFTOOL made of high quality carbon steel with plastic handles and anti-corrosion coating.

These products are of good quality at an average price, but can only strip wires up to 2.5 mm.

  • Insulation stripping pliers « ZUBR ELECTRICIAN”, high-voltage from high-quality tool steel, have a resistant chromium-nickel coating.

Wire stripping pliers are electrically insulated. They are suitable for operation on electrical equipment under voltage up to 1000 V ( alternating current) and 1500 V (direct current).

With these tools, you can strip wires up to a maximum of 5 mm. Their mechanism allows you to remove the insulation without damaging the current-carrying wires.

Such products are safe and functional, but they cannot be used for other purposes.

  1. BAHCO 2713 A made of vanadium steel with chromium-nickel coating and anti-corrosion treatment.
  2. Adjustable pliers USAG(Italy) made of chrome-vanadium special steel with 7 positions and enamel finish.
  3. ProsKit PN-P010N (254 mm) in S45C steel with insulated handles.

Adjustable pliers are a type of pliers that allow you to change the opening width of the jaws depending on the size of the object to be grasped.

Such models have clamps to set a certain opening width. They can grip both flat and round objects.

When squeezing the handles, the jaws of such a hand tool should converge tightly.

The regulation mechanism is carried out with a rearrangement of the hinge:

  • in holes;
  • in half holes;
  • with fixation of protrusions in the grooves.

The ability to change the position of the jaws is an undoubted advantage of this variety, but the disadvantage is a certain bulkiness.

  1. Electrically insulated models of the firm Knipex there are combined (ordinary and special power), as well as in the form of elongated pliers.
  2. All pliers Bahco are electrically insulated (side cutters, wire cutters, pliers, round jaws, bolt cutters). The quality of these products is practically not inferior to Knipex, but the price is slightly lower.
  3. Electrically insulated combination models, platypuses, wire strippers, side cutters and needle nose pliers under the brand IRWIN(USA) are of high quality and safe.

This variety allows you to serve electrical installations with alternating voltage up to 1000 V or direct voltage up to 1500 V.

Dielectric pliers are equipped with well-insulated handles that ensure the safety of the master from electric shock. The electrical insulation of good tools consists of several layers. They are easily recognizable by their thicker grips.

Dielectric can be different models pliers tools. This increases their functionality and security. However, models of some manufacturers do not have limiters.

  1. Adjustable pliers - wrench KNIPEX made of chrome vanadium steel, forged, oil-hardened. Quickly rearranged with the push of a button.
  2. Adjustable pliers Bahco with 11-12 positions, switching by 1 button.
  3. Adjustable pliers IRWIN forged carbon steel with pinch protection.

Sliding models allow you to grip round, hexagonal, square and flat objects as tightly as possible. The jaws of such a tool have a bend.

The dimensions of the sliding pliers are larger than those of simple types. The opening width of the jaws is adjusted in some cases by pressing a button and can be adjusted with one hand. Capture width is up to 45 and 65 mm.

  1. Side cutters KNIPEX made of vanadium steel, melted in an electric furnace, oil-hardened, precision machined for a long service life.
  2. Side cutters Bahco(high-quality alloy steel with anti-corrosion treatment) with progressive cutting edge geometry.
  3. Diagonal cutting pliers IRWIN made of chromium-nickel steel with a hardened cutting edge.

The side pliers have a cutter on one side of the jaws. In fact, these are wire cutters designed for cutting (biting) objects from various materials.

Side cutters can be used to work with wire of various hardness, plastic, sheet metal, cardboard, etc.

When operating this model, it must be borne in mind that the variety intended for biting copper will not cope with elements from more hard materials(iron, steel). Doing so will damage the cutters of the tool.

  1. long nose pliers KNIPEX.
  2. Products with long jaws Bahco.
  3. long nose pliers IRWIN.

Models with elongated jaws are called long nose pliers, platypuses or needle nose pliers. They are designed to grip and manipulate objects (primarily wires) at a greater distance than conventional models.

Such tools can be equipped with wire cutters.

Most often, this model is used for wiring in distribution boxes, when laying wires, and also when connecting electrical installations. They are also widely used by jewelers to fix stones in jewelry.

  1. round nose pliers KNIPEX forged chrome vanadium steel, oil-hardened, heavy-duty.
  2. Model with round jaws Bahco made of high quality alloy steel with anti-corrosion treatment.
  3. round nose pliers IRWIN from chromium-nickel steel.

Tools with semicircular jaws are designed for working with wire. They come without cutting edges or with them. In the presence of cutters, such products, in addition to grabbing and manipulating the wire, can also bite it.

Semi-round jaws specially designed for gripping uneven surfaces. They are made from hardened steel. The tool is in demand for plumbing and assembly and repair work.

Advantages of the view: you can work in hard-to-reach places with round holes. At the same time, their weak point can be called a small area of ​​​​the working surface.

  1. Pliers recycling firms AIST from chrome vanadium steel.
  2. Percussion tools matrix from chrome vanadium steel.
  3. Multifunctional fishing products Frichy FPN 02 made of polished stainless steel, equipped with a fixation for safe wear.

Multifunctional (shock-mechanical) pliers can be used for their main purpose, as well as as a hammer.

This model is equipped with long handles and a metal striker for impact on various objects (nails, etc.). Such products have a fairly large weight and increased dimensions.

There is also a multifunctional (utilization) model. In addition, there is a folding model on the market, which is equipped with a knife, an opener and a set of screwdrivers. This product is best suited as part of a camping equipment.