Protecting wood from moisture. Processing timber from decay is the key to long-term operation of the building

For many centuries, wood has been the most demanded material in construction and finishing work. Boards, beams, logs and other elements can be found in almost every house, in the country and in various buildings. But the tree has one unpleasant feature - it is subject to decay and other biological hazards. What should be done to protect wooden structures from this disaster? This will be discussed in this article.

Mold or microscopic fungi are often found on wood. It is this enemy, apart from fire, that is the most dangerous for wooden products. Rotting can destroy a strong house or any other structure in a matter of days or weeks.

Mold often infects wood during storage or transportation. But in order for rot to spread rapidly, certain conditions must be met. Namely:

To prevent the active process of wood decay, some steps should be taken. preventive action. Here are the main ones:

  • if you are going to build a log house, then you need to choose dry logs for this. It is very important that the drying process of the tree takes place according to the rules and lasts at least one year;
  • the construction of a house or other structure must be carried out using the foundation. In this case, the wood will not come into contact with the ground, which means that the risk of mold will decrease;
  • it is very important to protect the ends of the timber and logs, it is these places that are most vulnerable to the penetration of mold fungi. Most often, the ends are upholstered with boards. In addition, it is necessary to periodically inspect (preferably in the spring) in order to identify problem areas in advance and take action.

And, of course, we must not forget about various impregnations, special solutions and paintwork. This will be discussed in more detail in the following chapters.

We use antiseptics

To cope with rotting wood, it is necessary, in addition to preventive measures, use different chemicals. Modern industry produces a wide range of such substances, but the main ones are used for:

  • conservation;
  • antiseptics.

The first option is produced only in the factory. In special containers, wood is kept in special solutions. As a result of such “soaking”, chemicals get deep into the wood and reliably protect it from the penetration of mold fungi.

Not all wood that enters the construction market is subjected to the conservation process, which is why products called antiseptics are so popular. These substances can be applied independently and, like preservatives, they perfectly prevent decay.

For sale you can find the following types of antiseptics:

  • Water soluble. Such tools are very common. Due to the presence of water in the composition, they dry quickly and are practically odorless. Water-soluble antiseptics are great for protecting walls, ceilings, floors and other structures. The only contraindication is that this antiseptic cannot be used when processing wood, which often comes into contact with water;
  • Water repellent. To protect wooden structures in the bathroom, bathroom or bath, it is better to use just such means. They penetrate deep into the wood and are not afraid of moisture. But such an antiseptic has a strong and pungent odor;
  • Based on volatile substances. Such products cover the surface with a thick film, which serves as protection against the penetration of mold;
  • Oil based. Such substances are only suitable for dry wood. In addition, oil antiseptics are not recommended for use in residential areas;
  • Combined. This modern material, which can be used on almost any type of wood and in any room. In addition to reliable protection against the penetration of mold fungi, such antiseptics also have a fire-fighting effect.

If we talk about specific brands of antiseptics, then there are quite a few of them. The market is widely represented by both domestic and imported materials. The choice always remains with the buyer. Before going to the store, you should visit an online forum on construction topics, here you can view reviews about a particular antiseptic. With this information, it will be easier for you to right choice.

Arriving at the store with antiseptics, you will see a large assortment of similar products. It's important here make the right choice, and it can be based on the following recommendations from experts:

And don't forget the periodic protective layer update. Any coating or impregnation is not eternal, therefore, if cracks, chips or changes in the color of wood appear, all elements must be processed again.

Folk ways of protection

If you are not lovers of "chemistry" or have no desire to spend extra money, then you can use some folk methods to protect wooden elements. Over the centuries-old history of the use of such material, a lot of experience has accumulated.

For example, to combat mold, you can use a mixture of water and superphosphate. Thickly kneading the solution, it is applied to the desired surface. Better lay down two or three layers, so the protection will be more reliable.

In addition, you can use another mixture. 5 parts of table salt are poured into 75 parts of ordinary clay and diluted with 20 parts of water. This mixture, as in the previous case, is applied to the surface of the wood. After drying, a crust forms, which prevents the penetration of mold fungi into the wood.

In addition, there are also other methods protect boards and others wooden materials from decay. We list just a few of them:

  • you can use silicate glue. We dilute it with water and treat the problem areas with the resulting solution;
  • soda and vinegar are widely used in folk methods. These substances will also help in the fight against mold. Apply baking soda to the desired area, and then, using a spray bottle, spray with vinegar. As a result of a violent reaction, mold fungi will die;
  • you can dilute one hundred grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water. This solution treats wooden elements. Moreover, this method can help in the fight against mold, which appeared not only on wood, but also on any other surfaces;
  • prepare the following solution: for 5 liters of boiling water, take a kilogram of salt and 50 grams of boric acid. With this tool, you need to treat damaged surfaces several times, with an interval of 2-3 hours.

Also for protection of external wooden elements applied resin. This material is coated with all structures that are constantly moistened or in contact with the ground.


As you can see, there are many ways to deal with mold. You can use industrially produced substances or use methods proven by the people. If you apply the first option, then it is important to carefully read the purchased product. Read the instructions for use and the label itself. It is important that the product is not expired and does not contain a large amount of substances hazardous to health. But it is best to carefully choose the wooden materials themselves and use them correctly. Then no mold fungi are afraid of you.

Wood is one of the most commonly used materials in construction and furniture production. And in order to last as long as possible, it needs proper care. There are a fairly large number of factors that have a bad effect on wood and make it unusable, worsening the external qualities of the material or destroying its internal structure. Therefore, it is important to know how and from what to process a tree so that it is used as long as possible.

What causes decay

Without treatment with special substances, almost all tree species rot, because such material contains a certain level of moisture, which, in turn, provides all the conditions for the emergence and reproduction of fungi.

Therefore, exploiting a tree of even the most expensive species, one cannot be sure that over time, with its integrity, everything will be as good as when buying.

The reason for wood rotting is that such material itself is a breeding ground for a huge number of fungal species. The risk of their occurrence is especially great if the tree is also in constant contact with water or moisture.

How to prevent wood from rotting

To prevent wood from rotting, you must:

  • protect it from long-term wetting, since for such a material it is especially important not only not to get wet, but also to dry completely after getting wet. If the tree is constantly in the water, it will be difficult to avoid exposure to fungi;
  • it is better to use kiln-dried wood. Drying of this material is an obligatory operation of its refining. Among all types of wood drying, the most effective in terms of protection against decay is chamber drying, that is, removing moisture from wood using heat-treating equipment (drying chambers equipped with ventilation, moisturizing and heating systems).

You need to understand what rotting threatens your wooden house, bridge, furniture, etc. There are three main types of rot that affects such material:
Any of the above types of rot can contribute to structural damage to wood and its biological decomposition.

Classification of wood according to resistance to decay and impregnation

In order not to bother with protection for a long time wooden house, boats or interior items from rot, it is important to choose the right material, since they operate different types trees, differing in the level of resistance to rot and even impregnation with agents that protect against it.

By resistance to rotting wood species

According to this criterion, tree species are classified into one of 4 main classes:

  1. The most resistant to rot:,.
  2. Possessing medium resistance: beech, such representatives of the Pine genus as,.
  3. Low resistance: , .
  4. Breeds that do not have resistance to decay:,.

By impregnation with protective agents of wood species

With regard to the ability of wood to absorb substances with whose help it is possible to protect the material from decay, such a classification consists of the following 3 classes:

  1. Materials that are easily impregnated: pine, birch, beech.
  2. Raw materials with moderate impregnation: cedar, European larch, hornbeam, oak, maple, linden, aspen, alder.
  3. Hard-to-impregnate: spruce, Siberian larch, fir, ash, elm.

Classification of wood preservatives

Substances used to make a material resistant to fungus can be classified according to their mode of action, solubility and washout.

Did you know?If earlier only small residential buildings, churches were made of wood, now in the USA and Europe construction companies massively offer projects of 30-story office centers and apartment buildings built exclusively from wood. This trend is connected with the desire to clean up the atmosphere, make large buildings environmentally friendly and improve the quality of living in big cities.

Protective means of wood according to the nature of the action

  1. Antiseptic substances: ammonium fluorosilicon, PAF-KSDB paste.
  2. Substances that retard ignition and combustion (flame retardants): OFP-9 coating.
  3. Means that have a combined effect (protect both from decay and from fire): FBS preparation.

Wood preservatives according to solubility

  1. Those that dissolve in water: drug BS-13.
  2. Substances soluble in light solvents that are of an organic nature (alcohols, hydrocarbons, ketones, halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, etc.): KATHSH preparation, copper naphthenate preparations.
  3. Soluble in oils and heavy petroleum products(various fuels, lubricants, raw materials, electrical insulating media): shale oil.

Wood preservatives according to the degree and conditions of washout

  1. Substances that are easily washed out: drug BS-13.
  2. Washed out: PAF-KL paste, PAF-KSDB paste.
  3. Hard-to-wash: sodium pentachlorophenolate, PBS preparation.
  4. Indelible: anthracene oil.

To correctly determine the best way to protect a tree, you need to know for what and under what conditions products from this material will be used.

Products are indoors and not exposed to weather conditions and moisture

To protect wooden objects that are not at risk of moisture, you can use folk methods fungus prevention:

  • a mixture of propolis and sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3. It is applied with a soft sponge on dry, dust-free wood;

Important!After applying a mixture of propolis and oil to a tree, it will become flammable, so before using this product, make sure that this option suits you.

  • copper sulfate solution. It must be thoroughly mixed, wetted with a rag or sponge and soaked with clean, dry wood. After impregnation, the wooden product must be dried well in the fresh air, so that it is sheltered from sunlight. The treated tree will dry from a week to a month.
Video: how to use copper sulfate to impregnate wood

Products are indoors and not exposed to the weather (especially rain), but moisture may occur

To protect such products, it is better to use water-soluble antiseptics, since there is no constant contact with moisture and, therefore, there is no need to use preparations that are very resistant to water, which, moreover, are toxic and can adversely affect the health of people who are constantly near wood products impregnated or coated with such preservatives.

Products not in contact with the ground, used outdoors, subjected to periodic precipitation

In this case, it is better to use combination products that are intended for external use and are prepared on a non-aqueous basis. They are not very expensive and, at the same time, perfectly protect the tree from rot that appears due to exposure to natural precipitation.

Did you know?The history of the construction of wooden houses has almost 2 millennia. The oldest building made of wood today is the Horyu-ji Buddhist temple: it is already about 1500 years old. The temple is located in Japan.

Products are constantly in contact with the ground or fresh water, i.e. constantly wetted

The situation is slightly different with hedges, poles and other products that are constantly in contact with the ground, that is, they are often moistened and do not have time to dry. In such cases, it is better to use products that contain heavy resins: they create a very strong protective film and penetrate deep into the wood surface.

Constant contact with salt water

Sea water has a more negative effect on wood than ordinary river water, therefore, in order to ensure the integrity of the material during exposure to or exposure to salt water, it is better to use leave-in products that dissolve in oils or heavy petroleum products.

Mold Remedies

The tree can also be affected by destructive factors of biological origin, among which is mold. It can appear due to high humidity and heat in the room, poor ventilation, summer rains. Getting rid of such "ailments" is very difficult, so it is better to prevent their occurrence.

Important! Mold is very dangerous for the human body. It can both cause mild allergic reactions and cause asthma, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract diseases, dry cough, stomach upset, skin rashes, headaches, nosebleeds.

To prevent the wood from becoming moldy over time, you can impregnate it with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, specially prepared borax, or chemical fungicides. You can also buy a ready-made solution, for example, Senezh or KSD.

Video: how to treat wood from mold

Fire Remedies

The greatest attention should be paid to ensuring that wood products are resistant to flame, since one of the characteristics of this material is rapid ignition. In order to protect the house or any other wooden structures or objects from fire, it is best to use flame retardants - impregnations based on aqueous solutions salts and surfactants. Processing by such means can be carried out at all stages of operation.

Wood has been used by man in construction and everyday life since ancient times. This natural material is exposed to moisture and other external factors, as a result of which fungus and rot appear on it. In order for the tree to serve for a long time, its proper protection from harmful influences is important. Processing is not expensive, in addition, it is easy to do it yourself.

Why does rot appear

A common cause that triggers the process of decay is a fungus, the vital activity of which destroys the structure of the tree. If the spores fall on the wood, it begins to become infected and then damaged. The house mushroom is considered to be the most dangerous, as it affects even a tree protected from weathering.

The following signs of infection are distinguished:

  • change in the natural color of the tree cover;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • decrease in the level of strength;
  • structure destruction.

Photo: floorboards often exposed to moisture

Wood begins to rot earlier, subject to:

  • exposure to moisture;
  • freezing and thawing;
  • influence of sunlight and wind.

The process begins on the outer layers, as well as at the points of contact between the tree and the soil, and then develops very quickly. Window frames and the lower part of wooden houses are especially susceptible to damage.

The following conditions contribute to the appearance of mold:

  1. High air humidity (75-100%).
  2. The level of moisture content in the material (from 15%).
  3. Large temperature fluctuations.

Processing Options

Protection of wood from the fungus is carried out with the help of a number of preventive measures carried out in advance. Choose one or another option based on the budget and operating conditions of the structure.

For the chemical method of processing wood, an antiseptic is used.

Available in hardware stores different variants such means - both in the form of a solution, and in the form of a paste. Protection should be applied not only to the wooden surface, but also to the places of contact with the ground. The depth of impregnation is about one and a half meters. A solution of potassium dichromate (5%) or sulfuric acid (5%) is best suited. Novotex, Pinotex, Biokron and Biosept - which are completely ready for use.

For processing a tree in the ground, only certain groups of antiseptics and impregnations are suitable. Make sure that the product is moisture resistant, since underground the material is more susceptible to salt and moisture. It is necessary to cover with this preparation all surfaces of the structure that are exposed to atmospheric precipitation.

Users often search:

To prevent rotting, it is good to dry the wood - this will save the material from excess moisture.

There are artificial and natural drying. The first option is carried out using petrolatum or wood storage in special chambers with increased temperature regime. The process occurs quickly: the time varies from one hour to several days, and the fungus dies under such conditions.

Natural drying - more suitable option for independent conduct. Wood is left under a canopy in the open air or stored in a well-ventilated area. The process takes a lot of time: from one week to several months, but this method does not require large material costs and guarantees reliable protection of the material.

A high foundation ensures a long service life of a wooden structure

How to prevent rotting

To reduce the likelihood of development of putrefactive processes to a minimum, at the construction stage provide:

  • high foundation;
  • waterproofing;
  • good level of ventilation;
  • moisture resistant roof.

Folk tree protection methods

People have long begun to look for ways to prevent wood rotting, so there are a number of folk remedies to protect this popular natural material, of which there are two main ones.


Represents the impregnation of dry wood with resin high temperature. More often this method is used for courtyard buildings, but sometimes it is also used for carrying out internal works With ceiling beams and floor boards.


The surface of the material is fired blowtorch to rich brown. The tree must be kept damp. After the process, the formed soot is carefully cleaned from the wood until growth rings appear.

Both methods are considered quite effective. After such processing, it remains only to cover the tree with varnish or moisture-resistant impregnation.

Protecting wood from moisture

On the ready product a transparent varnish is applied, which will protect the material from weathering, give it extra shine and improve its appearance. Repeat the treatment once every five years. Thus, a high protection of the material from the harmful effects of moisture, precipitation and wind is achieved.

If you don't know if the wood has been treated with a moisture-proofing agent, apply a small amount of water to the surface of the wood. In the absence of such treatment, moisture will immediately begin to be absorbed, and if the product has already been used, then a drop of water will remain on the surface.

In addition, one of the most common and effective ways to protect wood from moisture is to use oil.

It is applied to the surface of the material, carefully treating each crack and joint. Remember that oil will make the color of the wood more saturated or even darker. This method has a cumulative effect, so it is carried out monthly.

You can also tint the wood with an alcohol-based stain, which will freshen up the color a bit. It is recommended to repeat the process once every two years.

Wood treatment with moisture-resistant impregnations will also become effective tool protection. These drugs are penetrating and film-forming.

Important! Please note that penetrating solutions are the most effective, as they are absorbed into the material and protect it both from the outside and inside.

We examined the main ways to protect wood from moisture and decay. The use of these methods will extend the life of a wooden structure for many years. Protection and proper care are basic requirements for the operation of a tree.

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Despite the abundance of modern building materials, wood does not lose its popularity. Houses, baths are built from wood, it is used to install various beam ceilings. But wooden surfaces there are drawbacks - they are prone to decay, and various wood-boring insects start up in them. Properly executed impregnation for wood from moisture and decay allows you to preserve natural material longer.

Why does wood start to rot

Rotting destroys the base of the tree, the decay products released and traces of vital activity of microorganisms adversely affect the human body, causing various diseases (most often the lungs - due to the inhalation of fungal spores and putrefactive particles that enter the air).

But before choosing a composition for processing wood, you need to find out the causes of decay. It could be:

  1. The destructive effect of atmospheric phenomena. Under the influence of wind and temperature changes, the tree begins to dry out and crack, and moisture entering the cracks favors the germination of fungal spores. The destructive processes that have begun in wood attract insects (mainly wood-boring beetles), and this additional factor contributes to a more rapid destruction of the wood structure. To protect the tree on the street, you should select an antiseptic for outdoor work, which will provide protection from environmental influences and scare away woodworms.
  2. High humidity and insufficient ventilation. In wet rooms (sauna, bath, close-fitting cellar) ground water) the evaporation of moisture is slow, and if there is not sufficient ventilation, then water penetrates into the structure of the wood and lingers there long time. The constant moisture of wood fibers creates favorable conditions for the development of the fungus. A similar situation may arise in living rooms at home, when, due to insufficient heating in cold weather, moisture accumulates in the corners and a whitish mold appears.
  3. Constant contact with earth or water. In this case, there is direct contact with moisture and various microorganisms, which increases the risk of mold and fungi.

The composition of the antiseptic must be selected taking into account the factors affecting the surface.

How can you protect the wood structure from destruction

There are several ways to protect wood from moisture:

  • waterproofing (prevents the penetration of water to the surface of the wood);
  • providing sufficient ventilation to remove moisture;
  • protective impregnation with antiseptic.

Waterproofing and ventilation cannot give a 100% guarantee of protecting the material from fungal infections and rot. Therefore, they are recommended to be used in addition to impregnation with an antiseptic, which may differ according to the following criteria:

  1. Place of application. For outdoor work, it is necessary to choose mixtures not only with increased moisture resistance, but also with resistance to temperature extremes.
  2. toxicity. Some formulations with high protective qualities are highly toxic and should not be used indoors. For outdoor use, toxicity does not matter.
  3. character active substance. Separate organic and inorganic. Organic ones last longer, have a high protective ability, but are dangerous for the human body.
  4. type of solvent. May be water or have a different basis. Aqueous are considered non-toxic. In the construction market in 2016, a wide range of water antiseptics with great protective qualities is presented, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
  5. Depth of penetration into the wood structure. Some solutions penetrate deep, filling the pores of the wood and preventing the penetration of moisture, while others create a waterproof film on the surface.
  6. Validity period. Some compositions provide protection for 3-5 years, others, especially those made by hand, are effective for a short time (1-2 years).

Impregnations may contain only one antifungal antiseptic, but in most cases manufacturers offer comprehensive protection against decay, insects, fungus and fire.

Varieties of impregnating solutions

Conventionally, all protective compounds for impregnating wood can be divided into several groups.

Water repellent

They have high fluidity and penetrate deep into the wood structure. Such antiseptics are recommended for use in places with high humidity (bath, kitchen). Even the accumulation of water on the floor or walls does not affect the protective qualities of the composition. Moisture-repellent preparations are recommended for the treatment of sleepers, wooden poles and other products that are in direct contact with the ground or water.


They have a small penetration depth and form a thin, durable film on the surface. The downside is high toxicity and the fact that oil mixtures can only be applied to dry products.

water soluble

Eco-friendly, easy to use and dry quickly. Ideal for rooms with moderate humidity. They can process not only wood, but also plywood, chipboard and other derivatives of wood.


They are made on the basis of varnishes or paints. Such antiseptics penetrate shallowly into the structure of the tree, but when dried on the surface, they form a thick, durable film. Well suited for outdoor work or for finishing non-residential premises. Toxic and take a long time to dry.

In the market of paint and varnish products in 2016, all these varieties are represented by different manufacturers in a wide range. Each master can choose an impregnating agent, taking into account the characteristics of the wood product used.

How to choose the right impregnation

When choosing a suitable antiseptic, the following parameters must be considered:

  1. Action on fungus and mold. If the impregnating composition is purchased for preventive treatment, then it is enough to take a standard composition. In the case when a “treatment” of a tree already damaged by a fungus is required, it is recommended to choose a more active formula of active ingredients.
  2. impact on wood. Some mixtures not only kill mold and insects, but also damage the structure of the tree (more often this is a change in color).
  3. degree of penetration. The deeper the solution penetrates into the wood fibers, the more effective the protection will be.
  4. Resistant to temperature extremes. This parameter is important for outdoor work.
  5. Validity. The time during which the antiseptic mixture retains its ability to resist microorganisms.
  6. The presence of an odor. Even a non-toxic composition with a pungent odor is not recommended for use in a residential building - an unpleasant odor will create discomfort.
  7. Safety. In places where people live or there are pets, only non-toxic formulations should be used.
  8. Consumption. Usually, depending on the viscosity of the mixture, it ranges from 100 to 400 g/sq.m.

Protective impregnations can be produced as an independent solution or included in primers, varnishes or pastes.

Home remedies

Despite the fact that manufacturers offer many options for impregnating compositions, some home craftsmen prefer to make protection for wood from fungus and rot with their own hands. The most commonly used for this purpose are:

  1. Copper vitriol. 100 g of dry matter is diluted in 7-10 liters of water and used for outdoor work. Vitriol is used to treat fences and external surfaces of various buildings.
  2. Used oil. The oil drained from the machines and outdated is used for wood in contact with the ground (house crowns, piles and the lower part of the pillars before digging into the ground).
  3. Hot bitumen or tar. Coating with hot tar provides high protection of the tree from fungi and rot, well repels insects. Tar is used in wooden cellars and other auxiliary rooms with high humidity.
  4. Slaked lime. Regular whitewashing allows you to create a film of calcium hydroxide on the surface, which serves as an antiseptic and prevents the development of rot.
  5. Salt and boric acid. 50 g of dry acid and 1 kg of salt are poured into 5 liters of boiling water. The solution is used after cooling.

How to process wood

It doesn’t matter what type of impregnation is used: a mortar, a primer or a self-made mixture, to increase the effectiveness of the product, the wood must first be prepared:

  1. To clear a surface of pollution and the remains of old facing (if repeated processing is carried out).
  2. Wash. Washing increases the depth of impregnation. Smaller surfaces can be cleaned with a brush and cloth, but for larger areas a car wash (car washer with pressurized water) is recommended.
  3. Dry. Some compounds can be applied to a wet base, but most antiseptics are recommended to be used only after the wood has dried.

After preparing the product, it is recommended to dilute the mixture, as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. Liquid solutions can be sprayed with a spray gun, and more viscous ones can be distributed over the wood in an even layer using a roller or brush. When carrying out protective work, professionals advise:

  1. Use protective equipment. Impregnations are most toxic at the time of spraying, and it is recommended to work with them in a mask, goggles and gloves.
  2. Exactly observe the specified drying time if you plan to further decorative trim. Applying a primer or wallpaper paste to a wet antiseptic will cause it to “smear”, and the protection will be uneven.
  3. During processing, even with non-toxic compounds, it is recommended to remove pets and children from the house. In addition to the fact that children and animals may be more susceptible to the components of the impregnating preparation, they can simply smear the wet layer and disrupt the quality of the treatment.
  4. It is not necessary to apply more layers for increased protection than the manufacturers recommend - the protective qualities will not increase, there will only be an unnecessary consumption of material.

If the treatment was carried out in accordance with all the rules, then the antiseptic will reliably protect the wood throughout the entire time specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

When you want to extend the life of the building, then you should not neglect the impregnation from rot and fungi, especially since the solutions are inexpensive. It is better to prevent the appearance of pests that destroy the wood structure in a timely manner than to spend time and money on restoration.

From antiquity to today, wood is an indispensable construction material, which has multiple positive characteristics that make it valuable to users. Wood is a soft, but durable and loved by many people material from which they are built. country houses, baths and other buildings. Even if bricks or foam blocks are used for the construction of a building, then a bathhouse, a garage, a gazebo or a veranda must be erected on a site of logs, timber or boards. Very popular and interesting wooden decor, which decorates wells, benches, swings,. Wooden fences and fences look beautiful.
However, all its advantages do not make wood less vulnerable and not subject to decay. It is for this reason that wood must be treated with special compounds before use.
There are a lot of means to protect wood from moisture, fire, insects and decay. Therefore, you need to at least understand a little about them and know which ones are better to use.

What causes wood to rot

There are many reasons why wood rots. This is due to:

  1. High humidity, which is the main enemy of the material.
  2. Temperature changes that expand or contract the wood.
  3. Condensation that accumulates in the wood and does not come out of it.
  4. Freezing.
  5. Ground contact.

Preservation of wood from the destructive effects of moisture

When wood moisture exceeds 15%, its structure undergoes destruction: the tree swells, delaminates, and then shrinks. The results are deplorable: the shape of wooden products changes, they become covered with cracks and gaps.

Most wooden elements (with the exception of sisal and rattan, which grow in the tropics) deteriorate from high humidity.
There are many special solutions that can protect wood from moisture. They are:

  1. penetrating. The group of these products is a reliable barrier to liquids that are trying to penetrate the wood structure.
  2. Film-forming. Processing with these compounds should be repeated, periodically.

According to the experiments, moisture cannot penetrate into the pores of the timber, which is treated with a water-repellent composition, but unprotected wood quickly absorbs it.

Aidol Langzeit-Lasur is a medium-viscosity impregnating compound that is used to cover the walls of houses, country furniture, balcony and terrace railings, fences. The product is safe for human health, therefore it is used to cover children's toys and buildings. Available in various decorative shades: silver gray, teak, ebony, dark oak.

Applying a protective coating to wood to prevent decay.

When impregnating coniferous wood with Aidol Langzeit-Lasur, it must first be primed. Products damaged by mold and fungus are also pre-primed.

Belinka Interier Sauna consists of acrylic resins, water and special additives. It is a colorless azure, and is ideal for processing wood from which baths and bathrooms are built. The solution is applied in two layers using a roller, brush or sprayer.

Belinka Interier Sauna is able to make the wood silky and give it a shine. A 2.5-liter container of azure can be bought for 1000 rubles.

Premature rotting of wood occurs due to temperature changes, precipitation and solar radiation. The first signs of damage to wood are mold and fungus that have appeared on it. If a large area of ​​mold and fungus is noticed, then the wood cannot be saved.

If products or structures made of wood are constantly affected by the atmospheric environment, high humidity due to precipitation and condensate, it is necessary to carry out preventive work to ensure reliable protection of the material from decay and damage.

Means for the treatment of wood from destruction and decay.

It is best to use antiseptics for such purposes, which are available in the form of pastes or liquid solutions. There are universal means that protect wood from destruction by moldy fungi or harmful insects. Among these tools, the following are especially popular:

PINOTEX IMPRA. With this tool, wooden surfaces are processed, which are not intended to be decorated in the future. They can be beams, roof slings, sheathing details and other hidden parts of buildings. Impregnation is available in green. If you cover wood with it, mold, blue, fungus and rot will not appear on it. Sell ​​antiseptic PINOTEX IMPRA in containers big size(3 and 10 liters).

Senezh Ecobio. The tool is used as an independent coating, and it can also be used as a primer for varnishes and paints. It is applied in 2-3 layers, protects wood from decay for 30 years. It is not advisable to use this tool in the case of coating the wood surface with varnishes, paints, drying oil and other products that have a water-repellent property.

Means and preparations for wood processing

Taking measures to prevent wood decay is necessary when preparing material for construction. Rotting wood makes the material less dense, as a result of which the structure gradually loosens and collapses, and this is extremely dangerous for human life and health.

In order to prevent rotting of wood, it is necessary to periodically (at least once a year) carefully inspect the wooden surfaces of structures completely. Places infected with decay smell unpleasantly with a characteristic smell of rot and are covered with a white film.

Preventive measures are carried out taking into account the sources that cause wood decay:

  1. With the help of vapor barrier and thermal insulation, wood can be protected from condensation.
  2. By covering the wood surface with special paints and varnishes, you can protect it from the damaging effects of atmospheric humidity.
  3. By allowing wood products or structures to dry naturally using sunlight, you can rid them of excess moisture.

The most common and effective ways protection of wood from damage - this is conservation and the use of antiseptics - a poisonous effect of drugs on microbes is produced, which excite the processes of decay.

Protective equipment can be:

  1. Paints. The use of paints allows you to protect wood from putrefactive processes, while at the same time refreshing the appearance of products.
  2. Lucky. They prevent cracking of wood, give it a dull or glossy look, do not allow the surface to fade.
  3. Antiseptics. They can be used even when the mold has already appeared.

When choosing a remedy, read the instructions with special attention, since some drugs carry out exclusively internal processing, and others only external processing. Combined antiseptics process only external surfaces, since they have toxic properties.

The choice of means for protecting and treating wood from decay.

When comparing anti-rotting wood products by their price, one can understand that paints and varnishes cost more than antiseptics, and a large amount of paint is needed to prevent decay. For the above reasons, it is much more profitable to use an antiseptic.

Anti-rot wood products

Means that protect wood from decay are produced by various manufacturers, but preparations produced in Russia are more popular:

The drug "Sagus" is a Russian high-quality anti-rotting agent that protects the surface of the wood, and which makes it beautiful and healthy.

Preparations "Neomid" and "League Bioshield" are quite in demand, because they perfectly protect wood from decay.

The drug "Neomid 500" - with its help you can disinfect the surface of the wood, prevent its infection with all kinds of fungi, remove the "running" stage of decay.

"Neomid 440" and "Neomid 450" - allow you to "preserve" the processing.

Antiseptic "Senezh" protects the wood surface from the processes of decay and mold. They can be intended for outdoor and indoor processing, or for the use of wood in rooms with high humidity. With this antiseptic, surfaces can be re-treated, excluding those that were previously treated with oil products. "Senezh" protects the wood surface for 35 years. From above, paints, varnishes, adhesives and other substances are applied to it.

"Drevosan Profi" can protect the wood surface from damage by insects, fungi and mold. It is applied both on contaminated surfaces and as a preventive measure. It is best to use this tool for external processing.

Flame retardants will help to reliably protect wood from fire.

To protect wood from fire, it is necessary to use fire-resistant preparations - flame retardants for its processing. Residential buildings made of wood must be in without fail treated with flame retardants.

Means of processing and protection of wood from fire.

When a substance impregnating wood is exposed to a flame, it becomes a thin film that prevents combustion for some time.

Flame retardants are available in various forms, so it could be:

  1. solutions;
  2. Plaster;
  3. Paint;
  4. Coating.

For example, NEOMID 530 impregnation is used for exterior and interior coatings, and has a decent guaranteed service life of up to seven years. Provides excellent fire protection for wooden walls, ceilings, doors and window blocks and partitions. The flame retardant has a composition that does not change the structure of the tree. On top of the impregnation, you can apply varnish, paint, primer.

After application of NEOMID 530 flame retardant, some wood will appear tinted, making it necessary to test before use.

Pyrilax - biopyrene - this tool provides protection for wood surfaces from fires and localizes fires. The drug protects the wood from mold and prevents insects from developing in it. Effective protection provided inside and outside buildings. The drug is safe, so they can process buildings where poultry and livestock are kept.

Pyrilax, which is used to cover outdoor wooden surfaces, does not wash out precipitation for 13-15 years. Internal protection is provided for 25 years.

How to protect wood from insects

With tiny bugs, furniture made from natural wood, as well as wooden walls and floors of buildings, can be turned into dust. Grinder beetles, barbels and weevils, as well as their larvae, slowly but stubbornly destroy untreated wood. And only special methods of protection will save her from this.

As you know, replacing damaged logs and beams is much more difficult and expensive than taking preventive measures. With the help of insecticidal solutions, pests that have comfortably settled in it can be driven out of the wood, as well as blocking the way for new ones.

You can use folk remedies when processing wood:

  1. A solution of tar in turpentine.
  2. Chlorophos.
  3. Paraffin.
  4. A mixture of kerosene and carbolic acid.

However, these products are not as effective as the formulations used in professional processing.

With the help of "Aqua-lacquer Bor", having impregnated wood with it, you can protect the tree from any negative external manifestation, including insects. The product is used for impregnation of window and door blocks, skirting boards, stairs, railings, fences, wooden walls buildings and structures. Transparent impregnation does not distort the texture of wood, only its color changes. The varnish is easily diluted with water, but it is necessary that the percentage of water does not exceed 10% of the total volume of the varnish.

Means of protecting wood from insects and pests.

Aqua varnish is applied in several layers, the number of which is affected by the location of the wooden elements: if they are indoors, they are varnished in two layers, and if outdoors, at least three layers.

With the help of antiseptic "Tonotex" simultaneous protection of wood surfaces and their decoration is carried out. The tool is able to emphasize the texture of wood, and does not change its properties. Various shades give ordinary wood colors of any valuable wood species.

Tonotex is a universal product used for the treatment of wood coatings on summer cottages: protects them from atmospheric influences and biological threats in the form of insects.

Choosing the Right Protective Equipment

When choosing a protective agent for wood treatment, be sure to consider:

  1. Individual features of the object under construction.
  2. The place where it will be located.
  3. purpose of its construction.

For example, if a building is being built in a coastal zone or the room itself is with a high level of humidity, select a preparation that can protect wood from temperature changes and from excessive moisture. Most often, such drugs have a validity period of 12 years.

In addition, keep in mind that often the drug not only prevents decay, but also protects the wood from ignition. Such "multifunctional" tools serve no more than seven years.

For the treatment of terraces or arbors, it is best to use products that are difficult to wash off, one treatment with which protects wood for 35 years.

Fences, windows and other objects with a rounded shape are treated with special solutions that protect them from cracking, while ensuring uniform shrinkage of the tree over the entire surface.

Frequent processing of wood is not required, but if cracks appear on its surface, it is worth additional processing of its surface.

Modern Russian manufacturers offer various impregnations that prevent the destruction of wood. Among them are "Wood Doctor", "Elkon", "Bioks", which save wood from fungi and mold. They perform internal and external processing.

The most high-quality foreign preparations are those produced by the Dulux company, which produces a large selection of impregnations that protect wood from the appearance of fungi.

Also often used products manufactured by Alcator. These preparations are able to penetrate deep into the wood and dry quickly. At the same time, treated wood surfaces serve for a long time.

What technology can be used to process wood

Wood processing can be done in a different way. If the material is prepared for construction, it is processed by immersion in special solutions, but this requires special equipment.

Sometimes the wood is laid without pre-treatment. In this case, a spraying method is used that protects the material from decay, but does not penetrate to great depths, therefore it is used as a temporary protection.

Spraying protective preparations is also used in cases where facilities have already been built. Before spraying, careful preparation of the object is necessary - it must be cleaned of dust and dirt, after which the preparation should be applied two or three times (the interval between this is 15 minutes).

Application of drugs is carried out according to the general rules:

  1. First, the wood is thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Using sandpaper, gently smooth out the gaps.
  3. With the help of any detergent wood is washed with warm water.
  4. The boards are thoroughly dried.
  5. Then a protective preparation is applied as many times as the instructions indicate.

When treating wood, handle the product with extreme care to ensure your safety. It should not get on open areas of the skin and in the eyes. If Chemical substance contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately running water. when spraying, use protective equipment for the respiratory organs.

Ensuring comprehensive protection of a residential building

When comparing a village house built in the last century and a modern country cottage, you will notice a huge difference when it comes to the appearance of wood. In the last century, houses were built without additional protection, so the wood only looked good for a few years. Soon the logs became porous, gray, cracks and small holes appeared on them.

Currently, a comprehensive processing of each wood detail and construction, so the appearance of the houses for a long time remains in its original state.

In building supermarkets, you can buy any protective compounds for wood: both affordable domestic ones and more expensive ones from foreign manufacturers.

Many different impregnations, azures, varnishes and paints are produced, consisting of substances that protect wood from rapid wear, decay and destruction by insects. If you use protective compounds when building a house, it will be impregnable, reliable and safe. And, most importantly, do not forget about personal protective equipment during processing.