Sheathe the house under the stone. Facade panels under the stone for exterior decoration of the house

SimpleBuild sells stone-like facade panels manufactured by Royal Stone, Alta-Profil, etc. The catalog contains materials that effectively imitate the surface of malachite, rocky stone, granite various kinds(Siberian, Karelian), etc. We carry out deliveries of facade panels in Moscow, it is also possible to send them to the regions. Experienced SimpleBuild specialists will be happy to help you choose materials for cladding a particular building, tell you about the features of each of them. In addition, we have a wide range of additional elements (profiles, planks, etc.) under the stone, which will allow you to create a beautiful harmonious design of the outer surface of the building.

Main advantages

This finish compares favorably with natural analogues by the following basic features:

  • lower price. This makes facade panels cost-effective and affordable building materials for a wide range of buyers;
  • small weight. Panels for the facade under the stone create a noticeably lower load on the base, which reduces the cost of construction;
  • spectacular appearance. Decorative facade panels under the stone outwardly practically do not differ from natural materials and therefore can be used to decorate the most respectable buildings. You can see the photo in the SimpleBuild catalog;
  • practicality in use. It is much easier to care for panels for finishing stone facades than for natural counterparts. You can wash them from dust using a directed water jet;
  • resistance to external influences. Natural stone can absorb moisture and foreign matter, facades made of it can grow moss. The panels are resistant to such factors. At the same time, they retain the basic advantages of natural materials: incombustibility, strength, resistance to decay.

To buy stone effect facade panels, add them to the "Basket" or contact SimpleBuild at any of the contact numbers.

Choosing the right type of exterior finish for your home is not an easy task. The very first condition is always beauty, elegance and solidity of appearance. In addition, the outer shell of the house must perform several other functions, be durable and inexpensive.

Such conditions can be confusing and seem incompatible, but there are options that can cope with such requirements. In fact, most types of exterior finishes do their job quite well, but most the best choice the use of facade panels imitating masonry is presented.

Among all types of siding, they have gained the greatest popularity, the main reason for which is due to the successful combination of operational and decorative qualities.

facade panels- This is a variety for exterior decoration of the house. Another name for the material is, but at this point in time it is not entirely correct, since facade panels have already grown from the role of a highly specialized material to a full-fledged outer covering. The initial purpose of the material was to finish the lower part of the house, more precisely, the visible outer part of the foundation.

At the same time, the auxiliary material turned out to be quite capable of performing the main task, moreover, at a higher decorative level. The aesthetic level of the cladding fabric basement siding significantly higher than the traditional one, this is recognized by all users.

The reason for this situation was the drawing of the panels, more precisely, the imitation of brick or stonework that they perform. The level of repetition of texture and color is very high, since most often a part of natural masonry from one or another type of stone or brick is taken as the basis for making a mold for casting material, from which an impression is made.

As a material for the manufacture of facade panels are used:

  • Acrylic. etc.

The most common polypropylene and vinyl samples, as they have the best value for money. The strongest feature that determined the high demand was the high quality of the stone wall imitation. The realism of the performance is such that even up close it is difficult to determine whether it is a natural material or a copy. If we take into account that the price of facade panels is many times less than that of natural samples of finishing stone, then the reasons for the popularity become clear.

During the manufacture, the surface of a certain type of finishing stone is repeated:

  • Granite.
  • Butovy stone.
  • Slate.
  • Sandstone.
  • Dolomite.
  • Flagstone, etc.

There are many samples of imitation of a particular type of stone, and each of them has a lot of color options - from light to dark. In sum, a rather impressive range of panels is obtained, the choice is so wide that it takes some time to simply familiarize yourself with all the offers. In this, facade panels are far ahead of traditional types of siding, which cannot boast of such a variety of colors and textures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of facade panels are:

  • High realism of imitation of natural materials.
  • Wide choose texture and color options.
  • More convenient size for installation than conventional types of siding.
  • Light weight(light), not overloading load-bearing structures (except for fiber cement materials).
  • Relatively low price (does not apply to fiber cement samples).
  • Weather resistance, ultraviolet rays, low temperatures.
  • Mold, fungus does not appear, the material is not subject to decay.
  • Easy to install, possibility self-fulfillment installation.
  • There is no need for care.
  • Long plating life.

The disadvantages include:

  • For fiber cement samples - high prices, large weight of the panels.
  • Plastic types of material become brittle at low temperatures.
  • High coefficient of expansion when heated, which requires certain installation requirements.

different types source material bring their own pluses and minuses, peculiar only to certain types of facade panels and atypical for all others.

Specifications and dimensions

Specifications depend on the material, so the numerical dimensions may vary significantly:

  • Length - 1-1.25 m. (Some types can have up to 6 m of panel length).
  • Width - 0.45 m (There are samples with a width of 0.26 m).
  • Thickness - 1-1.2 mm (fiber cement panels have 6-12 mm thickness).
  • The operating temperature range is from -50° to +60°.
  • Service life - On average, manufacturers claim 50 years, although these data are still purely declarative, there is no possibility of practical confirmation today.

Types of facade panels under the stone

Each manufacturer has an impressive list of varieties of stone facade panels. Many of them are similar to each other, but never completely repeat. There are some differences in size or configuration, but the main variation lies in the type of stone that is repeated by the sheathing.

At the same time, often the name of a certain line has a name that only indirectly names the material, for example:

  • Rocky stone.
  • Wild stone.
  • Canyon.
  • Neapolitan stone.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Florentine stone, etc.

This situation is caused by a large number of similar samples that need their own non-repetitive names in order to avoid confusion.

In addition, different materials from which the panels are made bring their own properties that distinguish this type of facade panels from similar ones. Thus, fiber cement and vinyl samples differ significantly from each other, which also gives reason to classify them as different subgroups.

Major manufacturing companies

The high demand and popularity of the material is largely due to mass production. Of the most well-known companies involved in the manufacture of wall panels under the stone, we can name:

  • Holzplast.
  • fineber.
  • nordside.
  • Technical equipment.
  • Dolomite.
  • Yu-layer.
  • Alta profile, etc.

The full list of manufacturers is too wide and constantly growing, it makes no sense to give it. The listed companies are the most famous, their products have all the necessary certificates and fully comply with modern technical and sanitary requirements, therefore, when choosing a material, you should first focus on these brands.

Lathing installation

The crate for basement siding is the supporting structure. It performs several important functions:

  • Serves as a support for sheathing.
  • Allows you to combine insulation and sheathing.
  • Provides ventilation gap.

There are options for mounting directly on the wall, without crates, but such methods are not typical and serve exclusively for decorative purposes.

To create a crate are used:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Metal guides.
  • Specialized designs produced for certain types of panels.

In terms of price-quality ratio, metal guides are leading, which are suitable for any type of panel.

The order of installation of the crate:

  • cleaning wall surface from foreign objects, sealing problem areas, primer. In difficult cases - full plastering of the wall.
  • markup, determination of installation points for direct suspensions (brackets).
  • Installation of hangers. Laying insulation and waterproofing layer.
  • Installation of lathing laths on top of the insulation. It is made on the protruding petals of the suspensions. It is necessary to carefully control the position of the planks so that they form as even a plane as possible.

If the thickness of the insulation does not allow one layer of planks to be dispensed with - the length of the suspension petals is not enough, then installation is carried out in two layers:

  • After installing the brackets, the first layer of the crate is installed. The direction of the strips corresponds to the position of the facade panels, the distance from the wall to the top point must be no less than the thickness of the insulation.
  • Insulation is installed between the slats of the crate.
  • On the first layer of planks in the transverse direction, a counter-lattice is installed - the second layer, which combines the functions of the supporting structure and the ventilation gap.

The second method is less economical, but the need for proper and efficient insulation of the house has the main priority, therefore, they are always guided by considerations of operation, and not economy.

How panels are fixed

For fastening panels or component parts are used nails or, more commonly, self-tapping screws. They must have a protective coating that protects the fasteners from corrosion. Usually galvanized screws are used.

The panels are installed according to the rules, the observance of which is mandatory - otherwise the geometry of the skin will be violated or its destruction will occur.

Basic condition correct installation is the observance of thermal clearances. A change in the linear dimensions of the material under the influence of temperature, which can significantly increase or decrease within one day, makes it necessary to provide some space to compensate for excess volume when heated.

When installing the material, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Longitudinal joining of any elements or installation of additional elements into the grooves is not done closely, but with a gap of 3 mm in summer time up to 6 mm in winter.
  • Self-tapping screws are not screwed all the way, a small (1 mm) gap is needed so that all elements can move freely when expanding or cooling.
  • The installation of self-tapping screws is carried out perpendicular to the supporting surface exactly in the center of the oval holes, this will allow the sheathing elements to move freely in the right direction.

Finishing instructions

How to sheathe a house with facade panels? The lining order is as follows (photo below):

  • Installation of the starting bar. To do this, mark a horizontal line that will indicate the bottom edge of the canvas. It is used to install the starting bar. We must not forget about the temperature gaps and loose fastening of self-tapping screws.


Some types of cladding do not need a starter bar. For such types, it serves only as an even reference line, which is removed after the installation of the first row of panels.

  • Then the installation of corner strips is carried out.. They are installed at the outer corners of the house and around the perimeter of window and door openings. Additional elements are used that correspond to the main panels or, alternatively, have differences in color, texture and pattern, which introduces an additional decorative effect.
  • Installation of external panels starts from the lower left corner (usually). The first panel is cut vertically to form a straight edge, which is necessary to fit into the groove of the corner panel. The starting bar is fixed in the lock, the upper part is fastened with self-tapping screws into the oblong holes of the nail bar.
  • The following panels are attached according to design features - usually the next panel is inserted into special sockets of the previous one in order to seal the side joint as much as possible and make it invisible. The lower part is fixed in the starting bar, the upper one is attached to the screws.

  • All the following panels are fastened in a similar way until installation in the opposite corner profile. To do this, the edge of the panel from the side of the corner is cut to the desired length, inserted with one end into the sockets of the previous panel, and with the other end into the groove of the corner profile. The lower part, as usual, snaps into the lock of the starting bar, the upper one is fastened with self-tapping screws.
  • The next rows of panels are installed in the same way., but instead of the starting bar, the lock of the lower panels is used.
  • Completes the canvas with the installation of a J-bar, which forms the upper cut of the final row of panels.

Useful video

Video instruction for finishing the facade with decorative panels:


Stone-look facade panels are one of the most attractive and spectacular types of exterior cladding, which also performs the functions of protecting wall materials from atmospheric manifestations and facilitating the removal of steam from under the cladding. With all the qualities of the material, the cost and installation procedure are quite affordable for everyone and allow you to do the work yourself without involving expensive specialists.

The panels have a large selection of patterns, colors, allow you to use combinations of two or more colors, forming original variants home decoration. The popularity and demand for such material is steadily growing, manufacturers are updating their assortment, developing new options for the pattern, color and texture of the panels. Facade panels under the stone are a serious competitor to traditional siding, overtaking it in many respects and confidently occupying a leading position among finishing materials.

In contact with

The technology of finishing the plinth with panels that externally imitate stone originated in Canada and the USA, but now it is spreading more and more due to a lot of advantages. The panels that we are talking about in this article are a type of siding and it is easy to guess that they look like stone from the outside. They are produced using high pressure casting.

Despite the fact that it is beneficial to sheathe the base with this material from many sides, the installation must be carried out very accurately and carefully, however, the same applies to other finishing materials. So, let's consider how the plinth should be finished with stone panels.

The plinth is the part of the foundation that is above the ground. One of the functions that the plinth performs is to protect the building from moisture, including due to rain. Both the functional and architectural load lie on the plinth, so this part of the house must be treated very responsibly. The plinth also provides thermal insulation between the main space of the building and the basement.

Interesting! Architects believe that the plinth should be attributed to the wall, its lower part, but the builders, on the contrary, are sure that this is still an element of the foundation.

Advantages and relevance of plinth sheathing with stone panels

Firstly, modern materials have an excellent design and significantly improve the exterior of the building. Secondly, the technique allows you to increase the resistance to moisture, which allows you to forget about problems with foundation cracking for a long time. If the liquid gets into the voids of the material from which the base of the building is made, it will freeze in cold weather, and, as you know, ice has a larger volume than water, and as a result, cracks will appear. To better understand the principle, you can put a PET bottle filled with water in the freezer overnight - in the morning the container will be severely deformed. The same thing happens with building materials if moisture gets into them.

The plinth has a much greater load than the facade, so this part of the building must be treated with great attention. Temperature fluctuations that cannot be avoided, currents can have a bad effect on the condition of the basement. ground water, the pressure of the house itself, precipitation in the form of rain or snow.

Finishing the plinth with panels - features of the material and fastening

One of the ways that have proven themselves in protecting the plinth are special panels stylized as a stone structure. Among the important positive points, it is worth highlighting the following.

Basement siding "Alta profile"

Price for decorative stone

Decorative rock


It is difficult to find really serious negative sides of the plinth finishing panels, but you can point out a couple of points.

  1. Color restrictions. It will not work to choose a shade to your taste, since the panel is externally stylized as a stone, which has specific soft colors. But, if you didn’t manage to choose the desired design in the store catalogs, you can always contact the manufacturer directly and place an order to your liking. Whether it is worth paying extra for such a service is up to you.
  2. Despite the fact that the panels resist the loads and the influence of many destructive factors very well, do not expect resistance to fire. Since the main material of manufacture is still plastic, the panel will quickly melt when elevated temperatures, and therefore it is not worth frying a barbecue or burning garbage near the house.

Materials from which stone panels are made for basement decoration

The production of such products is carried out only on new, innovative technologies, which appeared thanks to the hard work of specialists with highly qualified. Only materials that are highly resistant to low temperatures and endowed with water-repellent properties are used. Also, they (materials) should not crack in winter and with strong windiness. Most often, polypropylene is taken as the basis, which is formed by casting, the characteristics of such panels are always at a high level.

In general, it is possible to use different polymers if they have added chemical substances extending the life of the product. The choice of base material directly affects the cost.

Existing types of panels

Before choosing and purchasing the required number of panels, you need to deal with existing species of these products, with all their features, strengths and weaknesses. Each variety has some differences that must be considered. To date, 4 types are widely used, which are presented in the table.

Table. Popular types of plinth panels under the stone.

Panel ViewFeatures and Benefits

Fiber cement type panels stand out from the entire range of products with their high strength characteristics and a high degree of weather resistance. Such products are difficult to distinguish from real stone, they do not harm either nature or human health.

These plinth panels are made on the basis of vinyl plastic, a variety of specific dyes can also be added to them, so that the color palette here is the widest, it is also easy to choose the desired texture. Ideal for those who are extremely important visual impression of the appearance of the house.

Acrylic plinth panels are highly resistant to harmful UV solar radiation. They are capable of retaining their original color throughout their entire period of use. The presented panels maintain long shock loadings.

They are good in cases where it is necessary not only to strengthen the base and make the interior more pleasant, but also to improve thermal insulation. The structure of such panels has several layers, the topmost of them - decorative - is finished in stone. The rest are technically important.

What does the cost depend on?

The price will depend on several factors at once. Firstly, this is a country that produces siding, and a specific company - the more reputable the company, the higher the cost. The material used also affects the composition of polymers, modifiers, and so on. If you are looking for easy-to-install products that have large sizes, then the price for them will be higher than for small options. If you want to save money, then you should not choose artsy panels, since the intricate texture and multi-colored significantly increase the cost. How better performance products, that is, resistance to temperature extremes, strength, resistance to wind - the more expensive it will cost.

Important! It is worth paying attention to the domestic manufacturer, among the goods they represent on the market now you can find very good copies not only externally, but also in terms of characteristics, while the price is an order of magnitude lower than that of foreign counterparts.

Prices for popular stone effect wall panels

Stone effect wall panels

Panel selection

When you start choosing stone-style panels for your plinth, there are a few things to keep in mind. If the product is of high quality, then the characteristics indicated by the manufacturer will be high, while the appearance should be appropriate, without defects. The material greatly affects the rate of fading under the sun, if the plinth is not in the shade and you want to maintain a beautiful exterior for a long time - ask the seller for more details.

It is better to buy panels in those places where there is a large selection of different goods so that there is plenty to choose from. The period of successful work is also very important: if a company exists for several years and many customers with positive reviews have accumulated for them, it means that it sells a quality product. Decide what is more important - convenience during installation or savings. If the first, then you should pay attention to large panels, if the second, then to small ones. A good product must be accompanied by a license and a certificate, which guarantee the quality.

The facade, lined with Dagestan stone, looks prestigious and gives the impression of the wealth of the homeowner. However, the cost of such a finish is relatively small and comparable to the cost of the device " wet facade". Therefore, with relative cheapness, you can get an impressive result. Read more in.

Panel mounting

Installing the panels under the stone is easy. You need to be very careful and pedantic in the process, carefully carry out all measurements and calculations.

We will tell you how to properly install the finishing panel on a concrete base.

Prices for cordless drill/driver

Cordless Drill

We will need:

  • roulette;
  • circular saw with a diamond blade;
  • perforator;
  • fasteners.

Step 1. We calculate the required number of panels in one row. To do this, we divide the total length of the wall (minus the space for corner elements) by the useful length of one panel.

Step 2 If there is not enough part to cover the full length of the wall, or you need to install panels along the contour of a window or other element without closing it, use a tape measure and accurately measure how you need to cut the panel. With manual circular saw with a diamond disc or a hacksaw, we cut out the part we need from one panel.

Important! Do not cut more than 1 piece from each product, otherwise the result will not look so natural.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Step 3 We proceed to the installation of panels. We lean the product against the base exactly in the place where it will be located. We need to drill a mounting hole with a puncher, after which we use special fasteners for secure fixation.

Step 4 We move the next panel, fasten it in 6 places so that it is resistant to the wind - 5 fasteners on the top and 1 on the side. The top attachment line must start from the center.

Step 5 We make sure that the fastening is not too rigid in order to ensure proper response to temperature changes (expansion compensation).

Important! Also, gaps are needed between the panels for the same purpose. If you are installing in winter, then the width of the joint should be about 15 cm, and if in summer, then no more than 10 cm.

Video - Installation of plinth panels

As you can see, the installation process is not at all complicated and does not take much time, while your house will be insulated, and the basement will be reinforced and protected from moisture. The technology allows you to simply and cheaply add elegance to the exterior and increase the life of the building.

If you want your house to look beautiful, solid and elegant and at the same time do not require repairs for a long time, then it is important to take care of a good building cladding. At the same time, not always high-quality, durable and unusual finishes require a lot of labor and impressive cash injections. In particular, modern market offers such an innovative product as stone, brick or wood effect facade panels, which imitate these materials so faithfully that they can only be distinguished from natural ones upon closer examination.

Also important is the fact that the panels can be installed do it yourself. Next, let's talk in detail about the varieties and features of basement siding, paying special attention to the "stone" options.

Consider the most popular options that help create an interesting visualization of masonry, incl. textures such as wild stone, rock, slate.

pvc or vinyl

They are based on various polymers, to which coloring, modifying and stabilizing substances are added, as a result, options are obtained in a variety of ways. different colors and invoices.

Advantages of plastic panels:

  • fireproof;
  • water resistant;
  • resistant to fading;
  • have a small weight;
  • easy to install and maintain;
  • inexpensive.

Weak sides material:

  • emit toxic gases in case of fire;
  • become brittle in the cold.

vinyl siding prices

Vinyl siding

Fiber cement panels

They are made from sand and cement with the addition of cellulose and mineral fiber as follows: cement mortar poured onto a reinforcing frame made of cellulose, synthetics or fiberglass, the outside of the plate is covered with acrylic. Due to the high content of cement, the panel is quite solid. Some manufacturers add mica and quartz sand, which increases the strength and durability of products. And in order for them to have resistance to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation, they are varnished. Also, the use of high-quality dyes and varnishes creates unique textures and colors of surfaces.

Video - Japanese fiber cement panels

Table 1. The main manufacturers of fiber cement panels.

The name of the companyPeculiaritiesPanel price / rub.
kmewA Japanese brand whose plates are characterized by increased frost resistance due to the presence of special microgranules in the composition.from 1500
ZiererFor more than 30 years, the German company has been producing safe, durable panels that retain their original appearance for many years.from 1000
Casa VerdeThe Russian company has been producing panels and thermal panels since 2012, the warranty period is 30 years, and the estimated one is 100 years.from 1000
TechnoNIKOL HauberkFor more than two decades, the Russian manufacturer has been manufacturing panels with an outer layer of natural basalt, which ensures a long service life.from 500

Reference! Fiber cement panel is obtained by pressing, which takes place under pressure 600-650H/cm 2 , and autoclaving at a temperature 175 degrees. After manufacturing, each copy is tested for compliance with the declared characteristics.

Appearance of fiber cement panels


  • strength is the main advantage, which corresponds to the quality of porcelain stoneware facade tiles;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to low temperatures and extremes allows you to operate it even in harsh climate conditions;
  • equipped with ventilation slots, thereby allowing free circulation of air between the panel and the heat-insulating layer;
  • has a heat-insulating and sound-absorbing function;
  • can be used both outside and inside the building;
  • no preparation is required before finishing.


  • not too presentable appearance, as a result of which, after installation, painting of the panels is required;
  • high price.

Insulated panels

They are based on insulation, and front side represents a designer layer of polymer coating, consisting of polyvinyl chloride, resin, foam and stone dust, which allows you to clearly highlight the stone texture, emphasize slate rock, rubble and wild stone.

Schematic composition of the insulated panel


  • do not exert strong pressure on the foundation;
  • the finishing process can be carried out in any climatic conditions;
  • quick payback, due to the fact that a house sheathed with panels can be heated half as much;
  • fireproof;
  • do not allow mold and fungi to multiply;
  • very durable.


  • thorough surface preparation is required;
  • high price.

Prices for thermal panels

Thermal panels

Stone or brick effect tiles, ceramic and clinker

This type includes thermal panels, they are a clinker facing material with polyurethane foam. The tile is made from clay with a mineral composition. Chamotte is added to the clay for heat resistance.


  • safe for the environment;
  • moisture resistant;
  • easily tolerates temperature changes;
  • the service life is several decades;
  • great thermal insulation;
  • not whimsical in care;
  • easy to repair;
  • due to its low weight, it does not exert a load on the foundation;
  • not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Weak sides:

  • high price;
  • the fragility of the decorative layer, and in some cases, the insulation.


Step-by-step instructions for finishing a house with fiber cement panels

We will need tools such as:

  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • level.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Panels come with evenly cut edges, and there are panels with tongue-and-groove locks. Facade kits are completed with the same elements as siding: corners, extensions, platbands, start and finish strips.

Important point! Some brands for fastening panels already have special kleimers, while others will have to drill holes for roofing screws during installation.

Finishing frame house with vertical posts

  1. We lay the insulation between the racks.
  2. We fix the basement ebb element to protect our basement. Almost every manufacturer offers this element complete with fiber cement panels.
  3. Then we install the hydro-wind protective membrane, we make overlaps at the corners from 100 to 150 mm, we fasten them with a special stapler.
  4. We install clamps on the corner, on the tongues of which we fasten the corner element. As for the inner corner, a special inner seal is provided, which is placed directly into the corner, sealing occurs on both sides.
  5. Then we put the first panel and attach it with the help of clamps to the racks. Between the corner element and the panel, if there is no groove-comb system, a seam seal is placed. There is an insulator on the panels. When there is an adjunction between them - panel to panel, then through this insulator the panels will be waterproofed.
  6. Then we strengthen the second panel. Again, if there is no tongue and groove system, the beginning of the panel is reinforced with clamps, which are attached at the beginning and end of each panel, as well as to the vertical posts of the batten. A special seam sealant is placed between each panel. If there is a groove-comb system, then a clamper is installed in the center of the joint from above, which will hold two panels at once.
  7. As for the window opening, before installing the panel, a special bar is placed under the window, which is also necessary for air circulation. In thickness, it should be the same as the kleimers. From the sides of the windows we install a seam seal, and above the window - a seam seal and a ventilation bar, as well as under the window. A window sill seal is also attached with a tail to drain water if condensate gets in. The panel is installed.
  8. To complete the top of the wall, a ventilation strip is installed on top. A panel holder is placed on the ventilation bar and finishing panels are installed.

Installation of panels on a wooden crate.

Important! There must be a gap between the horizontal bar under the window and the vertical bar of at least 30 mm. This is done for better air movement.

  1. We install a basement drain.
  2. We install the crate. At the corners and at the joints of the panels, the width of the plank should be about 90-100 mm, and the thickness is 25-40 mm. Intermediate strips: 45- 55 mm width, and the thickness is the same as the corner strips.
  3. The window opening is also trimmed. There is a nuance here: first, the lower bar is attached flush with the window opening, and then the bars are attached to the left and right sides and the last bar covers the top.
  4. After installing the crate, a starting plate is attached around the perimeter. The initial panel will be attached to it.
  5. Then a corner element with a kleimer is attached, which are used here in a different shape and with two antennae.
  6. We also fasten the corner panels from above with ordinary clamps, we mount seam seals to the rails to connect the joints between the panels.
  7. Then the same procedure takes place, which was described above, using kleimers and seam seals. A sealant is also placed on the inner corners, one panel is installed, reinforced with a clamp, then a seam sealer is placed in another plane and a panel is installed, which is also reinforced with a clamp.
  8. The processing of window openings practically also does not differ from the technology described above. Above the window we lay a seal with a tail to drain water if condensation accumulates. Three pieces are placed on a standard window. A ventilation bar is placed on top of the thickness of the kleimer, the rest of the steps are the same.

Advice! In order to save on these elements, you can get out of the situation as follows: take a panel of one color at the corners, and use another around the perimeter. The only thing is that you have to saw down the panels on one side at an angle 45 degrees so that the joint at the corner is tight.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing facade panels with insulation

Consider the option when the installation takes place on a bare wall without a crate and a hydro-wind protective membrane.

To work, you will need tools such as:

  • hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • grinder for sawing panels;
  • perforator;
  • dowel;
  • pliers.

Prices for popular models of rotary hammers


Work order:

  1. The installation takes place by attaching the plates to special antennae, for fixing which a hole is drilled in the wall with a perforator, and the antennae is attached to the dowel. The antennae is attached to one hole, the edge of the antennae is left unattached to connect with the next row of panels.
  2. The rows are attached to each other with the same antennae: one antennae goes behind the insulation of the other panel and holds the edge. The edges for alignment are lined with a rubber mallet.
  3. To avoid heat loss, a special foam glue is applied to the insulation, which fills all the gaps between the tiles during the expansion process.
  4. The corner is made like this: the edge of the tile should protrude, the size of the protrusion is equal to the thickness of the tile. A heater is selected from the edge, due to which a joint with another tile occurs.
  5. The window opening also does not cause difficulties: the tile is sawn along the window opening. If window hole goes deeper, then sawn tiles are inserted into the recesses, which are attached to the metal strips with a self-tapping screw. Above the window, two metal strips are attached to the dowels, and a tile is attached to them, in which a hole is drilled for this, a dowel is inserted there, and everything is also attached with a self-tapping screw, which is subsequently painted over.

Advice! For beauty, you can use the following finishing process: use tiles of a different color in the corners and along the edges.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing with stone-look clinker tiles

Prices for Ceresit glue

Glue Ceresit

For work you will need:

  • special glue;
  • tile cutter;
  • putty knife;
  • a thread;
  • brush.

Important! You need to start work with window and door openings.

Step 1. Treat the surface with glue.

Step 2 Moisten the tile with water, apply glue, make grooves.

Step 3 After laying the first row, pull a thread along the wall, which will serve as a beacon for laying other rows.

Price for popular models of laser levels

Laser level

Step 4 When gluing tiles, you must remember to leave seams identical in size to the thickness of the tile.

Step 5 Fill all seams with mortar and wipe. Result

Houses sheathed with stone-like facade panels look not only elegant, but fully correspond to your ideas about the appearance of the building - it can be aged, conveying the style of your favorite era, or ultra-modern. At the same time, such a cladding has a long service life, which will provide an attractive appearance for many years. If you want to update the design of the facade, then dismantling and new installation is very easy and can be done on your own. Another important factor is the absence of the need to care for the panels - only occasionally they can be rinsed with water to remove dust.

Especially exclusive are the houses, the facade panels of which are made under wild stone. In this case, their solidity and importance border on impregnability. However, their owners all year round live in comfortable conditions, because, as well as a natural stone, these panels keep indoors cool in the summer, and protect from penetrating winds and severe frosts in the winter.

MittenThe production of panels has been carried out since 1959, the main advantage of the products is the ability to withstand the temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees °C.from 415 KaycanA professional brand that has existed for over 40 years and manufactures panels using electronic equipment, which guarantees high quality and stable geometric characteristics of each piece.from 179 RoyalIt gives a 50-year guarantee on its product, and the widest selection of colors is presented in the catalog.from 155

Reference. Over the past decades, Russian products have also become competitive. In particular, firms Alta siding, the panels of which withstand frosts down to -50 degrees ° C and heat - up to +60°С, price 1 pc. from 124 rub, And Nordside, which does not use harmful and toxic substances in the manufacture and guarantees 50 year service life, panel price from 105 rub.

Table 3. Leading manufacturers of stone or brick effect tiles.

brand namePeculiaritiesPanel price / rub.
NailiteThe US brand produces tiles in 10 unique series, each of which can withstand temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees C. The warranty period is 25 years.from 890
Dock-RThe German quality of the panels ensures their long service life, confirmed by a 50-year warranty.from 350
grand lineThe Russian manufacturer produces premium-class tiles, for which it gives a lifetime warranty.from 260

And in conclusion, I would like to wish that no matter what type, design and texture the walls of your house were, the main thing is that an atmosphere of love and understanding always reigns inside, filling the hearts and souls of the household with warmth, comfort, light.

Facade finishing is one of the most important events. Not only the appearance depends on it, but also performance characteristics building. One of the ways to quickly and efficiently cope with the task is to use facade panels for the exterior of the house. They are different from various materials with different characteristics and appearance.

Types of facade panels

Facade panels for exterior decoration of a house are a solid group of materials with different technical specifications made from different materials. To choose, you need to at least roughly imagine their appearance, features and properties.

For finishing the facades of private houses

Not all facade panels are used for facing private houses. The point is not that “it’s impossible”, but that they don’t fit, and, moreover, almost everything appearance. Another reason is the complexity of installation and high cost. Today you can find the following facade panels for exterior decoration of the house different types. We list all of them below.

facade siding

A well-known finishing material in the form of long planks mounted on a frame. There are traditional options painted in one of the colors, there is an imitation of timber, logs, brickwork.

This is the most affordable material for finishing the facade of a house, but it is too thin and has a low resistance to mechanical damage. Another nuance is that the sunny side fades, and not everyone likes the look.

basement siding

Basement siding is also made of polymers - PVC (vinyl), polypropylene. It is produced in the form of rectangular panels, some with locks along the edges. Basically imitate. brickwork different colors and textures, wild or faceted stone.

Basement siding is made from polymers. The cheapest - made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polypropylene

The mass from which the plinth facade panels are formed is colored in mass, therefore scratches and other damages do not differ from front surface. They differ from facade siding not only in shape and price (more expensive), but also in greater thickness (20-30 mm, versus 15 mm) and more plausible imitation of stone or brick.

Fiber cement façade panels for house exteriors

Fiber cement is an environmentally friendly material that is obtained from a mixture of fiber (small synthetic fibers) and cement. Boards or slabs are formed from the mass, after which they are painted. They were invented in Japan, therefore they are also called “Japanese facade plates”.

Fiber cement boards - a serious finishing material

Disadvantages - a large mass and color of the surface layer (the cement base is visible on deep chips). Dignity - the material does not burn and does not support combustion. If we talk about the price, then Japanese stoves are expensive, but there are analogues of Chinese and domestic production with more loyal prices. Chinese, A-Vent groups, by the way, are of good quality. The company has been on the market for a long time, the reviews are mostly good.

WPC (Wood Polymer Composite)

The wood ground to fibers is mixed with a liquid polymer, a dye is added. Plates or boards (lining, planken) are formed from the resulting mass. This material is used not only for finishing facades, it is used for flooring near the pool, in the gazebo, on the open veranda.

In appearance, and even in tactile sensations, the wood-polymer composite is very similar to wood. The difference is that these "boards" do not need to be painted or varnished. They are long time save original view. The disadvantage is a considerable mass and high price. But they are durable, as they are painted in mass, chips and damage (if any) are not visible.

Porcelain stoneware

The appearance of this material is known to everyone, since a thinner variety is used to finish the floor. Facade porcelain tile differs in greater thickness and dimensions.

Facing the facade with porcelain stoneware has significant drawbacks: high weight, complexity of cutting and installation, which entails a high cost. installation work. And this is a plus to the fact that the material itself is far from cheap. The disadvantages also include an overly pompous appearance, so the architecture must be appropriate. And so, the decoration of the house with porcelain stoneware facade slabs is beautiful, durable, resistant to climatic factors.

Clinker facade panels

This is a multilayer material. A layer of insulation (polystyrene foam) is glued onto the OSB layer (not always available), and a thin clinker tile is glued to it. There is an option only from polystyrene foam and clinker. Produced in the form of rectangular blocks with serrated edges.

Clinker facade panels - finishing and insulation in one "bottle"

The material is expensive, but at the same time durable and attractive in appearance. In addition, thermal insulation characteristics are improved simultaneously with the finish. This is the only material that goes along with the insulation, therefore it is also called facade thermal panels.

So which is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed materials is better. In appearance, many of them are similar, although there are exceptions. For example, porcelain stoneware or facade siding can hardly be confused with anything. But all the rest have a similar flourish. So in this matter you have to focus on your own preferences.

As for the performance properties, there are no clear favorites either. All have features and disadvantages. So, according to these parameters, it is necessary to select facade panels for the exterior of the house, depending on the properties of the material from which the house is built and the need for heat / wind / sound insulation.

For example, vapor-permeable walls are best finished without foam. It does not conduct moisture. At all. In this regard, the use of clinker thermal panels is undesirable. No, you can add vapor barrier material from the inside. The vapor barrier will block moisture from entering the wall, everything will be fine with the finish. But moisture will remain indoors. To remove it, you need a powerful ventilation system, and its device - expensive pleasure. And it must be designed at the design stage of the house. So thermal panels can be used on houses made of wood or aerated concrete only if they are mounted on a crate. No direct wall mounting.

If we talk about cost. Of all the listed most cheap way finishes - facade siding. Next in price are basement siding, fiber cement boards and WPC. And the most expensive are porcelain stoneware and clinker facade panels.

For decoration of industrial buildings and offices

In this section, we list the facade panels that are most often used to decorate offices, industrial, commercial or warehouse buildings. This does not mean that they cannot be used for a private house or cottage. It’s just that their look is not very suitable for “home” in the broadest sense. But houses with non-standard architecture - in the style of techno, minimalism and other similar ones - can be finished very well. They will look even more unusual.

  • Metal panels. Available in rectangular or square blocks different sizes. They are made from steel or aluminum. Steel is cheaper, but prone to corrosion. Aluminum do not corrode, but are expensive. This type of facade panels for private houses is also sharply used due to their "noisiness", which makes them the least attractive of the whole group.

    Metal facade panels - for houses of non-standard architecture

  • translucent panels. This type of facade panels is used for finishing office high-rise buildings. They are made from transparent sheet plycarbonate or double-glazed windows - several glasses installed in one profile. In private housing construction, they can be used for the device winter garden, covered, glazing large terraces, balconies, loggias. Can be made from transparent material, painted in mass or sprayed (mainly mirror, on one side). You can, probably, decorate the whole house with translucent facade panels, but for this you need to involve an architect - the material is too demanding on aesthetics, and even with difficult technical installation conditions.

    Translucent panels - for decoration of winter gardens, covered verandas, arbors

  • . Produced in the form of blocks of large format. These are two metal plates (the front one is very similar to corrugated board), between which a heat-insulating material is laid. Appointment - finishing industrial and warehouse buildings. For private houses it is not suitable for aesthetic reasons, although it can be used for summer cottages, if not too high demands to appearance. Can you build from them? Technical buildings- , gatehouses, .

    Sandwich panels - for fast construction

  • Aluminum composite boards. One of the varieties of sandwich panels. Between two flat sheets of aluminum is a layer of composite material. Again, not very common to see in the private sector. There are two reasons - the high price and the same “office” look, although it may be suitable for finishing the basement, since the aluminum composite finish is not as “noisy” as just “metal”.

    Aluminium-composite plates - two sheets of metal with a composite layer

As you can see, any of the materials of this group can also be used to decorate a private house. The view will be non-standard. If this is what you need, choose the appropriate option.

Mounting method

Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house are made of different materials, have different shapes, but their installation method is very similar. During the installation process, special elements for fastening can be used, but the device is the same - according to the principle of ventilated facades. In short, the installation looks like this: a lattice is assembled from profiles, and facade finishing panels are attached to it.

Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house are attached to a special frame. It is exposed in a horizontal and vertical plane, after which facade panels are screwed onto it for exterior decoration of the house.

The frame is assembled from metal and plastic profiles sometimes use wooden bars. A wooden beam is an economical option, since in most areas of the country it costs much less than metal products. But it is suitable only for materials with low weight and not particularly demanding on the installation system.

Facade and basement siding, fiber cement boards, WPC, clinker panels can be fixed on the bars. Only before installation, the wood must be treated with antibacterial and flame retardant compounds. Bars can be replaced with galvanized drywall profiles. They also do their job well. But we must remember that most facade panels have their own system of profiles with special fasteners. Regular fastening usually provides for hidden installation - without damaging the front surface. Replacing the profiles with a beam, you have to drill holes in the finish for the installation of fasteners, and this is not very good, as it violates the tightness.

The system of ventilated facades is good because at the same time as finishing it is possible to insulate the building, improve sound insulation (lay appropriate materials between the profiles). Another important advantage is that the problem of condensate removal is easily solved. Disadvantage: significant material costs for the fastening system itself (plus the cost of facade panels).

Let's take an example of how to finish the facade with basement siding, fiber cement and clinker slabs. Why these materials? Because pro, and the materials cited are the closest competitors, gradually forcing it out of the market.

Basement siding installation

From traditional battens to linear Decoration Materials(siding, for example), the installation of basement siding is different in that the crate must be “in a cage” - profiles / bars must pass at the junction of the panels. Since the basement siding looks like a rectangle, the crate should also look like this. Another feature is the installation of the start and J-profile. They close the sections of the material, give support, give a finished look. They are not so expensive, so it’s not worth it to be smart trying to do without them.

And we must also remember that there are special corner panels for decorating the corners of the building. They are purchased separately, and often have a different color or even a different texture. So even a rectangular or square house looks more interesting.

The procedure for installing basement siding is as follows:

That's the whole installation of basement siding. After the crate is assembled, the process goes quickly (if the dimensions of the panels match and there are no problems with shades).

How to install fiber cement boards

Fiber cement facade panels for the exterior of the house can also be mounted on a crate of wooden bars, but they will have to be fixed through, having previously drilled a hole. Regular frame for the installation of fiber cement boards consists of horizontal and vertical profiles. In this case, the plates can be installed on clamps - special plates for flush mounting.

Frame assembly

The order of work is this:

When fastening with self-tapping screws, they are screwed in so that they fall into the profile. At the same time, one should try to get into the technological recess (the seam between the “bricks”). In this case, the fastening is less noticeable.

Fastening fiber cement boards to the frame

Fastening with clamps is hidden. In this case, the surface of the plate is not damaged. Clamps are attached to the profiles and hold the plates with special tongues. The order of work is this:

  • The bottom drain is installed.
  • The starting bar is attached.
  • The corners are set.
  • The first row of plates is placed in the starting bar, fixed with clamps from above. They are put, trying to get into the established profiles.
  • The next sheet rests on the ledges on the clamps. FROM reverse side fiber cement board has a special seal that guarantees the tightness of the joint.

This installation method is invisible - the clamps are located so that they are behind the panel, and the protruding tongues are closed with the next fiber cement slab.

According to this principle, most ventilated facades are mounted, which include all or almost all facade panels for the exterior of the house. The shape of the profiles and clamps is different, the installation step, everything else is very, very similar.

Installation of clinker facade panels

As already mentioned, any facade panels for exterior decoration of a house are mounted according to the same principle, therefore we will only talk about the differences that are specific to clinker thermal blocks.

Features of choice

Their main difference is that they come immediately with a heater - polystyrene foam. When choosing them, it is necessary to choose not only the quality of the clinker (when struck with a metal object, the sound should be sonorous). It is important to choose the right thickness of the insulation. The dew point should be in the thickness of the insulation. This is very important for normal operation (the walls will not get wet and freeze, the house will be warm and dry).

Second important point: on the smooth walls(height difference is not more than 3 mm) they can be mounted without a crate, directly to the wall. In this case, it is necessary to use long dowels or self-tapping screws (when mounting on wooden walls). Otherwise, a frame is assembled from wooden beam, which compensates for all the irregularities.

How is installation different?

Other significant installation differences:

Clinker facade panels for the exterior of a house after installation look exactly the same as a house built from clinker bricks. You will not find any differences at first or second glance. Unless the laying is too perfect.