What is the largest statue in the world. The tallest statues in the world

A statue is a sculpture that is a three-dimensional image of a human figure, animal, and sometimes fantastic.

Most of the tallest statues in the world are located in China, but Russia also has its record holders. By tradition, let's start from the last place.


A place: Volgograd, Russia
The total height of the monument: 57 meters
Year: 1973

Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin at the entrance to the Volga-Don shipping canal. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest monument erected to a real person.


A place: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 58 meters
Year: 1937

"Ideal and symbol of the Soviet era". The famous sculptural group of two figures with a sickle and a hammer raised above their heads.

According to the idea of ​​the sculptor, a young man and a girl personify the owners of the Soviet land - the working class and the collective farm peasantry.

"Worker and Collective Farm Girl" is the symbol of the film studio "Mosfilm".


A place: Kyiv, Ukraine
The total height of the monument: 61 meters
Year: 2000—2001

Monument dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. The monument is located in the center of Kyiv on Maidan Nezalezhnosti.


A place: Leshan, China
The total height of the monument: 71 meters
Year: 713

The Buddha statue is carved into the thickness of the rock in Lingyunshan Mountain at the confluence of three rivers in the Chinese province of Sichuan and for more than a millennium has been the tallest sculptural work in the world.


A place: Foshan, China
The total height of the monument: 77 meters


A place: Wuxi, China
The total height of the monument: 88 meters
Year: 1996

Considered the largest bronze statue in the world:


A place: Ang Thong, Thailand
The total height of the monument: 92 meters
Year: 2008


A place: New York, USA
The total height of the monument: 93 meters
Year: 1886

She is one of the most famous sculptures in the US and in the world. From the day of its discovery, the statue served as a navigational landmark and was used as a lighthouse.

Accessible by a 365-step staircase, the crown offers extensive views of New York Harbor:


A place: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 98 meters
Year: 1997

The work of Zurab Tsereteli, commissioned by the Government of Moscow, on an artificial island, poured at the division of the Moscow River. (Photo by Yuri Dmitrienko):

Then the monument caused almost unanimous rejection in the circles of the public and architects in connection with its appearance and lack of value for the city.


A place: Changsha, China
The total height of the monument: 99 meters
Year: 2009


A place: Sendai, Japan
The total height of the monument: 100 meters
Year: 1991

Statue of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.

There is an elevator inside the statue, where you can climb to the very top.


A place: Kyiv, Ukraine
The total height of the monument: 102 meters
Year: 1981

The monument-sculpture "Motherland" is located on the high right bank of the Dnieper.

In one hand, the statue holds a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons.


A place: Volgograd, Russia
The total height of the monument: 102 meters
Year: 1967

Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamaev Kurgan. The dimensions of the sculpture can be estimated by the people nearby:

1. Bronze statue of Buddha Ushiku Daibutsu, Japan.

Ushiku Daibutsu located in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan, is the tallest freestanding bronze statue in the world. Built in 1995, total height is 120m above the ground, including 10m base and 10m lotus platform. An elevator takes visitors up to 85m above the ground, where an observation deck is located.

2. Buddhist statue of Guanyan, Sanya, China.

Sanya is located in the smallest province in China. people's republic Hainan, on the southern coast of the country. Yalong Wan is a local park located on the coast 7.5 km southeast of Sanya City. The main attraction of the park is the 108-meter statue of Guanyin.

This statue was completed in May 2005 and is one of the tallest in the world.

3. Yellow Chinese emperors Huangdi and Yandi, China.

The 103-meter-high statue is located in China and is a sculpture of two ancient Chinese emperors - Huangdi and Yandi

4. Motherland, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Monument-sculpture Motherland, standing in Kyiv on the high right bank of the Dnieper. The height of the Motherland sculpture is 62 meters, the total height with the pedestal is 102 meters.

5. Monument to Peter I, Moscow, Russia

The monument to Peter I by Zurab Tsereteli was erected by order of the Moscow Government on the spit of the island of the Moscow River and the Obvodny Canal in 1997.

The total height of the monument is 98 meters.

6. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York, USA.

The world embodiment of Liberty, commonly known as the Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty) - a colossal statue donated to the United States by France in 1886, installed on Liberty Island in New York at the mouth of the Hudson River.

7. Sculpture Motherland Calls, Volgograd, Russia.

Sculpture "Motherland is calling!" - the compositional center of the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. The work of the sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and engineer N. V. Nikitin. Built in 1967, height 84 meters.

8. Statue of Buddha Maitreya (Maitreya) in Leshan, Leshan, China.

The statue is located east of the city of Leshan in Sichuan province, at the intersection of three rivers. Construction has been going on for 90 years. The height of the statue is 71 m, the height of the head is almost 15 m, the shoulder span is almost 30 m, the length of the finger is 8 m, the toe is 1.6 m, the length of the nose is 5.5 m. It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

9. Bamiyan Buddha statues, Afghanistan.

Two giant statues of Buddha (Buddha of Bamyan) - 55 and 37 meters, which were part of the complex of Buddhist monasteries in the Bamiyan Valley in central Afghanistan, are located 230 km north of Kabul. The statues were barbarously destroyed, despite the protests of the world community and other Islamic countries, in 2001 by the Taliban, who believed that they were pagan idols and should be destroyed. Japan, Switzerland and UNESCO, among others, have expressed support for the restoration of the statues.

10. Statue of Christ the Savior, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Christ the Redeemer) - a huge statue of Jesus Christ in the art deco style, 32m high and weighing 1000 tons, is located on the top of the 710m Corcovado mountain overlooking the city.

As a powerful symbol of Christianity, the statue has become an icon of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Without a doubt, the obelisk Bayonet, Brest, Belarus deserves our attention.

A bayonet - an obelisk (an all-welded metal structure lined with titanium; height 100 m, weight 620 tons) is part of the memorial complex Brest Fortress - Hero.

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A statue or monument is an image of a person or animal. Or maybe a mythical hero. The desire of a talented person to leave a memory of himself in canvases or in architectural masterpieces is commendable. Moreover, history is all that remains for people. In this list, we present sculptural compositions, the dimensions of which, to put it mildly, are huge. Those. more than 20 meters high. China and Russia are leading in this regard. So, Top 10.

No. 10. Statue of Christ the Savior. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

This monument is the symbol of Rio de Janeiro and the main attraction of the city. They have been thinking about setting up such a monument since 1922, when the hundredth anniversary of the country's independence was celebrated. A few years later, this statue of the Savior was installed on the hill of Corcovado. The monument itself was made in Paris and erected in 1931. Residents of the city rightly believe that this tall statue The Savior protects and protects them. The height of the statue is 38 m, including the pedestal - 8 m; arm span - 28 m. Weight - 1145 tons.

No. 9. Bamiyan Buddha statues, Afghanistan

You need to start with the fact that the Bamiyan Valley is located near the capital of the country, Kabul. And in the distant II century there were Buddhist monasteries. Where did they come from tall monuments . It is said that their construction took two hundred years. These statues were carved into the rocks, and their height is 37m and 55m. However, in 2001 they were destroyed by the Taliban. True, in this valley there are still Buddhist monasteries and, miraculously surviving statues of the Buddha. And since 2003, everything that still remains has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

No. 8. Maitreya Buddha Statue, China

Another one of tallest statues in the world, Buddhas, only in China, in the province of Sichuan, which is considered the highest. Indeed, if only the length of the finger of the hand is eight meters. And the statue itself has a height of 71 meters. In this case, we can add that as many as 90 years were spent on the monument. It is necessary to point out the fact that the sculpture is carved into the rock.

No. 7. Sculpture of Chinese Emperors - Huang Di and Yang Di, China

This one of highest monuments in the world immortalized two emperors - Huang Di and Yang Di. Many years ago, when China was not yet such a powerful state, wars and raids were a constant occurrence. And this led to the weakening of the provinces themselves and their suppression by a more powerful enemy. The aforementioned Yellow Emperors united society, after which China began to turn into a single empire. And they were named so, in honor of the place where they were born - the valley of the Yellow River. And finally, it should be noted that the sculpture itself has a height of more than 100 meters.

No. 6. Buddhist statue of Guanyin, China

In China, there is the resort city of Sanya, on the island of Hainan. The center of Buddhism, opened in 1997, is located here. broken huge park, where one ancient temple was restored and the construction of another in honor of the Goddess of Mercy - Guanyin is being completed. But the statue is already there. And it is a huge shrine, because it contains particles of the ashes of the Buddha. And it was built not so long ago - in 2005. Its height is 108 meters.

No. 5. Bronze statue of Buddha Ushiku Daibutsu, Japan

In the fifth line of the Top 10 The tallest monuments and statues in the world Let's move from China to Japan. Ibaraki prefecture, near Tokyo, the city of Ushika. Stone sculptures of Buddhas in Japan are somewhat less common than in other countries with a similar culture of worship. The statue in question was built in 1995 and has a height of 120 meters. It is also called the Buddha of the Spring Temple. The whole composition is built in such a way that it seems to indicate the path of liberation from suffering. And all this splendor can be seen from the observation deck, which is lifted by an elevator (85m).

No. 4. Motherland, Ukraine, Kyiv

In 1981, a memorial complex dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1945 was opened. Here is the National Museum of the History of the Second Patriotic War and the Motherland sculpture, 102 meters high. The whole complex is located on the banks of the Dnieper. According to experts, this monument should stand for at least 150 years. There are also elevators and viewing platforms for visitors and control over the technical condition of the sculptural composition.

No. 3. Statue of Liberty, USA, New York

The symbol of New York and the United States, "Lady Liberty", this is what they also call this tall statue. It was donated by France and installed in 1886 in New York. This Goddess has a torch in one hand, and a tablet in the other, where there is an inscription about the Independence Day of the United States. And only 356 steps to the crown of the Statue of Liberty, but there is an elevator. The height of the sculpture from the ground to the torch itself is 93 meters.

No. 2. Sculpture "The Motherland Calls!", Volgograd, Russia

Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. This tall monument"To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" and the sculpture - "The Motherland Calls!" Work on the creation of the monument (sculptor - Vuchetich E.V. and engineer - Nikitin N.V.) began in 1959 and ended in 1967. And at that time, it was the tallest statue in the world. A woman walking forward, with a sword raised up, calling to repulse the enemy - that's what this figure represents. If we move on to the artistic component of the image, then this Goddess of Victory is Nike, only retold in our time. The two-meter-high slab, on which the monument rises, is 87 meters high. And there is also a foundation, 16 meters high, which is almost invisible.

No. 1. Monument to Peter I, Moscow, Russia

Why this highest monument in the world was on the list at number 1? There are probably a lot of questions for him, and the figure of the monumental sculptor itself is not so unambiguous. So, Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli and his brainchild are a monument to Peter I, although the official name is “In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet.” It was installed in 1997. The height of the monument is 98 meters and is considered the highest in Russia. Although, in technical terms, this building is unique. However, connoisseurs of maritime history speak of some inaccuracies. Others claim that this tallest statue in the world, nothing more than a somewhat reworked Columbus, which could not be sold to foreign countries, as part of the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. Who can know for sure? But the fact that the monument is not of particular value for the city and the public almost completely opposed its erection is, unfortunately, a fact. However, the stick is still about two ends. And, I dare to remind you: how many people - so many opinions.

A statue is a sculpture that is a three-dimensional representation of a human figure, an animal, and sometimes a fictional character.
Most of the tallest statues in the world are concentrated in China, but Russia also has its own giants.

1. Monument to Lenin.
Location: Volgograd, Russia
The total height of the monument: 57 meters
Year: 1973
The monument is located at the entrance to the Volga-Don Canal. In the Guinness Book of Records, it is listed as the world's largest monument erected to a real person.

2. Worker and collective farmer.
Location: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 58 meters
Year: 1937
The statue of a young man and a girl is an image of the Soviet land - the working class and the collective farm peasantry. Also, this monument is a symbol of the film studio "Mosfilm".

3. Monument of Independence.
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
The total height of the monument: 61 meters
Year: 2000—2001
The monument is dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. It is located in the center of Kyiv on Maidan Nezalezhnosti.

4. Maitreya Buddha statue in Leshan.
Location: Leshan, China
The total height of the monument: 71 meters
Year: 713
The tallest statue in the world, carved from a rock in Lingyunshan Mountain.

5. Statue of Guanyin in China.
Location: Foshan, China
The total height of the monument: 77 meters

6. Buddha statue in Wuxi.
Location: Wuxi, China
The total height of the monument: 88 meters
Year: 1996
The largest bronze statue in the world.

7. Buddha statue in Ang Thong.
Location: Ang Thong, Thailand
The total height of the monument: 92 meters
Year: 2008

8. Statue of Liberty.
Location: New York, USA
The total height of the monument: 93 meters
Year: 1886
The most famous American statue is not only a landmark, but also serves as a navigational landmark and is used as a lighthouse.

9. Monument to Peter I.
Location: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 98 meters
Year: 1997
The statue is installed on an artificial island created at the division of the Moscow River. Made by order of the Moscow government by sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.

10. Statue of Guanyin with a thousand hands and eyes.
Location: Changsha, China
The total height of the monument: 99 meters
Year: 2009

11. Sendai Daikannon.
Location: Sendai, Japan
The total height of the monument: 100 meters
Year: 1991
An elevator is installed inside the statue, thanks to which you can climb to the very top.

12. Motherland.
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Year: 1981
The monument is located on the highest right bank of the Dnieper. In the hand of the statue is a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons.

13. "Motherland is calling!"
Location: Volgograd, Russia
The total height of the monument: 102 meters
Year: 1967
The monument was erected in honor of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamaev Kurgan. The length of the arm of the statue is 20 meters, the length of the sword is 33 meters. The weight of the sculpture is 8,000 tons, and the weight of the sword is 14 tons.

14. Cristo Rei.
Location: Almada, Portugal
The total height of the monument: 103 meters
Year: 1959
Since Portugal was not a participant in the Second World War, women donated money to the statue of Christ, who saved their sons, fathers and husbands from death in hostilities.

15. Emperors Yang and Huang.
Location: Zhengzhou, China
The total height of the monument: 106 meters
Year: 2007
The monument is dedicated to the first two emperors of China. Construction took 20 years and was completed in 2007.

16. Statue of Guanyin in Sanya.
Location: Sanya, China
The total height of the monument: 108 meters
Year: 2005
Statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin. Its construction lasted 6 years.

17. Amitabha Buddha statue.
Location: Ushiku, Japan
The total height of the monument: 120 meters
Year: 1995
Both palms of the statue are facing the observer, and the index and thumb fingers are connected at the tips, which means the transmission of the teachings of the drachma.

18. Statue of Buddha Shakyamuni.
Location: Myanmar
The total height of the monument: 130 meters
Year: 2008
The construction of the religious monument began in 1996 and lasted 12 years.

19. Victory Monument.
Location: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 142 meters
Year: 1995
Depicts the goddess of victory Nike.

20. Buddha of the Spring Temple.
Location: Leshan, China
The total height of the monument: 153 meters
Year: 2002
This is the largest statue in the world.

The tallest statue in the world September 19th, 2017

Now I discovered that I still have a blog. And as other sources show, this is no longer the case. In general, many probably think that the "Statue of Liberty" or "Motherland" are the highest. And this is not so. That's because they build and build!

Let's see which statue is now the tallest in the world:

The Spring Temple Buddha is the largest statue on the planet. It depicts the Buddha Vairocana - this is one of the five sacred Buddhas, personifying wisdom. The statue is located in Zhaocun Township in China. The idea of ​​erecting such an original shrine arose after the Taliban blew up two huge Buddha statues in Afghanistan, the Chinese reacted very sharply to this event.

Then they decided to erect a majestic statue in the province of Henan, which would fully convey the respectful attitude of the Chinese to the Buddhist heritage.

The construction of the unique giant was very efficient and reached the finish line in 2002. The height of the Spring Buddha is 128 meters, of which 20 meters are the foot in the form of a lotus flower, and the remaining 108 meters are directly the Buddha statue. All this grandiose structure stands on a 25-meter pedestal.

In 2010, the hill on which the statue was erected was transformed into two large stone steps, so the height of the entire structure from top to bottom is 208 meters, this fact was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

For the manufacture of the statue itself, 33 tons of copper, 108 kilograms of gold and 15 thousand tons of special steel were used. It was created from separate parts, which were then assembled into one whole, in total there were approximately 1100 such pieces. The cost of the Spring Buddha is about $18 million, and the cost of the entire project is $55 million.

It is impossible not to mention another record holder, located very close to the Buddha of the Spring Temple. It is the largest working bell in the world.

Near the statue, on the peak of the Head of the Dragon, there is a belfry.

It is in it that the “Bell of Fortune” is located. Its dimensions are as follows: diameter at the widest point - 5.12 meters, height - 8.11 meters, weight - 116 tons. In terms of weight and diameter, the Bell of Fortune is inferior to the Tsar Bell on Red Square, and it is superior in height. But since the Moscow Tsar Bell has never rung in its life, the Lucky Bell becomes the world's largest operating bell.

The final plan for the construction of the Spring Temple Buddha was approved shortly after the destruction of the ancient Bamiyan Buddha statue in Afghanistan by the Taliban. China strongly condemned the barbaric destruction of Afghanistan's Buddhist heritage.

The foot of the Buddha of the Spring Temple No less grandiose staircase leads to the foot of the giant statue - it consists of 365 steps, and is divided into 12 spans. The number of steps symbolizes the annual life cycle.

The name of the monument "Buddha of the Spring Temple" comes from the hot spring Tianrui, which is located nearby, the water in it erupts from the bowels at a temperature of 60 ° C, and has healing properties. Foshan Temple, built during the Tang Dynasty in China, is located on the top of Dragon Head Peak. The largest bronze bell in the world weighing 116 tons is installed there.

To imagine the scale of the Buddha statue of the Spring Temple, you can compare the sizes of other world-famous monuments: the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro reaches a height of 38 meters, the Statue of Liberty in New York with a pedestal - 93 m, the Motherland in Volgograd - 87 m