Medicinal properties of sheep wool. Healing properties of wool

Since ancient times, people have bred sheep, goats, camels ... We most often wear sheep products, and, one might say, there is no price for it, it is not as expensive as wool clothing, for example, llamas, affordable, warm, wearable.

But wool can also be medicinal, for example, lambs' wool helps with diseases of the liver and kidneys, dog's hair heals radiculitis, camel's hair serves as a prevention of nosebleeds, hare's hair will relieve insomnia and even neurosis if she fills a pillow and sleeps on it.

Medics Lately persistently advise to strengthen the immune system to use pillows and blankets made of sheep and camel wool. relieve chronic fatigue and depression.

Folk healers say that coarse undyed wool is especially healing, almost all the forces of nature are preserved in it. Therefore, in winter you can wear socks knitted from rustic thick coarse wool and a sweater.

Especially woolen clothes are useful for weakened people who have undergone severe illness, elderly, children.

In the nursery, experts advise hanging a woolen carpet on the wall. A woolen rug, laid on the floor in the room, will be useful to the child, and not only to him.

Sofas, armchairs, couches are also better to cover with blankets made of natural wool. They create an aura of health, confidence, comfort, soothe and tune in to well-being.

People with low energy, shy, withdrawn, inactive clothes made of wool give energy, a surge of vigor and push to action.

When our homes are cold in winter, many are embarrassed to wear felt boots. And in vain! not only Peter I improved his health, but also Catherine II. By her order, the ladies-in-waiting of Her Majesty also wore boots. By the way, the niece of Peter I, Empress Anna Ioannovna, allowed the ladies of the court to wear felt boots even with a full dress.

Once felt boots were considered one of the most desirable and valuable gifts. In the old days, a guy who had felt boots was considered an enviable groom. And if a girl liked a guy, then she threw a felt boot into his yard, hinting that he would send matchmakers.

Felt boots worn on a bare foot perform a micro-massage of the feet, healing the entire body. Give preference to handmade felt boots.

Women who wear woolen products stay healthy, youthful and beautiful longer than their peers who prefer synthetics. But you need to know that It is not recommended to combine things made of synthetics and wool in your wardrobe.. For example, a nylon blouse will not allow a woolen suit to have a beneficial effect on its mistress. Therefore, the blouse should be silk or cotton.

When working at a computer, it is useful to throw a woolen scarf or scarf over your shoulders. It has a beneficial effect on the neck and back.

Leotards or trousers made of natural wool, worn on a naked body, actively fight cellulite.

Hands are rejuvenated by wearing woolen mittens and gloves. If you want to be healthy, beautiful and elegant at the same time, then you can buy gloves made of rabbit or Angora goat wool.

And, according to experts, if at least from autumn to spring a woman prefers woolen things, by spring she will look not tired and pale, but energetic and luminous natural beauty.

AND ulcers
The ashes of the skin of a mule and similar animals are applied to fire burns and hot wounds and ulcers, if they are not accompanied tumor.

This is the cure for abrasions on the feet and thighs and for fistulas and hemorrhoids. The skin flayed from a sheep is immediately put on bruised place, and it helps against damage and is suitable when malignant ulcers , jarabe - eczema and corrosion.

Nutrition organs
The inner skin of the stomach and crop of birds, especially roosters, if dried, rubbed and drunk with condensed grape must, helps from pain in the stomach.

It is said that if you put a flayed goat skin on a place bitten by a snake while it is still warm, it draws out the poison.

Avicenna about wool - in Arabic shar (hair) and suf (wool):

Burnt hair warm and strongly dry.

Burnt hair polishes teeth; hair infusion promotes hair growth.

Wounds and ulcers
Burnt hair greatly dries dirty and loose ulcers.

head organs
Burnt hair polishes teeth.

From human hair with vinegar make a medicinal bandage for the bite of a rabid dog.

Wounds and ulcers
Burnt wool is useful for ulcers and wild meat.

Ergasak's comment:

They (skin, wool and hair) in modern traditional medicine: Neither European nor Western traditional medicine uses hair and skin for medicinal purposes, because these peoples did not use their ashes in a burnt form. And wool was used as clothing and for insulation.

The benefits of wool

People are drawn to wool for a reason. It has good energy and helps to cure some diseases. Since ancient times, people got rid of headaches and toothaches by applying undyed natural wool to the sore spot. If bandaged woolen thread ankle or wrist, then you can get rid of pain in the joint.

Natural wool is considered a cure for many ills, for example, by wearing felt shoes, woolen socks, you can significantly improve blood circulation, reduce pressure and expand blood vessels. Wool fibers, being next to the skin, in this way carry out micromassage. Woolen villi gently and gently massage the nerve endings on the human body, which helps to improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure throughout the body as a whole.

Sheep wool contains lanolin, also known as animal wax. He is good antiseptic. Lanolin dissolves at a temperature of 36 degrees, rubbing lanolin penetrates the skin, having a beneficial effect on the muscles, spine, respiratory system and joints, it also helps relieve muscle tension, which ensures sound sleep.

Sheep wool can absorb 40 percent of moisture and still remain dry. Such warming with dry heat is considered very beneficial for health. The unique properties of sheep wool help to cure diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. These diseases include arthritis, rheumatism.

Sheep wool is also used for nursing patients with bedsores. Due to its unique properties, it reduces the action of the three main causes that lead to the formation of bedsores - friction, pressure, moisture.

Sheep wool can have a chemical effect on the human body. Thanks to this property, wounds and fractures heal faster. Wool fibers, which are part of sheep's wool, have a beneficial effect on skin receptors, which helps to accelerate regeneration processes in cells and relieve unpleasant pain.

With any disease in the body, the electrostatic potential is disturbed, it can be restored only with natural products. Wool fibers "rub" with each other, which helps to create an electrostatic field.

Due to its complex structure, sheep wool products have heat-shielding properties, lightness and softness. Warming properties have a beneficial effect on the internal organs of a person and help improve blood microcirculation.

Human skin constantly needs "breathable" materials, so many people buy a blanket made of sheep's wool so that heat transfer in the body is not disturbed. Natural woolen products have recently become very popular, since they improve the state of human health and provide the necessary comfort to the body.

Benefits of dog hair

Dog hair is one of the proven folk remedies treatment and prevention of various diseases: colds, kidney disease, varicose veins, getting rid of pain in the joints and back with sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, etc.

Active substances, the penetration of which through the skin have a beneficial effect on the body and reduce pain.
Unlike the hair of other animals, dog hair:
* perfectly retains heat;
* contains surfactants, the penetration of which through the skin has a beneficial effect on the body and reduces pain;
* neutralizes negative electrical charges on the surface of the body;
* has a piercing and reflex effect on the skin, which contributes to an abundant blood flow to the sore spot and causes an effect close to acupuncture;
* having the effect of micromassage, improves blood circulation;
* improves tissue nutrition, activates muscle activity, helps reduce edema;
* prevention and treatment of colds;
* has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
* accelerates the healing process in seasonal and traumatic inflammatory diseases.

It is known that dog hair not only perfectly warms and retains heat, but also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heartbeat, and normalizes blood pressure.

It has been scientifically proven that natural wool has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. Moreover, coarse prickly wool has the greatest effect. And the thicker and coarser the yarn, the more energy it carries. "Biting" coarse wool has a beneficial effect on the skin, and most importantly, on nervous system by stimulating nerve endings.

The benefits of merino wool

Year after year, as eco-friendly, healthy fabrics that have a beneficial effect on human health come into fashion, the popularity of merino grows.

Merino wool has pronounced healing properties, primarily due to the high content of lanolin - animal wax. Among the beneficial effects of merino wool on human health are the following:

  • merino clothing has a positive effect on muscles and joints, so it is indicated for people suffering from pain in the joints and muscles;
  • sweaters, socks, other clothes made from this wool perfectly stimulate blood circulation;
  • clothing made from this material is classified as “thermal clothing”, since it maintains an optimal microclimate for human health;
  • merino is a hypoallergenic material, this is especially true for people who are hypersensitive;
  • lanolin is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and resolving properties;
  • merino clothing is indicated for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism, orthopedic ailments, bronchial problems;
  • wearing merino clothing is the prevention of puffiness; in those who constantly suffer from this problem, swelling will decrease;
  • effectively absorbs moisture with increased sweating and at the same time remains dry;
    Merino wool is equally useful for adults and children.

Ten reasons to choose

in favor of natural fur

Given the hype and hype surrounding faux fur, it's easy to believe that the best thing to buy is fake fur. Unfortunately, many who took this wrong path were soon disappointed. The fact is that nothing can replace a natural fur coat. From whatever side you look, natural fur has no full-fledged analogues.

1. In terms of quality, natural
fur is always the best investment

On the modern market there is no artificial, synthetic material that could replace natural fur, which can fully reproduce its softness, silkiness and luxury.

2. The durability of real fur is second to none.

Natural fur is a natural protection against cold and bad weather, so it is durable, wear-resistant and very warm. It is designed to not only stand the test of time, but any adverse weather that its owner may face.

3. Products made of natural fur will serve you for decades - perhaps your descendants will also wear them.

A mink or sable coat can become a real family heirloom and be passed down from generation to generation - can the same be said about a faux fur coat?

4. Natural fur is in fashion

Despite all the campaigns by animal rights advocates to fight the use of real fur in fashion, buyers want to wear real fur because they know how to recognize the true values.

5. In a fur coat made of natural fur, you will stand out in any crowd.

Fur is an amazing accessory that can be adapted to any situation. It is suitable for an evening out, and for a normal working day.

6. Natural fur can be altered and reused, which is not always possible with faux fur

Real fur is an investment that will bring you dividends for years to come. A fur coat can be altered by changing its style and silhouette, or even completely different clothes can be sewn from it, for example, a jacket or vest.

7. Since natural fur is a natural product, it is a biodegradable material that is many times more environmentally friendly than its artificial counterpart

In addition, since nature has already created fur, a person does not need to use valuable resources to produce it. Did you know that it takes one gallon of oil to make three faux fur coats? In addition, faux fur is a synthetic material that takes a very long time to decompose, which creates more waste in landfills.

8. The market is currently flooded with faux fur that is actually natural.

Know what you are buying. When you buy a product made of natural fur, you can be sure that you are getting a really high quality item, not only fashionable, but also durable.

9. Nothing beats real fur for the feel you get when you wear it.

Faux fur is just a pathetic surrogate that can imitate appearance furs, but not the feeling of luxury that arises when you try on a fur coat from a real mink, arctic fox or sable. You can deceive others, but not yourself - deep down you will always know that you are creating a false impression. High fashion is single expensive things, not artificial mass-produced consumer goods.

10. Natural fur may cost more, but its high price is fully justified.

When you pay for a fur coat, you also pay for tradition, luxury, warmth, and a piece of clothing that your grandchildren will wear.

The electrostatic field generated by the friction of wool fibers has a positive effect on the health of the body and well-being. Under the influence of sheep wool, fatigue, aching joints disappear, muscle pain in arthritis, radiculitis and other similar diseases is relieved, in addition, it perfectly maintains a stable body temperature.

Various items made from sheep skins and sheep wool, can relieve stress, normalize or restore blood pressure, and also play the role of a prophylactic in case of chronic diseases. The invaluable role of sheepskin in diseases of the spine and joints has been noticed. It has long been known about the benefits of sheep wool in the treatment of diseases such as sinusitis, otitis, lymphadenitis.

Sheep wool contains animal wax (lanolin). It is obtained from waters in which sheep's wool has been washed. Lanolin has anti-edematous, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It heals wounds, restores joint mobility and damaged tissues during the recovery period after fractures, resolves inflammatory foci (especially in the case of pneumonia). Lanolin is widely used in the manufacture of various cosmetic products intended for skin care, as part of medicines, ointments.

Bedridden patients who have developed bedsores can also be saved by sheepskins. The fur significantly reduces the pressure on the damaged area of ​​the skin, absorbs excess moisture, and the process of wound healing begins.

Excellent results are obtained by the use of sheep's wool in case of pneumonia. Clothing made of wool or fur is worn on the naked body (fur inside). The foci of inflammation are effectively absorbed under the sheep's fur.

It is very important that sheep fur does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies.

Since ancient times, freshly torn sheep skins have been used to nurse premature babies. This practice continues to this day. It is noticed that when the baby is laid on sheep's wool, he calms down and calms down.

In children, prickly heat disappears under sheep's fur, the skin becomes not overdried, and allergic reactions do not appear. Tests show that products made from lamb skin are comfortable and safe for babies, children quickly get used to it and their sleep becomes long and calm.

Soft sheep fur constantly provides a light massage that has an effective effect.

Now premature babies are kept in an incubator made from sheep wool. Wool helps to retain heat, which is poorly retained by the skin of such children. This maintains the necessary constant body temperature.

We have examined in detail the use of sheep wool. Now consider the cases in which the wool of other animals is used.

hare wool

Those who have diseases of the spine, for example, osteochondrosis, it is useful to wear hare fur or simply apply it to a sore spot.

Clothes made from hare wool are useful for people who often have nosebleeds.

In the old days, mastitis was treated with hare skin, I cover her sore chest inside(mezdra). Sometimes, before attaching a hare skin to the chest, they smeared the mezra with sour cream.

Bunny pillow - good remedy with insomnia.

Bear fur

Those who are prone to colds and are prone to freezing are advised to wear a fur coat with bear fur.

Bearskin successfully treats gout. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to lie down on it - and the pain disappears.

Bear fur can help with aching bones and rheumatism. This method is often used by the peoples of Siberia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

fox fur

It is useful to wear a fox fur coat for people who are inclined to be overweight and want to get rid of their excess weight.

Fox fur is advised to wear suffering from cramps in the limbs.

Fox fur is also indicated in case of circulatory problems.

wool treatment ( scientific fact!) - akin to acupuncture, a kind of
"acupuncture". By the way, we are drawn to wool for a reason. She has a good energy, warm. And fur and woolen fabrics can serve us one more service - to improve our health.
It has been proven that natural wool has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. Moreover, undyed - harsh - wool has the greatest effect! And the thicker and coarser the yarn, the more energy it carries.
Sheep skins have a special energy and have a healing effect on the body and soul of a person. The friction of wool fibers against each other creates an electrostatic field that has a good effect on health and mood. Fatigue, aching joints, muscle pain disappear. Sheep wool relieves pain in sciatica, arthritis and other diseases. It maintains the body's natural temperature.
Natural furs have a strong biofield. It has been known since ancient times that natural fur is an excellent protection against diseases. No wonder our ancestors put sheep, mutton skin in the cradle of a newborn so that their fur touched the body of the child.
From ancient times to the present day, methods of treating chronic diseases with the help of sheep's skin have been preserved. Artificial furs, unfortunately, do not have such properties.
Sheep fur does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies - a disease of our civilization. Already 100 years ago, people knew that natural wool is able to neutralize toxins released with sweat by binding them to organic molecules.
Hippocrates advised nursing the seriously ill on the skins of animals, preferring sheep's wool. Skins are widely used in folk medicine. At present, the prerequisites have been created for the use of this ancient method at a new modern level.
From time immemorial, wool has been one of the most common physiotherapeutic agents in folk medicine, as it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects.
Undyed wool gives the greatest therapeutic effect. Moreover, the thicker and coarser the fabric from it, the greater the energy impact it has. Therefore, sick and weakened people are advised to use things made of natural wool more often.
You should cover yourself with a blanket made of camel hair, not synthetic. It is better to put a pillow made of sheep's wool under your head, and at home to walk barefoot on a woolen rug. It is especially useful to wear clothes made of wool for those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys and liver.
Sheepskin products relieve stress, restore and normalize blood pressure and sleep, and prevent chronic diseases.
With diseases of the spine and joints. Sheep wool has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

With kidney disease. Kidneys love warmth. Rub the lower back with vodka in the evening, tie it with a woolen scarf at night - and by morning the pain will pass.
It is very useful to wear clothes made of soft goat or sheep hair, a belt made of dog or camel hair helps even better. In general, products made from dog hair have a strong healing effect.
Apply the skin of a hare to diseased kidneys.

Kidney cleansing. This recipe is useful if you have a violation of the genitourinary, respiratory, cardiovascular systems, osteochondrosis, pain in the spine and joints. Make a compress of salted wool on the entire back (0.5 l of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, soak for 15-20 minutes), fix a heating pad on top of it on the kidney area. If you don't have a heating pad, put hot salt in your sock and tie it off. Keep the compress all night. In the first days, the urine will be cloudy, with flakes, and then it will become clear and clean. At the same time, the joints, blood vessels, spine and lungs will be cleansed.
While cleansing is in progress, in order to maintain normal potassium, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements, eat baked potatoes with peel, raisins, dried apricots, nuts, eggshell from domestic chickens. If you experience pain in the kidney area, massage.

Precautions for the use of skins, furs: If you are allergic to dust and pets, then it is better not to have carpets made of natural wool in the house, not to buy a fur coat (especially from fluffy fur) and not to acquire all sorts of fashionable things for the interior made of coarse wool. .
Owners of dogs and cats should refrain from buying products from unprocessed (that is, still retaining their natural smell) wool and skins. Four-legged warriors will perceive the skin as another animal in their territory. And this is fraught with many troubles: at best, a pet will constantly mark your fur coat, at worst, it will choose the moment and simply tear it to shreds.

Contraindications to the use of skins, furs:
- those who suffer from bronchial asthma. Skins, fur, and just a fluffy sweater can cause an asthma attack.

For what only humanity has not used wool throughout history. From it they built housing, made clothes and shoes, utensils and armor. People also knew about the healing properties of animal skins. So, for example, a premature newborn was placed in a cradle made of sheep wool. Hippocrates advised to make a bed for the seriously ill from the skin of a sheep.

For almost a year, modern American doctors observed the nursing of bedridden patients in one of the clinics. A bed of sheep's wool prevented the development of bedsores. This is due to the special properties of the skin, which creates equal pressure on the body and reduces high humidity and friction.

Some methods of treating pathologies with the help of wool and animal skins, which were used by our ancestors, have been preserved and are used to this day.

Since ancient times, wool has been the most common physiotherapeutic agent in alternative medicine. It has anti-inflammatory, tonic, analgesic effect. Moreover, the greatest therapeutic effect can be achieved using undyed wool. The thicker and coarser it is, the greater will be the energy effect on the body.

That is why people, when weakened immune system or a particular disease, it is advised to use clothes made of natural high-quality wool. It is recommended to cover yourself with a “camel” blanket, and not a synthetic one. It is better to sleep on a “sheep” pillow, and at home to walk barefoot on a woolen carpet.

The electrostatic field that occurs when wool fibers are rubbed has a positive effect on the body. It promotes:

  • improving well-being;
  • elimination of fatigue, aching joints;
  • minimizing pain, sciatica;
  • improvement of mood, normalization of the central nervous system;

Sheep wool contains a significant amount of animal wax - lanolin. It is obtained from water in which the skins of animals have been washed. Lanolin has anti-allergic, anti-edema and anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing, restoration of mobility of joints and damaged tissues, elimination of inflammatory processes. Lanolin is used in the manufacture of ointments and derma care products.

Therapy of various pathologies

The skin of a sheep warms no worse than a bear's. In rainy weather, upon arrival at home, put on a vest made of natural fur and you will not be afraid of any cold. For the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, such a vest will give an effect similar to jars, rubbing and mustard plasters. It must be worn on the naked body.

Dry compresses from six sheep are used to treat inflammatory pathologies of the middle ear and sinuses. They are recommended to be applied to the affected area.

People suffering are advised to use the following remedy: roll a piece of wool in salt, apply it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gland and secure with a bandage. The procedure is preferably carried out at night. The duration of the therapeutic course is until recovery. The compress must always be fresh.

Sheep skin will help children get rid of flatulence. Just attach a small piece of skin to the baby's tummy.

For the treatment of postpartum encephalopathy, characterized by increased intracranial pressure, severe pain in the head, it is recommended to tie the baby's head with a sheep's wool ribbon. In addition, it is necessary to make a small mattress and put the newborn on it. It will warm the baby and help reduce pressure and improve microcirculation in the tissues.

The use of rabbit hair

  • With pathologies of the spinal column, in particular osteochondrosis, it is recommended to wear hare fur or simply apply it to the painful area.
  • Rabbit hair is useful for people suffering from nosebleeds.
  • In ancient times, the skin of a hare was used. The inner side (mezdra) was applied to the chest.
  • An excellent remedy for insomnia is a pillow made of hare wool.


  • People who often suffer from colds are advised to wear a bear fur coat.
  • Bear hair is used to treat gout. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to lie on it - and the pain will immediately disappear.
  • This is an excellent remedy in the fight against aching bones and rheumatism.


  • A fox fur coat is advised to be worn by people suffering from excess weight and wanting to get rid of it.
  • fox fur - effective remedy from convulsions.
  • It is indicated for people with circulatory problems.

Dog's fur

Dog hair is one of the most effective, centuries-old remedies for the treatment and prevention of various ailments: colds, varicose veins veins, kidney pathologies, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, sciatica.

Dog hair has anti-inflammatory, restorative and analgesic properties and contributes to:

  • neutralization of negatively charged charges on the surface of the body;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • activation of muscle activity, improvement of tissue nutrition;
  • prevention and treatment of colds;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

It should be understood that the advice of alternative medicine cannot be used independently as the only method of treating a particular pathology. Some symptoms may indicate the presence of serious problems in the body and therefore without contacting a specialist, diagnosis and application medications not enough. Wool is an additional means of therapy, while the main one can be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

One of the mysteries of evolution is that man survived, despite the fact that, in terms of biosurvival mechanisms, he has a significant drawback over other mammals - he does not have hair. It is not known whether sheep's wool helped humanity survive and even succeed in evolutionary mechanisms, or something else, but one thing is certain: if it were not for the unique properties of wool, man would hardly have populated the northern territories. Although, in fact, sheep's wool is widely used in both southern and northern latitudes.

Sheep wool has many qualities that make it unique and indispensable even now, in our age of magnificent high-tech synthetic fabrics. Such a property of wool as low thermal conductivity allows it to be used as an ideal material for warm blankets and outerwear. winter clothes, and as a fabric for capes and turbans of the indigenous people of Africa. Moreover, in such difficult conditions of a sharp temperature drop, as, for example, in the Sahara desert, sheep wool is generally indispensable, as it protects against heat during the day and perfectly protects against cold at night.

Another property of sheep wool is air conduction. The body in it, as they say, breathes, that is, the air circulates freely between the body and, say, a woolen sheep blanket. This is a great advantage of natural woolen blankets - it is never stuffy to sleep under them, air exchange flows freely, there is no sauna effect. These are all important conditions for maintaining quality sleep, especially in our time, when every third city dweller can be diagnosed with chronic fatigue, and every second has problems with sleep.

This list of useful properties of sheep wool is not exhausted. Sheep wool products are hygroscopic, which means they have the ability to absorb moisture. But the uniqueness lies in the fact that sheep wool not only absorbs moisture, but absorbing up to 35% of its own weight, it remains dry to the touch. And this most valuable quality makes it not only useful and convenient, but also healing. Dry heat is what is needed for the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, lungs and bronchi. In fact, this is not just warming, but a highly effective physiotherapy procedure.

There is one more thing. It has been conclusively proven that sheep's wool has the ability to detoxify toxins, such as those excreted in a person's sweat, while remaining clean. This means that you are spared from skin irritation in woolen clothing. Apparently, that is why in Australia, the land of sheep, babies are wrapped in sheep blankets, and they are allowed to crawl on them - prickly heat does not threaten children in this case.