What are the varieties of watermelon. Medium-late and late varieties and hybrids of watermelon

And to this day they grow in the desert dry valleys of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and other countries of the region. Unlike cultivated varieties, wild plants cannot be called either sugar or large. Pale yellow or white pulp inside 250-gram fruits is either insipid or completely bitter.

Watermelon transformation

Nevertheless, wild watermelons were highly valued in Africa, because for travelers and caravans they sometimes became the only available source of moisture. It was with trade caravans that watermelons came to the Middle East, to Asia Minor and Central Asia.

Attempts to obtain larger and sweeter fruits were made in ancient Egypt, watermelons were grown in India, Persia and China. The culture spread to Europe not earlier than the 16th-17th centuries, and those varieties of watermelons, as in the photo of one of the still lifes of that era, were much inferior to the fruits ripening in modern beds in sweetness, juiciness and color of the pulp.

Only in the last hundred years, breeders have been able to obtain an incredible number of new varieties and hybrids, giving gourmets the opportunity to taste the flesh not only red or pink, but also yellow or almost white. Yes, and the bark of watermelons in the current beds can be not only dark green or striped, but also yellow, white, spotted or marbled.

Summer residents and farmers are offered several hundred cultivars and hybrid forms that produce sweet fruits weighing from one to 90 kilograms. What are the varieties of watermelons shown in the photo “ Carolina Cross", on average growing up to 30–50 kg, but sometimes reaching a weight of almost 200 kg.

The era of Astrakhan watermelons

In Russia, watermelons have long been grown in Little Russia, in the Kuban and in the south of the Volga region, where weather conditions allowed large sweet fruits to ripen. In Soviet times and until now, watermelons from near Astrakhan enjoyed special respect and demand among buyers. The phrase "Astrakhan watermelon" meant that under a thin crust, a scarlet, sugary pulp of inimitable sweetness and aroma would be found.

This area was considered the main melon of the Soviet Union, and the main variety on the plantation was the Astrakhan watermelon.

The first crop of striped oval fruits was obtained in 1977, in Astrakhan Institute vegetable growing and melon growing. Watermelons ripening 70–80 days after sowing turned out to be so fruitful that up to 120 tons of sugar watermelons were harvested from a hectare of melons, which, moreover, could be stored for up to 2.5 months and easily endure transportation. These circumstances made Astrakhan watermelons the most popular and beloved in the country.

Volgograd watermelons from the village of Bykovo

The Volgograd region occupies the second place in terms of the number of melons and gourds grown in Russia. Here, on the basis of the only specialized melon and gourd Bykovskaya breeding and experimental station in the USSR, such famous varieties of watermelons were obtained, in the photo as Kholodok, Bykovsky 22, Triumph, and more than four dozen more unpretentious to the conditions of the zone of risky farming and very productive varieties of everyone's favorite culture.

The Volgograd watermelon Kholodok of late ripening, easily stored until the New Year and during this time not losing either excellent taste or juiciness, is still considered a masterpiece of melon selection. For cultivation in summer cottages, this variety is most often chosen.

Watermelon Crimson Sweet

If Soviet and Russian breeders followed the path of obtaining varieties of watermelons that are most resistant to all the vicissitudes of the local climate, then foreign biologists have a slightly different goal in the first place. Here, large-fruited watermelons, showy in shape and color of the bark and pulp, with high consumer and commercial qualities, which are highly resistant to diseases, are in the greatest demand. True, in order to grow a good crop in this case, you will have to spend more effort and make a lot of money.

Of the foreign varieties, our summer residents are best known for the Crimson Sweet watermelon obtained by American breeders. The fruits of this variety do not differ in large sizes and on average have a mass of up to 5 kg. The variety, outwardly similar to the famous Astrakhan watermelon, has moderate sweetness and yields stable crops in 65–80 days.

Based on the popular variety of watermelon Crimson Sweet, many varieties have been obtained over the years, larger than the ancestor, and also able to be stored longer.

Sugar Baby: Sugar Baby Watermelon

Another old foreign variety known in Russia, Shuga Baby or Sugar Baby, produces round dark green fruits with red pulp 75–80 days after planting. Watermelon Sugar Baby outwardly resembles the famous Spark among summer residents, but is somewhat larger. Sugar baby watermelons weigh from 3 to 4.5 kg, and their flesh is characterized by pronounced graininess and sweetness.

If the variety Ogonyok, which appeared in the USSR back in 1960, had become known in the West, perhaps its round fruits with dark bark without stripes would have been called “black watermelon”. And in Japan, Ogonyok could compete with the world's most expensive Densuke watermelon with the same deep-colored skin, and it is thanks to it that it costs up to $ 250 apiece.

Moon and stars on a watermelon peel

Obviously, based on some old variety of black watermelon in 1926 in Missouri, a variety with the romantic name "Moon and Stars" was obtained. On the black-green bark of this watermelon and even on the foliage, bright yellow spots are scattered. different sizes, resembling night luminaries against the background of the night sky.

For almost a century, this variety of watermelon, as in the photo, has remained popular, and today hybrids have appeared not only with pink-red, but also with yellow flesh. Not uncommon among the "star" fruits and oblong watermelons that are popular with consumers weighing from 9 to 23 kg.

marbled watermelon

Another variety of fruits due to a thin grid of dark green veins on a light background of the bark is called marbled watermelons. Usually these are oblong watermelons weighing from 5 to 15 kg with juicy, pink or red flesh, a small amount of seeds and excellent taste.

An example of a marbled watermelon is the French variety Charleston Gray, which gave rise to a whole family of fruitful orts and hybrids. Russian breeders do not lag behind their Western counterparts and presented to gardeners the early ripe Honey Giant, a watermelon variety, as in the photo, producing large fruits up to 60 cm long and weighing up to 15 kg, well resistant to drought and common crop diseases.

White watermelons can be sweet

If the bark of marbled watermelons has a light green tint with an inconspicuous pattern, then the watermelon of the American Navajo Winter variety has a skin that is almost white.

The flesh of this white watermelon can be either pink or red, but it is sure to be crunchy and very sweet. The variety is considered drought-resistant, and the fruits are easily stored for up to 4 months.

If gardeners and consumers have already gotten used to the multi-colored peel of watermelons, then the white or yellow pulp of these sweet fruits is still a curiosity for Russians. But it is precisely such unusual hybrids, obtained from crossing cultivars of watermelons and wild varieties, that are at the peak of popularity and can have flesh of all shades from creamy orange, yellow to translucent white.

True, sometimes, under the guise of a white watermelon, gullible summer residents are offered the Peruvian fig-leaved pumpkin, phycifolia, both in the shape of the foliage and in the appearance of the fruit, reminiscent of a marbled watermelon, but not able to compete with it in sweetness.

What does yellow watermelon taste like?

Yellow-fleshed watermelons are today offered to customers under the name pineapple, although the similarity of these fruits is limited only by the beautiful shade of slices, and the color change does not affect the taste of yellow watermelon.

Russian breeders offer summer residents to try pineapple watermelons collected from their own beds. Lunny watermelons are ready for harvest in 70–75 days from the moment the seedlings hatch. Fruits with an attractive striped skin grow up to 3.5-4 kg and have excellent taste characteristics.

The hybrid of domestic selection Prince Hamlet F1 is distinguished not only by precocity. Its main "highlight" is hidden under a dense thin bark. The pulp of this pineapple watermelon weighing up to 2 kg is lemon yellow, sweet.

But the variety of watermelon, in the photo, Gift of the Sun can be easily confused not with pineapple, but with melon, since the fruits of this plant have a surprisingly yellow, even bark, very reminiscent of the peel of another popular melon crop. This yellow watermelon, thanks to the accumulation of up to 12% sugar, has a great taste, juicy pulp texture and early ripening.

Today, breeding companies in the Netherlands, the USA and Japan are actively working in the field of obtaining diploid hybrids that produce seedless watermelons. For several years now, such fruits, completely devoid of seeds or having only their rudiments, have been grown in our country.

An example of this is the hybrid of the yellow watermelon Prince Hamlet, and the oblong watermelon of the American selection Stabolit F1.

Video about growing watermelons of different varieties

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 70-81 days.
  • The fruit is round or slightly oblong in shape with a smooth surface.
  • The color is green, the pattern consists of spike-like stripes of dark green color.
  • The flesh is bright red, very sweet and juicy.
  • The average weight of a watermelon: 8-10 kg.

Crimson Suite

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 67-82 days
  • Fetus round shape, the surface is smooth
  • In color and pattern, it is very similar to Astrakhan, only it shines more distinctly in the light.
  • Has soft sweet flesh
  • Average weight of watermelon: 4-5 kg

Crimson glory F1

Variety description:

  • rounded fruit
  • It is resistant to diseases, has a fairly long shelf life, tolerates transportation well.
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 12-15 kg

Madera F1

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 70 days
  • The fruit is round or slightly elongated
  • The color of the peel is light green, the pattern is in the form of spots and stripes.
  • The pulp has a juicy crunch and a sweet taste.
  • Average weight of watermelon: 6-8 kg

Charleston gray

Variety description:

  • The fruit is oblong in shape, a bit like a zucchini
  • The color of the peel is light green, without patterns
  • The flesh is monotonously red in color, characterized by the ability to retain a fresh sweet taste for a long time.
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 12 kg


Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 85-97 days
  • The fruit is spherical
  • Dark green color with light spots
  • The flesh is bright red, with a sweet taste
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 7 kg


Variety description:

  • The fruit is slightly oblong
  • The crust has a bright light green color, a pattern in the form of green stripes
  • Has soft flesh
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 4 kg


Variety description:

  • Fruit shape - ball
  • Thick rind, dark green. Drawing in the form of dark broken lines
  • The pulp is exceptionally tender
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 3 kg


Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 71-87 days
  • The fruit is perfectly spherical
  • Color is black-green, without visible patterns. The crust is thin
  • Flesh tender, red
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 2 kg

sugar baby

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 75-85 days
  • The fruits are round.
  • Fruit color dark green
  • The flesh is bright red, very sweet
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 4 kg

Gift of the Sun

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 67-73 days
  • Fruits are oblong
  • The color of the peel is yellow, reminiscent of a melon or pumpkin
  • The flesh is usually red, tender and sweet.
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 4 kg.

Watermelon has a sweet, juicy pulp, rich in vitamin composition and allowing to improve health and increase vitality in the summer-autumn period. The size and shape of green berries are different, and the weight ranges from 1.5-50 kg. You can plant melons in different areas, there are even varieties of watermelons for Siberia.

Early types of melons

The following types of melons are good for middle lane, as they easily tolerate low temperatures and damage to fruits by anthracosis. These are the best varieties of early ripe watermelons.

In the middle lane, it is better to plant melons in greenhouses with the appropriate temperature maintained until sprouts appear. Greenhouses should be covered with a thick film or be made of polycarbonate, which transmit light and air well.

Tip: Before planting, seeds should be treated with copper sulphate to avoid the development of plant diseases.

When preparing watermelon for planting in greenhouses, the following seeds are taken:

  1. Watermelon varieties "Siberian Lights" - the period from planting seeds to a mature state is 80 days. The melon is dark green with small stripes. The pulp is light reddish, sweet, has porous fibers. The seeds are small, light brown, the peel is thin. Such early varieties of watermelons can be grown in greenhouse conditions or outdoors. The main condition for ripening is soil temperature +14 0 C.
  2. ultra early - the berry of early ripening for a period of up to 80 days, is more resistant to temperature fluctuations. The pulp is scarlet, with veins. Contains a large amount of sucrose, seeds are black, medium.
  3. Watermelon variety Chill - the fruits ripen within 75-85 days, the fruits are round in shape of a green saturated shade with blurry stripes. Scarlet pulp, juicy. Seeds - light with brown patches, large. The average fruit weight is 5 kg. The positive side is long-term keeping quality and resistance to transportation.
  4. Variety Astrakhan - the period from the appearance of the first shoots to the ovary takes 1.5 months. The fruit is round, without stripes, weighing up to 6 kg. The flesh is dark red, with large black seeds, the peel is thick.
  5. spark- has the most early dates maturation. The weight of the berries of the Light is about 4 kg. Easily adapts to the planted area, not whimsical in care. Fruit shape Light is round, without stripes, dark green. The spark has a juicy, sweet taste. Ripening time - 1.5 months.

Tip: Early berries have a sweet taste and aroma. The yield from one lash allows you to collect up to 7 kg, the berries easily endure weather adversity, do not require special care. The main rule is watering.

Other early varieties

Good early types of melons include:

  1. Variety of early ripe watermelon Producer - It takes 70-80 days to ripen. The fruit is round without bulges, smooth with a shiny peel, berry weight - 5 kg. White stripes are clear, the crust is thin, light green in color. The pulp is fibrous, slightly pinkish, tender. Fruits do not deteriorate during long-term storage.
  2. Watermelon variety early Skorik - large with white wide stripes. Seeds are black, large, in large quantities. The pulp is fleshy, sweet. The ripening period is 70 days. Weight - 1.3-3.7 kg. The yield is excellent, it is not whimsical in care and can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the garden. The crop is not exposed to diseases and pests.
  3. Ataman – ripening time takes about 66-83 days. The fruit is elongated, stripless. The peel is of medium thickness, pale green. Berry weight - 6-8 kg. The flesh is purple-pink, porous, with a large number of small seeds.
  4. Charleston gray - ripening time is at the end of July beginning of August. The yield is stable - 100 t / ha. The gray variety is old, the plant has a whip up to 5 m long. The berry is oval in shape with wide stripes, smooth, weighing 12-18 kg. The crust is thick, 1.5-2.5 cm thick. The color is light green, the flesh is scarlet, porous. Seeds are brown, large. The berry of this species does not lose its taste during storage.
  5. top gun – 58-62 days of seedlings and 65-67 days of sowing. Top gun hybrid contains a high percentage of sucrose, the flesh is very sweet with large black seeds. With proper care, the top gun gives a consistently rich harvest. Top gun occupies a leading position among other watermelon species due to its rapid maturation, good keeping quality, resistance to temperature changes and diseases.
  6. Karistan - a hybrid whose commercial qualities do not change for two weeks after harvest. A positive feature of the Karistan variety is its early ripeness and excellent taste. Watermelon Karistan is not exposed to fusarium and anthracnose, which has a good effect on its storage. Karistan has a light green color with stripes of different widths. The crust is smooth, the shape resembles an ellipse, the seeds are whitish in large numbers. The pulp is crispy, sweetish. Bahcha Karistan weighing up to 12 kg. Harvest can reach up to 250 c/ha.
  7. Varieties of sweet watermelons for open ground: Melitopol 142 and Stokes 647/649 . The weight of the berries of the first type barely exceeds 4-5 kg. The pulp has many small seeds, it is tasty, fibrous structure. Watermelon of the second type has an orange-red pulp, it is not very sweet, juicy. These types of melons are most suitable for Siberia, as they are less whimsical in care and resistant to weather changes.

Tip: Early types of melons easily tolerate cold, high humidity, do not deteriorate during long-term transportation and storage.

The best late varieties

Among the best late-ripening varieties, the following are noted:

  1. The variety of late-ripening watermelon Crimson Sweet is a late harvest, from sowing to ripening it takes 85-90. The fruits are large, their weight reaches 10-12 kg, sweet, the pulp is bright red tender, with small seeds. The peel is bright green with white patches. Transportability is good, the harvest is stable - from 1 ha to 200 kg.
  2. Kai is late, easily tolerates low temperature conditions and lack of light. It takes 85 days before the harvest. Fruit with wide stripes of barely noticeable white color. The core is porous, very sweet, pink. Sings for 75 days. The berry is oval in shape, light green in color with pale stripes. The pulp is juicy, fibrous, rich red color with small seeds.
  3. Impulse is a late variety of delicious elongated watermelon, stripless, saturated green. The skin is very thin. The pulp is scarlet, watery with medium seeds. The average weight of a berry is 8-20 kg. Productivity up to 300 kg per hundred square meters.
  4. Beijing joy - hybrid, early. From sowing to the ripe state of the fetus, 105-115 days pass. Peking watermelon has a dark-colored, rounded shape in the form of a ball and a peel with white stripes. The pulp is sweet, dark red, watery.

Late watermelon varieties are resistant to diseases, excess moisture and lack of watering. The best varieties delicious watermelons are early and early ripening, grown on suburban area. The fruits ripen quickly, after two months you can harvest. High-yielding watermelons are the most unpretentious in care, and ripe berries have excellent taste.

In the summer heat, watermelon is simply irreplaceable - it quenches thirst and provides the body with the nourishment it needs. A large number of varieties of this large berry are known - they differ in taste, color of the pulp and peel, as well as the size and shape of the fruit.

Ripening dates for watermelon varieties

The following early varieties and hybrids deserve the best recommendations: Shuga Baby, Honey Giant, Skorik, Sugar Kid, Gift of the Sun, Prince Albert F1, Prince Arthur F1, Prince Williams F1, Rafinad, Rosario F1. The ripening period is 75-80 days.

Spark is one of the most famous early varieties of watermelon. The fruits are medium-sized - up to 4-5 kg. The skin of watermelons is thin. Outside, it is painted in a very dark green color. The pulp has a sweet taste and a grainy texture. You can grow this variety not only in greenhouses, but also in open field. Plants are not afraid of a short-term drop in temperature.

The average ripening time is inherent in the varieties Yubileiny, Astrakhan, Melitopol 142, Bykovsky, Ataman F1, Muravlevsky.

Variety Volzhanin forms a smooth fruit of an elongated rounded shape. Its approximate weight is 5-6 kg. Red-raspberry pulp has a very pleasant taste - it is sweet and juicy. The seeds are small. The variety is drought tolerant.

Late and mid-late varieties of watermelon: Kholodok, Spring Bush 334, Rapture, Anniversary, Kholodov's Gift, Black Prince (it takes about a hundred days to ripen).

Kholodok is one of the most common mid-late varieties of watermelons (vegetation takes from 85 to 95 days). Plants form medium-sized fruits - their weight is about 5 kg. The bark is strong, the flesh is juicy, red, very sweet. These watermelons keep well (about three months). They are transportable.

Watermelon: varieties for the middle band

Varieties of watermelons for central Russia and the Moscow region are quite diverse, but it is worth growing plants in seedlings. Most Interest call Crimson Sweet, Skorik, Ogonyok, Producer, Astrakhan, Top-gun, Melitopol 142, Kholodok.

The list of watermelon varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia also includes the Sugar Baby variety. This watermelon has gained popularity all over the world. The granular dark red pulp of the fruit pleases with a pleasant taste - it is very sweet and juicy. The skin is dyed dark green. The variety is early.

Varieties of watermelons for the Urals

In the Urals, you can grow the same watermelons as in the Moscow region. In addition to them, the following varieties are used: Pink Champagne F1, Gift to the North F1, Crimstar.

Varieties of watermelon for Siberia

V Western Siberia and in the Far East it is also possible to grow watermelons - seedlings are planted under film shelters. Early varieties are considered optimal, such as Crimson Wonder, Crimson Sweet, Ultra Early, Spark, Sibiryak.

Siberian is a variety adapted to a cool climate. He is early, early. The average fruit weight is 5 kg. Taste characteristics are very good.

Varieties of yellow watermelons

Yellow watermelons appeared by crossing cultivars with a wild counterpart (this plant cannot boast of good taste and has yellow flesh). At the moment, the following varieties have been bred: Prince Hamlet F1, Gift of the Sun, Honeyhart F1.

Variety Lunny forms smooth ellipsoidal fruits. The rind of this watermelon is colored light green. There are dark stripes on a light background. The average fruit weight is 3 kg. Juicy yellow flesh has unsurpassed taste characteristics. The bones are small, dark. Fruits are stored for a short time - about a month.

White watermelon: variety

Light green "marbled" skins are found in the following varieties of watermelons: Charleston Gray and Honey Giant. The completely white skin of Navajo Winter. The flesh of this watermelon is pinkish or red. She is sweet and juicy. Fruits can be stored for about 4 months.

Varieties of black watermelon

The Densuke black watermelon variety is exorbitantly priced - today its cost is $ 50. This is due to the rarity of the variety - the plant is grown only on the island of Hokkaido. The pulp of this watermelon is very bright, it has a high sugar content. Such a watermelon is sold in elite stores - each fruit is packed in a black box.

A very dark, almost black skin with bright spots is distinguished by the original variety Luna and Stars. The flesh can be either red or yellowish. Fruit shape is oblong. Weight varies between 9-23 kg.

Sweet varieties of watermelon

Watermelons are inherently sweet, but the degree of sugar content varies from variety to variety. Astrakhan watermelons are considered the sweetest. Excellent taste characteristics are inherent in the varieties Volzhanin, Kholodok, Zenit, Bykovsky 22.

The Astrakhan variety forms wide-elliptical fruits weighing up to 10 kg. The peel is colored green and decorated with dark prickly stripes. Red, extremely juicy, coarse-grained flesh is distinguished by increased sweetness. Maturity is average.

Watermelon: large varieties

Large varieties of watermelons are quite common - the weight of such fruits exceeds 10 kg. There are also real champions. A striking example is the Carolina Cross watermelon - its weight was 119 kg. The watermelon Russian size, weighing 61.4 kg, gave way to him a little. Other large-fruited varieties: Palladin F1 (up to 20 kg), Astrakhan (about 10 kg), Crimson glory F1 (15 kg), Charleston gray (12 kg).

Seedless watermelon: varieties

Especially for gourmets, breeders bred hybrids devoid of seeds. This category includes watermelons Stabolite F1, Triton F1, Majestic F1, Honeyheart F1.

The early hybrid Prince Hamlet F1 is well known. The fruits are small (about 2 kg). They are covered with thin skin. The pulp has a delicious taste, it is devoid of seeds and colored yellow. The variety can be used, including for the preparation of honey and candied fruits.

Varieties of watermelon for open ground

In open ground, watermelons can be grown by residents of warm regions. Varieties ideal for such conditions: Radiant, Rose of the South-East, Stokes, Astrakhan, Volgar, Yarilo, Spark.

It is almost impossible to name the best varieties of watermelon - many of them deserve good recommendations. If plants receive everything they need for development, then they delight with a good harvest of sweet and juicy fruits.

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Watermelons - along with my favorite peppers (here) - love the bright sun during the day, warmth at night, loose sandy soil in the root area and in the root neck zone. For cool regions, you need to choose special varieties and the best hybrids of watermelons - not too fastidious, and they do better in greenhouses through seedlings. Only the most hardy forms of hybrid watermelons of varieties of special selection are suitable for open ground. V Lately new representatives of these berries have appeared, bearing massive fruits in any territory.

The traditional areas of cultivation of watermelons are Central Asia, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga (Astrakhan). The promotion of this melon culture to the North required significant breeding efforts. Selection based on the principle of early maturity was not enough. For watermelons, unlike radishes (there is plenty to choose from here), the strength of solar radiation is of great importance.

As we will see below, the emphasis - for the most part - is on plantings repeatedly (more than five years) of the best varieties of watermelons tested by all kinds of weather. An exception was given to the varieties "Barrel of Honey" and "Striped Torpedo", for three years of cultivation (everything here) they deserved only positive reviews in different regions and areas.

Best early watermelons for any area (universal)

Many modern varieties and hybrids of watermelons have a growing season of 60-80 days; they are considered early maturing. They are distinguished by increased unpretentiousness - they endure both heat and cold snaps. In the southern regions, they gain weight over 10 kg, in the northern regions - more modestly.


Lady F1

The Dutch company "Nunems" specializes in the creation of super-early gourds. Watermelon Lady F1 - in the list of her best achievements. This hybrid was included in the Russian State Register in 2000, without regional restrictions. The first fruits ripen two months after germination. This is extremely early. Commodity quality is very high.

Lady F1 is the earliest of the oval-shaped watermelons. Even in the northern regions it is able to grow more than 5 kg, and in the south it pulls 11-18 kg. The accumulation of sugars occurs at a rapid pace. The sugar content is very high (11%). There are no hard veins in the intensely colored pulp. Seeds are small.

The peel is of moderate thickness, does not burst; covering stripes are even, rather wide. Watermelons can be transported, stored for a month and a half.

The hybrid is not affected by Fusarium wilt. The main stem and side shoots are long (about 6 meters); in the northern regions, stepping and topping, normalization of ovaries are necessary. It tolerates a lack of ground moisture, but prefers a good water supply. From ten square meters remove at least 30-40 kg of watermelons.

Eureka F1

The hybrid was entered into the Russian Seed Registry in 2010. Bred in the Dutch branch of "Seminis" corporation "Monsanto". Fruits need 60-75 days to ripen. This watermelon is zoned in the Lower Volga region, but is successfully cultivated in the Far East, Siberia and Altai, the Urals, and the Moscow region. In the northern regions, it grows 6-7 kg in greenhouses, 3-5 kg ​​in street ridges and greenhouses. In the south, the weight reaches 13-14 kg.

Watermelons are spherical or slightly elongated, striped in shape. The skin is strong, withstands transportation well. Lightness is moderate. Taste qualities are excellent.

The stems are not too long, the bush takes up little space. Does not require heavy watering. Excellent resistance to temperature stresses (cooling, heat). Not susceptible to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose.

Ataman F1

The Dutch hybrid has been zoned in Russia since 2011. It takes 56-66 days to mature. State tests were held in the North Caucasus, but Ataman F1 came to court in other areas. For example, it shows excellent results in the Amur region, on ridges with a mulch film. In cloudy, rainy seasons, the yield is moderate. But if the weather is favorable, then the fruits grow by 10-18 kg, making a worthy competitor to Central Asian supplies.

The minimum weight of watermelons is 2.5-4 kg. They are spherical or slightly elongated; the stripes are blurry. The integumentary tissue is moderately thick, allows you to transport and store products for about a month. The grains are small. The pulp is juicy, sugar accumulation depends on the weather - from normal to very good (about 6.5%).

The bush is powerful, bears up to five ovaries. Genetically resistant to anthracnose and fusarium. On ten square meters, 22-30 kg of marketable watermelons ripen.

Ataman F1 should not be confused with the non-hybrid Krasnodar variety Atamansky.

Honey Giant super F1

The peel is unusual - grayish with a malachite rendering. The ripening period ranges from 65-80 days. The fruits are cylindrical, with a record length of half a meter and a weight of 15 kg. Average weight 4-5 kg. The pulp is light raspberry, with a good content of sugars. Shoots are quite long (about 4 meters). fusarium, anthracnose. Due to the strong skin, watermelons can withstand long transportation.

Prince Danish F1

A new hybrid from the agricultural company "Sedek", in the State Register since 2013. Maturing term - from 75 days. Watermelons are spherical, slightly elongated. Average weight - 5 kg, maximum - 17 kg, minimum - 1.8 kg. The surface is dark green, the banding is indistinct. The flesh is deep pink, with a wonderful sweetness. Seeds are small. Keeping fruit - 1 month. Transportation should be careful - the skin is not too dense.

Crimson Ruby F1

The growth period before the first harvest is 65-80 days. This hybrid form was created by breeders of the French branch of the Japanese agricultural company Sakata. It was entered into the Russian State Register in 2010. Under the northern sky, fruits gain weight of 3-4 kg, in greenhouses and in the south - 9-14 kg each. Sugar content is moderate (4%) to excellent (7%).

The watermelon is slightly elongated, the stripes are uniform. The crust is of moderate thickness. The ability to store - from 3 to 9 weeks (depending on conditions).

The leaf apparatus is quite large, the main stem is long. The hybrid is hardy to dryness of the soil, cooling, Fusarium wilt. Grows well in open ground on light sandy soils. Fees per square meter are 2.5 - 3.9 kg.

Crimson Sweet seedless F1

This is a hybrid of special selection: there are no seeds in it at all. For the successful formation of ovaries, bushes are planted next to simple varieties of a similar flowering period. Pollinators should be allowed to carry pollen from male flowers. Slightly oval watermelons grow in weight from 3 to 9 kg, tender and sweet. The skin is thick, does not burst during transportation.


Crimson Sweet

A popular variety of Dutch selection, the ancestor of many modern varieties and hybrids. Sometimes it is put on sale under the translated name - "Raspberry Sweet". Unpretentious. You can get your seeds from it. Watermelon in terms of early or medium early (approximately 65-80 days passes from germination to the first harvest). Weight fluctuates in the range of 3-12 kg. The fruits are round or slightly elongated. The integumentary stripes are distinct, but not even, but slightly mosaic. The pulp successfully accumulates sweetness even in the northern regions.

miracle berry

This is an original early variety from the breeders of the Russian company "Aelita". "Wonderful" in it is the golden flesh of a lemon hue - smelly, with honey sweetness. There are very few seeds. "Berries" weigh 3-6 kg. The bushes are powerful, cold-resistant. About 30 kg of fruits are harvested from ten square meters.

Mid-season and mid-early varieties of the best watermelons for southern soil and northern greenhouses

In the North Caucasus and in the lower reaches of the Volga, these watermelons build up a large mass in the open air - they have enough solar energy and heat. In the more northern regions, the fruits have time to ripen only in greenhouses and greenhouses, and even then, subject to planting seedlings and decent agricultural technology.

hybrid varieties

Crimlong F1

"Long" is translated as "long". The name refers to the beautiful elongated shape of this hybrid watermelon. The plant needs at least 3 months to grow fruits weighing up to 10 kg and accumulate sugar content. Strong peel contributes to excellent preservation and trouble-free transportation of the harvested crop. Long lashes with large foliage do not get sick with Fusarium wilt and anthracnose, put up with a lack of moisture.

F1 striped torpedo

Another hybrid with a "talking" name. From germination to maturity takes 12-13 weeks. A breeding novelty from the Gavrish agricultural firm was entered into the State Register in 2015, zoned in Kalmykia, as well as in the Saratov, Astrakhan, Vologda regions. Here, in open ground conditions, the average weight of one watermelon is 5 kg, the record one is 12 kg. Sugar content is very good - about 7-8%. Stem rather long, branched; long-term yield. Shelf life - 1 month.

Bushes are not affected by anthracnose and fusarium. The hybrid is hardy high temperatures and low humidity in the root zone. On the southern non-irrigated lands, the yield is 18-23 kg per ten square meters. In wet weather, plants develop worse.

Florida F1

This Russian hybrid has been on the State Register since 2010. Recommended for growing on the Lower Volga. Ripening terms - from mid-early to medium (70-100 days). Weight 4-8 kg. The accumulation of sugars is good. The fruits are elongated, the stripes are blurred. Covering tissues are dense. Watermelons are suitable for transportation, they are stored for one and a half to two months.

The bushes are sprawling, the productivity is high - on irrigated lands up to 3.5 kg per square of usable melon area. The hybrid puts up with short cold snaps.



The variety differs significantly from the early ripening Dutch hybrid with the similar name Ataman F1. Watermelon Atamansky was obtained by scientists of the Krasnodar Territory, zoned in 1998 for the Nizhnevolzhskaya agricultural zone. In terms of fruiting - medium early (70-90 days). The variety is distinguished by a rapid and friendly growth of the first wave of the crop.. The average weight of a watermelon is about 3-4 kg.

The fruits are slightly oval. The color is original, patterned - light gray with a greenish undertone and an openwork green drawing. The skin is thin, but the ability to transport is excellent. Keeping quality - 1 month. Sugar content more than 7%. The pulp is juicy. The growth force of the bush is moderate. The variety is not afraid of anthracnose and fusarium wilt. Hardy to lack of moisture, but on irrigated lands, fees double, reaching 2.5 kg per square meter.


The ripening time of this Russian variety from the agricultural company "Aelita" is medium early. Commodity watermelons are received in 80 days. The fruits are spherical, grayish-green marble color. By weight, they are not too large, 3-4 kg each, but they stand out with a very high sugar content. The pulp is melting, the skin is thin. We let three or four ovaries grow on one bush, we pluck the rest.

barrel of honey

A new variety from Russian breeders, which received a State patent in 2015. From germination to ripening of the first fruits, at least three months. Watermelons have a beautiful cylinder shape. Weight 2.5-6 kg. The pulp is pinkish, sugary. The skin is not too thick, but dense. Fruits are well transported. Bushes are climbing. The average fee per ten square meters is 15 kg.

The next three varieties are presented in packages from the agricultural company "Altai Seeds". However, in Altai and Siberia they can only be grown in greenhouses. The ripening period is mid-early and medium, the fruits are large. These watermelons work best in warmer regions.


This watermelon was bred in Krasnodar and entered the State Register in 2001. It is proposed for cultivation in the Lower Volga and the North Caucasus. For these regions, the variety is considered early. Watermelons begin to ripen 80-90 days after germination; the first collections are already plentiful. The fruits are spherical, slightly elongated, the average weight is 5 kg. In the southern regions, the accumulation of sugar is excellent - up to 8%. Seeds are small.

Scourge of moderate length. Plants are relatively resistant to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose. The crop is well transported, stored for about a month. Seasonal collection from ten square meters of ground melon - up to 43 kg.

Charleston Gray

The original variety of Kuban selection, zoned from 2013 to North Caucasus. The surface of the skin has a special shade - light green, with an implicit mesh-mosaic drawing. Watermelons grow in a beautiful cylindrical shape, weigh from 3.5 to 8 kg, record-breaking fruits are pulled out by 15 - 18 kg. They ripen 75-90 days after germination. The sugar content is standard: within 6-7%.

The pulp is red-pink, dense, not watery. The peel is moderately thick, does not burst during transportation. Keeping fruit long - at least one and a half months. The variety is resistant to anthracnose. Productivity on irrigated southern lands reaches 45 kg per ten square meters.

big sugar

The growing season before fruiting is 80-90 days. Watermelons grow up to 10 kg. They are round or slightly oval in shape. Raspberry pulp, good sugar content. Stems are long, branched.

The best varieties of early ripening watermelons for the northern zones

Special northern selection prioritizes traits such as precocity and cold tolerance. The fruits usually grow not too large, so it makes no sense to plant such varieties in the south. But in cool regions, they give out a stable crop in greenhouses, the simplest greenhouses and in open ground beds.


Orange Honey F1

Spherical watermelons grow up to 2.5 kg in weight. On the cut, they are "with a surprise" - bright orange. The taste is sweeter than southern watermelons. Sugar content is very high - up to 11%.

Kai F1

The exclusive seller of this hybrid in Russia is the St. Petersburg agricultural firm "Biotechnika". Plants are genetically hardy to cold snaps and lack of solar energy. The best results are shown in greenhouses, where record fruits can be poured up to 10 kg.

It is recommended to grow a hybrid through seedlings. The stem is long, actively developing. Ripe fruits begin to be harvested 70 days after germination. By this time, the pulp successfully accumulates sugar, turns crimson, acquires juiciness. The skin is small, the seeds are very small.

Gift to the North F1

An exclusive hybrid from the company "NK-Russian garden". Watermelons ripen in early and mid-early periods: 75-85 days. They are spherical, juicy, sweet, with a strong skin. In closed ground, this hybrid is able to grow up to 10 kg, in the ground, the weight of the fruit is more modest. Bushes are resistant to diseases, cold snaps, soil drought.

Pink champagne F1

Another branded hybrid from "Russian garden". It is recommended to grow it by seedling method. The minimum weight of round fruits is 2-4 kg, the maximum is 6-7 kg. Ripe pulp is friable, reddish-pink, very tasty, contains a lot of juice.

Prince Arthur F1

This hybrid watermelon grows in 70 days even in open ground. Fruits are oval, striped, juicy, low-seeded. The average weight is 1.5 kg, and the maximum is 2 kg. 3-4 ovaries are left on each plant, the rest are removed. The taste of watermelon is excellent.

Peking joy prone F1

The fruits begin to ripen 80 days after the start of the growing season. The ovaries grow quickly, their optimal number is 3 or 4 pieces per bush. The weight of each watermelon does not exceed 3.5 kg. The pulp quickly accumulates sugar. Seeds are small. The skin is solid, the keeping quality is long.



In the State Register since 2001. Ultra-early variety (55 days) with excellent sugar content (7%) and excellent fruit weight (average 5 kg). The maximum weight can be doubled. Plant intensive type fruitfulness oriented. The main stem grows only 2 meters, the branches are small. Cushioned landing possible. A crop from a dozen square meters reaches 70 kg (especially with proper moisture supply).

One bush is able to fully bear 2 or 3 ovaries. The keeping quality of ripe watermelons is up to 3-4 weeks. They are not suitable for long-term transportation - the skin is too thin and soft. The variety shows good resistance to aphids, anthracnose, powdery mildew.

ultra early

A variety of Siberian selection with a moderate growth of the vegetative mass and a fast filling of ovaries. It ripens even in open greenhouses due to its increased cold resistance. The weight of watermelons is from 2 to 6 kg. The skin is thin and dark. The pulp is small-seeded, sugary.