What rules should be followed in business communication. Business ethics: concepts and principles

Compliance with the ethics of business communication is the basis of a successful team. Relationships built on the rules of professional ethics and mutual respect create a comfortable working atmosphere and support motivation in the team.

The article presents the basic principles of business communication ethics, tips and rules that will be useful to both employees and managers.

To control oneself so as to respect others as oneself, and to treat them as we would like to be treated, is what can be called philanthropy.


What it is?

Business communication, like any other, needs regulation. Business communication etiquette is a set of open and unspoken rules for those who have to work together every weekday.

Without regulated norms, business communication turns into a messy exchange of information. Each person perceives differently the world, their colleagues, managers and subordinates.

So that a different worldview does not interfere with work and does not force everyone to speak different languages, it is important to observe the etiquette and culture of business communication. This applies to both relationships within the same team and external contacts (between employees of different departments or branches, between an employee and a client).

Rules and basic principles of business communication ethics

The ethics of business communication is primarily practical purpose. Its observance greatly simplifies the work of the entire team as a whole and each employee in particular, since it is easier and faster to act according to generally accepted patterns. At the same time, employees will know what to expect from each other. Such a step helps to increase overall productivity, saving employees from thinking like “What did he mean?”.

The second task of business ethics- to create a working atmosphere in the team, in which all the time is devoted to the cause, and the allotted hour is given to fun. Moral comfort plays a greater role in life than physical comfort, and due to the observance of business ethics, employees will always feel comfortable in terms of job satisfaction.

Moreover, the moral side of the action of business ethics also affects productivity: an employee who feels comfortable in the workplace will be more committed to the company, will strive to do his job better. A pleasant atmosphere, achieved through the observance of ethical principles of business communication, makes employees strive for excellence in their work.

We offer for viewing a video review of the 5 basic rules of etiquette in business communication according to D. Carnegie:

The main types of business communication

There are three main types of business communication, they are based on the generally accepted hierarchy within the team.

So, business communication can take place:

  1. "Top down";
  2. "Upwards";
  3. "Horizontally".
For these three categories, there are different ethical standards for business communication, although there are general principles. First of all, the general principles respect for the employee, regardless of the role of the latter in the company.

It is important to be correct in relation to employees, colleagues from other companies and clients with whom you work. This, for example, implies that it would be unethical to ask the interlocutor about his personal affairs, especially about problems, just because you are interested.

General rules for all apply to telephone business etiquette. "Hello" or "yes" is not an appropriate greeting for a business person. You should politely introduce yourself, name your position, the name of the company, department.

When talking on the phone, you need to be careful, if you are talking to a person for the first time, be sure to remember his name and patronymic and contact them. Your thoughts should always be expressed clearly, concisely. If, for good reasons, you cannot keep up the conversation, you must apologize to the interlocutor and offer to contact him later.

Communication "boss-subordinate"

The boss is "above" the subordinate

Or top to bottom. Any good leader should try to create a comfortable atmosphere in the team. It is the self-discipline of the leader that is the most powerful motivator and example for subordinates.

Therefore, it is important for people holding leadership positions to observe the ethical rules of business communication in the first place.

Tip: The effective work of the entire company begins with the self-discipline of the leader. Only by learning to manage yourself can you manage other people. Familiarity, being late, postponing decisions "for later" should disappear from habits. All this will help strengthen your authority, win the favor of employees - everyone wants to strive for a brighter future for an ideal leader.

The leader is the one who manages the work process and gives orders.
You can do this in several ways, including:

  • Order;
  • Request;
  • Question or request;
  • Volunteer call.
An order is a strict form of an order. Orders should not be abused, but in a good way - they should generally be avoided. Most often, direct orders are used in relation to unscrupulous employees in critical situations. But if it came to problems and orders - think about what good such a clearly conflicting employee can bring to the company?

Request is the most common form of command., especially if the team already has a fairly trusting working relationship. In response to the request, the employee, if necessary, can provide a comment. The leader can also present the request in such a way that it will be tantamount to an order, while maintaining a friendly tone.

Question usually given to those employees who have shown themselves to be competent and proactive people, the same applies to calling a volunteer.

Advice to the leader: it would be quite useful to study your subordinates in order to find out which of them adequately perceives questions. For example, a qualified subordinate who is enthusiastic about his job and who has earned the trust of the manager can give good advice about how to solve a given problem. An employee who is not proactive and unscrupulous is more likely to see in the question the weakness of the leader and a reason to shirk from work.

Also, subordinates always appreciate Justice. So the reward must always be adequate to the merit, just as the punishment is adequate to the failure. At the same time, the mistakes of employees should not be left completely unattended - such behavior can show the manager as inattentive or tell the employee that he can work carelessly, shirk and go unpunished.

Among other things, the boss must show his subordinates that he respects and appreciates their opinion and contribution to the common cause, and in this case he will achieve reciprocal loyalty.

Communication "subordinate-boss"

Of course, the rules of business communication must be observed by all subordinates. A good employee, like a leader, is interested in establishing and maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the team, therefore, within the framework of the ethics of business communication, one of the tasks of a subordinate is to help the leader maintain it.

In no case should a subordinate try to manage his leader, this is a manifestation of disrespect, non-compliance with the hierarchy and, accordingly, a violation of the ethics of business communication. Subordination should always take place: you can express your opinion in the correct form, but you cannot tell the boss. By the way, in this case, the ethics of network communication is no exception. It may seem that some of the rules of ethics can be neglected in Internet correspondence, but this is not so. There is still a boss on the other side of the screen, and you need to behave with him accordingly.

It is not recommended to be categorical with the boss. It is not necessary to always agree with him, otherwise you may seem like a flatterer. But it's not worth arguing with management all the time. Here it is important to find a fine line and show that the subordinate respects the leader, has an inner core, and a strong character. Such employees are valued, they are trusted as loyal and reliable people.

I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them
of course, if they are willing to admit that they have problems.
J. Soros

If there is a senior management in the company, then it is not worth contacting him, bypassing the immediate supervisor. This is a direct demonstration of disrespect for the leader, so you can call into question the competence of the leader, which can negatively affect relationships within the entire team.

It would be reckless not to mention the main weapon of some employees is a lie. If an employee allows himself to lie in the workplace, promise to complete all tasks (with subsequent failure), talk about how he did something that he didn’t actually do, a rare manager will deny himself the pleasure of getting rid of such an assistant. Honesty and trust are the basis of business communication. By adhering to these principles, an employee can go even further than he planned, but if you try to be cunning, then you only have yourself to blame.

Communication "employee-employee"

In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to what, in fact, determines the relationship between employees: their rights and obligations. They must be clearly distributed among colleagues, otherwise a conflict will inevitably arise. Everyone should mind his own business, even if he intersects with the rest of the employees at work.

Often there is a business rivalry or competition between employees, during which they try to achieve, for example, a promotion. Here it is necessary to understand that the transition to the individual is unacceptable. Respect must be valued above all else. The etiquette of business communication during a presentation, in particular, suggests that a colleague should not be interrupted or interrupted. All questions and objections can be expressed in the correct form after the presentation or during a specially designated for questions.

Also, one should not take on more than one can fulfill, one should not make promises that will not be kept. You need to adequately assess yourself, your capabilities, as well as the capabilities of employees.

Business and professional life needs organization and order.

In business, it regulates business etiquette. It is designed to organize interaction at work, in the performance of their official duties.

Ethics is a system of moral norms accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of specific rules and laws of behavior adopted in society.

There are many types of etiquette: everyday, diplomatic, military, guest and others.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowing the rules of business etiquette, it is impossible to succeed in the chosen field of activity.

Compliance with all the rules and norms of communication in a professional environment guarantees respect and authority among colleagues. Right choice, the relevance and timeliness of a word, gesture, posture, other ethical sign reveals the business and personal qualities of a person from the best side.

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, as they:

  • contribute to the formation of positive;
  • favor successful negotiations, business meetings;
  • insurance in case of force majeure, awkward moments;
  • enable more successful and faster achievement of goals.

Violation of the generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship and doing business makes it unsuccessful. Unethical entrepreneurs fail to establish themselves in the market.

Etiquette includes universal universal moral and ethical standards:

  • respectful respect for elders;
  • helping a woman
  • honor and dignity;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • benevolence and others.

Features of the ethics of communication in a business environment

In a business environment, it is not enough to just be a well-mannered, cultured, polite person. Business etiquette has a number of features and differences. The rules of business etiquette require strictness and accuracy in execution.

Features of the ethics of communication in the organization are determined by the specifics of the economic sphere of people's lives and the traditions that have developed in the cultural environment.

Basics of business etiquette - general principles of a culture of behavior in a corporate environment:

  • Politeness

The tone of communication with colleagues, partners, clients is always friendly and welcoming. Perfect smile - business card successful person in business. Politeness helps to increase the profitability of the enterprise, maintain good relations with partners and customers. Nervousness, irritability and panic rules of business etiquette exclude.

  • Correctness

In a corporate environment, it is not customary to be rude and inattentive even in relation to a dishonest partner. It is necessary to be able to control oneself, restrain emotions and regulate behavior by willpower.

  • Tact

Business people do not forget about the sense of proportion and tact in relationships with people. Prudently avoid awkward, negative, unacceptable topics in conversation.

  • Delicacy

Delicacy implies softness, smoothness, flexibility, ornateness of speech. It is customary to say compliments that do not turn into flattery and hypocrisy.

  • Modesty

The ability to behave modestly characterizes a person as well-mannered, favorably emphasizes his business and personal qualities. A modest specialist and a professional in his field is perceived as a balanced, harmonious, holistic, mature personality.

  • obligatory

If an employee or manager has taken on an obligation, made a promise, he must keep it. The extent to which the head or employee of the organization is required can tell about his ability to analyze, predict, assess the situation, forces, and opportunities.

  • Punctuality

In a business environment, it is considered indecent to be inaccurate in time, not to be able to properly manage it, because this is a sign that a person does not value either his or someone else's time. For example, waiting for an important meeting for more than five minutes is defined as a gross violation of the rules of business etiquette. Time is especially valuable in business.

Laws and rules of ethics

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, as their violation can lead to the rupture of partnerships, loss of reputation, sales markets and other negative consequences.

All business people comply job descriptions, act according to the charter of the organization and observe the oral and written rules of corporate etiquette.

The rules of business etiquette provide for the following working points:

  • Dress code

The style of clothing is classic, restrained, neat. A strict suit, an acceptable color scheme in clothes (usually black, gray, white), a neat hairstyle. Each organization can prescribe its own dress code rules, but they are always within the framework of the appearance features generally recognized in business.

  • Attitude towards work

Conscientious, responsible, decent attitude to work, perhaps, main feature professionalism. At work, it is not customary to solve personal matters, visit social networks, talk a lot with colleagues not on business, often take tea breaks.

  • Time management

Nobody likes unpunctual people. And in business, every minute is precious, and therefore the value of time cannot be exaggerated. The rules say: time is money; every professional and specialist must master the basics; you need to plan your day.

  • Written speech

An educated and cultured person always writes correctly. There are rules and canons for the design of business letters and other documentation.

  • Oral speech
  • telephone etiquette

Business etiquette involves the rules of negotiations and telephone conversations. They prepare for a telephone conversation in advance: they determine the time when it is more convenient for the interlocutor to talk, prepare questions that need to be asked, note the main points that need to be discussed.

  • Chatting in Internet

For the etiquette of communication on the Internet, a new word has been coined - netiquet. It is already impossible to imagine a civilized life without the Internet. Modern worker uses e-mail, the company's website, internal chat, and so on.

The rules for writing business emails partially coincide with the rules for writing paper letters. It is customary to sign an e-mail not only with the name of the author, but also leave contact information (name of organization, postal code, phone numbers, Skype nickname, company website address, work schedule).

  • Desktop

On the desktop, according to the rules of etiquette, there should be order. Even stacks of papers, books, folders - everything is in its place. The desktop of the employer and the employee will tell about how he works. The unspoken rule says: the more order on the desktop, the more it is in the head.

  • trade secret

Confidential information and trade secrets are not subject to disclosure.

  • Respect

In behavior and communication, a cultured person expresses respect for the interlocutor, partner, opponent, client. Business etiquette obliges you to be an attentive listener, respect the opinions of others, help a colleague with work, and so on.

  • Business negotiations, meetings, events

The ability to competently conduct negotiations and effectively complete them is a special art. Business etiquette says that negotiations and meetings should have a goal, a plan, a specific time frame and a place that is convenient for both parties.

Business events, such as meeting business partners at a train station or airport, introducing members of a delegation, presenting flowers and other actions, are carried out according to the protocol. For example, there are certain rules seating at the negotiating table.

  • Subordination

The relationship "boss - subordinate" involves smooth communication with a certain distance. An ethical boss makes comments to a subordinate only tete-a-tete. Gives oral and written assignments specifically, concisely, clearly. An ethical subordinate unconditionally follows the orders of the leader, but can express his point of view, give useful advice, make a suggestion.

  • Relationships in the team

The microclimate in the team is of great importance, it affects the productivity and performance of employees. Business etiquette involves friendly, respectful relationships, help and support in solving tasks. Taboos: gossip, intrigue, intrigues, the Cold War, as well as office romances (personal life is assumed outside of work hours and not at the workplace).

  • business gestures

Gestures should be vigorous, but not excessive or sweeping; the gait is even, swift, the walking speed is average (not running and not walking); posture is straight; confident look.

The only touch allowed in a business environment is a handshake. At the same time, there are rules here too. When shaking hands, it is not customary for the hand to be lethargic, wet, cold. The hand of the interlocutor should not be squeezed and shaken for a long time and strongly. There is a lot of psychological literature on body language that deals with business gestures and how they can be interpreted.

To be ethical in a professional environment, you must comply with all laws and adhere to the rules of etiquette.

Ethics and business etiquette are studied in general education educational institutions, when attending relevant courses, trainings, seminars and are mastered independently by a business person.

Ethics as a personality trait

The business qualities of a person are the ability to perform tasks and achieve goals determined by the specifics of work, specialty, and qualifications.

There are two types of business qualities:

  1. personal, congenital;
  2. professional acquired.

When hiring new employees, self-respecting companies conduct psychological testing, which allows diagnosing innate and acquired business qualities.

The general and business culture of an employee is no less important than qualifications, ability to work and work experience.

Undoubtedly, when hiring, the moral and ethical qualities of a person are taken into account. But these qualities can also be acquired, nurtured, instilled in the process of professional activity.

The ethics of a person is expressed in such manifestations of his morality:

  1. conscience, a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  2. will, developed self-control, clear regulation of behavior;
  3. honesty, the ability to tell the truth and act accordingly;
  4. collectivism, social orientation of activity, friendliness, desire to strive for a common goal;
  5. self-control, stress resistance, control over feelings and emotions;
  6. adherence to principles, consistency, upholding ethical positions, correspondence of words to actions;
  7. industriousness, desire to work, interest in work;
  8. responsibility, seriousness, stability;
  9. generosity, tolerance, humanity, tolerance;
  10. optimism, faith in the best, self-confidence.

Morality and ethics are the basic characteristics of the personality of a cultural leader and worker. A successful person in business has a developed need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, to be kind and honest.

The most important part of any business is business communication, therefore, knowing the rules of business communication and embodying knowledge in the process of business negotiations is mandatory, since in the process of doing business in modern world direct relationships a huge amount of time. At the same time, it is not enough just to communicate politely and benevolently, it is necessary to know and apply in business negotiations the rules of conducting a business conversation, as well as the rules of public speaking. By following the rules of business communication, you show your professionalism, and this quality is necessary condition for successful business development. By violating the rules of business communication, you can destroy mutual understanding between partners and counterparties, which will lead to a break in contacts.

We list the rules of business communication that are of paramount importance:

1. An important condition for business communication is punctuality. Punctuality in business characterizes your respectful attitude to your own and other people's time and facilitates communication. An important step in ensuring punctuality is planning.

2. No less important is not verbosity. At the same time, aspects related to the activities of the company and the personal life of colleagues may be superfluous. Try to be to the point, understandable, but short enough.

3. Respect for the opinions of partners and colleagues is an equally important condition on the way to the success of any business. Curiosity and selfishness, intolerance or the desire to build a career at someone else's expense bring only disappointment and failure. Respect for the opinion of the interlocutor, the ability to listen to him, as well as to hear and understand is the key to success. If you did not answer the words or question of the interlocutor, then you grossly violated

4. It is equally important to write and speak correct language. The ability to conduct a conversation allows you to involve, interest in your ideas, and, consequently, to bring them to life. This ability is necessary in the formation of business relationships and contacts.

5. Before you take part in the conversation, you must clearly articulate the purpose of communication. Use a variety of speech, choosing the right words for a specific situation.

6. Maintain composure and self-control, watch your manifestations of feelings and emotions. Do not respond to rudeness with rudeness, sinking to the level of a poorly educated opponent, you will demonstrate the lack of your speech culture.

  1. When communicating with the interlocutor, stick to your speech habits. Do not adopt the communication style of the interlocutor, because you lose your individuality by imitating someone else's communication style.

8. The rules for conducting a business conversation, in addition to business qualities, also provide for the style of your clothes - a dress code.

Therefore, the skill of eloquence, the basic rules of public speaking must be constantly improved. can open the way to success, you just need to know and use them.

In order to successfully speak to a mass audience, it is necessary to prepare a plan in advance and draw up the main theses of your speech.

It is advisable to avoid an instructive tone during a speech.

Try to convey your own indifference to the theses voiced, using the correct intonation.

Speak simply and competently.

Interest the audience, convince you that you are right, using verifiable arguments.

Eliminate boring clichés from your speech.

Concluding effectively return to the beginning of the speech, as well as re-emphasizing key points.

Despite the fact that the rules are quite simple, many still do not follow them with or forget about them, carried away by a lively discussion.

We form an opinion about a person by how he behaves. If a person knows business etiquette, is polite, helpful, understands without words what they want from him, we can assume that he is at home in the business environment and has every opportunity to earn.

If you understand the language of etiquette, recognize the non-verbal cues addressed to you, and know how to respond to them, then you are in the game.

Good elevator entry manners can take you to the top of your career. And knowing who climbs the office ladder first can be a stepping stone to business success. Someone will argue that this is a trifle. But "from the little things perfection is made, and perfection is not a trifle"!

The ideal place for a meeting is a meeting room, where nothing distracts the attention of the meeting participants.

Your non-verbal behavior in negotiations should reflect your interest in the outcome of the meeting and attention to the issues under discussion, so you should not:

  • yawn or engage in other extraneous activities,
  • draw on notes, leave cell phones on,
  • play with the pen.

mobile etiquette

The most important rule of mobile etiquette is dictated by common sense: we have the right to use a cell phone, if we do not restrict the freedom of other people, do not infringe on their interests and do not violate their privacy (confidentiality).

You need to call a mobile phone for business matters during working hours, on weekdays it is considered the time period from 9:00 to 21:00. mobile phone.

At work, you can use it only to solve business issues - you should not devote everyone to your personal affairs. It is also undesirable to talk on the phone.

On public transport, in restaurants and other places where strangers will be forced to become witnesses of your private conversations. if you get a call and there are other people around you, leave the room and talk.

Voice mail

If you want to dictate a voice message, speak clearly with your department and personal details. The message must be short. Do not include multiple phone numbers and email addresses in a voice mail message, one is sufficient.


Before switching the conversation to the speakerphone, ask the permission of the interlocutor. Don't answer speakerphone calls or check your voicemail on speakerphone—especially if you work in a large, crowded office rather than a private office. It will distract those around you.

How to seat guests at formal receptions

  • The hostess sits down at the table first and invites guests to take their seats.
  • At the table, men alternate with women.
  • Spouses or employees of the same firm do not sit next to each other.
  • The men help the ladies in the neighborhood sit down, then sit down themselves.
  • The most honorable place at the men's reception is to the right of the host. If a reception with the participation of women, then to the right of the hostess. If the guest of honor is invited with his wife, then the guest sits to the left of the host of the reception, and the guest to the right of the hostess - of course, if the hostess and the host are sitting next to each other.
  • At the end of the meal, the hostess leaves the table first, giving a signal to the rest of the guests.

Business etiquette around the world

The English dress the instructions for action in the form of a polite request. However, it is mandatory to do so.

If you have a mess in business papers, the Germans will draw the appropriate conclusions. It is strictly forbidden to violate the terms and scope of work specified in the contract. Every single point must be strictly followed.

Business negotiations in France, as a rule, begin no earlier than 11 am. Negotiations are best French, since the reverent and even painful attitude of the French to their language and culture is not a myth at all.

Great importance in America is attached to the family and hobbies. Therefore, in the office of an American, you will always see photographs of his relatives and items related to his hobby. But this does not mean that you can talk about personal topics. Personal information (age, physical parameters, marital status, religious and political views) is available only to relatives and friends and is not subject to discussion.

Italians pay great attention to the meal, so meetings are often scheduled in a restaurant. By refusing treats, you risk losing partners. True, the agreements reached during the feast mean little. Final decisions are made later. Business conversations never start with business questions. It is customary to talk about life. Do not only ask questions about family and politics, and do not speak dismissively about football.

The Confucian rule says that a man and a woman should not touch each other when giving or taking something. Therefore, avoid touching a woman. It is also not customary to open the door in front of her or give way.

Greetings in Japan are accompanied by a polite smile and a bow of at least 15 degrees. A bow of 45 degrees is more respectful. When the Japanese greet a very important person, the bow can be all 90 degrees.

With foreign partners, the Japanese can shake hands. But if you are bowed, answer at least a small bow, folding your palms at face level. Avoid direct eye contact.

Arabs freely deal with time. Arriving at the agreed time, you may not catch the Arab partner, but you will be well received and treated to coffee, which will be refilled until you shake the cup as a sign that you do not want any more. Business decisions are made, as a rule, at the highest level and do not depend on those who conduct negotiations. Therefore, sometimes the decision process is delayed for a long time. Patience and the ability to wait will help you do business in the east.

When meeting, when you are introduced or you introduce yourself, do not rush to shake hands. The person to whom you are introduced should do so first. Remember: according to business etiquette, it is not customary to kiss the hand of ladies at an official meeting (according to the rules of secular etiquette, only married women kiss the hand and only indoors).

Business etiquette discourages shaking hands with both hands as it is meant to show a closer relationship with people. Moreover, people may perceive such a gesture as an attempt to show condescension or patronage. However, do not forget about cross-cultural differences - for example, Americans adore this gesture and consider it appropriate in business communications.

If you did not find a person in place, but want to show respect to him, bend the upper right corner of the business card you left.

Today, badges are used all over the world - they can contain information not only about the name of the bearer and his position, but also the company logo and even a photograph. It is curious that since the invention (and it is generally accepted that the first badges appeared in England in late XIX century) appearance badges have changed little - only the clasp is being improved, for example, badges on the lanyard - a special lanyard for fastening - are widely used.

The manifestation of simple human attention from the head always inspires employees. The boss should notice the success of the subordinate and encourage him. Let it be simple gratitude, but it must be expressed. To congratulate the team on the holiday, and the employee on his birthday - people really appreciate such gestures.

All employees at work should be referred to as "you", it disciplines and is a sign of respect. However, now in many companies communication on “you” is taken as a standard - in the American manner (in English language, as we remember, there is no division into “you” and “you”, there is only a single appeal you). It has already become the norm. However, if your company does not adhere to such principles, it is not worth introducing the “you” address, demonstrating the breadth of views and progressiveness: nevertheless, communication with “you” implies close relationships, which are far from always appropriate at work.

Hospitality traditions provide for various signs of attention. you can offer guests a cultural program by providing a car with a driver for this.

The leader must meet and escort the delegation, and then welcome it to the official reception.

There is an unspoken rule (not categorical, but desirable) - if a guest arrives with his wife, then the host leader comes to the first meeting accompanied by his wife.

The protocol visit usually takes place at the premises of the host. In the lobby, the assistant manager meets the guests, after which he escorts them to the office of the head of the institution. The initiative to leave this reception is up to the guests. The next meeting of the delegations will take place during the negotiations.

In a business environment, the issue of compliments is ambiguous. Compliments are perfectly acceptable and even desirable, but they should not be too enthusiastic and concern appearance. In both cases, you invade the interlocutor's personal space, and besides, excessive enthusiasm is very similar to banal flattery. Most good option- to compliment the business qualities of your colleague or partner, to note his high professionalism, punctuality or ease of communication.

For a casual conversation, there are several win-win topics. It is appropriate and even desirable to discuss news from business, sports, entertainment and travel, and besides, such conversations are the easiest to maintain.

It's curious that the ringtone mobile phone- Another stroke of the image of a person. Psychologists say that, for example, people who put classical music on the ringtone are most often far from the musical world (musicians do not listen to masterpieces in such a performance). These are conservatives who love everything to be "like people's", appreciating a sense of proportion in everything. The more famous the melody, the more conservative the person, according to psychologists.

As a rule, the Friday dress code is still closer to the Business Casual style and does not involve bright colors. Basic colors are traditional business colors: gray, beige, brown. Additional shades of clothing should be restrained, noble, by no means acidic or intensely saturated.

If you work five out of seven days a week, then business attire should make up 70% of your wardrobe. Accordingly, it is worth spending much more money on it than on leisure clothes. All over the world, business image is considered an economic category: investing in yourself, in your appearance, in your image brings income - just like investing in your knowledge, skills and abilities. Spend as much money on a business wardrobe as your budget allows.

Rule for evening dress: the more it is open from above, the more it should be closed from below - and, accordingly, vice versa. Do not violate this proportion of closeness and openness.

Another rule that does not apply to clothes, but to the etiquette of ceremonial receptions: if the invitation does not indicate that you should come with a companion, you need to appear alone.

According to unofficial statistics, about 35% of business relationships begin with joint meals. They expand the circle of contacts, help to find an approach to the client, agree on the conclusion of an agreement, establish mutually beneficial relationships. This is a good reason to find compromises necessary for cooperation.

You can be late for a cocktail and buffet and you can leave early. But keep in mind: if your visit is very short, it may look like disrespect to the hosts. On the contrary, being at the reception from beginning to end is a sign of respect. If representatives of the same company come to the event, employees should not arrive later than the head and leave before him. Unlike a buffet, you cannot be late for lunch and dinner. If this all the same happened, you need to apologize to the owners.

If you order a Japanese dish at a restaurant (for example, rice, noodles, sushi or sashimi), chopsticks may be brought to you. If you know how to use them, great. If you don’t know how or simply don’t want to, it’s okay, you don’t have to do it. Just ask the waiter to bring the usual European utensils: a fork and knife is completely normal.

In many restaurants, waiters immediately specify which devices you prefer to eat Japanese dishes: traditional chopsticks or European ones that we understand.

For a well-mannered person, it is an unconditional norm that you should not abuse alcohol at corporate events.

There are cases in history when too zealous observance of the rules of etiquette did not lead to anything good.

The French marshal Bessompierre recalled in his memoirs that the Spanish King Philip III died of carbon monoxide while sitting in an armchair by the fireplace. The courtiers could not find in time the only grandee who, according to palace etiquette, had the right to move the king's chair.

In Thailand, tourists are told how a boat once capsized with Queen Sunanda on board. But no one dared to come to her aid. When a high-ranking courtier who had the right to touch the queen arrived, it was already too late.

Decent behavior during communication is a direct indicator of the level of our culture. And in modern society, the rules of conduct play an important role. The overall impression of a person has a direct impact on his reputation and status. Knowledge and observance of the rules and norms of etiquette, the ability to make a good impression, build effective communication are significant elements in a person's life. That is why many business partners pay special attention to the behavior of the people around them.


Etiquette includes moral and moral concepts, norms and principles of behavior and communication of people, which we must use not only in society, but also in the family, when communicating with colleagues at work. Business etiquette is of particular importance.

It’s not enough to just be an educated, cultured, well-mannered or polite person - you need to follow a whole set of rules in order to be appreciated in society as a professional. Compliance with the norms of business etiquette is the key to success in the business environment.

Conscientious work, high awareness of public duty and mutual assistance - all these qualities in business ethics must be able to educate and improve in oneself. And correct and competent speech, image, ability to stay in society and understanding the intricacies of non-verbal communication will help win over people.

Key features of business etiquette.

  • In business etiquette, under the concept freedom it is understood that ethics should not interfere with the free will of all partners. In a business environment, you must value not only your freedom, but also the importance of trade secrets and the freedom of action of partners, that is, not interfere in the affairs of other companies and not interfere with the choice of methods for fulfilling agreements. And also freedom implies a tolerant attitude towards religious and national characteristics interlocutors.
  • Particular attention must be paid to your speech, this will help politeness. When communicating with colleagues, partners and clients, the tone and timbre of the voice should always be welcoming and friendly. A respectful attitude helps not only to maintain good relations, but also helps to increase the profits of the company.
  • Tolerance and Tolerance are understanding and accepting the shortcomings or weaknesses of partners, clients or colleagues. This attitude contributes to the establishment of mutual trust and understanding.

It is important to remember that communication should be completely oriented towards goodness. Rudeness and unkindness are not applicable when communicating in a business environment. Even a dishonest partner must be treated favorably, control himself and remain calm and ethical in all situations.

  • Tact and delicacy expressed in the ability to listen and hear the opponent. When communicating with an interlocutor, one should always take into account age, gender, religious beliefs, moreover, when communicating, unacceptable topics should be avoided. This fact must be taken into account when negotiating with foreign interlocutors. The customs and traditions of other countries may seem strange and incomprehensible, and the behavior and actions - unceremonious or familiar. It is customary to give compliments, but at the same time it is important not to cross the fine line of delicacy, and not to turn into hypocrisy. It is only important to be able to hear and make the right counteroffer.
  • Punctuality and responsibility- one of the key principles of culture. People who do not know how to manage their time, who are late for meetings and meetings, leave an indelibly negative impression. Day modern people scheduled literally for minutes: time is valuable not only for you, but also for business partners, colleagues and subordinates. Being late for more than 5 minutes is regarded as a gross violation of business etiquette. And even the most sincere apology will not be able to make amends.
  • Justice is an unbiased assessment individual qualities people and their work. It is necessary to respect their individuality, ability to perceive criticism and listen to recommendations.
  • Performance and responsibility means the ability to take responsibility and complete work on time.

Further cooperation with people depends on compliance with the basic principles of etiquette. Violating certain rules in society, you risk your image, and in the business environment - the reputation of the company, and such mistakes can cost a lot of money or a career ladder.

Each environment and industry has its own rules of etiquette. So, for example, for people working in the international field, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of good taste adopted in other countries.


Basic functions of business etiquette.

  • Socio-cultural: the acceptance of the individual and the group increases the efficiency of business interaction and optimizes work activities: the formation of rules and norms of behavior is necessary not only in the business environment, but also in all aspects of human life.
  • Regulatory allows you to navigate in a difficult or non-standard situation, which ensures stability and order. Standardization of behavior facilitates the process of establishing communication in any typical business situation. This avoids mistakes, troubles and stress. Helps to reach mutual understanding and save time when negotiating. Formation of a positive image of the company and the leader in the eyes of employees, customers and partners.

  • Integrative function ensures the cohesion of the group. Socialization allows even a beginner to cope with the tasks with the help of a working template. It contributes to the development and formation of personality, allows you to solve a disciplining problem and master the rules of business etiquette in a short time.
  • Communicative function correlates with maintaining good relationships and avoiding conflict.

Business is the coordinated activity of a whole multitude of people. And the effectiveness of the company's work depends on the ability to establish connections and maintain good relations not only with employees, but also with partners and customers.


The rules of business etiquette must be observed in all life situations, regardless of the circumstances. Business etiquette is applicable:

  • at work;
  • in telephone conversations and business correspondence;
  • at official receptions or business dinners;
  • in travel.

It is necessary to observe the basic moral and ethical standards in any situation. There is a so-called rule of "first seconds" when you can create the first impression of a person. It includes greeting, handshake, introduction and first address.

Sign language allows you to learn much more about character than words and appearance. Non-verbal signs reflect the essence and inner world a person, for example, crossed arms or legs signal distrust, tightness or insecurity.

It is impossible not to note the egocentrism, which is often attributed to negative connotations, on the contrary, such behavior says that we have a professional in his field, he can negotiate and not forget about his point of view. Such a person is interested in a positive outcome of the dispute, but will undoubtedly defend his point of view.

Basic rules and regulations

Ignorance of the basic postulates of etiquette creates many problems and sometimes leads to the destruction of a career. Today, business in Russia has its own specific features in ethics - in this way a new culture of business communication is being formed.

It has many rules and requirements that must be followed. Some components have already lost their relevance. For example, it used to be that a woman should get out of the elevator first, but now the norms of etiquette say that the first one out of the elevator is the one who stands closest to the doors.

There are eight main areas in business etiquette.

  • positive attitude and a friendly attitude towards employees and partners allow you to positively endear yourself to people.
  • Subordination: different people have their own ways and manners of communication, you must always remember with whom you are talking. For example, with a project manager, you can have friendly relations and communicate with each other on “you”, but at a meeting with partners, only addressing to “you” and by name and patronymic is allowed.
  • When greeting You should not be limited only to the phrases “Hello” or “Good afternoon”, it is also necessary to use non-verbal gestures: a bow, a handshake, a nod or a wave of the hand. Also, do not forget about simple words courtesy "Thank you", "Sorry", "All the best", etc.
  • Handshake- an obligatory element of greeting, farewell and conclusion of an agreement, which gives the mood for further communication. The first one extends his hand to a person who is younger in status or age. But if there is a dialogue with a woman, then the man is the first to extend his hand. But a woman is always the first to greet her boss or leader.

  • In a business society there is no division of people by gender, only service ranks are taken into account. In any circles, the youngest person in rank or age is the first to introduce and greet. There is the following order: first they introduce the youngest to the elder, to the man - to the woman, the lowest in status - to the leader, those who are late - to those who are waiting. During the greeting and introduction it is necessary to stand, but the woman can sit. But if you are the leader and the host at the same time, then you should say the first word.
  • To any person with whom you have business relationship, necessary treat with respect, you also need to calmly and adequately perceive criticism and advice from the outside.
  • Don't talk too much– the secrets of an institution, company, partners or colleagues must be kept as carefully as personal ones.
  • Acceptance or delivery of flowers, gifts and souvenirs within the framework of business ethics is allowed. The occasion may be personal events or corporate achievements. For the leader, it is better to make one gift from the team. A personal gift is best done behind closed doors and on a solemn occasion. A present to a colleague or colleague can be made for any reason - but in this case, as a rule, the principle “you - to me; I to you." A congratulation from a manager to a subordinate is usually done individually or publicly, but then all employees are given the same gifts.

Business correspondence

An educated and cultured person can always competently express his thoughts not only orally, but also in writing. The main requirements for business correspondence are brevity, conciseness and correctness. There are basics for the design of business letters and documentation.

  • The letter must be well-written without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. The style of communication is business-like, with the use of bureaucracy.
  • It is necessary to determine the type and urgency of the delivery of the letter.
  • Any official appeal must comply with accepted and valid templates. It is advisable to draw up a letter on the official letterhead of the company or division. Each appeal or response must be named and personal.
  • You must specify the recipient's initials, position, division or department to which the letter is sent. Be sure to specify the sender's details with detailed contact information, indicating the name of the company and the position of the employee.

  • You should not use a lot of professional terminology, and you should also avoid ambiguous expressions and jargon.
  • The main part of the letter consists of an introduction and a description of the purpose and subject of the conversation. The text should be convincing with sufficient arguments and not exceed 1.5 pages. The sender's signature is put at the end of the letter.
  • If the letter has an international focus, then it must be written in the language of the recipient.
  • When sent to e-mail, you should pay attention to the field "email subject". The line indicates: document type, subject and summary.

Business conversation

Etiquette directs communication in the right direction, provides professional activity managers and subordinates with relevant standards, rules, regulations. As Dale Carnegie stated, only 15% of success depends on professional achievements and knowledge, and 85% on the ability to communicate with people.

Business protocol is driven by rules and regulations. There is a technology that allows you to quickly and easily establish contact, here are the main recommendations.

  • Avoid conflict situations- do not use categorical statements, criticism and take into account the interest of all parties in resolving the case.
  • Take care of your wardrobe - a casual appearance, a shabby suit and an untidy haircut are regarded as neglect and negatively evaluated by others.
  • Keep a few business cards in your jacket pocket. Their absence is considered a sign of bad taste and will be perceived from the negative side.
  • If you are just getting a job, then try to behave calmly and confidently at the interview. Watch your posture and walk into the office with your head up. Do not rush to sit on the first chair, wait until you are prompted to do so. Communicate politely and confidently, keep your legs parallel to each other and do not cross your arms.