Calorie content of 1st grade eggs. Chicken egg (yolk)

Chicken eggs are perhaps one of the most indispensable products on our table. Many people simply cannot imagine their breakfast without an omelet or scrambled eggs, or just boiled eggs for a sandwich. And this is easy to explain, because it is not only a tasty product, but also very healthy. But we invite you to find out a detailed chemical analysis of its composition right now.

Composition of chicken eggs

Athletes, in particular bodybuilders and people leading an active lifestyle, regularly consume chicken eggs. Why? It's all about their chemical composition and calorie content - this is a very nutritious and at the same time healthy product. The weight of one medium-sized egg fluctuates around 35 grams, and 100 grams of the product contains more than 155 kcal. With the help of valuable nutrients, eggs can satisfy the body's energy needs.

Chicken eggs contain 12 vitamins, including rare B groups, for example, B12, B6, B3, B7, B5, B1, as well as vitamins A and D. They also contain a very large amount of minerals - calcium, iodine, iron, cobalt and others. Due to its chemical composition and high nutritional value, this product is almost completely absorbed by the body - 97%.

If we talk about a more detailed chemical composition, then it is important to consider the structure of a chicken egg under the shell: white and yolk. These are different components in their properties. In one medium-sized product, a little more than 55% is protein, about 35-36% is yolk and the rest is shell.

Protein composition

Despite the fact that, according to the chemical composition, chicken egg white contains up to 90% water and only a little more than 10% protein itself, it is still very nutritious and healthy. In 1889, a unique discovery was made - scientists developed a pure type of protein - ovalbumin. Moreover, egg white contains more than 50% of it. In addition, the protein contains conalbumin or ovotransferrin, a protein with antibacterial properties. Another bacteriolytic enzyme is lysozyme and ovomucoid, an allergic substance.

Complete composition of chicken egg white:

  1. 85% water;
  2. about 13% proteins;
  3. up to 1% (0.7%) carbohydrates;
  4. the rest is glucose, vitamins and other nutrients.

Yolk composition

The yolk is the fatty part of the chemical composition of eggs. It contains about 55 calories, which is twice as much as protein. However, the yolk is not devoid of protein and carbohydrates. If we consider its composition in more detail, then approximately up to 3 grams will be pure proteins, 0.61 grams of carbohydrates and almost 5 grams of fat. It is also important to note such an important element as choline - vitamin B4. No other product contains it in such quantity as the yolks of chicken eggs.

But perhaps the most important value of egg yolk is its high content of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. So, it includes:

  • linolenic and linoleic acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • oleic and palmitoleic acids - monounsaturated;
  • stearic, palmitic and myristic acids - saturated.

Shell properties

Egg shells should also not be separated when considering the value of the product as a whole. After all, this is no less useful part of them. For example, it is a well-known fact that eggshells contain a lot of calcium. It is enough to wash it well, dry it and crush it into powder with a mortar to obtain a valuable nutritional supplement. By the way, it can replace pharmaceutical calcium to improve the condition of nails, bones and hair.

Eggshells also contain many other microelements, for example, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and others. In addition, it even contains amino acids. Of course, not the same amount as in the yolk or white, but still. All this makes the shell a very valuable and useful product. For example, shell powder can be added to prepared dishes or washed down with water separately as a natural source of calcium. Absorbed almost 100%.

How are they useful?

A lot has been written about the benefits of eggs. We will not particularly focus on this, since considering the chemical composition of this product, it already becomes clear about its benefits. However, we still note some properties. For example, regular consumption of eggs helps fight depression, improves mood, and increases performance. Scientists have also proven that the product prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

What is the difference between C1 and C2 - let’s look at the markings

Probably all of us, when buying a tray, saw that C1, C2 or C3 was written on the shell. What does this mean? Thus, according to Russian standards, poultry farms mark eggs by expiration date and size (by weight). Let's look at it in more detail.

Letter marking

The letter on the egg means the sell-by date for the product. So, she could be C and D.

  • D - dietary product, which is no more than 7 days from the day of production;
  • C - table product for a period of 7 to 25 days.

Numerical and alphabetic markings by weight

The number or letter on the marking is always placed after the first letter of the sell-by date. This designation allows you to differentiate eggs by weight. For example:

  • B - highest category or eggs weighing 75 grams or more;
  • O - selected, which weigh from 65 to 75 grams;
  • C1 - first category - standard from 55 to 65 grams;
  • C2 - category two - from 45 to 55 grams;
  • C3 - third category - from 35 to 45 grams.

Does shell color matter?

Many buyers believe that the color of the eggshell affects the quality and taste. For example, some people only buy brown eggs. But this actually has nothing to do with taste, much less with the quality of the product. The color of the shell depends on the color and breed of chickens. In rare cases, there may be unusual shades or spots on the shell, which may indicate that dyes were added to the bird’s food.

Can an egg be harmful?

They can! And this is due, first of all, to the allergen included in the composition. Yes, chicken eggs can cause allergies. It is also important to remember that this product is perishable and without observing the necessary standards and hygiene, it can be dangerously infected with salmonellosis. Therefore, if you are not sure of the quality of the product, it is better not to eat it raw or with little heat treatment. Experts advise that all store-bought and especially market eggs be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

Some people are sure that fats and carbohydrates in egg yolks can affect their figure. This is partly true, but only if you do not comply with the norm. Or eat eggs with bacon, cutlets and other fatty foods. Supplement the product with vegetables and fresh herbs. The norm is no more than 3-4 eggs per week. This is a sufficient amount to maintain health and well-being.

But how healthy are they, how many calories are there in a boiled egg and one cooked differently? All this is of interest to those who are on a diet and not only. Their calorie content and beneficial properties will be discussed in the material.

Calorie content of boiled eggs

100 grams of chicken eggs contain about 160 kcal; on average, one egg weighs about 70 grams. Accordingly, one boiled egg will have a calorie content of 80 kcal, two pieces - 160 kcal, respectively. This number of calories is considered optimal for breakfast, you will also saturate your body with the necessary amount of elements such as:

  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • microelements.

Egg white is good even with a diet, because it is digested almost entirely, and is of great benefit to the body than protein from meat, milk or fish. The calorie content of the product in boiled and raw form is practically the same.

Many people mistakenly believe that these foods are harmful to the body because they contain a lot of cholesterol, but this is not true at all. They contain only up to 2 percent, but there is much more lecithin, so if you eat boiled eggs in the morning, you will not be afraid of atherosclerosis.

A hard-boiled egg can be stored for 10 days. but fresh they are much healthier, so it is best to cook them immediately before eating. It takes about 5 minutes to cook.

Raw foods are considered the healthiest, but no one can guarantee that they will not contain salmonellosis.

Number of calories in yolk and white separately

The calorie content of yolk and white is also different. The yolk contains the most calories, while the white contains three times less calories.

Everyone knows that an egg consists of white and yolk. Thus, the calorie content of protein per 100 grams is only 17 kcal, which is equal to a quarter of the total calorie content. There are almost no fats in protein, it is in it that all beneficial amino acids and B vitamins.

But the calorie content of the yolk is 50 kcal. It contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron and other trace elements.

Ingredients of the cooked product

Contrary to common myths about the harmfulness and high calorie content of these products, they are excellent for dietary nutrition when losing weight.

So, they contain a total of 12 types of vitamins. In terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. It also contains quite a few minerals, for example;

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

Calories for other cooking methods

We looked at how many calories are contained in a hard-boiled egg, and below we will consider what its energy value will be if cooked using other methods.

How many calories are in a soft-boiled egg?

If you boil it soft-boiled, its usefulness will be the same, and the calorie content of one piece will be about 70 kcal. This product is completely digested within 2 hours. To cook a soft-boiled egg, you need to cook it for up to 5 minutes. The yolk in it should be semi-liquid, Soft-boiled eggs should only be eaten hot.

Many people like to fry eggs in the morning; of course, the issue of its calorie content remains relevant for some. One fried egg without oil has 110 calories. But their number increases if it is fried in fatty oil.

Therefore, when calculating the number of calories in a fried egg, be sure to take into account not only the egg itself, but also the oil in which you cooked it. As a rule, the calorie content of the finished dish is more than 170 kcal, this figure is more than twice the calorie content of the boiled product. That's why fried foods are not included in the diet for weight loss diets, they are too high in calories.

But if you are watching your figure, but cannot deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating fried eggs for breakfast, fry only the whites, since they contain a minimum of carbohydrates and zero fat.

Omelette and its calorie content

Omelette is one of the most common egg dishes made for breakfast. It's very easy to prepare:

  • beat 2 eggs with milk;
  • Pour the mixture into a frying pan, having previously heated a little oil in it.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 118 kcal; if you prepare an omelet from proteins alone, it will be only 85 kcal. The number of calories increases sharply if you add tomato or cheese to the omelette; with both ingredients it is 342 kcal.

Calorie table for eggs in different forms

Below is a short list of the calorie content of this product in one form or another, indicating its usefulness:

This product is excellent for inclusion not only in a diet for weight loss, but also in therapeutic nutrition, and for the purpose of general health promotion. It has the following useful properties:

Naturally, there are many healthy foods that contain fewer calories than a boiled egg, but it is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty, especially for breakfast. And if you want to enjoy the taste of this product and double the amount of vitamins you consume, then try quail eggs. But remember that their calorie content is higher than that of chicken and is about 150 kcal per piece.

Boiled eggs are a calorie-rich product, healthy and tasty. Eating 2 pieces for breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.

Eggs contain many beneficial nutrients. However, the energy value of an egg can vary depending on whether you eat the whole egg or just the white.

This article examines in detail what the calorie content of a boiled egg and its protein is, and also reveals whether the whites of whole eggs are healthier or not.

Egg white is a clear, dense liquid surrounding the bright yolk of an egg.
In a fertilized egg, the white serves as a layer that protects the growing chick from harmful bacteria. Protein also supplies energy substances for its growth.

Proteins are approximately 10% water and 10% protein. Thus, if you remove the yolk from an egg and leave only the white, the energy value of your egg will change significantly.

The table below shows how many calories are in one egg, as well as the nutrient difference between the white of a large egg and a whole large egg.

Egg white Whole egg
Calories 16 71
Squirrels 4g 6g
Fats 0g 5g
Cholesterol 0g 211 mg
Vitamin A 0% RDI 8% RUS
Vitamin B12 0% RDI 52% RUS
Vitamin B2 6% RDI 12% RUS
Vitamin B5 1% RDI 35% RUS
Vitamin D 0% RDI 21% RUS
Folate 0% RDI 29% RUS
Selenium 9% RUS 90% RDI

As you can see, the protein contains fewer calories and microelements than one boiled egg, but it also contains less protein and fat.

CONCLUSION: the calorie content of one egg is greater than the calorie content of only its protein. At the same time, protein contains less protein, cholesterol, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Low in calories but rich in protein

In addition, this protein is high quality, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids in the amounts our body needs to function at its best.

Thanks to the protein, eating egg whites will be beneficial for your health. Protein curbs your appetite, so you'll feel fuller longer after eating protein.

It is very important to maintain and gain muscle mass by getting enough protein from food, especially if your goal is weight loss.

Since whole eggs provide slightly more protein and quite a few extra calories than egg whites, egg whites can be an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight.

CONCLUSION: One large egg contains 4g of protein and only 17 calories (less than a boiled or whole fried egg), making it a good food for people trying to lose weight.

Egg whites are low in fat and have no cholesterol

Eggs used to be considered a controversial food due to their saturated fat and cholesterol content.
However, all the cholesterol and fat in an egg are found in its yolk, while the whites, on the other hand, consist almost entirely of protein.

For many years, this led to the assumption that egg whites were healthier than whole eggs. Now, however, research has shown that the cholesterol in eggs is not a problem for most people. Only for a small number of so-called "hyper-reactors" does consuming cholesterol slightly raise cholesterol levels in the blood.

These people have genes, such as the ApoE4 gene, that predispose them to high cholesterol levels. For such people with high cholesterol, egg whites are the best option.
In addition, since egg whites contain almost no fat, they are significantly lower in calories than whole eggs. They are well suited for those who are trying to reduce calories and lose weight.

CONCLUSION: Proteins are low in cholesterol and fat, so they can be used to reduce cholesterol intake and weight loss.

Risks of eating egg whites

In general, proteins are a fairly safe product, but there are still some risks.


Although eggs are not dangerous for most people, allergies to them can occur.
Most often, an allergic reaction to eggs occurs in children who outgrow it by the age of five. An egg allergy is caused when the immune system incorrectly identifies certain proteins in an egg as harmful to a person. Mild symptoms may include rash, swelling, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes. There are cases of stomach upsets, nausea and vomiting.

In rare cases, eggs can cause a severe allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock. It causes symptoms such as severe swelling of the throat and face and a spike in blood pressure, which together can be fatal.

Infection with salmonellosis

Raw egg whites pose a risk of food contamination by salmonella bacteria ( Salmonella). Salmonella can be in the egg itself or in its shell, although modern farming and cleaning practices minimize this risk.

Cooking egg whites until they become firm also greatly reduces the likelihood of this problem occurring.

Reduced Biotin Absorption

Raw egg whites can reduce the absorption of a compound called biotin, which is found in various foods. It is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in energy production. Crude proteins contain a protein called avidin, which binds to biotin and stops its absorption.

In theory, this could be a real problem, but in reality you would have to eat a huge amount of raw protein to cause a biotin deficiency.

In addition, avidin in a hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg or in a fried egg does not give such a strong effect.

CONCLUSION: There are some risks in consuming raw proteins, including allergies, food contamination and biotin deficiency. For most people, however, these risks are quite small.

What to eat: whites or whole eggs?

Proteins are rich in protein but low in calories, low in fat and cholesterol, which helps in weight loss.

Proteins can also be useful for those who need to consume a lot of protein, but also monitor the calorie content of their meals, for example, bodybuilders and athletes.

Compared to whole eggs, however, the whites are inferior in other nutrients. Whole eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, extra protein, and healthy fats.

And although eggs are high in cholesterol, recent studies have found no link between egg consumption and the risk of heart disease. The same tests found that eating one egg a day can even reduce the likelihood of a stroke.

Moreover, the nutrients found in eggs have been cited as one of the reasons why eggs are beneficial.

Yolks are rich in two important antioxidants: lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent vision impairment and cataracts. They also contain choline, which most people don't get enough of.

Eating whole eggs will help keep you full and you'll eat fewer calories.
In fact, research has shown that eating fried or boiled eggs for breakfast may be beneficial for weight loss, BMI and waist circumference.

However, if you are on a very strict low-calorie diet, have family history of heart disease and high cholesterol, then egg whites may be a healthier choice for you.

Bottom Line: Whites contain fewer calories relative to the calories in an egg, but they contain fewer of the beneficial nutrients found in the yolk.


Egg whites are a high-protein and low-calorie product.

For most people, however, there is little reason to choose the white over the whole egg, since the white and yolk together provide much more of the nutritional value.

Taking into account the above, people who need to limit cholesterol and are losing weight have a healthier option without the yolk.

Science-backed articles from the experts at Authority Nutrition.

Product Quantity Squirrels Carbohydrates Fats Points Calories
For additional items see the branded products section
Whole raw egg 1 cup (4.86 large eggs) (243.0 g) 30,6 1,9 24,2 9 347,5
1 PC. very large(56.0 g) 7 0,4 5,6 2,5 80,1
1 PC. huge (63.0 g) 7,9 0,5 6,3 2,5 90,1
1 large (50.0 g) 6,3 0,4 5 2 71,5
1 medium(44.0 g) 5,5 0,3 4,4 2 62,9
1 small (38.0 g) 4,8 0,3 3,8 1,5 54,3
Raw egg white 1 cup (243.0 g) 26,5 1,8 0,4 3 126,4
1 large (33.0 g) 3,6 0,2 0,1 0,5 17,2
Raw egg yolk 1 cup (243.0 g) 38,5 8,7 64,5 21,5 782,5
1 large (17.0 g) 2,7 0,6 4,5 1,5 54,7
1/2 lb (227.0 g) 35,2 2,6 58,1 19 687,8
Frozen egg yolk with sugar 1/2 lb (227.0 g) 31,3 24,5 51,6 18,5 696,9
Whole fried egg 1 large (46.0 g) 6,3 0,4 7 2,5 90,2
Whole hard-boiled egg 1 cup (136.0 g) 17,1 1,5 14,4 5,5 210,8
1 tbsp. (8.5 g) 1,1 0,1 0,9 0,5 13,2
1 PC. large (50.0 g) 6,3 0,6 5,3 2 77,5
Omelet from one whole egg 1 tbsp. (15.0 g) 1,6 0,1 1,8 1 23,6
1 large (61.0 g) 6,5 0,4 7,3 3 95,8
Whole poached egg 1 large(50.0 g) 6,3 0,4 5 2 71
Soft-boiled egg 1 cup (220.0 g) 24,4 4,8 26,9 10 367,4
1 tbsp. (13.7 g) 1,5 0,3 1,7 1 22,9
1 large (61.0 g) 6,8 1,3 7,4 3 101,9
Dry whole egg 1 small cup (85.0 g) 40,2 4,2 34,8 13 504,9
1 tbsp. (5.0 g) 2,4 0,2 2 1 29,7
Stabilized whole dry egg with low glucose content 1 small cup (85.0 g) 40,9 2 37,4 14 522,8
1 tbsp. (5.0 g) 2,4 0,1 2,2 1 30,8
Egg White Dry Low Glucose Flakes 1/2 lb (227.0 g) 174,6 9,5 0,1 16 796,8
Dry egg white powder with low glucose content 1 small cup (107.0 g) 88,2 4,8 0 8,5 402,3
1 tbsp. (14.0 g) 11,5 0,6 0 1,5 52,6
Dry yolk 1 small cup (67.0 g) 22,9 2,4 37,4 12,5 446,2
1 tbsp. (4.0 g) 1,4 0,1 2,2 1 26,6
Duck egg whole raw 1 PC. (70.0 g) 9 1 9,6 3,5 129,5
Whole raw goose egg 1 PC. (144.0 g) 20 1,9 19,1 7 266,4
Whole raw quail egg 1 PC. (9.0 g) 1,2 0 1 0,5 14,2
Whole raw turkey egg 1 PC. (79.0 g) 10,8 0,9 9,4 3,5 135,1
Frozen egg substitute 1 yaashka (240.0 g) 27,1 7,7 26,7 10 384
1/4 cup (60.0 g) 6,8 1,9 6,7 2,5 96
Liquid egg substitute 1 cup (251.0 g) 30,1 1,6 8,3 5 210,8
1 tbsp. (16.0 g) 1,9 0,1 0,5 0,5 13,4
11/2 fl oz (47.0 g) 5,6 0,3 1,6 1 39,5
Egg substitute powder 1/3 ounce (9.9 g) 5,5 2,2 1,3 1 44
3/4 oz (20.0 g) 11,1 4,4 2,6 2 88,8
Frozen egg yolk with salt 1/2 lb (227.0 g) 31,8 3,6 52,2 17 622
Whole raw frozen egg 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 12 1,1 10,2 4 148
Frozen egg white 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 9,8 1,1 0 1 47
Protein powder 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 81,1 7,8 0 8 382
Soft-boiled egg, frozen 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 13,1 7,5 5,6 3,5 131

How many vitamins and protein are in one egg?

Eggs are considered a dietary food, but the cholesterol found in the egg and its yolk can threaten the health of some people. Cholesterol-free egg whites are an alternative for those who are particularly sensitive to them. Proteins are also low in calories, 1 piece contains only 17! Eating protein provides your body with both the protein and vitamins it needs to keep your body healthy.


The main, abundant substance in egg whites is protein. The white of one large egg contains 3.6 g of protein, and almost 85% of the calories come from protein. Like other animal sources of protein, egg white contains all the essential amino acids that the body needs from food. These amino acids are used to make new proteins in cells and tissues, and some amino acids are needed to support the functioning of the nervous system. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, the white of one egg provides approximately 5% of the daily protein requirement (based on a daily requirement of 2000 kilocalories).


Eggs contain riboflavin, or vitamin B-2. Riboflavin is needed for healthy metabolism: this nutrient helps break down food and allows cells to produce energy. Riboflafin also activates enzymes that protect against hyperperoxides, a class of chemicals that generate toxic and cell-damaging free radicals. Adequate intake of vitamin B-2 activates enzymes in the liver so that liver cells can effectively rid the body of toxins. Egg whites provide 0.15 mg of riboflavin, which according to the Linus Pauling Institute is 14% and 12% of the daily requirement for women and men, respectively.

Other vitamins

Eating eggs will also provide you with other essential vitamins in small quantities. Proteins contain very little vitamins B-3, B-5 ​​and B-6, and an insignificant amount of vitamins B-1, B-9 and B-12. Together with riboflavin, these vitamins support metabolism and nourish tissues. Proteins also contain some choline, an important nutrient for the nervous system. However, egg whites do not make a big contribution to the body's production of these vitamins.

Using egg whites in cooking

Pair proteins with other healthy and tasty foods. Try starting your day with baked egg whites - scoop out the insides of a tomato with a spoon, fill it with egg whites and chopped vegetables and bake until the eggs are cooked. You can also combine egg whites with your favorite vegetables to make a healthy omelet frittata. Adding other foods to egg whites raises the overall nutritional value of your meal—tomatoes, spinach, and many other vegetables, for example, contain vitamins C and A, substances not found in egg whites.

(4 ratings, average: 4.25 out of 5)

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

A chicken egg is a healthy and perfectly balanced product by nature, necessary for the normal functioning of all systems of the human body. are a daily product on our table. Eggs consist of yolks and... Its average weight is 55-60 grams, of which the yolk accounts for about 17 grams, which is about 1/3 of the mass and volume of the egg.

The yolk is located almost in the middle of the egg mass. The yolk of a chicken egg is round and, when raw, is more liquid than the white. The color and brightness of the yolk depends on the time of year and the diet of laying hens (in summer and autumn, when hens receive fresh grass, the yolk is brighter and richer in color). It is the yolk that contains the necessary environment for the birth of a new life, so various miraculous properties have long been attributed to the yolk.

The calorie content of a chicken egg yolk is 352 kcal per 100 grams of product. Accordingly, the calorie content of 1 yolk will be approximately 60-65 kcal, depending on its weight. It is because of its high calorie content that athletes try to make scrambled eggs from the whites of several eggs + 1 yolk.

The uniqueness lies in the fact that in its composition you can find almost all the macro- and microelements of Mendeleev’s periodic system, plus the four most important chemical elements - carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, which make up organic substances, i.e. in total more than 50 bioelements (calorizer). This amount of useful substances is understandable, because the egg was created by nature to provide the chicken embryo with everything vital.

The eternal debate is which is healthier, the yolk or not, but the yolk contains many useful substances: vitamins, especially important, as well as an impressive list of minerals: and, and, essential amino acids. Choline () is a precursor of acetylcholine, a substance responsible for the timely transmission of nerve impulses.

Egg yolk contains an active anti-sclerotic agent that nourishes nervous and brain tissue. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver and biliary tract, allows you to regulate the distribution of adipose tissue, is responsible for the development of the fetus during pregnancy, and improves memory.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the yolk contains various pigments - carotenoids. The most important among them is provitamin A. It has been established that natural carotenoids - and - reduce the risk of developing cataracts in old age. The more carotenoids in the yolk, the more saturated its color will be.

The yolk is a fatty and high-calorie product, but if you adhere to the principles of reasonable nutrition and eat no more than 2 eggs a day 2-3 times a week, no negative effects on the body will follow (calorizator). Yolk is a strong allergen and can cause skin itching, inflammation and unpleasant rashes, so the product should be introduced into the diet of babies with caution.

Amino acids in yolk

The yolk of a chicken egg contains essential amino acids that are found only in the yolk of a chicken egg and nowhere else. Thus, egg yolk contains: polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids), monounsaturated fatty acids (palmitoleic and oleic acids), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic and myristic acids).

Cholesterol in yolk

Foods rich in saturated fats, such as egg yolk or vegetable oils, cannot affect the level of cholesterol in the blood and the amount of lipoproteins in general.

When eating eggs along with yolks, the level of low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) will only decrease, and not increase, as we are told around, and its overall level in the blood will remain at the same level and will not increase.

For more information about the effect of eggs (yolk) on cholesterol levels in the blood, see the video clip “Do eggs increase cholesterol levels?” TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Chicken egg (yolk) in cosmetology

Yolk and burdock oil are the main ingredients of various masks for strengthening and stimulating hair growth; yolks are included in many masks for moisturizing and softening dry skin of the face, neck and hands.

Chicken egg (yolk) in cooking

Raw chicken yolks are used as a binding element for preparing sauces, mayonnaise, and custards; for this, the yolk is added to the minced meat. Yolks are added to the dough for bread, muffins, pancakes, they are used to grease pies and pastries to give the finished products a ruddy and shiny crust. Chicken egg yolks are used to prepare alcoholic cocktails, and raw yolks are added. Liqueurs and soft drinks are prepared from chicken yolks.

For more information about the effect of eggs (yolk) on cholesterol levels in the blood, watch the video “Elena Malysheva. Beneficial properties of eggs” of the TV show “Live Healthy”, starting at 19 minutes 15 seconds.

Especially for
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Just a couple of decades ago, many doctors and nutritionists did not recommend eating eggs. They classified this product as harmful to the body. The maximum allowed quantity was 1 piece. in Week. This was due to the fact that the cholesterol found in the yolk was considered harmful. Now the situation has changed significantly. Scientists have spent a lot of time trying to find out how this product affects the human body, what its beneficial properties are, and also, how many calories are in an egg.

After all, as it turned out, cholesterol, which was found in the yolk of eggs, is neutralized by lethicin. Therefore, this product began to be actively used in various diets. In addition, there are quite a lot of options for preparing them (hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, frying), thanks to which you can diversify your menu. Diversity is also ensured through the use of chicken, quail, and goose eggs.

On average, one raw egg weighs about 45 grams and its calorie content is 75 kcal.

In this case, the protein has the following composition:

  • water – 87%;
  • proteins – 11%;
  • carbohydrates – 1%;
  • minerals – 1%.

Yolk composition:

  • water – 50%;
  • fats – 31%;
  • proteins – 17%;
  • minerals – 2%.

It is also worth noting that they contain a high content of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc and selenium.

In addition, they are rich in vitamins:

  • biotin;
  • folic acid.

Calorie content

For those who try to watch their diet, counting calories is normal. The energy value of chicken eggs is 158 kcal. But it is worth understanding that the number of calories per 100 g largely depends on the form in which they are consumed. In particular, the calorie content of 1 raw egg will be less than that of a fried egg. The main data is summarized in the table below.

In addition, it is worth considering the category.


Chicken eggs in this form are characterized by an almost complete absence of carbohydrates, so the energy value is based on proteins and fats. The first component is contained mostly in the protein, the second in the yolk. In this case, the ratio of BJU per 100 g is 13:11.4:0.1.

Please note: The total calorie content is estimated by nutritionists at 157 kcal. Moreover, if it is large, then it is approximately equal to 80 kcal, medium - 70 kcal, very large - 90 kcal.


The product in this form is recommended for consumption by many nutritionists. Thanks to it, a person retains a feeling of fullness for a long time and there is no desire to snack. One boiled product contains a large amount of proteins, which will charge you with energy for 4-5 hours. Not many people know how many calories are in one boiled egg. It all depends on how long the cooking took place. In order to get a soft-boiled dish, it is recommended to cook it for 2 minutes from the moment the water boils, poached - 4 minutes, hard-boiled - 7 minutes.

It is worth noting that the most useful method of preparing it differs from the usual cooking. The product must be placed in boiling water. After 1.5 minutes, the fire is turned off and allowed to “cook” after a certain amount of time. With this method, the white will be solid, but the yolk will remain liquid.

Practical advice: Nutritionists do not recommend overcooking. In this case, the food will taste like rubber. For easy cleaning, it is recommended to remember the following tip: to ensure that the shells are easily removed, you need to place them in chilled water as soon as the cooking time is up.


In this form, the product has a high calorie content. If frying took place without adding oil, then the figure is 100 kcal. When adding vegetable oil, the calorie content increases to 125 kcal.

If we consider the most common and popular dishes, we can highlight the following data:

  • scrambled eggs from two eggs - 250 kilocalories;
  • fried eggs - 245 kcal per 100 g of dish;
  • two-egg omelette – 200 kilocalories;
  • omelette of two proteins – 128 kcal.

Egg powder

This product is also called dry melange. It is actively used in the food industry. 1 kg of such powder replaces about 9 dozen. At the same time, the energy value of 100 g is equal to 542 kilocalories. BJU is 46:37.3:4.5.

White and yolk separately

Yolks are significantly higher in calories than the whites of chicken eggs. If you need to consume fewer calories, then you should separate the product and use only proteins. If you take a medium-sized egg, the protein in it will have about 20 kilocalories. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 97% of it is absorbed.

Please note: Protein contains a large number of elements beneficial to the human body, in particular methionine. Thanks to it, the synthesis of adrenaline, cysteine, which is responsible for eliminating toxins, and also creatine occurs. A deficiency of this element can lead to various disorders, including general damage to the central nervous system.

The yolk of one egg has a calorie content of 50 kcal. It contains a whole complex of fatty acids and dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the body. The presence of lecithin helps improve brain activity, memory, increases human performance, prevents the development of diseases such as sclerosis, has a positive effect on the liver and helps to recover faster after physical activity.


Having figured out how many kcal are in 1 chicken egg, you can move on to other types of this product. Quail eggs are also in demand because they contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. At the same time, doctors do not indicate contraindications to their use. On the contrary, this product is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Its beneficial properties also include normalizing blood pressure. The product has an energy value of 168 kilocalories.


This product is less popular than chicken or quail. Their main difference is their size. It takes 1.5 hours to boil such an egg.

100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 12.5 g;
  • fats – 11.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.7 g.

Compared to chicken eggs, ostrich eggs have lower calorie content.


This product has a thicker shell and is also heavier than chicken eggs. In their raw form, the energy value of 100 g of goose eggs is 185 kilocalories. It is recommended to wash them thoroughly before use. Cooking takes at least a quarter of an hour.


Turkey eggs weigh slightly more than chicken eggs. It is about 70-75 g. The shell is more durable and creamy in color. At the same time, the size of the eggs depends on the age of the birds. The energy value of the product is 171 kcal per 100 g. These eggs are not recommended for dietary nutrition, since they contain a large amount of fat and very few carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

The health benefits of eggs are recognized all over the world. Their use has a beneficial effect on men's and women's health.

The main useful properties include:

  • Availability of easily digestible proteins. In this case, 1 egg has 15% of the daily requirement. In addition, the composition contains protein (6 g). Thus, almost 10% of weight is spent on providing energy to the body.
  • Due to the high protein content and regular consumption, people have a more developed muscular system.
  • Protein allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time, which is especially important during diets.
  • Lecithin is useful for pregnant women because it ensures normal development of the fetal brain.
  • Animal fats that are included in the composition have a positive effect on the male reproductive system.
  • Vitamin D helps the body better absorb calcium, which helps maintain good condition of bones, nails, and teeth.
  • Selenium improves the body's protective functions and also normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is also worth noting that fresh eggs bring maximum benefits to the body. And there are several methods to check their condition. If you shake a fresh product, no sounds will be detected. You can also put it in water. If it sinks right away, it means it’s fresh.

Eggs in dietary nutrition

Nutritionists often recommend eggs in diet menus. They are rightfully classified as low-calorie and healthy products. In addition to diets, they are also prescribed in the therapeutic nutrition menu. Thanks to their consumption, metabolic processes are normalized. Moreover, those who prefer to eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast ensure that they feel full for a long time. This also reduces the daily diet by about 300 kilocalories.

Practical advice: For those who want to lose excess weight, nutritionists recommend eating at least 2-3 eggs per week. In low-carbohydrate nutrition programs, their number increases to 4-5.

When cooked, they can improve the body’s protective functions and also provide a sufficiently nutritious diet. They can be seen on the menu of many popular and effective diets, in particular the Kremlin, protein, Atkins and Protasov.

Acceptable consumption standards

To provide your body with enough nutrients, it is recommended to eat 1 piece. per day. However, this is only possible if the level of cholesterol in the blood is normal. If the indicators are elevated, the amount of product is reduced to 2-3 per week. Eggs can be introduced into the diet of babies from 7 months. At first, it is recommended to give only yolks. For children 2-3 years old, the norm is 2-3 yolks for 7 days. When creating your menu, you must also take into account the fact that eggs are contained in many products, in particular baked goods, mayonnaise, etc.