Simple lemonades. These delicious bubbles...

Lemonade- a children's drink that brings back memories of a carefree and easy childhood. Lemonade quenches thirst well and gives strength. After all, this miraculous drink prepared at home is very tasty and exclusively natural.

How to make lemonade at home? After reading the recipes below, you can make classic lemonade, as well as orange lemonade.

To prepare we need the following ingredients:

  • Lemons - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (250ml)
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Pan - 2 pcs
  • Grater

Take the lemons and peel them, grate the peels and put them in a pan with water. Afterwards, squeeze all the juice from the lemons into a separate deep plate. Pour water into a saucepan and add zest. Bring to a boil, add sugar, mix everything well, let it simmer for 5 minutes. Afterwards, we filter our syrup through a sieve, add lemon juice, and again mix everything well. Our lemonade must cool, and only after you have cooled it can you serve it.

Orange and lemon lemonade

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Orange – 4 pcs.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.
  • Water – 5 l
  • Pan - 2 pcs
  • Blender

In order to prepare orange lemonade, you need to wash the oranges and lemon, cut into slices or cubes, as convenient, along with the peel. Then grind them with a blender to a porridge state, and place them in a saucepan with 4 liters of water, leave for 30 minutes so that the water absorbs the juice. In the meantime, we dilute the sugar in the remaining liter of water until it is completely dissolved. And mix our syrup No. 1 with sugar water. Mix well and leave for another 30 minutes. Strain our lemonade through a sieve. A refreshing drink full of vitamins and energy is ready. You can make caramel candies from the remaining zest.

When preparing lemonade, you can safely add peppermint; it is very refreshing and invigorating. Place mint with lemon zest, boil for 5 minutes, and then leave to cool. Take the syrup, strain through a sieve, and our lemon-mint lemonade is ready.

Video of making homemade lemonade

Watch several videos on making lemonade at home - each has its own recipe.

How to make homemade lemonade. Fast and easy

Another homemade lemonade recipe

Healthy, tasty and simple lemonade recipe

Hello, dear blog readers! I don't really like the taste of plain water, whether it comes from a tap or a bottle. Sometimes you want something more interesting, fresher, so that your stomach doesn’t complain later that it was deceived and fed something carbonated with a bunch of preservatives and unnecessary sweetness. In this case, you can go to the nearest supermarket and buy a bottle of still water with added flavors or prepare the drink yourself.

Since lemon is a frequent guest in almost every home (at least among tea lovers with its yellow slice), I propose, without further ado, to figure out how to make lemonade from lemon at home.

Lemonade Recipes

Preparing such a drink does not take much time, and there are a whole lot of options. Interesting? Let's choose!

The simplest lemonade

Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon per liter of water. You can add a few mint leaves, which must first be crushed in your hands (for taste, it does not have any nutritional value, of course). Fast, juicy, sour. The amount of lemon juice per liter of water depends on your preference - you don't have to squeeze the whole fruit.

As you can see, there are almost no calories in this lemonade - it’s real. Feel free to drink without harming your waistline! 🙂

With lemon zest

An absolutely magical drink - both taste and smell! This is done, so to speak, in two approaches. We will need 2 lemons, sugar (5 tbsp), half a liter of water.

  1. We remove the zest from the fruit, avoiding the bitter white part (I just grate the skin on a coarse grater). Place the zest and sugar in a saucepan, add water so that it covers the contents by a centimeter. Bring to a boil, leave to cool, then strain through a sieve.
  2. We still have lonely “naked” lemons lying around, their time has come: squeeze the juice into a separate bowl. Now the moment of truth: mix everything together and dilute with cold water (as you like, the drink turns out sweet).

Without zest

It happens that such fruits are left, without clothes, lying alone... But they also have a use!

  1. We cut the fruit into circles, put it in a container, fill it with a liter of water, add half a glass of sugar (if desired, you can also add vanilla).
  2. Heat until boiling. Let cool.

This syrup can be diluted with cold water and drunk.

With orange

And not without lemons, of course :) We take 2 pieces of each type of fruit, you will also need 150 g of sugar and patience.

  1. We clean the fruits, break the pulp in a blender or meat grinder, and cut the crusts into slices.
  2. We put the water on the stove, bring it to a boil, put the skins and sugar into the boiling water, and wait until it boils again. Remove the skins (otherwise it will taste bitter).
  3. Now it’s the turn of the pulp: remove the pan from the stove, add the juicy substance to it and stir. We filter.
  4. We put it in a cool place and rest from the labors of the righteous.

Then, when it cools down, mix with water and enjoy.

With mint

You need 3 lemons, a bunch of mint, half a glass of sugar, 3 liters of water.

  1. We clean the fruits, remove the white skin, crush the pulp to obtain juice, and tear the mint into pieces.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, add all the ingredients, cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Don't forget to strain and then cool the drink.

Mint is known for its ability to reduce hunger. But if you use this option for the purpose, then it is better not to add sweets to it. Well, maybe just a little. And sweets, on the contrary, only inflate your appetite.

With honey

Very simple and quick recipe.

  1. We dilute honey (2 tablespoons) in warm water, add lemon juice (squeezed from 2-3 pieces).
  2. Cool.

With cucumber

Lemonade is also very easy to make. All you need is 2 lemons, 2 cucumbers, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Wash the cucumbers and fruits, cut them into slices, put them in a common vat, fill them with water, stir in sugar, leave in a cool place for 5 hours. That's it, you can drink!

Ginger drink

With lemon balm

You need sugar (5 tablespoons), several branches of lemon balm, 1 lemon, plain and sparkling water.

  1. We clean the fruit, put the crusts from it in a container along with sugar and mint, fill it with hot water, stir until the sugar “grains of sand” dissolve.
  2. Wait until it cools, then strain and add sparkling water.

With lime

It’s as easy as shelling pears to make: 2 limes, 2 lemons, honey, water (liter).

Peel the fruit and squeeze out the juice.

Finely chop the skins, put everything in a common vat (honey to taste), add water and bring to a boil.

Filter, cool and drink.

With pear

2 pears, 2 lemons (you only need juice from them), sugar (120 grams).

Chop the pears in a blender, mix with sugar and juice, pour boiling water, let it brew, strain.

Again, elementary, right?

With kiwi

5 kiwis, 3 lemons, sugar (150 grams).

  1. Grind the kiwi in a blender and squeeze the juice from the lemons.
  2. Rub the kiwi pulp through a strainer and mix with sugar and juice.
  3. Dilute with water and mix.

You can drink!

As you can see, all the recipes are quite simple, all you have to do is choose the right one. I like simple ones, in which you don’t need to cook anything, but experience shows that those that take longer to cook usually taste better. To each their own, right?

The best thing is that all the ingredients for lemonade are easy to find at home or in nearby stores.

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

Lemonade is one of the favorite drinks of both adults and children. With its bright appearance and wonderful taste, it improves your mood and gives you vigor throughout the day. There are many ways to prepare this wonderful drink. Thanks to this article, you can familiarize yourself with recipes for making lemon drink at home.

Benefits of lemon

Lemon has a wide range of beneficial properties. Its pulp contains a huge amount of vitamins and beneficial acids. Eating it helps improve stomach function, lower blood pressure and restore immunity.

Baths using lemon juice strengthen the nail plate. Lemon juice also has a whitening effect. It copes well with freckles and age spots on the skin of the face and has an antimicrobial effect. Masks containing this yellow fruit have an anti-inflammatory, healing effect. They are well suited for problematic, combination and oily skin types. By mixing olive oil with lemon juice, you can create a rejuvenating mask that smoothes, tightens the skin, gives it a natural glow and fights fine lines.

Lemon can often be found in drinks used against colds. Mixed with salt, its juice is used as a decoction to gargle a sore throat.

Perhaps everyone knows that store-bought lemonades contain harmful substances that have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, please yourself and your loved ones with a natural sunny drink by preparing it at home. The lemon drink recipe does not require a lot of ingredients or time. Components required for this:

  • one and a half lemons;
  • 5 sprigs of mint;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • liter of water.

And here is the recipe for homemade lemon drink:

  1. Cut one lemon into two halves. Squeeze all the juice from each part. The approximate amount of liquid is 4-5 tbsp. l.
  2. Leave the peel until the next stage of cooking. Cut the remaining half of the lemon into small slices.
  3. Rinse the mint well and cut it as you wish (you can tear it into pieces). Place in a small container and fill with water. Place the mixture on the stove to heat up.
  4. Add peel. After boiling, cook for a couple of minutes.
  5. Remove the container from the stove, add sugar to it. Cool slightly.
  6. Pass the resulting mixture through a strainer. The remaining peel and mint will remain in it.
  7. Add lemon juice. Place the liquid in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Pour the finished drink into glasses, adding lemon slices to the edges. If desired, you can add a few ice cubes to the lemonade.

Lemonade with honey and ginger

Ginger is popular for its medicinal properties. It helps with flu, colds, headaches, and promotes the development of immunity. The combination of ginger with honey and lemon is often used in warming drinks. They are used as a preventive measure in autumn and winter, and also as a cure for illness.


  • lemon;
  • ginger root.

Ginger Lemon Drink Recipe:

  1. Wash the ginger and peel it. Cut into thin slices.
  2. Wash the lemon, cut into two halves. Squeeze the juice out of them.
  3. Add ginger, juice to the teapot and add hot water.
  4. The drink must steep for at least 30 minutes.

Pour the tea into mugs and add a spoonful of honey.

Diet drink with lemon

Lemon water is not only rich in vitamins, but also helps speed up metabolism. She is an excellent assistant for those who monitor the health of their body. It also reduces hunger, helps the body break down fats and get rid of unnecessary substances. But in addition to it, it is recommended to drink a lot of plain water, since the acid in the drink can have a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach.

You will need:

  • pure distilled water;
  • lemon.

The recipe for a lemon drink for weight loss looks like this:

  1. Wash the lemon and cut into small slices.
  2. To boil water. Pour it into a glass.
  3. Throw in one slice of lemon.
  4. Let it brew.

This drink can be prepared either for one time or immediately for the whole day on the basis that one slice of citrus is needed for one glass.

You should drink water with lemon once on an empty stomach, once during the day 30 minutes before your main meal, and also an hour and a half before bedtime.

Lemonade, like in the cafeteria

If you think about carefree days spent in kindergarten or at school, then willy-nilly you will remember a delicious lemon drink. With the following recipe, you can recreate happy days and enjoy healthy lemonade.


  • three lemons;
  • 6 teaspoons honey;
  • three liters of distilled water.

And here is the recipe for a lemon drink, just like in the canteen:

  1. Wash the lemons and cut into thin slices. Place in the container in which you will brew the drink. To add freshness and a delicate aroma, you can add mint leaves or a pinch of vanilla.
  2. Pour water over the fruit. Let it cook.
  3. Once the water has boiled, cook for another 2 minutes.
  4. Add honey. Leave the mixture in a cool place for two hours.

This drink can be served either cold or hot.

Lemonade with oranges

Orange lemonade will delight you with its bright color combination and rich taste. If you prefer sweet drinks, add more oranges than lemons. If you like a sour taste, add more lemons during cooking. In this recipe, fruits are used in equal quantities.


  • two oranges;
  • two lemons;
  • a glass of white sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

Recipe for lemon drink with oranges:

  1. Wash the fruit. Remove seeds and skin (we will save this for the next step).
  2. Cut into small slices and grind in a blender.
  3. Cut the peel into equal parts.
  4. Boil water in a container. Throw citrus peel slices into boiling water.
  5. After boiling again, cook them for 5 minutes and then remove from the container.
  6. Add citrus juice to the resulting syrup and mix well.
  7. Strain the lemonade using gauze. Cool.

After it has cooled completely, you can treat your guests to the drink.

Lemonade with mint and basil

Mint and basil give the drink a spicy and fresh taste. This lemonade will save you from the sweltering heat and will be an excellent treat for entertaining guests on a summer day.

Required Products:

  • five lemons;
  • a couple of mint sprigs;
  • the same amount of tarragon and basil.

Lemonade with watermelon and basil

Watermelon is a favorite summer treat for many adults and children. The drink with his participation is distinguished by its originality and refreshing taste.

Required components:

  • eight glasses of watermelon without skin;
  • a glass of distilled water;
  • 30 grams of white sugar;
  • glass with basil leaves;
  • half a glass of lemon juice.

Lemon drink recipe:

  1. Pour water into a bowl, add white sugar, stir.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for five minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Set aside, add basil and leave to cool for an hour.
  4. Grind the watermelon pulp in a blender.
  5. Strain it through a strainer.
  6. Pour into syrup along with lemon juice.

Serve lemonade chilled.

Summer lemonade from Strelka with chamomile and cucumber

Ingredients: Chamomile tea - 80g; Liquid honey - 20g; Fresh cucumber - 100g; Lime juice - 20g

Mash the cucumbers in a shaker, pour in tea, honey, lime juice, and beat well. Strain into a glass filled with ice.

"CITRUS & HONEY" from "Bar Profi". Recipe for the Uryuk network

Price in the restaurant - 330 rubles (500 ml)
Ingredients: Orange - 3 slices; Lime - 2 slices; Kumquat - 2 pieces; Honey syrup - 50 ml; Ice; Soda - 200 ml

Place citrus fruits in a jar and squeeze until juice appears. Add honey syrup, stir and pour in soda. Add ice to the frappe and garnish with grapefruit.

Chin Kan - signature SPA cocktail “ASIA HALL”

Ingredients: Fresh raspberries - 100 gr; Ginger root - 20g; Sugar syrup - 30 ml; Lemongrass - 2 pods; Cinnamon - 5 g; mint leaf

Pour 200 ml of water into fresh raspberries, add peeled ginger root, sugar syrup, lemongrass and cinnamon, simmer over low heat until boiling. After boiling for 2-3 hours, let it sit, strain and cool. Before serving, pour ice frappe into a sling glass and fill with chilled cocktail. The edge of the glass is decorated with a rim of white and black sesame. Add a mint leaf.

Lemonade "Strawberry-passion fruit" from the head bartender of "Asia Hall" Evgeniy Sharov

Ingredients: Kumquat - 1 piece; Mint - 5-7 leaves; Strawberry puree - 50 ml; Passion fruit puree - 50 ml; Ginger ale - 100 ml; Strawberry syrup - 10 ml; Passion fruit syrup - 10 ml

We use the muddle wash method. In a Collins glass (450 ml), mash the kumquat fruit with mint, add strawberry puree, passion fruit puree, strawberry syrup, passion fruit syrup, ginger ale. Add lump ice and mix thoroughly.

"Vitamin Charge" from Tarantino

Ingredients: Orange - 1 slice; Lemon - 1 slice; Lime - 1 slice; Grapefruit with skin - 1 slice; Passion fruit syrup - 20 ml; Apple juice - 70 ml; Cranberry juice - 70 ml

Mash citrus slices in a shaker. Add passion fruit syrup and ice. Fill with apple juice and fruit drink. Shake in a shaker. Serve the entire contents of the shaker in a glass. Garnish with orange slices or pear slices and mint.

Cocktail based on pear and basil from ShchiSliva

Ingredients: Pear - 3 pcs; Basil leaves - 150g; Apple - 1 piece

Make fresh juice from apples and pears. Separately make fresh basil juice. Stir the fresh juices and add Jerusalem artichoke syrup to taste. Garnish with pear and mint.

Sorrel lemonade with elderberry from “Chinese Letter”

Ingredients: Fresh sorrel - 40g; Elderberry blossom syrup -20ml; Sugar syrup - 10ml; Lemon juice - 30ml; Soda - 200ml

Bring all ingredients to a homogeneous consistency using a blender, strain through a sieve into a glass filled with ice. Garnish lemonade with lemon zest and berries.

Non-alcoholic “Mojito” from the bar of the “Balcony” restaurant

Ingredients: Mint - 30g; Lime - 1 piece; Sugar syrup - 20ml; Soda - 1 bottle (250ml)

Cut the lime into 8 wedges and mash in a glass along with mint. Add syrup and frapé ice, top up with soda. Stir.

Just mix

This section presents the simplest lemonade recipes. To prepare them, you just need to mix all the ingredients in the correct proportions.

Lemonade Tarragon with sea buckthorn from the bar “Sorry, Grandfather” according to the recipe of Alexander Kan

Ingredients: Sea buckthorn syrup 20 ml; Tarragon syrup 15 ml; Fresh lemon 15 ml; Soda 80 ml

Mix all ingredients and pour into a glass with ice. Top with a slice of lemon.

Apple lemonade from Carlson

Ingredients: Fresh apple 150 ml; Apple syrup 70 ml; Lime juice 50 ml; Mineral water with gas 600 ml; Fresh mint; Fresh apples; Ice

Cucumber lemonade from the Ponton restaurant

Ingredients: Cucumber - 150g; Lime - 100g; Mint - 50g; Lemon - 50g; Fresh lemon - 50ml; Cane syrup p/f - 100; Monin cucumber syrup - 70ml; Mineral water - 430ml

Classic lemonade from Dom Carlo

Ingredients: Sugar syrup-60ml; Fresh lemon juice-30g; Soda-300ml

Ginger lemonade from PPL

Ingredients: Fresh ginger infused in sugar syrup (300 grams of ginger per 1 liter of sugar syrup) 150ml; Lemon juice - 75 ml; Schisandra - 20 gr; Soda - 600 ml

Blackberry-sorrel lemonade from “The Garden”

Ingredients: Fresh sorrel - 50 gr; Fresh blackberries - 25 gr; Blackberry syrup - 75 ml; Lemon juice - 50 ml; Soda - 600ml

Homemade lemonade from the St. Petersburg restaurant "Spices and Joys""

Ingredients: Homemade grapefruit syrup with cinnamon - 150 ml; Cinnamon (sticks) - 3 pcs; Fresh grapefruit - 1 piece; Fresh lemon - 50 ml; Soda - 650 ml

Watermelon-cucumber "Oasis" from Izya Grill

Price in the restaurant - 100 ​ rub.​

Ingredients: Cucumber; Mint; Watermelon syrup; Orange and lemon juice; Soda

Lemonades with exotic ingredients

“Koh Samui” from Maxim Bar chief bartender Andrey Makarevich

Price at the bar: 450 rub.

Ingredients: Lime leaves; Lychee juice - 50; Lime juice - 20; Passion fruit syrup -20

Mix and shake in a shaker

Lemonade based on ginger ale with pine cones from the Moscafe restaurant

Ingredients: Extragon - 50g; Granulated sugar - 1 spoon; Mineral sparkling water - 100 ml; Lime - 1/2pcs; Ginger Ale - 250 ml; Raspberries - 3 pcs; Pine cone - 1 piece; Honey - 30g

Shake all ingredients except ale in a shaker. After this, add ginger ale, mix thoroughly and strain. Pour into a jug and add a pine cone at the end. It will give the drink a special aroma and make the serving interesting and unusual. If desired, you can add ice.

Pretty Vilet lemonade from Barbara Bar and Alexander Kahn with grape calpis

Ingredients: Grape Kalpis 20 ml; Peach syrup 15 ml; Lemon juice 10 ml; Soda 80-100ml (to taste)

Mix everything and pour into a glass with ice. Decorate with a fresh orchid flower.

White lemonade from “Prozhektor” and Alexander Kan with calpis and yuzu

Ingredients: Kalpis 20ml; Yuzu 20ml; Sugar syrup 10 ml; Soy lime 10 ml; Soda 80ml

Mix all ingredients except soda. Fill a Sling glass with chunky ice, pour in the mixed ingredients, add soda and stir again. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Photos provided by the press services of the restaurants

Today we will talk about how to make delicious lemonade from any fruit in ordinary home conditions. The recipe for making lemonade almost always comes down to the same ingredients, the only difference is in the fruits used for taste.

Making carbonated lemonade

In addition to taste, lemonade can be carbonated or non-carbonated. To make carbonated lemonade at home, you need to learn 2 main methods:

The first method is carbonation using a special siphon with carbon dioxide canisters.

The second method is to use highly carbonated table water, which you can buy in the store.

Homemade carbonated lemonade can be made using a homemade siphon. Its design is simple, it is 2 plastic bottles connected hermetically with a tube.

In the first bottle you pour your lemonade, which needs to be made carbonated; the tube in such lemonade should be lowered to the bottom.
In the second bottle, add 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of table vinegar. Then screw the lids tightly and wait 15 minutes; as a result of the reaction, carbon dioxide (bubbles) is released, which successfully makes your lemonade carbonated.

The best homemade lemonade recipes

Lemonade for a big company

I want to start with a lemonade recipe that is different from most others. Since it will take a little more time to prepare than usual, but its advantage is that from 5 oranges you can make up to 10 liters of fresh juice.

Orange lemonade is very popular and tasty; to prepare this lemonade at home you need to prepare:

1. Oranges – 5 pcs.
2. Sugar – 500-1000 grams.
3. Citric acid – 30 g.
4. Water 7-10 liters.

Wash the oranges thoroughly in boiling water to wash off the wax and remove the bitterness from them. Next, cut all the oranges into 4-6 slices, no need to peel them, then put them in the freezer until completely frozen.

After freezing, the slices must be passed through a meat grinder, the resulting “minced meat” is filled with three liters of water and let sit for 20 minutes.

Next, you need to strain everything through a colander and cheesecloth several times to get rid of sediment and whole orange particles. Then add sugar from 500-1000 grams to your taste and 30 grams of citric acid.

Mix everything thoroughly, you should get 3 liters of natural orange concentrate, which you dilute with water to your taste. I added another 3 liters of water and I got 6 liters of delicious orange juice. Your job will be to add ice or make the lemonade carbonated using the above method.

Classic lemonade

Classic lemonade is lemonade made from lemon. Even a child can prepare it, because its recipe is very simple and does not require special skills or a large number of ingredients.


2 -3 large lemons
100 gr. sugar (or sugar syrup)
1.2 liters of water
Ice cubes (if possible)

Before cooking, you need to prepare ice, pour boiled water into special square molds (any available molds will do) and place in the freezer for 1 hour. Chilled lemonade will bring a brighter impression and help cope with the summer heat. Next, thoroughly wash 2-3 lemons, squeeze out the juice, which needs to be poured into a carafe. Add 100 g there. sugar and 200 grams of boiled water, mix thoroughly. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add another 1 liter of water to the resulting concentrate. Homemade lemonade is ready, serve it with ice cubes.

Lemonade with mint

Homemade lemonade with mint will not only give you tremendous pleasure, but will also benefit your body. Mint contains a number of vitamins: A, D, E, K and C, as well as a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5, B9). All the beneficial properties of mint are contained in the essential oil, which contains in abundance: carotene, organic acids, betaine and of course menthol. To make lemonade with mint, you will need:

1. Lemons 2 -3 pcs.
2. Mint
3. Lime
4. Sugar 100 - 150 gr.
5. Water
6. Ice (in cubes if possible)
7. Decanter

The recipe for making lemonade with mint will amaze your friends and acquaintances, don’t be afraid to improvise and everything will work out for you. And so let's get started...

It is necessary to thoroughly grind the lime zest with mint to obtain a homogeneous mass (mush). Next you need to squeeze out the juice of 2 - 3 lemons and a lime (which we still have after we cut the zest from it), pour it into a jug. Add a small amount of water 200 - 300 grams and the pulp that we got from mint and lime, mix thoroughly (you can use a blender). Add 1 - 2 liters of water (to taste) and decorate everything with freshly picked mint leaves and serve with ice cubes.

Lemon-orange lemonade

We highly recommend making lemonade at home, which contains both lemon and orange. It is prepared hot.
Don’t worry, the beneficial vitamins and minerals from this lemonade will not disappear; during preparation, only the zest from the orange and lemon will undergo heat treatment. Let's look at the necessary ingredients:

Two huge oranges
Two lemons
150 gr. Sahara
3 liters of boiled water

During the preparatory process, you will also need to make ice, then thoroughly rinse the citrus fruits under running water, peel them from the zest and seeds. Peeled fruits need to be crushed into a pulp using a blender or meat grinder (whatever you like), a juicer will also work. Strain the resulting nectar through cheesecloth or fine calico.

The next step is to prepare the syrup. In a saucepan of boiling water (3 liters), add orange and lemon zest, cut into medium pieces. You should not cook for more than 6 - 4 minutes; if you let the lemonade from oranges and lemon sit too long, it will be bitter. After the water has cooled, add sugar and freshly squeezed fruit juice (strained) to the resulting syrup. Add enough ice to the jug, garnish the glass with an orange slice and serve.

Lemonade with pear

Let's start making homemade lemonade with pears and lemon. The so-called duchess lemonade turns out to be very juicy and tasty.

In making homemade pear and lemon lemonade, the secret lies in the syrup that needs to be boiled. From previous recipes you learned how to make lemonade at home using the “cold” method. Now the recipe is changing dramatically, although the healthfulness of the drink and its taste will remain the same. Required ingredients:

Freshly squeezed pear juice 200 grams
Lemon juice 40 grams
Vanilla sugar
Granulated sugar 100 gr.
Boiled water 1 liter

Now the most important part of making lemonade awaits us - the correct preparation of the syrup, this is very important. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of the pear pulp, mix it with granulated sugar and add a little water. You need to cook this substance over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and the syrup becomes slightly thick (ductile).

After cooling the boiled syrup, dilute it in water, stirring thoroughly, add lemon juice and ice. When serving, you can garnish with mint leaves, which will give the lemonade a wonderful aroma and freshness.

Ginger lemonade

By preparing homemade ginger lemonade, you will not only get a lot of positive emotions, but also a tasty and, most importantly, healthy soft drink. This plant, which takes its roots in western India, contains many useful vitamins and microelements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and sodium; ginger also contains vitamins C, B2, B1, A. An indispensable product in the fight against microorganisms , increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on digestion.

To make ginger lemonade, you need the following ingredients:

Lemon – 2 pcs.
Ginger root 200 gr.
Honey 4 tablespoons
Boiled water 3 liters
Sugar 100 gr.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add finely grated ginger root. Squeeze out the lemon juice by hand or using a juicer, but finely chop the lemon skins and add to the same pan. Add 100 gr. sugar, and bring this consistency to a boil and leave to cool. Only after it has cooled completely do we dilute this concentrate with two liters of water, then add lemon juice and honey. If desired, the resulting ginger lemonade can be strained through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Before serving, garnish with mint leaves and add ice.

Of course, in moderation, homemade lemonade has great benefits for the human body. Lemonade is made from lemon, which contains many useful microelements: phosphorus, copper, calcium and a small amount of potassium. Also, lemon juice contains a huge amount of vitamins, such as: B1 and B2, P, D, and of course vitamin C.

Drinking lemonade is useful not only in the summer heat to quench thirst, but also in the treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (with low acidity), lemonade also has antiseptic properties. Lemonade will become your assistant for high temperature and fever (to increase the body's water balance), poor appetite, colds and joint pain. Homemade lemonade is also recommended for consumption by pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy to reduce toxicosis in the body.

Speaking about natural lemonade, prepared with your own hands at home, there are restrictions on its use only for people with individual intolerance to citrus fruits (allergies, rashes, etc.) and people with high stomach acidity.

If we are talking about lemonade purchased in a store, do not forget that it contains the entire periodic table (dyes, taste and smell enhancers, flavors, stabilizers, etc.) to verify this you do not need special knowledge or experiments , just read the product ingredients on the packaging. Take a close look at the production date and expiration dates of lemonade and know that the longer the shelf life of the product, the more preservatives and other chemicals it contains. It should not be used by people with weak livers or kidneys, because they will be the first to take the chemical attack. Unscrupulous producers compensate for excess production with the quality of the initial raw materials from which lemonade is made, so we strongly recommend drinking only homemade lemonade.

And most importantly, making lemonade at home will help you hone your culinary skills and brighten up a hot day with simple lemonade recipes.