Payment cannot be turned off: we tell you how to refuse housing and communal services. Refusal of Rostelecom services via the Internet - instructions How to refuse services

Increasing housing and communal services tariffs is always unpleasant. There’s nothing you can do about the rise in prices for services; paying close attention to monthly payments is another matter. Some expense items can simply be crossed out, while others cannot be gotten rid of so easily: you have to contact the MFC or the company providing the service.

Radio and TV antenna

The leader among unclaimed services is “radio and notification”. It seems like 99 rubles a month and not much, but in a year it costs more than a thousand. It’s easy to refuse a radio point: the service will be turned off at any MFC.

The procedure for disconnecting a television antenna is somewhat more complicated. In this matter, you cannot do without visiting the Rostelecom office, otherwise you will have to pay 204 rubles every month, even if you have long switched to digital TV.

Voluntary insurance

Invoices for voluntary insurance are sometimes included in receipts. As a result, citizens have the opportunity to compensate for losses in the event of property damage. At first glance, this is a good thing. However, such insurance is definitely not an example of reliability: the policy is not issued, the apartment owner does not receive information about the details of the insurance. If something happens to things in the apartment, it will not be easy to get compensation.

There is a more effective remedy for fire, flooding and other troubles - an agreement with a reputable insurance company. It’s easy to refuse social insurance: just ignore this expense column. You can safely cross out the corresponding line on the payment slip. Social insurance is voluntary, so debt will not accumulate.


Homeowners have the right to a recalculation, which can be used in the following cases: the apartment has been empty for a long time, there have been interruptions in the supply of resources, or their quality was poor. According to the head of the Metrium company, Natalya Kruglova, if no one has lived in the apartment for more than 5 days, you can apply for a recalculation of cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity and garbage removal.

However, only citizens who do not have meters due to the impossibility of installing them can use recalculation. This mainly applies to Russians who live in old houses. To save on recalculation, you must, within a month after returning to the apartment, enter into the Criminal Code an inspection report confirming the impossibility of installing meters, and documents proving temporary absence. The latter include intercity tickets, a hotel bill, and a travel certificate. Those living at their dacha in the summer should obtain a certificate from the head of the rural settlement or another local authority. Utility workers will review the appeal and make adjustments to the payment for the next month.

In case of insufficient quality of resources, you can also apply for recalculation. This is a good incentive for management companies to work conscientiously, for example, not to serve lukewarm water instead of hot water.

Muscovite Irina asked for a recalculation due to a 3-week delay in turning on the heating. To achieve justice, she took bills for consumed electricity and receipts for heaters that she had to buy to the Criminal Code, and achieved a return of 4.5 thousand rubles.

Double pay

Unscrupulous management companies sometimes collect money for services that residents already pay for. For example, for washing entrances, landscaping, replacing risers. The listed work is included in the “maintenance and repair of residential premises.” If unclear items appear on the receipt, you should contact the Criminal Code for clarification.

First of all, let us note one important circumstance. The decision to abandon the Criminal Code is made at a general meeting of homeowners. Usually, each home owner enters into a contract with the management company chosen by the general meeting. Its validity period is limited to three years, but in practice, most often the contract is concluded for only a year.

Advice! The first and easiest way to cancel the servicing management company at the moment is to simply wait until the contract expires. And then, at a general meeting, choose a new management company.

After the end of the contract

Step-by-step instructions on how to generally abandon a management company consists of the following steps:

If the contract has simply expired, the owners do not need to justify their decision to renounce the management company or bother collecting evidence for termination. We simply refuse the services of this company and that’s it.

Of course, it’s easier to wait until the deadline expires, but it also happens that current circumstances force you to take emergency measures and cancel the services of the management company ahead of schedule. For example, she ignores the legitimate demands of residents and evades fulfilling her direct responsibilities. Read about all the responsibilities and services of the management company.

In this case, you have to terminate the contractual relationship with the unscrupulous partner ahead of schedule.

By early termination of the contract

Before unilaterally terminating the contract with the management company, the owners of apartment buildings need to prepare:

  1. have compelling reasons supported by convincing documentary evidence;
  2. prepare the required package of papers;
  3. notify the owners of the meeting;
  4. hold a general meeting of owners;
  5. notify the management company of the decision.

Let us first consider the grounds for leaving the Criminal Code, then we will touch upon the evidence that will be needed for it and find out what documents will be needed.


Refusal of the services of the management company must be justified. The following actions on the part of the management company may be recognized as grounds for early termination of the contract:

  • did not perform house maintenance work;
  • did not provide residents with the services specified in the contract;
  • the quality of services provided and work performed was low;
  • did not provide citizens with the information they were interested in.

If at least one of these conditions is present, then you can legally demand termination of relations with the management company.

Note! The expiration of the contract is an absolutely legal reason for terminating relations with the management company. If it is not extended, then the cooperation ends completely and finally.

In all other cases, according to Article 162 of the RF Housing Code, the existence of grounds will have to be proven, most often in court.


For early unilateral termination of the agreement between the owners and the management company, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  1. Minutes of the general meeting at which the decision was made to abandon the Criminal Code.
  2. Copies of applications to supervising organizations - consumer supervision, prosecutor's office, sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Copies of complaints from owners about violations by the management company.
  4. Copies of inspection reports on the activities of the management company.
  5. Written notification to the management company of termination of the contract with it.


In the process of terminating a contract with a management company, two types of notifications are used. First the notification is intended to notify owners and management companies about the holding of a general meeting of homeowners, at which the issue of refusing the services of the management company will be raised.

If there are non-privatized apartments in the apartment building, a representative of the city administration must be invited to the meeting.

After all, in this case, the owner of the property is the municipality.

The notice specifies the agenda— the question of choosing a new management company or another method of management.

Further, the notification should contain contact numbers where you can get information about the issues brought up for discussion, and indicate the initiative group, that is, those people who convene the general meeting. Naturally, the place, date and time of the meeting.

The management company itself must be notified of the decision made at the meeting by the owners. The notification must be based on current legislation - Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, paragraphs. 8.1 and 8.2 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Reference! The notification must indicate the grounds for the decision: court order, decision of the general meeting, etc.


It's important to remember that legislation, homeowners are given the opportunity to early terminate relations with the management company. But such a decision must be supported by irrefutable evidence. For example, these include the following cases:

Important! All violations by the management company must be remembered and, if possible, documented. Before convening a general meeting, it is necessary not only to request from the management company documentation related to the performance of work under the current contract, but also to prepare evidence that the clauses of this contract have been repeatedly violated.

The following may serve as evidence of violations by the Criminal Code:

  • copies of requests and complaints from residents;
  • acts of inspection of the work of the management company by supervising organizations;
  • acts recording the improper fulfillment of duties by the management company.

Preparing and holding a meeting of owners

To properly prepare a meeting regarding the waiver of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to take the following actions:

Important! It must be taken into account that before preparation begins, careful work is carried out with the owners. It is advisable to convince most of them of the need or choose a different way of managing the house. Only after this can practical steps be taken.

Once the meeting has been decided, it is necessary to prepare notifications to all owners and management companies about the place and time of the meeting. Notifications are delivered in person against signature or sent by registered mail with notification to the recipient's address.

The meeting must be held no later than 3 months before the contract expires. If you notify the management committee or go to court later, the demands and the decision of the meeting will be rejected.

Then a general meeting is held. If it is not possible to conduct it in person, then an absentee form is allowed.

What to do after making a decision to refuse?

After the meeting makes a decision, a notice is sent to the management company with a copy of the meeting's decision. The management company must prepare and transfer all materials for the house the management company chosen by the meeting or the organizational structure for managing the house that the owners will accept.

It is possible that after the meeting you will have to go to court. Then you need to prepare a statement of claim and a package of documents, which will serve as evidence in court.

The form of governance is chosen by the general meeting. But, if there is no HOA in the house, then each owner enters into a service agreement with the management company independently, on his own behalf.

After the decision of the meeting, Each home owner must terminate the contract with the management company. He sends a written notification that, based on the decision of the general meeting, the contract with the management company is terminated unilaterally.

Is it possible to refuse the management of one apartment?

Before answering the question of how to refuse a management company for one apartment, you need to find out whether this is possible.

Attention! It is impossible for one owner to refuse the services of the management company, since only the general meeting is vested with the right to choose the form of management of the house, and only this meeting can decide to refuse the services of the management company.

If one owner is dissatisfied with the services provided, he must discuss this with the other residents and come to a decision to abandon the management of the entire house and only through a general meeting.


In addition, there are many pitfalls in the current legislation that can negate all efforts.

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If a Rostelecom subscriber needs to leave home for more than 30 days, it is recommended to suspend the use of connected services. To do this, just call the provider’s hotline or go to one of its offices. You can also completely refuse to use Rostelecom services via the Internet or in another convenient way.

Before you stop using services from Rostelecom, you need to check that you have no debts. You can clarify this information:

  • from hotline operators (8-800-100-08-00);
  • in your personal account;
  • at the provider's office.

In addition, you should find out whether the payment for the equipment used has been paid in full. If not, this can also cause debt to form. Rented devices will need to be returned.

In the office

After repaying all debts, the user can visit the nearest Rostelecom branch and write an application for refusal of servants, indicating in it:

  • contract number (personal account);
  • required duration of blocking;
  • the reason for deactivating the service;
  • date of document preparation;
  • your signature.

You will need to present your passport (any other ID will also work). The services specified in the application will be disabled within the next 24 hours.

By phone

If a temporary shutdown is carried out using the Rostelecom hotline, the subscriber will have to dictate to the operator:

  • your last name, first name and patronymic;
  • personal account number of the service or contract;
  • the address at which the service was connected;
  • the duration of the period for which the blocking will need to be made.

Attention! Even if the shutdown is temporary, its duration will be at least a week. The option to suspend use during the first month is free. In the future, 3 rubles will be debited from the subscriber’s account daily.


To completely terminate the agreement, the personal presence of the person who entered into the agreement or his authorized representative is necessary. Therefore, you will have to contact the provider’s office, or the subscriber can send an application to the regional office of the company by mail (registered mail).

In the event of the death of the person who signed the agreement, his legal successor can terminate the agreement. To do this, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • passports (of the former subscriber and his heir);
  • death certificate.

However, there is an easier way to refuse the Internet, telephone and other connected services.

How to refuse Rostelecom services via the Internet

It will be useful for each subscriber to learn how to cancel Rostelecom services without leaving home. To do this, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Log in to your personal account on the Rostelecom website.
  2. Find the section with the service you want to disable.
  3. From a number of options that can be applied to the service, select “ ”.
  4. Save the changes made.

The charging of subscription fees stops the very next day after the services provided by Rostelecom are disconnected. If necessary, the service can be reactivated in a similar way and then the debiting of funds will continue.

If you were unable to block it yourself, there may be several reasons for this:

  • there is debt on the account;
  • the service agreement was signed less than a month ago;
  • within the framework of the connected tariff, certain restrictions apply;
  • the “Promised Payment” has not been completed;
  • the subscriber uses the deferred payment system for more than 60 days;
  • There are not enough funds to write off the fee (with an advance payment system).

Attention! If the subscriber simply stops paying bills, the services will continue to be provided, but a debt will form on the user’s personal account. Therefore, the contract with the provider should be terminated in a strictly established manner.