Lesson notes on the Russian language. Vocabulary lesson “Days of the week”

Subject.“There is nothing stronger than a word” (an entertaining and educational Russian language lesson in high school)

During the classes.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today, November 22, Russia celebrates Dictionary and Encyclopedia Day. The initiative to celebrate this Day belongs to the philologist and philosopher Mikhail Naumovich Epstein. (slide 1-2)

This is the birthday of V.I. Dahl (1801 - 1872), the creator of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language." A dictionary is not just a book, it completes and at the same time anticipates many books, it sums up the development of the language and paves its way into the future. Dictionaries deserve their own holiday, and in Russia there is no more suitable date for this than Dahl’s birthday. (slide 3)

Is this holiday celebrated only in our country?

No. Not only here. For example, in America, Dictionary Day is celebrated annually on October 16, in memory of the founder of the Webster dictionary series, Noah Webster (1758-1843), who was born on this day. On this day, American schools teach about different types of dictionaries, teach how to use them, and work with special enthusiasm to expand students' vocabulary. (slide 4)

- And on our Dictionary Day, November 22, in addition to all of the above, we could think about how lucky we are with Dahl. Large academic dictionaries had been published before him, and he also created a unique dictionary that represents not only the existing composition of the language, but also the methods of its lexical enrichment. Dahl's Dictionary is a book of word production, and not just word description. It includes not only what is said, but also what is said in Russian. Hence the generosity, if not “redundancy”, of his verbal nests. Dahl lists all possible words from a given root, taking into account not the facts of their use, but the very possibility of their formation. This dictionary is not so much for reference use as for awakening taste and creativity in language. None of the academic dictionaries compares with Dalev’s in presenting the word-formative wealth of the Russian language, in conveying its living, creative spirit. It is no coincidence that this book was used - and inspired by it - by such different writers and poets as A. Bely, S. Yesenin and A. Solzhenitsyn.”

Lenya, do you like to read the Dictionary?
- You can also say – read! I can look if I don’t know what a particular word means or how it is correctly spelled or pronounced. And read, you exaggerated. What particularly interesting things can you read there?

Well, that's how to say it. There are a lot of interesting, valuable and useful things. From the dictionary you can even find out what the dictionary itself is. For example, Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary states that “a dictionary is a book containing a list of words arranged in a certain order (usually alphabetically), with interpretations in the same language or with translation into another language.” Dictionaries are used not only by schoolchildren and students, but even by teachers, writers and scientists. Anyone who is not lazy to look in the dictionary often will speak and write correctly. And he will not litter his speech with unnecessary foreign words, as well as rude, abusive and colloquial words.

Agree. Then let's repeat today and learn as much as possible about dictionaries. And Galina Leonidovna and the guys will help us with this.

There are a great many dictionaries. All of them are divided into 2 large categories:
1) encyclopedic dictionaries
2) linguistic (or philological) dictionaries slide 5

If you need to find out when some event occurred, what this or that scientific term means, find out when a scientist or writer lived, what a city or country is like, where you are going to travel, then you need to contact encyclopedic dictionaries. They can tell you almost anything!

And in linguistic We will not find all this data in dictionaries - there the object of description is the word or its form.

Guys, do all of you know how to use a dictionary? Let's remember the basic rules for using a dictionary. (slide 6)

Reminder for working with the dictionary.

1.Read the word.

2. Determine what letter it begins with.

3. Find in the table of contents which page this letter is on.

REMEMBER! Words in the dictionary are alphabetized not only by the first, but also by the second, third, and fourth letters.

Student 1. I present an explanatory dictionary. (Book in hand)

Intelligent dictionaries are very important. (slide 7) They explain the meaning of words. The most famous explanatory dictionary, of course, is “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. He compiled it throughout his life.
In addition to interpreting the meaning of words (the dictionary contains more than 200 thousand vocabulary units), Dahl's dictionary includes 30 thousand proverbs.

No less famous are the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, which has gone through more than 20 editions, and the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by Ozhegov and Shvedova. These dictionaries include the basic vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language.
The number of words in the Russian language is constantly growing, so it is impossible to name their exact number. 17-volume Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language of the Academy of Sciences has 131 thousand 257 words.
Knowledge of the language is necessary for communication. The richer a person’s vocabulary, the richer his inner world. The vocabulary of Ellochka, the heroine of Ilf and Petrov, consisted of 30 words. ( watching an excerpt from the film). A black man from the wild Numbo-Yumbo tribe needs more than 300 words. Shakespeare used 12 thousand words, and a modern educated person should know and be able to use 20 thousand words in speech.

And now I will check the richness of your vocabulary. You must define a word by its lexical meaning.

1. Grand opening of an art exhibition. (Vernisage).
2. A period of time equal to ten days. (Decade).
3. Absurdity, nonsense. (Absurd).
4. An integral part of any compound, mixture. (Ingredient).
5. A person impersonating someone else, hiding his real name. (Incognita).
6. Flora. (Flora).
7. Animal world. (Fauna).
8. Degree of clarity of pronunciation. (Diction).
9. Theater puppet driven by threads. (Puppet).
10. A literary work in the form of memoirs. (Memoirs).
11. Homesickness. (Nostalgia)

A peculiar type of explanatory dictionaries are dictionaries of foreign words, from which you can find out not only what certain foreign words and terms mean, but also from what language they came to us. The modern dictionary of foreign words has 20,000 words.

I offer you 14 words of foreign origin. Your task is to pick up a dictionary of foreign words one by one, find the right word and find out its origin. (The guys sit at one common table. This is a team. The teacher gives a card with words.) (slide 8)


Brochure, apathy, jasper, impressive, bluff, cantata, dummy, pseudonym, epigram, tender, nylon, ideology, excess.

Let's check what happened.

Very popular among children and teachers Phrasebook.
This is a special type of explanatory dictionary, which contains 4 thousand phraseological units of the Russian language.
- What are phraseological units? (These are stable combinations of words that have a figurative meaning.) - Let's look through it. (slide 9)

To kick the bucket ( sit back)
berries of a field (
similar in some way bad)
bring to clean water (
expose someone's dark deeds)
to make mountains out of molehills
wash the bones(gossip, judge)
find out where crayfish spend the winter(find out what real difficulties or real punishment are).
shoe a flea ( show ingenuity, invention)

Explain the meaning of these phraseological units.

Now independently correlate the phraseological unit and its meaning. (slide 10-11)

    Meaning "idle".

    Difficult, hopeless situation.

    Strongly scold, reprimand, scold

    An inconspicuous, uninfluential person.

    At least cry

    Spit on the ceiling.

    Even the howl of a wolf.

    Lather your neck.

    The lump is out of the blue.

    Remove shavings.

Answers. 2, 1, 2, 3,4, 3, 4, 1.

Student. 3.
- If we want to find out how to correctly spell or pronounce this or that word, spelling and spelling dictionaries will come to our aid.
The latest largest spelling dictionary, published in 2004, contains about 180,000 words.

Let's test your knowledge of spelling and spelling. (children receive cards) (slide 12)

1. Highlight the stressed syllable in the words.

Let's turn it on, get through, litter, uncork, cakes, put, heretic.
2. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

Stewarde..a, inte..gencia, gal..rea, co..ersant, wind..nar, gig..byte, m..b..lization.

Student. 4.

The vocabulary of the Russian language contains many words with similar meanings. A Russian proverb says: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” He will tell us about words-friends Synonym dictionary. (slide 13)

- What are synonyms? (Answers learn) Synonyms are words that are close in meaning, but different in spelling. For example: truth is truth.

But synonyms are synonyms only as long as they are in the dictionary. “In the context of living speech, you cannot find a single position in which it would be the same as saying: horse or horse, child or child.

Find synonyms for the words: noticeable, spacious, run away.

Examination. (Students read their written words. Student 4 reads all the synonyms from the dictionary for these words.)

There are a lot of dictionaries. Look, what other dictionaries have we not mentioned today?

(The guys list.) slide 14

Well, if you want to know the whole ins and out truth about a word, then you cannot ignore the question of its origin: where and when the word appeared, from what parts and by what method it was formed, what meaning it had in the distant past, how its meaning changed. It will help you answer this question Etymological dictionary. Slide 15

- Etymology is the science of the origin of a word, its original meaning (ethmos - truth).

Look in this dictionary and read the history of any word.
There are also dictionaries of the origin of names and surnames. Your homework today will be unusual. Find and explain the origin of your first and last name. Write it down in your notebook.

Ved.2. Yes, there really is a lot of information. And you can’t digest it right away. It turns out that a dictionary is a book of books. This is the entire universe in alphabetical order.

Certainly. Therefore, you and I need to learn to read this main book of knowledge.

“Look more diligently every day in the dictionary.
Sparks of feeling flicker in its columns.
Art will more than once descend into the cellars of words,
Holding your secret lantern in your hand.

All words are stamped with events.
They were given to man for a reason.
I read: “Century. From the century. To last forever.
To live out the century. God did not give his son a century.

\ A century to eat, a century to heal is someone else’s..."
The words sound reproach, anger, and conscience.
No, it’s not the dictionary that lies in front of me,
And an ancient scattered story.

The teacher thanks the presenters, children, and guests of the event.

During the lesson, the children are told that since February 21, 2000, Mother Language Day has been celebrated. The lesson is conducted in an interesting game form, while consolidating and monitoring the knowledge previously acquired by students.



Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 4

Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory

Primary school teacher

Nevolina O.V.

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 3rd grade

On the topic: “International Mother Language Day.”

Goals: developing a caring attitude towards the native language, cultivating a love for the Russian language; development of students' speech; activation of verbal and logical thinking; improving knowledge about parts of speech.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.Lesson topic message.

Today we have an unusual lesson. It will be dedicated to International Mother Language Day.

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  1. Talk about language.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by UNESCO in 1999 and has been celebrated on February 21 since 2000. (slide)

Around the world, people today speak 6,000 languages. Chinese, Indian, and English are usually called “great languages” - they are used by the largest number of people. They are followed by German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic and, of course, Russian. Learning a language is very interesting and exciting.

There is a proverb in the history of the Russian people: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their minds.” She tells us that not only appearance is important, but also what a person thinks and says. One sage said: “Just as the strength of pottery is tested by its ringing, a person is tested by the words that his mouth utters.”

I'll give you an interesting example. The famous fabulist Aesop was a slave in Ancient Greece. One day his master ordered him to prepare the best food for his guests. Aesop bought tongues and made three dishes out of them. Aesop said to the owner: “What could be better than language in the world?” Another time, after ordering to buy the worst, Aesop again bought tongues, explaining that through language people can quarrel, become enemies, and start a war.

1st reader

There are countless languages ​​and dialects on earth,

They probably exist forever.

But our Russian language is dearer to all of us,

And each of us has become accustomed to it since childhood.

2nd reader

But bad luck, we are Russians, it seems,

However, what you don’t hear among people:

Words distort and distort speech.

We will try to warn you.

3rd reader

Not - there, but there, and not here, but here,

However, my friend, there are countless mistakes.

And high, deep, what’s going on?

Well, I'll tell you how white the soot is!

1st reader

Are you Russian or Chukchi? Then, if possible,

Place the accents, it's not difficult.

Dos u g, not leisure, ringing, etc., not ringing.

Mistakes are everywhere: both at school and at home.

There's a life, a secret, and a ride -

Remember and memorize them.

2nd reader

Dostoevsky and Gorky wrote in Russian,

Turgenev, Yesenin, Tolstoy and more.

Be careful with your tongue, my friend.

And listen to the speech of friends and girlfriends.

3rd reader

What the hell are you, really, really tired of, you cormorants,

I don't fucking care about your lessons.

I am a cool pepper, and my market is what you need.

Guys, this is just bravado!

1st reader

Don't throw your words to the wind,

Be responsible for every word!

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it!

You have known this proverb since childhood!

2nd reader

“Know the value of every word!” -

We repeat again and again!

Teach! Honor our great language!

After all, the Russian language is both powerful and great!


And what did outstanding Russian and foreign writers say about the Russian language:

“Take care of the purity of your language like a shrine! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.”

Turgenev I.S.

“Oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language,” - I.S. Turgenev.

“The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively, lively,” believed Leo Tolstoy.

“This is the most beautiful of all European languages,” wrote the classic of French literature Proster Merimee.

“There is no doubt that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.”

Belinsky V.G.

“The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.”

Kuprin A.I.

  1. What is a word?

As you know, our speech consists of sentences, which in turn consist of words. Man needed a word in order to give a name to everything that is in the world and to himself. After all, in order to talk about something and even think about it, you need to call it something.

A name is given to everything - both the beast and the object,

There are plenty of things around, but there are no nameless ones.

And all that the eye can see is above us and below us,

And everything that is in our memory is signified by words.

1st student

There are words - like wounds, words - like judgment, -

They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner.

A word can kill, a word can save,

In a word, you can lead the shelves with you,

In a word you can sell and betray and buy,

In a word, you can pour it into striking lead.

But we have words for all words in the language:

Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.

2nd student

Each word has its own taste.

Some words are as bitter as wormwood.

Others are sweeter than Abkhazian melons.

There are words like seasonings among the mountaineers,

And there are also such words,

That sea water is saltier and more bitter.

There are also tasteless ones, like grass.

People have all sorts of words.

I invite you to take a journey through the land of linguistics.

So, let's start our tournament.

Old friends are waiting for you today, everyone will recognize them - both you and me!

  1. Noun.

I have been living in this world for a long time, I give names to objects.


Competition "Catch the Word"

I will name the words, and you will catch them, i.e. write down. Girls are feminine nouns, and boys are masculine.

Cloak, swift, night, silence, bream, help, rook, doctor, daughter, hut, oven, ball, speech, lie, thing.

Competition "Guess the word"(slide)

Root from the word FAIRY TALE.

Suffix as in the word CARRIER.

Prefix in the word CONSUMPTION.

The ending is in the word HOME.


The root is in the word SNOWFLAKE.

The prefix in the word DRIVEN.

Suffix in the word FORESTER.

The ending in the word TABLE.


Competition "Affectionate"

I will say a word, and you will turn it into something affectionate and pleasant.

Mom (mommy), sun (sun) , brother, cat, bird, daughter, castle, pencil.

  1. Adjective.

I give signs to objects - they are very noticeable to me.

I decorate your speech, you need to know me, take care of me!


Competition “Describe the toy”(slide)

The teacher shows objects on the slide. Assignment: write as many adjectives as possible that describe the subject.

  1. Verbs.

That for me objects are just names,

And when I come, everything will come into action.


Competition “Say the opposite”

I will say a word highly, and you will answer...(low).

I will say a word far away, and you will answer...(close).

I will say the word coward, you will answer...(brave).

Now I will tell you the beginning, you will answer...(end).

Open, lie down, cry, leave, talk, find, run out, fall asleep.

Competition “Replace with one verb”

Give a chirp -(run away), scratch their tongues - (chat) , lead by the nose -(deceive) , bite your tongue -(shut up) , Nick down -(remember), fall off your feet - (get tired).

  1. Pronoun.

I have this opinion about myself: my role is enormous.

I devote myself fully to the work, I change names.


How many personal pronouns are there in the word “family”?(family)

The first syllable is a personal pronoun, the second is the sound the frog makes. Together - a vegetable.(pumpkin)

The first syllable is a personal pronoun, the second also means misfortune. Together they mean petty libel or slander.(I am trouble)

  1. Lesson summary.

Well done boys. You did a very good job today and, I hope, you learned something new and interesting. (slide)

If you want to argue with fate, if you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support, learn Russian. https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:

dos u g ringing and t move and sacrament there o zhnya catal o g

“The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.” Kuprin A.I. “There is no doubt that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.” Belinsky V.G. “This is the most beautiful of all European languages,” wrote the classic of French literature Proster Merimee.

fairy tale cabman house expense race storyteller

snowflake drove up the forester's table under the snowy nickname

If you want to beat fate, if you are looking for joy in a flower garden, If you need solid support, learn Russian. He is your mentor, great, mighty, he is a translator, he is a guide. If you take your knowledge to the next level, learn Russian!

Thank you! The lesson is over!

Methodological development of a travel lesson in 5th grade,

dedicated to Russian Language Day.


broaden your horizons by getting acquainted with the origins of Russian writing.


1) introduce the lives of Saints Methodius and Cyril;

2) develop a respectful attitude towards native origins and the Russian language;

3) develop cognitive interest in the history of the native language.

Lesson type: combined, integrated

Preliminary work:

1) Compile a historical background about Cyril and Methodius, who stood at the origins of Slavic writing.

3) Prepare handouts

4) Prepare messages (students)

Lesson content:

“Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.”

(A. Kuprin)

As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.

(A.S. Pushkin)

The enlightenment of the Slavs is one of the most important achievements of the 9th century; it is inextricably linked with the invention of Slavic writing and with the introduction of the Slavs to the cultural heritage of Greek education and spiritual life. And it was realized as a result of the activities of two Thessalonica brothers, Constantine-Cyril and Methodius, who became apostles and teachers for the Slavic peoples.

Historical reference.

Student messages:

A) Cyril and Methodius were born at the beginning of the 9th century in the city of Thessaloniki of the Byzantine Empire on the shores of the Aegean Sea. Their father was Bulgarian, and their mother was Greek.

B) The younger Kirill loved languages ​​and reading since childhood, and was a gifted boy. At the age of 14, he studied at the court of Emperor Michael in Constantinople, surprising everyone with his talent and hard work.

C) In 3 months, Kirill studied grammar, then took up geometry, dialectics, philosophy, and became interested in arithmetic, astronomy, and music. For his great mind he was called a philosopher.

D) He knew 5 languages: Slavic, Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic, so he freely read books of all world religions. And he was able to learn to speak these languages ​​while working as a librarian.

D) And the first library in Rus' was created by Yaroslav the Wise, who ordered children to “teach with books”

And when Tsar Michael sent Cyril to Moravia, he went, but on the condition that he would speak there only in his native language - Slavic. The brothers really wanted to create Slavic writing. And so their great civic feat began.

Let's talk about what a feat is. (we work in notebooks)

A feat is a great work.

(The slide shows a table, from each part of which you need to write down verbs).

What did Cyril and Methodius do?

What else needed to be done?

What was stopping you?

Studied Russian writings

Convince people that they need this alphabet

They were not understood

Heard the sounds of Slavic speech

Learn to use it

They didn't get help

They compiled a special alphabet for the Slavs

Open schools

They were hindered in everything

Translated the holy books into Slavic language

Create ABC books

They were being chased

Train teachers

Kirill could not stand it all and died when he was only 42 years old. His work was continued by brother Methodius. They achieved their goal, taught the Slavs their writing.

Count how many verbs we found that showed us the actions of Cyril and Methodius? (9 )

And how many of those verbs that showed the opposition of their enemies? (4)

Who won? (great enlighteners)

That's why we now have writing. That is why we remember the feat of Cyril and Methodius in the name of knowledge.

The poet Rosenheim wrote “Hymn to Cyril and Methodius, the Enlighteners of the Slavs”

Glory to you, brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs,

Holy Fathers of the Slavic Church!

Glory to you, the Truth of ChristTeachers ,

Glory to you, our creators of letters!

Work in notebooks

Copy the text. Underline those words that show us the author’s attitude towards Cyril and Methodius. Perform a phonetic analysis of the highlighted word.

People loved their alphabet and respected those who understood it and could read it. And those who could write lovingly decorated the capital letters of the beginning of the text with skillful ornaments. The expression “red line” has been preserved from those distant times. These were a miracle - letters.

People who could draw with sharpened goose or swan feathers were called isographic artists. To beautifully draw a title or initial letter, they used cinnabar - a paint made from mercury and sulfur - the color was red. When decorating, it was possible to add green and blue colors, and in especially expensive books the letters were written in “gold”, i.e. yellow color.

In front of you are sheets of letters, now I suggest everyone to work as isographers and draw one of the letters of the alphabet (we draw) what we got. (We attach the letters to the board). On the board they wrote the phrase “And the word sounded!”

Now let's see

Questions for the class:

So how can we call the work of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius for the fact that we can speak and write? (Feat)

To make such a beautiful proposal, what did we do with you? (Worked hard)

And this work gave us happiness? (Knowledge)

Aphorisms about Russian language:

Let's explain each statement(front work)

Take care of the properties of your own language, because what we love in the Latin, French or German style is sometimes worthy of laughter in Russian.

M. Lomonosov

To use a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult both common sense and common taste.

V. Belinsky

The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.

A. Kuprin

Only having mastered the initial material, that is, our native language, to the possible perfection, will we be able to master a foreign language to the possible perfection, but not before.

F.M. Dostoevsky

You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself.

N.V. Gogol

Reinforcement of material (quiz):

1. Who created the 1st Slavic alphabet? (Cyril and Methodius)

2. In what century were the brothers Cyril and Methodius born? (in the 9th century)

3. How many languages ​​did Kirill know? (5 languages)

4. Who created the first library in Rus'? (Yaroslav the Wise)

5. How did they write books in ancient times? (goose and swan feathers)

6. What kind of paint was used for the capital letters? (cinnabar)

7. Why is the alphabet called the alphabet? (by the name of its first letters)

8. What were people called who could draw with goose and swan feathers? (by isographic artists)

9. At what age did Kirill die? (42 years)

10. What was Kirill’s nickname? (philosopher)

Lesson summary:

Did you like today's lesson? Let's summarize the lesson.





Conclusion from the lesson:

Today in class we got acquainted with the origins of Slavic writing and learned about the creatorsit and with the introduction of the Slavs to the cultural heritage of Greek education and spiritual life. We became convinced that the Russian language really has an undeniable superiority over other languages.


You learned about the creators of Slavic writing and the alphabet, the brothers Cyril and Methodius. And for the next lesson, prepare a message about the creator of the first library, Yaroslav the Wise. And try to portray it.

Thank you all for your excellent work and activity.

Klimanova Alina Vladimirovna – teacher of Russian language and literatureMBOU secondary school No. 34 town. Dzhubga municipal formation Tuapse district; in 2013 she graduated from Yeisk Pedagogical College with a degree in primary school teaching; Currently, she is a student at the Adyghe State University, majoring in philology.

1. Organizational aspects. Subject message.

Purpose: to introduce the events of the life of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the compilers of the Slavic alphabet.

Equipment: portrait of Cyril and Methodius, alphabet, the words are written on the board: “Glory, you are brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs,” children are wearing sundresses, shirts, “History”, “Priest” costumes.

During the classes

Lesson topic message.

Teacher: Read the topic of the lesson on the board. What do you think our lesson is about?

(Students' answers)

Teacher: Our lesson is dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature. Many years ago our Bulgarian brothers started this wonderful tradition. On the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, May 24, school studies end in Bulgaria. Teachers, students and their parents take to the streets of Sofia in a magnificent, colorful procession. Children and adults carry banners, banners and homemade flags with Slavic letters. Poems and prayers are heard glorifying the enlighteners of the Slavs:

Brothers! Holy Two

On this day we will joyfully honor!

Honest enlighteners

Let's make the memory bright.

A song of praise, great voice

Let us praise them:

Rejoice, Kirill,

Rejoice, Methodius,

Rejoice, apostles of the Slovenian countries!

Lesson topic message.

The wonderful tradition of celebrating the Days of Slavic Literature has been revived in Russia. We also weave our own Russian flower into this Slavic wreath - the Russian Language Holiday. We are preparing for this large and very important spiritual and educational holiday in advance, teaching and repeating poems and odes to the glory of the great Slavic teachers!

(Knock on the door, a girl comes in with a “History” sign on her head)

History: Good afternoon. Who am I? I came to you in a time machine from the distant past, from the 9th century. I have with me a history tape with dates, names, words, concepts. (Hangs out the alphabet on the board). I see the following words on the board: “Glory to you, brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs.”

Who are the brothers? Who are the Slavs?

How do you understand the word enlighteners?

Teacher: The memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius is celebrated throughout the Christian world on May 24.

Saints Cyril and Methodius are before us

We honor their great and glorious holiday.

Their simple letters are not sparks?

Isn't this a splash of heavenly rays?

Sheaves of the Great Eternal Light

They shone over people's lives.

To the north Slavic from the light south

They carried those holy sparks,

And they were not blown away by the severe blizzard,

They flared up across the bosom of the earth.

You are pure, young, sweet children!

Love the saints of these saints!

And let it appear before you in a mysterious light

Their faces shine in golden crowns.

In grave doubt, in everyday adversity.

When in trouble, repeat their names.

Our teachers, Cyril and Methodius

They keep us in prayer at all times.

History: There are many versions about the origin of the word SLAV, one of them is that it came from the words SLYT, SLYVIT, i.e. to become famous, to become famous or to become famous. The scientist wrote that by the names of their heroes, the people were first called that within their own country, and then the “glorious” name was established throughout the world.

Teacher: So who are the enlighteners of the Slavs, what did they become famous for? Let's listen to the historical song written by the Dyakov family.


Many years have passed since those distant times

Many waters have flowed into the sea-ocean,

And that feat is alive, has passed through the centuries

And he was embodied in the sound of letters.

Oh, a long time ago, 1000 years ago

To the emperor, yes the great one,

A man came from Moravia

With pain, with a request for the people, for our own -

Preach a sermon that is understandable,

So that he can have conversations with Christ.

It was no coincidence that the choice fell then -

On Cyril-light and Methodius,

Brothers of Thessalonica from Macedonia.

Cyril has been betrothed to Wisdom since childhood,

He learned important secrets of science,

The experience was rich and the soul was pure.

And Brother Methodius was very modest,

Taking care of my younger brother in everything,

Younger brother and beloved.

And Kirill created in a short time

The letters of the Slavs, to teach from them,

I took ancient letters as a basis,

The letters are ancient, Phoenician.

He took both the Gospel and the Psalter,

He translated everything from the Greek language,

Brother Methodius helped him.

Having said goodbye to my dear mother,

And having prayed carefully,

The bright brothers set off on their journey,

We went on a difficult journey to a foreign land.

They carried to the city of Velegrad

Your knowledge and invaluable work.

The people met them with great joy,

Rostislav showed them honor.

And everyone listened in amazement

To the wonderful sounds of native and understandable words.

People are messengers and chosen ones,

Gifted, illuminated,

They go on a difficult path, they carry a heavy cross,

But their deeds live on for centuries.

Teacher: From the “Tale of Bygone Years” we learn that one day the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk, and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Michael with the following words: “Our land is baptized, but we have no teacher who would instruct and teach us, and explained the holy books. After all, we do not know either the Greek language or the Latin; some teach us this way, and others differently, so we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about the books words and their meaning."

Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Constantine and Methodius - and sent them to the Slavic land. The first teachers of the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius, were born and lived in Greece in the city of Thessaloniki in the 9th century. They were famous for their learning and education, deep faith in God and good knowledge of the Slavic language. Therefore, the Greek Patriarch Photius and Tsar Michael sent them to preach the Word of God to the Slavic peoples in a language they understood, which is why we call them Equal-to-the-Apostles, since, like the disciples of Christ, they carried the Word of God to other nations.

This happened in 863. The holy brothers composed letters, invented the Slavic alphabet, specially adapted for the accurate transmission of Slavic speech, and translated the Apostle and the Gospel. Together with their students, they translated all the Books of Holy Scripture from Greek into a language understandable to every Slav. The Church Slavonic language came to us in Rus' in 988. after Prince Vladimir received holy baptism, and then all of Rus' was baptized. “And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their language.”

History: How do you understand the expression “Start with the basics”, “Ask and beeches - that’s all science”, “Don’t meddle, beeches, start with the basics.” The Slavic people said all this about letters. What proverbs and sayings about words and letters do you know? (Hand out tokens)

(Children name proverbs, and history distributes tokens).

With the advent of national writing, each nation marks a special milestone in its history, but it is not always possible to set such a milestone with an accuracy of even several centuries. Slavic, and therefore our Russian, writing has an amazing origin. Not only can we determine the time of its appearance with an accuracy of one year, but we also know the names of its creators - these are the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Teacher: In ancient Rus', children were taught to read and write by clergy-priests or deacons. The children were not given grades, and for unlearned lessons, children were flogged with rods, put in a corner, and left without lunch. In the old days they wrote with quill pens; scribes at monasteries copied books by hand, and it took a year or more to make one book. The letters were not as clumsy as those of some of our students, but even, straight, and clear. They also painted capital letters with a brush, and these letters looked more like different objects and people. Capital letters were called LETTER. And they used to write with ink, which was made from ink nuts, cherry glue, and tannins. The first books were made from parchment - specially treated pig or calf skin. In Rus' they were called CHARATIAN SCROLLS/Church Slavonic alphabet - “Cyrillic alphabet” is used unchanged to this day by our Russian Orthodox Church.

History: I invite everyone to go to the distant past. Close all your eyes... 1,2,3.

(A student comes out dressed as a clergyman)

Priest-disciple: Sit down, my children.

Kids! You must

Wake up early

Wash your face white,

Gather in God's church,

Get started with the ABCs!

Pray to God!

And then everything will be fine with you. So, let's repeat the letters.

Az, beeches - take the pointer in your hands,

Az, beeches, verdeys - flies flew into the kvass,

Er, er - grandfather fell from the mountain,

Az, beeches - that’s all science.

May 24 is the Day of Remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the creators of Slavic writing. Russia traditionally celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. This holiday, after many decades of oblivion, was revived in our country in 1986, and in 1991 it was given state status. Today we will talk about the current state of the Russian language and its place in the world.

2. Task . Write down the beginning of the phrase and compose its continuation: “For me, the Russian language is...” Make it so that you get a complex sentence, part of which is complicated by homogeneous members. Explain the placement of a dash in a sentence.

3. Exercise 13 . Read the poem out loud.

How can we call the experience, the intonation that lives in a poem?

How do you think the author of this poem would continue the sentence about the Russian language?

The teacher's word about (the greatest writer of the twentieth century, a Nobel laureate, who emigrated to France in 1920 at the age of 50, wrote there only about Russia, which he took with him in his heart, and only in Russian, although he lived for more than 30 years in a foreign land and fluent in French)

And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And the azure and the midday heat...
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

And I’ll forget everything - I’ll only remember these
Field paths between ears and grasses -
And from sweet tears I won’t have time to answer,
Falling to the merciful knees.

This poem, written by him in 1918 in the south of Russia, where he was forced to “retreat” with the White Army, is a farewell to his homeland.

Let's see what opportunities the native language provided for the poet to express a complex range of feelings?

Determine the speech style of this text.

Let's turn to text of a different style.

Saints Cyril and Methodius

Brothers Cyril and Methodius grew up in a noble family living in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, Constantine the youngest. Methodius had a military rank and was the ruler of one of the Slavic principalities subordinate to the Byzantine Empire, Bulgarian, which gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language.

The future Slavic educators received an excellent upbringing and education. From infancy, Konstantin discovered extraordinary mental gifts. While studying at the Thessaloniki school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he had already read the books of the most profound of the Church Fathers of the 4th century, Gregory the Theologian. The rumor about Constantine's talent reached Constantinople, and then he was taken to the court, where he studied with the emperor's son from the best teachers in the capital of Byzantium. Constantine studied ancient literature with the famous scientist Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople. Constantine studied with the best teachers of Constantinople and perfectly mastered all the sciences of his time and many languages, receiving the nickname Philosopher for his intelligence and outstanding knowledge. He also comprehended philosophy, rhetoric, mathematics, astronomy and music. A brilliant career at the imperial court, wealth and marriage to a noble, beautiful girl awaited Constantine. But he preferred to retire to a monastery on Mount Olympus to his brother Methodius, his biography tells us, in order to constantly pray and engage in pious reflections.

However, Konstantin was unable to spend long periods of time in solitude. As the best preacher of the faith and defender of Orthodoxy, he was often sent to neighboring countries to participate in disputes. These trips were very successful for Konstantin. Once, traveling to the Khazars, he visited the Crimea. Constantine's whole life was filled with frequent difficult, difficult trials and hard work. This undermined his strength, and at the age of 42 he became very ill. Shortly before his death, he became a monk with the name Cyril and died quietly in 869. This happened in Rome, when the brothers once again came to seek support from the Pope in their main task - the dissemination of Slavic writing. Before his death, Kirill told his brother: “You and I, like two oxen, drove the same furrow. I am exhausted, but don’t think about leaving the work of teaching and retiring to your mountain again.” Methodius outlived his brother by 16 years. Enduring hardships and reproaches, he continued his great work - translating the Holy Books into Slavic, preaching the Orthodox faith, and baptizing the Slavic people. He left as his successor the best of his students, Archbishop Gorazd, and about two hundred Slavic priests trained by him.

We learn about the beginning of Slavic writing from the main Russian chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years”. It talks about how one day the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Michael with the words: “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct, teach us, and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; Some teach us this way, and others teach us differently, so we don’t know either the shape of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning.” Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Constantine and Methodius, and “the king persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic land... When these brothers arrived, they began to compile the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel.”

This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originates. “And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their language.” Then the brothers translated the Psalter, Octoechos and other church books.

With the adoption of Christianity, the Slavic alphabet came to Rus'. And in Kyiv, and in Novgorod, and in other cities, they began to create schools for teaching Slavic literacy. Teachers from Bulgaria appeared in the Russian land - continuers of the work of Cyril and Methodius.

The new alphabet was called “Cyrillic” after the monastic name of Constantine. The Slavic alphabet was compiled on the basis of the Greek, significantly changing it to convey the Slavic sound system. Two alphabets were created - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Initially, there was a strong belief that only three languages ​​were worthy for worship and writing church books (Hebrew, Greek and Latin). The Pope, after the brothers presented the new alphabet, approved worship in the Slavic language, and ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed in Roman churches and the liturgy to be performed in the Slavic language.

4. Exercise 9 . Read the text. What style of speech does he belong to?

Complete the tasks from the exercise.

5. Exercise 1 . From this exercise, choose 2 questions that you would be interested in answering. Write the answers in your notebook and read them in small groups.

6. Read the texts exercises 2,6,8 and formulate several reasons why it is now important and necessary to study Russian for both Russian citizens and foreigners.

(Additional information is offered in the form of a computer presentation, the slides of which contain data published on the Internet in connection with the celebration of the “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture”)

7. Generalization.

What new have you learned about the place and role of the Russian language in the modern world? What made you alarmed and what made you proud as native speakers of this language? What conclusions that are important to you did you draw about your native language?

All-Russian lesson dedicated to Russian Language Day.

Lesson-game “The Great Russian Word” for 3rd grade

Teacher: Toma Lyubov Nikolaevna

Kovalenko Valentina Vladimirovna

Korneva Galina Alexandrovna

Goal: expanding vocabulary and horizons, improving dialogic and monologue speech skills;

Objectives: - promote the ability to formulate one’s own opinion and position, accept and maintain a learning task;

Develop creativity, attention, skill

analyze your activities;

Cultivate interest in the subject, love for the Russian language.

During the classes

1. Preparation for perception.

Today, guys, we will talk about real miracles. And first of all, about the miracle of the great Russian language. Let us learn to respect our native language.

Slide: statements of classics about the Russian language

Man is omnipotent through the word:

language is the key to all knowledge and all nature.

G.R. Derzhavin

Before you is a community - the Russian language! Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of plunging into all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws. N.V.Gogol

Why does G.R. Derzhavin say that “man is omnipotent through his words”? How do you understand this statement?

And what laws of the Russian language does N.V. Gogol talk about?

2. A journey through the pages of the magazine.

Let's dive into these laws today and leaf through the magazine, which is called "The Great Russian Word"

Page one “The speech is correct and good”

The writer A.N. Tolstoy noted: “To handle the language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.”

Listen carefully to Yu. Timyansky’s poem “The Story of a School Bag”; at the end of the poem the boy asks a question, you will need to answer it.

● Students dramatize the poem

School bag story

Meet Petya. My neighbour.

He is already twelve years old.

But he still talks

Not “corridor”, but “colidor”,

“The lecturer enters the office...”

“The store is closed for lunch...”,

“The hostess washes the toilet...”,

“Whips the beets...”

“Bakes pancakes...”

And it was my turn:

He calls the briefcase “p`o briefcase.”

But it’s not for nothing that I have “Native Speech”

Fate entrusted to protect.

And I came up with, not jokingly:

Let his name be P e t'ya.

P e t'ya! - rushing from the yard, -

It's time for you to go home!

Don't touch the baby, Petya,

After all, you are big, and he is a child!

"P e t'ya" is offended by the guys:

Tell me, what am I to blame for?

I didn't swear, I wasn't rude

And he didn't offend anyone.

Why in broad daylight?

Took my name away?

(Yu. Timyansky)

How would you answer the boy's question?

Why you shouldn’t break pronunciation norms

Where would you advise him to go to learn how to pronounce words correctly?

What dictionary do you think?

Orthoepic dictionary.

● Work in pairs (there is a sheet of paper with a poem on the table)

Read the poem again, find the words that Petya pronounced incorrectly.

Write them down correctly in your notebook and highlight them.

Corridor, director, store, glasses, whips, bakes, briefcase, beets.

And here’s another try to place emphasis in words:

Slide: Calling, beets, prettier, catalogue, cakes, blinds, contract, quarter, sorrel, put.

Page two "the wealth of the Russian language"

Do you know that a real storehouse of wisdom is contained in proverbs and sayings that preserve people’s experience, give advice for all occasions, teach and educate us. Knowing a lot of proverbs and sayings means not only having a good command of your native language and its means of expression, but also being a wise person. The meaning of language (speech, words) is noted in Russian proverbs and sayings.

What proverbs and sayings about language do you know?

A kind word will not dry out your tongue.

As is the mind, so are the speeches.

A bullet will hit one, but a well-aimed word will hit a thousand.

The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations.

A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

Collect the “scattered” proverb:

You'll make people laugh, you'll hurry up.
(“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh”
No, chop, tea, firewood, drink
“Drinking tea is not cutting wood”
You will lose, for, chase, yours, someone else’s.
“If you chase someone else’s, you’ll lose what’s yours.”
day, if, before, nothing, boring, evenings, to do
“The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.”

It has long been known and proven that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. And how many words are there in the Russian language to denote the action “laugh”! If a person laughs quietly or secretly, then they say - giggled, if suddenly - snorted, snorted, if it's loud - laughed and burst out laughing.

What are these words called? (synonyms)

There is a word written on the back of your pieces of paper, read it to yourself, and now, working in pairs, select as many synonyms for it as possible ( words: move, beautiful, talk)

Page three "This simple complex spelling"

Today we are not just leafing through the magazine, but also working in it. In any printed publication there are people who are professional proofreaders.

Who knows what they are doing?

That's right, bugs are corrected. There are a lot of errors on this page of the log, please correct them.

Uncle, please, pamagiOlya, your niece, otherwise she won’t be naked

in this pratical school.Yesterday my teacher gave me a “two” for my decant, and he himself said that I couldn’t even read my work.

Ask him, uncle, to correct the “deuce”and give me a high five.

Well done, and did a good job here.

Dear Guys! The Russian language is very beautiful and expressive. The great Russian writer M. Gorky wrote:

“Treat your native language with care and love. Think about it, study it, and the face of boundless joys will open to you, for the treasures of the Russian language are limitless.”