Signaling code converter from ContactID to SMS. Comparative characteristics of the protocols ADEMCO ID Contact and Presto Contact id protocol description

Good day!

This review considers a rather specific device, and, accordingly, its application is very limited. It can be useful for those who have an old alarm system installed at home or in the country with signal transmission only via a wired telephone line. Usually this kind of product is of high quality and often changes not because of its condition, but because of obsolescence. Whoever has this, with the help of this device, you can revive the old woman and extend her life.

I bought the device on my own, though a bit cheaper with a coupon and for a promotion - about $ 40.

So, the apartment has an old, but reliable, PARADOX 728 alarm system with six motion sensors and two wired doors. Inherited from the previous owner without a power supply and battery, but this is not a problem. The complete set looks like this -
Of course, before buying the device, the alarm system was restored, the wires, a couple of sensors were replaced somewhere, and tested.

The main task is to translate an incomprehensible code of the type 123418113101002 into a text SMS with an event decoding, similar to the central security console, only in this case the remote control will be a mobile phone.

A bit of theory

As a rule (but not always, of course, there are other transmission protocols), the signal from the alarm to the security console goes in the form of a code according to the protocol - Ademco ® Contact ID Protocol. It transmits numbers in the form - ACCT MT QXYZ GG CCC The first four digits are the identifier of the alarm panel, the next two are 18 (which I did not understand, but it does not matter, they are static), the next four are the description of the event (new, repeat) and the code event (for example, code 301 means power loss), the next two are the partition number, and the last three are the event zone number or the number of the user who made this event, for example, removed the alarm.

This is what the device looks like

GSM Frequency 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
GSM Communication Ways TCP/IP via GPRS
Message Transmission Protocols SIA DC-09-2007 or SIA DC-09-2012
Outputs OUT1, OUT2 ,OC type, commutates voltage of up to 30 V and direct current of up to 1 A
Configuration via USB port or SMS commands
Power Supply DC 9V---24V
Used Current 20 ---30 mA (on standby),
up to 200 mA (while sending data)
Workplace Temperature from -20C to +50C,
Relative humidity up to 80% when +20C
Backup battery 900mAh


The current consumption, as you can see, is small, so I was powered from the signal panel itself without any problems.

After installing the SIM card, connecting with four wires to the panel (+, -, RING, TLP), loaded the drivers from the supplied CD to the computer (Vin7), connected the device via mini USB (it is possible to send commands via SMS, but it is much more convenient with a wire) . I looked into the devices, spied on the COM port number and connected to the socket with software. There is this picture:

From the settings, I only entered the PIN of the SIM card, the phone number for sending SMS and ticked off what information to send (without false modesty - that's all).

In the second tab there is the most interesting -

After driving in the partition number, zone and SMS text, the mobile phone will receive not sets of numbers, but decrypted information. There are hundreds of these codes, I did not engage in paranoia, but programmed in the panel to send only setting, disarming and triggering sensors for an alarm in the armed state.

How it looks on mobile:

Without SMS decryption:

And now running around the apartment with decoding:

Yes, yes, there is no Cyrillic alphabet. If you drive in Cyrillic - nothing is sent.
One more thing, you never know ... There is an opportunity to drive in APN and send codes via GPRS, but the number of characters in APN data is limited to 16 characters. Therefore, it was not possible to test this function, my opsos has 17 of them. It does not fit. Although I did not plan, I originally planned to use a cheap SIM card only for SMS.

Photo assembled, it remains to cultivate:

That's all. Thank you for your attention!

I plan to buy +11 Add to favorites Liked the review +25 +39

Sergei Zabelin
July 2005

"Presto" - a new format for the transmission of notifications via dial-up telephone connections in fire and security alarm systems

There are a great many formats for transmitting notifications over the telephone line in the OPS, some types of object devices even allow you to design the format almost “manually” when programming, specifying individual elements and parameters of message transmission. But, despite this, all these formats are similar to each other like two drops of water, and all of them, to a slightly greater or slightly lesser extent, have the same shortcomings.

The notification in all formats is a certain sequence of decimal digits, each of which is encoded during transmission either by DTMF 1 parcel (for high-speed formats), or by a series of tone-filled pulses (for low-speed formats). Reception is confirmed by a single-tone message of a given frequency and duration. Frequencies, durations and interpretation of numbers in different formats may vary slightly, but this does not change the essence. Therefore, the ADEMCO ID Contact format, which has received the greatest distribution (one might even say that its distribution is overwhelming), was chosen for consideration, this format is recommended for use by the GUVO of Russia. But what is said below applies equally to all other formats.

So, why are we not satisfied with ADEMCO ID Contact?

Modulation with two-frequency bursts is far from the most effective way of encoding information in terms of resistance to distortion in the communication channel and the minimum allowable signal-to-noise ratio. Permissible range of signal amplitude change, at which stable DTMF detection is not higher than 30 dB (moreover, it is unacceptable both to exceed the signal amplitude - the signal is limited, and its spectrum is irreversibly distorted, and to decrease - the signal is lost at the noise level), the minimum allowable signal ratio noise - 12 dB.

These restrictions do not play a significant role in a high-quality telephone channel - they are easily implemented there, but, alas, high-quality telephone channels are not yet very common in the vastness of our country. Quite often there are cases when the attenuation in the channel exceeds 30 dB, especially in the high-frequency part of the spectrum, and noise and interference in the channel - 12 dB. This is caused both by outdated equipment on a significant part of the exchange, and the length of communication lines to the exchange (which often reaches 10 km or more).

This problem is even more aggravated when a DTMF signal is transmitted over the voice channel of the GSM network. The fact is that the GSM voice path is designed exclusively for the transmission of a speech signal, and uses powerful vocoder compression systems with losses focused on the statistics of the speech spectrum. Vocoder compression provides very good signal compression (the voice channel is encoded from a nominal 64 kb/s to 9600 bps!) with acceptable speech signal reproduction quality, but any modulated signal in such a channel is subject to very large distortions. This is especially true for the DTMF signal, which, as the name implies (Dual Tone Multi Frequency), always contains two frequencies in the instantaneous spectrum, and GSM compression is optimized for signal transmission, in the instantaneous spectrum of which there is one prevailing frequency. Therefore, transmission methods based on modulation in one way or another (AM, FM, FM) of one carrier frequency, although they also lead to significant signal distortion, but still to a lesser extent than DTMF. The use of EFR 2 encoding slightly improves the situation, but, again, not all cellular operators and not in all regions support EFR encoding.

Another disadvantage of ADEMCO ID Contact (and all similar formats) is the completely insufficient degree of control over the validity of the received message. Only one check character is used for validity control, which is calculated as an arithmetic sum modulo 15 of all other characters.

Errors that occur during transmission - although an unpleasant phenomenon, are within certain limits acceptable - after all, a message received with an error is not acknowledged by the receiving device, and the object device will try to transmit it again and again, until the transmission is not will be successful. Errors only increase the average message delivery time.

But such a scheme only works if the receiving device detects this error. And the control method used - one digit modulo 15 leads to the fact that statistically, on average, every fifteenth error remains undetected - the checksum is accidentally correct, despite the distortion of information symbols. In this case, the receiving device confirms the reception, the object device also thinks that everything is in order - the message was transmitted successfully, in general, everyone is happy. Except, of course, the user, whose message, perhaps the most important message, was misinterpreted, didn't actually get through.

Further. Let's consider the transmission speed, notification delivery time and throughput of the receiving device. Typically, a notification is just a few bytes of useful information, and the transmission speed is not critical. But, nevertheless, up to certain limits.

One DTMF message corresponds to 4 bits and is transmitted in 100 ms (50 ms message and 50 ms pause), that is, the transmission rate is 40 bps (at best). In fact, it is less, since only the characters 0..9 are used for encoding (with the exception of the identification number), that is, the information transfer rate is no higher than 32 bps, and the way information is packed in ID Contact is rather loose. Therefore, the transmission time of a notification containing 6 bytes of useful information is 1.6 s, and taking into account the receipt of the confirmation signal - 2.8 s.

This, it would seem, is a short (but still noticeable) time, but we must also take into account that quite complex security systems are currently used, which have a large number of zones and high information content. And notifications in such systems rarely go one by one. As a rule, a packet of 3 ... 5 notifications is transmitted, that is, the average communication session time is about 10 s or more. And if we also remember the inevitable errors in the communication channel, and the retransmission of notifications caused by them, it becomes clear that using the ADEMCO ID Contact protocol, we cannot count on the average notification delivery time (excluding dialing time) and the average session duration connections less than 10-20 s.

From the point of view of the notification delivery time, this time does not look very annoying, since the inevitable time of establishing a connection (dialing a number and connecting the line) should be added to it - about 5..10 s, but from the point of view of the throughput of the input channel of the receiving device, the average session time is reduced communications would be highly desirable.

According to the norms established by the Main Directorate of Defense of the Russian Federation, no more than 200 object devices should fall on one telephone line of the receiving device. It is believed that with this ratio, the probability of delivering a notice "on the first attempt" is quite high. But, it should be noted that in most security departments this norm is exceeded, it happens that several times - due to the insufficient number of input telephone lines and the high cost of their maintenance. Obviously, reducing the average duration of a communication session from 10 s to 3-4 s would increase the number of objects served by one telephone line by 3 times!

And when using time-based communication channels (for example, GSM), reducing the average duration of a communication session has another very significant advantage - time, in this case it is money.

Let's consider one more aspect, perhaps the most important - the resistance of the notification protocol to malicious actions. We see that in this part the ADEMCO ID Contact protocol is not protected at all. For example, we can assume such a scheme of actions of an attacker.

An attacker finds out the identification (console) number of the protected object - this, as a rule, is not difficult, acquires any security panel and programs this number on it. After entering the protected facility, the security panel at the facility sends a notification to the centralized security console, saying that I have an alarm. After that, the intruder connects his own device (with the same identification number) to the telephone line and sends a notification about disarming and canceling the alarm to the remote control. The usual practice of security departments in such a situation is to cancel the departure of the detention group and calm down. And no one bothers the attacker.

More are possible complex schemes actions of an attacker, we will not reveal all the secrets here. But we note that the possibility of assigning an identification number to the UOO by the user, the lack of identification of a specific instance of the device according to the message that came from it, the lack of encryption is fraught with a potential threat of hacking the facility's security system.

Well, the last consideration, which the author considers a certain disadvantage of the ADEMCO ID Contact protocol. The fact is that this protocol is one-sided, that is, information can only be transmitted from the object to the centralized monitoring console, and it is fundamentally impossible to transfer it in the opposite direction. This limitation does not allow to implement some functions that are useful both for the user and the security console; for example, remote programming of the UOO from the security console, control and monitoring of its state, both by the user and the security console. But we live in the third millennium, and it would be relatively easy to implement such functions, increasing consumer value, the convenience of the UOO and its reliability. (In fairness, it should be noted that some security panels from some manufacturers still support remote programming mode, but this function is available via a different communication channel and a separate, proprietary protocol, that is, it does not allow integrating it into a common security system).

Taking into account all the above considerations, a new notification transmission format was developed, called "Presto", in which, if possible, the noted shortcomings were eliminated.

As already mentioned, the amount of information transmitted from the alarm systems to the security console is scanty, and therefore there is no point in chasing a high transfer rate, it is much more important to reduce the time to establish a connection. And the physics of the processes of modulation - demodulation of signals is such that what great speed transmission we want to receive, the longer it takes for the receiver and transmitter to enter into synchronization (carrier lock, bit synchronization setting, transmission level settings, path phase compensation, echo cancellation, etc.). For example, modern modems provide a transfer rate of up to 33.6 Kbps (this, by the way, is the theoretical maximum for a telephone channel, determined by Shannon's theorem), but their connection establishment time is at least 15 s. It would be foolish enough to establish a connection for 15 seconds, then to transmit 1-2 notifications in one millisecond.

Well, an equally important factor that should be taken into account when choosing a transmission rate is to achieve maximum reliability and stability of the communication protocol to distortion and interference in the channel, which, in the general case, are inversely related to the transmission rate.

Based on these considerations, a compromise solution was chosen - a speed of 300 bps. At such a speed, the transmission time of one notification is about 100-200ms, with an acceptable connection establishment time - consistent with the transmission time of one or two notifications.

Relative phase shift keying (RPK) of a 914 Hz carrier with coherent baud synchronization (3 carrier periods per transmitted bit) was chosen as the modulation method. This method provides the highest resistance to interference and distortion of the telephone channel and allows you to implement effective demodulation in a digital way (carrier selection using a PLL based on the Costas loop, correlation reception, intelligent frequency and phase lock)

Taking into account the fact that, as a rule, in modern security systems, notifications are transmitted in batches, the packet format provides for the transmission of several notifications in one package, which also significantly reduced the average communication session time.

To control the reliability of the received data, each packet is accompanied by a 16-bit polynomial control code (CRC), polynomial X16+X15+X2+1 is chosen as a generatrix. This method of control allows you to guarantee the detection of any single, double and triple errors, error packets up to 17 bits long, and also with a high probability of detecting any other errors.

The test results of the proposed transmission method confirmed its high resistance to distortion and interference in the communication channel. The modulated signal has a constant envelope, and due to this it is tolerant to extremely strong amplitude distortions and uneven frequency response of the channel - in the direction of increase, the allowable distortions are practically unlimited; downward - stable reception is provided with a signal-to-noise ratio of 2 dB, that is, reception is possible almost at the noise level! Also noted is the high stability of the signal and the adopted demodulation method to jitter (jitter) and specific distortion of the GSM channel.

The protocol is built in a symmetrical way, that is, it allows you to transfer information both from the AEO to the security console, and in the opposite direction. This allows you to expand the functionality of the OPS complex by introducing various service functions for remote control of the object, programming, and monitoring its state.

In order to increase resistance to malicious actions, in particular, to substitution of the device, the following has been done. Each message transmitted from the object is accompanied by a special security session key. The session key is randomly generated by the CSO at the beginning of a security session and remains constant until the start of the next session; that is, the new key is transmitted only together with the arming message, and all other messages must be accompanied by the already set key. The remote control software keeps track of the security session keys received from objects with each notification, and when the key is changed before the session ends (which, obviously, will happen when the device is replaced), it generates an alarm message about the substitution of the CSO.

Also, to increase resistance to malicious actions, the Presto protocol provides for the possibility of transmitting messages containing not the usual identification number, which is programmed when the device is installed, but the factory number, by which the messages are identified. Each copy of the UOO has a unique serial number, it is indicated in the operational documentation for this copy, and the manufacturer guarantees that the number once used will never be repeated. It is not possible to change the serial number of the UOO. With this method of identification, no substitution of the device becomes fundamentally impossible - each notification received by the remote control is uniquely compared with the specific instance of the DOE that formed it. In addition, the proposed identification method is more visual and helps to avoid confusion when programming the device, changing the database, etc.

Comparative characteristics of ADEMCO ID Contact and Presto protocols
ADEMCO ID Contact Presto
Transfer rate 32 bps 305 b/s
Transmission time of one notification together with receipt of acknowledgment 2.8s 0.95s
Average session duration 10s 3.5s
The minimum allowable signal-to-noise ratio that ensures stable reception 12 dB 2 dB
Resistance to frequency response distortion and amplitude distortion in the communication channel average high
Probability of missing an error 1/15 10-5
Substitution protection missing there is

The described protocol is supported by the Antey software package (starting from version and UPO MT040M (starting from version 2.6).

The protocol is implemented in the object device AS006G "Voron" (manufactured by ZAO Telemak). In order to maintain compatibility, the protocol is implemented as an option (in addition to the standard ADEMCO ID Contact and ADEMCO Express).

Tests of the system confirmed the declared characteristics.


DTMF 1 (Dual Tone Multi Frequency)- A method of encoding the dialed number or other information, in which the digits are transmitted by a combination of two sound tones. In total, the system uses eight different tones, selected in such a way that they are transmitted over the telephone network with minimal attenuation without overlapping each other.

FR/EFR/HR 2 coding. Prior to the introduction of the GSM Phase 2 specification, all networks operated using FR (Full Rate) speech coding technology. Over time, the number of cellular users increased, and networks could not keep up with the growing number of requests. With the introduction of EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) and HR (Half Rate) throughput networks has increased several times, since EFR and HR allow several subscribers to use one signal transmission channel at the same time. Due to the more frequent communication of the phone with the base station, the quality of the transmitted speech has also increased. EFR is an advanced speech coding system. This system was developed by Nokia and subsequently became the industry standard encoding/decoding for the GSM standard. However, the new encoders also have their drawbacks: when using the EFR function, the device consumes the energy reserve of batteries by 10% faster, but this is more than offset by the quality of the transmitted signal.


1 "ADEMCO" - protocol code table "Contact-ID" Code Event Event Group "Medical Alarms" Button pressed - Medical alarm Button pressed - Medical alarm Button pressed - Medical alarm Group "Fire Alarms" "Medical Alarms" Emerg-Personal Emergency Emerg -Personal Emergency Emerg-Fail to check in "Fire Alarms" 110 Fire-Fire Alarm 111 Fire-Fire Alarm Smoke Detector 112 Fire-Combustion Alarm 113 Fire-Water Flow Alarm 114 Fire-Heat Sensor Heat Detector Alarm 115 Fire-Pull Station Fire Button Pressed 116 Fire-Duct Sensor Pipeline Alarm 117 Fire-Flame Sensor Alarm 118 Fire-Near Alarm Probable Alarm "Panic Alarms" Group 120 Panic-Panic Button Pressed 121 Panic-Panic Alarm per Duress Panic-Duress- User 000, or duress zone number on low end panels 122 Silent Alarm; Panic-Silent Panic Button 123 Audible Alarm; Panic-Audible Button Panic 124 Duress, Enter Allowed Panic-Duress Access Grant 125 Duress, Exit Allowed Panic-Duress Egress Grant

2 Burglar Alarms group 130 Burg-Burglary zone alarm 131 Burg-Perimeter zone alarm 132 Burg-Interior zone alarm 133 Burg-24 Hour 24-hour zone alarm 134 Entrance/ Burg-Entry/Exit 135 Burg-Day/Night Zone Alarm 136 Burg-Outdoor Zone Alarm 137 Burg-Tamper Zone Alarm 138 Burg-Near Alarm Probable 139 Burg-Intrusion Verifier Group " General Alarms" "General Alarm" 140 General Alarm Alarm-General Alarm 141 Loop Open Alarm-Polling Loop Open 142 Loop Shorted Alarm-Polling Loop Short 143 Alarm-Exp Expansion Module Fault. Module Tamper 144 Alarm-Sensor Tamper Tamper 145 Alarm-Exp. Module Tamper 146 Silent alarm; hack Burg-Silent Burglary 147 Trouble Sensor Super detector control failure. 150 Group "Alarms Not Burglar" Alarm 24-hour; non-security zone "24 Hour Non-Burglary" Alarm-24 Hr. Non Burg 151 Alarm; Gas Detector Alarm-Gas Detected 152 Alarm; Refrigerator Alarm-Refrigeration 153 Alarm; Heat Leakage Alarm-Heating System

3 154 Alarm; Water Leakage Alarm-Water Leakage 155 Alarm; Foil Break Trouble-Foil Break 156 Fault - Day Trouble-Day Zone 157 Low Tank Gas Level Alarm-Low Gas Level 158 High Temperature Alarm-High Temperature 159 Low Temperature Alarm-Low Temperature 161 Low Airflow Alarm-Air Flow 162 Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm-Carbon Monoxide 163 Trouble-Tank Level Fire Supervisory Group "Fire Supervisory" 200 Super.-Fire Supervisory 201 Low Water Pressure Super-Low Water Pressure 202 Low CO2 Super.-Low CO2 203 Super.-Gate Valve Sensor 204 Low Water Level Super.-Low Water Level 205 Pump On Super.-Pump Activation 206 Pump Fault Super.-Pump Failure Group "Faults" "System Troubles" 300 Secondary Supply Trouble-System Trouble 301 No Mains Power Trouble-AC Power 302 Low Battery Voltage 303 RAM Checksum Error 304 ROM Checksum Error 305 System Reboot Troub le-Low Battery (AC is lost, battery is getting low) Trouble-Bad RAM Checksum Trouble-Bad ROM Checksum Trouble-System Reset (Restore Not Applicable)

4 306 Trouble-Programming Changed 307 Trouble-Self Test Failure 308 Trouble-System Shutdown 309 Trouble-Battery Test Failure (Battery failed at test interval) 310 Trouble-Ground Fault 311 Battery Missing Trouble-Battery Missing 312 Power Supply Overload Trouble-Pwr. Supp. Overcur. 313 Software Reset by Engineer Group "Relay Troubles" Status-Engineer Reset User # "Sounder/Relay Troubles" 320 Siren Trouble/Relay Trouble-Sounder/Relay Trouble 321 Sirena Trouble Siren Trouble 2 Trouble-Bell/Siren #1 (Event an Restore) Trouble -Bell/Siren #2 (Event an Restore) 323 Alarm Relay Trouble-Alarm Relay Trouble-Alarm Relay Trouble-Notification Relay Trouble-Trouble Relay Trouble-Reversing Relay 326 Notification Device 3 Trouble-Notification Appl. Ckt#3 327 Notification Device 4 Trouble-Notification Appl. Ckt#4 330 Peripheral Trouble Group System Peripheral Trouble Trouble-Sys. Peripheral. From LRR, ECP data connection to panel. 331 Addressable loop open Trouble-Polling Loop Open 332 Addressable short circuit. Trouble Polling Loop Short

5 333 Trouble-Exp expansion module failure. module fail. ECP Path problem between panel to LRR, etc (new) 334 Trouble-Repeater Failure 335 Trouble-Printer Paper Out 336 Trouble-Printer Paper Out Lost Communication with Printer Trouble-Local Printer External Unit DC Power Loss External Unit Battery Low Voltage Trouble- Exp. Mod. DC Loss Trouble-Exp. Mod. Low Batt 339 Rebooting external module Trouble-Exp. Mod. Reset 341 Opening the external module Trouble-Exp. Mod. Tamper External unit AC power failure External unit self-test failure Detected Interference on RF device Communicator Trouble Group No communication with monitoring station Telephone line 1 failure Telephone line 2 failure Long range transmitter failure No communication with monitoring station Long range transmitter monitoring failure Trouble-Exp. Module AC Loss Trouble-Exp. Self-Test Fail Trouble-RF Rcvr Jam Detect "Communication Troubles" Trouble-Communication Failure Trouble-Phone line # 1 Trouble-Phone Line # 2 Trouble-Radio Transmitter Comm Path problem between panel and lrr (0ld) Trouble-Fail to Communicate Trouble -Radio Supervision From LRR - ECP data connection to panel

6 356 Loss of polling from the Center Trouble-Central Radion Polling 357 SWR problem for the long-range transmitter Group "Loop faults" 370 Protective loop Trouble-Radio Xmitter. VSWR "Protection Loop" Trouble-Protection Loop (zone type 19) 371 Trouble-Prot. Loop Open 372 Trouble-Prot. Loop Short 373 Trouble-Fire Loop 374 Exit Zone Error Alarm-Exit Error 375 Panic Zone Trouble-PA Trouble 376 Hold-Up Zone Trouble-Hold-Up Trouble 377 Tilt Sensor Trouble Swinger Trouble 378 Associated Zone Trouble Cross Zone Trouble "Sensor Trouble" group 380 Trouble-Sensor Trouble 381 Trouble-RF Sensor Super 382 RPM Trouble-RPM Sensor Super 383 Trouble-Sensor Tamper 384 Low transmitter battery Trouble-RF Sensor Battery Smoke Detector; high sensitivity Smoke Detector; low sensitivity Guard Detector; high sensitivity Guard Detector; low sensitivity Trouble-Smoke Hi Sens Trouble-Smoke Lo Sens Trouble-Intrusion Hi Sens Trouble-Intrusion Lo Sens 389 Trouble-Sensor Test Fail

7 Detector 391 Trouble-Sensor Watch Fail 392 Trouble-Drift Comp. error. Reported by Firelite panels. The panel is not able to adjust its thresholds to balance out drift in the normal operating point of a smoke detector. 393 Signal about maintenance Group "Disarm/Arm" Trouble-Maintenance Alert "Open/Close" 400 Disarm/Arm Opening/Closing 401 Disarm/Arm by Opening-User / Closing-User 402 Disarm/Arm Partition Closing-Group User Automatic disarm/arm Opening-Automatic / Closing- Automatic Opening-Late / Closing-Late Event & Restore Not Applicable 406 Alarm Cancel Opening-Cancel 407 Disarming/Arming from Computer 408 Quick Disarming/Arming 409 Disarming /Arming by Switch Opening-Remote / Closing-Remote Event Not Applicable for opening / Closing-Quick Arm Opening-Keyswitch / Closing-Keyswitch 441 Arming with people present 442 Switch; Performance with the presence of people Opening-Armed Stay / Closing- Armed Stay Opening-Keysw. Arm Stay / Opening - Keysw. Arm Stay

8 Failed to Disarm/Arm Disarm/Arm before the set time Disarm/Arm after the set time No Disarm at the set time No Arm at the set time Auto Arm Failed Opening-Exception / Closing- Exception Opening-Early / Closing-Early-User Opening-Late / Closing-Late-User Trouble-Fail to open (Restore not applicable) Trouble-Fail to Close (Restore not applicable) Trouble-Auto Arm Failed (Restore not applicable) 456 Closing-Partial arm-user 457 Error; Exit zone open after exit delay Closing-Exit Error-User 458 User in room Opening-User on Prem. User 459 Alarm after recent arming by user 461 Incorrect code entry 462 Correct code entry 463 Rearm after Alarm 464 Auto Arm time increased Trouble-Recent Close User (Restore not applicable) Access Wrong Code entry (Restore not applicable) Acces-Legal Code entry user ( Restore not applicable) Status-Re Arm After Alarm-User (restore not applicable) Status-Auto Arm Time Ext. User (Restore not applicable) 465 Panic Alarm Reset 466 Indoor/Outdoor Service Group " Remote control"Service On/Off Premises "Remote Access"

9 411 Callback Request 412 Upload Session Successful 413 Upload Session Failed System Stop Command Received Typesetter Stop Command Received 416 Upload Session Successful Access Control Group 421 Access Denied 422 User Access Report Remote-Callback Requested (No Restore) Enabled with O/ C reports Remote-Successful Access (Restore Not Appllicable) Remote-Unsuccessful Access Remote-System Shutdown Remote-Dialer Shutdown Remote-Successful Upload (Restore Not Applicable) "Access control" Access-Access Denied-User (Restore Not Applicable) Access-Access Gained User 423 Duressed Access Panic-Forced Access 424 Exit Denied 425 Exit Allowed Access-Egress Denied (Restore Not Applicable) Access-Egress Granted (Restore Not Applicable) 426 Door Unlocked and Open Access-Door Propped Open Fault, door status monitoring Fault Device Request to Exit Access-ACS Point DSM Trbl. Access Point RTE Trouble 429 Enter Access Program Mode Entry 430 Exit Access Program Mode Access Program Mode Exit 431 Access Threat Level Change 432 Access Relay/Trigger Fail

10 433 Request to Exit Shunted Access RTE Shunt 434 Door Status Control Shunted Bypass Group Access DSM Shunt "System Disables" 501 Reader Disabled Access Reader Disable "Relay Disables" Group "Sounder/Relay Disables" 520 Siren/Relay Disabled Sounder/Relay Disable 521 Siren 1 Disabled Bell 1 Disable 522 Siren 2 Disabled Bell 2 Disable 523 Alarm Relay Disabled Alarm Relay Disable 524 Trouble Relay Disabled Trouble Relay Disable 525 Reversing Relay Disabled Reversing Relay Disable Notification Device 3 Disabled Notification Device 4 Disabled Notification Appliance Ckt # 3 Notification Appliance Ckt # Module Added "System Peripheral Disables" 532 Module Removed Module Removed "Communication Disables" 551 Communicator Disabled Dialer Disabled Long Range Transmitter Disabled Remote Upload/Upload Disabled "Bypass Zones" Radio Xmitter Disabled Remote Upload/Download "Bypasses" 570 Zone bypassed ZONE/SENSOR BYPASS 571 Fire I zone disabled Fire Bypass

11 Hour Zone Disabled 24 Hour Zone Bypass 573 Instant Guard Zone Disabled Burg. Bypass 574 Group Bypass 575 Swinger Disabled SWINGER BYPASS 576 Access Zone Shunted Access Zone Shunt 577 Access Zone Disabled Access Point Bypass "Test/Misc" Group 601 MANUAL TEST Messaging Test 602 Periodic Test Report PERIODIC TEST 603 Periodic wireless transmission 604 FIRE TEST Periodic RF Xmission 605 Status Report To Follow 606 Voice LISTEN-IN TO FOLLOW 607 WALK-TEST MODE 608 Periodic Test - System Trouble Present Test-System Trouble Present 609 Video- transmission enabled Listen-Video Xmitter Active 611 Checkpoint passed Test-Point Tested OK 612 Checkpoint not passed Test-Point Not Tested Guard Zone tested in Test Pass mode Panic Button tested in Test Pass mode Guard Zone tested in Test Pass mode Intrusion Zone Walk Tested Panic Zone Walk Tested Alarm Zone Walk Tested 616 Call Service Department Service Request "Event Log"

12 621 Clear Event Log Trouble-Event Log Reset 622 Event list 50% full Trouble-Event Log 50% Full 623 Event list 90% full Trouble-Event Log 90% Full 624 Event list full Trouble-Event Log Overflow System time programmed System time, date incorrect 627 Entering programming mode Exiting programming mode Marker in the event log for 32 hours Group "Schedules" Trouble-Time/Date Reset-User Trouble-Time/Date Invalid (clock not stamping to log correctly) Trouble-Program Mode Entry Trouble-Program Mode Exit (Restore Not Applicable) "Scheduling" 630 Trouble-Schedule Changed 631 Unable to change Schedule Trouble-Esc. Sched. Changed 632 Access Schedule Change Trouble-Access Sched. Changed "Personnel Monitoring" 641 Senior Watch Trouble 642 Key Latch-key Supervision Group "Miscellaneous Events" 651 Reserved 652 Reserved 653 Reserved "Misc" Code sent to Identify the control panel as an ADT Authorized Dealer. 654 Trouble System Inactivity Safe House tel. +38 (095) ; +38 (068)

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1 SMS-4N/S(version 1.3) A device for listing alarm messages via cellular communication. Instructions for programming and connection. 1. Purpose of the device and principle of operation. The SMS-4 module is designed Sokol G40W GSM wireless alarm system 1 Features 1. Large liquid crystal capacitive touch display and touch buttons. 2. Main functions: Calendar. 5 groups of numbers

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USER MANUAL GSM ALARMS Appearance 10-pin connector (GROUND; SIREN; RELAY1; RELAY2; SPEAKER; O2; O1; I3; I2; I1): GND, "-" GND SIREN, this point is connected to the siren, the other

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26 Quick arming: [*] View event memory (128): [*] Extended event view: [*] View system alarms: [*] Enable/disable beep status indication

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Alarm Control Center Program User Manual Version Purpose The program is intended for registration and archiving of messages received from the GSM-M1 family of modules. Program


CID = ContactID- the world's most common high-information format for the transmission of alarm messages.
CID is supported by all leading manufacturers of control panels and monitoring receivers.
According to the set of criteria for evaluating message transmission channels given in this table, and according to the results of the functional cost analysis of the receiving and transmitting parties, recommended use transfer format GPRS with redundancy/duplication CLIP

▼ Descriptions of message transmission and reception formats:
GPRS- transferring Contact ID to a static IP address using the GPRS service of a GSM operator.
Messaging options:
1. Transferring Contact ID to a static IP address assigned to the SIM card* of the monitoring GPRS expander.
2. transfer Contact ID to the static IP address of the GPRS server.
. The GPRS report is considered delivered if the transmitter has received a response from the monitoring GPRS expander (server) that the expander (server) has successfully received the report.
*SIM card with a static IP address is a special service of a GSM operator. This is a special SIM card with an open GPRS service, when accessing the Internet using this service, the operator's GPRS server will always assign the same IP address when connecting. You will need to obtain this address from the GSM operator.


When a connection is established between the receiver and transmitter There is no connection as such. The connection of devices with receivers is established when a signal appears. Control is carried out on the integrity of the information package with the issuance of confirmation. When the transmitter is turned on and kept active
Transmission time per report 5-60 sec - most of the time is spent on opening a GPRS session and establishing a connection to send a report Less than 1 sec - for today we have BEST indicator in the GPRS transmitter market
How much traffic is one report 84 bytes*+ 24 bytes acknowledgment report acceptance 35 bytes* + 8 bytes acknowledgment report acceptance
Number of simultaneous connections 1 6000

*traffic for which the telecom operator will demand money is very different from the actual traffic sent/received.
The reason is rounding, with an accuracy set by the operator, for a certain period of time, i.e.: if the operator rounds traffic with an accuracy of 100 kb every 15 minutes (common practice), and every 15 minutes any information is exchanged (test E703, reconnection, connection maintenance service signals, etc.), then 4 * 24 * 30 * 100 kb = 281 Mb of traffic will be charged per month. Moreover, the accuracy of rounding and the period during which rounding occurs, even within the tariff plans of one operator, vary greatly. The best option for the transmitter would be to choose a tariff plan with unlimited internet, with further analysis of the operator's decency.

CID IP- transmission of Contact ID in digital form to a static IP address via Ethernet.
. The CID IP report is considered delivered if the transmitter receives a response from the monitoring receiver that the receiver has successfully received the report.

CID UDP - transmission of Contact ID in digital form to a GPRS receiver using the GPRS channel of a GSM operator using the UDP protocol. In a UDP report, several event codes can be transmitted in one session
. A UDP report is considered delivered if the transmitter receives a response from the monitoring receiver that the receiver has successfully received the report.
NEW! Instead of a static IP address, you can use your Domain name for GPRS / CID UDP / CID IP reporting.

CLIP- transmission of reports using automatic identification of the SIM-card number in the GSM network. The message is the very fact of the call. In 2 seconds after picking up the handset, the connection is terminated before the start of the billing of the conversation.
. The CLIP report is considered delivered (acknowledgment) if the transmitter has received a response from the telecom operator that the subscriber (NV DG/DT 2xxx/3xxx receivers) has picked up the handset.

Sending and receiving Contact ID in the form of text messages to GSM receivers NV DG XXXX using the SMS service of a GSM operator.
. The CID SMS report is considered delivered if the transmitter received a response from the SMS center of the telecom operator that the SMS message was received by the SMS center.

CID DialUp is the same as CID DTMF, but the entire message path runs entirely over a wired communication line, without using a GSM network.

SMS - sending and receiving text messages using the SMS service of a GSM operator.
. An SMS report is considered delivered if the transmitter received a response from the operator's SMS center that the SMS message was received by the SMS center.

ALARM - a call to a telephone with the transmission of conditional tone signals / voice messages, using the voice channel of a GSM operator.
. The ALARM report is considered delivered if the transmitter received a response from the telecom operator that the subscriber picked up the phone.

VOICE - a call to the phone with the establishment of a two-way direct voice connection using the voice channel of the GSM operator.
. The VOICE report is considered delivered if the transmitter received a response from the telecom operator that the subscriber picked up the phone.

MMS - transmission of video, audio and graphic messages using the MMS service of a GSM operator.
. An MMS report is considered delivered if the transmitter received a response from the operator's SMS center that the MMS message was received by the SMS center.

CID DTMF - Transmission of Contact ID in analog form to wired monitoring stations using the voice channel of a GSM operator. In a DTMF report, several event codes can be transmitted at once during one communication session, if more than one event occurred at the time of transmission.
. A DTMF report is considered delivered if the transmitter receives a response from the monitoring receiver that the receiver has successfully received the report.