Stalker op 2 tools for atp. Appliances and tools for maintenance and current repair of vehicles used in ATP

Scientific organization of labor at workplaces of lines and posts Maintenance, in the zone and departments current repair is a great reserve for increasing the productivity of repair workers.

The section contains standard projects for organizing jobs for repair workers of motor transport enterprises: locksmiths - mechanics, aggregate operators, battery workers, carburetors, electricians - electricians, tire fitters, copper workers, painters, upholsterers, locksmiths and workers who perform daily car maintenance, first and second maintenance ( TO - 1 and TO - 2).

The equipment of workplaces provided for in these standard designs was accepted according to the table of technological and garage equipment at motor transport enterprises, as well as on the recommendations of scientific research organizations and on the basis of the best practices of the country's best motor transport enterprises.

Spare parts and the necessary, technical documentation jobs are provided centrally.

Each workplace should have a first aid kit, a sink with cold and hot water, a mirror, soap, a towel or an electric hand dryer.

All workplaces and areas must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment.

Below are the symbols for fig. 33 - 48:

1. Workplace of a mechanic - car repairman for fuel equipment (carburetor)

The main functions of the carburetor are: repair and maintenance of power system devices removed from cars; performance of works on seasonal maintenance of power supply system devices.

Faulty devices or individual parts removed from the car are taken to the workplace of the carburetor and washed in a washing installation. After washing, devices or individual parts are blown with compressed air on a workbench equipped with a ventilation exhaust.

The technical condition of devices and parts of the power system is determined by inspection and testing at special installations. Devices that turned out to be serviceable, but require adjustment, are regulated and then go to the working capital or warehouse. All repaired appliances are adjusted and tested.

In order to ensure the normal production activities of the carburetor department and reduce vehicle downtime due to a malfunction of instruments or parts of the power system at the workplace of the carburetor, there must be an irreducible stock of turnaround units and parts, the size of which is determined by the production and technical department of the enterprise in accordance with the established limit of working capital.

There must be a strict division of labor between carburetors. All complex work and adjustments are performed by a carburetor with a higher (4th) category. The technological equipment of the workplace of the carburetor consists of equipment, tools, instruments and fixtures, selected according to the types and scope of work listed in the specification and shown on the layout of the carburetor compartment (Fig. 28). Organizational equipment is selected in accordance with the requirements of the scientific organization of labor for the successful and high-quality performance of basic and additional functions.

The area of ​​the carburetor compartment is determined by summing up the areas occupied by technological and organizational equipment, taking into account the equipment density factor equal to 4.

To perform the total amount of work, three carburetors of the 4th and 3rd categories are needed. At the same time, two carburetors (3rd and 4th categories) work in the carburetor department and one (3rd category) on the maintenance line or section.

In accordance with the current Standards, the carburetor is given the following overalls and footwear: cotton suit; PVC apron; rubber boots (on duty); vinyl chloride sleeves; combined gloves.

Equipment of the workplace (tab. 44 - 46)

Table 44 Technological equipment


Type or model


Parts washing bath

Instrument for checking jets and check valves of carburetors

NIIAT - 528

Fuel pump and carburettor tester

Shaft speed limiter tester

NIIAT - 419

Device for checking the elasticity of diffuser plates

NIIAT - 397

The device for checking the elasticity of the springs of the diaphragm of the fuel pumps

Vehicle fuel pump tester

Desktop - drilling machine

Manual rack press

Tank for control measurements of fuel consumption on the line

electric grinder

Pneumatic jig for disassembly and assembly

Table 45 Tooling


Model or GOST


A set of hand tools for a locksmith - carburetor and adjuster

Taps 2 M18 X1 for straightening threads under the block of carburetor jets


90 W electric soldering iron

Bastard file round 2000 mm

»» triangular 150 mm

»» flat 200 mm

»» personal round

»» triangular 150 mm

»» flat 200 mm

Combination pliers

GOST 5547 - 52

Nippers (nippers)

GOST 7282 - 54

Locksmith's hammer weighing 500 g

GOST 2310 - 70

» copper weighing 500 g

PNM 1468 X17 - 370

Locksmith vice

GOST 4045 - 57


Densimeter for petroleum products with a thermometer 30.629 - 0.750 (measurement limits)

Type 829 GOST 1289 - 57

Glass graduated cylinder up to 500 cm3

Technical scales with a weight of 200 g

Machine for hand saws

Hand hacksaw blade

GOST 6645 - 68

Stylus, set no. 3 of inserts

GOST 8925 - 68

Metal ruler 500 mm

GOST 427 - 75

Checking plate 200 X200

GOST 10905 - 64

Nylon brush

Sets of special taps for driving the threaded holes of carburetors

Sets of special taps for driving the threaded holes of fuel pumps

Table 46 Organizational equipment


Type or model

Overall dimensions in plan, mm


Workbench for dismantling and assembling carburetors

Table for cutlery

Equipment stand

OWG 1019 - 209

» for laying out tools

Sectional rack for storing carburetors

ORG 119 - 505

Chest for cleaning materials

Urn for collection of non-ferrous metal

Storage cabinet for materials and parts

waste bin

Tool storage cabinet

office table

MRTU - 13 - 08

Bench stand for tools

Own production

Lifting chair - swivel metal

Selection and determination of the required number of diagnostic and repair equipment for vehicles of various types and capacities

Technological equipment, as one of the main parts of the material and technological base of TO and TP, significantly affects the labor intensity, quality and cost of work, the efficiency of the entire process of maintaining the rolling stock in a technically sound condition, as well as the productivity and efficiency of vehicle operation.

Wrong choice of equipment leads to: significant economic damage; loss of energy, materials, and sometimes to accidents and downtime at the work stations of the sections. An increase in the number of pieces of equipment and an increase in the complexity of equipment with its wrong choice leads to an unjustified increase in the number of maintenance personnel, an increase in material and financial costs. Therefore, the choice of equipment is the most important stage in the development and implementation of measures for the mechanization of TO and TP at each ATP.

The list and characteristics of the selected equipment, the number of samples of the same name are determined by the requirements arising from the intended goals, the scale and content of mechanization measures, and to a large extent depend on the power of the ATP and the equipment available.

As experience shows, greater efficiency of mechanization is achieved if the use of new equipment is reasonably combined with the most effective elements of the current work technology and the use of equipment samples available at the ATP.

ATP of various types and capacities impose different requirements on the range and number of equipment samples of the same name.

With an increase in the power of the ATP, conditions arise for a deeper differentiation of work and specialization of work posts, it becomes necessary to redevelop the technological links of production in order to significantly increase bandwidth zones, sections and labor productivity of performers.

Under these conditions, it turns out to be insufficiently correct to solve the problems of mechanization only at the expense of an appropriate number of equipment of the same name. The use of more advanced, high-performance equipment is required, each of which is capable of replacing the used ones.

The use of high-performance equipment not only reduces the need for labor, but also affects the organization and technology of work at a given work post, and often other related or technologically related ones, thus affecting the need for other samples.

The foregoing indicates an inextricable link between the organizational and technological aspects of production, the technical capabilities of LTPs of various capacities and equipment of various capacities, as well as the need for an integrated approach to determining the range of equipment and the required number of samples of the same name.

The choice of diagnostic and repair equipment for motor vehicle transport and service stations

When choosing equipment, numerous technical, economic, production, operational requirements are taken into account, their totality can be satisfied at each ATP by various sets of equipment, and certain requirements will be met to varying degrees depending on the specific tasks of mechanization or automation of work. In this case, a multi-alternative problem arises of choosing and determining such a set of equipment that would best ensure the solution of these problems.

For an informed or complex choice necessary equipment take into account, for example, the following:

1. technical characteristics, scope, capabilities of each sample;

2. the design of vehicles and places of their service using this sample;

3. adaptability of this sample to the types and models of cars available at the ATP;

4. daily or annual labor intensity of maintenance and TP of vehicles at ATP and its share attributable to work using a sample of equipment;

5. number, design, location and specialization of maintenance and TP posts;

6. organization and technology of maintenance and TP at ATP;

7. economic indicators of TO and TP and equipment (cost of work, sample, efficiency of its use, etc.).

The choice of the necessary equipment, of course, involves a comparison of various options. technical support work, taking into account a variety of criteria and factors, determining the best combination of diverse local production conditions and the capabilities of process equipment.

The data characterizing the production conditions of the ATP are further called the factors of the ATP, and the indicators of the technical characteristics of the equipment - the factors of the equipment.

The choice of equipment and the determination of the required number of samples of the same name consists not only in obtaining or calculating the necessary data, but also in comparing, mutually linking production requirements and sample capabilities.

Although, in the category of individual cases, equipment factors can play a primary role (for example, when introducing fundamentally new high-performance equipment models, the technology changes significantly, and often the organization of maintenance and TP work), and they cannot be recognized as leading.

Firstly, because such cases are not typical and are observed very rarely, and, secondly, because the choice of equipment must always comply with the requirements of production. Therefore, when choosing equipment and determining the required number of samples of the same name, the conditions and requirements of production, and, consequently, the ATP factors, should be the basis.

ATP factors.

1. "Power of ATP" includes data on the payroll quantity
cars on the ATP, and therefore predetermines the daily (annual)
maintenance program and TP and, accordingly, their labor intensity.

The labor intensity of work groups or operations by types of TO and TP are baseline to determine the need for ATP in many types of equipment - washing and harvesting, lifting and inspection, etc.

2. "Specialization of the ATP" characterizes mainly the specialization of the ATP in terms of the composition of the vehicle fleet and its type (trucks, cars and buses). It is of great importance in a mixed fleet, when choosing equipment specialized for one or two types of vehicles.

3. The “design of vehicles” included in the ATP fleet provides for the need for a more in-depth consideration and detailed consideration of the requirements arising from the features of the design and operation of individual units, vehicle components and the performance of work on them. These requirements are taken into account when choosing highly specialized equipment, for example, the installation of the K-465M model for testing power steering, designed to test steering directly on cars.

4. "The number of workers, posts, zones and sites" includes the relevant actual, prospective or calculated (for the construction of new ATP facilities) data. This factor is important when choosing the equipment necessary for arranging and equipping posts or equipment for individual use, for example, workbenches, kits wrenches and etc.

5. "Layout and dimensions of zones, sections, posts" implies a description of the actual, prospective or calculated operating data of the ATP, the influence of which is manifested mainly in the selection of equipment intended for use in various zones, at several sites, posts, (for example, trolleys for transportation and dismantling of car wheels, garage jacks, etc.).

6. "Energy-air-water supply" accumulates questions that characterize the ability of the ATP to provide technological equipment with the types of its drive, cooling, etc. The factor matters when choosing equipment of the same value, but with various types its drive, cooling work, for example, grease blowers, etc.

7. "The system of organization of maintenance and TP at the ATP" combines issues and requirements for equipment arising from the features of organizational and managerial decisions made at the ATP. The factor is important mainly for large ATP, where it is necessary to more often solve the problems of complex mechanization and automation of maintenance and TP processes, for equipment designed to maintain constant, specified processes in any production cycle (washing, fixing and transmitting diagnostic information and etc.).

8. "Technology and content of maintenance and repair work" includes questions on equipment and requirements for it, various technological principles and the nature of the performance of individual operations or their complexes, the need for a more differentiated approach to the choice of equipment in relation to the current at the ATP or standard technology.

9. “Specialization of maintenance and repair posts” covers issues related to the characteristics of the equipment of the posts and the work performed on them. It provides for a number of additional requirements for equipment: suitability for use in given conditions of specialization of posts, technology of work on it, distribution of work between performers, etc.

10. "Basic devices of the maintenance and repair post" combine the requirements for the selection of equipment related to different design lifting and inspection basic devices (inspection ditch, lift, overpass, etc.). These devices are called basic because they form the type of post, its capabilities and the conditions for performing work.

11. "Safety" includes the issues of ensuring the safety of work when performing maintenance and repair operations. This factor is universal, as it applies equally to the person and to the equipment. It is of particular importance when performing work simultaneously by several performers.

equipment factors.

1. "Main purpose" contains information about the functions performed by the sample and its direct purpose, which are given in the name of the equipment, in its technical documentation or instructions for use.

2. “Scope of application” combines data on the possibilities of using equipment by non-road transport enterprises (ATP, service stations, etc.) for certain types of cars, etc. Accounting for this factor when choosing equipment for products manufactured by factories of the Rosavtospetsooborudovanie association, as rule, does not cause difficulties, since it is clearly defined in its technical specification. Some difficulties arise when choosing equipment for general technical purposes (welding equipment, metal-cutting machines, etc.), which is produced by factories in various industries.

Technological equipment in the ATP is designed to provide the ability to perform the entire range of preventive and restoration work on vehicles, increase labor productivity and quality, increase labor safety and reduce the impact of the enterprise on the environment.

A wide variety of work carried out on the car requires the use of specialized and universal equipment of a wide range.

Technological equipment of ATP is divided into main, auxiliary and special. Auxiliary equipment includes: various carts, cabinets, bathtubs, tables, racks, drawers.

Special equipment includes tools for maintenance and repair of vehicles: keys; mandrels; pullers; manometers; probes; dynamometers; technological equipment, etc.

The main technological equipment for general technical purposes is divided into the following groups:

- lifting equipment.

- transport equipment.

- equipment for assembly operations.

– equipment for cleaning and washing cars.

- lubrication equipment.

– equipment for painting and drying works and anti-corrosion treatment.

- equipment for body repair work.

- Tire fitting and tire repair equipment.

- equipment for diagnostic work.

Lifting equipment is widely used in ATP. Lifting equipment includes: lifting mechanisms, hoists and winches; flying and jib cranes; different types lifts.

This equipment is used for lifting, moving and supplying vehicles and their assemblies to the right place, as well as for lifting and holding the vehicle in a raised state in order to provide free access to all components and assemblies during inspection and repair.

Figure 7.1 - Classification of technological equipment of ATP

Transport equipment includes garage chain conveyors: carrying, pushing and leading - suspended and floor. This equipment is used to transport vehicles and their units during maintenance and repair. Conveyors provide a constant speed of movement of vehicles and their units and reduce air pollution in the working area.

Equipment for assembly operations is designed to provide mechanization of assembly and disassembly operations during maintenance and repair of vehicles. This equipment includes: hand tools, wrenches, automatic and semi-automatic machines for assembling threaded connections.

Equipment for cleaning and washing cars is designed to remove debris and dust from the interior, body, platform of the car and wash the car as a whole. This equipment includes various vacuum cleaners, jet, jet-brush installations, lines for washing and drying cars and waste water treatment equipment.

Lubrication and filling equipment includes: oil dispensing equipment, plastic lubrication equipment, combined lubrication and oil filling equipment, brake fluid filling equipment and compressor equipment. This equipment is designed to provide refueling with lubricating oils, brake fluid of vehicle units and assemblies and tire inflation and tire pressure control.

Painting and drying equipment includes: painting and drying chambers, installations for applying paints and varnishes, paint sprayers and paint mixers.

Equipment for applying anti-corrosion coatings provides for the supply and spraying of the coating with compressed air directly onto the bottom, into the wheel arches and into the closed voids of the body.

Body repair equipment is used to restore the geometric dimensions of the body after it has been damaged. This equipment includes special stands different designs and mechanized tools.

In the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" tools are needed in order to unlock new upgrades for your weapons and armor. At the beginning of the game, mechanics at the bases (Azot and Cardan) can only do a few weapon modifications - increasing the magazine and changing the caliber. For the rest of the improvements, they lack for calibration and for coarse and fine workmanship. You can find them while exploring the Exclusion Zone. Each set exists only in two copies, therefore, without a map, the search may cause some difficulties. They will tell you where the tools are in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, and ordinary stalkers during the conversation, but they can also misinform you.

Tools for rough work - Zaton

Mechanic Cardan, located on the Skadovsk, has really golden hands (at least, those who have ever been on the ship say so), but even on the outskirts of the center of the Zone it’s a little tight with tools - we’ll go after them. First you need to find a sawmill on the map of the Zaton location. It is located in the northwest of the map. Go there, optionally taking a detachment of singles as companions - it is difficult to go there without a fight.

Upon arrival, make sure that the sawmill, as the stalkers warned you, is inhabited by zombies. But there won't be many problems from them - shoot them in the head and finish them off if necessary. You can almost not be afraid of return fire - the zombies lead it very inaccurately. The only problem is their number, about 20 units, it can scare a beginner.

So, having dealt with the zombies, you can finally find out where the tools are in Stalker: Call of Pripyat on Zaton. Go down to that part of the sawmill that is located at the foot of the hill - we are interested in the building right in the center. We go into it, look for a ladder, climb it to the attic, go to the end and pick up tools for rough work from the box. Now you can return to the ship with the stalkers and give the tools to the mechanic, in return for receiving a small amount of money and the opportunity to make new weapon modifications.

Tools for fine work — Zaton

Further, your path lies to the south - to the substation workshops. Hearing the beep of the detector
stalkers, don't be scared - this is a group of neutral mercenaries, they are now only capable of retaliatory aggression. The problem is that they won't let you into the workshops just like that... As it turns out, the mercenaries have run out of food. Bring them six units of any kind of food - for example, canned food. After that, the leader of the mercenaries, Cleaver, will suddenly warm up and let you into the camp, but on one condition - do not get weapons. And if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to follow the “advice”.

Go to the end of the road, turn 180 degrees clockwise and enter the shop. You also need to go through it to the end, then turn left twice - you will find yourself at the resting place of the group. Pay attention to the mercenary that sits on the box. To the right of him lies the treasured box - take it and exit through the roof technical room from the territory of the camp, then return to Skadovsk. Now it remains to find out where the tools are located in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" at the "Jupiter Outskirts" location.

Tools for Rough Work - Jupiter

Upon arrival at Yanov, your protagonist will be met by a technician Azot, who works on the "debt" half of the shelter. He also needs tools. Without them, he, too, can only repair and carry out basic modifications. In the world of the Stalker game, finding tools is not an easy task, so you will have to run again.

Exit the station and follow the railroad to the southwest. Climb the bridge, jump off it onto the roof of the electric locomotive, go to the end of the train and climb inside. An electrical anomaly is moving around the cars - try to avoid it by waiting for it in the cubbyholes of the car. Now you need to go to the beginning of the train, take the tools and jump out through the broken doors. Now you can return to Azot on Yanov.

Tools for fine work - Jupiter

They will have to go to the plant itself - it is located in the southeast of the location.
You need to approach the complex from the side of the Concrete Bath, which is located at the western wall of the Jupiter. Facing the anomaly, turn right - you need to

enter the southern gate of the plant, they will be directly in front of you.

Having risen to the territory of the plant, pay attention to the building on the left. You need to enter it - the doors are located on both sides of the building at its end. Climbing the stairs and passing a small corridor, you will find yourself in the attic. Here, carefully paving the way between the "electric" to the opposite wall, you need to open a green cabinet, in which the treasured box with tools will lie. Take it and exit the building by opening the door on the left. Where are the tools in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" needed to calibrate equipment? More on that below.

Calibration tools - Pripyat

Almost all the tools necessary to improve equipment in the Stalker game have already been collected. Pripyat is the only location where you can find the last two sets. The first one is located in the department store building. Go deeper, simultaneously opening the doors to a flock of jerboas - they are not aggressive if they are not attacked. The mutants will guide you through the store's maze of corridors. Do not rush to follow them deep into the basement - the set lies right by the stairs on the table.

The second set is located in the building of the old consumer services complex (KBO). Carefully
go past the electrical anomalies and go up to the second floor. Here you need
will kill the burer - one of the most powerful mutants in the game. Experienced Players
prefer to do it with a knife. After the massacre, go to a small room at the end of the hall - the last set of tools in the game will be on the table. Take his vehicles and complete the modification of your equipment!

Having received a quest from Cardan at the Zaton location, when he asks you to find various tools for him, head to the abandoned one. Without engaging in battle with zombified stalkers, go around the warehouse building on the hill and go down to a detached ruined house.

Run past the stalled truck and dive through the doorway. Shoot the zombies inside the house, then in one of the 2 rooms find the stairs leading to the attic. Search the small room and pick up the tools.

Each technician needs 3 kinds of tools: rough work tools, fine work tools and calibration tools.

However, leaving the attic is not so easy. Zombified stalkers will gather in a bunch for shots and block the passage, preventing the player from getting out with inaccurate, but dense fire. Break the boxes in the attic and get the grenades from there. Throw them into the cracks on the floor into a cluster of dead stalkers. When those are blown away by the explosion, get down and run as fast as you can.

After that, you should visit the substation west of the Circus anomaly. Approaching it, you will stop from the menacing cry of the mercenaries who have settled in it. Negotiate with them, promising to bring food. In exchange for food, the mercenaries will let you dig in the substation's backyard, where, after a short search, you'll find another set of tools.

Nitrogen tool kit

Going to the Jupiter location, you will also have to look for tools for a local technician named Azot. To do this, go along the railway tracks to the south until you come across an abandoned train bridge. Climb onto the bridge and jump down the open hatch on the roof. Run through the cabin to the vestibule, where you will find tools on the floor. Having received what you want, jump onto the windowsill, sit down and climb out the window.

Another set of tools is located on the territory of the Jupiter plant. To do this, go to the Concrete Bath anomaly, where you will find the iron gate leading to the factory yard. Once inside, move to the right multi-story building, where you climb to the very top. On the last floor in the right corner there will be tools.

The tools for each of the technicians are interchangeable. You can take the tools from the Jupiter location to Cardan at the Zaton location, and you can give the tools from the Zaton to Azot on the Jupiter. Such a replacement will not affect anything.

Calibration tools

Having reached the location "Pripyat", go north to the old building of the former KBO. Go to the second floor and search the shelves, one of which will contain tools. Take them and fight back or run away from the burer who attacked you.

Another set of tools is in the south dead city in the basement of a department store. Climbing into it, you will be attacked by a flock of mutated jerboas. Disperse them in bursts and follow the fleeing monsters. After running after them into the closet that served them as a nest, finish off the remaining rodents and pick up tools.