A cat asks for a cat for the first time. The cat asks for a cat

How to understand that a fluffy pet has started estrus, that she urgently needs to bring a cat or somehow calm such an unstable emotional state? Actually, such a moment is hard to miss, as the pet loudly announces this with a constant meow. Moreover, she can meow all day long and even at night, periodically waking up to continue the “chants”. So...how can you calm down a cat in such a difficult period for her, when she not only wants, but literally demands a cat? What needs to be done for this?

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Features of the behavior of a cat during estrus

A cat that has no reproductive health problems, that already has at least one kitten, goes into heat three times a year. It lasts, this period, when the purr asks for a cat, as a rule, no more than a couple of weeks. However, if the animal has a hormonal imbalance, then estrus may last longer. It is worth noting that oriental breeds, having more “hot” blood, want to date a cat more often.

Some scratches, even being at the age of a kitten, begin to behave more "hostilely", spoil furniture and other things. In this regard, even the most well-mannered pet can “blow” in this regard, which in its normal state would never have done this, overnight turning into an aggressive fury. Other pets in general, from nervousness, can begin to tear to shreds any object they don’t like. And it's good if it's not an expensive sofa or pillow. Many cats during estrus, that is, when they need a cat, also begin to mark the territory of the apartment with their urine.

Another sign is increased affection. If the purr is stroked, then it can slightly bend and, leaning on its front paws, often shifts with its hind legs. In general, it becomes like a small playful kitten. Of course, you should not once again provoke the cat with your actions, as it will become even more excited.

In a cat that practically does not walk, the appetite changes, or rather, it practically disappears, and she eats very little. But she will often run into the tray in a small way.

In general, it will be difficult to confuse such behavior with anything. But still - how to calm a cat during estrus? The easiest way to put an end to all this is to bring a cat to the cat, he will certainly help. However, this is also the worst decision, especially if the owners do not plan to then mess around with a bunch of kittens and give them away to friends.

How to calm a furry pet?

There are many ways to reduce the excitement and stress of a cat during such a difficult period. It is better to try all or several of them at once.

Isolation from other animals

To begin with, it is better to prevent contact between the pet and other animals. Especially if your cat at least occasionally walks on the street. This will reduce the risk of conflicts between them, because the cat's aggression increases, so she can start fighting with other females (of course, she will behave with males according to her desire). With smaller animals, she will not stand on ceremony at all, therefore she can easily kill, for example, a parrot, to which she had previously been neutral.

Worst of all, if the cat that asks for a cat starts to conflict with the dog in the house. The latter is usually always stronger and larger than the cat, so it will easily hit back or even cripple it if it makes it very angry.

Where is the best place to isolate the purr? Usually, a bathroom or closet is chosen for this. But at the same time, one should not deprive the animal of food and especially water, which must be poured into a bowl as often as possible. And although it was said that the cat's appetite decreases, she still wants to eat and will not starve at all. It is better to feed her at bedtime or during the day, but in small portions.

In solitude, the fluffy scratch usually behaves much quieter. Also, insulation will prevent damage to things in other rooms, and there is nothing much to spoil in the bathroom.

Make a soft and warm bedding for the cat

Cats appreciate comfort at any time, because it improves their emotional state and reduces stress. If the cat does not think to calm down even at night, walks and sings his cat songs, then you should try to make her a softer bedding. You can sew it yourself, but it's better to buy it in the store. Give preference to cotton products.

Use of mint and other herbal infusions

Some owners, instead of natural herbs, use special sedatives for pets, like Stop Stress. They are more effective, but they can make the cat too lethargic. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to worsen the health of the pet.

Natural mint, chamomile or thyme infusions are milder, but do not have harmful side effects. You can buy them at a regular pharmacy, and they are inexpensive. In addition, the animal likes the smell of such herbs, so the kitty will gladly take such a “medicine”.

There are sedative pills for people that are quite suitable for cats. The same valerian extract, in addition to the usual sedative effect, also inhibits the release of hormones. These tablets should be given no more than twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. And, of course, such a tool is not suitable for a kitten.

The drug "Cat-Bayun" is largely identical in effect to valerian, plus it also improves heart function, so you can give it not only during estrus, but also as a preventive measure. It is worth noting that any sedative should be given to the animal only after talking with the veterinarian.

The use of synthetic pheromones

Pheromones have a positive effect on many cats. Most often, Feliway and other types of drugs based on pheromones are used.

What are such drugs? In fact, this is a synthetically created copy of the gonads that cats “use” when they mark their territory and, smelling their scent around them, feel comfortable and calm. That is, these pheromones seem to tell the cat that there are no competitors around who can claim her place in the apartment. By the way, the same Feliway is used not only as a means to calm down during estrus - it also helps in other stressful situations, for example, when moving to a new place of residence.

During estrus, a cat often decreases the intensity of facial pheromone production. As a result, she cannot mark her territory so actively with this secret of the gland and switches to a simpler one - she marks the territory with urine. Of course, this does not suit many owners.

By the way, a pet can mark with a facial pheromone not only objects she likes. Often she leaves glands on her master, intensively rubbing her muzzle and tail against him. At the same time, the kitty purrs loudly. That is, she, as it were, gives a sign, wants to show that this person is very nice to her and she is attached to him.

Timely cleaning in the tray

Cats are very clean creatures. They do not forget about this even during estrus, although they behave more capriciously (during this period, any little thing can irritate them). The same dirty tray, which the owners are too lazy to clean for a long time, can cause a negative reaction in the animal and it can go a little to another place. And it doesn’t matter that before that she calmly endured a not always clean tray. In addition, as was said, cats in estrus often go to the toilet in a small way. And this means that the tray in this case will become even more dirty than usual.

Therefore, frequent cleaning of the tray can give your pet more comfort and reduce her stress during estrus. It is worth trying a different type of filler, perhaps your pet will like the new one more than the previous one.

Games and entertainment

Games can well distract a kitty from amorous affairs. Indeed, during the period of estrus, her motor activity significantly increases, and her energy literally pours over the edge - that's why she walks at night and asks for the presence of a cat. The owners must direct this energy in the right direction. A well-played purr during the day will sleep like a dead one, without disturbing the owners with a prolonged meow.

Some "scratches" do not need a person at all, as a companion in games. Therefore, for starters, it’s better to just try to buy a couple of new toys for your pet. For at least a few days, she will be happy to play with them.

And yet, most pussies want to play with the owner. It is best to captivate the animal with outdoor activities and entertainment with running and jumping. The ideal option there will be throwing a ball or using a beautiful large feather, after which the animal, like a kitten, will jump up. You can entrust this activity to children who will play with their pet with great enthusiasm.

An amazing fact is that cats can perceive music and react to it. Therefore, musical entertainment will be another lifeline during estrus. Purrs react very favorably to classical music and, listening to it, animals become calmer.

Video What to do if a cat is in heat»

This video shows how to care for your pet in different periods her life, including methods that can reduce nervousness in a pet during estrus.

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Every cat owner sooner or later is faced with a situation where yesterday's still playful pet suddenly changes its behavior. A carefree cat suddenly becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprocreation, Precisely obsessed, because the owners who have encountered a walking cat know that the animal does not stop day or night. What to do when a cat starts asking a cat?

The first desire to procreate in cats and cats comes in different time. Traditionally, cats begin to walk at the age of six months. Males go in search of a chosen one a little later - in the period from seven to eight months.

Often sexual activity begins to appear a little later. Such a "shift" can be caused by the characteristics of the breed, conditions of detention, climate and other external factors.

In any case, puberty in cats occurs early. The pet begins to look for a couple, while still a kitten. Therefore, the owner must decide in advance what he will do when the cat asks to "marry".

The main question that arises before the owner: to allow the appearance of kittens or not?

If the kittens in the house are welcome guests, it is necessary to wait for the full puberty of the animal, and only then allow the pet to procreate. Therefore, veterinarians strongly recommend not to breed cats and cats at their first request. Reproduction during the period of physical and mental development can lead to inhibition of this very development.

If the owner does not plan to breed kittens, it is necessary to decide what to do with the "walking" pet. This problem becomes especially acute when the cat starts yelling around the clock, exhausting all the household members morally, and himself physically.

Estrus without a "logical" conclusion cause a significant blow to the pet's health, because during the "mating season" the animal refuses food, and also practically does not rest.

What should the owner do

Since the owner has taken on the responsibility of keeping the pet, it means that he must also solve the cat's "problems" for her. When limiting a pet in contact with the opposite sex, care must be taken to ensure that the period of "falling in love" passes for the animal as less exhausting as possible.

There are several methods to smooth out the mating season.


Veterinary medicine has long created sedatives that help calm an animal excited by sexual desire. These drugs are based on natural substances, so they do not cause harm to the body.

Herbal sedatives calm the animal during estrus, but do not prevent its occurrence. As a result of taking such a pill, the animal tolerates “falling in love” much easier and calmer. Among these drugs:

  • "Cat Baiyun";
  • "Fitex".

There are also sedatives based on chemical substances. Their action is a little more aggressive: the cat becomes lethargic and lethargic, sleeps more. The action of the drug is based on an increase in the rest period, and, consequently, the cessation of "songs".

Among chemicals It is worth noting "Stop-stress".


There are also drugs aimed not at alleviating estrus, but at stopping it. The therapy is based on the use of hormonal agents that suppress the emergence of the natural instinct of procreation.

These drugs include:

  • "Stop Sex";
  • "Ex-5";
  • "Sex barrier".

These drugs are produced based on the sex of the animal. There is hormonal pills for cats and cats.

Frequent use of such drugs harms the body of the animal. Therefore, it is advisable to give him such a pill no more than a few times a year. The constant replacement of the natural instinct with hormonal therapy can lead to the emergence of various diseases.

Pheromone Therapy

In order for the cat to stop harassing with seven screams, there are also very “cunning” methods. A tool based on synthetically obtained cat pheromones can cause a state of euphoria in a cat, thereby calming her raging temper.

It is advised to spray the drug around the room or treat the room with this drug using a diffuser. According to the instructions, the pet will calm down after sniffing the “cat's joy”.

It is noted that not all pets are subject to such methods. On some cats, such pheromones do not work.

sexual cycle

In order to prepare for the onset of the next mating season for a cat, the owner needs to know how the animal's sexual cycle occurs. The cycle has several phases:

  1. Proestrus. At this stage, the cat has no sexual desire, however, the body is actively preparing for procreation. The cat's mammary glands swell. There are also discharges from the genitals. Epat can last from one to three days.
  2. Estrus. Leak directly. The animal shows maximum activity and is ready for procreation. The duration of this stage directly depends on whether mating occurs. If a cat gets to know a cat, estrus will end on the fifth or sixth day. If you isolate the murka, then she can yell for up to ten days.
  3. Metaestrus. The cat stops trying to start a relationship. If a cat is present in her field of vision, she shows aggression towards him. This period lasts from one day to three days.
  4. Anestrus. The time when the animal is calm. The duration of this period depends on whether ovulation has occurred. If it has occurred, then the resting stage will last six weeks. If ovulation does not occur, the cycle will start again in a week. It must be understood that ovulation and fertilization are two different things.

Opinion of veterinarians

What do doctors say about the sexual activity of animals? Veterinarians are unanimous: if you do not plan to breed kittens, sterilize your pet.

Sterilization will not only save the cat from the exhausting search for a partner, but also prolong his life.

As for cats, it is important to understand that unrealized estrus causes great harm to the body. In addition, the use of hormone therapy to calm the pet can result in health problems over time.

Leaving the animal in a "suspended" state, that is, not allowing mating, but not sterilizing it, the owner takes on a huge responsibility for the pet's life. Whether he has the right to decide the fate of a four-legged friend in this way, the question remains open.

If the owner does not plan to breed kittens, it is necessary to sterilize the cat as soon as possible. It is advisable to do this as soon as the veterinarian makes a conclusion about the full physical maturation of the animal.

The opinion that it is impossible to sterilize a nulliparous cat is erroneous. Operations are performed on both young animals and those who have experience of motherhood.

Folk methods

It must be understood that the obsessive behavior of a cat during estrus is not a whim. Hormones act on the animal's body, so the murka cannot control its antics. Each owner should not only know how many days the cat asks the cat, but also how to help the pet during this period.

To calm a cat without resorting to medication, you can use the usual sedatives of natural origin:

  • A decoction of chamomile will do. If you manage to get your pet drunk with this potion, she will noticeably muffle her songs, and perhaps even go to sleep;
  • Catnip, valerian or bromine. Such substances will help to pacify the "bride", however, they do not last long. A few hours later, the cat will “put on the veil” again;
  • Water. An effective method is to wet a screaming cat. Such a move will distract the animal for a while. However, as soon as the cat licks itself, the songs will resume. Also remember that you need to wet it as carefully as possible, even if the murka has already managed to beat out all your nerves with songs.

Now you know how long the cat asks the cat and what to do in this case. If you are planning to breed kittens, but are waiting for the right moment, use sedatives. And if you do not want to deal with babies, sterilize your pet. This will make life easier for both you and the purr.

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To effectively solve the problem of estrus in cats, we recommend using a modern new generation drug SEX BARRIER. Tens of millions of breeders and owners of cats successfully use this drug for their pets, noting its high efficiency and safety.

When we choose a little mischievous kitten as a pet, we are ready to endure all his pranks - torn curtains, overturned vases and puffs on tights from sharp claws. Often our choice stops on a male animal, because, keeping a cat, you don’t have to think about where to attach kittens. But having matured, the young and ardent pet begins his "way of the male", and only owners with iron restraint are able to put up with his far from mischievous behavior. And this is understandable, because we can accustom an animal to a tray and a scratching post, but it is almost impossible to teach an adult cat to behave like a gentleman in an apartment!

The pet's body is subject to natural physiological processes, its behavior is based on instincts that cannot be corrected or controlled with the help of educational measures. You will understand when a cat wants a cat because the silence, peace and pleasant smells in the house will come to an end.

Cats have a very peculiar character. They look down on their master and often allow themselves to be stroked, as if showing indulgence towards him. With the onset of puberty, the independent disposition of the pet is complemented by bad habits, which we will discuss later.

The call of nature in the body of cats: its manifestation and problems associated with it

Sexual hunting in cats is subject to complex physiological processes and manifests itself when the male reaches puberty and is ready to continue the race. This moment comes by 8-10 months of a pet's life and is accompanied by serious changes in behavior. When choosing a cat as a pet, remember that after the end of puberty, he will always be ready to meet a cat.

You can understand that your beloved cat is asking for a cat by the following signs:

  • Display of aggression towards the owner and other cats;
  • Territory marking;
  • Sprinkling with a secret with an unpleasant pungent smell of walls and furniture;
  • Shrill screams.

Some cats, which have a particularly ardent temperament, in the manifestations of their loving nature go further than just modest marks and claws issued with or without reason. They simply run away from their home, forgetting about a full bowl of delicious food and a warm master's sofa. The cat seeks to find a girlfriend and is looking for all sorts of loopholes for this: open windows, windows, doors. And if such a womanizer broke free, beware of all the cats in the area!

The owner of a wild animal is unlikely to be able to find much in his behavior. good points. The runaway cat runs the risk of being beaten by his brothers, who also obeyed the call of nature and went out into the street in search of a bride; get infected with fleas and worms, or simply get lost.

If the owner of a loving cat nevertheless turned out to be more cunning than his pet and managed to block all exits from the house, he will have an exciting journey around the apartment with a rag and odor-destroying agents. Because a cat on a spree will not miss the moment to irrigate the upholstery of a chair or a door jamb with its odorous secret, or even make an equally fragrant puddle.

What to do when a house cat wants a cat?

There are two methods for solving the behavioral problems of cats during estrus - the use of drugs to regulate estrus and castration of the animal. Castration is a radical method that is not suitable for all domestic cats for a number of reasons. Mainly, castrating a cat means permanently depriving him of the opportunity to continue his race, besides, this operation is associated with stress for the pet's body.

The use of estrous control drugs is the most humane method for dealing with the problems described above in cats. These drugs are able to quickly and effectively inhibit sexual arousal in cats and solve behavioral problems associated with this period of a pet's life.

Every owner encounters the problem of cat behavior during estrus when his kitten grows up to 6-8 months and begins to ask for a cat.

What to do if the cat yells and wants a cat? A young cat may "leak" twice a month. The situation is often aggravated by the fact that the animal refuses to eat, grows thinner and weaker. How to help your pet survive heat?

Most effective method stop this nightmare - bring a cat. In two months you will have kittens. Note that frequent pregnancies and childbirth are harmful and wear out the body. If you don't want to mess with the offspring, there are a few ways to help ease the flow of estrus. Let's consider them.

  1. Herbal decoctions. Herbal decoctions will help relieve excitement and calm down. Brew lemon balm, chamomile, cumin or motherwort. If you manage to water the animal, you will rest for a couple of hours in silence. You can give your cat catnip or valerian.
  2. Cold shower. A harsh folk remedy. Some owners substitute the animal directly under a stream of ice water so that the cat does not ask. The procedure helps to forget about the instincts for a couple of hours, until the cat licks and dries.
  3. More attention. Here opinions are divided. Someone thinks that you should not touch the cat, so she, they say, yells more. Others say that you need to pay more attention to the cat, stroke and pick it up, talk and play with it. This will help relieve stress and calm her down. Active games during estrus will help the animal throw out the accumulated energy.

Sedatives and special preparations

All drugs to suppress estrus are divided into two types:

  1. Vegetable origin. Herbal medicines (Anti Stress, Kot Bayun) will help to correct the cat's behavior without harming the body, but you should not expect a special effect from them.
  2. Hormonal. This group is more effective than the first. The suppression of sexual arousal occurs due to the hormones contained in them. But they will cause serious harm to the health of the pet.

Drops, suspensions and tablets are very harmful, they can not be used constantly. Over time, they will provoke serious diseases.

Hormonal preparations in injections (for example, Covinan) can stop estrus and prevent its occurrence within six months. But the injection must be done before the onset of estrus, strictly following the scheme prescribed by the veterinarian. It is forbidden to give injections during estrus.

Hormones should not be used as a regular means of suppression. They are intended for emergency cases when the cat's body fails. For example, at the beginning of estrus immediately after childbirth. Regular use can cause diseases of the uterus and mammary glands of the animal.

Constant "empty" estrus that did not end in pregnancy is very harmful. The emergence of serious diseases and oncology as a result is only a matter of time. If the cat is not of breeding value, it is better to sterilize it.


Forever and without consequences, only sterilization will help get rid of estrus. Sterilization is an operation to remove the organs responsible for reproduction. Sterilization is not carried out at home, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Previously, only cats had their ovaries removed. With the removal of the ovaries, the production of hormones that cause estrus stops. Now the uterus is also removed to avoid the development of a tumor in it. You can not sterilize a cat during estrus, you should wait until the end.

After sterilization, the cat does not ask for a cat for the rest of her life. Neutered cats are less aggressive and remain playful. The life expectancy of such pets is longer than their "full-fledged" relatives, since they are deprived of the risk of getting sick from "empty" estrus and drugs used by owners to suppress them.

How often does estrus occur?

The frequency of estrus is influenced by the following factors: age, health status and breed of a cat.

The spread ranges from twice a month to twice a year. The estrus itself usually lasts 5-6 days. As cats age, estrus becomes less frequent and shorter in duration.

In adults, estrus occurs regularly once every three months. In young, never mated cats, it can take place once a month or every two weeks.

The first time, heat is usually short, but don't be fooled, it can last up to 10 days afterwards. If the cat gives birth regularly, the interval between estrus can reach 5-6 months.

Cat behavior during heat

  1. Often meows or screams loudly.
  2. It becomes affectionate and obsessive, rubs against everything, rolls on the floor.
  3. It stands in a mating position - it arches its back, raises its buttocks and stamps its hind legs in place.
  4. Poor appetite or lack of it.
  5. Starts marking territory.

A cat will not necessarily do all of these things. The course depends on the temperament of the animal. One cat may meow softly, while the other yell so that the neighbors will hear. Some retain their appetite, some lose it. In especially severe cases, the animal marks the territory, leaving drops of urine throughout the apartment in order to attract males.

Do not scold or hit a cat during estrus, no matter what she does. This is not a problem of education, the cat cannot control itself in such a state. She suffers no less than you physically, the punishment will also cause her psychological suffering.

If you are not planning offspring, it is better to sterilize the cat, because folk remedies in the fight against estrus are ineffective, and the use of hormonal ones will cause serious diseases over time.

If you are breeding and do not have the opportunity to sterilize a cat, you should select relatively safe drugs to alleviate the condition of the animal during estrus together with a veterinarian.

Often the owners meet with such a phenomenon as the sexual hunting of pets. Simply put - estrus. This is a natural feature of animals. But how many problems it brings to the owners! What to do if the cat yells and wants a cat? There are several options for getting out of this delicate situation. We will tell about everyone, and the owners of the cat themselves decide which one to choose.

Give medicine or argue with nature

Now the veterinary industry offers a large selection of special drugs that limit sexual desire. They are available as:

  • drops
  • crystals
  • injections

The scheme of action for drugs is approximately the same. This is a powerful dose of hormones that stops estrus. The advantage of this method is that the drugs act quickly enough. They can be bought at any pet pharmacy without a prescription. Giving them to a cat is easy and fast.

Important! This method only helps until the next estrus.

At the same time, there is ongoing debate among pet lovers about the possible harm of such drugs. Some with foam at the mouth prove the absolute safety of such therapy. Others remain neutral. Still others say with confidence that such an interference with the hormonal system of a cat eventually provokes an oncological disease.

The opinions of veterinarians are also divided into two camps - ardent supporters and opponents of the use of drugs. But no one ever asked the cats themselves. That is, official laboratory studies on the relationship between the drug and the occurrence of tumors have not been conducted. Therefore, it is impossible to answer unequivocally about the benefits and harms.

It is important! Injectable drugs are not commercially available. Because only a veterinarian can correctly calculate the exact dosage. It depends on the age, weight, condition of the cat. It is impossible for the owners themselves to make such an injection correctly!

Give me a cat or you can't argue against nature

Some owners, if the cat yells and wants a cat, do it easier. They just give their pet what she wants. That notorious cat. Mating takes place, the fluffy brawler calms down and becomes pregnant.

This method also raises doubts about the correctness. For example, some cats begin to demand a groom literally 3 days after lambing. And what, immediately knit it again? In this situation, the animal will soon die from physical exhaustion.

But there is still another problem - where to put the kids? And, if thoroughbred kittens can be attached quite quickly, then, unfortunately, few people want to take the “nobles” for themselves. What can you do, this is the truth of life.

But that's not all. Kittens must be vaccinated, dewormed, taught to eat on their own, groomed on a tray. Well, if the kids are a couple. And when there are 6-7 pieces in the litter? How many owners will want to mess with the kindergarten?

No, if the owners have time (funds) for babies in their plans (budget), then why not calm the cat down in a similar way? In all other cases, this is also not an option.

Distract and neutralize or when there is nothing to do

In the vastness of the Internet, one barbaric means is walking, which is offered to neutralize a cat if it screams and wants a cat.

And after all, some owners follow this stupid advice. They dunk the poor animal in a basin of water all the time while the heat is on. But, they do not know a few nuances:

  1. Estrus without fertilization in a cat eventually leads to serious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Constant wetting with water causes a nervous shock in a cat, which can result in mental illness. Yes, animals go crazy too.
  3. The estrus can last up to 10 days. During this time, the cat will eat so much of its own hair that intestinal obstruction may occur.

You need it, such consequences? And in general, the next time you yourself want to have sex, pour water on it and start licking yourself. Let's see how it will distract you.

That's just not necessary now to say that this is a wrong comparison. Allegedly, the cat is an unintelligent creature. Some pets smarter than people will. At least they don't give stupid advice to bathe a cat when she needs a cat.

You give castration or in one fell swoop all the problems

In the West, castration of pets has long been common. That is why you rarely see stray animals in the trash there. In our country, the sterilization of cats is more popular, and even then, only among the owners. But, gradually, more and more veterinarians are inclined to carry out a complete castration. The advantages of such an operation are as follows:

  • stop cat op
  • there will never be sexual desire again
  • Reduces the risk of urinary tract infections in older animals
  • no need to puzzle over where to attach the offspring

But this method also has its opponents. Such people talk about the humane treatment of animals and prove that such an operation causes great harm to the cat's body. Well, that's their full right. We cannot condemn such people, because everyone has their own point of view.

All the same, the choice should be made personally by the owner of the cat, based on their financial capabilities and ideas about the well-being of the pet.

Advice. Do not confuse castration with sterilization. These are different operations. The first forever eliminates estrus and the possibility of motherhood. The second only deprives the cat of the ability to become pregnant, while the requirements of the cat and estrus will continue.

Let him yell or leave it as is

By the way, why do absolutely all sources claim that a cat always yells when she wants a cat? After all, animals are completely different in temperament. And, if in some cats the estrus is accompanied by militant cries, then others just slowly purr.

And don't blame your pet for it. After all, she sings inviting songs to a potential groom so romantically! And then the owners with a newspaper at the ready knock down the whole mood ...

Some cat owners don't care. They just let things go. Like, pooret and stop. But, they do not know about one feature of the cat family. If fertilization does not occur, then over time, estrus becomes more frequent, and their duration increases. It gets to the point that the pet begins to howl its love serenades for 2 weeks every month.

Who will agree to endure such a thing? But some fluffy madams, not finding the groom after the chants, begin to mark the territory. Well, so that a good fellow gallops to the smell and takes the beauty as his wife. Or just took.

Of course girls don't piss on door jambs like boys. But to make a puddle on the master's bed is a nice thing.

What to do if the cat yells and wants a cat? Do not stop loving her, and even more so - do not get annoyed. The animal does not do this on its own initiative. A person just needs to help his pet. This makes life easier for you and your cat. Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Video: 3 myths about cat love and a solution to the problem