Substances that cause cancer. Chemical carcinogens - substances that cause cancer

Every person should know what causes cancer. In fact, malignant diseases do not always have any specific causes, but there are some risk factors that will be discussed below.

The main things to avoid are:

  1. The influence of toxic substances that destroy the body.
  2. A lifestyle that does not meet the correct standards (smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages).
  3. Nutrition exposed to the damaging effects of genetically modified foods and chemicals.
  4. Ultraviolet and strong solar radiation.
  5. Ecologically polluted environment.

Foods that cause cancer

To protect yourself from the occurrence of malignant formation, it is recommended to adhere to a certain diet:

  1. Avoid foods that feed a cancerous tumor or microbes in its structure (refined sugar, refined flour, fatty dairy products, etc.).
  2. Trance- fatty acid and partially hydrogenated oils are highly affected (margarine, french fries and just about any processed food).
  3. Chlorinated water, fluorine and alcohol directly increase the risk of mutations in the DNA structure of cells. For example, chlorine destroys many phytonutrients and other nutrients, causing damage to the body.
  4. by reducing immune resistance.
  5. It is recommended not to abuse foods that distract the immune system from focusing on (heavy-to-digest meat foods).
  6. Purified salt becomes a clear danger, which can cause red blood cells to stick together. Because of this, they cannot pass through the arteries. Thus, the body begins to absorb less oxygen, and, accordingly, produce less hemoglobin. Gradually, cells that lack nutrients can turn into anaerobic, that is, malignant. The only exception is sea ​​salt but within reasonable limits.
  7. Some foods are particularly susceptible to fungi known to be carcinogenic. These are peanuts, cashews, rice and other long-term storage cereals.
  8. Carbonated drinks contain many carcinogens.

New data on the causes of cancer

Recent research in oncology led the WHO to report that processed meat products, in particular sausage, sausages, ham, bacon, etc., as well as red meat are capable of. The report states that just 2 slices of bacon daily (50g) increase by 18%. Particularly sensitive to these products are the intestines, pancreas, prostate and mammary glands.

cancer and red meat

Due to the fact that meat and sausage were put on a par with smoking and asbestos for the level of danger, this forced people to figure out exactly how Does meat cause cancer?

Scientists recommend not to refrain from all types of meat, but only from red. It includes beef, veal, pork, lamb, horse and goat meat. The warning is due to the fact that red meat contains high levels of omega-6 fats, as well as other carcinogens from livestock production. It is about the quality of feed and crops for animals raised on the farm. An analysis of the components of animal nutrition revealed the presence of pesticides, antibiotics, genetically modified ingredients for rapid growth livestock.

However, the harm of red meat is defined as 2A, which stands for a probable carcinogen, while processed meat is group 1.

cancer and sausage

If there are still disputes about the dangers of meat, then everyone agrees with the danger of sausage. So why sausage causes cancer? The answer is simple:

  1. During the processing of meat, chemicals are added to it to increase the shelf life (nitrates, preservatives, etc.). So, for example, ham, salami, meat pates are made.
  2. A significant amount of salt and fat is added to the sausage, which is also very harmful to health.
  3. The process of making sausages rarely includes good meat, more often it is all kinds of substitutes for it. The most commonly used is soy, which in most cases is represented on the market by a genetically modified product.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy some delicious meat product, it is better to cook it at home.

Cancer triggers in consumer products

Every home has facilities household chemicals or personal care that are capable of cause cancer due to the wide range of carcinogens and substances contained in them. When using them, you need to be especially careful. These are the means:

  1. Talc for infants is a risk factor for testicular, ovarian and lung cancer.
  2. Some women's foundations and powders containing talc, lanolin, parabens, triethanolamine.
  3. Toothpastes with high levels of fluoride.
  4. Hair conditioners containing formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, etc.
  5. Some Hair Dye, the ingredients of which are formaldehyde, diethanolamine, phenyl. The influence of hair dyes on the occurrence of Non-Hodgkin's, etc. has been proven.
  6. Household products containing silicon dioxide, silica, etc. This is the majority of detergents for washing, dishwashing, disinfecting, bleaching.

Do hormones cause cancer?

Many studies elucidating the relationship between hormones and cancer have concluded:

  • Elevated estrogen levels increase cancer risk mammary gland in women, which is associated with an increase in the density of organ tissues.
  • Women who take the hormone estrogen-progestin are more likely to get sick for others.
  • Estrogen therapy may increase the risk of disease.
  • Imbalanced Hormone Levels Contribute to Colorectal Cancer and Cancer thyroid gland in both men and women.
  • Hormones can provoke malignant formations of the prostate and testes.
  • Endogenous and exogenous hormones lead to increased cell proliferation, creating an opportunity for additional genetic mutations.

Does pregnancy cause cancer?

This question is raised in connection with information about the not very positive effect of certain hormones on the female body during the period of bearing a child. Changes in the female body activate all metabolic processes, which can cause the development of malignant formation. But this pathology does not occur by itself. Rather, it is not a cause, but a consequence of a violation of the normal functioning of the body and hormonal imbalance.

Pregnancy can also provoke breast cancer, which is associated with hormonal changes and the preparation of the breast for feeding.

There is also a certain fast-growing type of cancer that is directly linked to pregnancy complications. It affects the placenta and is called trophoblastic cancer.

IN modern world it is better to refrain from everything, what causes cancer, and move towards more natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle.

In the 1930s, 1 in 33 developed cancer in the United States; in the 1970s, 1 in 10 developed cancer. It is estimated that one in 7 women will develop breast cancer and one in 3 men will develop prostate cancer. There are more and more children among cancer patients, which was not heard before at all.

A recent survey of physicians cancer clinics, would they prescribe chemotherapy and radiation for themselves or their loved ones in case of illness 87% answered that they would not do either chemotherapy or radiation, because these methods are not so effective. We often hear from patients that chemotherapy helps someone, while others do not. You have to decide!

Every year, huge sums are allocated for research on cancer treatment, however, as we see, there are only more patients.

You are all adults here, and you yourself should understand perfectly! Health care, instead of its direct task - to protect the health of people - has become almost a very profitable industry, along with pharmaceutical and insurance companies. An important condition for their business is not to kill patients, but to keep them sick as long as possible.

Any disease can be defeated only by the human immune system. We can only help her by suppressing the pathogenic flora with the help of some antibiotics, but everything else is done only by her. Chemotherapy and radiation kill not only pathogens, but also the immune system itself (damaging the brain, liver, kidneys, heart).

Today, from 1st to 4th stage of cancer, 50-80% of patients who live up to 5 years, on average, spend from 350 thousand to 1.4 million dollars. Often they Insurance companies refuse to pay more than a certain level, and then all the property of the patients goes under the hammer. It's a cold, calculating pharmaceutical business that profits from pain and grief. One of the doctors said in an interview: “It’s almost ridiculous that with that arsenal natural remedies that really cure the sick, orthodox medicine can still offer people only useless and dangerous CHMT and RD.”

Scary statistic

The number of victims of cancer in the world is growing every year, as evidenced by disappointing statistics. The numbers are certainly impressive. 14 million people die every year from cancer worldwide. In a few decades, it will reach 25 million. Cancer is the most common cause of death in the under-85 age group. In the United States dies from this disease every fourth person. Half a century ago, the rate of death from cancer was 1:10, today in the world this ratio is approaching 1:5.

Over the past 100 years, in terms of morbidity and mortality in the world, oncopathology has moved from 10 places for 2 second only to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

According to WHO, 10 million people fall ill every year. In the next 2 decades, the number of cancer cases will increase by half, and this is one of the main threats to humanity.

Here is a list of foods that you should immediately stop eating. They have been found to cause cancer and generally ruin your health.

1. Salt stands first on this list (cooking). Experts warn that lovers of salty things happen accumulation in the body of chlorine, which is a carcinogen. Constant oversalting of food increases the risk of cancer of the digestive system. A large amount of salt in food contributes to the development of kidney stones, as well as leaching of calcium from the body. Reduce the amount of salt you use. Advice! Best used in cooking Himalayan or sea salt.

2. Alcohol. Alcohol plays an important role in the development of cancer. Most people diagnosed with cancer tend to have a history of excessive alcohol consumption. Regardless of how much alcohol is consumed, a lot or a little. In any dose, alcohol will lead to the development of cancer, since the ethanol contained in alcohol itself is a carcinogen, and it is known to contribute to the development of cancer.

3. Eating red meat renders negative influence on your cells - accelerates aging, causes heart disease and cancer. colon and rectum. The researchers do not call for a complete rejection of meat products and the transition to a vegetarian diet, but argue that it is desirable to reduce animal protein in the diet to a minimum. IN Lately the transition to vegetarian diets has become one of the global trends, more and more people in the world refuse food of animal origin, partially or completely.

4. Potato chips. Chips are generally strictly contraindicated for children under twelve years of age, since the chips contain a very large number of a wide variety of carcinogens. The use of chips increases the risk of developing not only breast cancer, but also stomach cancer and skin cancer. And unfortunately, this is no longer a hypothesis, but a proven fact.

5. Diet Cola. When sugar is not added to diet drinks, something worse is added. Aspartame is a natural sugar substitute in diet cola and 20 European studies have found that this ingredient can cause cancer and birth defects.

6. Basically carbonated drinks. All types of carbonated drinks have artificial sweeteners, flavors and about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Studies show that drinking two servings of soda drinks per week increases a person's risk of pancreatic cancer.

7. Canned tomatoes. Tomatoes are acidic enough to be canned and not safe to eat. Tomatoes contain an acid that can cause large cell mutations and produce an element called A-Bisphenol, a compound that can cause cancer and other harmful health effects. Only BPA-free canned foods are completely safe for health.

8. Smoked products. In the process of smoking, a chemical carcinogen is released - a polycyclic hydrocarbon benzopyrene, which is poorly excreted from the body and tends to accumulate.

9. Microwave popcorn. We are well aware that there is nothing easier than to put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and enjoy a delicious bite of “naked carcinogen” while sitting in front of the TV. Friends! Have pity on your poor liver and pancreas! Popcorn contains carcinogenic substances, which create an artificial flavor of butter. "Popcorn" carcinogens are extremely dangerous and create a favorable environment for cancer. What to do? Eliminate popcorn from your diet. At all!

10. Smoked meats, processed foods, processed cheese They contain nitrates and nitrites. They form carcinogens-nitrosamines. They provoke the formation of cancer. These products should be excluded. 36% increased risk of colon cancer.

11. Foods that cause breast cancer. First of all, this animal fats. On the first place in terms of harmfulness are beef fats, after them - milk. Animal fat is deposited around the internal organs, this is visceral fat, which contains substances that cause breast cancer. When a person eats a lot of fat, his level of estrogens rises, which causes the growth of breast tissue, and cancer occurs.

12. Sausages and Sausages. It turned out that with an increase in the consumption of processed meat products for every 30 grams per day, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases by 15-38%. According to scientists, the increased risk of cancer may be due to the addition of nitrates and preservatives to these products. In large quantities, these substances are carcinogens. The second important factor is the impact of toxic substances formed during the smoking of meat.

13. Another product that refers to products provoking the development of cancer is margarine, it contains in its composition the most harmful and dangerous fats. So it turns out that all products that contain margarine can be safely called nothing more than cancer-provoking products.

14. Vinegar and Soy Sauce- carcinogenic. 35% of the sauce is carcinogenic. Due to the content of E 621 in it - monosodium glutamate.

15. Foods that cause cancer mostly in women, more specifically breast cancer. Such products include dairy products, in particular milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, curdled milk, kefir, koumiss, cream, mayonnaise, ice cream, yogurt and cheese. And as a result, it contributes to the development of cancer. .

16. Flour products (white flour and premium flour). After an intensive processing process, wheat flour not only loses almost all of its beneficial features, but also exposed to a chemical called chlorine gas, which is a bleach. This gas is considered dangerous and even lethal. In addition, flour products have a high glycemic index, which increases blood sugar levels. They not only make us fat, but also cause cancer.

Consistent consumption of white flour products increases blood sugar and creates a favorable environment for the development of cancer, since cancer “feeds” on sugar. The flour must be Whole grain or coarse. Bread made from whole grain flour is rightfully called a medicinal product.

17. Flavor enhancing products. Read the label! One of the most popular flavor enhancers, monosodium glutamate, is one of the conditional carcinogens. E - 621. It is in all sausages, fish products, noodles fast food, bouillon cubes, E 621- Food drug and silent killer (the more you eat, the more you want).

18. Refined vegetable oils. We often use refined / deodorized oil for cooking, which is like heaven and earth different from its natural counterpart - natural vegetable (olive, wheat, soy, linseed, etc.) oils. Hydrogenated oil is extremely unhealthy because it contains a lot of preservatives. What to do? Carefully read the labels on the packages and buy only natural oil, which, of course - a little expensive for many, but health is more expensive!

19. Refined sugar. A recent study published in the Epidemiological Journal of Cancer Research claims that the use of refined sugar on 220 percent increases the risk of developing breast cancer. We have already said above that cancer cells are not indifferent to sugar, but refined sugar for them is like the most delicious treat for us. Therefore, the incidence of cancer in the sweet tooth is extremely high. High-glycemic foods in general have been shown to quickly increase the body's sugar content, which directly feeds cancer cells and promotes their growth and spread. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey.

What to do? Moderate consumption of sweets. Just don't use artificial sweeteners!

Products against cancer

In general, the diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts. Healthy foods are low in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and sugar.

Cruciferous: radish, cabbage, cauliflower, ginger root, corn.
Nightshade: tomatoes, potatoes.
Garlic: garlic, onion, asparagus, asparagus.
Nuts: walnuts, pistachios, almond,, hazelnut.
Legumes: peas, green beans, selenium prevents the development of cancer of the esophagus and stomach. Fish, Brazil nuts, and most whole grains are rich in selenium.
Fruit: apples, oranges, grapefruits, watermelon, melon, red and black grapes, avocado, live berry cranberries, carrots, red peppers, red beets, peaches, pomegranate.
Berries:blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, red currant, cranberry.
Herbal: brown rice, oats, corn, wheat, lentils.
Umbrella: coriander, carrot, parsley, dill.
Citruses: citrus peel, lime, lemons.
Other: Honey, Flax-seed, Pumpkin seeds, apricot kernels, grape seeds.

The bright colors of the fruit indicate that these vegetables are incredibly rich in beta-carotenes, which, together with vitamin C, are considered powerful antioxidants that effectively protect the mucous membrane.

Thus, regular consumption of fruits reduces the risk of cancer by 63 percent. All of these products contain substances that prevent the occurrence of cancer. Daily use of products from each group increases the body's resistance, improves immunity and protection against cancer.

Even though cancer is a serious and in some cases fatal disease, many people don't know that our bad habits promote the growth of malignant cells.

Below is a kind of harmful instruction that will help you get cancer. Read each item carefully. If you recognize yourself at least in one point, you should seriously think about your life. Perhaps it needs urgent correction.

Air, sun and water

Walk under the scorching sun without panama and in the most revealing clothing. Intense solar radiation causes, which is almost impossible to cure. Do not forget about and without looking into the solarium and stay in it longer than the allotted time. A beautiful tan with skin cancer is guaranteed.

Water is an enemy to be avoided. You're better off without water. Forget about the fact that the water needs to be cleaned. The simplest liquid from the tap will do.

Never improve your immunity with dietary supplements. Cancer hates them. It is better to let everything take its course and generally forget about any useful additives. If you decide to use vitamins, then only synthetic ones. Let it be artificial preparations from aloe or other unnatural vitamins. They're great at fueling cancer.

Always help out pharmacies. Let your home first-aid kit contain all conceivable and unthinkable drugs. Take them on your own as often as possible. It is better not to read the instructions at all and swallow the pills in handfuls.

The best dishes for malignant tumors

  1. Eat with dirty hands and never use anthelmintic drugs. They will help boost immunity, which is completely useless during the fight against cancer.
  2. Environmentally friendly products are expensive. Better go to the store and buy yourself preservatives, they will definitely help the tumor grow to immense size.
  3. Don't know what to cook for dinner tonight? Go to the nearest supermarket, buy the most best products with the maximum amount of preservatives. Your body will definitely not have strength. Nice bonus - .
  4. We eat fast food regularly. Your favorite chips and hamburgers contain such a large amount of carcinogens that it is useful for the formation of at least one cancerous tumor.
  5. Cancer is very fond of an acidic environment, so it will not be superfluous to eat bread at an accelerated pace. Yeast will help cancer to maintain its vitality.
  6. Include more smoked foods in your diet. Scientists have noticed that lovers of smoked meats most often receive the prize of cancer sympathy.
  7. If you want to get cancer, consume more arachidonic acid. Do you know where you can get it? Just eat as many foods with vegetable oil as possible. But stay away from linseed or olive oil, otherwise you will never get cancer.
  8. Are you a meat eater? Great, then hormone-packed pork and chicken is for you. Buy such meat on the market, you don’t even have to soak it before cooking, otherwise you will lose a lethal dose of hormones.
  9. Salt lovers, beware! Your time has come. Salt can be eaten in pounds, and then undergo mind-blowing courses of chemotherapy.
  10. Raw vegetables are eaten only by retarded vegetables. This should be the motto of your life. Don't touch fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat only boiled foods, from which everything has long disappeared useful material.

The best way to relax is to drink a glass of wine or a bottle of vodka. Moreover, this must be done on an ongoing basis so that the body does not have the strength to fight cancer cells.

If you want to die faster from cancer, 68% of women with breast cancer were addicted to coffee and drank almost liters of this drink. Best for self-destruction of the body is the cheapest coffee from the machine.

If you want the tumor to grow like a mushroom after rain, feed it sugar. Regularly drink tea with three tablespoons of sugar, do not shy away from soda. You will be surprised at how fast your tumor grows.

Other habits necessary for the development of cancer

How can you leave the house without makeup? Buy the cheapest, best of all, their nearest inconspicuous stall. So you can amazingly spoil your skin and provoke the development of cancer.

Nerves heal everything. Throw tantrums more often, shake and wheeze. Remember that cancer loves nervous people.

Young mothers should forget about breastfeeding. It reduces the risk of developing cancer cells. Your breasts are only for beauty, never use them for their direct physiological purpose.

Who came up with these horrible medical masks? They completely hide the face, so no infection can stick. Disorder! Immediately throw away all medical masks and go to the market, or rather to the clinic. There you can pick up a lot of interesting sores.

Carcinogenic soot will beautify your lungs and be a great start to your cancer. Smoke always and everywhere, it is advisable to generously reward your loved ones with a portion of tobacco smoke, let them also get a cancerous tumor.

Don't give yourself a single chance to recover, kill all the lymphocytes. And to do this is very simple: do not move, behave as inertly as possible and forget about outdoor activities.

High voltage power line is your reliable assistant for the development of cancer. If you want them to get sick, choose the most polluted street, in which there is never clean air.

Your electronic assistants will remarkably contribute to the reproduction of cancer cells. Never let go of the phone, put as many devices with infrared radiation in the apartment as possible, and be sure to use all sorts of suspicious medical devices.

Give yourself an amino acid fast. Let your body become absolutely defenseless. So, cancer will overcome him in a matter of weeks.

Fluoride toothpaste will not only make your teeth white and shiny. Brush your teeth with such a paste as often as possible, for the rapid development of a cancerous tumor.

Aesthetes prefer genital cancer. In order to enjoy this spectacle, forget about contraception. Let hepatitis, HPV and a dozen other infections take over your body and cause cancer.

Have you been diagnosed with cancer? Hurry up for a massage! If before the massage there were few metastases, then after such a procedure their number will increase significantly.

Pay attention to all these factors, maybe giving up any of the listed habits will help you avoid this terrible disease.

Popular Articles

Scientists have found that salt leads to the development of cancer of the stomach, nasopharynx and larynx.

The compounds that make up the product, in interaction with the cells of the body, cause changes in them. Excessive use can lead to the development of cancerous tumors.

Salt should be added with great care and prudence, taking into account the daily rate.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol ranks second among the products that cause tumor development.

Especially dangerous for women. One drink a day increases the risk of breast cancer.

It is better to limit alcohol consumption. The components of alcoholic beverages contribute to the appearance of the pathology of the mouth, esophagus and liver, as well as the colon.

red meat

Those who regularly use it are at risk of developing colon and stomach cancer much more. This is due to nitrites, which are part of the meat grown on an industrial scale. In addition, meat contains cholesterol, which provokes obesity and cancer of the breast, gall, kidney and pancreas.

Potato chips

This product is considered one of the most harmful.

The addition of a large amount of nitrites, flavor enhancers, spices, fats and other harmful substances not only contribute to the development of obesity, but also cancer of the pancreas and stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines and other organs.

They should be completely excluded from the diet.

diet cola

Contains aspartame, a substance that replaces sugar in carbonated drinks. It causes cancer of the throat and stomach.

Carbonated drinks

Smoked meats

Their use causes difficulties in the work of the stomach and pancreas, they are difficult for the liver and do not bring much benefit.

When smoking any product, a very dangerous compound is released - a benzopyrene hydrocarbon of a polycyclic nature, which causes cancer. It is not excreted from the body, accumulating in the process of eating.

It is better to replace smoked meats with fresh products.

canned tomatoes

They are especially dangerous. By themselves, these vegetables are very acidic and are not suitable for conservation. Acid can cause mutations at the cellular level. A-bisphenol causes cancer of internal organs, including the stomach and intestines.

Popcorn from the microwave

It consists of carcinogens that kill both the liver and the stomach.

They create an environment for the development of cancerous tumors, so it is recommended to completely exclude it from the diet.

Animal fats

Along with milk, it contributes to the development of breast cancer. Such fat tends to be deposited and collected around all organs, turning into visceral fat. Beef fat increases the concentration of estrogen in the body, which also increases the risk of breast cancer.

Processed cheese and processed foods

Nitrates and nitrines are used in their production. They contribute to the creation of nitrosamine-type carcinogens in the body, which increases the possibility of developing bowel cancer by more than 38%.


They use processed fats and meats, which increase the risk of cancer by 40%.

Most sausages contain a lot of nitrates. With frequent use in food, they are deposited and form carcinogens directly in the body.

Include sausage and sausages in the diet in very small quantities, and be sure to read the labels with the composition.


Contains the most dangerous fats for a living organism. Therefore, all products containing margarine are considered provocateurs of cancerous tumors.

Soy sauce and vinegar

Both of these products are carcinogens. In addition, the sauce contains monosodium glutamate, which is very dangerous for humans.

In no case should you use them often, even in small quantities.

Dairy products

  • Milk;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Koumiss;
  • Cream;
  • Yogurt;
  • Ice cream.

They provoke breast cancer, as they increase the level of estrogen in the blood, which is especially dangerous for women.

White flour and flour products

After careful processing (especially high-grade flour), it not only loses nutrients, but also can be treated with bleach - chlorine in the form of gas.

Fatal cases of poisoning have been recorded. The products themselves, which are made from flour, have a high glycemic index, which provokes cancer of the blood or other organs.

Flavor enhancers

Flavor enhancers are added to purchased products. They are most often carcinogens. Especially dangerous is E 621. It can be found in sausage, fish, instant noodles, bouillon cubes. Poisons the body, infecting and contributing to the appearance of cancer of the stomach, larynx, pancreas, liver and other organs. It is addictive to the products it contains.

Cancer does not develop overnight. Therefore, the use of anti-cancer products and other lifestyle changes can prevent its occurrence. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to use these tips, and you can always visit a doctor in case of problems.

Avoid sugary drinks

Not only do sugary drinks contribute to the development of obesity and diabetes, they can also increase the risk of endometrial cancer. According to studies, women who drink large amounts of sugary drinks increase their risk of cancer by 87%. Most likely, this is due to the extra pounds that these drinks can add.

Eat resistant starches

Resistant starch, found in foods such as green bananas, rolled oats, or beans, may help reduce the risk of colon cancer, in contrast to a diet high in animal protein. Participants in one study experienced a 30 percent increase in cell proliferation in rectal tissue after eating 300 grams of lean meat every day for four weeks. After adding 40 grams of resistant starch, the level of proliferation returned to its previous levels.

Stand more, sit less

People who spend most of their day sitting have a 24% higher risk of colon and endometrial cancer than those who spend less time in a chair. People who spend a lot of time in front of the TV increase this risk by 54%. If you can't be on your feet all the time because of your job, move for at least a few minutes every hour.

Eat Steamed Broccoli

You should eat this superfood often as it actually prevents cancer. But take note: Steamed, it contains more of the phytonutrients glycosinolates than boiled, fried, or microwaved. Nutrients are released into the water during cooking instead of staying in the vegetables.

Eat brazil nuts

They are rich in selenium. This is a trace element that kills cancer cells and helps healthy ones repair their DNA. But make sure you get your selenium from food and not from a supplement. People who took selenium supplements increased their risk of prostate cancer!

Eat garlic

It contains allyl sulfur compounds that can stimulate natural defenses. immune system in the fight against cancer. They also have the potential to help the body get rid of carcinogenic chemicals and cause cancer cells to die naturally. This process is called apoptosis. The study found that women who consumed large amounts of garlic reduced their risk of colon cancer by 50%.

Eat cruciferous vegetables

People who eat vegetables like broccoli different types Cabbage at least once a week reduces the risk of kidney cancer compared to those who consume them less than once a month.

Prepare an anti-cancer dinner

Sauté two cloves of crushed garlic in two tablespoons of olive oil, then toss with diced tomatoes. Use as a dip in whole grain pasta. Lycopene in tomatoes protects against colon, prostate, lung and Bladder, but olive oil helps the body to absorb this element.

Eat artichokes

Artichokes are an excellent source of silymarin. It is an antioxidant that prevents skin cancer and slows down the growth of malignant tumors.

Sunbathe for 15 minutes a day

Nearly 90% of vitamin D comes to your body directly from sunlight, not from food or supplements. Studies have shown that a deficiency in this vitamin impairs communication between healthy cells and allows cancerous cells to spread. People with low level Vitamin D supplements have a higher risk of developing breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, and stomach cancers, as well as osteoporosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and high blood pressure. Your body only needs 15 minutes a day to produce the required levels of this vitamin.

Marinate the meat

The high temperature required to brown meat creates compounds called heterocyclic amines that have been linked to cancer. These compounds lead to DNA damage, which stimulates the growth of tumors in the colon, breast, prostate, and lymph cells. Regular consumption of fried meat increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 60%. But marinating red meat for two hours in beer or wine before cooking reduces these harmful compounds. And the addition of rosemary blocks their formation up to 100%.

Drink green tea

This will reduce your risk of developing breast, ovarian, colon, prostate, and lung cancers. Some scientists believe that the chemical compounds in green tea may be among the most powerful anti-cancer agents due to their high levels of antioxidants.

Have a glass of beer or wine

Alcohol protects against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is known to cause ulcers and can lead to stomach cancer. A moderate amount of wine, beer, or cider can protect you from these bacteria. No more than six glasses of wine a week reduces their number by 11%. But don't overdo it: Drinking more than one or two alcoholic drinks a day increases your risk of throat, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer.

Eat salmon

Eating salmon three times a week or more reduces the risk of colon cancer by 33%. This is because it contains anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which have an anti-cancer effect.

Choose kiwi

You can only eat a little of it, as these fruits are full of cancer-fighting antioxidants, including vitamins C, E, lutein, and copper.

Darken the bedroom

Recent studies show that exposure to light at night can increase the risk of ovarian and breast cancer. Light inhibits the normal production of melatonin, a chemical that regulates our sleep-wake cycles. This increases the production of estrogen, which fuels cancer. The risk of cancer is increased in those women who do not sleep at a time when their melatonin levels are highest.

Eat fewer foods high in animal protein

People who eat red meat every day are 13% more likely to die from heart disease or cancer than those who don't. Switch to low-fat dairy, choose poultry or fish over beef and pork, and use olive oil instead of butter.

Snack on red grapes

It is a source of resveratrol, an antioxidant that slows down the growth of malignant tumors in the lymph nodes, stomach, chest and liver.

Eat onions

It has powerful antioxidant properties and also contains compounds that inhibit the growth of cells that protect the body from cancer.

Walk 30 minutes a day

Active women reduce their risk of developing breast cancer by 30-40%. The point is that moderate physical exercise reduce the level of estrogen in the blood, and this hormone can affect the risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, regular walking reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer by half. This is most likely due to improved insulin metabolism.

Avoid dry cleaning

Many of them still use a chemical called perchlorethylene, which causes kidney and liver damage through repeated exposure or inhalation. Buy clothes that do not require dry cleaning to reduce your exposure to this chemical. If you use dry cleaning services, air your clothes outside or on the balcony before wearing.

Avoid french fries and chips

When foods are baked or fried under high temperatures, carcinogenic compounds appear in them. Their long-term exposure leads to several types of cancer.

Avoid sunburn

Exposure to natural sunlight or tanning beds increases the risk of developing skin cancer. At the same time, tanning sprays cannot be called completely safe, since they contain the chemical dihydroacetone. When inhaling large amounts of this chemical element free radicals associated with cell damage and cancer risk may appear. Therefore, the safest option is to give up tanning.

drink milk

Calcium protects against colon cancer, but for this you need to consume at least 70 mg per day. This amount is found in 345 grams of low-fat yogurt, a cup of skim milk, or 292 grams of spinach.

Eat sauerkraut

The fermentation process produces anti-cancer compounds, including isithiocyanites, indoles, and sulforaphanes. To reduce the sodium content, rinse sauerkraut with water before eating.

Eat less smoked and pickled foods

Do not use a drying lamp in nail salons

UV dryers in nail salons do carry an increased risk of skin cancer. Just 8-14 visits over 24-42 months can damage DNA. Therefore, apply sunscreen before each visit to the nail salon.

Take care of your sexual health

The more sexual partners you have, the higher your risk of contracting the human papillomavirus, which can cause cancer of the cervix, throat, and penis, as well as vaginal or anal cancer. Using a condom and getting the HPV vaccine will help reduce your risk.

Take Advantage of Aspirin

Aspirin not only helps your heart, but also helps protect your body from cancer. If you take it daily, you can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by 20%. But don't take it every day without your doctor's approval, as it can cause bleeding in your digestive tract.