Birch leaves are half dry. Mass death of trees in Russia and Europe

lyudmila alekseeva
Information from the subtle plans of the planet.
27/07. 2012

The distorted structure of the initial field receives the processed plasma of the plant world, which has passed through a purification block in space, concentrated into a stream of radiation. The inclusion of a new hologram into action occurs through the energy block of the citadels, which transmits the radiation of the hologram into the space of cosmic radiation. Energy radiations in the layers of parallel worlds complete their process of double concentration of plasma formations with the energy balance of plasma. The laton fields become denser, a sound force channel opens for the plasma concentrated into blocks, like segmental radiation. Vibrators of space continue global changes in tectonic layers. With a combination of energy flows, wave bursts of distortion occur. The plasma of new individuals is prepared for development with the help of energy accumulators, which at the critical moment of sliding produce synchronization of the manifested plasma. The concentration of energy on the plasma is modified, which densifies the structural lattice for the growth of new bodies, through the hologram structure of the system. Change of gravitational fields by a source of sound - vibrational impulses changes the density of time by the virtual movement of the plasma. When the parallelometric planes of a new formation are opened, in time space, the energy complex of species significance changes with the position of the planet, for the rebuilt gene system, with the interconnection of matter with the solenoid distributor of the planet. The energy plasma of DI - field structures corrects hologram networks by changing the work of the planet's core.
EXPLANATION: Forests are burning on our planet today, there are many of these fires, the energy of the forest matter passes from one state to another. The density of this energy is changing. It is called the waste plasma of the plant world. All dead plants release energy during the transition from one state to another, and this energy is concentrated into streams with a doubled concentration. This is how nature, called parallel worlds, completes its process, passing from a dense state to a decompressed energy state. New species are being prepared for incarnation into matter at the same time as the dead. Many species are changing before our eyes. They will have new properties and new information. Tectonic processes and the formation of new types of matter continue. The density of time programs is changing, which means that the very process of the way of life, the consciousness of a person will also change, but not for everyone, but only for those people who strive for this. Strives for knowledge of what is happening in the world, strives for new knowledge, justice, goodness and love. This is the true gold of life.

A houseplant in the form of an evergreen liana with chic decorative leaves is called birch or cissus. Growing such a green decoration belonging to the Grape family is not difficult. The leaves of this ampelous plant are diamond-shaped, the flowers are small and inconspicuous. At home, the home birch flower rarely blooms.

Birch flower: home care

Caring for a birch home flower usually does not cause any difficulties, as the plant is unpretentious and grows rapidly under favorable conditions.


Partial shade is considered a suitable place for it. Although in a well-lit place, it also grows well. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not burn its leaves.

Temperature regime

The minimum temperature for cissus is 15 degrees. To prevent the plant from dropping leaves in the cold season, it is better to protect it from drafts.


For irrigation, it is better to use only settled water at room temperature. Excess moisture to the plant is contraindicated. In summer, watering is best done after sunset. The basic rule is: the higher the flower is, the more often it is recommended to water it. In the cold season, the plant is recommended to be watered with warm water. It is better to do this in the morning with a watering can with small holes.

In the warm season, cissus needs regular spraying.

Soil care rules

If the water slowly seeps into the ground, then it must be changed.

home flower birch. Care

It is necessary to feed the birch tree once a week with complex and mineral fertilizers.

Tip: in order for cissus to grow actively, it is recommended to draw up a schedule of fertilizing, watering, loosening the soil and other flower care activities.

Transplant and pruning

  • soddy soil - 2 parts;
  • sheet soil - 2 parts;
  • humus - 2 parts;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

Tip: For transplanting, it is better to use a ceramic pot. The diameter of the flowerpot depends on the volume of the root system.

The cissus transplant process is as follows:

  • Lay a drainage layer 10-20 mm thick on the bottom of the flowerpot.
  • Lay part of the soil mixture on top of the drainage layer. It should fill one third of the container.
  • Gently place the rhizomes of the plant in the center and sprinkle with the remaining earth.
  • The plant must be placed in such a way that the upper roots do not reach the surface by 3-4 cm.
  • The soil is not compacted.
  • After transplanting, the plant must be watered immediately and moved to a dark place for several days.

To give the plant a beautiful shape and decorative look pruning is recommended. Spring is the best time for this.

Birch home flower reproduction

Cissus is usually propagated by cuttings subject to temperature regime about 20 degrees. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the apical shoot from the plant. For rooting cuttings, water or a sandy-peat substrate is suitable.

Birch can also be propagated with twigs. The most suitable period for this is considered spring. Branches that remain after pruning the plant are suitable for reproduction.

After rooting, the branches or cuttings are transplanted into nutrient soil. At proper care the plant will grow quickly.

What to do if the leaves of a home birch dry or turn yellow?

When growing cissus, the following problems may arise:

  • Dry tips of the leaves indicate that the air is too dry in the room.
  • If mold or brown spots appear on the leaves, this indicates that the soil is too wet.
  • If the birch grows quickly upwards, while its leaves fade or look unnatural, then this means that the flower needs fertilizer.
  • With a sharp temperature drop or when the roots rot, the leaves of the plant can massively fall off.
  • In the cold season, birch growth slows down. This is considered a natural process. The lack of nutrients is slower growth in summer.

Birch home flower: signs

WITH houseplant birch is associated with some superstitions and omens. People believe that this flower keeps men out of the house. There is no direct evidence of this, but still many do not risk planting this flower at home. Everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Below are some of them.

Oksana, 30, writes: “I am of the opinion that it is undesirable to keep a birch tree in the house. It seems to me that this is not fiction. I no longer keep this plant in my apartment, I threw it away a long time ago. And I want to say that my personal life has improved. I don’t know, of course, maybe it all coincided like that, but I don’t want to risk it anymore. ”

Milana, 35 years old, writes: “The birch is a harmless plant, moreover, it is very unpretentious and grows rapidly. Handles gas well. I don’t think that this beautiful plant can negatively affect family relationships.”

Lena, 27, writes: “If you believe in omens, they will surely come true. I have several of these birch trees in my family. They grew magnificently, beautifully, but in our house there was a woman's monastery. Men didn’t stay in the family for a long time until we put cissus in the entrance.”

Olga, 29 years old, writes: “I somehow grew a birch, but, unfortunately, it has recently dried up. I believe that this flower cannot survive men from home. My mother-in-law has been growing this plant for decades. Despite this, she and her father-in-law have been living soul to soul for 40 years. My husband and I are fine too."

Home flower birch, care. Video

“I was driving yesterday along the Kiev highway. Throughout the journey, almost all the birches stood dry, bare, scary. Those with the remains of foliage are somehow gnawed! - this is how an eyewitness began her letter to us, faced with a frightening picture along the highway. Such landscapes that attract the attention of people, it should be noted, have long been not uncommon in Russia. A special peak of such cases occurred in the period after 2010 - a year of unprecedented, anomalous heat. But is this the only reason for “sick” birch trees, because since that time the number of diseased trees has hardly decreased. We tried to understand this issue and found five main reasons that can affect the condition of the trees.

One of the main factors is a direct consequence of human activity. If, for example, during the treatment of roads with reagents, which are now used very actively in Russia, the technology was violated, then harmful fumes will rise into the air.And the cars, rushing at speed, will raise a poisonous salt cloud, which will then envelop the trees.. In this case, the affected area can reach thirty meters in height. In winter, snow contaminated with the reagent is often piled directly on the lawns, contrary to the ban. As a result, the soil becomes saline and the vegetation dies.

It should be noted that most of the eyewitnesses' appeals concern just the trees growing along the highway. Under the influence of such factors, they usually either die or produce weak diseased leaves in the spring, the condition of which is also affected by the high concentration of heavy metals contained in the exhaust gases.

We are in other social networks:

Is it worth it to talk about how good birch is? The general opinion will be unambiguous. But it also happens that the owners of the plots are not at all pleased with the white-trunked trees that have grown near the house, in the garden or vegetable garden. They can be understood. This is the fragility of the trunk with a hurricane wind. Mature trees shade the area. Often there are wires in the crown of a fast-growing tree. Birch works as a powerful pump that dries up the soil. In some cases, this pleases, in others, it becomes necessary to moisten the soil. Many troubles can be avoided if you pick up a pruner and begin to form a seedling, and as a reward you will receive strong low trees and garden bonsai. Then the birch trees, the height of which will be under control all the time, will help drain damp places, and the garden bonsai will decorate the site.

Ferns look beautiful next to the birch

Where to get birch?

Any birch is perfectly formed. A seedling can be purchased at a garden center or nursery. It's easier to dig in the wasteland. If you walk along swollen ditches and embankments, you will be more likely to find a tree with a bizarrely twisted trunk.

There are many birches in the forest. Especially in the undergrowth, which is completely or partially removed during sanitary felling. But a trip to the forest near Moscow with a shovel in hand can end in serious trouble. Be sure to read the Forest Code before heading into the woods for planting material for your site.

Remember the Forest Code when going to the forest for planting material

We rarely think about the diversity of birches in our area. I realized this when I was forming another tree, found on the site of an old estate near Moscow. There was nothing left but an ancient birch with fairly large velvety leaves. There were many seedlings around different ages. I dug up one of them and planted it in our yard.

What kind of forms does not create nature. The hidden beauty of Karelian birches and the luxury of their wood. Wind-bent trees that have to survive in the harsh North. On the Onega and Ladoga lakes, trees grow, the roots of which manage to squeeze into the cracks of stone monoliths.

What forms nature does not create!

Choose the shape of the trunk and crown

Birches can be formed in a variety of ways. There are grafted trees with a weeping crown that can be purchased at garden centers. I like to create beauty with my own hands. With secateurs and garden shears in hand. I do not use bending and tying branches.

The "umbrella" is overgrown, it's time to correct the crown with sharp garden shears

First, you should look at the seedling. Determine its purpose. If there are no ideas, form a crown in the shape of an umbrella or a ball. Birches with crooked trunks are more suitable for garden bonsai. But it will take a long time to work on the backbone - the basis of bonsai.

The basis of garden bonsai is its backbone

At one birch, I had to leave a trunk a little less than two meters high and not allow the crown to expand and grow upwards. I need this tree in order to drain the far corner of the site where the drainage groove ends. There are containers with humus, a barrel for watering and a greenhouse, which I would not like to shade.

Take a closer look at the huge birches growing in "heaps". They do not interfere with each other if they have enough light. Low trees planted in a row can also coexist peacefully. Feel free to create birch hedges and screens. Just do not forget to cut them, giving the desired shape. I made a narrow birch screen up to two meters long.

I want to draw attention to the fact that pruning not only limits the size of the tree, but also slows down its growth, strengthens the backbone.

Wires are stretched over this birch, so limiting the growth of the tree is so important.

We have two pines and two birches of the same age growing on our site. This is hard to believe when you compare the dimensions of those trees that were allowed to grow freely and those that were regularly pruned.

Saw and pruner banned

All of our birches tolerate pruning easily. Unless it is carried out in the spring before the leaves are fully blooming. During the sap flow, the birch must not be touched: it will not cry, but sob. It was during this period that birch sap is collected from mature trees.

No need to form a crown in late autumn. There should be a margin of time for the wounds to dry out.

I never do pruning in rainy weather. I cover large wounds with paint on drying oil or pharmaceutical greenery. Small in dry weather tighten themselves.

Mature (especially old) birches do not tolerate trunk pruning. Our huge birch, grown from a seedling, is no exception. We made the mistake of letting the tree grow and only then thought about the consequences. Now you have to attach a high folding ladder to the trunk and shorten all the thick branches that have grown on top.

The mutilated crown of an adult tree is less visible in summer

It is better to limit birch in growth from a very young age. Then there will be no ugly "stump" on top. And the tree itself will be healthier. This does not apply to those birch trees, which it was decided not to limit in growth.

winter beauty

In winter, birch trees always attract attention, especially formed ones.

In winter, we see only the "skeleton" of birch trees. It is at this time of the year that the bizarre curves of garden bonsai attract attention. True, all the flaws are more noticeable than in the summer under the foliage.

Many remember who did a lot of trouble. They did not spare the birch either. Garden bonsai under the ice crust not only did not suffer, but also looked spectacular.

Freezing rain did not damage strong birch trees with a formed crown. Large trees in forests and parks he did not spare

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On many garden plots birch trees grow, which the owners did not cut down in the process of developing their allotments. Two or three years ago, we noticed that in some healthy-looking adult trees, the tops suddenly began to dry out for no apparent reason and no human intervention. With what it can be connected? Will such a fate await all the birches in the district?

The candidate of page - x answers. Sci. Olga Chemarina:

The answer to this question depends on the specific circumstances.

The average life expectancy of birches is 100-120 years. But foresters believe that after 70 these trees enter old age and can gradually dry out in the future. And one of the "age signs" indicating a strong weakening of the birch is dry top. However, such "old women" can live for quite a long time. I saw dried-up birches, according to legend, planted by order of Prince Potemkin along the road along which Empress Catherine II was supposed to travel: that is, these trees are more than 200 years old.

If a dry top appeared on a young birch, then this is a sign of either some kind of disease, or a weakening of the plant caused by stress, a change in the environment. Such unfortunate consequences can be caused, for example, by a violation of the water-air regime of the soil due to reclamation work, the construction of roads, as well as the erection of buildings, capital fences or other structures on the foundation. In addition, dry top may be due to the fact that the root neck was covered with a layer of earth - this happens quite often during the development of land plots. Sometimes the soil selected when digging a pit is used to level the site or to create a lawn. For the same purpose, fertile soil is imported, and part of it, when backfilled, falls into the region of the root collar.

If you want to save dead top birch, you need to watch it. Weakened trees are susceptible to attack by pests, which often turn out to be carriers of bacterial diseases. If you wish, you can contact specialists from the nearest leshoz who will examine your trees, assess their condition and give qualified recommendations for care. But you should regularly inspect birches yourself. For example, on trees affected by bacterial dropsy, traces of the vital activity of bacteria appear - weeping reddish spots. Sometimes secretions accumulate under the bark, forming swellings. The bast and wood in the affected areas become wet, acquire a dark brown color and a sour smell. Timely detected foci of the disease can be treated. To do this, it is necessary to remove the dead bark, clean the wood to a healthy tissue, pickle with a 5% solution of copper sulfate and paint with oil or nitro paint. This makes sense if the disease has captured only part of the circumference of the trunk. Mechanical damage is also treated in order to avoid the germination of fungal spores on them.

If the treatment procedure seems laborious to you or the disease has gone too far, then it is better to cut down the tree.