How to decorate a garden, backyard, summer cottage (50 photos). Do-it-yourself dacha landscape design from improvised materials Beautiful site design

Dacha modern man is a place of reunion with nature, restoration of emotional and physical balance. The degree of rest of the soul and body in a suburban area depends on the harmony of living and inanimate objects located on it. Making a summer cottage with your own hands, landscape ideas, photos - today's topic of discussion of our site.

Landscaping - what to consider?

Landscape design cannot be approached randomly, embodying ideas that are not related to each other on different parts of land holdings. To create a sense of complete harmony, one general idea is needed, to which smaller ones will be subordinated.

Making a summer cottage begins with a landscape idea

Experts give a lot of advice about the design of a summer cottage with their own hands. We want to draw your attention to the main ones.

First of all, you should decide on the design style. The choice of idea should match the desired environment and fit the architecture and perennial garden plants.
When choosing flora for landscape design, it is important to keep in mind the quality of the soil, the illumination of the site, as well as the amount of time and effort planned for caring for the dacha.
You should not rush to extremes, making the design of a summer cottage with your own hands too simple or, on the contrary, too pretentious. The main thing is to create a harmonious and conducive environment for a good rest, but too creative ideas often bring disharmony and quickly get bored.

The main task of decorating a dacha with your own hands is to achieve harmony and comfort

Classic / regular style in the design of a summer cottage with a photo

The main features of the classical style, which is at the peak of popularity in the revival era, are symmetry and order. Experts recommend using this design in city parks, near official establishments.

In the photo, the park, decorated in classical style

It can be implemented on a fairly open summer cottage with an area of ​​at least 15 acres. A smaller dress will not allow you to fully display the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe style.

Architecture must be visible

Classic design implies absolute symmetry to a certain axis, strictly geometric lines and figures in architecture and plantings, smooth and clear paths. Pavilions are located at the intersection of paths. An important detail is a well-visible architecture.

Classics are characterized by absolute symmetry and clarity of forms.

making out country cottage area in a regular style, it is important to remember that it will not be possible to allow long breaks in care. It is necessary to strictly maintain the condition of lawns and ideal forms of plantings with your own hands or with the help of trained workers. This idea is best implemented in areas with the constant presence of a gardener.

Strict forms of plantings must be constantly maintained with your own hands or with the help of a gardener.

Elements: fountains and sculptures in the Greek style; classical columns; forged benches; stone or plaster balls; stone or metal flowerpots; container landings; arches and pergolas; hedges.

Forest style for a cozy homestead with photo ideas

Country, or forest, style - the perfect solution for a summer cottage near the forest. In this case the main task- do not disturb the general harmony, using ideas that do not reveal the intervention of human hands. Every detail should emphasize the beauty of natural forest landscapes and create a sense of pristine nature.

For a shady area near the forest, a forest-style design is suitable.

Even a small area is suitable for a forest style, but it is best embodied in a country house of more than 6 acres. The house should be located in the depth of the site. Shade and humidity are welcome. Examples good design look at the photo.

In the photo, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating in a forest style

What does forest landscape design include? Forest trees and wild flowers. Streams or ponds of natural shape, paths of arbitrary shapes, covered with wood, stones, thick grass. Bright flowers near the house and along the main path.

Forest trees and wild flowers are the main design elements

Simple shops straight shape and circular near the trees. Wooden furniture, fences, swings, figurines. Antique items of Russian life. Lighting - hidden.

English style for a summer cottage

English style is full of elegance and naturalness. Ideal for him shaded, low-lying suburban area with irregular shapes borders, larger than 12 acres. The design in this case should not radically change the natural landscapes. But the intervention of the human hand should be obvious.

Making a summer cottage with your own hands in the English style

The English style is lawns with lawns surrounded by trees and shrubs with pyramidal or hanging crowns; an abundance of perennial crops; creepers on brick walls; landscape ponds.

The house surrounded by flowers is located in the back of the plot

The house is located in the back of a suburban area surrounded by flowers. The paths are winding, covered with grass, gravel, wood or bark. Pavilions at the intersection of roads.

Individual elements can be elegant benches, large stones, flowerpots on a leg, elevated flower beds. The sophistication of the English style is emphasized by classical sculptures, but no more than two.

Exquisite benches and sculptures in the English style

Japanese style in cottage design

The Japanese have a peculiar, philosophical view of nature. Simple compositions, the main elements of which are stones, plants and water, have a special, hidden meaning.

Stones play a big role in the design of a summer cottage in the Japanese style.

It is noteworthy that the Japanese style is applicable to the allotment of absolutely any size. Even on a summer cottage with an area of ​​​​1 weave, you can fully realize the idea (see photo).

To implement the idea with your own hands, just 1 weave is enough

Japanese style- this is an absolute asymmetry, a scatter in forms, color and texture. The chosen direction is emphasized by stone paths, streams, ponds, bridges and fountains.

Decoration should be done on each individual zone, and then combined. Self-developed design and hand-made ideas will take on even more meaningful meaning.

The photo shows a plot in Japanese design.

French style of land allotment design

For owners of small sunny summer cottages, it is worth thinking about decorating in the French style. Even 1 weave is enough to create it. On a large area, this idea will look even less attractive.

It is easy to create a French courtyard with your own hands at your own summer cottage

Create a cozy French patio in your country house with my own hands not difficult. Lawn is a must. correct form, through which the path to the house passes, and along the perimeter - ornamental plants. The trees are predominantly fruit trees. Paths made of old brick or stones with a small side on the sides.

Near the house - a paved area of ​​sandstone or old bricks. High beds with vegetables and spices, framed by wicker fences.

Old bricks and stones are essential elements of French style

The design of the fence should contain old bricks. Supports entwined with vines emphasize the sophistication of the French style.

The embodiment of high-tech style at their summer cottage

Hi-tech is a modern approach to the design of a summer residence. Style implies application latest materials, unusual plants and the most daring ideas. The advantages of this landscape design are: ease of maintenance and the possibility of using it on an area of ​​any size.

Pictured is a hi-tech cottage

Even a narrow area can be dressed in high-tech style. The main thing is that it has sunny zones, and the shape resembles a geometric figure.

Hi-tech is a great idea for a narrow suburban area

Style requirements: contrast, creativity of ideas, use of glass, metal, modern composites and carefully crafted wood. Spectacular lighting - visible and hidden, in any color and in any place. Unusually designed ponds.

Spectacular high-tech lighting

In general, the site resembles a studio apartment, where there is no clear demarcation into zones. Paths - straight, zigzag or regular round shape. Light colors predominate in the design of the landscape. Accent elements are usually red, black, yellow or orange. Examples are in the photo.

Fantasy - do-it-yourself cottage for dreamers

On a large summer cottage, you can embody a less popular, and therefore a particularly attractive fantasy style. It contains landscape design ideas related to the remnants of past civilizations. This is a combination of chivalry and mystical mysteries of ancestors, a combination of romance and the bewitching beauty of nature.

To implement the idea with your own hands, a plot of more than 8 acres with partial shading is perfect. Possibly on a slope.

Style attributes - stone fences and compositions, dense plantings, overgrown reservoirs and streams, winding paths, forest trees, bizarrely shaped driftwood, vertical gardening. In architecture - turrets and lattices. Do not forget about circular shapes, dangling paths and hidden areas.

Minimalism - simple and expressive

Pictured is a minimalist garden

It is quite difficult to do it yourself without special training, because from the minimum set of elements you need to create a complete picture. But it is the easiest to maintain and is suitable for both a plot of 1 weave and 12 acres.

The style of minimalism is an abundance of paving (using large slabs), ponds with cascades, steps, paths of simple shapes, clear forms of all elements, level differences, a minimum of details, a restrained color palette. Mandatory large patio. Photos will help you determine the strict requirements of this direction.

Minimalist do-it-yourself courtyard

Country style at their summer cottage - rest of the soul

Country style, or rural, is cheerfulness, brightness, simplicity and naturalness. Making this type is easy to do with your own hands, as it does not have clear restrictions.

Rural design of a summer cottage - a simple idea for do-it-yourself implementation

But care must subsequently be timely, otherwise the site will become chaotic and untidy. The size of the plot does not matter.

Country style is suitable for a site of any size

Probably ideas to create rural style in the country come intuitively. Who has not seen the Russian village? This is the absence of lawns, lush and bright flower beds, a rich vegetable garden, wooden or wicker fences, smooth paths covered with wood, bark or gravel and framed by curbs, small ponds.

Bright flowers are a must

Alpine style - a successful design of a summer residence on a slope

The site, which can be decorated with your own hands in the Alpine style, should be located on a natural slope and well lit by the sun. Minimum size- 3 acres. Such a landscape looks very picturesque and conducive to a good rest.

Do-it-yourself summer cottage in Alpine style

The task of this direction in landscape design is the repetition of mountain landscapes. Mandatory elements: large and small stones and all kinds of compositions from them, waterfalls and streams, winding paths, terraces, platforms, steps, bridges.

Landscape idea reminiscent of a mountain landscape

The house is usually located at the highest point. It should form a single complex with other buildings on the site. The color range of plantings is predominantly light with many bright inclusions.

The house is located on the highest point

A dacha on a flat plot is an excellent springboard for the implementation of individual ideas taken from the Alpine style. Rock gardens, rockeries and flower streams will be the perfect decoration for individual zones. You can find many similar ideas on the Internet to make them your own on your site.

Pictured rock garden
Oriental style for a small cottage

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecoration in an oriental style is easy to apply on your site, which has an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 6 acres, preferably 2 or 3. This will allow you to create a cheerful corner with your own hands. A well-suited allotment with a close location of buildings, well flooded with sunlight. Oriental style is easy to implement in a narrow area.

Mosaic is an important element of oriental style in landscape design.

We have introduced you to the most popular do-it-yourself dacha design styles. Landscape ideas, photos of which are posted in the article, will help you create your own "paradise" in your own country house. Grass trimmer rating

Every person should have this cozy place where he wishes to come and will be able to spend time with pleasure. And usually such a place is a cottage. After all, it is there that you can relax and unwind from all the worries and bustle of the city.

There are many options for how to beautifully decorate a summer cottage with flowers, so that later you can enjoy its natural beauty. The ennobled garden and the fragrance of flowers in it will create a pleasant and iridescent atmosphere. To do this, you need to come up with original flower beds and unusual flower beds that will transform any garden plot.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for your summer cottage, you should pay attention to those flowers that do not require special care and do not need frequent watering. They should be bright and beautiful.

If one decides to plant perennial flowers, then they usually disperse themselves and may appear from year to year in a different place. For such flowers, it is desirable to take a special place. If you plan to plant annual flowers, then you can plant them as you wish.

Original flower beds always look plausible and sometimes take up a lot of space on the site. But, if you want to beautifully decorate your territory, you will have to dream up on this topic. The site can be decorated in a special way from improvised materials. In the course can go: plastic bottles, ceramics, stones or the remains of unnecessary furniture. You can transform the site in your country house in such a way that it will simply become unrecognizably delightful and beautiful.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Flower bed options

If a person cannot come up with an excellent idea for a flower garden and the design of the site as a whole, then he can use a printout of ready-made options. When you have good pictures of improved areas before your eyes, it is much easier to decide on the design of your site. You can roughly draw a plan that will display all flower arrangements with unique flower beds and flower beds. And already, based on this plan, it will be possible to move what was conceived on paper to the prepared site.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Waste chandelier

Most people make repairs and get rid of old things in the house, acquiring new ones. Surely everyone has an old unnecessary chandelier that can be ideally used as a street planter.

This is how the original chandelier plays a completely different role. If earlier light bulbs were screwed into the chandelier, now earth is poured and flowers bloom, as in pots. Such a flower garden can be placed on the ground or hung somewhere. The flowers themselves must be low grades.

regular basket

Flower beds from old baskets look very interesting. And if they are also with handles, then this allows them to be moved sometimes, when necessary. The cottage looks both cozy and unusual.

Flowers in a boat

If there is an old boat, then it can be a wonderful decoration for a garden plot. The boat is a ready-made flower bed. It remains only to bring land and plant flowers. If the territory of the summer cottage has a large area, then you can arrange several boats. Flowers can be absolutely anything: both tall and short.

A flower bed from a boat contributes wonderful holiday and romantic mood, because it is the personification of romance and helps a person to remember his childhood and the distant past.

A stream of flowers

The streams of flowers that seem to flow from a jug look interesting. To do this, you need to find any suitable vessel or there may be several. You can take a can, lay it slightly on its side and plant white flowers, then it will look like milk is flowing from it. This is how unusual flower streams can decorate a summer cottage. It is better to choose flowers that are undersized so that they do not cover the can itself and really look like a stream.

flower waterfall

If there is a large tub or pan, then you can arrange a whole flower waterfall in the garden. Flowers can be planted both in the pan itself and near it. It will look like a waterfall is flowing.

The effect of a large flower bed

Flowers planted in an old cart will look very impressive, especially if a person wants to definitely see a large flower bed on his site. This flower bed can be supplemented with an original donkey. Densely planted flowers of low grades will look best. If the cart is tilted, then the flower continuation is seated on the ground. The shape is given at will: either in the form of a zigzag, or in the form of a circle. Flowers can be of the same variety, but preferably of different colors. Be sure to have at least three flowers in such a flower bed. So the flower bed will look the most noble and rich.


Tires have long been an indispensable material for home design and that only one of them is not invented. Beautiful flower beds and flowerpots have been made from tires for a long time, which have been pleasing to the human eye for many years. You can plant a wide variety of flowers, and decorate the flower bed beautifully. Some people just paint them, others cut off the top of the tire and use it instead of a stand. And tires can be interestingly folded into a pyramid if they different sizes and paint with different colors.

The tire can even be cut in the form of a swan, and this is also not uncommon, many people already use this common option. With tires, you can fantasize in different ways, the main thing is to stock up on multi-colored paints.

The main thing that a person should remember is not to throw away old furniture. It can be very useful for the design and design of the garden plot. Creative people will definitely find a use for it, because unnecessary furniture can turn out to be a ready-made flower bed.

Even from an old piano you can create a beautiful and unique flower bed. And how cozy a shabby closet or chest of drawers will look in the open air, if it is also given elegance by painting it in a bright color. Such a chest of drawers can become an unusual flower garden and play the role of a stand for flowerpots. Also, an unnecessary writing table can play the role of a stand. And to make the atmosphere more comfortable, you can put an old lamp on the table, decorative stones and flower pots. If this table has drawers, then one of them can be filled with earth and planted flowers. Then you get a table with an extended drawer, in which flower arrangements are fragrant.

Old furniture fits perfectly into the garden interior and looks very harmonious on the site. For these purposes, old beds and chairs are also used. On chairs, instead of sitting, contents with a floral arrangement are inserted. If there are benches on the site, then you can also put baskets of flowers on them. Only flowers should be artificial, as an addition to the floral decoration. The furniture looks very harmonious and comfortable on the site.

Old dishes fit perfectly into any interior: pots, kettles, basins. And also watering cans and old shoes are used: shoes, shoes. Shoes, for example, can be placed near the flower bed, and the kettle on the desk.

flower arch

If you decide to build a flower arch, then of course any flowers will not work, these should be climbing plants, which over time will completely cover the arch itself with greenery and flowers. For the arch, it is enough to use a metal wire, but it must be fixed at a right angle. This can be done before entering the garden. Looks very cute and festive.

A bike

An ordinary bicycle can serve as a stand, which can be beautifully decorated with flower baskets or flowers in boxes.

Pot of watermelon and pumpkin bark

Watermelon and pumpkin bark can make a wonderful flower pot. And no costs. I ate a watermelon - that's the container.

Plastic and glass bottles

They enclose the flower bed very well with bottles, both plastic and glass, digging them into the ground with their necks. It turns out very beautiful. And there is a large field for creativity, since the flower bed can be given any shape and an interesting outline.

If plastic bottles are used, then they must first be filled with earth or sand for weighting. If a person does not plan to color the bottles, then it is advisable to pick them up in the same color. For example, brown bottles filled with sand will look like forest stumps. Glass bottles they are heavy in themselves, so they do not need to be filled.

Stones are often used for flower beds and simply serve as decoration for any site. They decorate home-made fountains and rivers, and also lay flower beds out of stone.

What flowers are best for a summer cottage

First of all, those flowers that bloom should be present on the site. long time and do not require special care, since no one will go to the dacha in order to water the flowers. Therefore, before planting flowers, you need to give preference to non-capricious and simple plants. Usually planted medicinal plants(calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort), as they easily tolerate drought and are characterized by long flowering.

Each summer resident is interested in the durability and beauty of his site, so he is likely to choose flowers such as: marigolds, bluebells, because they bloom very profusely and delight for a long time. Calendula and St. John's wort - unpretentious plants, so they grow and bloom in any soil all summer. Peonies, asters, irises, lilies can become a real decoration of a summer cottage. They differ in their brightness. For a flowering patterned canvas, poppies and cornflowers are best suited. Tansy and sage are suitable for summer residents who do not have time to care for flowers.

This is how you can unusually decorate your summer cottage with flower beds, flower beds, flower pots and baskets. Thanks to creative ideas, you can create a very cozy and holistic look for the area you want to decorate. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it is still necessary to have a sense of proportion. In order for the summer cottage to make a good impression on others, flower beds and flower beds should look very harmonious.

What is a suburban area without a swing? You can make them yourself: from an old chair, board, skateboard or bench. The most important thing is a strong base and good ropes. Drill four holes in the board, insert a strong rope into them and hang the swing in a suitable place (old wood or reliable beams are best).

Down with the same boring flower beds, improvise! Make creative flower beds: from a chest of drawers, a bed, chairs, a cart, or even a piano.

Freshen up a garden cart or leaky boat, paint it with paint or clear varnish, plant bright flowers in it, and make the neighbors jealous.

Decorate it with flowers, hang a welcome sign, put up a couple of lanterns with candles and add some unusual details.

We are sure that relatives and friends will appreciate the creative ideas.

Why does the summer cottage seem uncomfortable? Perhaps instead of pretty and neat garden paths old boards or gray rubble lie. (even the one that remained from the renovation in the bathroom), thin wooden stumps or small stones.

Of course, this is not fast and expensive, but the updated paths will radically transform the site.

You need to water the beds and flower beds almost every day, so a long green (or black) hose will be stretched all over the site or just lying around. Agree, it is ugly and unattractive.

We suggest coming up with a house for the hose: let it be a copper or clay pot, a small barrel or a large shiny pan. Now the hose will not get in the way under your feet and spoil the whole view.

The original purpose of shutters on windows is to protect the glass from damage, and the house from the cold. Now we perceive them exclusively as a decorative detail for decorating a garden house.

If your house has shutters, then it's time to update them: paint them in bright colors, decorate them with fun patterns or flowers.

Make for our feathered friends. As always, it is better to use improvised materials. For example, an old chandelier or a tea pair.

Just do not hang the feeder close to the beds with berries, otherwise the birds may accidentally treat themselves to the harvest.

Simple (and especially old) wooden fence- it's boring. Use your imagination: decorate the fence with bright patterns, improvised windows and colored holes.

The original fence will cheer up all residents country house and his neighbors.

Thought that an ordinary stump can be turned into a neat table? Place a round tabletop made of wood or glass on a stump, put a vase of flowers and run to brew tea.

To turn the patio into a romantic place for evening gatherings, hang electric garlands. And no matter what is not now New Year let the festive mood be every day.

11. Collect furniture from pallets

Wooden pallets are just a godsend for a summer cottage. From transport pallets you can make full set garden furniture: a couple of sofas and a small table.

Paint pallets in bright colors with a special moisture-resistant paint or coat them with a transparent protective impregnation. Then put soft mattresses on homemade sofas and chairs and decorative pillows. Wonderful furniture, isn't it?

Every owner dreams. After all, I want him to surprise with his harmony and cause sincere admiration. It is not so difficult to give the site beauty. But for this you need to show a little imagination. No need to think that only designers can create a beautiful landscape. You can arrange your site yourself. decorative elements easy to get in a variety of specialized stores. But if you give it a little time, you can create interesting design cottages with their own hands. In this case, you can be sure that the site will become unique, and your exclusive decor will not be found anywhere else.

Planning stage

Any improvement begins with design. The dacha is no exception. Do-it-yourself site design should begin with planning. To do this, draw a diagram on paper. Be sure to apply all the elements of the landscape on it.

This plan will help you see the whole picture. If necessary, you can remove or add something. When drawing, be sure to consider the scale.

In addition, when considering the design of a cottage with your own hands, be sure to consider important factors:

  1. The location of future elements relative to the cardinal points, the wind rose, as well as the illumination of the site.
  2. Relief features.
  3. Careful observance of fire safety and hygiene standards.

Landscaping update

Many summer residents think: what trees and shrubs can give the site a beautiful well-groomed look? At the same time, I want to choose plants that are easy to care for and useful.

You can perfectly update the design of the cottage with your own hands with the help of such decorative coniferous trees as:

  • weymouth pine;
  • spruce blue;
  • spiny pine;
  • Korean fir;
  • umbrella Japanese pine;
  • Korean golden spruce;
  • Canadian hemlock;
  • white oriental pine.

Of course, there should be a variety of plants on the site. Fruit trees are very popular.

  • apple trees;
  • cherries;
  • pears;
  • plums.

Ornamental fruit shrubs will bring significant benefits:

  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • rose hip;
  • Teren garden;
  • raspberries;
  • gooseberry;
  • currant.


The decorative properties of shrubs are very often underestimated. Summer residents plant flowers and take care of them. But it is shrubs that can perform quite important functions. For example, many of them can become hedges, perfectly decorating the cold surface of the fence.

For these purposes, you can use shrubs such as:

  • forsythia;
  • spirea;
  • garden lilac;
  • Japanese kerria;
  • garden jasmine;
  • camellia;
  • rhododendron;
  • hydrangea;
  • azalea.

Unusual flower beds

Nothing decorates the site like flowers. However, they need a beautiful "frame". You can make it with your own hands. Therefore, if unnecessary clothes, furniture, old containers are lying around the house, do not rush to throw them away. Connect your fantasy. After all, from many things you can make beautiful flowerpots. They will fill your flowers in the country with amazing and unique details.

Do-it-yourself design of unusual flower beds will not cause difficulties if you use a few ideas:

  1. Many flowers are in boxes in winter. It is not necessary to transplant them into the ground. Plants can be taken to the site directly in them. This form allows you to create beautiful vertical flower beds. It is enough to hang the box on the wall of the house or a fence.
  2. In an old chair, you can remove excess fabric and springs. Plant flowers instead. This flower bed will delight you with fresh greenery.
  3. Drawers from old tables, bedside tables, chests of drawers can be originally placed on the site. Organize a small flower bed of them. This decor will perfectly emphasize your flowers in the country. Do-it-yourself design can be done even by a beginner.
  4. An unnecessary shoe can be useful. Plant flowers in it and hang it with special loops or laces.
  5. A metal old cage can become a wonderful flower bed. Plant flowers in it that will beautifully descend along thin rods. Such a cage can be hung in a gazebo, on a tree branch or on a veranda.
  6. An excellent flower bed can be made from old burlap. It is enough to attach a ribbon to it. For the same purpose, you can use old unnecessary bags.
  7. Under the flower bed, objects lying right under your feet are perfect. A long-cut log will become an excellent flower garden. It is only necessary to cut a recess and plant plants in it.
  8. Stump can be used. It is easy to arrange a beautiful flower bed in it. Just choose plants with falling shoots. They perfectly decorate the stump.
  9. Are you using old barrel or a can. Knock her over. Plant beautiful plants nearby. The impression of a "river" flowing from the tank will be created. Such a flower bed looks great on a green plain background.
  10. An old bathtub will make a great flowerpot for your plants.
  11. An unnecessary cart filled with flowers can be the highlight of your site. It is enough to paint it, decorate it and move it to a beautiful place.

These are just a few ideas. Connect your imagination, and the design of a cottage with your own hands from improvised materials will become not only a simple, but also a very entertaining task. Don't be afraid to create!

bright flowers

Making the design of a flower bed in the country with your own hands, pick up colorful plants that will give the site comfort and cheer you up.

Beautiful perennial vines are great for vertical flower beds:

  • fruit grapes;
  • honeysuckle-capricole;
  • actinidia;
  • clematis;
  • wisteria;
  • ivy;
  • kampsis.

One-year-old flowers look great:

  • morning glory;
  • nasturtium hybrid;
  • climbing kobe;
  • echinocystis;
  • tunbergia winged;
  • petunia;
  • ampelous fuchsia;
  • Snapdragon;
  • diascia.

Alpine slide

This stunning composition will instantly transform any area.

If you plan to diversify the landscape design in the country with your own hands, then create an alpine slide.

The list of main plants for her is as follows:

  • creeping junipers;
  • dwarf spruce;
  • small thuja bushy;
  • cotoneaster horizontal;
  • small cypress trees;
  • iberis;
  • dryad;
  • rocky beetroot;
  • carnation short stem;
  • saxifrage;
  • young;
  • early flowering: blueberries, chionodoxes, snowdrops;
  • late tulip, birdman, pushkinia;
  • Colchicums, autumn crocuses;
  • primroses, Irish moss (sagina, bryozoan), low heather.

Arrangement of tracks

Each owner knows how necessary paths are in the country. However, they are also an important component of landscape design. That is why they also need to pay attention.

Let's analyze a few ideas that allow you to create an amazing cottage design with your own hands from improvised materials:

  • A traditional stone walkway will be a wonderful decoration for any site. Along it you can plant various flowers, such as hydrangeas.
  • The path, combined from raw and even stones, looks original. But make sure that it is comfortable to walk on it. There should be much more even stones.
  • The path created from bottles turned upside down also looks original.
  • Picking up small stones different colors, you can come up with an original pattern and embody it on the path.
  • Wooden walkways are the easiest option. After all, the material is always at hand.

The unique beauty of your path will be given by small lanterns installed along the edges. In the evening, they will simply transform your site.

Arrangement of the veranda

After active work on the site, I really want to relax. The veranda will be a great place to recuperate. However, it also needs to be set up properly. Consider how to create a veranda design in the country with your own hands.

A few pro tips:

  1. Try to pick up mobile pieces of furniture. This will make it easy to move them around. Rattan furniture is the most popular. She easily transforms into a variety of groups, is not afraid of weather changes. It can always be moved to the garden.
  2. Do not forget to decorate the veranda with a variety of items that will find a second life here. For example, collections of watches or old keys hung on the wall look original.
  3. For lovers of the rural style, a composition consisting of a sickle, a scythe, a rake, a cart wheel may suit.
  4. An old bucket can be a great lampshade.

However, do not forget: if the veranda is open, then it should be in harmony with the landscape design. The interior of the enclosed space matches the style of the rooms.

Little miracle - pond

Even on small area you can equip a small pond. It will be a wonderful place to relax. However, initially you should consider how your reservoir will look like.

You can create the following do-it-yourself pond design in the country:

  1. Square or rectangular pond. It looks great near the mansion, designed in strict forms.
  2. If a pond is planned as natural as possible, it is necessary to consider creating an arbitrary shape. Such a reservoir is almost indistinguishable from the real one.
  3. Fans of the Japanese direction will be delighted with the pond with huge stones laid out along the edge and stunted coniferous plants.
  4. You can arrange a pond in the Chinese style. The two banks are connected by a small wooden bridge. The landscape is complemented by bright forbs.

What to make a pond from?

If you are planning to make capital construction, then you will need a lot of material. Requires a concrete base, the construction of formwork, the use of reinforcement.

It is much easier to make a pond from a solid container. It is easy to purchase at the store or adapt old unnecessary things for it.

An excellent basis for a pond can be:

  • a plastic container purchased from a store;
  • old bath.


Creating a cottage design with your own hands is an exciting and very creative activity. It will appeal to every owner of the estate. Most importantly, do not rush to throw away old things. Look at them in a new way, dream up. And remember that any, even an incredible idea, has the right to be implemented. Good luck with your creative process!