You can wash the bamboo blanket in the washing machine. How to care for a bamboo duvet

Time does not stand still. If earlier they were not puzzled about the blanket - the main thing is that it is available, then in our time there is a large choice. Bamboo products have gained popularity over the past few years. It has amazing characteristics - incredible lightness, but at the same time it is very comfortable to sleep under it, and most importantly, it is warm in winter and not hot in summer. That is why sooner or later the owner of such a thing will face the question of whether it is possible to wash a bamboo blanket in washing machine or do it manually. We will talk about washing such a thing now.


Of course, when buying this item, people, first of all, think not about how they will wash it, but about its positive properties. Bamboo fiber has the following advantages:

  • Antibacterial. A very small number of microbes are able to live on this fiber, so if you are especially concerned about cleanliness, then this should certainly please you.
  • If there are unpleasant odors around, then the thing will simply absorb them.
  • Long service life.
  • Hypoallergenic. Even if you have severe asthma, being close to the product will not cause you any harm.
  • Pleasant touch feeling.
  • Stylish look.

Important! Bamboo is basically a versatile material with excellent characteristics. And all its advantages have already been appreciated by manufacturers of a wide variety of household items. Read also about what else is made from such a fiber and what characteristics these materials have in our following articles:

Can a bamboo blanket be washed in a washing machine?

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. This fiber can be washed, but it must be observed special care. This also applies to the question of whether and how to wash a bamboo pillow.

In order for a thing to retain its main properties for as long as possible, it is necessary to properly care for it and wash it. Here are some tips and tricks:

  • The first rule - you can not use products that contain whitening elements in their composition. Best fit.
  • For people who regularly use dry cleaning services, the bad news is that chemical treatment is prohibited for this fiber, but cleaning by hand or in a washing machine is allowed.
  • If there are no obvious spots on the surface, and it is just dusty, get rid of it with a vacuum cleaner by choosing a special nozzle.
  • After cleaning, you will be faced with the question of proper drying things. The most important thing you need to know is how to use electrical appliances, as well as drying under the scorching rays of the sun - are strictly prohibited.

Important! Cleaning should be carried out no more than three times a month.


Do not use aggressive products to remove stains. As an option - it is best to choose an ordinary laundry soap or an industrial product -.


How to wash a bamboo thing by hand so that it fully retains its original properties? Following these tips:

  1. First, decide on the container in which you are going to clean. It should be pretty deep. You can take a basin or a trough for these purposes, but it is best to immerse the overall product directly into the bath.
  2. Fill the container with water (no more than forty degrees) and add liquid detergent.
  3. Soak the bedding in soapy water for twenty minutes, and then get rid of stains, if any, with a brush.
  4. Once the desired result is achieved and the item is clean, rinse it thoroughly.

Important! Do not under any circumstances use hot water to interact with this item. It will most likely lose its shape and you will have to throw the item away as it will be damaged.

Machine wash

How to wash a bamboo blanket in a washing machine? The use of the machine should be addressed only if there is severe contamination on the surface. If you can only do the washing by hand - you should not use the machine.

The order of washing in this case will be as follows:

  1. Immerse the item in the drum and select the duvet mode or .
  2. As for the powder, it is better to choose one that is made on a gel basis. You can also use .
  3. If you only have dry, soak it in water beforehand.
  4. Start washing.

Important! The main plus of the washing machine is that it provides good wringing of the product. When you take it out of the drum, you will find that it is practically dry. However, even in spite of this, the thing should be dried in a straightened form, as it can be very wrinkled. Also, if you don't want your bedding to look crumpled, don't store it in plastic bags.

How to wash a bamboo pillow?

More and more people are choosing bamboo pillows over down and feather pillows. If you have purchased at least one of these for yourself, then sooner or later you will face the question of how to wash bamboo pillows in a washing machine or by hand.

Machine wash:

  1. To begin with, make sure that all the seams of the product are strong and will not be able to disperse when washing.
  2. Place the pillows in the drum and set the delicate mode.
  3. Start the wash, remembering to set the additional rinse as well.


  1. Fill a basin with water and add detergent.
  2. Soak the item in soapy water for forty minutes.
  3. Usually, after this time, there is no trace of dirt left, but if there are still stains, use a brush to get rid of them.

Down, feather and all kinds of natural fillers are rapidly losing their relevance due to inconvenience in operation and a huge amount of dust that “sticks” to them even after multiple washes. Yes and dust mites not averse to being placed in such a popular household item. They were replaced by practical and durable bamboo fiber bedding.

Bamboo blankets are lightweight, durable, hypoallergenic and beautiful.

Thanks to a special processing technology, hard bamboo turns into a soft and pleasant to the touch material, which has a positive effect on human relaxation.

Hard-looking bamboo, with certain processing, has soft and delicate fibers.

Bamboo belongs to the man-made cellulose fibers and is called the most natural man-made fiber.

In addition, such products are in great demand among housewives due to their hygroscopic properties and ease of care.

Bamboo-filled cotton baby blanket suitable even for newborns

But no matter how high-quality the product, the influence external factors leave their imprints on it. That is why the answer to the question “is it possible to wash a bamboo blanket in an automatic washing machine” is definitely positive.

Bamboo blanket does not require special care, dries quickly after washing and practically does not wrinkle.

Such a filler is not afraid of water and returns to its original position after interaction with detergents.

In the process of processing, bamboo stalks do not lose their unique properties, on the contrary, they acquire new positive qualities.

Bamboo fiber is a resistant and durable material, therefore it can withstand more than 500 washes (but only if the recommendations below are followed). How to avoid mistakes and extend the life of bamboo blankets and pillows?

Read the label on the duvet and pillows carefully before washing.

Many at the beginning of the process are tormented by doubts, will a large blanket fit into the machine? Of course, the capacity of the drum plays an important role in such a responsible process, but with the right approach, even such a task is considered a mere trifle.

Even a small lightweight bamboo blanket gains significant weight when wet.

For the product to fit into the machine standard sizes, it must be properly folded. To do this, you need to lay out a bamboo blanket on the floor, fold it lengthwise several times and roll it into a roller.

Don't Machine Wash Your Bamboo Blanket Too Often

With a pillow, things are a little easier because of compact dimensions. It is enough just to put it in the drum and start the washing process. Next, sets the following parameters:

If the product is heavily soiled, in no case should you increase the temperature and use aggressive cleaning agents. Despite the fact that bamboo is characterized by increased strength, such factors will not have the best effect on the appearance of bedding.

Inspect the blanket - it should not have scuffs, holes, divergent seams, otherwise the cycle in the washing drum will simply ruin your blanket.

To process a bamboo blanket in a washing machine, it is better to use gentle detergents designed for down or feather products. No loose powders and corrosive chemicals, because they can become a strong irritant for your skin after a bad rinse.

You can only wash a bamboo blanket with special liquid washing gels.

Capsules are quite suitable for washing bamboo products

Before placing the product in the drum, it is necessary to examine it for any mechanical damage - holes, scuffs, open seams. When rotated, the bamboo fibers may come out and deform. To avoid these troubles, even small holes should be sewn up.

Do not soak the blanket - a long stay in the water is highly undesirable for bamboo filler

Washing bamboo products by hand

Washing the large blanket by hand is only possible in the bathroom

Like any other thing, a blanket and a pillow with bamboo filler can be washed by hand. The only caveat is to do without soaking. Bamboo fiber does not tolerate prolonged exposure to water, which can reduce its lifespan. Liquid detergent also needs to be selected carefully; during the washing process, it must first be diluted with water.

If the house has Small child- on the bedding there will definitely be traces of children's pranks and a lot of dirt, which are easy to remove with laundry soap. In this case, do not overdo it with friction and use brute force during twisting.

Laundry soap for children against stains is perfect for washing certain areas

Proper drying of bamboo fiber duvets and pillows

The final and, perhaps, the most important stage is the drying of products. It is worth noting that improper drying can knock the filler into lumps, which will later be very difficult to level. And the appearance is unlikely to be reminiscent of airy and soft household items.

Compliance with the following drying rules is the right way to a beautiful, and most importantly, clean product.

If it is not cold outside, a bamboo blanket needs one day to dry completely. But even after the product has dried, you should not immediately put a duvet cover on it. Lay it out on the bed, perhaps the inner seams are not completely dry.

Do not speed up the drying process of bamboo bedding by flat ironing or drying with a hair dryer and fan heater.

Care tips for bamboo bedding

It is not recommended to take a bamboo blanket to dry cleaning - this method of cleaning can damage it

We figured out how to wash a bamboo blanket in a washing machine, but not the last role in integrity and aesthetic appeal plays further care and proper storage. Despite the fact that such products do not “collect” excess dust, it is recommended to wash them at least several times a year.

In fact, bamboo-filled blankets and pillows are the most unpretentious bedding items that can be cleaned several times a month without the use of special products. To do this, they just need to be vacuumed and ventilated in the fresh air for several hours.

Product storage

Don't store bamboo blankets tied tightly, as it will deteriorate and never recover.

For the product to please you for many years, forget about the use of plastic bags and all kinds of vacuum packaging at the time of storage. Because of them, they can be deformed and lose their original shape. For the same reason, heavy things should not be laid on top of the blanket.

Dry blankets with bamboo fibers in a well-ventilated, odor-free area or outdoors.

Bamboo - natural material that needs circulating air. V summer time the blanket can be placed in a perforated synthetic bag or paper bag.

You can store the blanket in fabric covers or original packaging.

Due to antibacterial properties, this material in no way affects the development of pathogenic fungi and microorganisms dangerous to human life. Because of this, the need for the use of antimicrobials automatically disappears.

Blankets made of this material provide normal heat regulation at any time of the year.

Alternative option for cleaning bamboo duvets and pillows

If you do not have time to hand wash or machine wash, take the product to the dry cleaner. Innovative equipment and modern technology cleaning with special tools will allow you to work in at its best. In addition, at the end you get a clean product that is completely usable.

When buying bedding made from bamboo fiber, pay attention to the tag. There you can learn more about how to care for your duvet or pillow.

The manufacturer indicates the basic rules of care on the product label as conditional graphic symbols

Video: Bamboo blanket

Habitual blankets with wadded, downy, feather filler are a thing of the past. They are being replaced by a light and environmentally friendly material - bamboo. Is it possible to wash a bamboo blanket in a washing machine, what mode should I set?

You will find answers to these questions, as well as tips on how to care for bamboo filler, in the article.

Bamboo fiber products can and should be washed: both hand and machine wash are suitable. The fibers are not afraid of water, do not stick together and do not bunch up like down and padding fillers.

The main thing is to follow the rules of washing:

  1. Inspect the product for breaks. They will need to be sewn up before washing.
  2. To wash the bamboo product in the machine without damage, carefully roll it into a roll and load it into the drum.

    Bamboo pillows can be folded in half. A crumpled product is then difficult to straighten, and ironing is not recommended.

  3. Use only liquid products for delicate types of fabrics. Pour them into the dispenser tray or drum as directed in the instructions.
  4. At what temperature to wash? From 30 to 40 degrees - choose manual or delicate mode on the panel. At the same time, keep in mind that the duration of the program should be no more than an hour. A long stay in the water blankets made of bamboo is undesirable.
  5. You can not use the intensive mode in SMA, because the fiber does not tolerate strong mechanical stress.
  6. Set a second rinse so that the detergent is completely removed from the fabric.
  7. Spin should also be no more than 400 revolutions, or disabled altogether.

Important! Do not send the product to dry cleaning, and do not use chemical products to remove stains. If there is obvious dirt, use a soft brush and soap.

Blankets and other bamboo fiber items can be washed by hand. The rules are the same as for machine washing.

  • Fill the bathroom with water (temperature up to 40 degrees), dilute the detergent in it.
  • Lower the blanket there, let it lie down for a while (no more than an hour).
  • It is undesirable to rub and wrinkle the blanket strongly, as the fiber loses its shape. It is difficult to return the original form on its own, and ironing the product, as we have already written, is impossible.
  • Rinse the product well.
  • Do not twist, let the water drain.

You can start drying.

If you live in a private house, it is best to lay out the blanket in the yard - horizontally, away from the scorching sun. You can install a clothes dryer in the shade and spread it on it. It is undesirable to hang the product on a rope, since the fiber is deformed and loses its shape.

Be sure to ensure proper air circulation. To do this, periodically turn it over, changing position. Make sure the bamboo blanket does not dry out.

Store it with your pillows in a linen bag. Carefully roll the blanket into a roll and do not press down on top of other things. Otherwise, the product becomes thinner and loses its thermal insulation qualities.

Bamboo fiber is no thicker than a human hair. It is perfectly breathable, allowing the skin to breathe. At the same time, the blanket and pillows made of bamboo are light, warm, and hypoallergenic.

Here is a list of the main advantages of bamboo blankets and pillows:

  • Excellent air circulation. The breathability of the fibers is 3.5 times higher than that of cotton.
  • Antiseptic and antistatic properties.
  • In summer, it is not hot under the covers, the fibers practically do not transmit ultraviolet light. And in winter, it warms the body due to its thermal insulation qualities.
  • Lightness, softness, aesthetics.

How to wash a bamboo blanket in a washing machine and which products are preferable to use? Some manufacturers do not impose any special requirements on this procedure, while others, on the contrary, strongly recommend adhering to a certain temperature regime, schedule and intensity of washing and drying conditions for products. We tried to combine all the recommendations and answer the question of how to wash a bamboo blanket most accurately.

What is bamboo filler and why is it valuable?

One of the most popular filler options for bedding today is bamboo fiber. This is the result of the processing of absolutely natural raw materials - bamboo stalks grown in the natural environment without the use of fertilizers and growth stimulants. This determines its high environmental friendliness and availability.

Bamboo fiber resembles high-quality fine wool - long thin rounded "hairs" are very soft and elastic at the same time, they do not cause discomfort even with intensive use. In addition, this material is not a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause allergic reactions. Moreover, it is bamboo that is considered one of the most powerful plant antimicrobial agents.

Such blankets and pillows do not “suffocate” over time and do not cake, as the fibers have a porous structure that is perfectly ventilated without the use of special technologies or means. By the way, due to the structure of the filler, all products made from it are very light, have excellent moisture and thermoregulation, and the prices for bamboo blankets are sometimes much more affordable than for high-quality synthetic models.

Additional advantages of this material can be called the fact that it does not accumulate static electricity, which means that it practically does not attract and does not hold dust particles.

Rules for washing in a washing machine

Despite the fact that most fillers are not recommended to be washed in a washing machine due to the complete loss of the original characteristics of the product, bamboo is not one of them. It is not only possible to wash it in a typewriter, but it is also necessary.

Washing a bamboo blanket in the washing machine is one of the most simple ways care for this type of bedding. If you do not know how to wash a duvet with bamboo filling, use our tips:

  • despite the high wear resistance of things made of bamboo, it is worth choosing only a gentle or delicate mode;
  • do not use water hotter than 40 degrees Celsius;
  • after washing with soft detergents, best of all liquid or gel-like (for downy products), it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the blanket twice;
  • It is possible to outlive the product in the car, but at the same time, the intensity of the centrifuge should not exceed 800 rpm.
  • do not be afraid of frequent washings, a bamboo blanket can withstand up to five thousand cycles, retaining its original appearance.

Step by step, this process looks like this:

  • Check the integrity of the fabric covers in which the filler is located, if there are damages, they must be sewn up before washing.
  • Gently fold the blanket into a strip that is the same width as your washing machine drum.
  • A blanket folded in this way must be rolled into a sufficiently dense roll, otherwise it simply does not fit in the drum. Then the roll is laid inside.
  • The powder and bleach trays should not contain any residues of aggressive detergents that can damage the color and texture of the fabric.
  • After pouring special means and selecting a gentle mode, you can start washing.
  • Don't forget the double rinse!


It happens that the drum is simply not able to accommodate even a tightly folded blanket. Then the only way to put the product in order is the manual method. Washing bamboo blankets in this way gives almost the same result, however, it takes more physical effort and time.

  • Instead of the drum of the automatic machine, in this case there will be a bath in which you need to draw warm water and pour in a mild detergent.
  • Naturally, neither intensively wrinkling nor twisting the blankets is recommended, wet fibers can be deformed, which will lead to loss appearance and product quality.
  • It is best to simply let the thoroughly rinsed blanket drain, and then carefully lay it out on a horizontal surface, first smoothing out any irregularities.

How to dry a bamboo blanket?

Did you manage to wash the bamboo blanket well? Do not rush to rejoice. It still needs to be dried properly without damaging the contents of the case. Drying bamboo bedding has its own characteristics:

  1. Dry them on a flat horizontal surface. To dry one blanket for a double bed, you will have to free up a fairly large space.
  2. During drying, it is recommended to turn and fluff the blanket in order to straighten its contents and speed up the process. At the same time, you will have to ventilate the blanket in this way at least once every three hours.
  3. It is desirable that there is a draft in the room where the product is dried. Simply put, you need to provide access to fresh air.

If after washing you do not plan to use the blanket for some time, it is best to put it away, first putting it in a cotton bag.

Need in good rest- one of the most important for a person. The level of his health directly depends on the quality of sleep. And this is not surprising, because we spend more than 1/3 of our lives in the arms of Morpheus.

In order for a person’s sleep to be complete, you should be very careful about the procedure for choosing bedding.
V Lately Bamboo pillows and blankets have gained the greatest popularity.

Why bamboo?

Bamboo fiber is usually added to the fabric in the production of bedding. Such underwear has the following properties:

  • High level of heat retention
  • Softness
  • Smoothness
  • No foreign odors
  • Hypoallergenic

Product Care

Bamboo bedding is quite unpretentious in everyday life and does not require basic care rules. When wondering whether bamboo pillows can be washed, you should consider the main features of caring for and washing things.

Caring for Bamboo Blankets

So, how to wash a bamboo blanket. It is necessary to follow the basic principles of care - washing on the most gentle delicate modes using mild detergents.

  • To prevent damage to bamboo fibers, it is recommended to choose the optimal washing temperature of no more than 30-40 degrees.
  • You can choose a detergent that is either specialized for blankets or designed for washing children's clothes.
  • Before washing a bamboo blanket, pay attention to the symbol on the product label. Usually the manufacturer there indicates the optimal parameters for washing.
  • Be sure to select the extra rinse option. This will prevent the bamboo fibers from sticking together.

After washing, you must follow the basic rules for drying products:

  • Spread a large terry towel on a horizontal surface and wrap a blanket in it. This helps absorb excess moisture.
  • It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.
  • If drying is done in washing machine, it is necessary to choose the most gentle mode.
  • The duvet dries well in the open air. Try not to get direct sunlight on its surface. This will help avoid fading.

Many people ask if it is possible to wash a bamboo blanket by hand. We do not recommend this procedure. When washing by hand, detergent particles may become trapped in the fibers of the material. It is also not possible to rinse the product well. If you can't machine wash, opt to dry clean the duvet.

Caring for bamboo pillows

Pillows with the addition of bamboo fiber have a wide range of advantages. Among them are durability, hypoallergenicity, breathability.

Many housewives appreciated the high quality and long service life of bamboo products.

However, like any other product, bamboo pillows need constant care.

So, how to properly wash bamboo pillows. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following product care tips:

  • Bamboo fiber pillows keep their shape well. Therefore, you can not be afraid to wash them in a typewriter - automatic.
  • If you wash products on a typewriter, then choose a gentle mode with a low temperature (up to 40 degrees).
  • As a washing powder, choose either a specialized detergent for washing woolen clothes or baby powder.
  • Bamboo pillows need a good rinse. Therefore, when washing, it is recommended to turn on the extra rinse mode.
  • Do not use too many detergents. Be guided by the recommendations indicated on the packaging of the detergent.
  • Use liquid conditioner when rinsing. It will give the product softness.
  • Select the spin mode no more than 600-800 revolutions. This will protect the product from deformation.

After washing is completed, dry the bamboo pillow. The product absorbs moisture well. This can cause the bamboo fibers to stick together and clump together. To prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to follow simple rules for drying products:

  • A damp pillow must be wrapped in a towel and squeezed several times.
  • After removing excess moisture, the pillow must be left in the fresh air. Optimal time drying - at least 3 days. Make sure the pillow is not in direct sunlight. This can lead to overdrying and fading of the product.

The use of bamboo blankets and pillows guarantees a healthy and sound sleep. Compliance with the basic recommendations for the care of products allows you to maximize their life. You can learn how to properly wash a blanket and pillow made of bamboo from the presented article.