The norm of water according to the meter for 1 person. How many cubes of water per person

Decree No. 75-PP, which entered into force at the end of February 2014, states that the norm of water per person without a meter in 2016 cannot be more than 2 water consumption rates established in No. 566-PP of 1998. Namely:

  • norm cold water per person per month 6.935 m3 - all tenants registered in the apartment are taken into account;
  • without a meter is carried out on the basis that the norm is 4.745 m3 per person.

The indicated rate of water consumption per person per month without a meter must be paid in full even if the owner of the apartment was absent and did not use the water supply for some period. To calculate how much water consumption should be paid to the cashier, you need to multiply the consumption rates by the number of people registered in an apartment or house, and then multiply by the cost (tariff) of 1 m3 of water.

Remember: the specified water consumption standard for 1 person cannot be exceeded by more than 2 times. That is, payment can be charged for 6.935 m3 × 2 and 4.745 m3 × 2 - for water consumption, as well as no more than 11.68 × 2 - for water disposal. At the same time, the cost of 1 m3 of water must be tracked by utility payers on their own - it is annually approved by the Moscow government, indicated in receipts.

How it was before, what has become now, or How to pay for water according to the new standards?

Until the moment when the rate of water consumption per person without a meter was introduced, Muscovites paid every month for the water used at home. What does it mean? The amount for the consumption of services was calculated by volume, which in turn was determined as follows:

  • the total volume of water consumed by the house was established - by. If the meter is installed and registered, then accruals are carried out strictly according to its data. According to the established standard, water is paid without a meter - it is calculated separately for cold and hot substances;
  • the total volume of the substance consumed by the tenants in whose apartments the meter is installed was subtracted from it - the testimony of the owners is submitted monthly during a predetermined period. If there are metering devices, the water standard without a meter is not taken into account at all - the readings of the flow meters are transferred to the EIRC upon the fact;
  • based on the volume received, the total cost of services was calculated;
  • the costs of the substance for general house needs were added to it - until the standards for water consumption per person without a meter were introduced, they amounted to 5% of the cost of consumed cubic meters of the substance by the house;
  • the resulting figure was divided between the tenants apartment building who did not want to install or have not yet installed water meters. But even the introduced rate of cold water consumption per person per month without a meter did not alleviate the material burden of utility payers.

Muscovites living in a multi-storey building, engineering systems who are in good condition had to pay less than those who lived in a house with rusty and defective pipes. Before the standard for water consumption without a meter was introduced, the last to receive a water bill was 3-5 times more. In 2016, apartments without metering devices pay no more than 2 norms. The water norms introduced by the Moscow government per person without a meter protect citizens from overpayments, and also force public utilities to monitor the state of entrusted property, scammers. But even the legally established standard for paying for water without a meter does not ease the burden of Muscovites, since the amount of substance consumed by one person may actually be less. Only a water meter installed and registered in the apartment for cold and hot water will allow you to pay after the fact.

Correct calculation of payment for water without meters in 2016

The introduced rate of cold water consumption per person per month (including hot water) guarantees that apartment owners without measuring equipment will not pay for additional common cubic meters. Let's use an example to see how water is calculated without a meter, if 3 people live in 1 apartment. The procedure will be as follows:

  • with a standard of 6.935 m3 (cold water) per person, the total apartment volume will be - 6.935 m3 × 3 people = 20.805 m3;
  • the second standard for water consumption without a meter is 4.745 m3 (hot substance), which means that the total apartment volume will be - 4.745 m3 × 3 people = 14.235 m3;
  • to find out how much to pay for water without a meter, you need to ask about the tariff. They will be as follows (data valid until July 2016) 30.87 rubles a cubic meter of cold air. and 21.90 rubles horizontally At the same time, charges for water without a meter and in the presence of measuring equipment will be carried out in the same way, including. Therefore, the calculation will be as follows: 20.805 m3 × 30.87 rubles = 642.2 rubles and 14.235 m3 × 21.90 rubles = 311.7 rubles. Therefore, the water bill without a meter will be 642.2 rubles + 311.7 rubles = 953.9 rubles per apartment. Here it is worth adding 5% for common house needs.

The bill for water supply services from apartments where the meter is installed will be lower by 35-55%. The amount depends on the actual water consumption of all people living in the living area. That is, charges for water without a meter are carried out from each person plus the general house consumption (cost × 2), and if there are metering devices, the total volume consumed.

From June 2016 the rates will change. To find out what water rate per person per month without a meter will be valid from the specified period, and what the cost of a cubic meter of water will be introduced by the government, visit the website Having learned necessary information, you can easily calculate how much water costs without a meter and with a meter (if you have one installed).

Where can I install water meters in Moscow?

Our company performs installation, maintenance, and any type of measuring instruments that calculate the amount of water consumed. According to our rough estimates, even a fixed water charge rate, if meters are not installed, does not save you from overpayments. We calculated that in fact 1 person spends no more than 2.7-4.5 m3 of water per month in total. At that cost of cold water without a meter per person, the savings will be significant.

We are a certified company that has the legal right to install and register metering devices. To order, call our company or leave a request on the website. Since the rate of water consumption in Moscow per person without a meter is higher, the installation and purchase of equipment will pay off within ½ year.

Since 2017, the water consumption standard for 1 person without a meter for the population has been calculated on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2014 No. 1380, as amended and supplemented on June 29, 2016. The specified normative act establishes consumption standards for the services provided.

Utilities in Russian Federation are obliged to take this act into account in their activities.

There are independent standards that are used when using hot and cold water. They are calculated in accordance with accepted standards. In this case, documents developed by organizations for housing and communal services of the regions of the Russian Federation are taken into account.

Thus, we can conclude that there is actually no general indicator that is used in calculating water consumption.

Calculation of water consumption in apartments where meters are not installed

Methodology for calculating water consumption in apartment buildings(MKD) is associated with such additional points as the presence of:

  1. Crane in the apartment.
  2. Bathroom.
  3. Bathroom.
  4. Other factors.

In the case when a person or a family lives in a private house, then an additional item will be the use of water for irrigation purposes.

Consumption table according to SNIP 2.04.01-85

Consumption rates in apartments without appliances

As mentioned above, the norm of water per person without a meter in each region is calculated according to locally approved methods.

So in Moscow, the water rate per person per month living in an MKD in an apartment not equipped with water meters is calculated according to the following standards (in cubic meters):

  • norm hot water per person per month - 4.745 cubic meters or 4745 liters;
  • cold water norm per person per month - 6.935 cubic meters or 6935 liters;
  • drainage (sewerage) - 11.68 cubic meters or 11,680 liters (this figure is the sum of the consumption of hot and cold water per person per month without meters installed in the dwelling).

Accrual rules for water supply services

If a water meter is not installed in the dwelling, then the amount payable for water supply services will be charged based on clause 5.1 of Appendix No. 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 306 dated May 23, 2016, taking into account the multiplying coefficient, which from January 1, 2017 is 1.6.

Thus, in order to find out how many cubic meters of water is the consumption rate per person living in the room per month, you need to multiply the base rate by the multiplying factor.

If necessary, the rate of water consumption per person per day is calculated by simply dividing the average monthly rate in cubic meters of water by the number of days in a month.

The final cost of water supply per person per month can be calculated as follows:

  • the average monthly rate of use of hot water supply in cubic meters is multiplied by the price set in a particular region at the established corresponding tariff, and multiplied by a coefficient;
  • a similar procedure is carried out for cold water and drainage;
  • the final price is calculated by adding the available results.

To find out how much you need to pay for a room as a whole, you need to multiply the final price by the number of people living in it. It should be noted here that other tariffs apply for beneficiaries.

If there are temporarily living people in the dwelling, then the rationing of water consumption by them is carried out based on the actual period of their residence in a day.

What has changed in 2017?

For residents who do not use meters, but at the same time, if it is possible to install them, then, unlike previous periods, this year the applied coefficients have been changed upwards. Each time the resource will rise in price until the price reaches 60%.

Given the innovations minimal Cubic Meters of consumed water (under the action of two-component tariffs) are calculated by adding the norms available for water consumption and heat, which is spent on heating.

How to calculate the standard for the use of heated water?

In the case when hot water is not provided, then the consumption of cold water increases, since additional cubic meters of cold water are heated by means of gas installations.

In this case, water consumption increases to 330 liters per person for every day. To save water, they often use a meter. In this case, only used cubes are subject to payment.

The rate of consumption of thermal energy is calculated taking into account the installed communication system and depending on the types of risers.

If the apartment does not have a water meter, then the minimum rate is set depending on the existing standard for each type of housing and communal services. Thus, the level of water consumption with a bathroom will be 4.5 cubic meters per month per consumer. The consumption of cold water is higher and reaches up to 7 cubic meters.

Installation of meters in Moscow

In order to reduce the average volume of water consumption and, as a result, spend less for its use, it is recommended to install metering devices.

On the Internet, you can find many ads about installing meters in Moscow, but in order not to fall for the bait of scammers, it is still better to contact the management company. The cost of installing metering devices and services for citizens with benefits is somewhat lower than for those who do not have them.

Often, metering devices are installed and sealed by employees of the water utility. Meters must comply with the requirements of GOST.

In 2017, sanctions for the use of water supply without meters have not yet been introduced, although earlier D. Medvedev said that the imposition of sanctions was postponed until at least January 1, 2017.

It is expected that such sanctions will be introduced to put pressure on apartment owners who have not installed metering devices, but at the same time, if they have such an opportunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of metering devices

In recent years, the Government of the Russian Federation has been giving recommendations to the municipalities of the constituent entities on raising tariffs for housing and public Utilities during each year of inflation from 1 percent.

Municipalities can set the amount of indexation themselves, taking into account their own budget. In such a situation, installing meters for apartment owners has its advantages:

  1. Reduced payment costs. After installing the appliances, the owner of the dwelling pays for the amount of water used.
  2. Flow control.
  3. No need to take into account the people living in the premises.

At the same time, there are also disadvantages:

  1. The high cost of the device of proper quality.
  2. In case of failure of the device, during repair, replacement, payment for the consumed water will be carried out according to general rules(as without the device).

At the same time, it should be taken into account that upon the occurrence of the above events, the accounting of water consumption according to the general rules occurs temporarily and when the adverse consequences are eliminated, the management company is obliged to recalculate the consumed water.


A meter is a tool for saving water consumption, although it will be necessary to spend money on the purchase of meters, installation, sealing and verification (for hot and cold water meters, the verification time varies). In this case, only used cubes are subject to payment.

At the same time, municipal authorities can change the percentage of indexation, based on the well-being of their own budgets. In Moscow, the degree of tariff growth traditionally remains one of the highest. The 2019 utility consumption standards are a quantitative indicator of the volume of consumption of such resources:

  • liquefied (or natural) gas;
  • electricity;
  • cold or hot water;
  • heating;
  • discharged domestic wastewater.

This indicator is used to calculate the amount of payment for utilities when there are no metering devices.

Forecasts for the next 3 years are disappointing: tariffs will continue to grow, and Moscow will lead in terms of a high level of their indexation.

Heating and hot water supply

Based on the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 11, 1994 No. 41 “On the transition to a new system of payment for housing and utilities and the procedure for providing housing subsidies to citizens”, the indicator for heat supply is valid:

  • heat energy consumption for heating an apartment - 0.016 Gcal/sq. m;
  • water heating - 0.294 Gcal / person.

Drainage and water supply

Residential buildings equipped with sewerage, water supply, baths with hot central water supply:

  • water disposal - 11.68 m³ per 1 person per month;
  • cold water - 6.935;
  • hot water - 4,745.

Housing equipped with sewerage, plumbing, bathtubs with gas heaters:

  • water disposal - 9.86;
  • cold water - 9.86.

Houses with water supply with gas heaters near the baths, sewerage:

  • 9,49;
  • 9.49 m³ per person per month.

Residential buildings of a hotel type, equipped with water supply, hot water supply, gas:

  • water disposal - 7.31;
  • cold water - 4.386;
  • hot - 2, 924.

Houses with a gas pipeline, sewerage, water supply without bathtubs:

  • water disposal - 4, 57;
  • cold water - 4.57 m³ per person per month.

For irrigation of personal plots in the period from May to September, the allowable water consumption is 0.16 m³.


  • for a single person living in an apartment with a gas stove - 50 kWh per person per month, electric - 80;
  • for families living in an apartment with a gas stove installed - 45, and with an electric stove - 70.

Gas supply:

  • during installation gas stove in the apartment and the presence of hot centralized water supply - 8.3 m³ / person. per month;
  • if housing is equipped with a gas stove and a water heater - 20.8;
  • in the absence of centralized water supply and gas water heater, and the presence of a gas stove - 10.4 m³ / person. per month.

Payment for heating according to the standard is made in the case when a common house heat meter is not equipped in a residential building.

Electricity, sewerage, gas and water supply are paid according to the established norms, if not individual device accounting. At the same time, you should be aware that, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 No. 344, if consumers do not have devices (individual or collective) for metering and, if possible, they technical installation, then increased coefficients will be applied to the standards for the use of utilities in residential buildings. For comparison:

  • January 1 - June 30, 2015 - 1.1;
  • July 1 - December 31, 2015 - 1.2;
  • January 1 - June 30, 2016 - 1.4;
  • July 1 -December 31, 2016 - 1.5;
  • since the beginning of 2017 - 1.6.

What's in other cities

Now, for normative consumption calculations, the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306, the current Rules for the provision of public services and adopted regulations at the regional level.

In September 2012, the Government signed a decree on the introduction into force of the social norm for the use of public utilities. But at that moment it only affected certain types services (electricity), but only certain areas. It is necessary to find out whether there is a social norm in any area, as well as when it was approved, from regional sources.

So, in the Rostov region, the new norm for the use of electricity has been in force since 09/01/2013. In 2019, there were no changes in its relation. As in previous years, the rate of electricity consumption depends on how many people live in the apartment. The more people, the smaller the share falls on each of them.

To account for the volume of water consumed by residents of apartments and houses, it is necessary to have meters. Those who have not yet installed such devices will have to pay for housing and communal services in accordance with approved standards. We will discuss the procedure for calculating fees for residential and communal services without meters.

Norm of consumption of hot and cold water for 1 person without a meter

Since 2015, the installation of devices for accounting for consumed resources has become mandatory. Consumers who install meters make payments for utilities according to their testimony. The rest will still have to pay based on the established standards.

The procedure for determining the rate of water consumption per tenant is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306. According to this decree, utility service standards are finally formed by regional authorities.

When they are approved, the characteristics of a residential or private house are taken into account. The standard is calculated on a monthly basis. For cold and hot water, it is calculated in cubic meters. On average, one month per tenant accounts for 6,935 cubic meters. h.v. and 4.75 cu. g.w.

If meters are not installed in the apartment, then the calculation of the payment for hot water and cold water is made based on these indicators. If there are metering devices, you need to pay for the amount of resource actually spent.

Water consumption rate for 2019 for St. Petersburg (according to the annex to the order
Tariff Committee) is:

  • cold water supply 4.90 cubic meters,
  • hot - 3.48 cubic meters.

For Moscow:

  • cold water - 6.94;
  • hot - 4.75 cubic meters.

Average water consumption per person per month by meter

It should be canceled that for most consumers, the presence of meters is still beneficial.
If the average consumption rate is 6.935 cubic meters. cold. and 4.75 cu. hot water per person, then for a family of four per month it will be approximately 18 and 15 cubic meters.

In fact, if there are meters, such a family can spend one and a half to two times less cubic meters. In different families and regions, these indicators of water consumption may vary. However, with the economical use of water resources, the consumption in the presence of metering devices will be significantly less.

Increasing coefficient for water without a meter

For persons who have not installed meters, not only payment according to the standards is provided, but also additional allowances. In residential premises without metering devices, an obligation is introduced to pay taking into account the multiplying factor.

Its size in 2017 was 1.5. Thus, when paying for housing and communal services without meters, the standard must be multiplied by the number of residents, the tariff, as well as the specified coefficient.

Water tariff without a meter and by a meter: how to calculate, examples

When paying for utilities, both with and without a meter, it is important to know the established tariff. It is approved by local authorities and may vary depending on different regions. In addition, different figures may be provided for hot and cold water.

You can find out the current tariff from the companies providing water supply in your city. For example, in Moscow such information is provided by Mosvodokanal. On average in the country, a cubic meter of cold water costs around 30 rubles, and hot from 61 to 137 rubles.

Moscow has to pay for drinking water in the first half of the year 38.70 rubles. per cubic meter, and in the second - 40.48 rubles. In St. Petersburg for cold water 30.79 rubles (33.87 rubles), and for hot water - 106.53 rubles. (110.09 rubles).

In Novosibirsk, the fee is charged at the following rates:

  • hot water (for 1 cubic meter) - 100, 10 rubles;
  • cold water (for 1 cubic meter) - 17, 16 rubles;
  • water disposal (for 1 cubic meter) - 13, 17 rubles.

In the absence of counters, the above coefficient should also be taken into account. It turns out that without metering devices for the water consumed by the population, the accrual is made at the current tariffs, approved standards and with the application of an increasing rate.

How to pay without a meter

In order to pay for water without meter readings, you need to calculate it. You can make calculations using the formula - P \u003d P * N * T * K. The payment amount is the product of the following indicators:

  • P - the number of consumers registered in the apartment (house);
  • H - standard for water;
  • T is the tariff established in the region;
  • K - increasing factor .

The final cost of monthly water consumption for consumers without meters will be displayed in this way. It is calculated automatically, based on the information about consumers available in the housing and communal services organization.

Advantages and disadvantages of metering devices

Today, counters should be available in every home. However, not everyone is happy about it. Many do not want to pay money for the installation of devices, their repair. In addition, after a certain amount of time, the counters are supposed to be replaced with new ones. And this is again the cost of buying and installing the device.

But the purchase of water meters also has its advantages, which we will consider further. If there are no metering devices, then utility bills will have to be paid according to the standard. At the same time, rarely does anyone manage to really use the entire provided volume of water per day, month.

It turns out that without a counter, consumers have to pay for the actually unused resource.

Using a meter helps save money for consumers. In addition, if you have a meter, you will not have to pay for the general house water overrun.

How to save water in the apartment

Many people are interested in saving water consumption. Let's figure out what to do in order to spend less water and, accordingly, money to pay for it. First of all, you should accustom yourself and all residents of the apartment (house) not to leave the water tap open for a long time.

To help reduce the amount of hot and cold water consumption, the following tips will help:

  1. It is important to keep all plumbing and pipes adjacent to it in good condition. If there is even a small leak somewhere, this can significantly increase consumption resource.
  2. Special nozzles for showers and faucets will also help save money. Experts recommend using taps with an aerator, a thermostat, and sensor mixers. A watering can for a shower should be selected with small holes, it is better to hang it lower. In addition, the shower also has special nozzles to save incoming water.
  3. Choose a washing machine and dishwasher with economical water consumption. All modern technology usually has more low level consumption of electricity and water resources.

Installing meters does not reduce the consumption of water itself, but helps to reduce the cost of it. payment for utility services. Consumers in this case do not have to pay for the water they actually did not use. This is especially convenient during long trips (vacation, business trip).

Having installed water meters, residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region are beginning to learn how to save money. The expanses of the Internet are full of posts of members of the forum, who has an average water consumption per 1 person per month according to the meter.

Do all consumers have the same average water consumption by meters

What can affect the volume of water consumption, and how can it be reduced. The state, by tough measures, mainly hitting the user's wallet, is striving to implement the mode of energy saving of natural resources. For example, starting from 2017, the markup coefficient for water consumption according to the standards will reach 60%.

So, residents of the Central Administrative District who do not have water meters will pay for 1 cubic meter of cold and hot water - 261.28 rubles. The progressive part of the townspeople of this district, preoccupied by the Communist Party, respectively - 200.73 rubles. along with plumbing. Here it is necessary to take into account that the consumption according to the standards rarely coincides with the volumes of water taken into account by water devices. Well, exceeding the standards is a very rare case.

Factors affecting the volume of water consumed:

  • non-working family members;
  • Small children;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the apartment water supply network;
  • the health status of residents;
  • the use of irrational plumbing fixtures;
  • uneconomical household appliances(washing machines).

In most cases, the norm of water per person according to the meter is much less than the standard costs established by the rules. On the territory of the Russian Federation, consumption per 1 person per month is established:

  • 6.935 m³ of cold water;
  • 4.7 m³ hot.

A simple calculation, for a family of 4 people, will show an exorbitant amount of resources - 27.74 m³ and 18.8 m³. Such an amount of liquid can be used up by owning a rather large pool. This is about a rail tank car per month. Although, the norm of water per person according to the meter in each family is different.

With an optimal approach to use water resources can significantly reduce utility costs. Let us turn to comparative calculations for a family of 4 people, two adults, a teenager and a baby under 5 years old. In an apartment not equipped with a KPU, the amount of payment for utility resources will be - 916.25 + 2449.07 = 3365.32 × 1.6 = 5384.51 rubles. If the same apartment is equipped with metering devices, the average water consumption will be 8 m³ of cold water and 7 m³ of hot water. Issued invoice - 264.24 + 911.89 + 351.45 = 1527.58 rubles. Even with double the water consumption, the difference in payment is significant.

Known Ways to Save Water

After calculating the volume of water used, after the first month of using water meters, homeowners are perplexed where they spent so much liquid. And in the next reporting period, the owner is already thinking - how many cubic meters of water, the norm per person per month according to the meter and how you can save. Of course, some of the methods used by homeowners in Europe to save water are too extravagant, but there are some fairly simple ways:

  • brush your teeth with the faucet off;
  • do not pour water while washing your hair or using a washcloth;
  • enjoy dishwasher when it is fully loaded;
  • do not run washing machine with a small amount of laundry;
  • learn how to properly wash dishes;
  • accurately calculate the volume of liquid when cooking;
  • monitor the health of plumbing fixtures;
  • install a dual flush toilet.

After a while, this will become a habit, and everything will be done automatically, at least it will be difficult to forget the tap turned on. But, if there is a sick person in the house, or even more so a child, water will have to be used as much as necessary.