Internal engineering systems in a country house. Design of engineering systems of a country house

More than others are connected with the architectural design of the house heating and ventilation systems. Specialists of the company "Country House" had to design and install heating systems of varying complexity. In simple cases, the tasks of the heating system are reduced to maintaining the desired temperature in the house.

For small country houses in this case, you can use the heating boiler in wall version and place it in the kitchen. More complex multi-circuit heating systems can heat floors in residential premises and bathrooms, heat water in the pool, air in the supply and exhaust ventilation system, heat other buildings on the site using a heating main, etc. - it all depends on the needs of the customer. In this case, a separate room with a chimney and ventilation will be required to accommodate the equipment.

Heating boilers can be electric, gas, diesel, coal and even wood. The least troublesome to operate and noticeably cheaper source of energy for heating country house is a gas. If there is no gas on the site, it makes sense to think about additional insulation of the house.

Water supply and sewerage of a country house

Water supply and sewerage systems are also closely related to the architecture of the house. The well-thought-out arrangement of the kitchen, bathrooms, water inlet to the house and sewer outlet allows you to avoid many problems during operation. The choice of materials also matters. Specialists of the company "Country House" do not advise saving on the quality of pipes and fittings and usually use materials from well-known manufacturers - Oventrop, Rehau, Wirsbo.

The quality of work and materials is especially important when conducting electrical installation work v country house. Unskilled design and installation electrical networks a country house can endanger people's lives and cause a fire.

Ventilation systems

The least noticeable is the poor quality of ventilation of a country house. Modern country house with double-glazed windows and rubber seals there is practically no unregulated air flow on the doors. Therefore, in the absence of supply and exhaust ventilation, exhaust odors in the bathrooms and in the kitchen are poorly removed, and the fireplace does not burn well. The air is saturated with secretions finishing materials, dampness appears on the walls in stagnant zones, etc.

Was it worth leaving the city? At the same time, you need to understand that a well-organized air flow implies its filtration, heating and humidification of air in winter and cooling in summer. The result is a rather complex system, equipped with automation that maintains the specified operating parameters. The climate in the house in the literal sense of the word depends on the quality of this system.

The company LLC "OVeCon-Engineering" specializes in the installation and after-sales service engineering communications in residential buildings, both within the city and beyond. We work with heating, water supply, sewerage, electrical, ventilation and air conditioning systems, taking into account:

  • area, layout and other parameters of buildings and structures;
  • technical and performance characteristics equipment;
  • requirements and wishes of the customer on the features of engineering communications.

Turnkey engineering systems of the house are organized, that is, we lead the client from filling out an application to completion commissioning and delivery of the object. We do our best to make your country house comfortable and safe. Many engineering communications function autonomously, are equipped with automation and energy saving tools.

Prices for engineering systems of a country house

Design, rub

Installation, rub


The cost of installation of the main equipment is approximately 30-50% of the cost of equipment The cost of installation of component materials (pipes, valves, fittings, etc.) is approximately 60-80% of the cost of component materials

Water supply and sewerage

from 1500/2500-point


21600 for a cottage up to 200 m2

The turnkey price depends on the chosen type of ventilation, equipment and other conditions


10800 for a cottage up to 200 m2

From 6000 rubles for the installation of a 2.0 kW split system

Features of engineering systems of a private house

The scale of a private house, as a rule, differs from an apartment in a multi-storey building, and engineering communications in this case have more complex structure. Only professional design will take into account all the nuances:

  • the power supply system at home implies the organization of a place for power input, the installation of electrical cabinets, meters, switches, sockets, external and internal wiring, etc .;
  • ventilation of a country house consists of supply and exhaust devices, fans, heat exchangers, filters, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, control units, and the system must serve both the main and service premises;
  • a heating system is a competent combination of such attributes as boilers running on electricity, gas, liquid or solid fuels, radiators, pipelines, “warm floor” systems;
  • water supply of a private house is either a connection to a central water supply, or drilling a well with all the consequences: pumping station, installation of external and internal pipelines, activation of a water filtration system;
  • sewerage of a country house includes storm and household systems, treatment facilities and storage tanks, filters and pipes for drains, not to mention plumbing equipment, without which no house can do.

Our advantages

The specialists of OVeCon-Engineering LLC undertake the obligation to purchase and deliver materials for engineering communications for the house, carry out turnkey installation work, and coordinate all actions with the relevant services. Now your private house will be modern, and the reliability of the equipment is confirmed by our guarantee.

The Termoproekt company provides services for the design of engineering systems for a country house. V modern houses it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged comfortable life without various communications.

Project development is a responsible process that can only be performed by experienced qualified specialists. Engineers are required to prove their level of professionalism at state-level inspections. This is a necessary measure, thanks to which customers can be sure of the quality of the result. The durability and efficiency of communications depend on skillfully prepared documentation.

Design Features

Like any technical calculation, the design of engineering systems of a country house requires a professional approach and taking into account many different factors. For example, when developing a heating system, the most affordable and economical type of fuel is necessarily selected, the most efficient boiler and related equipment is selected. In addition, it would be useful to include devices for automatic control and remote control of the boiler operation in a heating project for a country house.

Heating is one of critical systems residential building. In our latitudes, the degree of comfort in the house with year-round living depends on it.

Such networks can be organized with a connection to the central highway. But not all private households have such an opportunity. Therefore, individual boilers operating on various fuels are more often installed:

On gas;

On solid fuel;

on electricity;

On liquid fuel.

The choice depends on the availability of a particular energy source in the region. At the same time, it is important to choose the right power of the equipment so that there is enough heating for the entire area of ​​​​the building.

The design of engineering systems of a country house is also impossible without a competent calculation of the laying of external and internal pipelines. Pipe laying must be carried out in such a way as to ensure uninterrupted fuel supply, coolant circulation, water supply and sewage. At the same time, the pipeline should not interfere with other communications and spoil the landscape of the site and the territories adjacent to it. Only an engineer with many years of experience in such work can take into account all these nuances.

In order to plan everything correctly, experts move gradually, starting with general things and ending with private ones. It is best to conduct development at the stage of building a house. This makes it easier to calculate the length of the highways and approve the place of their entry into the building.

Then, the volume of resource consumption is determined, taking into account the area of ​​​​the house, the number of residents, and the personal preferences of the owners. For example, when designing electric heating it is important to accurately determine the future load in order to avoid malfunctions.

For certain communications, it is necessary to organize a separate place in the house. For example, for a liquid fuel boiler. Highways stretch open either in a closed way- in niches, under the floor, behind the walls, etc.

Design of engineering systems in the company "Termoproekt"

Contact the Termoproekt company to order a project of engineering systems for a country house. Our engineers have extensive experience in this kind of work and are able to develop the most efficient and easy-to-use communication systems.

Cooperation with the companies Buderus, De Dietrich, VIESSMANN, Baxi allows our employees to keep abreast of new heating equipment and automation for it and competently use the latest technological advances in their projects.

Home construction - not an easy task, and before proceeding with it, it is necessary to draw up an initial project of the house. An important part of design is communication. Drawing up a separate project of engineering systems help to avoid mistakes during construction and installation. Such a design will save time, allow you to calculate in advance the most secure and suitable configuration of communication systems in the house. The project of engineering communications is necessarily drawn up during the construction of large structures and large private houses.

Is it possible to do without the design of engineering systems?

If the area of ​​the house is less than 150 m 2, then the integrated design of engineering systems is not necessary, although it will be an excellent help during the installation process. If the project of the house is typical, then such a house is most likely suitable for basic package solutions for installing communications. In the case of a non-standard layout of the house and other nuances related to the location and weather conditions, the design of engineering systems and networks will help to remain confident in the reliability of the communication networks being carried out.

The larger the area, the greater the responsibility

If a small house does not require mandatory preliminary design, then when building a house with an area of ​​​​over 150 m 2, it is better to immediately order engineering systems design services- more communication means a large number of small elements and non-obvious nuances. This way you will protect the house from potentially unsuccessful installation decisions that will lead to the early need for repair and replacement of various communication nodes. Incorrect location of outlets, inconvenient and inefficient distribution of hot water, an ill-conceived heating system and air jams in the sewer are just some of what can be avoided with timely miscalculation of engineering systems.

Components of the engineering systems project

Engineering communication systems is a loose concept. When ordering a professional design of engineering systems for a home, you receive a set of documents, including:

A well-thought-out wiring plan, including the selection of the type of machines for the electrical panel;

Calculation of heating systems, taking into account the heat loss of the house and the available type of fuel;

A well-developed plan of the water supply system, taking into account the points of water intake and supply of hot water;

Calculation of location and slopes sewer pipes, calculation of the required volume of a septic tank depending on the number of people living;

A complete and detailed estimate for equipment and materials, as well as their cost for each item.

All of the above are mandatory components for a comfortable year-round living in a country private house. You may also need to:

Mounting plan ventilation system with the possibility of recuperation for the influx of fresh air and reduce heat loss at home;

Layout plan for the elements of the "smart home" system: video cameras, security sensors, control panels, and so on.

Why is it worth ordering an engineering systems design service?

As practice shows, without an exact design, the need for rework arises in 100% of cases, and construction teams always play it safe and order more materials than actually required for installation. As a result, you risk increasing expenses by up to 30% of the original budget. The cost of designing engineering systems is easy to calculate: the power supply project costs 120 rubles per m 2 , a heating, water supply and sewerage - 200 rubles per m 2 . Approximate design cost for a 200m house 2 will be 60,000 rubles- this is much less than the average budget overrun when installing communications without a project. Thus, you will not only avoid extra costs, but also get your hands on a technical passport of all the engineering systems of your house: you will know where everything is, which machine is responsible for what, and so on. The project of engineering systems will also allow you to control the work of installation specialists at the facility and compare the actual work performed with the plan.

You can order the design of engineering systems in Moscow and the region at GWDE. Our designers are specialists with 20 years of experience: more than 200 country house engineering projects have been successfully implemented according to their drawings.

Save your time and money - contact the professionals from GWDE and get a project of engineering systems in a week!