The roof is leaking on the 5th floor. Business idea: roof leaking? Then we go to you! Where to contact if this happened in an apartment building

Top floor residents apartment buildings sometimes they realize with regret that the roof is starting to leak. This can happen in the spring, when everything starts to melt actively. Leaks are sometimes associated with condensate that accumulates under the roof, and, of course, microcracks can appear in roll materials and in the roof itself - from old age, from high humidity In this case, the roof needs repair.

Reality shows that roofs leak in apartments not only in old buildings, but also in new houses. The common cause of all leaks is a violation of the tightness of the roof covering. It is these violations in old and new houses that have a different focus. Houses that have been in operation for a long time, the reason is clear - this is the service life of the coating, it has become obsolete and needs to be replaced. But when leaks occur in newly built and relatively new houses, then, most likely, poor-quality roofing material was used or mistakes were made that occur during the installation process.

What to do if in apartment building roof leak? Many who are faced with similar problems do not know what to do in this case. In our article we will tell you everything possible options troubleshooting. gives no results.

Who to call first

First of all, you should contact the utility service to which your house is attached, to the dispatcher on duty. The application can be submitted orally, by phone or in writing with a trip to local utilities.

In practice, we can say that a more reliable option, if the roof is leaking, is a written statement, because a verbal request may not be noticed or simply forgotten.

How to write a statement if the roof is leaking? It needs to specify:

  • your details, full address and phone number;
  • in the main part of the application, you need to describe the problem in detail, indicate the exact location of the leak, when exactly it occurred, the date and time, and also issue a verdict on the material damage incurred;
  • photo or video materials should be attached to the letter, on which the full force of the flow is clearly visible

It is worth remembering when a leak is detected that you need to immediately capture this incident on a camera or video so that the damage that it caused can be seen. You need to take it seriously and fix every little thing and every detail. It would be even better if the picture was stamped with the date and time. These materials will later become the most important evidence that the leak actually happened and caused you losses.

  • in the final part of the application, you need to leave a mark with a request to start drawing up an act to eliminate the leak, as well as to start repair work;
  • it is worth clearly numbering all requests, writing in a structured and clear manner;
  • one copy of the application must be kept for yourself, it will serve as proof that your application was actually written if the problem remains unresolved.

An application of this format can be drawn up at home, without special forms, on a blank A4 sheet or filled out on the spot, in a communal department and handed over personally. The application to the utility service must go through the registration stage, this requires your personal signature. When submitting an application, you should take your passport and a copy of it with you, as well as documents that confirm your rights to the apartment.

Contacting the management company

You should definitely contact the management company that services your home or the Emergency Dispatch Organization in your area. The appeal is made exactly like the application, and you need to keep a copy for yourself. The district office draws up an act indicating the nature and causes of damage. As third-party observers who will confirm the correctness of your words, it is worth inviting neighbors.

Utilities can be expected to:

  • as soon as the application is drawn up and registered with the public utility, you need to expect the arrival of a locksmith or plumber. He is unlikely to fix the leak on his own, but he must fix it, that is, this visit is planned, in order to fix the incident. There is a chance that the locksmith will say that the leak is insignificant and will be fixed soon, and will ask you to wait. You can agree with this and patiently substitute basins during the rains, but if this categorically does not suit you, then you need to move on;
  • you need to write another application addressed to the head of the communal organization and expect the arrival of a whole service of employees

Complaint to the prosecutor's office and other authorities

Roof leaks are experienced by the residents of the upper floor and the residents of the lower floors below them. In a 5-story panel building covered with roll materials, water can penetrate to the 4th and even 3rd floor. In brick 9-story buildings, the 9th, 8th floor is exposed to leakage. And how unsightly the room looks, into which water flows from the ceiling of the last floor!

In addition, leaks are often observed in apartments and staircases. In this case, water can reach the 1st floor, running down the stairs without obstacles. Such a disaster is fraught with the penetration of water into the electrical panels located on the site, which will lead to a short circuit and “burnout” of the switchboards. This is serious damage, fraught not only with water invasion and dampness, but can also lead to accidents. Therefore, repairs should be carried out immediately.

What and who can help with a roof leak?

Photo 1 - Covering a leaking roof with new roofing material
Photo 2 - Roofing with a bitumen-polymer roll

Photo 3 - Modern roll materials
Photo 4 - Roof repair apartment building

About, what to do if the roof in an apartment building is leaking, there are many different hints:

  • seek help from public utilities, a housing cooperative, a society of co-owners;
  • write an application to the city executive committee, the State Housing Inspectorate;
  • file a lawsuit;
  • gather the neighbors of the entrance to solve the problem;
  • try to prevent the leak on your own.

As experience shows, in our time nothing helps, except for the initiative and funds of the owners who suffer from the development of roof leaks. However, you need to try other methods, and suddenly - someone will help at least partially, or your house has been put on scheduled repairs!

Repairs at the expense of tenants

To the question: “What to do if the roof in an apartment building is leaking?”, Today there is one correct answer. "Needs to be renovated!" Residents themselves collect money for material and work, and thus solve the problem. What else to do? From managers come refusals, delays, replies. The decision of the court can be expected for years. If careless people live in the entrance, who are not bothered by a leak, then the residents of those apartments in which leakage is observed have to “take the rap”. In this case, you can try to resolve the issue of partial compensation from the company that pays the monthly rent.

How and what to do if the roof leaks in an apartment building?

The prevention of leakage depends on the shape of the coating and the roofing materials used. Consider the most common case of leakage flat roof covered with rolled bituminous materials. Most of the houses were covered with roofing material in the past. Of course, for long time operation, the roofing material managed to wear out, areas peeled off from the sun and precipitation appeared.

Photo 5 - Detachment of roofing material
Photo 6 - Crack

1. First you need to inspect the coating and determine the level of damage visually.

2. Most The best way elimination of troubles - completely cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire plane with new roofing material (form 1-2). Those owners of high-rise buildings who decide to cover the entire house are doing the right thing. For this, there are many quality materials(f.3). If there are no funds to cover the entire house, at least one entrance is completely repaired. Such a solution may eliminate lesions, but does not guarantee complete protection. All the trick of leaks flat roof is that water can move through the floors in any direction. If the roof is "leaky" at the junction or near the drainpipe, then there is a chance that the leakage will stop if these places are sealed (form 4).

3. When the problems of the financial plan do not allow blocking the entire entrance, you can try to fix the leak with selective repairs. The success of such repairs will be temporary (if any). But if overhaul If your house is scheduled for a roof replacement in a couple of years, then you should try to fix the situation for at least a few seasons. At the same time, cracks, swelling, delamination at the joints are closed (f. 5.6)

4. Often the owner who experiences the “waterfall” the most tries to correct the situation on his own or with the help of specialists. If he has a 2-room apartment with total area 56 sqm, he buys one or two 10m rolls of rubemast or other similar material. This coating can cover 20 sq.m. planes at the sites of injury. New roofing material is laid on the most emergency areas. In places near drainpipes and in other areas, the plane can be treated with a special polymer mastic.

How to repair?

When swollen, the lesions are opened crosswise with a cutting tool and the edges are turned away. Then the mastic is applied inside with a spatula, and the edges are returned to their place and nailed. The damaged area is covered with a patch that is several cm larger than the damage. Opened seams are cleaned, lubricated with mastic and nailed. If there is material, a patch is applied on top along the entire seam. Cracks are sealed in a similar way with mastic, and a “patch” is applied on top. In places where damage is frequent, lay a strip or two of new material.

Many people dream of living in an apartment, because housing and communal services take on many concerns, unlike a private house or cottage. However, everything has a downside. There are many owners in the house, each is responsible for only one apartment, but what if the pipes in the basement burst or the roof leaked? Well, in the first case, everything is also clear, no one wants to sit without water, so the money will be handed over, the masters will be hired, and everything will be settled. What if the roof of an apartment building leaks? What to do in this case? It is clear that apart from the owner, on whose head water flows, this problem is not interesting to anyone. And while you put the basins and are on duty at the source of the leak, no one will even think about raising money for such a large-scale repair. Or maybe there is another way? Let's try to find out.

Old building - get ready for renovation

With the onset of spring, the first thing to be vigilant is the residents of old houses. However, this is not the only reason that can lead to a leaking roof. Sometimes this is due to condensate, which is collected due to a violation of heat transfer. But most often, microcracks appear in roll materials and in the roof itself from old age. Further, it will only get worse, because water acts destructively on any materials, which means that the gaps will only increase. As a result, we are faced with the fact that the roof is leaking in an apartment building. What to do in this situation, we will analyze in sufficient detail, but for now let's allow ourselves one more digression.

An unpleasant surprise

If the residents of old high-rise buildings are mentally prepared for the fact that the roof is worn out and may not withstand, then for a resident of a new building this is, to put it mildly, a surprise. And the reason is the same - a violation of the tightness of the roof. Most likely, in this case, poor-quality material was used to cover the roof, or errors were made during the installation process. In any case, the tenant is not at fault and has every right to seek repairs. However, most of us will be baffled by the situation when the roof in an apartment building leaks. What to do, who to contact, how to protect your rights? Let's go directly to this issue.

Where to call

First you need to try to eliminate the consequences, that is, substitute buckets and basins under the resulting leak. Of course, it is very unpleasant that this has affected you, but nevertheless it is worth trying to save the property of both your own and those of the innocent neighbors below. And now you need to pick up the phone and call the utility service to which your house is attached. You are not the only one with them, and for sure no one will be in a hurry to respond to the call. However, you can not hesitate when the roof in an apartment building leaks. What to do? Sending a written application is much more fast way achieve action.

Official address

It must be written in two copies. In the application, tell in detail when the roof leaked, under what circumstances you noticed it. Do not forget to indicate how things are now, whether water continues to run from the ceiling, and the measures taken to eliminate the consequences.

While you are going to go to the public utilities, we will touch on the legal side of the issue a little. So, the roof of an apartment building is leaking. What to do? Belarus, like most of the former Soviet republics, offers residents several options for resolving such issues:

  • Contact the municipal service to which the house is attached in the area.
  • Call the private housing company chosen by the tenants themselves.
  • Apply to the city authorities for subsidized roof repairs.
  • Collect money from tenants and hire a team of workers.

As you can see, there are many options, but material resources are the key. If the utility service solves the problem, then it will definitely check whether there are tenants-debtors in the house. Until the full repayment of the declared amounts, no one will undertake to carry out repairs. If you don't want to get involved with utilities, then even more grandiose visits to the tenants are coming in order to prove how much and for what, and to encourage people to pay it.

Rationale for the claim

However, we digress a bit. Let's go back to the main problem: the roof of an apartment building is leaking. What to do and who to contact? The main thing now is to write the application correctly. To do this, it is necessary to capture the occurred leakage of the roof. Take pictures from different angles so that all the details are clearly visible. In the application, indicate your details, phone number and full address. In the main part, tell us about the place of the leak, time, date and damage. It is very good if the number is printed on the pictures. All of them will be evidence in the case.

In the final part, ask to fix the leak and start repair work. All photographs and the application must be in duplicate. One package is handed over to the municipal service, the second remains with you. It must be signed by the receiving controller.

Finding out the reasons

Now it's time for the public service to act. They already have a claim that the roof of an apartment building is leaking. What to do? The reasons must be clarified on the first day. To do this, you will send a locksmith or plumber. However, he will not do anything, but only record the incident. It is advisable to invite one of the neighbors in addition. There is a chance that the locksmith will consider the leak to be minor and ask you to wait. If you agree, you will still substitute basins during the rains for a very long time. Does not triple - you need to move on.

Second statement

In principle, you can immediately prepare and write three versions of the letter. It is submitted in the name of the head of the public service. Now a whole commission will come to consider exactly how the roof flows in an apartment building, what to do. The main reasons for this phenomenon are the banal wear and tear of buildings. However, it remains to be seen. Inspection of the roof from the outside can confirm the following reasons:

  • Breakdowns or cracks formed during snow removal.
  • Coating wear.
  • Violation of the technology of laying roofing material.
  • The use of poor quality coatings. This is often the case with new builds.

Complaint to the prosecutor

Based on the foregoing, it is already becoming clear why in an apartment building. What to do? The causes of the leak are known, but all the services responsible for the repair still disown you. Then the last resort remains - write a letter to the prosecutor's office. Make a copy of your copy of the application, attach a photo with the date the letter was sent, so that the competent authorities can see that the problem has not yet been resolved.

List of court documents

This is the last resort you can go through if the roof of an apartment building is leaking. What to do and where to turn, we examined step by step. For the court, you will need to collect a leak report, which was drawn up by the commission. Attach a copy of the application to the housing and communal services, photographic materials and damage assessment documents to it.

Additionally, explain the reason for the request. That is, indicate how much time has passed since the leak, which authorities you have already applied to. Do not forget to mention the names of workers who could not or did not want to help you. There is another document that is very useful to present in court. This is an official act with the preparation of estimates for the funds, materials that will be needed for repair and restoration work. This is done by an independent appraisal company. Later, the court will decide who should pay this amount, and you can hire workers to carry out repairs.

On your own

It also happens like this: after walking around the authorities for several months, a person realizes that no one is interested in his problems. Week after week goes by and the roof of the apartment building is still leaking. What to do and how to solve the problem? Take an official estimate with the amounts needed for repairs, divide by the number of apartments and go to your neighbors. To make the process of collecting money easier, you can promise to take all the papers to court so that the management company will reimburse the costs.

The collection of money is made in this case so that all the time while the proceedings last, you do not have to save the property. If it is difficult to organize neighbors, stop blocking the water flow on your floor. The sooner people feel inconvenience, the more companions you will have. At the same time, be sure to defend your rights in court. Even after a while, you will be able to return the money spent.

Summing up

Any problem can be solved, the most important thing is to know your rights. If you carefully pay utility bills, you can also count on the return "courtesy" in the form of a prompt response. There are many problems in this sector. If half of the tenants have debts on payments, then the management company will have nothing to make repairs. The employees of the housing and communal services themselves also do not want to carry out a grandiose repair of the roof, attributing this to a lack of funds and the need for support from the state. It turns out that in each case it is necessary to solve the problem on an individual basis.

Internet forums are full of messages about problems with soft roof of apartment buildings. “I live on the fifth floor, the roof is leaking. Spots - on the ceiling, mold - in the corners, dampness - in the rooms. I don’t know what to do, - Svetlana Morgunova complains. - In the HOA they say that it is expensive, and there are no normal specialists in our city. Last year, they repaired the roof in another five-story building, but it leaked after the winter.”

The cry of the soul of Svetlana Morgunova is understandable and familiar to many residents of the upper floors, and this problem is most acute for five-story buildings, which make up 10% of the country's total housing stock. “These houses, better known as Khrushchevs and Brezhnevs, began to be built in 1959 and completed in 1985,” says civil engineer Pyotr Moiseev. - All of them have a flat roof, with roofing felt waterproofing. With them, leaks most often occur after repair.

This is because repair work is often carried out by random people with superficial professional repair skills. soft roof. On the other hand, firms with a good reputation, guaranteeing long service life, are in demand. “We have a queue for a year in advance,” says entrepreneur Vasily Kozinkin, who repairs soft roofs. “The city knows that after us the roof will not leak for ten years, unless, of course, the installers of satellite dishes put holes in it.”

Vasily Kozinkin considers his business successful, which he advises others. We decided to tell you about some secrets of a successful startup for repairing the soft roof of an apartment building.

Looking for orders

In their reviews, experts from the analytical service estimated the size of the flat-roof apartment building renovation market. They assume that we are talking about ten billion rubles for the next five years, and this applies to critical facilities. Analysts are sure that many of these roofs have not been repaired since the commissioning of houses and have exceeded all conceivable service lives.

“In fact, the numbers are much higher,” the expert of the startup community, Ph.D. PhD, Associate Professor Igor Malyugin. - It's no secret that many homeowners associations and management companies are not interested in the real picture, trying to reduce the problem of the entire apartment building to the private misfortune of an individual tenant, they say, fix it yourself, they have nothing to do with it. With the growth of legal self-education, the demand for these works will increase, as this applies to general house expenses.

The fact is that, according to the Decree of the Government Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 as part of common property“roofs” are included, the repair of which, along with communications and load-bearing structures, is among the top-priority expenses. “If the management company ignored your application and did not include the repair of a leaking roof over your apartment for the next quarter, you can safely sue,” advises lawyer Georgy Marinadze. "Don't forget to claim the leak damage during that time as well."

pitchless roof of my house

Flat roofs of apartment buildings are called pitchless. Their repair is either current or capital. As a rule, in five-story buildings, the roof is repaired as needed, most often leaks are waterproofed. “In these places, a so-called envelope is made, that is, a cross-shaped incision,” says Petr Moiseev. - Then notched edges roofing felt gently lift up. Then cleaned and dried gas burner base on which a layer of mastic is applied. It remains only to return the corners of the envelope to its place and hold until it sets.

If, on examination, it is found that the roofing material has rotted in places, then these sections are cut out and replaced with a new roofing material, which is also glued with mastic, and the seams are sealed. “It is desirable to understand the reason why leaks occur,” says Vasily Kozinkin. - It happens that a flat roof has deflections in which water stagnates. The roofing material, although it has high water resistance, but according to technical specifications after 72 hours it can get wet with all the ensuing, or rather flowing, consequences.

In general, experts urge to pay attention to modern waterproofing coatings, in particular, glass hydroisol, which, like roofing material, is a rolled roofing material. However, thanks to the basis of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester, it does not rot. At the same time, all soft roof materials have a brittle temperature, for example, at fifteen degrees below zero, glass hydroisol can burst like glass if stepped on. Therefore, after the repair, it is necessary to carry out explanatory work with the residents so that they do not go out on the roof in winter.

This business is associated with work at height, which imposes certain restrictions on workers hired by the entrepreneur. “When performing repairs on the edge of a building, it is necessary to insure with a safety belt with a rope sling,” explains Igor Malyugin. - In addition, we will have to solve the delicate problem of communicating with customers in the person of HOA employees and management companies, which often impose cheap roofing materials disguised as expensive.

The most important enemies of a flat roof covered with roofing felt or other soft roofing material, are people - those who operate elevator shafts, as well as installers of antennas and air conditioners. That is why the exit to the roof should be closed to outsiders. “I always explain the pros and cons of the soft roof of apartment buildings,” Petr Moiseev shares his experience. - Otherwise, one cannot avoid reproaches for poor-quality work. The pluses include low cost, and the minuses - low strength. These conversations should be treated like work.”

It happens that even the demanded firms for the repair of soft roofs have a “dead season”. In this regard, Vasily Kozinkin advises entrepreneurs to go to the local media, they say, they decided to talk about what worries everyone. “After each article on this topic, the portfolio of orders increases dramatically,” says Kozinkin, “And journalists are happy to try, the main thing is to present the topic correctly. On the one hand, from the point of view of social significance, for example, a respected grandmother is “poured into the rain”, and on the other hand, from the standpoint of innovation, they say, it is possible to repair the roof using new technologies.”

The situation when the roof is flowing in an apartment building creates a lot of difficulties for its inhabitants. It especially affects the comfort of living for residents of the upper floors. The consequences of such a phenomenon can be damaged repairs and damaged things, the formation of fungus on the ceiling and walls, the development of various diseases in the owners of the apartment, the ceiling, which is leaking. The greatest danger is the ingress of moisture on electrical wiring or household appliances.

The problem of leakage requires urgent action. It is worth approaching this issue, armed with knowledge of the laws, and having developed a plan of specific actions. Only if you approach it correctly, you can resolve the issue as soon as possible, without returning to its solution later again.

Causes of a roof leak in an apartment building

Roof leakage can be observed not only in houses with experience. New buildings are not at all immune from this phenomenon. Most often, this trouble is the result of changes in the sealing system of the roof structure. Depressurization in houses of old construction, and in newly erected high-rise buildings, varies significantly. Old houses face this problem when the coating has reached its useful life. The houses, which have recently received tenants, are equipped with a new roof, and here the quality of the roofing material and installation work comes first.

If we are talking about the category of flat or pitched roofs, then the most common causes depressurization, the result of which is leakage, is the use of expired roofing materials.

There may also be other causes of leakage. For example, the following:

  • Roofing can be damaged by mechanical impact during snow removal or de-icing on the roof.
  • It is possible that during the installation of the roof, violations of the technology were made, or a material was used that did not meet the established standards of technical characteristics.
  • The roof covering was damaged as a result of the impact of the root system of plants.
  • It is possible that leakage occurs during improper installation, when the edges of the roof do not fit snugly enough to the base and when the wind gusts they rise up. As a result of blowing, precipitation falls under the roof, and snow can accumulate under it.
  • The recommended standards and technologies were not observed in the process of landing rolled elements on glue.
  • When arranging the points of contact of the roof with walls, ventilation and smoke systems, mistakes were made, as a result of which conditions for leakage are created in these places. Most often, this situation occurs on pitched roofs.
  • There is a violation of temperature standards in the under-roofing part. According to the existing standards, during the cold period, the temperature indicator in the under-roof zone must exactly match the outdoor temperature regime.
    If the under-roof space has a higher degree of temperature than external environment, then the snow will melt on the roofing surface. As a result, the formation of an ice crust and icicles begins, which contributes to the complete blocking of the drainage system. The situation is aggravated in the spring, when, due to an increase in temperature, active snowmelt begins. A large amount of water is formed on the roof, which cannot completely drain down, and, as a result, in places of insufficient tightness of the roof or joints, leakage begins.

The roof is leaking in an apartment building, where to contact

When the owner of the apartment discovers that water appears on the ceiling, then, first of all, he has the question of where to turn if the roof is leaking. In such a situation, you should know that there is a certain procedure if the roof in the apartment is leaking. It is necessary to adhere, approximately, to such a plan:

  • Call the dispatch service of the housing department to which the house belongs and report the problem. It is necessary to clarify the name of the dispatcher, and find out under what number the complaint is registered. In addition to oral treatment, there are more reliable way- Submission of an application in writing. The application is drawn up according to the model and submitted to the municipal service. The claim must indicate the reason for the appeal, the address of residence and the full name of the owner of the dwelling in which the roof leaked.
  • When submitting a written application, you should attach photographs depicting the problem area in the apartment. It is desirable that the photographs be dated, made in color. Video recording of the fact of a leak is also possible, with the submission of information on an electronic medium.
  • When describing the problem that has arisen in the application, it should be indicated in detail where the leak was found, whether it is permanent, from what day this phenomenon appeared, whether property was damaged, whether there are minor children or sick people, as well as elderly people.
  • The final part of the application should contain a request to consider the issue and take the necessary measures to eliminate the problem. You should also indicate the need to draw up an act and compensation for material damage received.
  • The facts in the application must be stated clearly and objectively.
  • Make a copy of the application and leave this copy with the complainant.
  • It is necessary to ensure that in the process of accepting the application, it is signed by the person who accepted the document for consideration.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to visit the housing department in person, the complaint can be sent by mail by registered mail.

When visiting in person, you should have a passport, a photocopy of its main pages, a document confirming the right to an apartment, and also a copy of it.

Where to call

Do not postpone the matter until later if the roof has leaked, and there is moisture in the apartment that penetrates from the outside. Many are in this case at a loss, not understanding what to do and where to complain. First of all, you should decide if the roof is leaking, where to call. For the initial appeal, with a similar problem, the housing department is intended for the place of residence, it can also be higher utility units. You should contact the dispatcher, or, directly, the head of the service.

What should utilities do?

If the roof in the apartment is leaking, representatives of the public utility, in particular, its manager, must, within two weeks, create a commission that will visit the problematic apartment and draw up an inspection report.

The document should indicate the date of the visit, the result of the inspection of the premises, the testimony of the owner of the apartment about the period of the problem. The damage caused and the cost of repairs must be taken into account. It is desirable that neighbors be present as witnesses during the inspection.

It is clear that, given the current situation in without fail it is expected that adequate measures will be taken by the housing department. In particular, the public utilities calculate the amount of damage caused, and repair work is carried out inside the premises.

Search for a leak

You should be aware that in the process of inspecting the dwelling, representatives of the public utility must establish the place of the leak. For this purpose, the workers inspect the room inside and the roofing part outside. When a problem area is detected, a decision must be made on the sequence of actions to eliminate the problem.

When determining the nature of the leak, pay attention to when it is activated - after rains, snowfall, or is permanent. Its appearance may be associated with the formation of condensate or with the occurrence of microdamages in the roof. If the tenant would not want water to constantly pour on his head, in his own apartment, then twice a year it is worth reminding the specialists of the housing department about the mandatory scheduled inspection of the roof.

How and to whom to file a claim, sample

If none of the representatives of the utilities took measures to eliminate the problem, then a complaint is filed, which is subsequently sent to higher authorities, including the court.

The complaint indicates the full name and address of the applicant, the reason for the appeal, describes the sequence of actions, including the appeal to the housing department. It is indicated that no measures were taken to eliminate the problem by the public utilities.

As a result, a request is made to consider this situation. The application may be accompanied by copies of acts on the inspection of the premises by the commission, photo and video materials, a written testimony of neighbors, certified by signatures and dated.

To download a sample, go to .

Resolution of the issue through the court

In the absence of any action on the part of the housing department to eliminate the leak, if they are not interested in this situation, the tenant has the right to file an application with the court. In addition to the application, you will need the following documents:

  • The passport;
  • Technical passport for the apartment;
  • Acts on the inspection of the premises by the public utility;
  • The address of the housing department to which the complaint was filed, as well as the data of the employees who accepted it.

When applying to the court, you need to pay attention to the material damage caused, and to the health problems that have arisen - frequent colds exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In such a case, medical documents are attached to the application.

It may take a lot of time to fix the leak, and you will have to contact various authorities, but it's worth it. After all, the penetration of water into the room not only violates the aesthetics of housing, but also poses a threat to health, and can lead to emergency situations. It is worth fighting to keep your home beautiful and safe.