On all sails! House from a sea container: we turn a technical room into a living room. Installation of modular buildings and block containers House of three block containers

Any block container must be installed on a specially prepared surface. It is not recommended to simply put a change house on the ground, since in this case the structure will definitely sag or tilt, and in early spring it is likely to be flooded with melt water. The presence of a foundation not only protects metal change houses from moisture, but also avoids the rapid wear of buildings, improves their thermal insulation properties.

We select the foundation for the change house

You can install a change house on poles made independently from a mixture of concrete with sand or bricks and stone. More lightweight and good option- usage reinforced concrete pillars, which can be purchased from the manufacturer complete with a block container. As a rule, when buying finished products you can consult a specialist about the rules for their operation.

To build a foundation, it is necessary to remove soil 10-15 cm thick from the place where the change house will be located. Then fill the prepared area with gravel and sand and place the pillars in the corners and perimeter, in pre-dug holes 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter, keeping a distance of 1.5-2 meters between them. It is desirable that the supports are approximately 20 cm above the ground.

Another way to install metal cabins is on screw piles. The advantage of such a foundation is its reliability - the piles are able to withstand the weight of a small two-story structure. Also, this method is popular because of the ease of installation, which does not require excessive effort. Usually, before making a pile foundation, the area where the block container will be located is well leveled. To do this, remove 5-10 cm of soil, then carry out measuring work and mark the most optimal location of piles for a change house. Then, using a special drill, they begin to cut holes for the piles. For an ordinary metal change house, six are usually enough. screw piles.

To prevent corrosion, increase the strength of the foundation and extend its service life, the cavities of screw piles are filled with concrete. The manufacture of the base for the block container is completed with the installation of heads and jumpers, tying with a log, channel or bar.

Another option for the base for metal change houses is ordinary concrete blocks. To place them, a twenty-centimeter layer of earth is removed at the installation site of the container. Gravel is poured into the resulting pit, on top of which blocks are installed, on which the structure is placed. In some cases, instead of concrete slabs, interconnected logs are used.

In order to properly install the change house on the prepared foundation, it is necessary to use the services of specialists, since only in this case it is possible to guarantee the exact performance of all installation work. Having resorted to the services of professionals, you can be sure that the block container will last a long time.

In our time, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions for accommodating personnel in various climatic conditions. The best choice here will be the installation of a block container (another name is a change house), directly on the territory of the construction site or inside a hangar or other building.

What are the benefits

The design of such a product is perfectly protected from adverse weather conditions, retains heat well and is designed for living and working at any time of the year. Thanks to durable metal frame, around which a structure is created for the floor, ceiling and wall panels. In the manufacture of products, the internal hollow space formed inside the frame is actively used for filling with insulation. Energy-saving characteristics allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature, both in cold winters and hot summers.

On-site installation

Sometimes our customers are faced with the need to organize workplaces where there is no physical possibility of unloading due to the height of the premises, the height or width of the entrance gate, or cramped conditions.

In such conditions, the assembly of a block container is the only way out. This is a responsible business that requires special skills and abilities. At the same time, various costs associated with the involvement of transport, lifting mechanisms and a team of installers increase quite significantly.

It is better to entrust such installation of block containers to competent specialists, by contacting us, you will receive not only reliable premises for a wide variety of domestic needs, but also qualified assistance in assembling a change house right on the site.

Depending on the complexity of the work performed, the installation of change houses takes from one to three working days. Our experts will choose the best best option installation. Depending on the situation, the container block will be delivered either partially assembled or as components. Further installation in this case will require more painstaking work, but sometimes this is the only acceptable option for installing change houses on site.

Service cost

Information on the estimated cost of such services will also be useful. In this case, everything will depend on the complexity and features of the installation. Installation of a simple container, taking into account the use of special vehicles and tools, is sometimes equivalent to the cost of the product. For advice and discussion of issues related to the installation of block containers of any complexity, you can contact the employees of our company, who will select the best option for your organization.

Due to the growth in the number of industrial facilities being built in our country and using foreign-made equipment, the volume of rail and sea transportation carried out using sea containers has increased. According to existing practice, used containers, as a rule, remain at the construction site and are subsequently sold both legally and individuals. This was the reason why sea containers began to be used for the construction of administrative, residential and public buildings. Sea container house - device, dimensions and layout options, as well as popular projects implemented in practice and user reviews - all this is the topic of this article.

The use of several block containers allows you to create a modular house of the required overall dimensions

Read in the article

Device and layout options

Using sea containers, you can build buildings and, which is due to the requirements of regulatory documents.

All technical requirements for the construction of public and residential facilities are regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  • for single family houses- SP 55.13330.2016 "SNiP 31-02-2001 Residential single-apartment houses";
  • for apartment buildings - SP 54.13330.2011 Residential multi-apartment buildings. Updated version of SNiP 31-01-2003”;
  • for public buildings- SP 118.13330.2012* “Public buildings and structures. Updated edition of SNiP 31-06-2009 (with Amendments No. 1, 2)”.

The arrangement and layout of objects under construction using sea containers depends on their number and type of their placement in relation to each other, as well as the imagination of an architect or an individual developer.

The main parameters in such construction, which determine the dimensions of the object under construction, are the overall dimensions of the container used.

Shipping container sizes

Different types of containers differ in their carrying capacity, overall dimensions and equipment.

At different manufacturers dimensions may vary slightly, but the main parameters are similar, and they are shown in the following table:

Size (load capacity) External dimensions (L×W×H), mm Internal dimensions (L×W×H), mm Additional Information
3.0 tons2100×1325×24001930×1225×2090-
5.0 tons2650×2100×24002520×2000×2150-
10 foot3058×2438×25912887×2330×2350-
20 feet DC6058×2438×25915898×2350×2390
20 feet na6058×2438×28965898×2350×2693
40 feet DC12192×2438×259112093×2330×2372general purpose, unventilated (dry type)
40 feet HC12192×2438×289612093×2350×2693general purpose, unventilated (dry type), extended height
45 feet P.W.13716×2500×275013513×2444×2549general purpose, unventilated (dry type), extended width
45 ft HCPW13716×2500×289613513×2444×2670refrigerated container, enlarged in width

For your information! The name of 10/20/40/45 ft shipping containers comes from their length, expressed in the English measurement system, calculated in feet. So the length of "twenty" corresponds to 20 feet of length in this system of measurements.

In the construction of houses and other permanent structures, as a rule, 20 and 40 foot models are used, and smaller sizes are used in the construction of temporary shelters and tool storage sites, as well as mobile workshops when working on construction sites on a rotational basis.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made using shipping containers

In our country, sea containers in the construction of housing and other facilities are not as in demand as in the United States and European countries. This is due to the fact that, as, in other matters, and are perceived by us as temporary huts or buildings for seasonal residence.

However, this trend is gradually disappearing due to the emergence of new building materials, using which you can successfully perform the internal and exterior finish object under construction, create the required level .

House or administrative building based on containers - this is mobility and ease of installation work

The advantages of using such products in the construction of real estate include indicators such as:

The disadvantages of such buildings are:

Popular buildings from sea containers - layout, design ideas and photos of completed projects

As already mentioned at the beginning of this article, sea containers are used in the construction of various building objects. In this section, we will present projects that have already been implemented in practice, as well as ideas of architects and designers that have not yet been implemented.

Houses for permanent residence

Two-storey house, built from 40 foot containers, erected in the Moscow region

Houses for temporary residence and technical purposes (dacha, bathhouse, etc.)

Administrative and public buildings

Building a house from a container

Almost anyone with physical health and skills in working with hand tools and building materials is able to build a house from a container with their own hands.

In order to use a sea container for housing, you must:

  • decide on its location and obtain permits for construction (if it is a capital, and not a mobile structure);
  • choose the type and number of containers so that they correspond to the required area and number of storeys of the building, and then purchase them;
  • develop interior spaces;
  • draw up working drawings or sketches of the object being constructed, indicating the materials used for all structural elements (, exterior and interior decoration, etc.);
  • calculate the weight of the resulting building and, based on this, select the type required for manufacture;
  • purchase all the selected materials and prepare the necessary tools.

When all the preparatory measures are completed, you can begin to build a house, which is performed in the following sequence:

Stage number 1. Foundation laying.

The need to build a foundation depends on the type of structure (capital,), the nature of its use (for temporary or permanent residence), as well as the number of storeys and type of soil at the location of the construction site.

Modular buildings are lightweight structures that do not require the construction of powerful foundations. A container house can be placed on a shallow or columnar foundation, or .

Important! When constructing the foundation, its overall dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the house being assembled. If necessary, to give strength to the structure (for the pile and column type), horizontal ties (crossbars) are laid between vertically arranged elements.

Stage number 2. Installation of the container (containers).

When installing containers on a prepared foundation, it is impossible to do without the use of lifting equipment, in connection with which the passage of vehicles to the construction site must be ensured.

For the duration of construction or just for temporary residence in the country, quite often an easy-to-build and unpretentious building is required. As they say, cheap and cheerful. Often such temporary buildings are built of wood and have minimal functionality. But today a new type of temporary buildings - a block container - has become widespread. It can serve as both temporary housing for builders, and quite permanent for summer residents. It is quite easy to build a block container with your own hands, and its functionality will allow you to fully enjoy the fruits of civilization outside the city.

Types of block containers

When planning to erect a block container on the site, it is necessary to decide in advance what it will be like. It depends on how much money and effort will be spent on its installation. The fact is that block containers can be conditionally divided into three types according to the assembly method: a block container of its own assembly, converted from a transport container and a collapsible block container. Each of these types of block containers has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which of them will be preferred depends only on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owners.

Such structures are mostly built with their own hands from scratch and according to their own drawing. For their frame use metal corners, corrugated board for external walls, interior decoration is carried out by sheathing with clapboard or plywood, stone or mineral wool. A distinctive feature of such block containers are not standard sizes. In fact, such a block container can be made by hand in any size and shape. For the construction of the entire structure will require welding machine and the skill of working with it, which can be a decisive factor in favor of a container of your own assembly.

Today, block containers converted from transport ones are especially popular. They have a lot of pros, but also a lot of cons. The main advantage of such a container is already finished construction, which remains only to be slightly improved. But such a drawback as standard sizes, when choosing, may not play in favor of a shipping container. Of course, as temporary housing for workers, it is quite suitable, but as a seasonal country house it can be very uncomfortable.

With the development of the market and technologies in construction, block containers began to appear, which are easy to mount and also easy to disassemble. Collapsible containers are very popular with construction companies. They can be disassembled and stored in a warehouse, fortunately - they take up little space, and if necessary, quickly build change houses for workers at the construction site. The production of such block containers is carried out by specialized companies. The design itself is for the most part similar to a self-made block container, but the use of sandwich plates as walls, floors and ceilings clearly distinguishes a collapsible block container. If you don’t want to bother with welding, then if you have a certain amount, you can purchase a ready-made block container and simply assemble it as a constructor. For a prefabricated block container, the price ranges from 2,000 USD. up to 5 000 c.u. and depends on the internal area.

Container installation

Having decided on the type of block container, you can proceed with its installation. As already noted, each type of block containers requires certain labor costs. The most laborious is homemade. To create it, you will first have to complete the drawing, purchase materials, then assemble the frame and sheathe it. The simplest and least labor-intensive collapsible container. But the total cost may be higher. Consider how to assemble each of these types of block containers with your own hands.

Building a block container from scratch

Starting work on creating a homemade block container, the first thing to do is its drawing. To do this, you can use a computer program such as ArchiCad, or you can simply draw a simple drawing on a piece of paper. In the drawing, it is necessary to indicate all the dimensions of the future block container, indicating the installation location of the door and windows. For your own made block container, you can choose almost any size that is convenient for you. But there is one important point. If in the future it is necessary to transport such a container, then its width should not exceed 2.5 m. To create a block container, the drawing must contain a description of all materials and dimensions. Particular attention should be paid to the frame, namely the place of installation of the door and windows. For the doorway and windows, you will need to install additional racks. Finally, we indicate the material for wall cladding and insulation. From materials the following will be required:

  • for the frame, a bent channel 100 mm;
  • metal sheets 2 mm thick for the subfloor;
  • galvanized corrugated board for external cladding;
  • wooden beam ok 40x100 mm for the log and the inner frame;
  • boards 25x200 mm for the floor, as well as flooring, for example, linoleum;
  • superdiffusion membrane for vapor and moisture protection;
  • insulation (mineral or stone wool) for walls, floors and ceilings;
  • plywood or plastic lining for interior cladding;
  • windows and door.

From the tool you will need Bulgarian, welding machine, tape measure, drill, manual circular, hammer, screwdriver. As for fasteners for wood, then you can opt for self-tapping screws or nails.

Having acquired everything necessary, we proceed to the construction of a block container. Getting started from the preparation of the site for the installation of a block container. To do this, level the ground and carefully tamp it down. To prevent the container from standing on bare ground, a simple foundation must be created under it. To do this, you can build brick columns, lay concrete slabs or create a pile foundation.

Next, we proceed to cutting pieces of the channel for the frame using a grinder. Having received the required number of pieces right size Let's start welding them. at first create bottom trim. To do this, we take a channel corresponding to the length and width of the block container, lay it out on the previously prepared surface and weld it together into one continuous frame. During the welding process, the corners can lead, so that this does not happen, it is necessary to grab the corner at several points, then check and, if everything is fine, then completely weld the entire seam to the end.

Important! To make a simple shed roof, it is enough to cut several racks of greater length. Usually the racks on the side of the door are made longer. But this approach is justified if it is not planned to create a different type of roof.

Having welded the bottom trim, go to the stands. They will be located in the corners of the strapping, one or two from the back wall, as well as in the area of ​​​​the doorway and windows. We start from the corners. After the rack is installed, it is necessary that the partner holds it in a strictly vertical position while the welder grabs the rack in several places. And if it turned out to be done without tilt, then we finally weld the rack. For additional stability, triangular braces can be welded on the bottom of the rack. We weld all the other racks in the same way.

Important! The distance between the posts of the doorway should be equal to the width of the door. Also, for reliability, a jumper is welded between them at the top. The height from the lintel to the corner should be equal to the height of the door. The same applies to window openings. But in them, in addition to the top, there must also be a lower jumper.

The next step will be top trim welding. Everything is pretty simple here. On top of the already welded racks along the perimeter, corners for the upper trim are laid and welded.

After the framework has been created, Let's get the flooring done for the block container. For this, a draft floor is first created from metal sheets. This is done in order to protect the wooden finishing floor from moisture and the penetration of rodents into the block container. Sheets are laid out inside the frame. Their edges should be placed inside the bent channel, and also rest on the foundation. When the sheets are laid out and their edges are fitted close to each other, we spot-weld the sheets together. After that, we lay several narrow pieces of metal on top of the seam, so that they are placed perpendicular to the main seam, and weld them. Finally, we weld the sheets along the seam.

Further we proceed to the sheathing of the block container with galvanized corrugated board. Everything is pretty simple here. Sheets of corrugated board are started with inside frame. If the height of the sheets is somewhat larger, then they can be cut with a grinder without much difficulty. Decking is fixed to the frame in several ways. You can use short metal screws with a wide head, or you can fix it with tear-off rivets.

Important! When installing sheets in window openings you should make a sheet overlap of 3 - 4 cm on the window opening. This is necessary in order to hide cracks and places blown with foam after installing windows.

Finished with the walls go to the roof of the block container. For the roof itself, we use the same corrugated board. The only thing that will need to be done is to weld a few more jumpers between the walls to securely fasten the corrugated board. Next, we lay the corrugated board itself and fix it to the metal frame.

The next step will be creation of a wooden frame, its insulation and cladding. The frame itself is needed for laying the insulation so that the latter does not fall out and does not crumble. To do this, we use a wooden beam. First, we install the racks, then we make jumpers between them. The internal dimensions between the uprights and the jumpers must correspond to the size of the insulation, minus 5 - 10 mm for secure fixing inside. Now we lay a superdiffusion membrane over the frame and fix it with a stapler to wooden frame. Finally, a heater is laid inside the frame and a superdiffusion membrane is again laid on top of it. It remains only to sheathe the walls with plywood or clapboard. Similarly, we sheathe the ceiling.

As for the floor, it will be on wooden logs laid on metal sheets. Its creation is similar to wall cladding. First we lay the logs. We choose the step between them in such a way that the insulation fits there. Then we lay the insulation and lay the membrane on top. It remains to lay and fix the boards for the floor itself. The boards themselves need to be sharpened, adjusted closely and fixed to the joists with nails or screws, and a finishing floor covering should be laid on top of them.

Now go to windows and doors. Since such a block container is intended for temporary residence, it will not be superfluous to take care of a strong and reliable door. It would be best to make it yourself from steel sheets. But the creation of such a door requires a lot of experience, so it's easier to buy or make to order. The door itself is installed on metal hinges, which are welded to the racks from a bent channel. When installing the hinges, it is necessary to strictly ensure that they are in line. For metal door three loops are installed. Two above, at a distance of 20 and 50 cm from the edge of the door and one below, at a distance of 30 cm from the threshold. After that, the doors are hung in place.

As for windows, there is one important point. Windows are vulnerable to burglary, so they will need to be protected with bars. The grate itself is welded to a steel channel, which acts as a window opening. The windows themselves can be both wooden and metal-plastic. When installing, it is necessary to check the vertical of the window so that it does not collapse. The gaps between the window frame and the channel bar can be foamed. This completes the creation of a homemade block container. If desired, additional finishing work can be carried out inside.

Alteration of an already finished sea container

The fashion for everything Western has also touched block containers. Today it has become popular to use block containers converted from sea shipping containers as change houses or even permanent housing. The cost of a block container converted from a transport container may turn out to be somewhat higher in comparison with a home-made one, but there is an order of magnitude less work on its arrangement.

To make a metal block container converted from a transport container, the first thing to do is to select and purchase the used container itself. Ads for the sale of transport containers can be found without problems. Such containers are produced in several sizes: standard and HC (High Cube). Respectively 20 and 40 feet long (6 and 12 meters), 2.35 m wide and 2.4 m and 2.7 m high. e. Such standard sizes impose certain restrictions, especially it is unpleasant in relation to the width of the container. But the way out of this situation can be the docking of two or more containers. To create a habitable block container from a transport, you need to do the following:

  • purchase one or more containers and deliver them to the site;
  • while the containers are on the way, prepare and level the site for its installation;
  • as in the case of a self-made one, a transport container is created simple easy foundation;
  • after delivery, the container is installed in place. To do this, you must pre-order a crane;
  • if the containers are docked, then after their installation we cut off the adjoining walls with the help of a grinder;
  • at the docking point, where the lower and upper trims, as well as vertical posts, pass, we weld them together;
  • if there is only one container, then we proceed to cutting openings for windows and doors. We do this with the help of an autogen or a grinder;
  • for the reliability of the door in the doorway, you can install two vertical racks from a metal corner;
  • further work will consist in finishing the block container. They are identical to the work described for a homemade block container. The only important difference will be the need for external decoration, namely painting or cladding of metal walls.

Of all the block containers, the most expensive and at the same time the easiest to assemble is the collapsible block container. Such containers are made to order at a specialized enterprise. The prefabricated block container has a standard width of 2.5 m, and its length can vary from 2.5 m to 6 m. It is also possible to create a longer block container. The assembly of such a container is carried out by two installers and resembles a conventional constructor, the assembly time is from 4 to 6 hours. Such high assembly rates are due to the use of sandwich panels and pre-fitted parts. When performing DIY assembly for the first time, the enterprise can provide its specialist and a complete set of assembly documentation.

Prefabricated containers are mounted in several stages. At the first, a frame is assembled, which is connected with bolts. On the second, the floor is laid and the roof is mounted. In the third stage, the walls are installed. Finally, windows and doors are installed. On the photo demonstrating a collapsible block container, you can see how easy and simple such containers are to be mounted.

There are no special secrets or difficulties in creating block containers. The main thing that is needed is the ability to handle the tool. Since it depends on this whether you can assemble the entire structure with your own hands. For those who are not used to or do not know how to work with their own hands, we can recommend hiring specialists and purchasing a ready-made block container.