Accounting for electricity. Basic requirements for the installation of metering devices

Each family receives a monthly receipt on the need to pay for the consumed electricity. For one, it is calculated based on the indicators of an individual meter, for the other - for electricity. When people buy housing for themselves, especially when it comes to the secondary real estate market, as a rule, they do not think about what kind of meter is installed in their apartment or house, how long it can be used. And sooner or later, an order from the energy supply company comes that the time for the calibration interval of the electric meter has come up, or that it needs to be replaced.

That's when a lot of questions come up. Where to begin? Where to apply? Who to call? If you buy a new device, which one is better from the variety of goods and services offered on the market? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

What is an electric meter

This device is designed to measure the AC or DC electricity consumed by the owners of residential, industrial, factory, office premises. After many experiments by scientists from around the world, the first AC electric meter was put into mass operation in 1888.

Classification by type of construction

It is customary to distinguish between induction, electronic, electrodynamic meters.

Induction, aka electromechanical, the device takes into account the active energy of alternating current. The electric meter device is a current coil and a voltage coil, the magnetic field between which drives the disk element. The higher the current and voltage in the network, the faster the plate rotates, counting the electricity in revolutions. The device is single-phase and three-phase. Produced as single. More suitable for residential areas with low energy consumption. Many homes still have old electricity meters of this type. And I must say that they are very reliable - their service life exceeds fifteen years! Due to the fact that they had no alternative, there are about 50 million induction devices installed in the country. Among the negative aspects of the device is that it can give readings with an error, and is also poorly protected from unauthorized use of electricity.

To replace the induction, they began to produce a more compact electronic electricity meter, which is also static. Such a device directly measures current and voltage, transmitting data to a digital indicator and to the device's memory. More suitable for apartments, businesses, offices with high electricity consumption. It can be installed in cold rooms, outdoors, as it tolerates low temperature conditions. Allows you to produce electricity consumption for different zones of the day: it is produced as single-tariff and two-tariff. That is, a person can program the device to different periods time. Compared to the induction version, the static device has reliable protection against electricity theft, and is also characterized by a higher cost. But at the same time, the electronic electricity meter is less reliable.

Electrodynamic, aka hybrid, the device is rarely used. Relevant for electric trains, electrified railways.

Each device has a calibration interval. It ranges from 6-16 years. Required upon expiration.

Classification according to the type of measured values

There are single-phase and three-phase meters. The first - 220 V, 50 Hz, the second - 380 V, 50 Hz. In high-voltage circuits, three-phase devices with a transformer can be installed. Modern three-phase devices are available with support for single-phase mode.

Classification by type of connection

It is possible to connect the meter to the power circuit directly (this is a direct connection) or by means of specially designed for this purpose (this is a transformer connection). For single-phase devices, the first option is characteristic, for three-phase - both methods. In apartments, as a rule, a direct connection is used.

Classification by accuracy class

There are different classes of electricity meters with an accuracy of 2.5; 2.0; 1.0; 0.5; 0.2. This indicator informs about the possible permissible percentage error in measurements. As a rule, it is written on the dial by the manufacturer.

Old single-phase induction devices have a parameter of 2.5 with a current of less than 30 A. Such devices are designed to account for electricity in small rooms. Since October 2000, they have not been sent for examination due to non-compliance with standards. After the first period of verification, they are not designed for significant loads, they are subject to mandatory replacement.

Since in the modern world a lot of “smart” energy-intensive equipment has appeared to help a person, be it thermopots, dishwashers, washing machines, multicookers, microwaves, toasters, computer equipment, there was a need for devices with a different accuracy. So, new electric meters are characterized by an increased accuracy class from 2.0 and allow you to switch to a different parameter: 1.0; 0.5; 0.2. They are characterized by increased current rates up to 60 A.

Tariffs for individual electricity metering devices

This is an important indicator practical point vision. There are single-tariff and multi-tariff devices. The former calculate electricity regardless of the time of day, while the latter assume the operation of the device according to the zones. So, allocate night and day zone. The first is set in the time interval from 23:00 to 07:00 hours, the second includes the peak time (from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00) and semi-peak time (everything else). Undoubtedly, two-tariff electricity meters are more beneficial for the consumer, as they allow saving on energy consumption.

Reprogramming devices

Separately, it should be said about such a parameter as reprogramming electricity meters. It is typical for multi-tariff devices. There are maximum allowable data adjustment rates, which are governed by applicable standards. According to them, the range of variations in the time interval should not exceed 7.5 minutes. Changing the clock to winter and summer time(one hour forward or one hour backward) exceeds the allowable value, but is still used.

In October 2014, the country last switched to winter time, which has become constant and is not subject to further adjustment. Until the end of 2014, the owners of residential and non-residential premises had to carry out the procedure for reprogramming electricity meters, since since the beginning of 2015 the formula could have failed, and the energy retail company would have the right to calculate according to a single, undifferentiated tariff for all daily zones. However, the state extended the deadlines for these events for another year. The procedure itself involves phased work. First you need to return to the program the function of allowing the transition to summer and winter time, which was removed after the changes in 2011. Then, the program must be made to prohibit the transfer of clocks to daylight saving time. Well, in the end, the results of the work must be confirmed by documentation. It should also be emphasized that earlier reprogramming of electricity meters was paid. On average, the cost of the service ranged from 400-1000 rubles. The amount depended on the phase, the model of individual electricity. Now this issue is settled at the federal level. From now on, the owners of residential premises will not be charged a fee for the procedure.

Why is meter verification required?

Each individual electricity meter has a service life. There comes a time when the device must be checked out or even replaced with a new one. Legislation Russian Federation(namely housing code, various decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation) states that all responsibility for the maintenance of electricity metering devices lies entirely with the owners of residential and non-residential premises. It is they who are inherent in controlling the timing of verification.

The metrological or calibration interval of electric meters is a time interval, measured in years, during which the device must work properly. This is a kind of guarantee of the quality of goods from the supplier-manufacturer. The verification period is written directly in the technical passport of the product. Fork of the frequency of examination for different models may vary between 6-16 years. The owner of the premises independently controls the term, and can also receive a reminder notification of verification from the energy sales company. It itself includes a number of procedures, namely: dismantling the electric meter, delivering it to a specialized, accredited service that has a laboratory designed for these purposes. By the way, this service is paid. Based on the results of its implementation, the owner of the premises will be issued an act or certificate, which indicates whether the device is working or not. In case of a positive answer, a special holographic mark can be made on the seal, or the verification result data is recorded in the technical passport. The act must be delivered to the energy sales office so that it provides permission for the further operation of the device.

It may turn out that the verification result will be negative, and the electric meter device will be faulty. What to do in this case? Undoubtedly, go to the store and purchase a new appliance. This will be followed by spending on the purchase and installation. Moreover, it is better to entrust the installation to electricians, and not to get down to business on your own. But sealing the device can be free if you are not too lazy and write a statement about the need to put it into operation directly at the power supply company, and do not resort to the services of third-party organizations. True, here you can run into a problem - sometimes the waiting time for the arrival of the master can be delayed for as much as two or three months.

Having received a notification about the need for verification, it makes sense to weigh the pros and cons. And in some cases it may be more expedient to immediately replace the old device with a new one. In any case, financial costs cannot be avoided, they will follow in both cases.

It is also important to emphasize that the replacement of the electric meter must be made within a period of not more than a month. In the first three months, payment for electricity consumed is made based on average monthly volumes or according to the indicators of a common house meter, if one is installed in the house, and then - according to a single standard.

How to determine whether the electric meter is working or not, if the verification period has not yet come?

It may turn out that the verification period has not yet come, and the electricity meter is not working. What could indicate a problem? Here are some obvious causes of device failures:

  • the disk element has stopped rotating or turns up the speed in jerks;
  • the display does not show the values ​​of the indicators;
  • the seal of the device is broken.

It is also extremely important for a power supply company that there are no chips or cracks on an individual electricity meter. The presence of a broken window for viewing readings is also unacceptable.

Is it possible to replace a serviceable meter with a new, more modern one?

If desired and at the discretion of the owner, the electricity meter can be changed to a newer one, for example, in the case of changing a single-tariff meter to a multi-tariff meter, if your home has the possibility of such electricity metering. Although the power supply company cannot oblige tenants to do so. But I must remind you of the need for verification.

To change one meter to another, you will also have to dismantle the old device and seal the new one. But there is one more nuance - this is the unsealing of a previously used device. Self-unsealing is prohibited, it is necessary to call electricians who will take readings and perform these works. One thing pleases: since 2012, this procedure has been carried out without charging a fee.

Which individual electricity meter to choose for installation?

In the event of a need or desire to replace the electric meter, you need to know what to pay attention to when choosing it.

  • First, you should immediately look at the date of the initial verification, which is carried out by the manufacturer. If it exceeds 24 months for single-phase and 12 months for three-phase devices, refuse to purchase such a device, since another examination must be carried out for it.
  • Secondly, the calibration interval of electric meters is important, which will definitely have to be controlled. After this period of time, the device will be considered off-design.
  • Thirdly, the accuracy class of the device must be indicated on the dial.
  • Fourth, you need to understand what kind of tariff is required. All necessary information contains instructions for the electric meter.

There are various models of modern technological devices for metering consumed electricity. Among the popular, well-proven ones, one can distinguish such as Granite, Puma, Mercury, Neva and others. The lineup each brand is varied. There are both single-tariff devices and two-tariff electric meters. You can also find electronic and electromechanical devices in different colors (white, gray, black, hybrid) and with different periods operation. All of them can differ in terms of verification. So, for example, the calibration interval of electricity meters "Mercury 230" is 10 years, for "Granite-1", "Puma 103" - already 16 years. On average, the cost of the above models varies between 1000-2500 rubles, but you can also find more expensive items.

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw attention to such an important parameter as the calibration interval of electric meters. Each owner of a residential non-residential premises it must be carefully controlled. This should not be neglected in order to avoid the requirements of the power supply company to pay for electricity according to tariff plan even with a fully functional individual meter. The impossibility of using non-calibrated measuring devices, which are considered off-design, is reflected in the norms of the current legislation.

A device specially designed to measure the consumed electrical energy of direct and alternating current is in every house - old and modern, high-rise skyscraper and a simple village hut. The principle by which the electric meter works depends entirely on the design.

Types of electricity meters

2.Measured values. Here, single-phase electricity meters are distinguished, which measure alternating current at 220 volts, 50 hertz, and three-phase - at 380 volts and 50 hertz. Electronic three-phase electricity meters can also support single-phase accounting.

3. Design. By design, there are three types of electricity meters. Let's consider them below.

Features of different types

Induction, that is, electromechanical electricity meters, where the magnetic field interacts with a movable element consisting of a conductive material with stationary conductive coils. The disk of the movable element passes through itself the currents from the magnetic field of the coils. The readings of the electric meter will be directly proportional to the number of revolutions of the disk.

Electronic, that is, static electricity meters, where alternating current, as well as voltage, initiate solid-state electronic particles to create output pulses proportional in their number to the amount of active energy that the electricity meter measures. Therefore, the basis for the operation of such an electric meter can be considered the conversion of input analog voltage and current signals into a counting pulse. The electromechanical device, as shown by the operation of electricity meters, behaves more reliably in cold climates and can be installed outdoors. An electronic device performs better when operating indoors. Such an electric meter has a storage device and a display.

A hybrid electricity meter is used much less frequently. This is an intermediate option that has a digital interface, a measuring part of an induction or electronic type, as well as a mechanical computing device.

Comparative characteristics

Electronic electricity meters are becoming more and more popular and are gradually replacing mechanical induction meters, since they do not have such disadvantages:

Impossibility to take readings remotely;

Single rate;

Significant accounting errors;

Defenselessness against theft of electricity;

Insufficient functionality;

Multiple inconveniences in both installation and operation compared to modern electronic devices.

Replacing electricity meters from mechanical to electronic is beneficial in that it becomes possible to use differentiated tariffs - accounting can be two or more tariffs. Electronic counters can be programmed for certain periods of time, they are equipped with memory. It also makes it easier to check electricity meters. Modern meters have a calibration period of four to sixteen years, although they are certainly not as durable as induction type meters.

Induction meters, moreover, are not designed for the modern number of powerful electrical household appliances, therefore, most often they cannot withstand the load, while electronic meters are much more stable, they are not afraid of a wide range of network loads. In addition to purely technical advantages and modern design consumers are also attracted by the price - they are rapidly becoming cheaper, which means that it is more profitable to have an electronic meter for electricity consumption in all respects.

Primary requirements

There are three main requirements: accuracy class, calibration interval and tariff rate.

1.Accuracy class. Until the mid-nineties, electricity meters installed in houses had a very low accuracy class - with an error level of 2.5. With the new standard after 1996, each individual electricity meter was replaced with a more accurate one - with an error of maximum 2.0.

2. About longitude of the calibration interval was said above. Over time, the meter parts wear out, and the error inevitably increases. The accuracy class is changing. There is a need to re-check the readings for accuracy. The period from the first check (date of manufacture) to the next is the MPI, that is, the calibration interval. It is calculated in years and recorded in the passport of the electric meter. Electronic devices are much inferior to induction in the duration of MPI.

3. Tariff. Single-tariff meters could not allow consumers to save significantly, but electronic meters help save money from consumed electricity due to tariffs, now "washing at night" is happening everywhere. IN different time days are accounted for separately.

Benefits of a two-tariff system

Accounting for electricity at two or more tariffs is very beneficial not only for consumers, but for the entire energy system as a whole. The load carried by power plants is extremely uneven during the day. In the morning and in the evening it reaches a peak, during the day it decreases, at night it decreases several times.

The uneven load schedule of the power system literally kills the technical condition of all equipment. At the maximum, the company has to give up all the capacities that are worn out, after which they require significant funds for repairs.

Two-tariff equalizes the daily volume of energy consumption due to the use of large household appliances by consumers at night. These are both washing dishwashers, and much more. And consumers save thanks to favorable tariffs.

Household electricity meter

Among the consequences associated with the housing and communal services reform is the installation of common house metering devices. Currently, such meters can be seen in almost all apartment buildings.

With the installation of a common house meter, the calculation procedure has changed. Residents pay not only for the electricity consumed in their apartments, but also for the electricity spent in public places.

The so-called MOS electricity excites the minds of residents, makes them debate and resent. Of course, stairwells and basements require lighting, pumps and antennas require electricity, and internal losses of electricity are inevitable. However, residents are looking for ways to reduce the cost recorded by the common house electricity meter.

Reasons for replacing the meter

1. The electric meter is out of order: the disk does not rotate, the counting mechanism does not switch numbers, or the so-called self-propelled is faulty, where the readings of the electric meter are wound up without consuming electricity.

2. The meter is lost (lost, stolen).

3. The service life has expired.

4. The class of the electric meter of accuracy 2.5 is subject to mandatory replacement with a meter of a higher accuracy class - 2.0 or 1.0.

5. The period of state verification has expired.

6. The meter has mechanical damage.

7. The seal of the state verification is broken.

8. An order has been received from the power supply or network organization.

9. Step towards the desire of the consumer.

Purchasing a new electric meter

The electricity metering device must be registered by the State Register according to the list of domestic and imported metering devices that have been certified and approved for operation in the Russian Federation.

When buying an electric meter, you must first of all pay attention to the date: the initial check by the manufacturer should not be carried out no more than 24 months ago for single-phase meters and no more than 12 for three-phase meters, and the accuracy class should not be lower than 2.0.

The timing of the calibration interval is extremely important to clarify. According to the law, neglect of verification puts the meter in a number of non-calculated ones: despite the presence of a meter, you will have to pay 3 months at the average monthly consumption rate, that is, expensive, then - according to the standards.

A multi-tariff device should be checked for compliance with the tariff zones: night - from 23:00 to 07:00, peak zone (the most expensive) - from 07:00 to 10. Time that is not indicated in hourly intervals - half-peak zone, daytime.

To check all the parameters of the meter, whether the data is programmed correctly, and also in order to reprogram it if necessary, you need to contact the power supply or network organization.

Dismantling the electricity meter

A consumer who intends to dismantle an electricity meter for the purpose of replacement, repair or verification must submit a written application to the energy supply organization.

The application must indicate without fail:

1. Full name the applicant with whom the contract for the supply of electricity was concluded.

2. Number of personal account or power supply contract.

3. The exact address where the meter to be dismantled is installed.

4. Contact numbers.

Specialists will come to the call, take readings from the meter, draw up an act. Only after that the electric meter is deduced from the calculations. Unauthorized dismantling of the metering device - unauthorized intervention, the seal removed from the device changes the calculation procedure.

Calculations will be made according to the volume of communal resources, calculated in this way: the total capacity of all electrical appliances available to the consumer is multiplied by the hours of their round-the-clock operation. And this is the entire period from the day of unauthorized interference to the date of its elimination.

Electricity consumption by residents of apartments and private houses should be recorded at the metering stations installed in the residential premises, on the staircase or on outer wall buildings.

Approves the obligation of owners of metering devices to use meters of class 2.0 or 1.0. Those devices with CT \u003d 2.5, users have the right to operate until the end of the 16-year calibration interval of the electric meter, and then they are required to dismantle the old meter and install a new one with an increased accuracy class.

Who bears the costs

The law establishes at whose expense electricity meters are purchased, installed and maintained - at the expense of balance holders:

  • The costs of appliances installed in the apartment or brought to the landing are borne by the owners of the apartments. The replacement of the electricity meter on the landing is carried out at the expense of the citizen.
  • Household appliances installed in common areas may belong to citizens - consumers of electricity. Then the supervision of the state of the counters is carried out by citizens.
  • If the metering devices belong to the municipality or are transferred to the balance of the energy supply organization, then the costs of maintaining common house appliances and devices in the municipal apartment are borne by the owners of the building. Proper supervision and maintenance of the meter is financed by the municipality.

Induction or electronic

The obligation to replace the old meter with a new one requires you to make a choice. The country produces two types of meters with an accuracy class of 2.0: induction and electronic. Both manufacturers guarantee a service life of 16 years. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main question is how much the counter costs, and when the purchase will pay off.

Induction meters have high reliability and two important drawbacks:

  1. Impossibility of generation in ASKUE.
  2. Work with one tariff.

Electronic devices have developed functionality, but reliability is determined by the quality of the element base. The possibility of accounting for two tariffs does not attract the population. Changing the mode of life to night, when a reduced tariff is in effect, does not seem like a healthy idea. Saving the cost of a kilowatt will result in irreparable loss of health.

The housing and communal services system is developing and slowly introducing automatic accounting for resource consumption. Someday ASKUE on residential buildings will become a part of life, then automatic control of day and night consumption will be accomplished. But for a two-tariff device, you now have to pay 10 times more than for a single-rate one, its cost is 6000 rubles, while for a single-tariff device the price is 600 rubles, with a vague prospect of cost compensation. Therefore, it is more useful for the population to change the old meter to a single-tariff device that performs the following functions:

  • Measuring not only the quantity, but also the quality of the consumed resource;
  • Remote interface for processing readings;
  • Long period of time for storing data archive;
  • Fixing a hack attempt.

Which electricity meters are to be replaced

Instruments with an accuracy class of 2.5 are subject to replacement; faulty; with a broken sight glass; expired validation. Mandatory replacement is provided for devices of class 2.5.

How to change device accounting

To replace the counter, you can contact:

When replacing the meter yourself, you should adhere to the regulations, know the order of work. The replacement procedure consists of the following steps:

  • In Russia, there is a register of certified metering devices. The purchased meter must be listed in the register.
  • The height of the metering station on a vertical surface is in the range of 40-170 centimeters. It can be a wall, cabinet, shield, panel. The mounting location must be easily accessible in the future when inspecting or repairing the instrument.
  • Wiring before entering the meter should not contain rations and twists.
  • The mounted device must be sealed, for which an application must be submitted to the ESO. In the city of Moscow and in the Moscow region - this is Mosenergosbyt, in St. Petersburg - Petroelektrosbyt. The employee will put a seal and draw up an act of admitting the device into operation. Terms of performance of works are discussed with the customer. Sealing is free of charge.

In total, the device should have two seals: the stamp of the state verifier and the seal of the sales organization.

There is no penalty for untimely replacement of the meter, but its readings will not be accepted for calculation. Accruals will go according to the consumption standard for 1 person.

Documents confirming the replacement of the meter

  1. A bilateral act of replacement issued by the replacing organization (person) with your signature;
  2. The act of putting the device into operation, if you yourself changed it or a familiar electrician.

How can a user self-verify

Doubts about the correct operation of the device at the initial stage can be eliminated independently. During daylight hours, turn off the power to all appliances in the apartment.

Record the meter reading to the nearest two decimal places.

Turn on one incandescent lamp with an easily readable power, for example, 60 watts. Record the time - one hour. After the interval has elapsed, record the meter reading again.

Subtract the initial readings from the final ones. You should get a result of 0.06 kW * h - this is how much electricity per hour a properly working meter will “wind up”. Self-verification will save the user's time. With a significant deviation in any direction, you should write a statement to the ESO and replace the meter.

Video: When and how should the meter be replaced

So, in the electric meter of the induction system, the moving part rotates during the consumption of electricity, the consumption of which is determined by the readings of the counting mechanism. The disk rotates due to eddy currents induced in it by the magnetic field of the counter coil. The magnetic field of eddy currents interacts with the magnetic field of the counter coil. In an electronic type electric meter, alternating current and voltage act on solid-state (electronic) elements to create pulses at the output, the number of which is proportional to the measured active energy.

Classification of electricity meters

By connection type:
- counters direct connection in the power circuit
- meters of transformer inclusion, connected to the power circuit through special measuring transformers.
By measured values:
- single-phase (measuring alternating current 220V, 50Hz);
- three-phase (380V, 50Hz). Modern electronic three-phase meters support single-phase accounting.
By design:
1. Induction (electromechanical electricity meters) - electricity meters in which the magnetic field of stationary current-carrying coils affects a movable element made of conductive material. The movable element is a disk through which currents induced by the magnetic field of the coils flow. The amount of electricity consumed, in this case, is directly proportional to the number of revolutions of the disk;

2. Electronic (static electricity meter) - electricity meters in which alternating current and voltage act on solid-state (electronic) elements to create pulses at the output, the number of which is proportional to the measured active energy. In other words, active energy measurements by such electricity meters are based on the conversion of analog current and voltage input signals into a counting pulse. The measuring element of the electronic electricity meter is used to create pulses at the output, the number of which is proportional to the measured active energy. The counting mechanism is an electromechanical (beneficial in cold climates, provided that the device is installed outdoors) or an electronic device containing both a memory and a display;

3. Hybrid electricity meters - a rarely used intermediate option with a digital interface, an induction or electronic type measuring part, a mechanical computing device.

Induction and electronic electricity meters

IN Lately induction (mechanical) electricity meters are becoming less popular and are gradually being forced out of the market by electronic meters due to their shortcomings:

- the lack of the possibility of automatic remote reading,
- one-rate,
- large accounting errors,
- poor protection against theft of electricity,
- low functionality,
- inconvenience in installation and operation in comparison with modern electronic devices.

The main advantage of electronic electricity meters is the ability to account for electricity at differentiated tariffs (one-, two- and more tariffs). In other words, meters of this type are able to remember and display the amount of electricity used depending on the programmed time periods. Multi-tariff accounting is achieved through a set of counting mechanisms, each of which operates at set time intervals corresponding to different tariffs. Electronic electricity meters are much more durable, have a longer calibration period (4-16 years).

During design, induction devices were not designed for the presence of a large number of powerful household appliances in apartments and often could not withstand the load, while electronic meters are much more resistant to a wide range of loads in the network. In addition, in addition to the obvious technical advantages, improved design, the growing popularity of electronic meters was also due to a gradual decrease in their cost in the market.

Requirements for electricity meters

To the basic requirements for metering devices electrical energy, can be attributed accuracy class, "tariff" and calibration interval.

Accuracy class. One of the main technical parameters of the electric meter. It shows the measurement errors of the device. Until the mid-90s, all electricity meters installed in residential buildings had an accuracy class of 2.5 (ie, the maximum allowable error level for these devices was 2.5%). In 1996, a new standard for the accuracy of metering devices used in the domestic sector, 2.0, was introduced. This was the impetus for the widespread replacement of induction meters with more accurate ones, with an accuracy class of 2.0.

"Tariff". An important technical parameter of the electric meter. More recently, all electricity meters used in everyday life were single-tariff, i.e. accounted for electricity at one rate. The functionality of modern meters allows you to keep records of electricity by zone of the day and even by season, allowing you to significantly save electricity and unload the power grid during peak hours, due to the so-called "washing at night".
A two-tariff electricity meter is able to keep separate records at different times of the day. Currently, one of the ways to save on electricity bills is a two-tariff electricity metering system.
Two-tariff meters make it possible to pay less for energy: at the set time, they automatically switch to the night rate, which is significantly lower than the day rate. The night tariff makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of paying for electricity. Any tariff policy can be applied to the most "advanced" models of electric meters. For example, if power engineers decide to make discounts on weekends, then only owners of electricity meters that can support several tariffs will be able to use them.

A two-tariff electricity metering system is beneficial to both consumers and the entire energy system equally. The fact is that the load on the power plant changes during the day. Peak loads on the power grid occur in the morning (7:00-10:00) and evening (19:00-23:00) hours. At night, the vast majority of people sleep, and the load on power plants is reduced significantly. Such an uneven load schedule of the power system negatively affects the technical condition of the equipment. In addition, during periods of peaks, the company is forced to use all its capacities, as a result of which significant funds have to be allocated for equipment repairs. Such loads can be reduced by equalizing the daily volume of electricity consumption using some energy-intensive household appliances (for example, dishwasher and washing machine) at night time. In addition, this will allow consumers to save money due to more favorable tariffs.

By appearance, the method of installation and connection, two-tariff meters do not differ from ordinary single-tariff meters. The difference is that in set hours the meter display changes its readings. The cost of such meters is higher than single-tariff ones, however, it pays off in a fairly short time by reducing electricity costs.

Intertest interval. Over time, the details of the electric meter wear out, and the accuracy class of the electric meter inevitably changes. There comes a time when the electric meter needs to be re-checked for the accuracy of its readings. The period from the time of the initial inspection (usually from the date of manufacture) to the next inspection is called the calibration interval (CLI). MPI is calculated in years and indicated in the electric meter passport. Usually, electronic meters are significantly inferior in MPI duration compared to induction meters, because the equipment used in most domestic electronic meters consists of parts whose parameter stability is not standardized by the manufacturer.