Sticks transcript. Fortune telling for the future

Have you ever tried fortune telling with sticks on paper, the meaning of which in most cases turns out to be quite accurate? If not, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the three most popular types. All you need is paper and a pen. You can guess about desire, about the future, and, of course, about love!

Simple fortune telling with sticks on paper

The easiest way to find out if your wish will come true is to test it with pen and paper. You need to take a blank piece of paper, think about what you want, and then start drawing ordinary sticks in a line - vertical lines.

You need to stop when you intuitively feel that it is time. In order to find out the meaning of fortune telling on sticks on paper for a wish, simply cross out the drawn lines two at a time and see how many remain in the end. If there is only one touch left, rejoice, because your plans will definitely come true, and if not a single one, alas, your dreams are not destined to come true.

This method of prediction is probably familiar to many of you from childhood. Back at school, during breaks between lessons, the girls covered notebook sheets, and then enthusiastically discussed the meaning of fortune telling with sticks on paper - for girls it was a very interesting pastime, allowing them to find out whether there would be any relationship with the guy they were interested in and his feelings.

If you want to return to your carefree childhood years, try telling fortunes the way we did a long time ago. You need to think about the young man for whom you have sympathy, and then begin to draw vertical lines on a piece of paper, as in the previous fortune-telling, only do it not in one row, but in four, each time mentally saying to yourself “stop” when your intuition will tell you and move on to the next row.

When you're done, start crossing out three sticks in each row. As a result, in each horizontal line you will have either two, or one, or no lines left - write down the resulting number for each row, and then look at what the combination of these four numbers means.

  • 0000 - the guy has no feelings
  • 0001 - do not be persistent - there is a high risk of scaring off a potential gentleman
  • 0002 - expect a surprise
  • 0010 - your feelings are mutual, but there is no need to rush things yet, let everything take its course
  • 0011 - your chosen one is too shy, so he is afraid to approach
  • 0012 - obsession - the worst thing you can think of in this situation
  • 0020 - be more decisive
  • 0021 - the young man can’t believe that you’re in love with him
  • 0022 - soon the guy will introduce you to his friends - be prepared!
  • 0100 - you are thinking about the same thing
  • 0101 - he is a deceiver, you should not deal with him
  • 0102 - joint meetings will soon become more frequent - who knows what this will lead to?
  • 0110 - the guy is offended for something
  • 0111 - he is beside himself with anger
  • 0112 - meaning 0112 when fortune telling with sticks on paper - the imminent appearance of a rival
  • 0120 - you can’t find a common language
  • 0121 - tell him your secret
  • 0122 - get ready to be asked on a date
  • 0200 - have a heart-to-heart talk
  • 0201 - a guy only values ​​your appearance
  • 0202 - be more gentle with him
  • 0210 - there will be a passionate kiss soon
  • 0211 - the wrong day was chosen for fortune telling, information is closed
  • 0212 - he values ​​your friendship
  • 0220 - complete admiration on his part!
  • 0221 - someone does not approve of your choice
  • 0222 - a quarrel is coming
  • 1000 - you will be disappointed in this young man
  • 1001 - arrange a date yourself
  • 1002 - he enjoys communicating with you
  • 1010 - all the guy’s thoughts are about you!
  • 1011 - unfortunately, he will cheat or deceive
  • 1012 - now is not the time to make decisions
  • 1020 - you will talk seriously
  • 1021 - your jokes at his expense may cause offense
  • 1022 - you will get married
  • 1100 - the heart of a young man yearns for another girl
  • 1101 - don’t try to find out all its secrets
  • 1102 - no future together
  • 1110 - you shouldn’t approach
  • 1111 - wait for a love note or SMS
  • 1112 - Are you too focused on yourself?
  • 1120 - romantic meeting
  • 1121 - relationships will not work out due to the interference of your friends
  • 1122 - the guy’s feelings are more serious than yours
  • 1200 - he considers you fair
  • 1201 is destiny!
  • 1202 - he values ​​appearance more than your character
  • 1210 - beware of deception
  • 1211 - give him a gift
  • 1212 - make an appointment yourself
  • 1220 - he will come to visit soon
  • 1221 - bored
  • 1222 - you are too different
  • 2000 - has a grudge against you
  • 2001 - support will come from friends
  • 2002 - “African passions”
  • 2010 - feelings will soon cool down
  • 2011 - sincerely loves
  • 2012 - misunderstanding
  • 2020 - conversation required
  • 2021 - get him interested in something
  • 2022 - the main thing is common interests!
  • 2100 - be careful
  • 2101 - possible conflict, quarrel
  • 2102 - pleasant surprise
  • 2110 - you will break up
  • 2111 - you will deceive your gentleman yourself
  • 2112 - don’t chatter all over the place about your feelings!
  • 2120 - you will be brought together by common sadness, failure, grief
  • 2121 - the guy has nervous stress because of you!
  • 2122 - jealous
  • 2200 - perfect pair
  • 2201 - feelings are worth talking about out loud
  • 2202 - make mutual friends to get closer
  • 2210 - there will be a date, but how it will end is still unknown
  • 2211 - most likely, separation awaits
  • 2212 - wants a relationship
  • 2220 - the couple needs a break from each other
  • 2221 - share with him what’s going on in your soul
  • 2222 - often remembers your meetings

Another simple fortune telling with sticks on paper, which will allow you to look into the events of the near future. There is no need to make a wish for a specific person, just formulate a general question, for example, “What awaits me tomorrow?” or “What will be the main event of this month?”

The principle of fortune telling is absolutely the same as in the method of love prediction, the only difference is that we draw lines not in four, but in six rows. And at the end we don’t just write down the number, but count its sum. For example, in horizontal rows you have the following number of sticks: 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1.

We add the numbers together and get the sum 7 - use it and look at the interpretation. If the sum turns out to be more than nine, i.e. 10, 11 or 12, simply add the numbers together again. As a result, 10 will be the same as 1 (1 + 0 = 1), 11 will be the same as 2 (1 + 1 = 2), and 12 will be interpreted as 3 (1 + 2 = 3).

Interpretation of meanings:

  • 0 - nothing special will happen, life flows calmly and smoothly without particularly joyful and, conversely, sad events
  • 1 - something not very pleasant awaits
  • 2 - be careful in your relationship with your romantic partner or colleague - he is up to something bad
  • 3 - a very pleasant surprise
  • 4 - to achieve what you want, you will have to break some rules
  • 5 - a change of job or place of residence is expected
  • 6 - an interesting trip or a pleasant journey that gives positive emotions
  • 7 - a fateful meeting is coming
  • 8 - wait for important news
  • 9 - love, feelings, passions - all this will occupy your thoughts soon!

Fortune telling with sticks on paper, of course, is not one hundred percent accurate, like predictions on Tarot cards or oracles, but with its help you can get useful information.

Many people in childhood practiced fortune telling with sticks - for all its simplicity, this ritual will allow you to answer a burning question in matters of love. Plus, this method of getting answers to questions in love affairs can be practiced absolutely free, in person or through an online Internet resource, fortunately modern technologies allow you to turn to higher powers in this way.

Fortune telling with sticks is the most accessible, simple and ancient method of finding out exactly what feelings this or that person has for you, what is going on in his soul. To carry out the ritual of fortune telling with sticks on paper, you will need a blank piece of paper and a pen, plus compliance with a number of rules.

1. Choose a secluded place where you will not be disturbed - the rule is simple, but very important for concentration.
2. Mentally imagine the image of your loved one, if you wish, put his photo next to it.
3. Light candles near you, which will help you tune in appropriately.

Fortune telling using sticks - an ancient way to get an answer to a love question

Take a sheet of paper and draw four rows of sticks on it - vertical, without stopping. When you think that everything is enough, put the pen aside and then cross out 2 lines at a time, then summing up the results of such fortune-telling. If there is 1 dash left, the wish will come true, but as a couple, alas, you are not destined to be together.

Fortune telling - will it come true or not?

The sticks will help you get a yes or no answer to the question posed - yes or no. Then, on a piece of paper, draw as many sticks as you see fit until you tell yourself to stop. For the best result, draw 2 vertical lines // // // // // // // // / and upon completion, cross them out in pairs - if as a result of this elimination method there are 2 sticks left, then this promises a negative answer to the question posed . And if, as a result of counting and crossing out, there is only one stick left, the answer is affirmative.

Fortune telling on sticks for your loved one

To tell fortunes about a guy's love, you will need an outside assistant to carry out the ritual itself. On a clean, white sheet of paper, draw a row of sticks - when telling fortunes about a boy, there is no need to draw a certain number of vertical lines. Just draw until your assistant tells you to stop - and only after that cross out 3 lines in each row.
If at the end of a row, when fortune telling, there are 1 or 2 uncrossed sticks left for a guy, grab them along with the missing ones coming from the next row. After this, count how many sticks you have left, 1, 2 or more than one in a row. It is important to write down this number and then compare it with the results of the interpretation, having received an answer to the question posed.

Interpretation of meanings

After calculation, compare the value of the obtained fortune-telling results with the values ​​given below. Using these data, you can understand not only about a man’s feelings, but also learn about the future fate and direction of your relationship.

The breakdown of the numbers received is as follows:

0000 – the man is waiting to meet you.
0001 – don’t beat yourself up, everything is fine with you.
0011 - your loved one thinks only about you.
0012 – there is no need to talk too much, because happiness lives where it is quiet.
0020 - the guy values ​​his relationship with you.
0021 - wait for an invitation to a date.
0022 - the guy is in love.
0100 – it’s worth thinking about whether you really need a relationship with this person.
0101 - a man is thinking about you.
0102 – the guy is waiting to meet you.
0110 – the man is very shy.
0111 – you can only be friends.
0120 – the guy doesn’t have any feelings for you.
0121 - a very serious conversation awaits you.
0122 - a man considers you his chosen one.
0200 - the guy is jealous of your friend.
0201 – the man is very proud of you.
0202 - the guy will soon ask you to meet.
0210 – he is attracted to someone else.
0211 - you will soon go your separate ways.
0212 – it’s worth taking a closer look around, maybe your chosen one is somewhere nearby.
0220 - you are in a love triangle.
0221 – the guy should be given more care and attention.
0222 is your chosen man.
1000 – the number promises a quick marriage.
1001 - you will become simply best and true friends.
1002 – don’t rush him, give him time to think.
1010 - you will soon receive a message from him.
1011 - a guy dreams of you.
1012 - a man will try to achieve you with all his might.
1020 - be prepared for a surprise.
1021 – the guy intends to ask you to date.
1022 - you will not be together.
1100 – this person can be trusted with the most intimate secrets.
1101 – this person only wants to be with you.
1102 – he will kiss you when you meet.
1110 – you have fun with each other.
1111 – you bring him smiles.
1112 – a man loves you very much.
1120 – you will definitely meet today.
1121 – you will soon meet your ideal man.
1122 - a quarrel awaits.
1200 – your boyfriend’s friend wants to be with you.
1201 – the guy is not ready to be with you at the moment.
1202 - a guy is attracted to your kind character.
1210 – a man considers you very beautiful.
1211 - expect to visit him soon.
1211 - the guy gets bored next to you.
1220 a man wants you to give him your kiss.
1221 – expect an invitation from him to the cinema.
1222 – some kind of rival appears on the horizon.
2000 – sad when you are not around.
2001 – the guy likes you, but he doesn’t want a serious relationship.
2002 - the guy is not thinking about you.
2010 – a man intends to tell you about his love.
2011 – only you are in this man’s heart.
2012 – a man can be trusted.
2020 – the result promises betrayal.
2021 – the guy doubts you.
2022 – a man is always happy about your every meeting.
2100 – wants, but cannot forget you.
2101 - intends to tell you something important.
2102 – his company really likes you.
2110 – you will have a strong and long-lasting relationship.
2111 – don’t think about it.
2112 – don’t trust this very man.
2120 – wants to meet your dad and mom.
2121 – adores you with all his heart.
2122 – plays with your feelings insincerely and deceitfully.
2200 – in love with you.
2201 – I don’t intend to share you with someone.
2202 - will soon show his interest.
2210 – intends to build serious and long-term relationships.
2211 – one or another of your chosen ones wants to be with you all the time.
2212 – another woman filled his heart.
2220 – the guy will soon forget about you.
2221 - you have to go through a long separation.
2222 – dreams of hugging you tightly.

Fortune telling

The presented option, as well as the previous type of fortune telling by lines, involves drawing vertical sticks on a blank sheet of paper. But they are no longer drawn in 4 rows, but in a larger number - in 6 rows, after which you also cross out 3 lines. Then you calculate the final result - if you get a value of more than 10, then you add these numbers together, leading to one denominator. Your next step is decryption:

0 – it’s worth telling your fortune again, but another time.
1 – something bad will happen soon.
2 – take a close look at your surroundings, quarrels and conflicts are coming.
3 – Expect pleasant and unexpected surprises soon.
4 – maybe what you have planned will not go as you planned and therefore you should be prepared for sharp turns in fate.
5 – drastic changes in fate await.
6 – there will be a long journey soon.
7 – an assistant will appear in your environment.
8 – expect important news to appear soon.
9 – you will soon meet your destiny.

English fortune telling queen

Fortune telling scheme Queen

For the presented fortune-telling ritual, the fortune-teller and questioner of higher powers will need to prepare 6 wooden sticks - 3 the length of the index finger and the same number of short ones, the length of the little finger. But the 7th stick should be thick in comparison with the others - it is this that they call the queen and place it at their feet.

At the beginning of the ritual, free your head from unnecessary thoughts and close your eyes - focus internally on your questioning and mix all 6 sticks in your hands. Take them in your left hand, squeeze one stick in it, transfer the rest to your right and hold it for a couple of seconds - open your right palm.
The answer to the question posed to higher powers will be negative if there are more short sticks on the floor and, accordingly, vice versa - no, if more long sticks have fallen out.

1. When one of the branches lies on the Queen, stunning success awaits you, and most importantly, you will not have to make any great efforts to achieve it.
2. The sticks formed a cross on the floor - solving your question or problem will require a lot of effort and time.
3. When all the fallen sticks are not facing the Queen, the problems will eliminate themselves without your participation.
4. When all the sticks are turned towards the Queen, the situation cannot be resolved on its own and you will have to make a lot of effort to eliminate it.

As you can see, fortune telling using wands is a very exciting and fun activity that will allow you to get an answer to your question, and does not carry a negative connotation, much less a setback, as is often the case in other magical rituals. Of course, the result may differ from your own expectations, however, you should not take it as a final and irrevocable verdict. After all, tomorrow everything can change dramatically and life will again burst into bright colors even after the gloomiest and cloudiest day.

There is no person on Earth who would not be interested in learning about his future and the fate prepared for him. Since ancient times BC, there have been many ways of fortune telling and reading omens; magic surrounded every person in those years. Anyone could touch the unknown by turning to predictions and find out what awaits him in life. Even now, many girls dream of finding out the answer to a question that interests them, and the long-tried method of fortune telling using lines helps them in this.

Among young girls, predicting the future using random lines on paper is especially popular and effective. This method of fortune telling is completely uncomplicated, does not take much time and always gives a clear answer to any question posed. With the help of dashes, you can also tell fortunes about the young man you like. If you concentrate on a specific person, the lines will definitely give an answer about what he feels for you, what he is doing now, and much more.

This fortune-telling has absolutely no age restrictions, like any other, and all you need is a sheet of clean white paper (not only a landscape sheet, but also a piece of paper from a notebook may be suitable, the main thing is that it is clean, that is, so that haven’t written on it yet) and a pen.

We will look at three options for fortune telling using lines on paper, one of them is simple, the other two are a little more complicated, but you can handle them.

The first (simple) way of fortune telling by lines

This is an easy version of predicting the future, all you need is paper and pen, and you have to focus on whatever question you want to ask the dashes. You can guess in this way (ask questions) many times until you run out of questions.

Dashes can be drawn in two ways: “– – –” or “/ / /”.

Focusing on one specific issue that is most important to you now, or making one single wish, start drawing lines without counting them and without trying to draw too many. Just draw until you want to stop. Do not forget that for each new fortune-telling it is necessary to draw new lines, and it is advisable to use a new sheet of clean white paper. White color is more suitable for predictions, because it is a neutral color, and it does not interfere in any way during fortune telling, does not affect its process, therefore it helps to achieve the most correct result.

Having drawn as many lines as you could or wanted, count their total number by crossing out two lines at a time. Be very careful when counting, because the answer to your question depends on it.

If, after crossing out all the lines, you have an even number of sticks, then the answer to your question is negative, and if you made a specific wish, it means that it cannot yet come true. If, after crossing out all the lines, there is only one left, that is, you have an odd number of sticks, then the answer to your question is positive, and if you made a specific wish, then it is destined to come true.

The second method of fortune telling by lines

This method is a little more complicated, because there should be more lines, and you will have to cross out not two at a time, but three. The principle of fortune telling is the same: always a clean sheet of white paper, not marked with a pen, a pen and the question you asked or the wish you made. There is also a limitation: you can only draw lines in six rows, no more. You can draw them close together or far apart, you can draw them small or large, just don't draw more than six rows on one sheet of paper.

After you draw all the lines, you need to count them. Crossing out three lines at a time, go to the end of the first row. Now, focusing on the last features, count how many of them are left. If there are 2 lines left uncrossed, write down the number “2”, if one line is “1”, and if there are no lines left, write down “0”. Do the same with the other five rows. Then add up the resulting six numbers. If you get a number greater than nine, then you also need to add it together. Here is an example to help you: if you get the number 12, then add “1” + “2”, getting “3”, therefore, your answer to fortune telling is exactly the number “3”. Now pay attention to the meaning of the numbers you need, which are located just below.

The meanings of the resulting numbers:

0 - everything is fine and no changes, nothing good will happen, but nothing bad will happen either, you can try asking the fortune-telling question later;

1 – changes await you ahead, unfortunately, these changes may not be positive, gain strength;

3 – a pleasant event or unexpected good news awaits you ahead;

4 – the future will require sacrifice from you, this could be friendship, changes in worldview or views on something;

5 – you are facing serious changes related to work or your place of residence; you may be moving soon;

6 is a symbol of good changes associated with travel and a short trip for the purpose of relaxation;

7 is a sign of a serious change, a meeting with someone very significant who can change your whole life;

8 – important news or news is rushing to you;

9 – a serious, high feeling awaits you or has already overtaken you – love.

The third (most difficult) method of fortune telling by lines

This fortune telling is used by young girls if they want to find out something about a guy they like or a guy they are already dating. Also, having concentrated and asked a specific question (or made a wish), on a clean and white sheet of paper, begin to draw lines in just four rows with a pen. They can be any size, you don’t need to specifically count them while you’re drawing, just relax and put lines until you finish the fourth row.

Now it's time to count the traits. Crossing out three sticks at a time, go to the end of the first row and count how many are left. If there are two left, write the number “2”, if there is one – “1”, if there are none left – “0”. Repeat the same with the remaining three rows. In this version of fortune telling, you don’t need to add them up, just write down all four numbers in order. For example, if in the first row you got the number “1”, in the second - “0”, in the third - again “1”, and in the fourth - “2”, then the entry will represent the following sequence - “1012”. Then look at the table of values ​​of the numbers drawn and find the one that suits you.

The meanings of the resulting numbers:

0000 - secretly in love and cannot confess;

0001 – the answer is already obvious;

0002 – expect a gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers;

0010 – the person reciprocates your feelings;

0011 – don’t be afraid to be the first to confess, because your lover is too proud and afraid of his feelings;

0012 - your feelings are tender, so you should not tell strangers about them, this way you will save them and your relationship;

0020 - the young man who is in your thoughts also has feelings for you that can develop into something more;

0021 - the young man you were wondering about dreams of meeting you;

0022 - this person has the strongest and most sincere feelings for you;

0100 - most likely, your feelings are not so strong or you remember little about this young man;

0101 - this person has loved you for a long time;

0102 - if fate is in a good position, you can be with this young man;

0110 - you somehow offended this person;

0111 – deceives you: offers a relationship without love on his part;

0120 - trouble awaits you;

0121 – knows how to keep secrets;

0122 – romance is expected;

0200 – appreciates your temperament;

0201 – fascinated by your hairstyle;

0202 – show him signs of attention;

0210 - kisses expected;

0211 – guess again;

0212 – appreciates you;

0220 – there is a spark between you;

0221 – does not love your loved ones;

0222 – discord in relationships is expected;

1000 – eternal love;

1001 – go to the cinema soon;

1002 – friendship;

1010 – can’t get you out of his head;

1011 - will hug you when you meet;

Fortune telling with sticks is usually done on paper, and this fortune telling used to be more about desire, but then it began to enjoy success for fortune telling about relationships. In order to tell fortunes about a desire or relationship, you need to clearly formulate a question, the answer to which will be “yes” or “no” and on a blank piece of paper start drawing sticks one after another. Your friend can help you with this, she will draw sticks, and you will need to say “stop” at a certain moment. So you need to draw four rows. When you lose count of the sticks, start crossing them out in pairs, and at the end you will either have a crossed out pair or one stick left. And the meanings here are simple, if at the end there is a crossed out pair of sticks, then we write 0 at the end of the line, but if there is a stick left, then we write 1! In online flash fortune telling with sticks, the fortune telling area acts as paper, and for fun you can see what happens, but if you expect the fortune telling to be truthful, it is better to concentrate and perform it on paper, for this purpose the meanings of fortune telling are given below.

  • 0000 - rejoice! He (she) loves you.
  • 0001 - you should not be persistent yet. This can scare the chosen one(tsu).
  • 0002 - a pleasant surprise awaits you.
  • 0010 - he (she) likes you. However, there is no need to rush things.
  • 0011 - perhaps shyness is interfering with your lover!
  • 0012 - don’t be too intrusive.
  • 0020 - he (she) expects decisive action from you.
  • 0021 - he (she) doubts your sincerity.
  • 0022 - he (she) dreams of introducing you to his friends.
  • 0100 - your desires coincide.
  • 0101 - he (she) can mess with your head.
  • 0102 - you will spend more time together.
  • 0110 - he (she) holds a grudge against you.
  • 0111 - he (she) is angry with you.
  • 0120 - do not rush to pour out your soul to him (her) - there is a high probability that you will not be understood!
  • 0121 - if you have a secret, it’s time to reveal it to a loved one.
  • 0122 - your lover will make an appointment with you.
  • 0200 - have a heart-to-heart talk.
  • 0201 - most of all, your dear friend (girlfriend) likes your appearance.
  • 0202 - when meeting him (her), be more affectionate.
  • 0210 - a passionate kiss awaits you.
  • 0211 - try telling your fortune another day.
  • 0212 - you are dear to him (her).
  • 0220 - he (she) admires you.
  • 0221 - friends or family do not approve of your choice.
  • 0222 - a quarrel with a loved one is possible.
  • 1000 - it is possible that you will be disappointed.
  • 1001 - invite your lover to the cinema.
  • 1002 - he (she) enjoys your company.
  • 1010 - he (she) often thinks about you.
  • 1011 - deception is possible on his (her) part.
  • 1012 - don’t rush things.
  • 1020 - he (she) wants to talk to you about something important.
  • 1021 - even a harmless joke can hurt someone you care about.
  • 1022 - wedding ahead.
  • 1100 - perhaps he (she) has another one.
  • 1101 - you shouldn’t ask him (her) unnecessary questions.
  • 1102 - it will not be easy for you together.
  • 1110 - do not rush to become intimate with him (her).
  • 1111 - a love message awaits you.
  • 1112 - take more interest in his (her) affairs.
  • 1120 - a romantic date awaits you.
  • 1121 - your friends or girlfriends can ruin everything.
  • 1122 - he (she) loves you more than you love him (her).
  • 1200 - he (she) appreciates you for being fair.
  • 1201 - fate itself brought you together.
  • 1202 - he (she) likes the way you dress.
  • 1210 - perhaps he (she) is deceiving you.
  • 1211 - give him (her) a gift.
  • 1212 - invite him (her) for a walk.
  • 1220 - wait for your loved one to visit.
  • 1221 - he (she) is sad without you.
  • 1222 - you are far from each other.
  • 2000 - perhaps one of his (her) friends does not like you.
  • 2001 - a dear friend (girlfriend) can help you solve problems.
  • 2002 - a time of all-consuming love and passion awaits you.
  • 2010 - there is a slight chill in your relationship.
  • 2011 - loves with all my heart.
  • 2012 - there may be some misunderstanding on the part of the beloved.
  • 2020 - try to call a dear friend (girlfriend) for a frank conversation - you will learn a lot of interesting things.
  • 2021 - you are not entirely suitable for each other, but if you make an effort, the relationship can be maintained.
  • 2022 - to stay together, in addition to feelings, you need common interests.
  • 2100 - you should be more attentive to your partner.
  • 2101 - a stormy showdown awaits!
  • 2102 - a pleasant surprise awaits you.
  • 2110 - separation is possible.
  • 2111 - do not deceive him (her).
  • 2112 - your lover may ask an unexpected question.
  • 2120 - you will have to endure a lot together.
  • 2121 - you make your chosen one nervous.
  • 2122 - you shouldn’t give reasons for jealousy - it can end badly.
  • 2200 - you are made for each other.
  • 2201 - a loved one is jealous of you.
  • 2202 - introduce your dear friend (girlfriend) to the company of your friends - this will bring you closer.
  • 2210 - you will be invited on a date.
  • 2211 - perhaps he (she) is thinking about breaking up with you.
  • 2212 - your loved one wants to be close to you.
  • 2220 - you should take a break from each other.
  • 2221 - it’s time to pour out my soul to him (her).
  • 2222 - he (she) often thinks about you.

For many of us, this fortune telling has been familiar since childhood or adolescence. Free online fortune telling with sticks for love is very easy to do both “live” and on the computer. Even a child can do it! All you need is a pen and a piece of paper or internet access!

Fortune telling with sticks for a guy, two options: offline and online versions + interpretation of meanings

Right now you can do a fortune telling on a stick for a guy, love and relationships, it will tell you how your relationship will develop in the near future. First of all, you need to focus on the object of your love. Imagine it in all details, remember some pleasant period in life for both of you.

Online version

Click the “Start Fortune Telling” button and then click the “Stop” button four times.

Offline fortune telling “On sticks on paper”

If you want to do this fortune telling for real, take a piece of squared paper, a pen and a watch if you are telling fortunes alone. The rules for the ritual are quite simple.

First stage: Drawing sticks

  • Love fortune telling with sticks consists of drawing vertical sticks on a piece of paper as quickly as possible until your partner says “stop”;
  • If you are wondering alone that you can stop yourself by setting the stopwatch for 1 minute;
  • There must be four lines. When performing the ritual, you must stop 4 times and each time start drawing sticks on a new line.

And one more important rule: there should be no stops in the process!

Second stage: Cross out three pieces at a time

When you finish drawing the sticks, you will need to decipher its meaning, for this you will have to process the drawn groups of sticks. The meaning of processing is to cross out sticks three at a time until the line ends or one or two sticks remain (see figure).

An example of “crossing out” sticks

For example, you did fortune telling on a piece of paper, the sticks lined up like this:


  • In this example, there are two sticks left, which means that opposite this line we write the number two (2).
  • If there is only one stick left, then write the number one (1);
  • If there are no sticks, then set zero (0).

Thus, we get one digit from each line and we get four digits. If you do fortune-telling with sticks online for free, then the computer will calculate the results for you.

Third stage: Interpreting the result

  • 0000 - there is a reason for joy - you are loved;
  • 0001 - don’t be so persistent, otherwise it will push him (her) away;
  • 0002 - probability of some surprise;
  • 0010 - they sympathize with you, but don’t rush your partner;
  • 0011 - your lover is too shy;
  • 0012 - think, perhaps you are too annoying;
  • 0020 - you are expected to be decisive in your actions;
  • 0021 - your intentions and feelings are questioned;
  • 0022 - I would like to introduce you to my circle of friends;
  • 0100 - coincidence of your desires;
  • 0101 - perhaps you are just being fooled;
  • 0102 - long time spent together;
  • 0110 - he (she) is offended by you;
  • 0111 - the chosen one is angry with you;
  • 0120 - do not rush to open your heart to your partner, misunderstanding may arise;
  • 0121 - it’s time to tell about your secret;
  • 0122 - be prepared for the upcoming meeting with your loved one;
  • 0200 - sincere conversation;
  • 0201 - your partner is attracted to you, first of all, by the way you look;
  • 0202 - be more gentle and softer during a date;
  • 0210 - passionate kiss;
  • 0211 - today is not the most suitable day for fortune telling; Try a little later (for example, tomorrow);
  • 0212 - your personality is dear to him (her);
  • 0220 - he (she) admires you;
  • 0221 - loved ones disapprove of your choice;
  • 0222 - possibility of conflict;
  • 1000 - risk of being disappointed in your partner;
  • 1001 - advice to invite him (her) to the cinema;
  • 1002 - your company is pleasant to the chosen one;
  • 1010 - he (she) often thinks about you;
  • 1011 - you may be being washed;
  • 1012 - recommendation to take your time;
  • 1020 - he (she) wants to talk about something serious;
  • 1021 - analyze words and jokes so as not to accidentally offend your chosen one (-tsu);
  • 1022 - harbinger of marriage;
  • 1100 - they are probably cheating on you;
  • 1101 - you ask too many unnecessary questions to your chosen one;
  • 1102 - your relationship will not be simple;
  • 1110 - do not rush the moment of intimacy;
  • 1111 - receive a letter with a declaration of love;
  • 1112 - show more interest in his (her) affairs;
  • 1120 - prediction of a romantic evening;
  • 1121 - don’t let your friends get into your relationship;
  • 1122 - your partner’s feelings are stronger than yours;
  • 1200 - your sense of justice is highly valued by your chosen one;
  • 1201 - you found each other in this life;
  • 1202 - your clothing style appeals to him/her;
  • 1210 - there is a possibility of the partner being dishonest;
  • 1211 - please her (him) with a present;
  • 1212 - take a walk together;
  • 1220 - he (she) will become your guest
  • 1221 - he (she) is bored;
  • 1222 - he (she) is very far from you;
  • 2000 - some of his (her) friends do not appreciate you;
  • 2001 - he (she) will be able to help solve the problems that have arisen;
  • 2002 - a wonderful period of complete immersion in feelings begins;
  • 2010 - your relationship is cooling;
  • 2011 - his (her) soul is full of love for you;
  • 2012 - he (she) does not fully understand you;
  • 2020 - if you call your chosen one for a frank conversation, you can get a lot of interesting information;
  • 2021 - it’s difficult to call you ideally suited to each other, you need to try to maintain the connection;
  • 2022 - to maintain relationships, in addition to feelings, find other points of contact, identify the commonality of your hobbies;
  • 2100 - show more attention to him (her);
  • 2101 - there will be a conversation in a raised voice;
  • 2102 - an interesting surprise;
  • 2110 - prediction of separation;
  • 2111 - avoid deception;
  • 2112 - you may be caught off guard by sudden questions;
  • 2120 - you will face many difficulties together;
  • 2121 - you give your partner a reason to be nervous;
  • 2122 - makes you jealous;
  • 2200 - he (she) is destined for you;
  • 2201 - jealousy on the part of the chosen one(s);
  • 2202 - getting to know his (her) circle of friends;
  • 2210 - invitation to a romantic walk;
  • 2211 - your partner wants to break off your relationship;
  • 2212 - he (she) craves your company;
  • 2220 - it’s better to stay apart for a while;
  • 2221 - the time has come to reveal your soul;
  • 2222 - you are a frequent subject of your partner’s thoughts.

Good luck with your fortune telling!