Vaccinations. Universal EVIL or still reasonable Protection? (1 photo)

Any woman at work needs a biting ruler.
To begin with, we choose the target of our atrocity, for example, Sidorov, a malicious talker on the phone. While the quarterly report requires, like money, regardless of their personal presence, complete library silence.
Further, we fold our palm in the form of a pistol, cock the "trigger", direct the "barrel" at this beast. Smoothly, smoothly, we bring the "fly" to the very center of Evil, and then sharply beat the ruler on the table.
When Evil turns in horror or, even more desirable, jumps as if stung, we make a "terrible" face and say hoarsely: "Sidorov - you are a corpse!"
Everything. Evil is defeated. Good (in your face, of course) has won. We smile and work further in complete silence.
If this does not help, Evil smiles maliciously, well, the person has strong nerves, and continues to yell loudly into the phone to his imaginary subscriber, we begin to methodically draw a circle around our table with chalk. Along the way, we slowly pronounce spells, preferably in Aramaic or Hebrew. Not bad, they say, it turns out in Sumerian, but you can just use Latin. Although in reality it all depends on the degree of desired impact and the tools at hand. For example, if you hold a clerical knife in your hand, it works well in the language of the ancient Maya. The Enemy's heart, they say, jumps out of his chest by itself.
Well, the spell is quite simple and easy to remember "Skotina, well, I'll do it for you, just wait, wait, wait, I'll get to you." And with a threatening face we slowly move towards the Universal Evil. And, of course, do not forget not to cross the drawn line, otherwise it’s not that it didn’t work, but the effect can be somewhat blurred.
Naturally, this should sound in a singsong voice, akin to the incantations of a familiar warlock, Aunt Nyura - a cleaning lady at the time of her usual dirty work - wiping the tables of senior staff with a rag after washing the toilet. Something like, - "Instruct your mulberry, but wipe it for me, sluts, they don't wash themselves, they learned it, but there too. Anu get out of the room, there's not enough room for me."
If this didn’t work either, well, for example, the Universal Evil noticed the drawn circle in time and, without ceasing heart-rending yelling into the phone, begins to make faces, tapa - “la, la, la, you won’t get it”, there is always a secret purely female remedy, prompted we are still Egyptians - a chemical attack, well, I mean - incense. We take some very popular potent remedy, for example, from Christian Dior, well, at least CD Tendre Poison, such a dichlorvos for Homo Sapiens a la fragrant lily of the valley with a flower-green smell, as it says on the package.
Well, it’s not for nothing that the word Poison crept into the title - that is, poison. It should definitely work! The Egyptians could not be wrong. Look, what pyramids have been reclaimed. And this is despite the general shortage of living space. Obviously, they were all right with intrigues, and the enemies didn’t snoop under their feet - they didn’t have time to scatter, like them from around the corner of Tendre Poison, well, or some other Poison, who knows. It is important that the result is on the face.
In general, boldly sprinkles this pesticide towards the Enemy of All Living Things. I assure you - the effect will not keep you waiting.
True, even here a puncture can occur, in the form of a treacherous cold. But nothing. We haven't tried Voodoo yet. They say it's a killer thing.

Universal evil has many faces. This time it visited the world in the form of a tall, thin man with long, combed back hair and the gentle eyes of a murderous maniac. The man stood on the wall of the castle and, looking at the mountains surrounding him from all sides, indulged in sweet dreams of world omnipotence. Not so long ago, his many years of searching, unexpectedly, first of all for himself, were crowned with success - the Cup of Life, the very existence of which was considered a myth, finally fell into his hands. According to legend, when the Creator created the world of Emaro, he in turn populated it with different creatures - dragons, elves, gnomes, people, orcs and all sorts of other creatures. At first, everyone lived, if not in harmony, then in balance, for sure. But over time, interracial strife began. Then, in order to prevent a global war of everyone against everyone, the Creator decided to create the Keepers of the World. To do this, he chose among others the dragon tribe, for it was the dragon that was his first creation. And then the Creator called the First Dragon to him. In order for the dragon to gain power over the world, he had to drink the blood of his Creator. Especially for this ritual, a cup was created, later called the Cup of Life. As a result, the First Dragon became the ancestor of the imperial house of Emaro and the first owner of the Chalice, and all dragons - surpass other races in their strength. True, later, several centuries later, these same others united and pushed the dragons, and instead of the mighty unified empire of Emaro, many separate states appeared. Nevertheless, the Cup of Life was considered, again according to legend, the strongest artifact that gives power over living and inanimate matter and all sorts of other benefits in addition. Azauer - that was the name of the man - raved about the Cup of Life from early childhood. Being a very sickly and weak child, he often became the object of ridicule and humiliation from his peers. Dreaming of someday getting even with the offenders and knowing full well that physically he was unlikely to be able to do this, he read a lot. He was especially attracted by stories about the Chalice of the Creator as a source of almost absolute power. Little Azauer dreamed of finding this artifact and showing everyone who the “starved worm” and “cockroach mustache” really are here. In his dreams, he turned his offenders into toads and rats, made them crawl on their belly and gnaw the ground in horror before him, mighty and terrible. However, when at the age of sixteen he suddenly discovered a magical gift, he fully realized his childhood fantasies, adding a couple of adults to them. In addition, the presence of magical abilities contributed to a wonderful strengthening of health and the whole organism as a whole, so that, already studying at the Magic Academy, Azauer ceased to be a "whipping boy." But the dreams of the Chalice and power remained. The grown-up Azauer devoted all his free time to searching for information about the legendary artifact. Over time, it turned into a mania. Few acquaintances began to bypass him, considering him mentally ill. Even to himself, he sometimes seemed completely crazy maniac. This feeling was especially strong after reading in another manuscript stored in the archives of some provincial town that, they say, the Cup of Life was buried along with its next owner, a magician who once lived in these places , Azauer, like a furious shrew, rummaged through several cemeteries in a week. And if you consider that the young necromancer, who at that time was Azauer, came to this town solely because he saw a white rabbit in a dream, which he followed, then the picture really loomed just the same clinical. Be that as it may, Azauer has been searching for a divine vessel for almost two hundred years, fortunately, being strong and by that time already an experienced magician, he was not particularly limited in his life time. The failures that he suffered over and over again in his search plunged him first into despondency, and then into the blackest despair. And so, when Azauer increasingly began to think about the futility of the search, one ancient manuscript fell into his hands. Or rather, not the manuscript itself, but its visual cast, which Azauer, being a necromancer, accidentally "removed" from one of his experimental zombies, who, by the way, turned out to be a high-ranking priest of the Creator in the distant past. The document itself seems to have been destroyed at the dawn of the reign of dragons. Its content was reduced to a clear and detailed description of how, with the help of the Cup of Life, power from dragons can be transferred to anyone. You just need, firstly, to possess the cherished vessel, and secondly, to strain the blood of the dragon of the imperial house into this very vessel, followed by its ritual killing, and thirdly, to perform the corresponding ritual exactly on the day of a double eclipse, which happens once a a hundred years. There was also a description of the Chalice itself in the manuscript. And if, in the opinion of the townsfolk, it seemed to be a huge golden goblet of marvelous work, decorated with precious stones, then in reality it turned out to be even a stone bowl, though made of red stone, not found on Emaro. Kitchen utensils matching this description were found fairly quickly. The legendary Cup, the most powerful artifact, served as a spittoon in one of the many taverns in the capital of the human principality and was delivered to Azauer without any problems. It happened so easily and routinely that the magician felt disappointed. Probably, after all, it is right to say that dreams should remain dreams. All his life he was chasing the Cup as a dream, and this was the meaning of his life. And with the acquisition of the artifact, paradoxically, he lost this meaning. However, for a long time the necromancer was not distracted by philosophical reflections. It was time to proceed directly to the operation, code-named "All power to Azauer!", The result of which was to be the complete enslavement of Emaro. - Something happened, father? - Shantar, the youngest son of His Imperial Majesty Darren Sheng Sorrelo, entered the small meeting room of the imperial palace with a quick step, - The herald told me to urgently come to the palace. "Your sister is gone," the emperor answered curtly and turned to the window, closing his eyes. - How could this happen?! She almost never leaves the palace! - it was simply impossible to believe in the stunning news. - This is a joke, right? The prince glanced at everyone present in confusion. Beauty Shallet was everyone's favorite. The only daughter of the ruling couple, she was a kind, sweet child and it didn’t fit in her head that someone might want to offend her. - Yes, what, to the demons, there are jokes, - the elder brother of Shantar Wart answered instead of his father, - the security amulet Shallet worked. We received a signal about an attack on her in the garden, near the old fountain. - Where is she now? - Shantar knew very well that the family guards were set up in such a way that, if activated, they could only be turned off with the help of an artifact stored in the emperor's treasury, and only by the hands of someone from the family. This was precisely the value of such security amulets - even if they fail to protect their wearer, then by the activated amulet you can always track its location. - We do not know. Looks like her amulet is out of order. Don't look at me like that, I know very well that it's impossible! If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself, - Wart nodded in the direction of a medium-sized ball, inside of which a whitish mist swirled. Shantar walked over to the table on which the orb was placed and called Shallet's name. The mist lit up with a bluish light, recognizing the questioner's kinship with the imperial family and, accordingly, the right to ask. Then the ball flashed scarlet, which meant the activation of the protective amulet Shallet, and ... went out. - All-merciful gods, but how is this even possible! The spell of the amulet will work even if the owner dies! It is so? - To no one in particular, exclaimed the younger prince Sheng Sorrelo. - As you can see, perhaps, - the emperor turned away from the window and fixed a hard look at his son, - the facts are a stubborn thing - your sister is gone. And not just disappeared - she was attacked. I don't know if she is alive. I don't know who dared to attack her. I do not know where she is. But I know one thing for sure - Shallet must return home. Alive ... or dead, - at the last phrase, the lips of the emperor treacherously trembled. Having overcome his emotions, he continued: - Shantar sheng Sorrelo, I order you to find and return your sister home. And this must be done as quickly as possible and attracting as little attention as possible. - But why me? - Shantar was immediately imbued with the importance of the mission - Wart would certainly do better. The Wart chuckled unhappily, and the father shook his head and looked reproachfully at his youngest son. - If you were more interested in politics, as, by the way, it should be for the second prince of the Empire, you would know that humans and elves recently concluded an alliance agreement. And it is possible that the military. - But they have been in conflict since time immemorial?! - It was just shocking news - people and elves, the two most numerous - and therefore the most influential - races of Emaro, were constantly at war with each other and most of all the wars of this world took place with their direct participation as opposing sides. - Well, at least you know that, - the Dragon Master snorted skeptically, - Do you remember that our state just borders on the territories of humans and elves? And what do you think, what conclusions can be drawn from the fact that immediately after the conclusion of the alliance, it was precisely to these borders that the troops of the newly minted allies began to silently and imperceptibly move up? - he asked quite sarcastically and immediately became serious - Our state was on the verge of war, son. God knows it's not our fault. But it doesn't change the essence. Thunder will strike very soon, and we must be ready for this. Therefore, Wart cannot leave the Empire - he is, after all, the crown prince and commander-in-chief of our army. And this - I mean the upcoming war - is a very good reason to bring Shallet home as quietly as possible. She is the seer. And yesterday she passed the first stage of conversion. Shantar was shocked silent. No, that his sister had the rarest gift for foreseeing the outcome of a decision, he, of course, knew. Seers, as they were called, were born only to dragons and were part of their legendary power. Still, the Seers could always say what would follow this or that strategic or tactical decision of the Ruler and any other dragon, what would be the outcome of the battle in this or that case. That is why dragons have always emerged from all conflicts, if not victorious, then with the least losses and the greatest benefits. The current Dragonseer Aedilea has prevented more than one war and brought them out victorious from two. But... every medal has a downside. According to the law of the universe, there could be only one Seer. As soon as the young prophetess went through all three stages of her conversion and gained strength, the old one immediately died. The time interval between the stages of conversion has always varied, but it has never been very long. Therefore, since Shallet has already passed the first stage ... It’s even scary to think what will happen if during the war, in general, few in number, the dragons will be left without the support of the Seer. In his castle, Azauer tore and threw. The second stage of his brilliant plan failed! After all, it would seem that everything was foreseen! Even before gaining the Cup of Life, Azauer prudently introduced a nanny to Princess Shallet, controlled by his will. No, a subordinate person hypnotized or otherwise magically - and it was precisely a human woman called to teach the young princess the basics of human etiquette - would have been instantly figured out by the court dragon magicians. But who could have predicted that Ennes - that was the name of that woman - was obsessed with her own late husband. Once she came to Azauer with a request to resurrect him, but the necromancer only laughed at her and put her out. But after a while, the spirit of her husband appeared to the woman with the order to get a job as a nanny to the princess of dragons. And she obediently fulfilled the will of her adored husband and for several years regularly performed her duties. And the day before, his spirit again visited her, this time with an order to take the princess early in the morning to the old fountain in the palace park. Of course, it never occurred to Ennes to disobey her husband's will. And Azauer, who by that time had thoroughly studied all the defenses of the palace and found the weakest link in this place, again thanks to Ennes, prepared a trap in advance - a portal that was supposed to instantly transfer Shallet to his castle. Of course, he was aware of Sheng Sorello's security amulets, but the secret police should not have caused any serious damage to the portal - after all, the item was practically ephemeral and to himself - he did not threaten the princess at the time the amulet was activated. Of course, her relatives would have known where she was, but the necromancer also had a cunning plan for this, which was to keep the zealous relatives for another couple of months, until the day of the double eclipse. And here is such a setup! No, the guarding amulet did not damage the portal, as it was supposed to. He changed the coordinates of the destination! Azauer simply did not expect such dirty tricks. And he sent the amulet to the princess not somewhere - fortunately, the necromancer, as the creator of the portal, could, if not control, then track its action - but to Earth, one of the three completely devoid of magic, and therefore closed, worlds. Here it was impossible to use anything that would have even the slightest bit of a magical nature - no abilities, no artifacts, nothing. Therefore, a ticket to Earth was a one-way ticket. But where can I find her? How can I?... Where do I start? - Questions poured in by themselves. Shantar was in despair. He perfectly understood the full responsibility of the emperor’s order, and the excitement for his beloved sister made itself felt, - After all, the connection with the secret police was lost ... - Our magicians believe that the only likely reason for the absence of the amulet signal may be that your sister, for some reason, For this reason, she ended up in a closed world. There are three such worlds. And two of them are simply not fit for life. For our lives. Therefore, it is logical to assume that Shallet somehow ended up on Earth. - On the ground? - stupidly asked Shantar. Earth is a closed world where only people live. They live without magic. Surviving only thanks to cunning, arrogance, resourcefulness. Constantly improving the ways of killing each other, competing in the sophistication of the art of pretending, deceiving, betraying. Earth is a place where such concepts as honor, nobility, dignity have simply lost their relevance. Terrible place. And if Shallet was there... - But how do I get there? How can I find my sister? And more importantly, how can we get back from THERE? - Our magicians will be able to open a portal to Earth for you. Of course, there is a possibility that you will end up somewhere else. But you know, we just don't have a choice. In search of Shallet, the voice of blood will help you - it does not have a magical nature. As for the return... Exactly ten days later, a portal will be opened in the very place where you find yourself. It will be two sided. So once you hit it, you can come back. But note to the second the time at which you will find yourself on Earth - in exactly ten days the portal will be opened at the same time. Magicians say that they can hold it for no more than thirty seconds. The portal can be opened only once - unfortunately, we have only one artifact of such power. If you do not have time, stay there, - dryly finished the Supreme Dragon.

Chapter 1

The day didn't work out in the morning. At first, I was late for work and got scolded by a sleepy, and therefore especially vicious, boss who loaded me beyond measure. Then, which is quite natural, I was late to the institute for the test, in which, as an edification to others, I failed miserably. And after all, what a shame, I know the subject, just a teacher, already brought to white heat by my classmates, as always found himself a scapegoat. It's me. And what, an orphan - a state employee in a two-thirds paid university - this is an ideal option. After all, what can I do? I have neither money nor influential relatives to listen to my words at the institute. For the same reason, unlike my fellow students, I value my place very much and simply cannot risk being expelled. So the only thing left for me is to be silent in a rag. So - the perfect scapegoat! Thinking about my unenviable fate, I literally made my way home between the puddles. Recently, a downpour had passed, turning into a nasty drizzle that threatened to drag on until morning. There was not a soul on the street. Suddenly my eyes fell on a small figure crouched on a bench near one of the entrances. Child? Alone, in the rain at half past eleven at night?! I just couldn't get past. - Hello, why are you here alone? - coming closer, I was convinced that this is really a little girl of 5-6 years old. Unbelievably sad. The little girl looked up at me with huge, childishly clear, blue eyes and, after a little thought, politely replied: - Hello. Yes, here I am, - shrugging vaguely. - Where are your parents? - Long away. Probably, - the girl touchingly twisted her lips and looked at me uncertainly. Oddly, she didn't look the least bit scared, just very sad and lonely. Why "probably"? - I don't know... I don't remember... - the little girl lowered her head completely. Quiet "I do not remember" turned the soul. The picture of the wrecked train flashed before my eyes again. Here I am sitting on a railway embankment, all around are screams, groans, crazy fuss. Someone persistently asks if I'm all right and who I am. I don't remember. I don't remember anything. I shook my head, pushing away the painful memories. - And where do you live? I tried to be as gentle as possible. The girl sighed heavily and, weighing every word, answered: - Not here, far away. I'm here by accident, - and again a lot of uncertainty in his voice. I looked at the child appraisingly. But I believe that the alien is something subtly alien in appearance, on and outfit. .. Of course, now it is customary to dress as God puts on the soul and the more extravagant - the better. But ... In general, I believed. - What is your name? - Shallet. And you? the little girl asked timidly. - Christina. You can just - Tina. Listen, Shallet, it's getting late. You need to go home, that is, I wanted to say, to your parents or with whom you are here. Let's think about how you ended up on this bench? - I diligently tried to determine what to do next. That I would not leave the baby, it was obvious. The simplest thing would be, of course, just to take her to him. But even if she is not local and her home is far away, the child cannot be alone here. So, they just lost her, and now they are worried, nervous ... - I don't know. I just found myself sitting here - hour by hour it doesn't get any easier. In general, Shallet could not tell anything worthwhile. Yes, the house is far away, he doesn’t know anyone here, there are no escorts and, to be honest, where it is “here” is not known. - How long have you been sitting here? - I'm already tired, I asked. - Since morning. Dear mother, where were my eyes?! The baby is soaking wet! Plus, he was cold and obviously hungry! But we must pay tribute, he behaves well, with dignity, without stooping to complaints and whimpering. - Everyone, let's go. You will live with me. What do you think about that? - I don't give a damn about everyone who lost this miracle and for all the orders by which I should take her to the police. - It would be nice, - the little girl smiled weakly, - if, of course, it does not complicate you. No, I'm just shocked by the mannerisms of this child. And where are they brought up?

Chapter 2

In Shallet's company, nine days flew by unnoticed. And the more we talked, the more I wondered where she came from. Impeccable manners, intelligence, tact - everything is with her. She never whimpered, never fussed. You need to be alone from morning to evening - yes, no question. No need to bother me when I'm studying - yes please. In general, an angel - not a child. Also, I seem to have a maternal instinct. There is no other way to explain why I didn't do anything to bring Shallet home. I really got very attached to her. Probably, it was impossible not to fall in love with such a child. And she got attached to me too. No matter how sad Shallet was about the house, the location of which she always spoke very vaguely, she felt good with me. I felt it. She also talked a lot about her family. And I, hearing the names, only wondered where they came from. And I was also very puzzled by the little girl’s confidence that nothing needs to be done, they will find her themselves. If they can. And yesterday suddenly Shallet told me a marvelous story. That she is a princess of dragons, and in this case, dragons are not anyhow (well, there, the name of a gang or something like that), but even a race, and she lives on Emaro (such a world) in the Dragon Empire ( Well, who would have doubted). To my sarcastic question, why does she then look like a person, the little girl with a seriousness impossible for such childhood years said that all the peoples inhabiting Emaro were created in one image (it reminds me of something). The Creator, endowing his children with completely different abilities, nevertheless tried to ensure that they had at least something in common. For example, how can a ten-meter fire-breathing lizard, which, due to its structure, cannot even speak, with the same person who simply has a heart attack from one kind of this monster. That is precisely why all the inhabitants of Emaro have approximately the same form, adjusted for race, or rather, for the key abilities of the race. - And what, there are no winged lizards, part-time moonlighting heaters? - I was frankly amused by this conversation. The little girl frownedly moved her eyebrows, apparently dissatisfied with such a definition of her relatives, but accommodatingly answered: - This is a combat transformation of dragons. Only dragons don’t look like lizards, - the girl again wrinkled her nose funny, - we are more like them, - they put some book with a colorful image of a T-Rex under my nose, - only we have even bigger wings and longer front paws. "Remember, we have long arms. .." - a phrase from "The Twelve Chairs" involuntarily popped up in my memory. Meanwhile, Shallet continued in the tone of an inveterate university professor: - Dragons in combat transformation have two colors - black and white. White is magicians, and black is warriors. the size and physically a little stronger. And the magic dragons retain the ability to magic even in a combat form. So, if white and black dragons clashed in a duel, it is not known who would win. But we don’t fight among ourselves. - Why? - I was keenly interested in this obvious flaw. - And there are so few of us. If we still kill each other, then we will die out. Oh, sorry ... - Shallet blushed as if she had just covered all my relatives with her own three-story building. - And what color do you have? - I was sincerely wondering where my young ward's fantasy would lead. - It will be white. - What does it mean "will be"? - Well, you know, the second hypostasis appears only after adulthood. And I'm still small. But in terms of hair color you can exactly decide the suit of the dragon. You see, I'm bright, - she shook her golden curls, - that means a white dragon. So you are a mage? I clarified. I nodded importantly. "More and more wonderful" - I thought and continued the interrogation, one might say, with passion: - And your family? - Dad is an emperor and he is a white dragon. The older brother, his name is Wart, is also white. But Shantar, my second brother, is a warrior. - And mom? "Mom's not a dragon." Although also a magician, only human. - That's how? So the dragon emperor is married to a human woman? Suddenly Shallet averted her eyes. She looked upset. I already thought that the conversation on this entertaining topic was over, when she quietly answered: - Dad is not married to mom. This... is not accepted. - Who is not accepted? - I did not understand. - Dragons are not accepted. Marriages with other nations... are not encouraged, let's say. - I see, - I didn’t want to develop this topic, especially since the baby was clearly sad, - but how did you get to us? The child perked up a little: - Oh, I don't know exactly. Ennes and I - this is my mentor of human etiquette - went for a walk in the garden. And near the fountain suddenly once - and the portal lit up. - And you stepped into it? - No, what are you! Of course I'm a child, but not that much! - there was no limit to the indignation, - I was sucked into it. I wanted to run away, but it was as if they were shackling me hand and foot. So I ended up here. I sat all day on a bench near the place where the portal threw me out, hoping that they would come for me. I feel there is no magic here, and I can't do anything on my own. Nothing at all. This is scary. We talked a little more about the Dragon Empire and Emaro, and then Shallet went to bed. And I ... I thought. Of course, all this is just a child’s fantasies, but from the very moment I met her, I noticed that the girl did not know how to use many seemingly ordinary things, although she gave the impression of a developed child beyond her years. And she is also very surprised, although she carefully tries to hide it. Although... I remembered myself five years ago. After the train crash, I lost my memory. Doctors then said that amnesia was caused by shock and time will pass. Only as a result of this amnesia, I, like Shallet, saw a lot as if for the first time. And she never got through. I don't remember anything from my previous life, the one before the crash. I was then seventeen or eighteen years old, so the doctors decided. I spent almost four months in hospitals, literally reacquainting myself with the world. And then they let me go. Going nowhere. They gave notice and let go. What I experienced when my doctor said that I was being discharged, I would not wish on anyone. Where to go, why, what to do? These questions were added to the most important - "who am I?". Good thing, one of the nurses explained how to get to the rooming house. The journey to the rooming house was such an adventure, I didn’t even remember how to use transport. But, after wandering around the city, I got there. There I got a job as a cleaner. And there she met her guardian angel - Baba Tonya. She worked there as a housewife. A holy woman, she not only took pity on me, but took me to live with her, prescribed me, helped to draw up the documents. Then I took external exams at school to get a certificate. And then, at the insistence of Baba Tony, she entered the institute. “You are special,” she told me, “smart. There is no need to vegetate who knows who. Here you will learn - at least you will be a man. Through her prayers and to her great joy, I entered the evening department at the institute, where I still study. But Baba Tonya is no more... She departed into another world quietly, in a dream, leaving me an apartment and an eternal feeling of gratitude.

Chapter 3

On the evening of the ninth day, the doorbell rang. We were just drinking tea and talking about the Shallet brothers - Wart and Shantar. I reluctantly went to open, you never know what. A young man stood in the doorway. Obviously tired. His short black hair was tousled, shadows lay under his blue eyes, and his stubborn chin was overgrown with stubble. But good, very good. Dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt. And also tall. I always pay attention to this, because I myself am tall and it just so happened that most guys are shorter than me. And this one is higher, and at least half a head. So, what does he really need? Wrong door, right? - I'm looking for Shallet. She is here, - while I did not understand whether he asked or stated this. While I was contemplating what to say to this guy, a small golden whirlwind swept past me. - Shantar!!! - Shallet! - the guy picked up the baby in his arms and hugged him tightly, - Merciful gods, finally! I no longer believed that I could find you! How are you, honey? Shantar pulled away and looked anxiously at the girl. - Everything is fine! Don't worry, - Shallet reached back to her brother. - Well, fine. It's time for us, - this type made an attempt to turn around and leave. - Wait! - this is us in chorus with Shallet. Surprisingly, during these nine days I managed to become attached to her so much that the thought that she would just take it and disappear from my life just drove me crazy. - Shantar, what about Tina? .. - the little girl looked plaintively into her brother's eyes, - I won't go anywhere without her! - Baby, now is not the time for whims! - very irritated. - It's not a whim, Shant. I do not. I'll go. Without. Nope. With a muffled growl, Shantar literally flew into the apartment, sweeping me out of the way. Ha, not so scary. I calmly closed the door and went into the room where the two were. Well, the family showdown is in full swing. Only now I don’t like the words “Emaro”, “dragons”, “portal” and all other fantasy in them. One thing is children's fantasies, and another thing is a crazy adult, albeit such a handsome man. While I was indulging in my thoughts, the two quickly came to a consensus. - You, - pointing finger at me, as if I could not understand who it is, - will go with us. - Yes. We are going to the city of the Emerald on a difficult road, we are going on a difficult road, an indirect road ... - I sang maliciously. Shantar turned to his sister: - Sorry, Shallet, but that's the way it should be. Moment - this strange type is standing by the sofa in front of Shallet, and now - he is already at the door in front of me. A blow, a sharp pain, darkness...

Chapter 4

When I woke up, I involuntarily listened. Two people were talking - a man and a child, Shantar and Shallet, who else. - Well, why are you like this? She did save me. Tina is good and kind. She didn't deserve to be treated like that! - Yeah, little one. Did you want her to come with us? Wanted. I explained to you both about the portal and about time. You must perfectly understand that we did not have a second to spare. And this one, apparently, would take time to persuade. And anyway, why are you here? - You do not understand. I owe her. And there she has nothing. Well, there's nothing at all. And doesn't hold anything. She will be better with us. Why such philanthropy? And yet - as you know, - chuckled Shantar. So, what is happening?! I opened my eyes indignantly. I thought. Closed back. I thought again. Opened again. N-yes, now there are already three of us such lunatics. And how else would you order to explain the presence of an outrageous lilac sky and two luminaries like the sun above your head? I'm not talking about the vegetation surrounding our parking lot. Well, there are no two-meter mugs of a cheerful, pinkish color on Earth. And five-meter trees with blue leaves also, it seems, do not appear in the earth's flora. The only conclusion that suggests itself from what I saw is that I went crazy (what a shame! And he was deeply sympathetic to me!) And in my madness I joined this strange couple of lovers of Emaro in general and dragons in particular. And in general - nice so around. We settled down in a small, cozy clearing in the middle of this strange forest. Although, it must be admitted that some types of vegetation were quite familiar to the eye. Of course, I could not identify them, but the grass was green, the flowers were not much different from those seen at one time in the botanical garden, and some trees were quite ordinary. But still, I would not be able to say that we are on Earth, even in the most exotic point of the planet, with all my desire. Unless in the scenery for some science fiction film. But, unfortunately, it was all too real. - Oh, Tina, you woke up! Yes, they noticed me. Shallet joyfully rushed towards me, and her brother gave her such an unkind look that I immediately wanted to hang myself with my own hands in order to somehow atone for my non-existent guilt. - You, please, I'm sorry that it happened! Shant not on purpose! Well, that is, on purpose, but not on purpose ... he did not want this to happen! That is, he wanted to, but not like that ... - it seems that the young devil's advocate is completely confused in his acquittal speech. - So, on purpose or on purpose - this is a separate song. And now I would very much like you to clearly, clearly, as accessible as possible and as soon as possible explain to me what, how, where and why! - Oh, Tinochka, just don't worry! Everything is fine! Even better! We are on Emaro. I was attacked, you remember, I told you. But now everything is fine, Shantar found me and we are going home! And you are going with us, otherwise, if you had stayed at home, how would I thank you? And you will be fine with us - I will introduce you to my family, to everyone in the palace in general, and I will show you everything! You know how beautiful we are! - the little girl chattered, - And we will definitely arrange a ball in your honor! We'll dress you in the most beautiful dress... - Stop! Lots of words, little meaning. I still don't understand anything. Shallet fluttered her blue eyes in confusion. Well, an angel, not a child. You can't even get angry at this. But there is a reason. As I understand it, I have to thank her for the fact that I didn’t understand where and in general, it seems, she went crazy. Good thanks, nothing to say. - Shallet, let me explain everything myself - oh, and here is the brother rabbit woke up! - To begin with, I'll introduce myself - my name is Shantar shen Sorello, the junior prince of dragons, and this, as you already understood, is my sister, Shallet sheng Sorello, respectively, the princess of dragons. The world in which we are now is called Emaro, although it is unlikely to tell you something. - Oh, of course! And I'm the Pope! - Well, I could not resist, I repent. - As I understand it, you don't need explanations, - wow, you can freeze cow carcasses in such a tone. Whole. - Sorry. Go on, - why, we are not proud people, we can take noodles from our ears and then we can take them off. - So here it is. The world in which we are now is called Emaro, although it is unlikely to tell you something. Ten days ago, Shallet was attacked, to be more precise, they tried to kidnap her from the palace using a portal. But the Sheng Sorello family's protective amulet, in order to protect her, somehow changed the final coordinates and Shallet was thrown to Earth. I was instructed to bring her back. Ten days were allotted for the search, after which we had to be in a strictly defined place at a strictly defined minute. There, our magicians opened a return portal to Emaro. In your world, you met Shallet and helped her. Apparently, the girl became very attached to you, because in an ultimatum form she demanded to take you with us. In search of Shallet, I spent almost all the allotted time. By the time I found you, the countdown was already minutes. Therefore, there was simply no time for any explanations. I had to hit you to pass out. I took my sister and you and made it to the portal at the last second. So we returned to Emaro,” Shantar finished dryly. And although it all seemed nonsense, but I believed it. Immediately and unconditionally. It just didn't make it any easier for me. But it got worse. Mommy, what have I gotten myself into?! - Why do you need me? No, I understand, Shallett decided to thank. But she's a child! And you are a grown man! You must understand that I do not belong here and the best gratitude would be to leave me at home! Well, "thank you" would say in the end! Why was it necessary to indulge the whims of an unintelligent child?! - oh, in the end I seem to have switched to ultrasound. - Let's just say that it is better to indulge the whims of THIS child. And that's it. I don’t intend to discuss this topic anymore, - he even pointedly turned away, that’s not a good person. That is a dragon. - Just, you know, I'm the future Seer. I’m a magician, I told you, and SEEING is a rare gift, - it was a little girl who got quiet during her brother’s monologue, - and recently I went through the first stage of initiation. Therefore, until I complete all three stages, I cannot be unbalanced, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable, - this miracle giggled. - Shallet! What are you doing?! You can't tell anyone about this!!! Do you want to kill us?! - the black dragon jumped up and looked indignantly at me for some reason. - She can. I trust Tina. Shantar is shocked. Me too. Shallet's eyes sparkle happily as they look at us.

Chapter 5

Shant, why didn't they open the portal to the palace? Where are we anyway? That's how it was intended, right? - asked the little girl. Judging by the dissatisfied look of the tortured, it was not THAT conceived. Moreover, I’m ready to argue for anything that he himself is not very up to date. Let's listen, let's be curious. - The portal had to be opened from the palace and, accordingly, lead there. But, apparently, plans have changed, - once again surveying his sister with displeasure, the prince grumbled. - A. Where are we then? And how do we get home? - that's a restless creature. Although the questions are very, very relevant. “Listen, Shal, I don’t know,” Shantar said wearily, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “but most importantly, we are on Emaro. Agree that everything else in comparison with this is already minor difficulties. - Oh yes, that's right! - I enthusiastically picked up, - To find yourself in the middle of the forest, don’t understand where, instead of your native palace, is such a trifle, one might even say, pleasant! And the absence of any little things like food, water or, say, weapons only makes it even more piquant! Shallet chuckled softly, and her brother glared at me like a vicious basilisk. Could - turned to stone, honestly! However, he did not honor my statement with any commentary. And that's bread. However, something needs to be clarified. - Tell me, ignorant of all your magic tricks. You, Shantar, said that the portal from Earth to Emaro was two-way. That is, purely theoretically, it is like a tunnel strictly between two specific points, in one of which are the magicians who opened it? Then let me ask - where are they? After all, even if the circumstances, as you say, have changed, - I have already addressed the prince directly, - and the place where the portal was opened has been moved, then the magicians who activated it must be present here? Or am I not understanding something? Judging by the tense face of Shantar, I understood everything correctly. She asked questions that he didn't even know the answer to. But what could this mean for us? From Shallet's stories, I knew that in this world there were a fairly large number of different states, relations between which were far from good neighborly. And being on the territory of potential enemies was fraught with major troubles. So large that it was impossible to reach their lands. Shantar sheng Sorello "...Then let me ask you - where are they...?" I frowned at the human girl, pulled out of the closed world at the whim of my little sister. But he asks the right questions, oh the right ones. But I don't know the answer to them. Even if we assume that for some reason it was decided to move the place of the portal, then we should have been met. One conclusion suggests itself - in some incomprehensible way, a failure occurred in the portal settings. But without outside interference, and very strong, this simply could not happen. With some degree of probability, it can be assumed that the attempt on Shallet and the failure in the portal settings are connected. In that case, things are much more serious than I thought. This means that the hunt will go in earnest, and we need to be extremely careful. If we didn’t have this person of alien origin with us, we could try to use my sister’s and my blood binding to the palace of the dragon emperor, but she simply won’t let the alien woman pass. And Shal will not agree to leave her, this is obvious. If you contact your father to send reinforcements, then the risk of attracting too much attention to yourself is too great. And in general, while it is not known who is behind all this disgrace, it will come to be more careful with magic. Ideally, try to avoid it altogether. M-yes, pretty prospects loom, you can't say anything. Not only did the dragons find themselves on the brink of war, and an assassination attempt was made on the future Seeer (it just doesn’t fit in my head!), But an enemy of unknown origin and unmeasured strength also appeared. Of course, it would be logical to assume that humans or elves who recently made an alliance were involved in this, intending to weaken the dragons in this way. Only now this union itself seemed too incredible to be natural. What if someone else is behind him? Then we have even more serious problems. It is necessary to contact the father or the Wart, we must try to check this option as soon as possible. Already mentally reaching out to relatives, I shook my head. Well done, almost betrayed everyone with giblets! Why, instead of a closed telepathic communication channel for members of the imperial house of dragons, it was possible to broadcast to the whole Emaro: "Ah, we are back! We are still huddled here in the woods, without weapons, light, so to speak. Who needs it, come, we will be happy!" . That's because ... decent words are not enough. And this is the second prince of the empire, one of the best black dragons! Well done! Shaking my head once more, this time to distract myself from self-deprecating thoughts that were not particularly characteristic of me, I stumbled upon the little man's studying gaze. And stared at her no less appraisingly. And what did her sister see in her? No matter how hard I tried, I didn't notice anything remarkable. Quite tall by human standards, regular features, long blond hair of an incomprehensible shade. Light eyes, also an incomprehensible shade. Probably, she could be called pretty, again for a person, only now, you will meet such a woman and not notice her. Gray mouse, in a word. Our women, for example, all as one were distinguished by a bright, remarkable appearance. And as for the character - one is cooler than the other! .. I involuntarily chuckled. However, judging by the last questions of the little man, maybe she is at least not stupid? And that journey in the company of a faded, weak (and what can you take from a foreigner?), A hysterical and even a stupid person in the burden of a restless and curious sister promises to be very uncomfortable. Then I remembered that she had never introduced herself. - Do you have a good name? And then I understand that Tina is something like a nickname? - I sincerely tried to establish relations. Christina I jumped up in outrage. Well, what a mess! Just like a normal person (yes, it’s a person, I haven’t seen dragons, I don’t know) he began to look like, busy with his thoughts, and here you are! However, I did my best to ignore the blatant rudeness of the question, and politely answered: - My name is Christina, - proudly ignoring the raised eyebrow of the dragon, which obviously expected to continue. He just casually shrugged his shoulders, not waiting for the continuation. - Krista, then, - this nonhuman chuckled. As always, with such an abbreviation of my name, I winced. Well, I don't like being called that. Not that I thought it was ugly or anything like that, but always being treated like that made me cringe nervously. - Kristi-na, - as I repeated to a mentally retarded person, - Tina can. And it's not a nickname! - and it has already escaped by inertia. And then he thinks that his opinion is important to me! He just shrugged his shoulders again, losing all interest in me. Well, okay. I feel that the less we communicate, the better. For me. After an independent silence for a while, which seemed to me quite enough for one narcissistic type to understand how much I care about everything, I defiantly turned to Shallet: - Shal, where are we now? The girl, who had previously studied the surrounding nature with interest, thoughtfully wrinkled her nose and, like a diligent student in a lesson, answered: - Judging by the location of Tremo and Yand, - as I understand it, celestial bodies such as the sun are meant, - as well as some specific plant species, it can be assumed that we ended up in the lands of Khar-Ind-Ey - the state of the orcs.

Chapter 6

Here's how? I politely surprised. Of course, this information did not mean anything to me, because they themselves had just dragged me into this world, they could have guessed. Judging by the apologetic expression of Shallet's face and the mocking look of her brother, they guessed it. - Well, I told you that representatives of many races live on Emaro, most of which have their own states. So now we, apparently, are in the territory of the orcs. Their lands can only conditionally be called a state - of all the signs, there are only clear boundaries. As for the rest... There is neither law nor order here. Orcs themselves live by the principle of "survival of the fittest". Or the smartest. This is how anyone does it. Economically, the country survives on minimally developed agriculture and bandit raids. - Wow, economy! - I was surprised. Apparently, a half-educated economist unexpectedly woke up in me, - Yes, with such an approach, they should have gone around the world a long time ago. Well, or would have been destroyed by neighbors. - Everything is not so simple, - oh, His Highness deigned to join the conversation! - Since the orcs do not have supreme power as such, however, as well as cities and other integral attributes of a normal state, it is not easy to fight with them. Their warriors, and all orcs are warriors, including women and teenagers, are very strong and hardy. In addition, they are inherently nomads and are distinguished by a rare ability to hide. Just imagine - the neighbors came to fight with them. And there is no one. The army wandered back and forth without meeting anyone. Well, they occupied some settlements, well, they built their own fortresses. Relaxed. And in an instant - once, and as if from under the ground a bunch of orcs. Killed the invaders - and disappeared. Then they appeared elsewhere. Well, and so on. So theoretically it is possible to destroy them, practically - it is more expensive for yourself. As for the economy, the level of development of agriculture is enough so that they do not die of starvation in their mass. In addition, they raise the best horses on Emaro and export them to other states. Well, robberies, of course, are also an important source of income, - I thought there was a note of irony in the voice of the prince, which was completely colorless before that, - And to a greater extent they trade in piracy, since they have access to the sea. Shantar was silent. Apparently, the lecture was over. - Well, yes, a nice little place, - I drawled, - and how are we going to get out of here? - From the empire of dragons, orcs are separated by the lands of the desert Serpents. These creatures are much worse than orcs, - for some reason Shallet happily informed me, obviously proud of her knowledge of the geopolitical situation in the region, - no one bothers with them at all! - Oh how! - I answered her in tone, - And we, of course, will turn up! The little girl looked at her brother uncertainly. It is clear who will command the parade here. However, our commander was suspiciously silent. Well, you still have to negotiate, as they say, on the shore. - Shantar, how are we going to get to the dragons? I asked directly. And silence... Shantar sheng Sorello - Shantar, how are we going to get to the dragons? Both of my companions looked at me expectantly. I figured out what was worth saying and what was not. And do I need to explain anything at all. After all, I'm the oldest here. But on reflection, I still decided to put everything as it is. Even though my sister is still a baby, she must understand the seriousness of our situation, and it won’t hurt the otherworlder either. Forewarned is forearmed, right? Although, of course, it was a pity to frighten them... - We will go through the land of Serpents. “But, Shant, why not contact your father and ask him to open the portal!?” - exclaimed the little sister. I sighed heavily and began to explain: - Shal, an attempt was made on you strong mage. There can be no other explanation for the fact that a portal was opened in the grounds of the Dragon Emperor's castle. The fact that we ended up here and not at home, I think, is also the fault of the magician. Therefore, we can not use anything tied to magic. This is tantamount to suicide. Shallet nodded gravely. That's why I love my sister, it's for a childish mind. Although, she's the future Seer, so why be surprised... I glanced at Tina. He sits with a detached look, obviously trying to comprehend what he heard. Well, think - think, it hasn't bothered anyone yet. I continued: - You will have to get home on your own. We cannot use the sea route - only Ork ships moor at Har-Ind-Ei, and we will not be able to negotiate with them. As well as seizing the ship, however, there are still no sailors among us. So the only way left is walking. Both ladies remained silent. Well, that's good. - The lands of the orcs border on the territories of the desert Serpents and elves. And although you, Shallet, correctly said that no one voluntarily pops into the Desert, we cannot go to the elves. - But why? - the sister was amazed. I winced. Never liked politics! “When I left Emaro, the dragon empire was on the brink of war. With the combined forces of humans and elves, - I admired the dumbfounded muzzle of my sister, - and now there can already be a war. Therefore, we are ordered to go there. What's more, we don't know if our mage was connected to the elves or their newfound allies. So we will have to go through the Desert, - I finished. Everyone was silent. Schallet had something to think about - despite her young age, she perfectly understood the gravity of the situation. But what was Tina thinking so hard about? I gradually began to look at our fellow traveler. No, there was something in her. And this something was not evident either at the first or at the second glance. I could not even determine exactly in what area it was something - in appearance, in look, in manners, in character. Do not know. We will live - we will see, we will survive - we will remember. It was time to get ready to go, and so we sat up as if at a picnic in the palace park.

Chapter 7

So that's it, lady. Consider that we are at war. The hike will be tough. And perhaps - not everyone will reach - the black dragon and the commander of the personal guard of the emperor finally woke up in me. “So listen carefully and don’t say later what you didn’t hear. Even under the threat of a long and painful death - no magic. Do you hear me, Shallet? I said none! No, that's not possible either! And this! What do you mean it's not magic? So, everyone, don't piss me off. You understood everything. Further - to obey my orders with lightning speed and unquestioningly. Is that clear, Tina? I'm happy for you. Not only your life, but also the lives of others will depend on it. Remember, I'm older and I'm a born warrior so I know what I'm doing and what I'm saying. Further. Forward me nowhere and never climb. Do not open your mouth without my permission. In case of danger, you stick together. Look like that's it. Questions, comments, wishes? Not? Then go ahead. In the end, I squinted with displeasure at the little man, who was trying to restrain a giggle. I hope she's nervous. And then I'm offended. Christina Shantar's instruction caused a whole cascade of so unexpected and inappropriate associations with earthly films, mostly parodies, and cartoons that I could hardly contain my laughter. No, well, honestly - a mixture of a sort of Russian-American ensign with a penguin from "Madagascar"! But I restrained myself, otherwise it would have been simply indecent at such a, one might say, pretentious moment, as the general’s speech before the battle, to break into a joyful giggle. Obviously, they would definitely consider him a complete fool. I just can't take everything that's happening seriously. Well, at least kill. For which she was awarded an angry look, although here it would be more appropriate to say "zirka", our commander. And a detachment of partisans in our person quietly and imperceptibly began to relocate to the location of the main forces, that is, to the palace of dragons. Orienting, as I understand it, according to the local suns, Shantar quite confidently dived into the forest surrounding us. He flatly refused a fairly decent road that passed nearby, citing the need to maintain secrecy. So we trudged along the barely noticeable animal trails, or even directly through the windbreak. But this did not prevent Shallet and me from considering the flora and fauna around us with sincere surprise. What can I say, everything was a wonder for me and I looked with all my eyes at pink moss, and colorful trees, and in general everything that came across on the way. The baby, apparently, also saw for the first time, so she met some species of plants and animals with truly childish delight. A particularly joyful choral squeal was caused by one small animal that literally jumped out under our feet. A little larger than a kitten, round like a ball, with fluffy blue-and-white fur and huge crimson eyes - he just touched us. We would probably have admired this miracle of nature for a long time, if not for the menacing growl from somewhere in front. Oh Shantar! Let's go, let's go. In general, at least for me, it was a pleasant walk, and not a dangerous journey. My opinion changed drastically in the evening of the same day. We were walking along a path. The day was drawing to a close. The heat began to give way to the cool of the evening. A pleasant breeze fanned the skin, the discordant singing of birds fascinated. I was idly thinking about what we would eat and where we would sleep when, out of nowhere, two tall figures appeared in our path. A few more caught peripheral vision. Behind the back, apparently, it was possible not to look. Shantar, who was walking ahead, froze. "Orcs," whispered Shallet beside me, snuggling up to me. Yes, it’s clear that it’s not Santa Claus. I began to look at the new arrivals with interest. Very tall, at least taller than our black dragon, closet-like hulks, you can’t say otherwise. Dressed in only leather pants, so that the powerful muscles are on display for all to see. The faces are quite human, only the jaws are much more developed. Increased hairiness and unwashing. Unpleasant subjects, to be honest. Unexpectedly, the uninvited guests went on the offensive. Three or four attacked Shantar at the same time. Another grabbed Shallet and tried to pull her away from me. Someone seems to have grabbed my shoulders from behind. Fear for the baby overshadowed everything else. I rushed to the side, not releasing Shal, and with all my strength I grabbed my teeth into the hand of the orc holding her. No one, apparently, expected such a set-up, and we safely rolled back into the nearest bushes. And then - as in a frame-by-frame viewing of a movie. Shot - Shantar with a nasty crunch turns the head of one of the orcs. Shot - Shantar pierces the attacker's chest with his hand and takes out his heart. Shot - Shantar rips out someone's throat. Next - a saving swoon. I came to my senses when it was all over. Shallet sat silent beside her. And the disfigured corpses of orcs lay everywhere. And certain parts of the body. I was confused. I glanced at the dragon. Shantar calmly put himself in order. Thank God, no one got hurt! But with whom did fate bring me together, what would be one - and like this ...? Staying in this world ceased to seem like an amusing walk to me, I realized with horror that this world is much more cruel than it could be in the worst dream, and I am in it ... not even a weak, defenseless woman, at home, but simply - nobody and nothing. Destroying me is like picking a flower for a child. And I got scared. And Shantar was terrible - he killed so many living beings with such ease, and now he looks as if he had just had fun. I can't live in this world, I just can't! Shantar sheng Sorello Well, the outcome of this meeting was a foregone conclusion. No matter how strong the orcs were by nature, the ones we met were just rabble. These were not trained warriors, but rather, rabble, rummaging through their own lands in search of easy prey. They were not lucky - they got me. Nevertheless, a black dragon, even deprived of the ability to transform, is not a person for you. Only once in the entire fleeting battle did I tense up. When four people attacked me, and Tina and Shal were grabbed by two more. I could just not have time. One awkward movement of the orcs - and they could no longer be. But the man is well done. Didn't expect such a rush. It's no joke, to wriggle out of the clutches of an orc, and even pull out your sister! It surprises me more and more, where does it come from? I looked at the subject of my thoughts. No, a person is still a person. Pale green, trembling, looks around frightened. She glanced at me. There is relief in his eyes. Well, it's nice. Yes, stop! And what is this - a fright? She what? Are you afraid of me?! For some reason, it was embarrassing. I protected her, after all! Having coped with unexpectedly surging emotions, I approached my "girls". So, everything is fine with Shallet, I see that. Let's deal with the man. - How are you? I asked as sympathetically as possible. - Normally, - that's because you can see that she's afraid of me to the point of trembling, but she is brave. Well done, respect. “Listen, Christina,” I began heartily, “everything is all right. These orcs wanted to kill us. Or rather, kill me, Shal, most likely, sell into slavery, and use you. And then kill. Or make a slave. Do you pity them? - now the main thing is to talk. - I do not feel sorry for them, - a sob, - just like that, casually, kill a person, oh, that is, orcs! And I see that everything is fine for you! - and it's already on the breaking point. - Tina, I'm a warrior. For me, this is normal. If it bothers you that I came out victorious alone against six orcs, then it was obvious. I am a well-trained black dragon, and they are just robber clumsy, who are too lazy to even train, - I tried my best to calm the otherworldly woman. I don't know why it mattered to me.

Chapter 8

Christina Surprisingly, after Shantar's words, I felt better. At least I am.surly and dangerous. We hurried to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. As they explained to me, there is no need to worry about the fact that their bodies will be found and the chase will begin. Nothing will be left of them by morning. And I thought this fauna was cute? Brr. By my calculations, we managed to move quite far when Shantar ordered a halt. I looked around. Nice place. We stopped for the night in a small cozy clearing near a forest lake. Everyone was so exhausted that they immediately fell asleep. I dreamed of a fight. Hordes of faceless monsters tried to crush a handful of people? on the hill. I feel like I was there too. And I felt not fear, but a feeling of all-consuming excitement from the battle. I woke up from the lamentations of Shantar. He was sitting at the edge of the lake with Shallet in his arms. The baby was sleeping. I stared blankly at the wailing dragon. When after a few minutes the picture did not change, I asked: - What's the matter, Shant? He looked at me with a half-mad look, in which everything was mixed up - longing, and torment, and disbelief, and his own impotence, and much more. "She's dying," almost silently. I jumped up, looking around for the unknown enemy who had committed such an atrocity. But she did not find anyone, so, coming close, she once again demandedly asked the prince, who had returned to his lamentations: - What's the matter? What happened? Shallet looked asleep and unusually peaceful. - Lake. It's all a lake... It's my fault... I didn't see, I didn't warn... - Shantar muttered contritely. It didn't make anything clearer to me. I had to gather my thoughts scattered in panic into a heap, concentrate and frankly bark into the very face of the dragon who was completely nurtured: - So, speak plainly! I'm nothing. Not. Understand. What makes you think that Shal is dying?! For several moments, Shantar looked at me in confusion, then, with a visible effort, he pulled himself together and spoke in an almost normal, even indifferent, voice: - The lake on the shore of which we are located is called the lake of sleep. Even a small amount of water from it plunges the drinker into a deep sleep, after a few hours turning into death. I was shocked. - So it was necessary to destroy this lake a long time ago! To have such a threat at hand, and do nothing?! Absurd! - There are several such lakes on Emaro. And believe me, they change their location. No one ever knows exactly where such a lake will end up. Today we stumbled across it. But if we come here tomorrow, it will be gone. Therefore, destroying it is a rather difficult thing, don't you think? - But is there really no antidote for his water ?! Maybe magic can help? I don’t know, we’ll turn to some kind of sorcerer? - I could not believe that everything could really end so tragically for Shalet. Shantar shook his head dejectedly. Despair and hopelessness flashed in his eyes. I leaned over the baby, listening with fear to her breathing and peering into her face. Shallet's face, which seemed to me so peaceful, acquired a marble pallor, and between the quiet, weakening every time, sighs seemed to pass an eternity. Shal was dying. And I stupidly could not understand - how is it? She's a child. She has to grow and grow. Enjoy life. After all, no one knows how to look at the world with such enthusiasm as children. Enjoy every morning, be surprised at every little thing. How much has she not seen yet? How many discoveries does she have ahead of her? How many more things for her would be the first time? And so, because of some water - nothing will ever happen? Will she no longer see the sun, her family, her castle? Never laugh again? Drops ran down the baby's frozen face. I didn't even notice when I started crying. We caught the last breath of the girl at the same time. Shantar froze, and then let out a dreary, drawn-out groan or howl, collapsing next to his sister on the ground. And I felt my heart break into a million small pieces in my chest. Not! This is too unfair to be true! I will not let! - Shantar, go away. Immediately - why so much confidence and authority in your voice? Do not know. I know nothing. And he obeyed. He got up and staggered away to the trees. I saw tears running down his face. And every tear turned my soul. This sometimes happens when for a few seconds you begin to see the world from the outside. Then you stop feeling yourself. So it was with me. I again bent over the now-seemingly miniature figure of Shallet, peered once more into the porcelain face, on which a slight, ghostly smile was forever frozen. And the memories cascaded. Shal, wet and cold, on a bench in front of the house. The first hesitant smile addressed to me. Puppy delight from getting to know the TV. Here we are sitting in the kitchen and she laughs out loud, talking about the brothers... I sank down next to her and, closing my eyes, tightly pressed the almost weightless body to myself, releasing the memory to freedom. And then... Then I started to hum. I don't know what. Just a set of sounds, I guess. I invested in this motive all my disbelief that Shal could leave, all my pain from losing her and the boundless desire to see her alive. And the song relieved my soul, I felt how it becomes easier for me. Or am I getting lighter? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I clung closer to Shallet, wishing with all my heart to share my warmth with her. She tried to warm her with her breath. And I felt how subtly trembled someone else's breath in response. And then I fell into blissful unconsciousness... Shantar sheng Sorello - Shantar, go away. Immediately - I do not know what made me obey the order. And that was exactly the order, I had no doubts. Maybe it was the pain of losing a beloved sister that just blew my mind. Maybe the confidence in the little man's voice. That's what people usually say when they know exactly what to do. There was just nothing that could be done. And I knew it. To meet the lake of sleep on your way is an evil rock, a bill to be paid. And this account always has to be paid. Completely stupefied, I got up and, in obedience to the order, walked away. Without strength, he sank down by the tree and detachedly watched as Tina, frozen for a few moments above her sister, sank down next to him. She pressed her to her and, like a mother lulling a baby, began to hum something. From this distance it was impossible to make out the words, and I did not try. Just looked. My whole being refused to accept Shallet's death. I didn't care that she was a future Seer or how her departure would affect the state. She was my favorite sister. A baby with her whole life ahead of her. Beloved daughter of our parents. I don't know how I'll tell them... Will our mother survive... How will we all live on, knowing that she is no more? Walking through the same rooms, visiting the same places... I am a warrior and I killed so many times, and risked being killed so many times, and buried so many... But for the first time, all the horror, and grief, and the irreversibility of death appeared before me in to the full extent - in a lifeless tiny body, in cold fingers, in a lifeless face. My sister, little Shal, Her Highness Princess Shallet sheng Sorello... I cried. Tears are unworthy of a warrior and a man, but I didn't care... And Kristina sang and sang. Her voice evoked a strange calm, akin to a trance. I completely ceased to perceive the surrounding reality. When I woke up, it was quiet around. Tina no longer sang, she lay limply near the body of her sister. Thought flashed, is she really too? .. Although ... After all, Tina came into our world at the request of Shallet, so ... I stood up and approached them. He knelt down next to the man. Breathe. Either sleeping or fainting. Although unprincipled. So, it will be necessary to think about what to do with it next. Without her sister, her stay here was meaningless. Shallet... The sister's body must be delivered to the palace as soon as possible. With her death, secrecy is no longer necessary, so the Wart must be contacted. And it’s better to tell your father later, in person. Let him think for a little while that everything is all right with Shal... I bent over my sister. To say goodbye like this, without witnesses, when there is no need to hold back, there will be no more chance. .. And - froze. I was afraid to believe my eyes - Shallet's chest was barely perceptibly heaving. She breathed! But this cannot be! Not believing himself, he put his ear to his heart - it beats! She is alive! I glared at my sister. That's right, she's just sleeping. Merciful gods! Still not believing in the accomplished miracle, I carefully took Shal's hand in mine. No, there can be no doubt. Alive! But how?... Thoughts feverishly spun. I knew for sure that there were no remedies against the water from the sleepy lake. And there was no one to use them ... The gaze settled on the little man. Besides her, no one could bring Shal back to life. Her singing... Gods and demons, how right you were, little sister, when you took her with us! I began to look at Tina with different eyes. Whatever the case, I am indebted to you, man! And I will repay this debt ... Christina I woke up with difficulty. Slowly, as if reluctantly, the battle with the orcs, my fear of the dragon, the quick march through the forest, the stop at the lake, the wailing of Shantar, the death of Shallet... Shallet! My heart thumped with pain. The consciousness, which had not yet fully awakened, was languidly surprised at what hurt so weakly. I opened my eyes. All the same clearing, that's for sure. Only the lake was nowhere to be seen. Well, Shantar warned... They were cooking next to a small fire. Two. Shantar and a little girl with golden hair... Shallet?! Live! I jumped. Brother and sister simultaneously turned to me. The baby, squealing, rushed to hug, and Shantar broke into a suspiciously joyful smile. - Shal, dear, beloved, are you all right? - I hugged the baby and could not believe my luck. - Yes Yes! It's all right, Tina! I drank water from the lake and fell asleep. As Shant said, I could have died! No, I even died! But you did not give with your singing! You saved me! - as usual, the little girl chattered. I looked at the dragon in disbelief. But he just smirked. I have never seen him so pleased. And it looks like I was part of it too. Oh, what happened? We had breakfast with some little animal roasted on a fire. When everyone had eaten, and Shal joyfully rushed off to examine another outlandish bird, I began to try on how to clarify with Shantar what had happened. And then he is usually a beech beech, again he will begin to be sarcastic in response. While I was thinking about where it would be better to start, I stumbled upon the dragon's studying gaze. - Shantar, I wanted to ask you, - he slightly mockingly raised an eyebrow, inviting you to continue, - what happened yesterday? Well, there, by the lake, - I finished a little crumpled. - Well, wow, - this nonhuman drawled, - what a coincidence, but I just wanted to ask you this. I grimaced and honestly tried to remember. There was absolute space in my head - in the sense, it was empty and all garbage was spinning. - I remember that Shallet was dying and, it seems, she died ... But now she is not dead. And there is no time between these two events. I prepared to listen to another taunt, but the mocking expression on the dragon's face (or should we still talk about the muzzle of the dragon?) before my eyes changed to a seriously thoughtful one. I have never seen him like this. I have seen Shantar sarcastic, furious, arrogantly indifferent, irritated. Of course, with baby Shal, he was different, but she is his sister - and therefore this does not count. And now the piercing blue eyes of a stranger were looking at me attentively. “Unfortunately, I have little to add to this. Let's do it. I'll tell you what I saw, and then we'll discuss it together, - I nodded my head, somewhat confused by the friendliness and complaisance in his voice. Shantar thought for a few seconds and then continued, “I saw Shal die. She stopped breathing. It was painful. I didn't know what to do. And then... Then you ordered me to leave. - I did what? - I was in shock, - Ordered?! - Yes, ordered - he nodded his head - and I, most surprisingly, obeyed. I don't know why. He went to the trees and began to observe. You hugged Shal and began to sing something. I fell into prostration and lost touch with time. And when I woke up and came up to you, you were unconscious, and your sister was breathing. That's all. Shantar sheng Sorello As I recounted the events of the previous night to Tina, I mentally replayed the possible explanations over and over again. Unfortunately, there were many questions, and the facts - catastrophically few. And, judging by the surprised expression on my interlocutor's face, she is unlikely to be able to shed at least some light on the whole story. I finished my story, which turned out to be rather laconic, and we both fell into silence. I understood that the little man needed time to think about the information, even if it was so meager. And yet, pretty. Having ceased to perceive Tina as an unexpected and unpleasant burden, I looked at her with different eyes. Definitely pretty. And the character is amazing. Initially, I expected her to be quarrelsome, narrow-minded, shy, and unadapted to life, as is often the case among human women. But so far, she has shown herself well done. In the battle with the orcs, although she was very frightened, she rather deftly escaped from the blow, without abandoning her sister. And after the battle, she didn’t throw tantrums. And what she did for Shallet!.. Tina looked up at me and asked thoughtfully: - And what are your considerations? - well done, did not immediately express their own guesses. - Yes, actually, nothing specific. As far as we know, no one has yet succeeded in reversing the action of the sleepy lake. But you don't belong to this world, maybe that's the point. Although, on the other hand, you are from a closed world and do not own magic. Do not know. But I think - almost sure - that it was all about your singing. Only now I can’t say what was the strength here - in your desire to see her alive or in a random coincidence of sounds. What do you think yourself? - Probably, you are right, - after a moment of thinking, she agreed, - but I still don't understand anything. You said it yourself, I don't have magic. I don't have it in me. And as far as I understand in any case, whether it's the strength of my desire or a combination of words that have formed into a spell, there must still be magic. After all, it also does not happen that a simple person, deprived of a gift, simply cast a spell and it worked? I thought. She's right again, I somehow missed that. - And this means, - I studied the girl, - that it is possible that you have a magical gift. Although it is believed that where you come from, there is no magic at all. Well, it's getting more and more interesting. The presence of a magical gift in Tina would explain a lot. Including the fact that she was able to cope with the spell of the lake, because her magic does not belong to this world. But this means that our magicians and scientists were wrong in claiming that her world is closed. .. Here the girl suddenly yawned sweetly and seductively stretched. I fell out of reality for a moment. Yes, what is wrong with me?

Astropsychologist or Universal Evil

and at that moment I was extremely tired of her traditional calls, and Inessa understood this very well, but her predatory essence required bringing our relationship to complete absurdity, and then one day something happened that should have happened:


- Yes, - indifferently in the answer.

- You know, it's important for me to know, because I want to visit a beautician today, appointment hours are from fourteen to fifteen. IS HE call after the procedure?

“Yes,” I answer her in the same indifferent tone.

IN the evening of another day:

- Nadya, you, as always, were right, IS HE really called. But the bell rang at fourteen fifteen minutes, I had already removed the makeup from my face and was lying in a chair, and suddenly HIS call. I am extremely disappointed in the accuracy of your forecast! - her voice was indeed more excited and capricious than usual, but the reason for her indignation was not connected with my bad prognosis, but with the boy's behavior.

- Nadya, everything is terrible! Yesterday IS HE invited me to his place, we talked until late at night, I stayed with him, but ... nothing happened. You promised that everything would be fine with us!

- Well, that's enough! Listen to me carefully, dear! Simultaneously with your love affair, as you know, I am working with a woman whose husband a pedophile and behind her back built a criminal sexual alliance with four of his own young children. I am extremely sorry for the children and their mother. Behind Lately, I got it from the pathologies that I unexpectedly encountered. Inessa, I don’t want to work on your problem anymore, because my life experience says one thing, if a man wants a woman, then he will demolish everything in his path. There are no barriers to true love and desire. Besides, I'm not a sex therapist, but a psychic and parapsychologist, so you'd better find another navigator.

“Well, you finally showed me your true aggressive nature. You do realize that this is the finale and I will never call you again!?

- I really count on it - I was really pleased with this denouement.

“Did we have an agreement that you would never write about me?” - Inessa spoke with force.

- Promise! I will never write about you, but only on condition. You never call me and you never remind me of yourself. Inessa, if you violate the agreement, then I reserve the right to cover this story, replacing the names, of course. I'll delete all your contacts, you delete mine and be done with it.

Several years have passed since this evening conversation, and suddenly I receive an e-mail from Inessa, where she invites me to her consultation and sends me the address of her website.

Of course, I immediately went to the site. I must admit that I really liked her “landing page” on the Internet. Stylish, concise and seasoned "business card site" was made with great taste. Just beautiful!

My beloved reader, I confess that Inessa's letter gave me great pleasure, because it gave me freedom. She broke the deal. Now I could describe this story!

Part one

M This heroine at one time made an indelible impression on me, and it was so vivid that, to this day, remembering Inessa, I feel the strong feelings that she once evoked in me.

At the time of our acquaintance she was forty-six, but she looked great: slender and flexible, like a girl; well-groomed skin and youth hairstyle "Alya spring breeze".

At the first meeting, Inessa almost immediately told me that she chose this name for herself instead of what her parents gave her:

My new name perfectly reflects my true essence. Do you know what you look like from the outside? How do you hear? How do you feel?

Oh yes, Inessa was a philosopher and an actress! She gave herself not only a new name, she worked out manners, intonations and even the timbre of her voice, so during communication she felt ambiguous. Although her voice was filled with mystery, and her languid look was accompanied by a mysterious smile, I perfectly understood that I was facing a smart and cunning huntress.

At the same time, she appeared in my life in a trite way, that is, just like all other clients - Inessa simply called and signed up for a consultation with me:

I need to look at a number of aspects. You should know - I am a practicing astropsychologist, but there are some questions that the stars do not answer. Moreover, I ask you to come to me yourself. Yes, and also be kind, name the date, place and time of your birth, - in this short monologue, a pleasant, but at the same time capricious and extremely demanding voice of the dictator sounded.

I do not like to travel: “Those who need me come to me. To those who need me, I go myself. Yes, there are exceptions, but I need to be struck so that I say to myself: “I need her! And I'll go to her!"

And Inessa impressed me with her sound, her specificity and energy, but main reason- this is the result of my scan, they immediately told me: “We have to go. This woman will be extremely interesting to you, she is your favorite type. Yes, I am contemplative, I love unusual people and their stories.

My beloved reader, I will not bore you with details and just briefly explain, my heroine had two reasons that made her turn to a psychic - this is her love for a thirty-three year old man, as well as some esoteric questions. Therefore, in this story from time to time I will write about myself - it is important to understand my motivation, as well as the storm of my feelings and emotions.

I'll start with myself. In essence, I am a classic “crazy mother”, convinced that “children should be pampered ...” and at the same time I am Chekhov’s Darling, who is also “strongly married”, that is, I adore my husband and therefore support all his undertakings. At the same time, I understood the attraction of a middle-aged married woman, besides the mother of two children, to a young man - I am not a hypocrite. It was obvious that it was love that forced Inessa to build an alliance with a psychic, her goal was to use me to control the thoughts and steps of the guy.

The topic: “Total control of a young man” was extremely unpleasant for me, and the topic: “Esoterica” really brought us closer.

But that's not all! Inessa herself aroused great interest in me. She carried the potential of an excellent organizer and an excellent charge of pragmatic enterprise. Imagine, a woman independently created her own private business, gathering wealthy clients around her, developing her own connections on television and radio. All this was done by her in the name of creating her own salon "Astropsychologist Services" in the center of Moscow, and she took all conceivable and unimaginable steps for this.

I love such ambitious people and always with pleasure comprehend their essence.

But even on this the story about the properties of Inessa is not finished. She possessed a number of psi factors: a dreamer, a storyteller, an excellent storyteller and a strong manipulator with the gift of recruitment. But the most curious thing is her despotism.

My beloved reader, we are modern people and we know very well that astrologers draw up a natal chart by date of birth, which, from their point of view, tells everything about a person. However, Inessa's practical experience often proved to her that the results of issuing an astrological computer program and the real manifestations of a person differ greatly. It was this discrepancy that made Inessa attract a psychic. However, the main reason for building an alliance with me lay in the fact that Inessa knew for sure that the relationship that she seeks to create with a young guy could not be built only by the stars, here she needed a strong psychic as a navigator. And her choice fell on me!

The second part

P while you were driving, I made a natal chart for you, the stars showed me that you have Mars and Proserpine on the "ascendant". This means that you are really a psychic, - Inessa started the conversation literally from this phrase.

"Interesting lady! Right from the threshold and to "you"! - I thought then, - Mars is the planet of war, and Proserpina is the planet of magicians and psychics. Ha...!!!? The fact that I am a psychic is clear, but do you understand that I am not a warrior and not a soldier, but a military diplomat! I wonder if she knows the difference between these nuances?

I have been studying my beloved since childhood, and I have known this for a long time that I am a warrior and a diplomat at the same time. I am always in a state of war, at the same time, I can perfectly build peaceful alliances, but almost always I “lay softly, but sleep extremely hard”, besides, in extreme cases, I absolutely calmly “give through my knees” so that it doesn’t seem enough, but this is only if it is required, of course.

“And you are my dear, astropsychologist! Do you know what the combination of Proserpina with Mars means in my case?

It was only with time that I was able to answer this question accurately. Inessa never realized my personality, she did not know and did not want to know either my past or my present, the limit of her interest in me was only my ability to see the future and that was all that interested her. It was the accuracy of my forecasts, which sometimes reached almost minutes, that was the only reason for our alliance.

But it's all right...

Our first meeting was in her apartment. I immediately noted the design and quality of finishes. Excellent renovation, and a lot of cute knick-knacks. A small three-ruble note in a standard house on the outskirts of Moscow. Clean and cozy.

The first consultation was quite lengthy. Channeling allowed me to introduce Inessa in detail to her Soul.

Let me tell you, my beloved reader.

First of all, I want to inform you that all Souls have either a feminine or a masculine essence. If the Soul is of a female type, and even in a female incarnation, then this is almost always read in appearance, in demeanor, in preferences. The archetype of such women always correspond to their true feminine nature. It must be admitted that Inessa literally radiated femininity.

The second thing that is always seen during such consultations is the type of incarnation. There are four types of reincarnations in total: the first; karmic or repeated; missionary and reincarnation tourist. Inessa was a reincarnation tourist. In fact, this meant that her Soul had significant funds to provide its incarnation with everything that it only needed on the way. All that is required of a tourist is not to live more difficult than it is prescribed to him from above. You need to order the most comfortable future for yourself, feel the breath of the incarnation, do not fuss and wait for everything to settle down by itself. Just like sitting in a comfortable car, you watch how the panorama outside the window develops and unfolds.

Third. The most important knowledge about the Soul concerned its age. The soul of Inessa was ancient, very ancient, and besides, it had great weight and status in the Astral.

The channeling lasted a long time, we were told in detail about all aspects of the incarnation, and literally everything came down to one idea: “Do not be afraid to order the very best for yourself. I am very wealthy and will provide you with everything you want!”

- Yes! I always knew it, I felt it. I was always sure that I would have everything, the main thing is to accurately formulate the request. I'm a total nerd! I love to live in bliss and get high,” she said in a languid voice.

The consultation was practically over, when suddenly Inessa's husband called. They calmly talked, and at that time I was looking through the future of my new acquaintance. When the conversation of the spouses ended, and she turned to me, I told her:

– In three days your husband will leave and he will be gone for ten days.

- No, It is Immpossible! We didn't plan anything. Although!? So let's look at your work, Nadya, - she smiled and we said goodbye, without making further meetings.

The third part

P Several days passed and again Inessa:

- Hope, I'm amazed! My husband has indeed flown away and will return, as you predicted, in ten days. We just need to urgently meet and discuss a lot.

That day I learned her secret. Inessa was in love with a handsome young man.

My dear reader, I don't want to bore you with details, but I will just give a brief account of the second consultation.

Inessa was born and raised on the shores of the Baltic. Her family moved to Moscow during the collapse of the USSR. My new acquaintance was well over twenty when she settled in the capital. She soon married, had two children, and trained as an astropsychologist. Relations with my husband did not work out almost immediately, the reason that Inessa told me, I don’t even want to repeat, because. everything she said was just a weak rationale for why she was more interested in thirty-year-old guys, and not a family.

I confess that with her story, she put me in front of a difficult choice: to help or end the relationship with the preoccupied female.

Always in such cases, I start scanning information, and depending on the recommendations, I work or leave. I always follow the recommendations of mentors:

“She offers me to help her hunt the guy!” I turned to my Soul.

- "So what? He is an adult boy, and she is not an old woman. Don't be a puritan! It's okay, with or without you, she will still hunt, and if you leave, you will lose the plot! Work!"

Actually, it all started with this scan.

That day her confession lasted more than three hours. I remember well my fatigue and thirst. I asked for a drink for me cold water and Inessa, smiling languidly, soon brought me on a tray an amazing Chinese cup on a saucer filled to the brim with boiling water:

- Nadya, you know that green tea can be brewed up to sixteen times, and this tea is brewed only the fifth.

“Jews, pour more tea leaves. Good thing I have a bottle of water in my car. We must remember and never leave the house without water, ”I said to myself.

I remember the feeling of doom when, returning home, I thought only of one thing:

- "God! Why do I need it? Where do I fit in? I don’t want to help her, I don’t want to follow the guy, I don’t want to scan his feelings, I don’t want to answer the question: “Does he love me or not?” Why do I need all this!?”

Already at home in a calm environment, I continued scanning and received a completely exhaustive answer:

- “You are an information channel! You can't choose who you can work with and who you can't!"

- "Can I refuse?"

- "Certainly! Do you know the possible consequences in case of refusal?

Part Four

M We called each other daily and met periodically. The main theme was IS HE, therefore, our interpersonal relationships with Inessa unfolded precisely on HIS background.

My new friend fully showed her purely feminine essence, she took care of me and supervised:

- Do you have business cards?

- Look at mine, see what the quality of workmanship is? You must urgently do as well as mine ... Who cuts your hair? Here is my master's phone... Who is your stylist?... Who is your photographer?... - and at the same time, Inessa constantly made demands that I immediately do something or modernize. She blew my mind with her initiatives. I understood her interest, I must meet her standards.

But one day the palette of her interests in me changed, Inessa suddenly began to tell me about me and about my properties, about my relationships with loved ones. Moreover, her story was built in such a way as to intrigue me. She didn't finish, trying to force me to find out more. And then:

How much does your consultation cost?

When I heard the price, I just smiled.

– Nadechka, I charge several times more for a consultation than you. I don't understand why you value yourself so low?

“It's very simple,” I replied. The people I help are in critical condition. The edge is always a disaster and poverty, hence the prices.

- Nadya, I will teach you how to live. You and I need to reach the level of the oligarchs, so we need to build connections on television, radio and magazines. Yes, you need to participate in television shows, cooperate with publishers ... - and then she suffered. She told me what I knew better than her. I was distinguished from her by one thing, I was bored not only to follow her recommendations, but even to listen to them.

– Did you understand everything? I am ready to help and patronize you. So get ready, you and I are shooting in the same television project tomorrow. This is not central television, but only a regional channel, but for a start, this is good.

Inessa was infinitely proactive. I accepted many of her proposals and I confess that they brought variety to my extremely measured life, but I refused many:

– Do you know the Tsarskaya Okhota restaurant?

- On Rublyovka? I clarified. - Yes, my husband and I have been there a couple of times, and my daughter and her girlfriend were its regulars, - what I said was true, my husband and I loved to travel around restaurant Moscow and try different cuisines. Working constantly at the computer and taking walks in Tsaritsyno, from time to time we liked to taste restaurant dishes and chat with the manager or owner. We had favorite restaurants, but Tsarskaya Okhota was not one of them.

- This is the Mecca of the oligarchs, - said Inessa. - We have to go there with you in just a few days. We need to make acquaintances among rich people. It's time for you to reconsider your attitude to your gift, you need to serve the powerful of this world, and not waste your life on the poor. Nothing will help them anyway, if a person is not successful - this is his fate and you are powerless here. Will you tell the loser what his problem is and what's next? Are you going to pull him out of that swamp where he came from? And tomorrow he will still return to poverty if he has Lilith in his horoscope!

– Inessa, I don’t help everyone. I am an information channel, if the Soul of a person and the Higher Mind have a program for getting out of trouble, then I consider all their ideas, and I will do everything I can do, if there is no information, then I will refuse to work. As for the oligarchs! My husband and I are in the construction business and I love money, but I love making big money on projects that make people's lives comfortable and beautiful. I love building and developing real estate, but I don't want to serve the rich. However, for reference, among my clients there were not only beggars, the owners and top managers of the largest companies turned to me for advice, but the price they were offered was always small.

A picture flashed before my eyes when one of the vice-presidents of Norilsk Nickel, after my consultation, pulled out a wad of money and extracted one thousand from it, and then with surprise:

- "I'm ready to pay more, I won't go broke!"

“I don't set the price. They told me the cost, and I will take exactly as much as determined, ”and this has always been the case.

Inessa went to the royal Hunt without me.

Part five

AND Nessa was infinitely rational, which is why everyone around her had some kind of function: her husband ensured the prosperity of the family, IS HE I was a “youth pill”, I was an “information channel”, even the children performed their roles, the eldest daughter, a journalist, wrote articles to her mother. The realization of my friend's pragmatism did not cause any negative reactions in me, so our alliance could have continued for quite a long time, if not for the fateful event that predetermined everything.

One day, Inessa unexpectedly called:

“Nadechka, you must come today. Don't even mind, it's extremely important!

I did not object and arrived at the appointed time. Scanned the trip before the visit:

- "Don't dust, see everything to the end, show restraint," - I was not given additional information and I realized that we should expect surprises.

Inessa met me and offered to wait a bit until the consultation was over.

- "Something new! Okay, I've been warned, so relax and enjoy."

It took a long time to wait, but everything eventually ends. The moment came, and Inessa came out of the room, followed by a woman I did not know. The hostess introduced us:

- Meet - this is Nadezhda, she is a representative of the Dark Forces and Universal Evil, - what I heard caused me a sharp protest and aggression, but I held back the blow without even blinking an eye.

Inessa continued:

– Yes, our world is filled with two forces! Force of Good and Evil. I am a fairy and bring Light and Love, Hope is a psychic, behind her are the Dark Forces and Universal Evil, - I saw fear in the eyes of a woman.

Inessa invited us to have dinner, but the lady's horror was stronger, the guest hurried and left.

Looking into the eyes of his friend, with pressure:

- What was it? Am I Universal Evil? Are you a bearer of goodness?

- Nadechka, only dark people are endowed with your abilities, like yours!

I was silent and looked into her eyes, and silently issued a monologue:

“What a sophisticated bastard you are. Invited me in, insulted me, and put me in a situation in which any reaction from me would only strengthen your statement. If I am indignant, then I am a Fiend of Hell. Then Inessa will smile wisely, and I will prove with my indignation that I am bringing Evil. I smile, again a loss - I will confirm her statement. It is necessary to be silent, raise an eyebrow and look into the eyes of the Astropsychologist. I will pause until the end, let's hear what else she has to say. Let's bring the situation to complete absurdity!

IN defying logic, I then did not stop our relationship with Inessa, as I was waiting for only one well-known signal for me, which foreshadowed the end:

Boredom, boredom and more boredom! Boring and clear! An astropsychologist, if he is not a psychic, like Nostradamus, then he does not understand real people at all. He sings songs pleasant to the human ear or scares with catastrophes. Yes, he can show some aspects of the personality, but this is not enough to characterize the true state of affairs of a person, and even more so, he cannot literally pull him out of problems. Everything is clear and boring!” - it was on this wave of my deep disappointment that Inessa's last call rang out:

IS HE call me today? - With this phrase, she began her traditional morning call.

- Yes, - indifferently in response and already to himself. - "Boring! It's time to end the alliance. Inessa, you are no longer interesting to me!

Over the past few years, society has divided into two opposing camps and are irreconcilably at odds. one half claims that vaccinations are Evil and they cripple children, and the other half insists that vaccinations are obligatory.

wandering on the Internet, I often stumble upon information regarding vaccinations., As well as discussions on the topic of these very vaccinations. these are separate articles, and forums where mothers live, where the toughest begins .. it turns out that the entire warring mass is located exactly there, only there you can observe this war for and against in all its glory ..
I will say one thing, that for me, as a person who believes in common sense, and believes that victory will still be on his side, after reading all these articles and forums, in particular, a nervous tic begins. because in my head it doesn’t fit how massively and deeply the idiocy has penetrated the masses.
but there are also positive moments .. just recently I came across a post by a young dad who was boiling .. in fact, for the sake of this cry of the soul, a post is being created ..)

here is the actual post:

I am a young dad, I also often have to visit mom's forums. But it wasn’t the flood that bothered me, not the lisping and mimicking ovules, the signatures that weren’t the same, like a carbon copy: “I am the happiest mother, my Vasenka is N years M months K days.” It's annoying, but it's all minor. The anti-vaxxers really screwed up. They are everywhere. Some forums are completely occupied by them, others are fighting this infection, but you can meet them everywhere.

The anti-vaxxers are a real cult. The essence of their teaching is simple: there is no benefit from vaccinations, only harm, mass vaccination is an international conspiracy ... Options are possible here:

A conspiracy of doctors and pharmaceutical companies to make money;

The conspiracy of the West against Russia for the purpose of birth control (citations are given from the "Dulles plan");

The conspiracy of the world government against all mankind for the purpose of the same birth control or total zombification;

A conspiracy of Satanists against Christians (respectively, vaccination is the seal of the beast or even the ritual sacrifice of babies).

I think the diagnosis is already clear, isn't it? All the arguments of anti-vaxxers strike with some kind of perverted, turned inside out logic.

Tetanus vaccinations are not needed, because there are only a few dozen cases of tetanus in Russia a year.

Here is a similar argument for you: not a single astronaut in orbit died from a lack of air, which means that spacesuits are not needed when working in outer space. After all, they do not get tetanus precisely because everyone is vaccinated without exception! And those few dozen a year are either newborns who have not yet had time to be vaccinated, or very old people who were born before the start of mass vaccination.

The vaccine kills the immune system.

This is generally complete nonsense and turning the facts inside out. Any vaccine is just needed to increase immunity. The essence of any vaccination is that a certain surrogate of pathogens is introduced into the body: weakened or killed microorganisms, some of their components (for example, viral envelope protein), a specially processed toxin, or, finally, just a related microorganism that is safe for humans (such was the very first smallpox vaccine). The immune system responds by producing antibodies “tuned” to a specific protein, and when a real pathogen enters the body, it will be quickly destroyed. Immunity from vaccinations increases!

Why get vaccinated if they don't give a 100% guarantee against disease?

Another idiotic argument. Let's abolish seat belts then, because they do not provide 100% survival in a crash. Vaccination reduces the likelihood of getting sick several times, in addition, almost completely prevents the severe course of the disease. So, diphtheria in the unvaccinated is a deadly disease that gives severe complications to the heart and nervous system, in the vaccinated - something like a mild cold. By the way, parents themselves are often to blame for the low effectiveness of vaccines. It is to increase the effectiveness of vaccination is carried out several times. But parents often ignore instructions - there is no time, laziness, they are afraid of the reaction. “Why inject the same thing for the fourth time?” And then they will blame the doctors for not saving their child.

One half-crazy lady claimed in all seriousness that tetanus shots made girls sterile. Considering that in the USSR the DTP vaccine has been given to everyone since 1961, and in many countries almost from the 40s, the question arises: where did the children come from? Did the stork bring?

Anti-vaxxers are spreading completely delusional horror stories about vaccines worthy of the most base yellow press. They say that the vaccine is made from human embryos. That the vaccine causes autism. That doctors don't vaccinate their children. That vaccines contain microchips that penetrate the brain. They cite some wild, far-fetched numbers of deaths from vaccinations, exceeding the real figures by three to four orders of magnitude.

Anti-vaxxers are far from harmless freaks like "brilliant physicists" who refute the theory of relativity. Their propaganda really leads to serious consequences. So, in England in 1974, as a result of anti-vaccination propaganda, parents began to massively refuse pertussis vaccine. The result is a bit predictable: an epidemic, thousands of cases, including several deaths. Another example: in Russia in the 90s, during the times of general collapse and chaos, coverage of the DTP vaccine fell from more than 90% to 70%. The result is an epidemic of diphtheria, 150,000 (!) recoveries, including 5,000 deaths. But anti-vaxxers, these bloody maniacs, are not satisfied with five thousand children's corpses - they want more and more.

The question arises: why do anti-vaccinators need this, what do they achieve? The answer is very simple. Just look who is at the head of their movement. There is not a single doctor among them, but there are many homeopathic charlatans. In order to continue picking out the pockets of the swindled population, it is vital for them to undermine the credibility of normal medicine. the best way, than to lie about the international vaccine conspiracy, and it’s impossible to think up: who will go to be treated by a doctor who, as they say, deliberately poisons children?

I perfectly understand the vested interest of anti-vaxxers. I understand that calling charlatans to conscience is a useless exercise; with the same success, you can persuade the wolf to stop dragging the sheep. I do not understand another: where does justice look? Why do these criminals, on whose conscience many children's deaths, not only go free, but also publish their vile little books? Where is the WHO looking - after all, the problem is not Russian, but global? Why not fight at least at the level of education? What kind of goblin parents are given the right to refuse vaccination not for medical reasons, but at the request of the left heel? Human rights? And why has no one thought about the rights of the child to life and health? Okay, I'm not against freedom of choice, but then let the parents be responsible for their choice. They refused the vaccine, and the child fell ill - let them treat it at their own expense: no free appointments, let alone calls, no paid sick leave. With what joy the state or the employer should pay for someone else's stupidity? And if the disease has led to a serious complication or death, let them be judged for the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (or death) by prior agreement.

I would like to send a special hello to mothers who deliberately infect their children instead of getting vaccinated, because "it's more natural." Sitting in a cave and dying without antibiotics and drugs in general is also more natural. Why don't you live in a cave? What kind of idiocy is it - to be afraid of vaccination, but not to be afraid of a disease, the probability of severe complications from which is a thousand times higher? When it comes to you that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it, and vaccination is just the easiest way to prevent it.

Frames of mockery of Muammar Gaddafi discussed the whole world. Everyone was shocked by the same thing: the colonel was dealt with with such cruelty, as if it were not the post-industrial XXI century, but the era of the early Middle Ages. The only difference is that the "reprisal of the butchers" was broadcast on all world TV channels. But this is only an outward manifestation of a strange epidemic, which was noted by UN experts: in recent years, the level of aggression on the planet has skyrocketed.

In the world in just one year, the number of registered crimes reached half a million. How many are not registered? After all, the Arab revolutions, and riots, and quiet domestic violence fall into this canvas. What is happening to us? Experts state that humanity is again trying to start the mechanism of self-destruction. And this has already found a scientific explanation.

mouse kingdom

American scientist John Calhoun conducted a unique experiment back in 1972. He tried to create a real paradise for laboratory mice. They were given a spacious compartment, where it is clean, satisfying, comfortable and safe, there is where to frolic, copulate and build nests for offspring. Four pairs of healthy thoroughbred animals were sent to the aviary. At first, the rodents lived in love and harmony, and every 55 days the population of the "paradise" doubled.

However, after 315 days, the birth rate began to fall. By that time, more than 600 individuals lived in the "paradise". It has become more difficult for males to defend their territory and dominate society. Groups of outcasts appeared in the collective, who raided other nests, where they met a fierce rebuff. As a result, the mice stopped creating families, and the number of single mothers who abused their offspring increased.

Some males have lost interest in life - they stopped caring for females, control the territory and sort things out with each other. The basic instinct was replaced by complacency and narcissism. But at the same time, cannibalism, debauchery and violence flourished in the far corners of the "paradise". After 18 months, the mouse paradise finally turned into a pitch hell. And a month later, the mortality among young animals reached 100 percent. In general, only a few survived. John repeated his experience many times, but he always got the same result.

Putting experiments on mice, the scientist hardly imagined that he had made a cast of the human population of the beginning of the 21st century. Experts put forward different scientific versions of why people have the same thing as mice. There are two groups of versions - demographic and social. The first is based on the theory that a person, although social, is still an animal, and therefore, in certain circumstances, behaves like a biological species. What happens to animals when there are too many of them in one area? They start killing each other. The increased aggressiveness of homo sapiens is nothing more than a reaction of people to the overpopulation of the planet. By the way, this week our regiment will arrive - the 7 billionth inhabitant is expected to appear on Earth ...

Scientists confirm that crowding and an unfavorable environment adversely affect the mental and physical health of a person. “Physical stressors (noise, heat, air pollution, overcrowding, etc.) cause persistent emotional arousal, which can become a generalizing motive for all subsequent human behavior,” says Tatiana Rumyantseva, Ph.D. social sciences Belarusian State University. - Even Academician Pavlov noted that such external stimuli as restriction of space, freedom of movement, etc., cause an attack reaction in animals. In humans, many physiological mechanisms work in a similar way, and here you can’t jump out of your biological nature.”

Residents of Rwanda and without scientific calculations from time to time experience this theory for themselves. In a tiny country with over 400 inhabitants per square kilometer, bloody wars break out with frightening regularity, accompanied by the most brutal genocide. American evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond noted that the frequency of conflicts is strongly correlated with population size: almost every population outbreak entails a civil war. The problem also lies in the fact that representatives of different cultures are forced to coexist on such a small piece of land, and the principle of being cramped and not offended, alas, is not applicable to them. Moreover, Western civilization, advocating multiculturalism, practically launches such a model at home.

“Modern states, with their imposed political correctness, have launched a mechanism of mutual hatred,” says forensic psychiatrist Professor Mikhail Vinogradov, “take old Moscow: Armenian Lane, Bolshaya and Malaya Gruzinsky streets - everyone lived in their own small settlements, but at the same time accepted the Moscow way of life. Today, during the holiday, you can butcher a ram in the playground, and this causes conflict.”

Perhaps we mistake this very “sparkling” multiculturalism for overpopulation. In fact, the problem is not that there are many of us in principle, but that too different people with their own customs and traditions suddenly begin to live in a limited area. And the main paradox is that the inhabitants will throw out aggression not at the authorities that created such conditions, but at each other. Plus, in the absence of restraining frameworks - moral, cultural, family - we behave very harshly when faced with representatives of other cultures and nationalities. As you know, the Roman Empire perished when it began to divide people into friends and foes.

Boys War

In addition to overpopulation, there is another version that explains why we are brutish. She appeared in Germany and made a lot of noise in the scientific world. “The aggression that is now observed in all countries clearly correlates with one important factor: as soon as the ratio of the number of boys under 4 years old and men about 40 exceeds certain indicators, tension inevitably arises,” explains Sergey Agarkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

For example, in Palestine, there are 8 boys for every adult male (a factor of 800). In other Arab and African countries, the coefficient is from 300 to 500, which is also very high. In Europe and Russia - below, about 100. In Afghanistan, about 400. In Iran and Turkey, there is a tendency to reduce the birth rate in general and the number of boys in particular. Therefore, these countries, no matter how “green” for religious reasons, will not interfere much in regional conflicts.”

According to Sergei Agarkov, this is a sociobiological pattern: a large number of boys grow into an army of teenagers, seething with energy, who can easily be spurred to some kind of revolution. They grow up, and there are too many “males”, and this is always a war for a place in the sun. Even the nature of revolutions is determined by this ratio. Where there are many boys, the revolution takes on a bloody character: battles, a mass of dead, the overthrow of the regime - as in Libya. Conversely, where the ratio is smaller, the revolution is flowery.

“This theory works if applied to different situations,” Sergey Agarkov believes. - Even the history of the development of America is connected with it. I must say that at that time in Spain there was a demographic crisis: the number of boys greatly increased - potentially young men who have nothing to do and who cannot find themselves in the system of relations that has developed over the centuries. That is why they went to conquer other lands. The average age of the conquistador at that time was 15-17 years old, that is, according to our characteristics, they were minors, and by those standards, they were middle-aged people.”

What to do if the number of boys in the state began to grow? According to Sergey Agarkov, migration becomes a necessary valve - then the ratio is leveled off in a natural way. Another way to keep the balance is to pursue a policy of birth control. For example, for some time now it has become calmer in the North Caucasus - they also do not want to give birth a lot there now. It is believed that it is better to raise fewer children, but to do it better.

“Such a system of reducing the birth rate in favor of more successful socialization helps to reduce aggressiveness,” the scientist is sure. - Some time ago, rich people - Bill Gates and others - donated funds to special programs to reduce the birth rate in African and other poor countries. The world perceived this as fascism, as eugenics, they started talking about super-exploitation. But there is a rational grain in this policy. There are already 7 billion people on Earth, and we have especially added over the past 10 years. It won't be long before the limit - 10 billion people on Earth cannot live. If these trends continue, explosions will become more frequent.”

However, the theory of overpopulation has opponents who believe that the Earth, on the contrary, is underpopulated and this is precisely the reason for increased aggression. “Back in the 1960s, a well-known British physicist stated that the world population limit is 60 quadrillion people, this is a number with 16 zeros. In 2005, a Romanian physicist made a refinement and deduced a number of 1.3 quadrillion. This is 200,000 times more than what lives on Earth now, - says Igor Beloborodov, director of the Institute for Demographic Research.

My own calculations have shown that the current population of the planet can be comfortably accommodated in Australia alone, which is a twentieth of the land. At the same time, for each person there will be 1000 square meters. The earth is underpopulated, people have begun to give birth less, because family and religious values, morality are dying off... Humanity is on the path of self-destruction.” The expert also believes that a light attitude towards abortion, the spread of anti-reproductive technologies is a form of denial of the future, which programs future problems.

“Children from small families, by definition, are more prone to selfishness. Child-parent, marital and intergenerational role models are completely deformed. Intra-family aggression is expressed in conflicts, divorces and abortions, rapidly developing into aggression at the level of the whole society.

It is these tendencies that contribute to the emergence of radical extremist ideologies, including ideologies of national exclusivity based on theories of eugenics, up to and including Nazism. Often, children from dysfunctional and single-parent families fall into the networks of extremist movements. What is euthanasia? In most cases - the practice of killing elderly parents. This is also the consequences of the crisis of family relations. Aggression is growing from here,” says Igor Beloborodov.

But the main problem is also that the biological causes of aggression are multiplied by social ones.

The total energy of a raging crowd can be much stronger than the total energy of the people who create it. Photo: Andrey Zamakhin

Society of Unequals

We are proud to say that man can oppose animal aggression with the arguments of reason. However, a social paradox is at work here: the better, more comfortable and more diverse we try to make our life, the more reasons for aggression we create. “One of the theories explaining the aggressiveness of a person,” argues Gennady Kozyrev, professor at the Department of Political Sociology of the Russian State Humanitarian University, is the theory of relative deprivation. She says that a person whose capabilities are artificially limited or whose potential goes beyond the proposed scenario, a protest arises inside. It can be expressed in different ways, but most often it is open resistance, aggression.”

Western culture has very clearly formulated the image of a successful person and convinced that the set standard is easy to achieve. And someone does, but it's usually easiest for those who have winning start-up opportunities, such as the opportunity to get an "expensive" education. The rest accumulate elementary anger: it's unfair, I'm smarter! “Social inequality is very important aspect- says Gennady Kozyrev.

There is such a special term - the decile coefficient, when a society takes ten percent of the income of rich people and divides it by ten percent of the income of the poor. According to the postulates of Western sociology, if this indicator is more than ten, then the country is on the verge of social unrest. For comparison: according to official data, our ratio is 17.5.” According to Kozyrev, this coefficient plays a large role in the growth of mental tension in countries with a developed middle class. For an Indian poor man, a raja bathed in luxury is an abstract image.

For an office clerk, a Wall Street bigwig who receives support from the state in times of crisis is a real enemy. Riots in London from this category - a distraught crowd robbed shops, trying to prove in this way that they are no worse than owners of expensive phones. This state of drivenness, when a person does not see the slightest prospect in front of him, is called frustration in psychology.

An individual clogged with circumstances has few ways out - internal regression, accompanied by depressive states of varying severity, or external aggression. It will not necessarily be directed at a specific source of failure. The case of the persecution of a girl who knocked down a child in Bryansk is just from this series. “The fact is that the people needed a reason, they were so tired of the situation when they are afraid of everything - the police, an official, a visiting Tajik or a Caucasian. This is a victim complex, when the victim steps over his humiliated state and becomes aggressive for absolutely no reason, ”explains Gennady Kozyrev.

A frustrated individual is a potential client of a psychologist, but when a whole society is frustrated, it can become a victim of clever manipulators. In psychology, there is the concept of affective action - this is something that does not obey either the voice of reason, or existing traditions and foundations. It is enough to eloquently point a person to the source of all evils and convince that it is precisely such a development of events that will solve all problems, and he will obey.

Many totalitarian leaders built their rhetoric on this. The history of totalitarian regimes is generally the history of frustrated peoples who are ready to follow those who promise them a bright future. “When we are already talking about the aggression of the masses, there is a phenomenon of infection,” explains Tatyana Rumyantseva, “and it’s not just a matter of quantitative addition, when the sum of single outbreaks gives a dozen or a hundred. The energy of a crowd can exceed the sum of the energies of its constituent individuals by a huge number of times.

It is obvious that every year it becomes more and more difficult for the rulers of both Western and Eastern countries to restrain this energy. It seems that the hell in which the mouse civilization ended up, placed in a glass cube, humanity can get in the near future.

However, there is still a way out. A person who does not want to become part of an aggressive and ferocious crowd will have to start with himself: for example, try to smile at the person who pushed you on the subway. By the way, the experiment with mice also gave a positive experience - only those individuals survived in mouse hell that were best able to communicate and adapt to the environment.