Collection of ideal essays on social studies. (1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves

gets married. (4) But we do not feel how this happens. (5) Now in our history a moment has come when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We want so much to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, new economy that we would even like to have new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance”, we are tired of the expression “go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone”. (9) Or the word “meeting” didn’t like it, they began to say “party”. (10) The Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, "receptive and sociable", he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with that when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) In our speech, “sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear. (14) Usually they change 20-30 words a year, and now we have maybe 20 words a week. (15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “disassembly”, “freebie”. (17) Many print media use "unprintable" words, which, by the way, are called that because they do not need to be printed. (18) In the Duma, the “Russian language law” was discussed for several years. (19) The law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we talk seriously about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishing its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological militia, to establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language, seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language makes the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey the administrative norms regarding the language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts. (24) At one time, in the 19th, and even in the 20th century, an exemplary language gave fiction. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that forms our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now set primarily by television and radio. (28) This also applies to the pronunciation of sounds, and stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And the youth begins to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading god knows what and how he says, but people like it. (32) This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. (33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to understand here whether the language is to blame or something else. (34) After all, the language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (36) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction, will give us the means for this. (37) If the main thing for us is how, without working, to earn a million, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. (38) Why scold him? (39) It reflects the state of society. (40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now. (According to V. Kostomarov)

(1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves. (2) The same happens with language. (3) It changes. (4) But we do not feel how this happens.

(5) Now in our history a moment has come when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We so want to move away from the previous era of our life at all costs, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance”, we are tired of the expression “go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone”. (9) Or the word “meeting” didn’t like it, they began to say “party”.

(10) Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, "receptive and sociable", he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with that when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) In our speech, “sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear. (14) Usually they change 20-30 words a year, and now we have maybe 20 words a week.

(15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “disassembly”, “freebie”. (17) Many print media use "unprintable" words, which, by the way, are called that because they do not need to be printed.

(18) The "Law on the Russian Language" was discussed in the Duma for several years. (19) 3 the law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we talk seriously about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishing its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological militia, to establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language, seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language makes the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey the administrative norms regarding the language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts.

(24) At one time, in the 19th, and even in the 20th century, fiction gave an exemplary language. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that forms our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now set primarily by television and radio. (28) This also applies to the pronunciation of sounds, and stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And the youth begins to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading god knows what and how he says, but people like it. (32) This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion.

(ЗЗ) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to understand here - the language is to blame for this or something else. (34) After all, the language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (Z6) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction, will give us the means for this. (37) If the main thing for us is how, without working, to earn a million, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. (38) 3 but what to vilify him? (39) It reflects the state of society. (40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now.

Article linguist V.G. Kostomarov

Test tasks on the text.

1. Which statement corresponds to the author's point of view expressed in the text?

  1. It is necessary to protect the language from any kind of changes and preserve it as it was in the previous era.
  2. Negative changes in society lead to negative changes in language.
  3. It is necessary to dissociate ourselves from the previous era and create a completely new language.

2. What type(s) of speech is(-s) presented in sentences 33-40?

  1. narration
  2. description
  3. reasoning
  4. reasoning and description

3. Indicate the meaning of the word VAIN in sentence 23.

  1. aimless 3) diligent
  2. unsuccessful 4) harmful

4. From sentences 26-29, write out the word formed by the prefix-suffix method.

5. Among sentences 2-11, find complex ones that include one-part impersonal sentences. Write those numbers complex sentences. 7.11

6. . “An article by the famous linguist V.G. is devoted not to linguistic, but to social problems. The task of the author is to give an explanation of some phenomena and their assessment. At the same time, V.G. Kostomarov often resorts to introductory words expressing his attitude to the problem. An important role is played by such techniques as _9__ (for example, in sentences 36-37), _2__ (in sentences 1-4).

To express the author’s assessment of phenomena, such lexical means as __6__ (“sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” in sentence 13), __5___ (“vilify”, “whatever you say”, “God knows what”), rhetorical question and other".

List of terms:

1) metonymy

2) comparison

3) dialectisms

4) irony

5) colloquial words and phraseological units

6) borrowed words

7) litote

8) rhetorical appeal

9) syntactic parallelism

Composition is a text that carries information. What is this information about? That you understood the text well, see the problem raised by the author, and have your own point of view about it. Thus, work on an essay begins with acquaintance with the author's text, its comprehension. In our opinion, the greatest difficulties when working on an essay arise precisely because of a lack of understanding of the source text, the inability to isolate from it an important and useful information! Your task is to learn it.

Let's analyze the basic concepts

First of all, you should understand what the text is and how it should be understood.

Text(from lat. textus - fabric, plexus, connection) - a group of sequentially arranged sentences or paragraphs connected by a common theme and main idea and characterized by semantic completeness. An indicator of the completeness of the text is the ability to choose a title for it that reflects the topic or main idea of ​​the text.

Text analysis- analysis of the perceived speech work with the aim of a deep and complete understanding of its ideological content, features of the language and style, extracting information from it about the world, nature, society, knowledge, etc., comprehending the author's intention.

Theme of the text- this is what is said in the text, what is described, what the discussion is about, this is the semantic core of the text. The text may include several micro-themes, that is constituent parts general theme. For example, the topic of the text may be “Internet communities”, “Television”, “Health of the nation”, etc.

Main thought- this is a certain idea, the idea of ​​​​a speech work, for the sake of which it is created. The main idea conveys the author's position, assessment of the depicted. For example, the main idea of ​​the text may be: "Literature captures the image of time."

The main idea of ​​the text, signs

Let's take an example. Let's read the text of V. Soloukhin.

Water suddenly boiled in the car. If I had missed, the motor would have failed because the bearings would have melted. I stopped the car, lifted the hood and soon found that the clamp was loosened, compressing the rubber tube. Most of the water flowed away because of this, and its remains boiled. I tightened the clamp with pliers, poured new water and drove on. The malfunction turned out to be trifling, although it could lead to the death of the motor.

Probably, sometimes even more minor malfunctions arise inside us, but we die from them, because it was impossible to "open the hood and tighten with pliers."

If you try to express the content of the text in the shortest possible way (answer the question: What does the text say?), then you get "malfunctions in the car and the human body." This is the topic of the text. Why did the author write this text? What did he want to convey to people about malfunctions in the car and the human body? The answer to these questions is this: “malfunctions” in the human body cannot be fixed as easily as malfunctions in a car. This is the main idea of ​​the text.

Thus, the text has a number of features:

  1. The text is always expressed in oral (for example, public speaking) and / or written form (composition, story, letter, article, etc.).
  2. The text has a structure that is meaningfully created by the author in order to facilitate the perception of the text by the reader or listener; the text has a beginning, a continuation (the main part, which may include several microthemes), an end.
  3. All elements of the text are arranged in a certain order: the scheme of deployment of the main idea, the order of micro-themes depends on the author's intention.
  4. The text is characterized by coherence, that is, there is a semantic connection between sentences, paragraphs and microthemes of the text.
  5. The text is an integral speech work, its elements are united by a common theme, thought, it can be titled.
  6. The main property and purpose of the text is the transfer of information.

The main purpose of the text

Since the main, general purpose of creating a text (any) is to communicate information, it is always created to implement some idea. Information is entered into the text and fixed in it to achieve a specific goal: the author wants to introduce the reader to something new, to show his attitude, to express feelings and experiences.

Let's take an example.

Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves. The same thing happens with language. He is changing. But we don't feel like it's happening.

Now in our history a moment has come when we see how the Russian language is changing. And this cannot but be frightening. We want so much to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. (V. Kostomarov)

What does the author of the text, the famous philologist V. Kostomarov, tell us? 1. The hour hand moves. 2. Her movement is imperceptible. 3. The language also changes imperceptibly. 4. Now the change in the Russian language has become noticeable. 5. The author is afraid of changing the language. 6. Society wants to change the way of life. 7. The strength of this desire is great, so we want to change the language.

These are the basic units of meaning - microtexts. If you think about the meaning of the text, you can see that, in general, the author's intention can be reduced to the following: with the change of life, the language changes, but the rapid changes in the Russian language today frighten the author and his associates (the author does not use the pronoun I, but writes we). With the help of the mental operation of generalization, without taking into account the details, we singled out the main information.

In the text, as a rule, several topics can be presented, one of which is the main one. The main theme of the text may include a number of private micro-themes that "work" on the general theme, i.e. develop it.

From the author's point of view, textual information (main or conveying details) is always significant, and the author expects a certain effect and its impact on the addressee: the reader or listener, according to the author, wants to know something and learns it, experiences some feelings wants to take action. In the text snippet above, the intention of the author is to convey to the reader information about language changes and to arouse concern about them.

Information contained in the text

The text is always designed for understanding, and therefore, for extracting the information contained in it. And the information in the text can be different:

1) factual information- this is a statement of facts, not colored by personal assessments and emotions of the author; it is a dispassionate statement of facts (this is how chronicle notes, announcement texts, protocols, etc. are written);

2) conceptual information- this is information related to the author's understanding of what is happening, described in the text, with its assessments; such information seems to be passed through the worldview, life experience and value system of the author (recall analytical articles, fiction, poems, oratory, etc.); conceptual information is often basic but hidden;

3) subtext information, that is, one that is not transmitted openly, but is read “between the lines”, and during oral communication manifests itself through intonations, facial expressions, gestures (a vivid example is fables; recall the fable “The Crow and the Fox” by I.A. Krylov: it is about animals, but people are meant).

Let's take an example. Let's see how the three types of information are combined in the text.

One can hardly name people through whose childhood the magnificent fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky - “Aibolit”, “Moydodyr”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Fedorino's grief”, “Crocodile” would not have passed. There is no unnecessary complexity in these tales. They are simple as a verb, and they amaze the child's imagination. After all, something that is in motion, in a gesture, in an act always cuts into the memory of a child: how did it happen, what did he do, what did he do?

The words and air of these fairy tales are so pure, so transparent that children instantly learn these verses by heart and remember them all their lives, and then, becoming adults, return to them again, reading familiar lines to their children and grandchildren. And these second and third meetings do not at all seem like a boring repetition of the past - new meetings bring true joy and always excite you like a cool breeze of childhood ... (Yu. Bondarev)

1) factual information: fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky - “Aibolit”, “Moydodyr”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Fedorino's grief”, “Crocodile” - many people read in childhood; children easily learn them by heart;

2) conceptual information- these fairy tales correspond to the nature of children, amaze the imagination, they are simple and bring joy in adulthood;

Often it is the process of extracting information from the text that causes difficulty. For example, readers may understand conceptual and subtext information differently. This may be due to the fact that readers do not have the experience and knowledge that the author has.

Understanding the text problem

The danger of a distorted understanding of the text increases when it has a wide subtext, for the understanding of which it is necessary either to be able to open the allegory in some cases, or to have broad knowledge. Without this, the meaning of the text is distorted, which leads to an error in the formulation of the problem. Consider this on the example of another text by V. Soloukhin:

Dr. Koch, whose duty it was to treat the inhabitants of a small town, sat behind a partition, did not let anyone in and did not go out himself.

They came to him with a runny nose, with a hernia, with an abscess, with a flux, with a migraine, with pain in the abdomen. "Go away, leave me alone!" - he told them, and at first glance it seemed monstrous tactlessness, cruelty, outrageous arrogance. The townsfolk had the right to be indignant at the doctor who did not want to treat their fluxes, hernias and runny noses.

But one day the doctor came out and brought out the “Koch stick” to the people.

To understand the problem of the text, you need to know that the German microbiologist Robert Koch discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis - a bacillus, which was later called Koch's bacillus. It would be wrong to consider “tactlessness, cruelty, arrogance” as a problem of the text, since knowledge of historical facts suggests that the outstanding researcher Koch gave the world much more than caring for a certain circle of patients. The problem of the text is, rather, in creating conditions for research, about the attitude of people towards those who are able to make a scientific discovery. The wording of the text problem might be as follows:

  • After reading the text of V. Soloukhin, I was once again convinced that the problem of conditions for scientific research has always been relevant.
  • The problem that V. Soloukhin wanted to show us is this: society does not always create the conditions necessary for scientific research.
  • The author of the text raises important issue: Should a medical scientist be engaged in medical practice or should he concentrate on research.
  • I think that the problem posed by the author is the attitude of society towards researchers, who can give us something more than a simple everyday practice in a small town.

One more example. Many readers love Marina Tsvetaeva's poem "I like that you are not sick of me", but its content is not entirely clear without background information. If the reader does not own it, then he can understand the following lines in his own way:

I like that you are not sick of me,
I like that I'm not sick of you,
That never a heavy globe of the earth
Won't float under our feet.

The most sensitive may suggest that the heroine allegedly “refuses” from relationships that seem to be non-existent, but under other conditions they could be. This information is outside the scope of this text. The sister of the poetess Anastasia Tsvetaeva writes about her in "Memoirs". She claims that Marina dedicated the poem to Mauritius Mints, the second husband of her own sister. That's why the author likes that the "hero" is "sick not by her", but by another. By the way, the conceptual information here is transmitted precisely through the word is ill(not fascinated, not carried away, not in love, namely sick!).

Extracting meaning from text

Extracting meaning from a text is sometimes a difficult process. It is important to remember two points here:

1) when comprehending textual information, go beyond the scope of the text very carefully, because subtextual information, as well as conceptual information, is designed for those people who have background knowledge, and their absence can lead to incorrect interpretation of the text;

2) look for "signals" of information left by the author. Let's stop on these "signals". Everything in the text: both grammatical constructions (models of sentences of a particular structure), and words, and punctuation marks - the author chooses not by chance. Recall the brilliant example of D.E. Rosenthal when he shows that the same person can be described in different ways: a young man with blond hair, a blond youth, a blond youth. The factual information in these three speech formulas is the same: we learn about the sex, age, hair color of a person. But the concept of perception of this person is changing. In the first case it is neutral, in the second it is enthusiastic, and in the third it is derogatory. How did the speaker manage to express his attitude to what is being described? Through the choice of words.

The meaning of words, especially polysemantic ones, can only be understood in context. For example, the word goes has up to 40 meanings, and in each case we understand the meaning thanks to the context or knowledge of the situation. In turn, without understanding the role of each word, it is hardly possible to correctly interpret the meaning of the text. It is important to understand not only lexical meaning word, but also its stylistic coloring, origin, relation to the sphere of use. It is not difficult to guess why S. Yesenin often used dialect words in his poems (recall mahotka, dracheny, gat etc.), V. Mayakovsky in "Poems about the Soviet passport" used the word passport, and S. Dovlatov can find words used "in places not so remote." Of course, to convey the meaning, color, atmosphere, feelings, emotions. For this, unusual, authorial uses of words, which create unique images, also serve. Why is M. Tsvetaeva's hand not humiliated, but "splashed with diamonds"? A. Solzhenitsyn "we hold art in our hands" and V. Vysotsky "poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife and cut their bare souls into blood"? Of course, we understand these texts metaphorically, we are aware that the authors used an allegorical meaning, word combinations here cannot be taken literally. And, guided by our experience and knowledge, abstracting from the specific meanings of words and their combinations, we interpret the meaning as the author wanted, we see before us the pictures that the author imagined.

Text Meaning Signals

There is an opinion that a person who reads a text and seeks to understand it is in some way like a detective: he must notice the smallest details that contribute to the realization of the author's intention, and understand why the author used them. For example, let's try to write down with different punctuation marks a phrase familiar to everyone from the fable of I.A. Krylov: “The cheese fell out, there was such a cheat with it ...”, “The cheese fell out - there was such a cheat with it!”. What changed? Of course, there was swiftness, immediacy, the speed of change of events. It turns out that even punctuation marks can be the very signals that the author of the text left us to convey the nuances of meaning.

In general, the “signals” of the meaning of the text include the following:

  • the meanings of individual words;
  • ways of connecting words with each other;
  • word order;
  • punctuation marks, etc.

Hidden information, subtext

Thus, while reading, one must learn to see the subtext - hidden information. And our level of understanding depends on this ability to see the subtext, and at the same time not to attribute to the text what is not in it.

The level of understanding of the text is the level of penetration into the depths of the author's intention. There are four levels of text comprehension:

The level of fragmentary understanding, when individual words and expressions are recognized in the text;

The level of general understanding of the text: the reader (listener) understood the general meaning, but did not realize the details;

The level of detailed understanding, when the understanding of the general meaning is accompanied by an understanding of the details;

The level of critical understanding, in which not only the content of the text is understood in detail, but also the subtext, goals, motives for creation, and speech design.

Of course, one should strive to understand the text in such a way as to reach a deep, fourth level.

Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves. The same thing happens with language. He is changing. But we don't feel like it's happening. Now in our history a moment has come when we see how the Russian language is changing. And this cannot but be frightening. We want so much to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance”, we are tired of the expression “go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone”. Or they didn’t like the word “meeting”, they began to say “party”. Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, "receptive and sociable", he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. And there is nothing to worry about when everything is done in moderation. The measure has been lost. In our speech, “sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear. Usually they change 20-30 words a year, and now we have maybe 20 words a week. In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “disassembly”, “freebie”. Many printed organs use "unprintable" words, which, by the way, are called that because they do not need to be printed. The Duma discussed the "Law on the Russian language" for several years. 3akon, of course, is needed. But if we talk seriously about the law, then there should be a mechanism for punishing its violation. However, the proposal to create a philological militia, to establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language, seems frivolous. Say what you like, the language makes the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey the administrative norms regarding the language. There have already been such futile attempts. At one time, in the 19th and in the 20th century, fiction provided an exemplary language. If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. The tone is now set primarily by television and radio. This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, and stress, and intonation. And modern announcers like American intonation. And the youth begins to imitate them. It happens that the leading god knows what and how he says, but people like it. This certainly does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to understand here whether the language is to blame or something else. After all, the language is subject to the people who use it. He adapts to the needs of society. If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction, it will give us the means for this. If the main thing for us is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. 3a what to vilify him? It reflects the state of society. So it's not the language that needs to be corrected now. (According to V. Kostomarov)

SOURCE TEXT 1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves. 2) The same thing happens with the language. 3) It changes. 4) But we do not feel how it happens. 5) Now in our history a moment has come when we see how the Russian language is changing. 6) And this cannot but frighten. 7) We want so much to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. 8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance”, we are tired of the expression “go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone”. 9) Or they didn’t like the word “meeting”, they began to say “party”. 10) Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, "receptive and sociable", he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. 11) And there is nothing wrong with that, when everything is done in moderation. 12) And the measure is lost. 13) “Sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear in our speech. 14) Usually they change 20-30 words a year, and now we have maybe 20 words a week. 15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. 16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “disassembly”, “freebie”. 17) Many print media use "unprintable" words, which, by the way, are called that because they do not need to be printed. 18) In the Duma, the “law on the Russian language” was discussed for several years. 19) The law, of course, is needed. 20) But if we talk seriously about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishing its violation. 21) However, the proposal to create a philological militia, to establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language, seems frivolous. 22) Whatever you say, the language makes the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey the administrative norms regarding the language. 23) There have already been such futile attempts. 24) At one time, in the 19th, and even in the 20th century, fiction provided an exemplary language. 25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. 26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that forms our linguistic taste. 27) The tone is now set primarily by television and radio. 28) This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, and stress, and intonation. 29) And modern announcers like American intonation. 30) And the youth begins to imitate them. 31) It happens that the leading god knows what and how he says, but people like it. 32) This certainly does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. 33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to understand here - the language is to blame for this or something else. 34) After all, the language is subject to the people who use it. 35) He adapts to the needs of society. 36) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction, will give us the means for this. 37) If the main thing for us is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. 38) Why scold him? 39) It reflects the state of society. 40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now. (According to V. Kostomarov)

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Why is the Russian language changing? What contributes to its change? The work of V. Kostomarov made me think about these and many other questions.
With the development of society not only the economic and political spheres are changing but also culture. First of all, the language. Our the desire to move away from the previous era and build a new society, leads to linguistic metamorphoses that frighten us with the fact of their occurrence. The arrival of new words and the "dissociation" of old ones occurs because the Russian language is "changeable" and "communal". As the author notes, the language accepts new words if they are needed. And this phenomenon has no negative side if it is controlled. The language should not contain an excessive amount of foreign words, jargon and slang vocabulary. "Everything should be in moderation". To avoid oversaturation of the language with unnecessary new words, one should, first of all, find the source of their appearance.
According to V. Kostomarov, "language makes the people." It is people who, in the process of interacting with each other, provide influence on language. language adapts to the needs of society. The regulation of the language or deviation from the rules depends on the trend of the development of society.
One cannot but agree with the opinion of the author. After all, language is a reflection of the culture of society. All metamorphoses occurring in the language are directly related to the level of development of society. "Language is subject to the people who use it." Therefore, first of all