The service life of upholstered furniture according to GOST. Chipboard or MDF? We consider the budget

We have already compared the materials for the manufacture of the kitchen more than once. In continuation of the topic, let's talk about the service life of chipboard and MDF. If we talk about the cost, then the price of furniture made of chipboard (chipboard) is less than furniture made of fibreboard (MDF) and this is its main advantage. It is known that chipboard is very afraid of moisture and is destroyed very quickly from it. This is the main disadvantage of chipboard.

The advantage of MDF is that it original view does not change during the service life. In addition, it is very versatile. MDF boards are easy to curly processing. Accordingly, the most possible fine work and the embodiment of any of your ideas. And to change the color, you should use a special enamel.


An important role in the service life is played by the density of materials. The density of MDF is almost identical to that of wood. MDF is also hygienic, not afraid of microorganisms and fungi. Chipboard, as mentioned above, is afraid of water and. If moisture gets under the laminating film, it swells, crumbles, and collapses very quickly. Speaking in technical terms, the strength of MDF is 1.5-2 times higher than chipboard.

So what are the timelines?

If we summarize the above facts with practice and experience, then we can say with confidence that the scales are leaning towards MDF. With a careful attitude, the average service life of a well-made chipboard is 7-8 years, if it is a kitchen, then, given its "rabies", about 5 years. The average service life of an MDF board is 12 years. And even though the cost

The service life of furniture is a vague concept and depends on the requirements for maintaining the integrity of the furniture, ease of use of the item and its appearance.

The service life of furniture largely depends on the operating conditions. Obviously, the same chair will last much longer in a ladies' needlework school than in a "biker" club.

Of great importance for the durability of furniture is the execution of objects, that is, in what material and for what purpose the furniture was made.

Graceful tea tables with thin curved legs imply respect for themselves. The tea table will last a long time if it is used strictly for its intended purpose and not subjected to stress. Samovar table - has a marble top that prevents water from entering the tree. Marble is a water-resistant material, but a brittle strong blow will split a seemingly durable countertop. Tables in public places, such as bars at stadiums, rest areas at stations, have an anti-vandal coating and structures. Their service life with the declared type of operation is much higher than that of tables in the usual version. Naturally, the service life of furniture is maintained under the condition of appropriate use of this furniture or its storage.

In "Handbook for the repair and renovation of furniture" Moscow. "Light Industry" 1977 is a table showing the service life of furniture.

Approximate data on the wear of furniture products,% per year.

08.08.2017 Expiration dates: how long modern furniture lasts

This question worries every buyer who chooses furniture for the home: how long will a bed, wardrobe or sofa last? Indeed, what is the service life of modern furniture products - 5, 10, 20 or 50 years? Let's try to figure it out. And let's start with the fact that we will name the main factors on which the duration of operation depends.

What determines the life of the furniture:

    Production material

    Production technology

    Build quality

    Features of care

Now, in 2019, in Russia, the standard service life of children's furniture is regulated by GOST 16371-2014. According to this standard, it is 18 months. And yet for different materials have their own characteristics.

Iron, wood and chipboard

Children's beds are made of metal, solid wood, laminated chipboard (chipboard), less often - from MDF (wood fiber board). Each material has its own advantages. Metal is durable, wood is warm and environmentally friendly, chipboard is a practical inexpensive solution.

Metal furniture is the most reliable and durable. This is due to the high strength of the material itself, as well as the simplicity of metal structures. Take a look, for example, at metal bunk beds presented in our store. The service life of such products is estimated in decades.

The same can be said about wooden furniture. Array is a traditional solution known for its durability. The only thing that the tree is afraid of is water, high humidity. But in favorable conditions with low humidity and constant temperature massive beds serve for decades.

Modern materials - chipboard and MDF - are also durable and more convenient, affordable. They act as an alternative to metal and wood. One of the advantages is a large selection of design options, including styling as a natural array. The average life of such furniture is 5-10 years.

Manufacturer's Warranties

The durability of products depends not only on the selected material, but also on the characteristics of production. The technologies used, as well as such nuances as fittings and auxiliary materials, matter. Depending on this, some products can quickly lose their external gloss and become unusable than others.

Almost all furniture factories today provide customers with a guarantee for a period of 1 to 1.5 years. For example, our solid bed factory "Dream House" provides 18 months warranty for all products. Of course, the service life is much longer, but it depends on the following two factors (build quality and compliance with the rules of care).

Build quality

Without exception, manufacturers strongly recommend professional assembly of furniture. Often at this stage, fatal mistakes are made, which subsequently reduce the life of the products. That is why you should trust the work of professional craftsmen. For example, when assembling by our master in St. Petersburg, we are responsible for the quality of the assembly and eliminate defects, if any, at our own expense. There were such cases that buyers initially refused to be assembled by our specialist. But then, having seen all the details, they called us and ordered professional assembly . Such a service is possible but only for residents of St. Petersburg and the nearest suburbs.

If you are not confident in your abilities and do not have assembly experience modern furniture worth paying extra for the services of a professional. First, it will save own forces and time, and most often - and nerves. Secondly, the specialist will assemble the furniture strictly in accordance with the technology, with high quality and conscientiously. Therefore, the products will serve you faithfully for as long as possible.

Remember: poor-quality assembly can blur the impression of buying new furniture and even lead to breakdowns!

Operation features

Finally, the very part when it comes to the responsibility of the buyer himself - the owner of furniture products. How you maintain and care for your products matters a lot. By the way, care is reduced to a minimum: it is enough to wipe the case from time to time from dust. It is more important to provide a favorable environment for the maintenance of furniture.

When the crib is in the country, where there are frequent changes in humidity and temperature, there is a risk of swelling of chipboard furniture. This is not covered under warranty. Since this is a violation of the rules for the operation of furniture.

And do not forget that the child should sleep in the crib, not the parents. Otherwise, this may happen.

But furniture made of laminated chipboard can withstand even an adult, if there is a base for a mattress made of a solid sheet of laminated chipboard, for example, in a bed Baby mini.

As already said, perfect option is constant room temperature and low level humidity. Wood and chipboard structures should not be wetted, otherwise they will lose their original shape and strength properties. In addition, soft materials are afraid of scratches and strong impacts. Therefore, immediately after buying and assembling the bed, it is worth warning the children about the rules for caring for it. When the assembly is carried out by our specialists in St. Petersburg, they always explain the basic rules for the operation of furniture.

Quality requirements. Manufactured furniture in terms of its parameters must comply with the approved sample and the requirements specified in the regulatory documentation. Right choice the shapes and designs of furniture, the correspondence of its functional and overall dimensions to the dimensions of the room and the human body make it possible to ensure the direct use of furniture for its functional purpose. Stability, strength, durability, ensuring rapid transformation during operation, the possibility of high-quality assembly and repair, ease and accessibility of cleaning also largely depend on the originality of the design and the appropriateness of the dimensions of the furniture.

In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 16, 1997, No. 720, the manufacturer is obliged to independently establish the service life of durable goods, which include furniture products, and inform the consumer (buyer) about it. The service life of furniture should be established with the current standards developed in the VPKTIM (table).

Average service life of furniture

product name

Average service life, years

Room furniture

Dining table


Coffee table

Dressing table, trellis, dressing table

Wardrobe-chest for storing clothes and linen

Cupboard for storage of utensils

Bookcase, bookshelves

Leisure furniture (sofa, sofa bed, couch, armchair

for relax)

Furniture for kitchen

Cabinets-tables: working, under the sink, combined (universal), hinged (wardrobe-shelf)

Dining table

Chair, stool

Children's furniture

Cabinets for storing toys, books, clothes, linen

Hallway furniture

Cabinets for storing shoes, clothes, hats

Furniture should not have a negative impact on human life, namely, allocate in environment harmful toxic substances. Therefore, all synthetic materials and materials made from recycled materials used for the manufacture of furniture must be approved for use by the national authorities of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.

The quality of finished furniture is largely determined by the properties and quality of the furniture materials used, which, according to the law, must be certified.

Furniture quality control. Acceptance of furniture for quality in trade begins with an external inspection of the integrity and safety of the packaging. Furniture in soaked or damaged containers should be unpacked immediately. Opening the container must be done carefully.

When accepting a batch of furniture, they control appearance products, the quality of their manufacture and assembly, the requirements for transformation and fittings, the quality of glass products and mirrors, completeness. A batch of furniture is understood as the number of products, sets, sets of the same name and article, drawn up in one document. Visually, by external inspection, the presence of existing defects or deviations in the above quality parameters for each piece of furniture from the presented batch in the store during sorting is established.

The aesthetic perception of furniture depends on its appearance. Defects in appearance are differentiated and allowed with restrictions or not allowed at all, depending on their type, size, quality, location and type of furniture finish. The front facade (visible) surface of furniture made of solid wood, with a transparent finish, should not have cracks, resin pockets, wormholes, mechanical damage - scratches, scratches, dents, tears, etc. With restrictions on the size and quantity on the front and non-front surfaces, intergrown healthy light and dark knots, fiber inclination (with a deviation from the longitudinal axis of the part no more than 7%), curl, curl, eyes and others (but not more than 3 pieces) are allowed. With a transparent finish on the front surfaces of the furniture, such defects in the paintwork and decorative and protective coating as grinding of the plate, bubbles, craters, streaks, punctures, shagreens, gaps, subsidence of the varnish film, uneven gloss, etc. are not allowed.

Veneer veneer and other synthetic cladding for non-transparent furniture surfaces and edges front surfaces is selected the same in breed, texture (pattern) and color. At the same time, wrinkles, breakdown of glue, deviations and bubbles under the lining, roughness and abrasion of the surface, noticeable discrepancies in the lining strips, and subsidence of veneer are not allowed on the lined surface.

All surfaces wooden furniture must be well protected and polished, and the edges of the products are rolled.

When assembling furniture, gaps in the joints of parts, distortions, weak fastening, lack of stability of product supports with a flat horizontal surface, warping, cracks are not allowed. Transformable, retractable, sliding elements of products must have free movement without jamming and distortion.

All removable front and internal fastening fittings are installed in such a way that a strong and tight connection of all parts without gaps is ensured, which increases the rigidity and stability of the structure.

The nominal thickness of glass shelves is set depending on their length and ranges from 4 to 6 mm. Thickness of glass sliding doors must also be at least 4 mm.

V upholstered furniture defects such as non-uniformity of the soft element flooring in thickness, wrinkles of the upholstery fabric (if they are not decorative fabric folds, provided for in the design documentation for the product), distortion of the pattern and fabric on the surface, irregularities

and curvature of the seams (edges) of the soft element, crooked stitching and discrepancy between the color of the threads and the color of the upholstery fabrics.

When accepting collapsible and complete furniture supplied to the distribution network in a collapsible form, they check the correctness of the marking, the presence of assembly instructions and the installation diagram, the number and clarity of the numbering of the products included in the kit.

Manufacturer's warranty. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the manufactured furniture. The warranty period for retail sales through a distribution network is calculated from the date of sale of furniture, for non-market distribution - from the day it is received by the consumer. The warranty period for household cabinet furniture is 24 months, for domestic household furniture for sitting and lying - 18 months. For children's cabinet and children's furniture for sitting and lying, this period is reduced to 18 and 12 months, respectively.

The term for making claims regarding the quality of imported furniture must be no less than the warranty periods specified in Russian regulatory documents.

Elimination of a defect in furniture or an item within these terms is carried out by the store free of charge.

The service life of wooden furniture is in principle unlimited, provided that this furniture: for example (a bed) is used for its intended purpose and is properly maintained. When operating wooden furniture, it must be remembered that wooden furniture - bed, chair, table, etc. - must be used for their functional purpose in compliance with all permissible loads on the constituent furniture elements. Permissible load on the bed: for one-and-a-half and two-sleeping beds, no more than 2 people in a lying position and 3-4 people in a sitting position; for a single bed no more than 1 person in a prone position and 2 people in a sitting position. It is not recommended to step on the product, stand on the product to its full height, sit on the back and swing on the furniture. To avoid accidents and damage to the furniture you have purchased, do not allow children to jump and run on the bed, etc.

Service life of furniture

Consider when the warranty starts, how long it should be for furniture, and in which cases the warranty is extended or even restarted. The manufacturer is obliged to give a guarantee of the quality of the manufactured furniture.


The warranty period for retail sales starts from the date of sale of the furniture. If it is impossible to establish the day of sale of the goods, these terms are calculated from the date of manufacture of the goods (Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Article 19, clause 2).

If the consumer is deprived of the opportunity to use the goods due to reasons that depend on the seller (for example, the furniture needs special assembly or it immediately has defects), the warranty period does not begin until the seller eliminates such reasons. The warranty period for household cabinet furniture is 24 months, for children's cabinet furniture this period is less - 18 months.

Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation dated 06/07/2005 n 411

Laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard) is the most popular material for furniture production today. In almost every furniture showroom presented huge selection products made from laminated particle boards.


Furniture and interior items made of chipboard are cheaper, but the peculiarity of their coating allows them to give an appearance that is ideally similar to wood, and the color palette is almost limitless. Many buyers are wondering how long such furniture can last and how to extend its service life.

The standard service life of furniture made from laminated chipboard is about 10 years. But, it is worth noting that it all depends on how you take care of her.

Service life of wooden furniture.

  • the presence of traces of outside intervention or repair without an examination certificate agreed with the manufacturer
  • detection of traces of exposure to liquids, chemicals, solvents, as well as animal damage
  • the presence of traces of exceeding the permissible loads on the transformation mechanisms
  • use of a product purchased for personal use by the consumer for other purposes
  • damage to the product due to force majeure (fire, flood, accidents, etc.).
  • changes in the design of the product, made by the buyer or third parties,
  • when transferring the product to third parties.

The warranty does not cover batteries, power supplies, connecting cables and other accessories and parts with a limited lifespan.

403 forbidden

Replacement of defective parts in such cases is carried out at an additional cost. What is the warranty period? Qualitative characteristics furniture allow you to set a fairly long warranty period for products. The warranty period is calculated from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer (the date indicated in the sales receipt). All products of cabinet furniture have a warranty period of 12 months, depending on the manufacturer. What must be presented to the buyer in order to file a warranty claim? When dealing with a detected defect, a written application is drawn up, and the following is attached to it: a warranty card; a sales receipt and a cash receipt; a defective part; in case of mechanical damage, the original packaging is attached. Replacement of marriage is carried out by the seller within 30 days from the date of delivery of the furniture.



The warranty period for household furniture for sitting and lying is 18 months, and for children's furniture for sitting and lying - 12 months. If you demanded the elimination of defects in the furniture, then the warranty period for it is extended by the time during which the furniture was not used.

The specified period is calculated from the date of application with a request to eliminate defects until the day the goods are issued from repair (Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 20, clause 3). When replacing defective furniture with a new one, the warranty period begins anew from the day the new product is handed over to you (Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 21, Clause 2). Now consider the service life of furniture and why it is needed. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. 720 established that furniture, since it is a durable product, the manufacturer is obliged to establish a service life.
Furniture made of laminated chipboard washes to fail in the first month of its operation, for example, in order to preserve the beautiful appearance of furniture made of laminated chipboard for a long time, as well as increase its service life, certain rules must be observed.
  • Despite thermal protection, you should not leave hot objects on the surface for a long time, light spots from burnout may form.
  • Create an appropriate microclimate in the room, try to avoid temperature and humidity fluctuations. Permissible temperature range (from +2°C to +40°C), relative humidity (45-70%).
  • To avoid deformation of the furniture, do not place it close to heat sources and heaters.

For cabinet and household furniture, it is 24 months, for furniture for sitting and lying -18 months. The warranty period is calculated from the date of sale of the furniture. How to choose the glass thickness for cabinet furniture shelves? The thickness of glass for shelves is selected according to GOST 16371-93 “Furniture.

General technical conditions” depending on their length. What are the terms of the furniture warranty? The warranty period for cabinet furniture is 24 months for household furniture and 18 months for children's and furniture for public spaces - from the date of transfer of the furniture to the buyer.

The warranty period for upholstered furniture is 18 months for household furniture from the date of transfer of furniture to the buyer, children's and office furniture - 12 months from the date of transfer of furniture to the buyer.

Normative service life of a wooden bed

Natural wood is more durable than chipboard and MDF, therefore, furniture made of natural wood will last longer. The second factor in favor of natural wood is that, unlike chipboard and MDF, it can be restored. Wood is classified by hardness. Soft wood have: pine, fir-tree, linden, poplar, aspen. The wood is hard in long-growing species: oak, beech, walnut, ash. Hardwood furniture has a lifespan 2-4 times longer than softwood furniture under the same operating conditions. Also, the furniture service life is affected by the design of the furniture itself, its shape, calculation of the expected loads and their direction.

All this knowledge is owned by furniture manufacturers and merchandisers. The usual buyer is left to rely on common sense and his intuition.

Rules for the operation of furniture and assembly instructions? All necessary information You can look at the assembly and operation of furniture on our website in the "Delivery and Assembly" section. Is it possible to exchange furniture if it does not suit you in size, texture? Furniture belongs to the category of goods that are not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of other sizes, shapes, dimensions, colors or configurations with proper quality. What is the service life of a product? The service life of the product is the period during which the manufacturer undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the furniture for its intended purpose and is responsible for significant shortcomings that have arisen through the fault of the factory.

What is the lifespan of furniture? 10 years - for body products, upholstered furniture, chairs, tables.
Is it required to certify furniture manufactured according to individual orders population? Furniture manufactured according to individual orders of the population, drawings and customer requirements, in single copies, under a contract that reflects all the design features, is not subject to mandatory certification. Is the service life of furniture established, and in what documents is it affixed? In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law, products are subject to a service life. It can be set in the regulatory documentation. For furniture, the service life in state standards is not established. In this case, the Law comes into force, which states that the service life must be at least 10 years. What documents establish the warranty period for furniture and how does it differ from the service life? The warranty period is set in GOST 16371-93 and GOST 19917-93.