Collect money for needs. How to raise money for a dream - all possible ways

This article is for people who need money for a cause and who find it acceptable to ask for it from strangers in the Internet. She talks about options. technical implementation this process and the venues where they should be placed for the most effective fundraising.

And the conversation is not about startups and Kikstarter. People around the world successfully raise funds for anything: publishing books, releasing albums, family trips, photo shoots for bald mice.

Yandex money

An option for those who have their own website with a loyal Russian audience and IP / LLC. On the service, you can design a form for accepting donations, get its html code and paste it on your site next to the emotional text about your request.

Visitors will be able to support you financially in a variety of ways. You can accept no more than 300 thousand rubles per month. If you expect to collect more, you should create an account in Yandex.Checkout.

Receiving money: bank cards, QIWI, cash, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Sberbank Online, Alfa-Click, mobile phone balance.
Withdrawal of money: to a bank account or Yandex.Wallet.
Commission: 3% (charged from the payer).


This service only accepts money from bank cards and withdraws them only to accounts connected to the Stripe system. But, firstly, one of the readers must have them, and secondly, Donately is a very interesting startup worth knowing about.

On it, you can not only create a form for accepting money, but also make up a full-fledged fundraising campaign page using templates. You can accept both one-time donations and monthly donations.

After paying with a card, a person automatically receives what you wrote thank you letter. On the statistics page, you can monitor the progress of your fundraising campaigns and analyze them.

Receiving money: bank cards.
Withdrawal of money: to a bank account via Stripe (the system does not work in Russia yet)
Commission: 3% up to $100K, 2% from $100K to $1,000,000, 1% on everything raised after the first million.

Russian crowdfunding platform #1. For 4 years, the site has collected more than half a billion rubles. The average donation is one and a half thousand rubles. 30% of all published projects raised the desired amount. All placements are checked by strict moderators. Each project is supervised by a curator. has over half a million unique visitors per month. People are attracted by interesting and detailed descriptions of projects, links to which their creators post on social networks. Most willingly, people donate funds to help sick children and release new albums by famous musicians.

On the service, it is customary to notify sponsors about the progress of the project and give gifts for large sums donations. For example, a T-shirt with your own logo for those who contributed more than 2,000 rubles.

Receiving money: Alfa Bank, QIWI, Yandex.Money, Single Wallet, Best2Pay.
Withdrawal of money: Bank account.
Commission: 10%.

Other Russian crowdfunding sites:

If on the Russian-language Internet crowdfunding donations are still measured in hundreds of millions of rubles, then on the English-speaking Internet the scale is completely different. The combined fees of only the three most popular sites exceed $5 billion.

You can only raise money on Kikstarter if you have an idea for a product and a firm intention to implement it. But on the sites that are in the first and third place, you can collect money for what your conscience allows. Let's dwell on them in a little more detail.


#1 crowdfunding platform in the world that does not accept donations less than $5. Site visitors willingly help widows, orphans, families with many children and cancer patients, collect 16-year-old girls for travel and newlyweds for honeymoons. You can link your Facebook account to the service and see what projects your friends support.

Receiving money: bank cards.
Withdrawal of money: Bank account.
Commission: 6.4%.


In 2011, the world's first child was born, the funds for the conception of which were collected through crowdfunding. The campaign took place on this site. Reading IndieGoGo is much more interesting than GoFundMe, as original projects are shown first.

If you need money for something really important, then you should think about translating and posting a description of your idea on English-language sites. If similar projects have already raised money, then yours may be lucky. In addition to the two above, you can try other sites from the American TOP-10:

Do you have a fiery project idea but no start-up capital? Questions are swarming in your head on the topic of how to raise money for a project?

Then this article is for you. You will receive answers to questions:

  • when to start looking for investors?
  • find out where you can look for money for the project?
  • receive clear guidance on how to properly submit a project;
  • and step by step go through the system to create and launch a project to attract and raise funds for your brainchild.

Where to begin?

A lot of unrealized business ideas are stored on dusty shelves. Among them there are, for real, real and profitable projects. But long ordeals in search of investors could not bring the necessary amount to the "Kulibins" and "Edisons". There was not a generous investor who would fall for such a unique offer as the “father of revolutionary developments” himself sees it, and laid out a round sum. So they remained good projects stand on the shelves.
Before you start looking for investors, make sure that you have information about the amount, clearly know what the money will be spent on and can present a cool business plan to the sponsor.

It's time to raise money for the project

Perhaps you think that research should be done at the very beginning of an idea. That is, when it is only formulated in the head and funds are already needed for its further implementation. And not even when the project is almost formed. The key word is "almost".

In order not to miss the time, but also not to start before the “first roosters”, check your position with the following checklist:

  • you have a useful, modern, profitable idea;
  • the project is based on high manufacturability;
  • potential need for your proposal;
  • investment attractiveness of the company;
  • If every item applies to you, then it's time to think about money.

Where do investors and sponsors live?

  1. Startup portals, where information on this topic is collected, an opportunity is provided to launch the project, including negotiations with investors.
  2. Platform crowdfunding– here they know where to look for the most unexpected and non-standard investors.
  3. Business Accelerator and an incubator where your idea is baby. Taking care of him will be appropriate.
  4. Professional social networks who will bring together investors in the right area.
  5. Lending.
  6. Family, good acquaintances, friends and girlfriends are people who will always help, but there is a danger of spoiling relations due to commodity-money issues.

So, when and where to look for an investor - we have identified. It's time to start packaging the product.

Competent packaging of the project is half the success

Have a bow, a gift, but no festive packaging? It's not a gift yet.

It's the same with ideas, projects, startups. In order for an investor to understand where the funds will go and how quickly they will pay off, a like-minded person - what needs to be done, and potential partners - where are the benefits, many questions need to be answered. Success will depend on your willingness to answer these questions.

We pack with skill - 5 steps to the goal

Step one - idea and design concept

I have an idea. What about goals? Recording a new song? Publishing a book? Or creating a clothing collection? Determine what you want, set a specific goal. Clear goals are easy to achieve. Start with general question– what do I want? Next, specify - in what period, where, what volume, to whom, etc.
Do not run the project unless the following conditions are met:

  • you can formulate clear goals;
  • you know for sure that the goal is only yours;
  • you will really get it.

Step two - time period

When determining the term / period of the project, take into account the required amount of funding, which was indicated by you. If the confidence that you can maintain the bar is unshakable - talk about the appropriate time. It is very important to understand the relationship between time and money.

No need to be greedy! Make an adequate investment period and put an adequate amount.

Step three - describe and breathe life into the project

If you have completed step one, this step will not cause difficulties. What should be in the correct project description:

  • clarity of purpose;
  • First of all, sincerity. Do not deceive, do not invent, tell us what the project will give you personally;
  • usefulness of the product, target audience, benefits, uniqueness;
  • you can get acquainted with the birth of the project - from an idea to a startup;
  • indicate what result you plan to get, what is its usefulness, value;
  • introduce yourself and your team.

Step four - reward for success

Any sponsor of your idea assumes some kind of reward at the end of the project. What that reward will be is up to you. What is offered as a bonus? It is most obvious that the bonus will be a product for the project, from which the funds are raised. And if the idea of ​​the project is to create, for example, a film, what will the sponsor get? From an annual movie subscription to a mention in the credits for a film, participation in the filming process, etc.

Turn on your imagination and come up with different variants remuneration for such important people as sponsors.

Fifth step - moving and promoting

To interest a sponsor, you need to find him. To find him, he must see you. For him to see you, we promote the project by all possible and impossible methods. You can start with the most affordable:

  • social media;
  • batch promotion on crowdfunding platforms;
  • word of mouth;
  • reposts;
  • posting news about the upcoming "miracle";
  • join thematic groups and announce;
  • trumpet the limited time frame of the project, use every opportunity to make yourself known and your idea.

How to submit a project to the Boomstarter crowdfunding platform

And now the promised guide to action - how to "make friends" with Boomstarter, find sponsors and raise money

The launch of the platform in 2012. E. Gavrilin and R. Tugushev, the "fathers" of this crowdfunding exchange, provided for all the nuances, including even the little things that will lead the user to a dream - raising funds for the implementation of their ideological project. The author can be absolutely anyone over 18 and with a ruble bank account.

A reminder for those who are not yet in the know: crowdfunding is a scheme for collecting voluntary contributions from sponsor users, which in total form the financial basis on which a startup can be launched. The literal translation is “funding from the people.”

So, get your brilliant business dreams off the dusty shelves, let's get started.

1. We go to the Boomstarter website.

2. Register:“Login” - “Registration” - you can register using a simplified scheme if you have an account on Vkontakte or Facebook.

3. Completion of registration- Fill in the table.

4. Start creating a project– “Create a project” — choose a solution for your project.

5. After choosing a solution, the system sends to the rules - we read, understand, remember.

6. After reading, confirmation will be required by sending SMS to your mobile phone.

7. Before you start creating a project, you can go free course education - "Free education" - click and go to the school.

8. Study plan.

9. If the school and lessons are not yours, click on "Create a project."

We fill in the columns with the name, insert the project cover file, write a description, select a category, etc. Each column has a hint. There is also a help link on the page - how to create successful projects.

Finished? Forward.

10. Information- describe your product / service, present its video advantageously side by side. The system will not leave you without help - there are articles on how to make an inspiring video and on a competent description of the product.

11. Reward- fill in the columns on the page using tips and recommendations from Boomstarter, having previously chosen whether the project will be C or WITHOUT remuneration.

12. And let the whole world know about you and your project - meet potential sponsors, introduce yourself, get closer to those who will implement your idea.

13. Account- here will be all the payment information and how correctly and carefully this section will be filled out depends on the receipt of money and the time of their transfer. Use the tips and tricks located on the right side of the page.

15. Done. Submit for moderation.

Project verification lasts 1-7 days. After the project is verified, it can either be hosted/launched or finalized in accordance with the recommendations specified by the moderator.

Important: before submitting for moderation, go to the "Preview" and once again make sure that the draft is written correctly and the desired form. That's all. It remains to wait for the results of the check and into battle!


Naturally, choosing crowdfunding as a way to find investors involves assessing the chances of your idea.

Such platforms allow you to raise money for anything and anyone: breeding butterflies, creating a game for cats, opening a cafe, etc. Many popular Russian personalities began their journey with this method of financing. For example, Bi-2. Thanks to public funding, unique expeditions were launched, for example, the expedition of a group led by scientist A. Semenov.

Crowdfunding is real way to raise money for a project on the Internet, the main thing is to create a super idea that is useful for the majority and present it correctly.

Who will succeed in crowdfunding?

  • active and sociable organizers, not devoid of perseverance;
  • those who are close to social needs and interests;
  • people who will not give up to the last;
  • users with planning skills and habits;
  • startups who are accustomed to look at the main thing, and delve into the little things;
  • those who report exceptionally reliable facts and promise only what they are able to realize.

In general, the concept of crowdfunding does not limit the purpose of raising money, but only reflects the form of investment or charitable contribution. Such financing is implemented through Internet services, where a donation can be sent free of charge or for a formal reward (mention or participation in the project, souvenirs). A prerequisite for creating such an application is an indication of the purpose of the fundraising.

You can receive money for your own needs on the following platforms:

  • GoFundMe- a platform for collecting donations in three directions from charitable foundations to start-ups. It became the first major web resource for personal funding. It differs from popular crowdfunding projects by the ability to immediately receive donations, without confirmation of the fact that the goal has been realized. The service commission is 5% of the amount of collected donations. To withdraw money, the internal US payment system WePay is used.
  • Indiegogo Life- a service of a large crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, which allows you to raise money for education, weddings or funerals, and the purchase of essential things. When collecting for the users' own needs, the project does not charge a percentage of the amount of collected funding. Withdrawal of donations is carried out through the payment system PayPal.

For users from the CIS countries, the GoFundMe and Indiegogo platforms are difficult to use, since they are not available for direct financial cooperation.

If you have a bank account in the US or Europe, there will be no problem with withdrawing investments.

Raising funds for personal needs in the CIS countries

The domestic analogue of a crowdfunding platform with the possibility of obtaining collective financing for personal needs is the Together project from Yandex. It is implemented on the basis of the Yandex Money service and allows you to raise funds for any purpose that meets legal and moral standards.

To receive funds, the applicant is provided with an online constructor to create a page with a description of the destination, the required amount of investment and payment details. Further, it is proposed to place a link to the donation page on the network or create an interactive button on the web resource (for site owners). The service commission for services is charged at the rate of 0.5% within the Yandex Money system or 2% when paying with a bank card.

On the practical side, crowdfunding for personal purposes is almost impossible for a domestic applicant. According to statistics, due to economic difficulties, many fellow citizens are simply not ready to give money to solve problems. domestic problems outsiders, preferring to invest in charitable foundations or potentially profitable startups.

Crowdfunding on - a free platform for raising money

Crowdfunding with the project— a chance to get financing for any need, whether it is repair, business, finding a sponsor, training, buying the necessary thing or the realization of a long-term goal. A convenient and free platform for collecting money is at your disposal. All that is required is to create a personal page on the site, gather an audience and receive investments for the implementation of ANY tasks.

Financial assistance is provided free of charge or with the possibility of a return on investment after the implementation of a business idea. It all depends on a number of factors:

  • The task to be solved.
  • Terms of cooperation, which are negotiated on the personal page.
  • The capabilities of the person applying for financial support.

How can a fundraising site help? is a convenient and free crowdfunding platform for getting money.

  1. On a dream
    Each of us has desires that are not always possible to realize and translate into reality. The reasons are different - fear, an acute shortage of cash, the inability to accurately formulate a goal, the lack of financial support from the outside. Our project helps to raise money for a dream and make it a reality.
  2. For business (startup)
    Despite the abundance of government programs aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the availability of credit, new entrepreneurs often find themselves on the sidelines. Common reasons for refusal are non-compliance with the conditions of the program, lack of a guarantor or official earnings. The search for an investor often fails because of the inability to find "useful" people. The solution is to raise money for a business (startup) using the crowdfunding platform.

    Here you can quickly and cost-effectively attract an audience, interest them in your idea and get investment.

  3. For education
    Difficult financial situation main reason why instead of prestigious and popular educational institutions, recognized in the world, preparing in-demand and highly paid specialists, we choose something “easier” or refuse education altogether. As a result, a talented person is forced to plow for "pennies" and go to an unloved job every day.
    The real way out is to receive funding from caring citizens. With our platform for raising money on the Internet, there is a real chance to change lives for the better by receiving funds for studying at any university in the world.
  4. For treatment
    Health issues often get in the way.

    Many diseases require expensive treatment, for which there is not enough money. Applying to financial aid funds often takes a long time and does not produce results. What to do when friends and relatives cannot borrow the required amount, and banks refuse to lend? The way out of the situation is to create a personal page on the website, gather a group of caring Internet users and find finances for treatment - your own or loved ones.

  5. Other
    Your possibilities are not limited by anything. With the free platform, you get financial assistance on:
  • project implementation;
  • travel;
  • child;
  • personal needs;
  • renovation of an apartment or house;
  • making your own film;
  • idea and more.

Create page

Benefits of our fundraising site

The purpose of the site is free providing a platform for financing business projects and attracting investment to solve any problems. Unlike classic crowdfunding services, we don't charge a percentage from our users, allowing you to create a personal page with its subsequent promotion and fundraising.

Crowdfunding with has several advantages:

. No additional costs. After registration, users open all the functionality of the site - creating a personal page, searching for sources of funding and accumulating the required amount.
. No promotion restrictions. Having received a link to a personal page, you can promote it in in social networks, send the address to the mail of your friends and acquaintances, leave it on the forums.

In addition, users of our site join the financing of the project.
. High investment attraction rate. The presence of powerful traffic helps to attract caring people and receive financial assistance within a few weeks, or even days from the moment of application. Success directly depends on the purpose and activity of the user to promote the page for finding money on the Internet.
. Receiving funds for the implementation of any projects. A feature of the crowdfunding platform is its versatility and ease of attracting investments to solve various difficulties. Do you need money for treatment, dream, renovation or travel? Have you been planning to open a business for a long time, but due to a lack of funds, are you postponing the implementation of the task until “better times”? Whatever the task, it can be solved with a fundraising website. The result is the receipt of funding for various needs.
. Availability and ease of use. Our service is available to every Internet user who needs material support. What is required is to register and create a personal page for crowdfunding. The whole procedure takes 2-3 minutes, after which you can start looking for funding for a particular project. For convenience, instructions for registration have been developed and the secrets of attracting caring people who are ready to provide material assistance are considered.
. Charity fundraiser. A feature of the service is the gratuitous attraction of funds for charity. It could be seeking funding for a sick child, a retiree, a group of people in need, or even homeless animals. Any charitable project is now easy to translate into reality. is a safe and free fundraising platform.

The task of our service is to give additional free opportunities to people in solving financial difficulties. At your disposal the necessary functionality, useful articles and instructions for action. Remember that our society is multifaceted. Network users are millions of citizens of Russia or other countries of the world, many of whom are ready to respond to a request, provide gratuitous assistance or finance an interesting project.

Latest fees

Latest publications

42 crowdfunding life hacks: how to raise money for a startup

New projects

  • Riding School


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 7,000,000

    Payback period:

  • Opening of a contract spare parts store


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 10,000,000

    Krasnoyarsk region

    Payback period:

  • Creating a dynamic platform for VR devices,


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 9,000,000

    Novgorod region

    Payback period:

  • Center for Cosmetology and Outpatient Plastic Surgery


    Amount of investment:

    3,000,000 rubles

    Khanty-Mansi Autonomous…

  • United Tourism Center


    Amount of investment:

    30,000,000 rubles

    Payback period:

  • Commercial property aggregator


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 10,000,000

    Payback period:

  • Opening a sports bar


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 5,000,000

    Payback period:

  • Self-service car wash in Yekaterinburg


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 15,533,000

    Sverdlovsk region

    Payback period:

  • Psychodiagnostic information complex


    Amount of investment:

    RUB 110,000,000

    Payback period:

Go to the list of all projects

New investor proposals

  • Furniture showroom in Krasnodar


    Amount of investment:

    from 3,000,000 rubles
    up to 6,000,000 rubles

    Krasnodar region

    Payback period:

  • Photo-video studio


    Amount of investment:

    from 300 000 rub.
    up to 1,000,000 rubles

    Nizhny Novgorod Region

    Payback period:

    from 13 to 19 months

  • Point of fast author's cuisine "In love with pancakes"


    Amount of investment:

    from 400 000 rub.
    up to 600,000 rubles

    Penza region

    Payback period:

    4 to 6 months

  • Recycling


    Amount of investment:

    from 2 500 rub.
    up to 3,000 rubles

    Payback period:

    from 24 to 31 months

  • flower boutique


    Amount of investment:

    from 500 000 rub.
    up to 2,000,000 rubles

    Payback period:

    from 12 to 12 months

  • Operating business.

    Delivery of water in Moscow.


    Amount of investment:

    from 8,000,000 rubles
    up to 10,000,000 rubles

    Payback period:

    from 24 to 36 months

  • Sanatorium.


    Amount of investment:

    from 1 rub.
    up to 80,000,000 rubles

    Kemerovo region

  • Boarding house in Belokurikha.


    Amount of investment:

    from 1 rub.
    up to 25,000,000 rubles

  • Sanatorium + mineral water plant + agriculture.


    Amount of investment:

    from 1 rub.
    up to 715,000,000 rubles

    Krasnoyarsk region

Go to the list of all investors

7 golden rules for successful crowdfunding

You have great idea? We will help you bring it to life. With our Kickstarter experience and crowdfunding knowledge, we will help you launch a successful project!

Kickstart - Your number one source of help on

We will help you develop your campaign, promote it on social media and provide advice on crowdfunding issues.

Our mission is to help people realize their creative ideas in life. We believe in creativity and we know that the world will be a better place with more creative people and projects.

Projects on are our forte.

We know how to work with crowdfunding campaigns and will do everything necessary to make your project successful.

Launching a successful campaign is no easy task. This requires an effective strategy and good preparation. We will help you develop a strategy for your crowdfunding campaign, create an attractive Kickstarter page and video that will attract more and more backers. We will make sure your campaign runs smoothly from start to finish.

Overview of successful companies on

Yandex.Money has created new tools for collecting money on the Internet

Yandex.Money launched platform - complete solution for fundraising on the Internet, which can make crowdfunding easier, and therefore more ambitious. The Together project combines three new payment instruments - both for individuals and for charitable foundations. Now users and companies can organize a full-fledged collection of money on their own payment pages - without any technical knowledge and additional costs.

“On the websites of many charitable organizations, there is still no way to make online payments.

The largest crowdfunding platforms in Russia: Boomstarter vs

Only large funds can set up a full-fledged acceptance of donations on the Internet, so that it is convenient for users. The same with private initiatives. There are very few simple and at the same time technological solutions for collecting money via the Internet on the market, - says Alla Savchenko, Yandex.Money Product Director. - Our platform shortens the distance from the desire to help to the completed payment - both on the part of users and on the part of charitable foundations. It can turn the market around."

The first tool is a page for accepting payments. It is suitable for absolutely all users who want to raise funds for anything, whether it is a general birthday gift or the release of their music album. The individual page can accept payments from bank cards and Yandex.Money accounts and transfer them to the user's e-wallet. The link to it can be shared, for example, in social networks.

Two other tools are designed specifically for charitable foundations - they allow you to receive money directly into the bank account of the organization. The fundraising form is a convenient constructor that allows you to organize the acceptance of donations from electronic wallets and bank cards in a matter of minutes. Another tool - Cashier - is a full-fledged payment solution, which is now adapted for charity and allows you to accept payments without technical integration by all popular methods: from bank cards, from electronic wallets, from accounts of mobile numbers, in cash through terminals and mobile phone stores. The cash desk also provides for the possibility of automatic regular payments. To connect Cashier, the fund needs to send an application, and Yandex.Money will create a payment page and support it within a few days.

In the future, the Vmeste website will have new convenient tools for charity, for example, widgets showing how many people have already transferred money to the project, stock catalogs and fund pages.

You can also follow Yandex.Money news on our blog, Twitter and Facebook.

Raise money for a dream not so difficult if you know the secrets (effective and reliable) that are given in the article. We often put off life "for later" and hope that we will have time to catch up and achieve our goals. As a result, life passes by, and the retirement age “knocks” at the door. There is only one thing left - to live out the remaining days and raise grandchildren (if you managed to make them). Not the most rosy picture, right? This is easy to avoid if you take up your mind today and take advantage of the chances that life already gives. So let's get started.

How to raise money for a dream - the main rules

It is difficult to find a person who does not set goals or does not want to a better life. The phrase “dreaming is not harmful” was invented by losers, because this is how they justify inaction and lack of results. Raising money for a dream is not a myth or a fairy tale. This is a reality if a person sets goals for himself and goes to achieve them, despite the existing obstacles.

Dreaming of buying a car? Planning to buy a phone? Have you ever wanted to fly to Paris? The miracle of life is that nothing is unreal here. Of course, you can go to banks, get a loan, achieve your goal, but at the same time get into debt and blame yourself for the rest of your life for the wrong decision. You can do without this if you consider a few secrets:

  1. Set yourself up psychologically and clearly formulate your goal. If your dream is to travel, it is important to decide on the place, time and even the price of the trip. The more information, the better. See photos of the place where you are going, study the video. It is important to imagine that the goal has already been realized. This technique is called "visualization", and it works for any dream - a car, an apartment, your own house, and so on.
  1. Decide on the amount. To raise money on the Internet for a dream or to solve a problem on your own, it is important to calculate the costs of achieving the goal. If you are planning a trip to Paris, write down how much the visa will cost, take into account the cost of flights, accommodation and entertainment. There should be a figure in front of your eyes, taking into account the circumstances (including force majeure).
  2. To raise money quickly allocate 25-30 percent of wages and save them (on a deposit, a separate card or in a piggy bank). The first option is more preferable, because it allows you to protect yourself from unnecessary expenses and increase capital.
  3. Control costs. Many people are unable to live without cafes. They go there 3-4 times a week, and then they wonder why the family does not have enough money. The average check for two people is 800-1000 rubles. This is 4,000 a week, and 16,000 a month. Consequently, the refusal of a cafe will result in an additional 192 thousand rubles a year. Part of the funds from this amount goes to the purchase of food, so the "net" amount is 150-160 thousand rubles. The recommendation applies not only to trips to cafes, but also to other unnecessary expenses that can be easily dispensed with.

Where to raise money for a dream?

It was noted above that the best solution- put money on deposit. When choosing a banking institution, it is important to evaluate it according to the following criteria - interest rate, the possibility of full or partial withdrawal, reliability and reviews. Remember that DIA insures deposits up to 1.4 million rubles, so it is not recommended to keep more than this amount on one account.

Making a deposit to accumulate funds has the following pros:

  • Inability to withdraw money ahead of time no loss of interest. It is better to open a deposit for a long period - for 6 or 12 months. In such a situation, the percentage will be higher and there will be less desire to cash out savings ahead of schedule.
  • The question of where to raise money for a dream is not difficult. Favorable offers are offered by many credit institutions, so with a choice suitable option there are no problems.
  • Calculation of additional interest. At a rate of 10% per year, 100 thousand rubles with a 12-month deposit turn into 110,000. Although a small increase, it is.
  • Possibility of replenishment. Many banks allow you to replenish the deposit at any convenient time.

Help raise money for a dream

  • Go shopping only on business and follow a pre-written list.
  • Pay in cash. Banks specifically came up with credit cards, because with a cashless payment, a person loses control of expenses - he does not see how much money is spent on this or that thing.
  • Avoid going to the gym. Today, there are often people who literally scream “Help raise money for a dream,” but at the same time spend money on unnecessary things. One of them is trips to gym. Nobody says forget about health. Just do the main exercises at home (at least while collecting the required amount).
  • Get a piggy bank. No one bothers, except for a bank account, to additionally start a piggy bank and throw money into it as free funds appear. This is convenient, but the main thing is not to break the product ahead of time.

Sites where you can raise money for a dream

  • Kickstarter— a fundraising platform that focuses more on creative people. It is suitable for those who have interesting projects and plans to implement them. Upon successful collection of money, a 5 percent commission is charged and another 3-5 percent is taken for operations. Of the positive qualities, it is worth highlighting fame and high attendance. Of the minuses - high commissions and the presence of restrictions on a geographical basis.
  • indiegogo is a site where thousands of people raise money for a dream. This site is distinguished by its versatility and ease of creating a page to attract financial assistance. When accumulating the required amount, 4% is charged, and in case of unsuccessful collection, 9% is taken. In addition, an additional 3% for operating expenses will be charged.
  • RocketHub- a platform that offers to raise money for a dream by paying 4 and 8 percent of the commission (with successful and unsuccessful fundraising, respectively). The advantages of the service are a convenient and simple interface, the ability to place various projects (including the search for investments for a business). Site traffic is less than on the resources discussed above.

In addition to the sites considered, FundRazr, GoGetFunding and other crowdfunding sites can be distinguished. It is worth considering that they all charge a commission and a percentage of the amount collected.

Free website to raise money for a dream

To avoid additional costs, it is better to place the project on the website service. A feature of the fundraising site is the absence of a commission, which allows you to find funds for your dream and avoid paying commissions. The algorithm of cooperation is simple. All that is required is to register and log in to the site, then log in Personal Area, create a crowdfunding project and raise money for the goal. Remember that it is useful to dream, and dreams (if they are really desired) tend to come true.