One-story houses with a flat roof projects. Flat roof cottages - features

  • House projects
  • Flat Roof House Projects

    Country or country houses with a flat roof are attractive architectural solutions that suit customers with different needs and budgets. Despite the fact that pitched roofs for cottages are traditionally very popular in Russia, today more and more often the choice is made in favor of originality. A flat roof not only looks exclusive and modern, but also performs its main functions perfectly. With proper operation, it reliably protects against precipitation, provides good heat and sound insulation. The Proekt-Shop online store offers a large selection of house projects with flat roof. On the site you can find thoughtful solutions with different layouts. All projects were developed by our experienced specialists.

    Design and operational features of the roof

    A roof can be called flat even if it has a slight slope. Such a height difference is necessary to divert rain or melt water. If it is absent, drainage of another design is provided (for example, a drain system). When choosing a cottage project with a flat roof, it must be borne in mind that such houses have a number of operational features. For example, in winter snow can accumulate on them: it must be removed promptly to avoid leaks. In addition, in such houses it is important to ensure that the roof is airtight and the insulation does not get wet.

    Benefits of a flat roof

    Aesthetics. The houses built according to the projects presented in this section are distinguished by their original and stylish appearance. The abundance of flat surfaces, strict forms and conciseness - all this makes them unlike neighboring buildings. Such projects will great choice for those who appreciate the uniqueness in the design of the space around them.

    economy. total area a flat roof will be significantly less than a pitched structure for a similar house. Therefore, when choosing such a project, you can save on materials, and in some cases, on simpler installation.

    Additional area. Flat roof house designs are suitable for those who want to equip a comfortable space for outdoor recreation. Here you can sunbathe, play sports or even receive guests. An additional platform is also suitable for placing solar panels, ventilation elements or other engineering systems.

    A variety of cottage projects with a flat roof

    In the online store Proekt-Shop you can find a solution for every taste. Our catalog of flat roof house projects presents options for building from different materials. Most often, aerated concrete and foam blocks are used for such buildings, they are also popular frame buildings. The projects differ from each other in terms of total and living area, the number of rooms, the presence of a garage and a terrace. When choosing suitable option the number of family members, the need for arranging additional premises are taken into account: workrooms, playrooms, gyms etc. The Proekt-Shop online store offers a large selection of projects one-story houses with a flat roof. As a rule, these are variants of buildings that are compact in area, which are suitable even for small plots. Attics can be used to accommodate additional rooms. The range also includes projects two-storey houses with a flat roof.

    Stylistic features of cottages

    According to 3D models and photos of projects of houses with a flat roof, you can evaluate appearance such buildings. Most of them are characterized by the use of straight lines and non-classical forms. flat roof house plans modern style can be performed in different directions:

    • high tech,
    • constructivism,
    • minimalism,
    • cubism, etc.

    This exterior design of buildings is often combined with the use innovative technologies when arranging engineering systems, such as solar panels. In addition, the design of the interior of the house is also often done in high-tech style.

    Project order in Proekt-Shop

    To buy a set of documentation for building a dream home, leave a request on the website. We offer competitive prices for projects from qualified specialists. If necessary turnkey solutions can be customized according to customer needs. Proekt-Shop offices are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we also deliver house projects to other regions of the Russian Federation for free. For more information, you can contact the consultants in the online chat or by phone.

    It cannot be said that houses with a flat roof are so common in our area. Still, we are more accustomed to seeing classic gable or multi-pitched roofs. It is believed that houses with a flat roof look exclusive, even eccentric, and speak of their owner as a great original, a modern person who thinks outside the box.

    By and large, "flat roof" is a rather arbitrary name. There should always be a small but mandatory slope. Otherwise, rainwater or water after the snow melts will accumulate on the roof, which, in the end, will lead to serious trouble and repair costs not only for the roof, but also for the interior.

    In addition to its direct functions - thermal insulation and protection of the house from atmospheric precipitation - a flat roof can be used as an additional recreational area.

    Let's try to figure out how expedient the choice of a flat-roof house project is in our area. To do this, you need to imagine the advantages and disadvantages of this type of roof.

    Advantages of a flat roof

    • A flat roof allows you to optimize costs. It is smaller in area than any pitched roof. This allows the developer to save significant amounts on materials.
    • The simple shape of the roof significantly reduces installation time.
    • For the same reasons, the repair and maintenance of a flat roof of an already built building is incomparably easier than in houses with pitched roofs.
    • But the most important advantage of flat roof house projects is the additional usable area that the owners of the house can use at their discretion. Some elements of engineering systems, for example, ventilation and air conditioning systems, can be placed on the roof of such a house. And you can install solar panels.
    • But most often the space of a flat roof is used as an additional zone of comfortable rest. Here you can equip a solarium or a place for sports. By the way, there are even projects that make it possible to equip a pool. The rooftop garden is very impressive. Modern technologies allow you to pave the roof with paving stones. And in combination with the lawn and ornamental trees, comfortable wicker furniture, garden gazebo with a fireplace, this place will become the center of a family holiday.

    Naturally, like any roofing system, a flat roof has its drawbacks.

    • More careful design and installation of the roof will be required, otherwise retribution in the form of expensive repairs to the interior is inevitable.
    • You will also have to put additional expenses for the organization of internal sewers.
    • There are certain inconveniences associated with maintaining a flat roof. Firstly, constant monitoring of the moisture content of the insulation and the tightness of the roof is necessary. Secondly, there is always the possibility of clogging or freezing of internal drains. Thirdly, in snowy winters there is a risk of leaks due to the large accumulation of snow. But this minus can be easily circumvented by installing the Anti-Ice system on the roof. True, this leads to additional costs.

    Flat roof house project: is it worth it?

    It can be said quite definitely that with careful design study and competent work of builders, it is worth building a house with a flat roof. In the end, you get the original housing with additional square meters usable area and save money on construction work and materials. And the Dom4M company hopes that you will live for many years in a cozy and comfortable house built according to our project.

    flat roof house plans Lately become more popular all over the world. Some instances of houses can be safely called masterpieces of architecture. In our country, this direction is still developing, therefore, choosing such a solution for construction, you become the owner of an exclusive modern home.

    Flat-roofed houses look spectacular, and are also endowed with a number of advantages:

    • roof construction will take less time and cost less;
    • ease of maintenance, cleaning and repair work are carried out more easily and without the use of special equipment;
    • the possibility of useful use of the roof area, for example, to arrange a terrace, tables for relaxation, a flower garden or a sports place.

    Construction of houses with a flat roof

    Despite its apparent simplicity, the strength of the house will be achieved only with careful implementation. necessary calculations, especially when it comes to ensuring a sufficient level of waterproofing and water drainage, in case of an error, the structure may collapse. That is why for the design and construction of houses with a flat roof, it is necessary to contact specialists who have sufficient experience and comply with the required building codes and standards.

    Our catalog contains many ready-made projects of houses with a flat roof. Using a convenient filter, you will find various houses by area, number of floors and material of execution (brick, aerated concrete, frame) with a photo and price for construction.

    If no cottage project fits in the catalog, we will gladly develop individual project for you, where we will take into account and implement all your wishes.

    Cooperating with Villaexpert, you can be sure that the construction of a turnkey flat roof house will be carried out at the highest level and at a reasonable price, and you will receive a house project as a gift.

    The type and shape of the roof has always depended on the region and the natural and climatic conditions that existed in it. V northern lands with a lot of rain in summer and snow in winter have historically been used different types pitched roofs. This has a completely rational justification - this way precipitation rolls down faster, and the roof is more likely not to leak.

    In some places, a dome was an alternative to a pitched roof. As an example, one can name such a traditional type of residential building for some peoples as a yurt.

    Dome, like pitched roof, it is quite effective in the removal of snow and water. In addition, it copes well with wind load - which is a serious threat to the well-known sloping roof with large overhangs.

    But the hot southern regions could afford to make a very small slope for water flow. For example, in ancient Greece were common one-story houses with a flat roof with a slight slope, with an open courtyard and a pool into which water flowed.

    However, this is all about the past. Modern building technologies make it possible to do what was previously considered irrational and even impossible. And flat roofs gradually penetrated all regions, increasingly crowding out other options. Take a look at any major city. And recently, in private houses, a flat roof is gradually replacing the traditional pitched one.

    Advantages of a flat roof

    This trend is explained by a number of significant advantages that this particular type of roof has. First, it is structurally simpler. That is, it takes less time and materials to build it. It's easier to insulate. And this leads to a reduction in construction time and significant cost savings. It is not surprising that in a market economy it is this type of roof that has become most widespread.

    And secondly, a flat roof is a potential opportunity to increase the usable area that you can use. After all, such a roof can be made exploitable - which we observe in numerous projects. modern houses with a flat roof.

    And this idea from beautiful projects has long since begun to migrate into reality. This is not an architectural utopia, but something that you, if you wish, can embody in your own two-story house with a flat roof.

    Disadvantages of a flat roof

    Of course, the widespread introduction of just this type of roofing has a huge number of opponents who claim significant shortcomings of this solution.

    For example, it is often said that flat roofs still leak too often.

    And the lack of overhangs common for a pitched roof makes the facades of the building more vulnerable, which are not protected in any way from the destructive influence of moisture and due to this they quickly lose their appearance.

    Mention is made of an even greater snow load, which leads to the need to manually clean the roofs. But let's look at each of these disadvantages in a little more detail.

    Frequent leaks: who is to blame and what to do

    Unfortunately, this is a reality - a huge number of modern apartment buildings with a flat roof regularly need repairs. And the inhabitants of their upper floors often suffer from water flowing along the walls and ceiling.

    However, it is not the type of roof as such that is to blame. Remember to panel houses after all, other claims are often made. Poor sound insulation, walls freezing in some places ... The thing is that during the construction of most of the modern housing stock, they relied not on quality, but on speed and quantity. And it was right - the housing crisis was very acute, it had to be solved somehow.

    But - yes - as a result, the residents of such houses now have problems. Including the current roof. But not because this type of roof, in principle, is not able to withstand the destructive effects of moisture. But because its installation requires professionalism, a neat approach and high-quality materials.

    However, there is another reason for the problems with leaks so common in prefabricated residential buildings. This is a failure to comply with what is called the "rules of operation".

    There are different types of flat roofs. For example, one on which you can walk, even plant grass there, organize recreation areas, parks, swimming pools on it.

    If you undertake to study fashionable designs of houses with a flat roof, all this is often found there. But typical construction involves a different type of construction. The one you can't walk on.

    However, it is not always possible to fulfill this condition in practice. Roofs are cleared of snow, communications are installed on them, and so on. And all of these actions potentially lead to future leaks.

    Thus, if you entrust the installation of a flat roof to professionals in your private house and comply with all operating conditions, the roof will not disappoint you.

    The destructive effect of moisture: how to save facades

    So, critics of flat roofs say that the lack of large overhangs characteristic of a traditional pitched roof leads to the rapid destruction of facades. And, in general, it is difficult to argue - water can even affect mountain slopes, let alone brickwork.

    However, do overhangs really protect facades from moisture so well? Imagine slanting jets of rain hitting the surface of a wall at an angle. Roof overhangs take on part of them, it's true.

    But in fact, they really cover only a small strip of the facade from above. The larger the protruding part of the roof, the more this space will turn out. But it cannot be increased indefinitely.

    Thus, in order to protect the facades, not some special type of roofing is needed, but modern building technologies. For instance, frame house with a flat roof, lined with porcelain tiles or siding, will be extremely resistant to external influences.

    Snow loads

    This factor can be very significant in some regions. The layer of snow has a large weight, which additionally loads the floor. And if it does not survive, the consequences will be very deplorable.

    However, the design features of a flat roof according to the rules are calculated taking into account the possible snow load. Thus, if no fatal mistakes were made in the design and construction, the snow will not affect the house in any way, no matter what roof it has.

    Aesthetic possibilities

    Sometimes you can hear that rectangular boxes with a flat roof are uninteresting and ugly. Of course, those who say this have never seen modern houses with a flat roof, even in a photo, not to mention a personal acquaintance.

    It is no coincidence that architectural solution are now at the peak of their popularity. Styles such as hi-tech, minimalism, modern invariably prefer roofs with a slight slope. Because it allows you to make a more complex planning structure, embody previously unrealistic ideas, create expressive and unusual compositions. Such architecture can look very impressive and original.

    Photo of houses with a flat roof

    The architectural designs of flat roof houses represent a wide range of layouts and areas. One-story and two-level houses of this collection are truly original and unique. The Z500 company is constantly expanding its collection by adding new modern flat roof houses. We wish you to enjoy viewing and choosing projects!

    Houses with a flat roof (photos, videos, drawings, draft designs of which can be viewed in this section) resonate with the usual image of a country private house from childhood. They leave an impression of extravagance, audacity and novelty, which is why they are unusual and more and more attractive, which explains the demand for them in 2016. Simple at first glance, hi-tech and constructivism architectural trends, one of the main features of which are flat roofs, cause deceptive impressions. Only architects high class from a pile rectangular structures can create a truly harmonious, stylish, elegant new house endowed with comfortable, energy-efficient qualities and functionality. In this section, we have collected just such projects of residential cottages with a flat roof, which can be purchased at average market prices.

    Layout of projects of houses with a flat roof: the convenience of choice

    For the convenience of finding private houses, we have placed two filter options on the catalog page.

    Selecting certain parameters in the filter ( architectural style, site parameters, etc.), you can quickly select projects that best meet your wishes (diagrams and sketches are attached to almost all projects). Filters located above and to the right of the catalog are not related to each other. By choosing on the right, for example, projects of cottages with a flat roof ranging in size from 100 to 150 m2 with an entrance located from the south, you can use the top filter to set the display from the cheapest to the most expensive and reveal the minimum cost of such projects. Then, by setting the selection in width from the minimum in ascending order, you can explore the offers of narrow houses corresponding to the initially selected category. The parameters of the right search form remain unchanged.

    Flat Roof House Project Plans: Our Additions

    When choosing house plans with a flat roof, we advise you to carefully study our add-ons offered to order along with the main project. They were created by us with the aim of simplifying, accelerating the implementation of the project you like in life and making your home more comfortable.

    "" - a popular option that allows you to achieve the maximum compliance of the selected project with the wishes of the customer. Most often, the layout of houses with a flat roof changes.