What medicines to take at sea for a child. A trip to the sea: what medicines to take with you on vacation with a child? Medicines used for colds

Summer is an active period of holidays and vacations. At this time, parents take their children and rush with them to the sea to improve their health. But sometimes the burning sun, hypothermia under air conditioning, abrasions and bruises of mobile little ones, unusual food or other factors can disrupt the harmony of a healthy and happy holiday.

Vasoconstrictive nasal drops (Otrivin or Nazivin) and eye drops (sodium sulfacyl) to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, in particular the nose, due to impossible or difficult breathing in a child with acute respiratory infections, due to swelling of the nose with allergies, due to acute pain in the ear;
enterosorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel, White coal, Laktofiltrum) - a "vacuum cleaner" for the body, relieving it of toxic, dangerous or harmful substances: pathogenic microbes and viruses, their decay products, toxins and poisons that enter from the outside and metabolic products that are toxic to organism;
rehydron - for;
antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nurofen);
antihistamines (Claritin, Diazolin, Psilobalsam or Fenistil gel), which have an antiallergic effect;
intestinal antiseptic (Nifuroxazid, Enterol can be) in the treatment of intestinal infections and in children;
probiotics (Lineks, Latsidofill or Bifiform), which normalize the intestinal microflora;
throat spray (Chlorphyllipt, Ingalipt), which has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and cooling effect;
from insect bites (antihistamine, lifeguard);
an antibiotic (Augmentin, Flemoxiclav or Sumamed), but it must be remembered that with a viral infection of the respiratory tract, the preservation of a feverish state for 3-7 days is natural.

If the child suffers from any chronic disease, then the first-aid kit on the road to the sea with the child must necessarily have a supply of appropriate medicines.

And children 1-2 years old also need painkillers for teething and teas from the tummy, etc. Recall that for young children it is advisable to use bottled water and not give drinks with ice. includes aids: electronic thermometer, sterile cotton, bactericidal plaster, bandage, sterile wipes, pipette, tweezers and cotton swabs.


Of course, in order to avoid adverse situations, on vacation with children, parents should try to be attentive and careful: go to the beach at 7-11 o'clock and 17-20 o'clock, use with a high spf factor, wear panama hats for children, take umbrellas. Also, watch out for food in the right places, and it is better to give drinks at room temperature, but not from the refrigerator. Bathing should be moderate, and it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, and then a first-aid kit for a child at sea will not be needed.

The answer to the question in the subtitle is simple: the same as at home. If you plan to spend most of your time outdoors, the following situations are likely:

  • - Itching, pain, irritation or allergic reactions (swelling, runny nose) to insect bites;
  • - Overheating, burns or sunstroke (in high temperature and clear weather);
  • - Injuries and bruises of varying severity.

Often, due to a sharp change in climate, a child can feel all the “charms” of acclimatization:

  • - Headache;
  • - Vomit;
  • - Violation of the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea);
  • - Feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.

Prolonged bathing in cool water or a sharp cold snap that comes after a hot day, during which the baby runs a lot and sweats, can cause hypothermia and, as a result, colds.

Typically "marine" health problems also lie in wait for kids on vacation, and these are:

  • - Motion sickness during a boat trip, which caused nausea and dizziness;
  • - Burn of an insidious jellyfish during a harmless bath;
  • - Intestinal infections due to swallowed sea ​​water.

Considering all the situations listed above, a first-aid kit at sea with a child will turn out to be quite voluminous, especially if you plan to visit foreign country, where they do not sell the usual drugs. It is advisable to take with you all the means with which you can eliminate unwanted symptoms and prevent the development of diseases.

What medicines to take on vacation with a child

So what medicines should a first-aid kit at sea with a child contain? According to the recommendations of doctors, a set of children's medicines for traveling should include:

  • - Sunscreens. This is the most important point for everyone who is going to the sea. Do not be stingy when buying a protective cream or spray - usually expensive products have a safer composition and provide more reliable protection for delicate baby skin.
  • - Medicines for colds. This is the second large group of drugs that comes in handy on vacation in 70-80% of cases. This includes cold drops or sprays, cough tablets and syrups, and children's antivirals. With the help of which you can stop the development of the disease at the first stage.
  • - Antihistamines. If your child is prone to allergies, you should take the usual drugs with you. The rest should not relax either: even if the baby has never had an allergy attack, new food or plants can be a catalyst.
  • - Medicines for gastrointestinal problems. Acclimatization, new food, accidentally swallowed sea water, and other composition of tap water can adversely affect the digestive system. Be sure to take the drugs of this group for the treatment of poisoning, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  • - Specialized preparations and medical accessories for children with chronic diseases. The set of funds in this group directly depends on the nature of the disease and the medicines used daily.

The list of medicines you will find below includes the essentials. It is highly recommended to take them all so that you don’t get into a force majeure situation on vacation when you have nothing to provide first aid to a suffering baby due to the lack of pharmacies nearby.

sun protection

Children's skin is more sensitive to UV than adult skin, so babies need special sun protection. If special creams and sprays are neglected, the child can get severe burns, allergic rashes, prickly heat.

It is necessary to use children's sunscreens from six months (this is the minimum age after which a child can be left in the open sun, previously not recommended).

The choice of degree of protection depends on the type of skin and age. Fair-skinned children under 6 years of age are recommended preparations with maximum protection - spf 50. If a baby of 5-6 years old has already managed to tan to a golden hue, he will have enough funds with spf 30.

  • - Babo Botanicals, spf 30. This cream won first place in the rating of the EWG.ORG agency, proving its effectiveness and safety even for the smallest in tests.
  • - Badger Company, spf 30. In addition to reliable sun protection, this cream repels insects.
  • - Thinkbaby, spf 50. Specialized children's sunscreen with maximum protection.
  • - Attitude, Little ones, spf 30. Cream with mineral sun protection.
  • - Bubchen, baby milk, spf 30. Treatment for sensitive skin with a moderate degree of protection.
  • - Spray Vichy for children, spf 50. Recommended for use from 3 years.
  • - Sun protection milk "Our Mother", spf 20. For traveling in countries with a temperate climate.

Cold medicine

  1. Antipyretic medicines.

    Doctors recommend bringing down the temperature only when the mark on the thermometer has exceeded 38.5 (with the exception of children with endocrine or nervous diseases). Means should be chosen based on the age of the baby.

    • - Children under 3 years of age are recommended syrups and suspensions. It can be Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol, Ibufen.
    • - It is easier for babies to give rectal suppositories, for example, Cefekon D, Dolomol, Efferalgan.
    • - If an older child does not mind swallowing a bitter pill, you can take Ibuprofen on the road.

    Remember: if the temperature is accompanied by convulsions, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dehydration, vomiting, rash, then you need to urgently call a doctor.

  2. Against sore throat. Miramistin is suitable for both infants and older children. Children from 1 year old can use sprays such as Hexoral, Tantum Verde, Antiangina, Aqualor. Additionally, you can give lozenges, for example, Lizobakt or Pharyngosept.
  3. Sprays and drops will help against the common cold. Take Aqua Maris, Aqualor Baby, Nazol Baby, Otrivin Baby or Vibrocil, Grippferon, Interferon on the road.
  4. Dry cough syrups:
    • - Up to a year - Lazolvan, Bronhikum, Prospan, Linkas (from six months);
    • - From the year - Gelisal, Alteyka;
    • - From 2 years old - ACC, Gerbion;
    • - From the age of 3 - Omnitus, Doctor MOM, Sinekod, Pertussin.
  5. Wet cough syrups:
    • - From infancy - Ambroxol, Fluditec;
    • - From the year - Prospan.
  6. Antiviral drugs in tablets: Anaferon for Children, Kagocel, Arbidol.
  7. Antiviral rectal suppositories: Viferon, Genferon Light.
  8. Antiviral syrups: Anaferon, Orvirem, Tsitovir-3.

Gastrointestinal remedies

  • - To relieve spasms - No-shpa;
  • - Against diarrhea - Smecta or Loperamide;
  • - Against bloating - Espumizan;
  • - To improve digestion - Mezim;
  • - To eliminate heaviness in the stomach - Festal, Mezim, Allochol;
  • - With heartburn - Afobazol, Teraflex, Regidron.

Many children's antipyretic and antiviral drugs are produced in the form of candles, which must be stored in a cool place. To prevent medicines from spoiling under the influence of heat, you should purchase in advance a special thermal bag or container in which you will transport “perishable” drugs.

You need to check not only the list of the first-aid kit for the child on the road or at sea, but also the expiration dates of its components. Often medicines stored at home are expired, so 2-3 days before the trip, you should check the dates on the packages and buy everything you need.

The minimum set, in addition to medicines, should include:

  • - Thermometer (it is better to take an electronic one, since old mercury thermometers often break, causing a lot of trouble);
  • - An antiseptic with which you can quickly treat your hands or the skin around the wound (70% alcohol, brilliant green or peroxide, miramistin or chlorhexidine);
  • - Wet wipes - another way to cleanse;
  • - Cotton pads or sticks for applying brilliant green or iodine;
  • - Bandages of two sizes;
  • - Cooling packs, with which you can relieve pain and swelling with bruises and injuries;
  • - Adhesive plasters.

Hello friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you!

I decided not to torment you with a long wait and quickly do what I promised in the article. As you remember, I planned to collect for you and me a first aid kit for traveling with children.

It's been 30 degrees outside our window for more than a month - I don't remember such a summer for a long time.

I really want to go on vacation, but so far I only dream of it. Therefore, I will touch it at least through the answer to the question of what medicines to take at sea with a child.

We love to travel very much, and the birth of children in this regard did not become an obstacle for us and did not change anything. Therefore, I have a lot of experience of such trips.

We usually don't worry about our health at all. Another thing is small children. If something happens away from home, you will need to be able to help the little one, at least until the doctor arrives.

Therefore, in advance, at home, we will collect a universal first-aid kit for the trip, in which there will be everything you need to provide timely medical care to the baby.

I use chlorhexidine - you can pour it directly on the wound, and not just treat the edges with it, it is completely safe and inexpensive.

  • Aerosol for burns.

An indispensable remedy for both solar and thermal burns.

  • Means for oral rehydration (rehydron, etc.).

Replenishes the deficiency of fluid and salts in the body during dehydration: diarrhea, vomiting, high fever.

  • Antiallergic agent of general action. Loratadine or cetirizine in children's form, optimally - in drops that you can drop into a spoon with juice or water and give to your baby.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (for children under one year old) or spray (after a year) in the nose. Shown when laying the ears on the plane, with a severe runny nose and shortness of breath (the baby breathes through his mouth).
  • Nasal aspirator. This is a device for sucking out nozzles. It is needed if the little one still does not know how to blow his nose on his own.
  • Spray (for children over one year old) or drops (for one-year-old children and younger) moisturizing in the nose such as Aqua Maris. Necessary in rooms with dry air to moisturize the nasal mucosa, and activate local immunity.
  • Candles with glycerin for children. Constipation is a completely possible reaction of the crumbs to new food and water. Such candles are a great way to help without any harm to health.
  • An antiseptic solution for the eyes.

If sand or something else gets into the eyes and irritation begins, you need to drip an antiseptic into the eyes.

Which one is optimal for a child of your age, you can check with the pharmacy.

I use the simplest drops with chloramphenicol.

  • Remedy for motion sickness.

As a rule, it is allowed for use in children from one year old. Any road in transport for some kids and their parents can turn into real torture.

In this case, it is worth having special tablets with dimenhydrinate on hand and give them to the child in advance before setting off on the road.

  • Antibacterial ointment. Most likely, you will not need it in a civilized place, since its direct application is bite wounds, for example, after washing them with soapy water.
  • Disposable syringes. Without a needle, they are very convenient to use as a pipette or measuring cup.
  • Cooling package. Sold in any pharmacy, costs about 20 rubles. a piece. Cold is the first aid for bruises and sprains. Finding a source of cold at sea is often difficult. That is why it is worth having it in the first aid kit.
  • Tweezers. For pulling out a splinter, for example, a bee sting.
  • Bandages different forms and sizes are sterile. For the treatment of wounds.
  • Elastic bandage. With sprains, joint injuries.
  • The plaster is bactericidal waterproof. From calluses, minor injuries.
  • Insect repellent. If in a place of rest they are possible in large quantities.

Undoubtedly, medicines need to be bought at a reliable pharmacy, but all modern mothers have been ordering new clothes for themselves and their husbands via the Internet for a long time. It's no secret that it turns out cheaper, saves time and nerves. I buy things for Lamoda for yourself and in MyToys for kids. On the eve of the holidays, in this tricky way, you can free up a lot of time that you spend on cleaning your feathers: manicures and pedicures, for example.

Finally, the stars, time and circumstances, and you - happy family who goes to acquaint her beloved baby or kids with the sea, the sun and the sand. Or no longer introduce, but once again arrange a sunny week in the middle of winter or a sea vacation in the summer.

Collecting things is a laborious task: you need to take care of everything and provide for different situations, but the main thing is to collect a first-aid kit at sea. Even experienced parents do not always know what should be in a children's first aid kit, and in general, whether it is worth taking it. After all, you can buy medicines everywhere, and medical care is usually provided by the tour. Let's try to figure out why a first-aid kit on the road to the sea is so important for a family traveling with children:

  • it is not always possible to find a pharmacy on the road, especially in an unfamiliar place or in a resort located far from civilization;
  • sometimes drugs are required at night, and night pharmacies are not always found;
  • the cost of medicines abroad can differ significantly and not always downward;
  • familiar drugs in other countries are often called differently, and the instructions for them will definitely require translation;
  • the important fact is that many medicines that are freely available at home are sold abroad only by prescription;
  • and, of course, it cannot be denied that parents are calmer when essential drugs are at hand: it’s better to have them with you, and your health will not fail than not be available at the right time.

The full list of essential medicines depends on the age of your child and the characteristics of his body. We will try to assemble as compactly as possible necessary information so that your first aid kit on the road to the sea is not overloaded, but at the same time contains all the necessary drugs.

  • It will be useful:

Children's first aid kit: list

It is worth remembering that each child is individual, so the children's first aid kit at sea should contain both “just in case” drugs and medicines that you give your child all the time. We will divide the list of drugs into groups to make it easier for parents to navigate.

Sunscreen preparations

When going to the sea, you, of course, plan to stay in the sun, and it is not always gentle. Therefore, the composition of the children's first aid kit must necessarily include sunscreen with a high degree of protection and creams or sprays from sunburn, if they do happen. Here are some recommendations for their use:

  • Apply sunscreen of your choice before you leave. small plot baby skin. If the skin does not turn red within half an hour, you can be calm - there is no allergy to this cream.
  • It is worth choosing protection products with SPF 50 or SPF 40, by the end of the rest you can switch to a cream or lotion with SPF 30 or SPF 20 protection.
  • Apply creams or lotions every two hours of sun exposure
  • You need to apply the product every two hours of exposure to the sun.

There is usually advice on sunscreen packages to limit sun exposure from 11 am to 4 pm. It is hardly worth neglecting them

Well, actually, the tools that you may need:

  • Sunscreen lotions with SPF not lower than 30, and preferably SPF 50 from Mustel, Bubchen or Biocon (your choice);
  • Sprays or creams for burns based on dexpanthenol ("Panthenol" or "Bepanthen").

Remedies for bites, bruises and injuries

Without this group of drugs, the contents of a children's first aid kit would be incomplete. As you know, children do not grow up without abrasions and scratches, but no one has yet canceled insects in warm countries. So be sure to put the following quick aids in your medicine bag:

  • cotton pads;
  • ear sticks;
  • bactericidal patches;
  • sterile bandage;
  • elastic bandage;
  • topical antiseptic (brilliant green, iodine - more convenient in the form of a marker);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • balm "Rescuer" or "Fenistil-gel" - a wound healing agent for shallow cuts, abrasions and insect bites.

First aid for intestinal disorders

Like it or not, any trip is a change of place and stress for the child. Food, water, climate, and gastrointestinal tract the baby may fail. Therefore, a first-aid kit for children on vacation at sea should contain:

  • activated charcoal is the simplest sorbent that allows you to remove toxins from the body ( harmful substances);
  • "Enterosgel", "Atoxil" or "Polysorb" are also sorbents that can be used from the first days of a baby's life;
  • "Smecta" - an antidiarrheal agent in powder, diluted with water;
  • "Regidron" - in case of dehydration as a result of severe vomiting or diarrhea, restores the water balance in the body;
  • "Furazolidone" (from 3 years old), "Ersefuril" (from 6 years old) - antibiotics used for acute poisoning, food infections, dysentery;
  • "Mezim" or "Festal" - enzymes that improve digestion;
  • "Linex" or "Bifiform" to restore the intestinal flora after eating disorders or taking antibiotics.

Antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs

Even if the child has never had allergic reactions, it is better to put a plate with tablets or anti-allergic syrup in the first-aid kit, depending on age. It should be remembered that new food, Exotic fruits, plants, insects can cause an allergic reaction in a baby.

Antiallergic drugs that may be needed (optional):

  • "Fenistil" in drops (from 1 month), capsules - from 12 years
  • "Zirtek in drops" (from 6 months) or other drugs with the active ingredient Cetirizine
  • "Claritin" (or other drugs with the active ingredient Loratidine) in syrup from 2 years old, in tablets - from three.

Medicines used for colds

Colds in the hot season are not the most pleasant thing. The reasons for their occurrence in a child on vacation can be different. This is a long stay in the water without a habit in the first days of rest (in other words, outbid), and insufficiently warm water in the pond, and the effect of viruses on the child's body during the acclimatization period (there is no need to treat the addiction to the new climate, it passes after a while) .

And if such a nuisance happened to your baby, then a set of first aid kits in the children's first aid kit will come to the rescue.

For sore throat and sore throat: sprays, for example, "Ingalipt" or "Chlorophyllipt"; antiseptic for gargling, for example, "Gexoral" - from 6 years old, spray - from one and a half years.
When coughing: dry cough - "Sinekod", "Gerbion" (syrups to choose from); wet cough - "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene" (syrups to choose from).
With a runny nose:"Nazivin" - vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, relieve swelling and nasal congestion (used in infants), "Vibrocil", "Sanorin", "Pinosol" - the same action, but for older children; "Euphorbium - compositum" - a homeopathic antiviral remedy for the nose; "Aquamaris", "Humer" "Solin" - sprays or drops based on sea water, thin the mucus and protect the mucous membrane from drying out (can be used from the first days of a baby's life).
For ear pain:"Otipaks" - ear drops of anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, allowed from 1 month.

Antipyretics and pain relievers

  • Candles "Viburkol" - homeopathic anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic, used from the first days of a child's life;
  • Syrups or suppositories, for example, "Nurofen" or "Panadol" - to reduce fever and reduce pain.

Medicines for motion sickness

  • "Dramina" - pills for motion sickness (from 2 years old);
  • "Aviamore" - homeopathic lozenges, tablets or granules (from 6 years old).

Also, in addition to the listed list of medicines, we recommend putting an electronic thermometer in the first-aid kit so as not to look for it in another country and not to buy it at exorbitant prices. So, if the child is still sick, it will be easier to understand how serious the situation is and whether it is worth giving the baby an antipyretic.

On the road with babies

Traveling abroad with babies up to a year is now becoming increasingly popular. Young parents are brave people, and when they are going on a trip, they do not plan to leave the baby at home. So, if you are traveling with a baby, a first-aid kit on the road should contain the funds necessary for children of this age:

  • dill water (in the form of tea bags or ground seeds fennel for its preparation) - to relieve intestinal colic;
  • anesthetic gel or drops ("Kalgel", "Bebident") used during teething;
  • a small rubber bulb in case of constipation;
  • baby cream or powder for diaper rash and sweating;
  • sunscreen with high UV filters;
  • to protect babies from insects, it is better not to use creams and lotions, in order to avoid their entry into the body, limit yourself mosquito net for a stroller.

The above list of medicines for infants should be reviewed, taking into account age restrictions. Thus, a first-aid kit for babies at sea can be completed as follows: drops in the nose ("Nazivin", "Aquamaris"); antipyretic (candles "Viburkol", syrup "Nurofen"); sorbent ("Enterosgel"); antidiarrheal ("Smekta"); antiallergic ("Fenistil").

Do not forget that all these medicines on the road are only emergency help for the baby. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and he will also prescribe a course of treatment if the need arises. But we sincerely wish that your baby will not need a first-aid kit or a doctor's consultation.

First aid kit in the children's camp

Summer is the favorite season of all, without exception, children. Vacations, vacations with family and friends, trips to grandma, to the sea, camping trips - all these are unforgettable emotions and impressions.

For adults, things are different - at best, three weeks of vacation, and the rest of the time there is a constant question: with whom to leave the child. Therefore, a place where you can spend time with benefit, interest and pleasure is a children's camp: the child has fun, and the parents know that he is under supervision.

When packing a travel bag, mom and dad try to give everything they need with them, but a separate collection point is a children's first aid kit at sea for a child. Is it worth giving medicines at all, and what medicines to take with you on the road? Let's try to figure it out.

Rather, it will not be quite a first aid kit, because it makes no sense to give antipyretics, cough drops or brilliant green and a bandage with you - this whole set is in the first aid station at the camp.

And it is unlikely that you want the child to decide how much, when and what pills he needs to drink, after all, this is not safe. The list of medicines on the road should be compiled, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and the presence of chronic diseases.

Preparations for relieving exacerbations of chronic diseases(if any). In this case, it is necessary to notify the camp leader and the medical worker. They should be aware if the child has an allergy, for example, to the sun, plants, insect bites, or some food ingredient.
Antiallergic and bronchodilators. If your child has allergies or asthma and takes medication on a regular basis, it is also worth informing the counselor about this. No matter how responsible the baby is, you should not impose on him the independent use of drugs.
Insect bites and sunscreens. Be sure to put creams or sprays in the first aid kit - they will come in handy on the sea coast, but first familiarize your child with instructions for their safe use. If the products are new and you have not used them before, do a test control on a small area of ​​​​the child's skin before the trip to avoid allergic reactions at the camp.
sunburn remedy. Even though the daytime hours are high solar activity in children's institutions, exposure to the sun is limited, sometimes a little sun is enough for a child's delicate skin to turn red. In this case, any remedy based on dexpanthenol will help. An older child can put the Panthenol spray, and for children of primary school age it will be more convenient to use the Bepanten cream.
Pills for motion sickness. If the road to the camp is not close, and the child is sick in transport, you should take care of motion sickness pills, which are usually taken an hour before the trip. In addition, during the camp shift, there are often excursions where these drugs will also come in handy.
Bactericidal patches. Rest in the camp is a lot of outdoor games, on the beach, active games, hiking in the forest and many more interesting activities. And scratches, bruises and abrasions are their integral attribute. It’s good to have plasters on hand that can close a small wound.

The composition of the first-aid kit for the children's camp may vary at your discretion, but in any case, the child needs to be explained the rules of hygiene and behavior in the children's team in order to minimize the filling of the bag with medicines and also minimize its use.

All things are packed, medicines are collected in the children's first aid kit, it remains only to get to the destination and have a wonderful rest. But you should not forget that often the observance of simple rules during a summer vacation significantly increases the chance of bringing a first-aid kit home unpacked.

Here are some tips for parents:

  1. Do not forget about a headdress for a baby, although it will not be superfluous for adults: overheating in the sun is fraught with high fever and loss of consciousness.
  2. The baby should not be in the open sun for more than an hour - his delicate skin is not used to high temperatures and burns easily.
  3. It is worth making sure that the baby does not swallow water in the pool or in open water, diving without permission and adult supervision is also not worth it.
  4. Follow the basic rules of personal hygiene - wash your baby's hands, bacteria multiply quickly in a hot climate.
  5. Introduce the same rules to the child you are sending to the camp, explaining that getting sick on vacation is not very pleasant, so it’s better to be careful.
  6. Pick up a small thermal bag or a thermal bag for storing medicines in your travel first aid kit: this way the drugs will be less exposed to high southern temperatures.

We hope that our advice will help you get ready for the road, have a great rest, spend a wonderful time with your family, and remember about the children's first aid kit on vacation, just unpacking your bags upon returning from a trip. Well, if you have not yet decided where to go on vacation with the whole family, we bring to your attention a wonderful place, ideal for families with children.

In this article you will find full list medicines that we take on trips. Medicines for both children and adults. The list is pediatrician approved. It has all the necessary medicines that may come in handy on the road and there is nothing superfluous.

Our daughter, who is not yet three years old, has already managed to visit eight countries of the world. We lived for a long time in Egypt, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, traveled around Malaysia and Hong Kong. With each trip, we took less and less medicine. And now the whole first-aid kit fits in such a cosmetic bag.

Here is my medication list. First, in a short version, which is convenient to print.

1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

Paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, analgin

2. Medications for digestive problems

Salt solution, sorbents (smecta, enterosgel), suppositories with glycerin, Nifuroxazide, tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults. You can take, but not necessarily - enzymes, dry bacteria.

3. Ointments and drops for allergies

Fenistil-ointment, fenistil drops or Erius, Zirtek is also suitable

4. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Bepanten, alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

5. Ointment for inflammation of the eyes

Tetracycline ointment or hydrocortisone

6. First aid for otitis media

7. For babies

Infacol or Espumisan, teething gels

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicines

9. On the plane

Salt drops in the nose, vasoconstrictor drops, suppositories to lower the temperature, pills for motion sickness, Smecta.

And now about why i take all this and how to use it in more detail. If you are an experienced mother and most of the medicines are already familiar to you, then you can immediately go to the next article:. It is about the experience of contacting doctors, about how to buy the necessary medicines in foreign pharmacies. You will also definitely need an article about. This is very important, because you will need to prepare for feeding in advance so that you don’t waste time and energy looking for food on vacation.

  1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

My experience is that you need to take several drugs with different active ingredients. If paracetamol does not help, then ibuprofen should help. Diclofenac sodium is still used in Egypt. They sell wonderful Dolphin candles. I also take with me candles with analgin. In fact, analgin is banned in many countries of the world, because. can lead to more serious illnesses. But I take the most extreme case if nothing else helps, and the temperature is very high.

  1. Medications for digestive problems

Other water and food can cause all sorts of intestinal disorders. It can be diarrhea, vomiting, or vice versa - constipation. Undoubtedly, you yourself know that it is better to see a doctor in such a case. But, nevertheless, the minimum arsenal of drugs should always be at hand.

Saline solution to avoid dehydration with diarrhea and vomiting

Sorbents to remove poison from the body

Suppositories with glycerin for children (in case of constipation), tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults

You can also take with you enzymes and dry bacteria that restore the digestive flora, but in my opinion, this is not at all necessary. If necessary, they will be prescribed by a doctor, he will say the name of local medicines.

  1. Ointments and drops for allergies

Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, it is not a fact that you will be able to avoid this scourge abroad. An insect bite or a reaction to an exotic food or plant. Yes, not much else. I take antihistamines with me in several variations: ointment and suppositories.

4. Ointment for inflammation of the eyes

Such ointments are usually sold in tiny tubes and do not take up much space. And when traveling, they can become an indispensable medicine, because children often touch their eyes with dirty hands and can infect.

5. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Children are so restless. He ran and fell, hurt himself on coral, pricked himself with a sharp object, or simply burned out in the sun. One good healing ointment will help to cope with all the consequences of these troubles. Also, do not forget about the essential rescue kit - alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

6. First aid for otitis media

This happens at sea. Water got in, the wind blew, so the ear became inflamed. Before you get to the doctor for an appointment, you can relieve pain with special drops. Which one is better to take, ask your local doctor.

7. For babies

When Arina was just a baby, I took espumizan in syrup for her with a "revolution" in her stomach, as well as gels and tablets for painless teething. Now, when the teeth are all available, and digestion has improved, I leave it at home.

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicines

9. On the plane

Salt nasal drops are also very useful. The air in the plane is very dry, so I periodically bury Arina's nose so that excess bacteria do not stick to the dry mucous membrane. To avoid unpleasant pain in the ears, put vasoconstrictor drops in the child's nose before departure. Also, for long flights on airplanes, you may need medication to reduce the temperature and the usual Smecta.

As for antibiotics, just imagine yourself in such a situation. You are abroad with a sick child. Well, do you really take responsibility and give antibiotics without a doctor's prescription? After all, no. Then don't take them. If they are really needed, then it is the doctor who will decide which drug to prescribe. In addition, each country has its own sores and cures for them are also different.