Total war warhammer 2 guide high elves.

Skills of Legendary High Elf Lords - Tyrion and Teclis Total War: WARHAMMER 2.

Tyrion skills

Malhandir: The best Ellyrian steed allows Tyrion to quickly move to any place on the battlefield alone, deciding the outcome of the battle

Righteous Beliefs: Selfishness is alien to Tyrion's beliefs. Characters with similar views stand under his banner for less pay.

Divine Perseverance: The sons of Enerion and Ulthuan have an extremely high ability to concentrate, which allows them to fight longer than mere mortals.

Evasion and counterattack: The ability to accurately strike after blow, which is what the Elven way of war implies.

Dedicated to Vaul: Tyrion can devote himself to the Elven Deity of blacksmithing. An opportunity to temper the Dragon Princes before the dark flames of future adversity.

Ward of Loek: The god of deceit knows how to outsmart the enemy. Ability to dodge projectiles

Teclis skills

Potion of Charoy: the ability to sacrifice part of the magical power to strengthen the physical body.

Phoenix Flame: Teclis can summon a phoenix of pure flame that will turn that flame against the enemy, even without the need to use the winds of magic.

Order Master: As High Loremaster of Hoeth, Teclis is proficient in many ways to train mages and loremasters of wisdom.

Swords of Teclis: the sword crafted by Teclis has devastating power in hand-to-hand combat

Elven Apprentice: Not involved in petty squabbles with other races, Teclis can devote himself to research into building order.

Redirected focus: Teclis possesses an incredible level of concentration, allowing him to cast the most complex spells with minimal chance of failure.

Beginning of the game

So, I did it, I went through the game on the legend a few days before writing the guide, and on the questions of people - I realized that it is possible to write a guide and make life easier for those who will try to do this in the future.

So, I played for Tyrion and the method of 100+ attempts revealed some patterns, especially in the first moves. Here you won’t be able to sit back and play from the def, as in part 1. That's how it was easier there, to develop the province to the maximum and then with the top units, if you managed to get rid of it - quietly capture the map. Here you can forget about it, since there are a lot of opponents, often they really tear to pieces and, most importantly, the whirlwind will not let us sit still.

I played Tyrion. So how I chose my strategy in the early game was trial and error, but for me it was the most ideal start. We have a phoenix from the start, an eagle claw cannon and several infantry units. First, let's talk about how to fight. Some units in the second part of Total War have skills. For example, an eagle claw has two types of ammunition. For a long time I could not understand what this gun was until I saw the buttons above her portrait. By default, there are single charges, which are only relevant against armored units or against single ones. Against infantry, always switch to buckshot. And Phoenix, he also has a skill, which I did not immediately enter. Skill is a bomb for it to work properly - you don't need to attack with a phoenix, you need to fly over enemy units and hit the skill. When you point at it, a mark appears under the phoenix - where the bomb will fall. This is what you are guided by, taking into account that the bomb still needs to fly. Essentially a phoenix early stage the game helps a lot, because if you successfully play it, you can reduce it by at least a third on the approach of the enemy army, and some units can even take flight. Ideally, you need to start using the phoenix when the enemy bows have already begun to shoot at our front rows. At this moment, the enemy infantry is already moving in groups and one bomb can hit 2-3 units at once. Take care of the phoenix and the cannon. We play all the battles with handles, because on the auto-battle the phoenix will merge almost immediately. I developed the hero as shown in the screenshots below. First of all, I pumped the bottom band, the blue one, as much as possible. It helps a lot to save money, which is always not enough. But in fact, I built the build a little wrong, because it was necessary to take Elven healing in the bottom line and max it out, it helps a lot with both non-combat losses and replenishment of losses, because red cities practically do not give any recovery of troops without Elven healing. In the second part of the game, it became a little easier with skill points, since we now have 40 levels.

On the first turn, we go to Lothar and hire 3 spearmen, build the second level of the city. The excess cult army is heading north, we capture the Glimmering Tower, hire 3 archers. On the third turn, we go through Lothar to the Lisean Tower, stay in our territory, hire 1 spearman and 2 archers. The fourth move - we capture the Lisean Tower and carry the army of the Cult of Excesses (you will have to fight with pens here, and in the future with armies, auto-fights will only be relevant on dragons already). We hire one more spears and 2 archers. In total, we should have 19 units. More than enough to capture the capital of the Cult of Excess. We go towards Angerrial, we complete the move already on their territory. We are attacked by 2 incomplete armies, we easily carry them through. (do not forget to switch the eagle claw to buckshot and actively use the phoenix). They both retreat to the city of Angerrial. We are attacking an army that is standing near the city, and not in the city, so both the garrison and the second army will help it. We carry it again, it's not difficult. And we capture an almost empty city on an auto battle. By this time, we should already have built the 2nd level of the city and the 2nd level of the infantry. This is the standard start. These moves are always the same. After that, there may be some differences in the moves of the enemy, sometimes they already capture the provincial town of Angerrial - the Sanctuary of Assurian, sometimes not. In any case, our next target is Saphery. We go to the north and in the same way we carry Saphery to the end. If we don’t carry them through, they will declare war on us anyway, it’s better to carry them right away than to lose the Angerrial and fight with stronger troops a little later. As an option - before the start of the war - dismiss all spearmen and archers and replace them all with the Lothern Marine Guard. But you can carry it with spears with bows for now. Lothern Guard - Missile infantry with spears. Very powerful and good in close combat. In battle, we turn off their retreat and line up in 2 rows. On the approaches of the enemy, they significantly shoot the enemy, especially in a heap with the same claw and phoenix and collide in close combat, the second row fires constantly, but we also disable auto-retreat for him just in case. After we carry Saphery, we immediately go and capture Caledor. They also declare war on us anyway. Vaul's Anvil is especially important to us, and indeed the province as a whole. there are a couple of unique upgrades for dragons, lowering their cost and upkeep, which will help us a lot after the midgame. All but Saphery and Caledor hostile high elves do not remain with us. All the other high elves almost never declared war to me, and sooner or later I joined them in a confederation or carried them if they did not agree.

mid game

So, the beginning of the game is over for us, all the simplest things are also over. By this time, the Skellings began to attack our main allies - Yvresse very actively. Actually now the Skellings are our main target. Do not try to immediately go to the top units. For at least half of the game, I played a Lothernian sea guard with shields and goths. In the ratio of 1 hero, 14 units of the Lothern Guard (6 units of the front phalanx, 8 rear) and behind them are 5 eagle claws (do not forget about buckshot). 5 cannons of the eagle claw are able to thin out the enemy infantry quite significantly even before the collision, and on the approaches of 14 detachments of the Lothern sea guard, they shoot the enemy so that at best a third of the enemy reaches the skirmish.

Actually the Skellings. They themselves are very weak, by the time of the attack on them we should have at least 2, or even 3 full-fledged armies. We especially track down heroes who have discounts on the types of troops we need, initially I had 4 heroes (including the main one) with a discount on the maintenance of the Lothern Guard. As a matter of fact, these armies, especially on the defensive, will be relevant until the very late, until they start appearing in enemies with 5+ dragons in armies or their analogues in other races. In general, we carry them through without difficulty, 2 armies will be enough for us to do it quickly. Especially when coming from different angles. I sent one army across the eastern coast of the island, and drove the second army across the north. Skellings occupy the entire northeast of the map. In fact, there are few of their cities there, but they very quickly capture part of your island with a whirlwind with a large number of armies, carrying several elven races. In general, they even help us in some way, after their invasion and after we quickly carry everything with 2 armies - at least half of the island is ours. The main thing is to keep public order so that there are no unpleasant surprises, you can turn off taxes for a while - they increase the growth of unrest. I would have captured the island of the Pirates of Sartosa along the way, those other creatures. Always attacking, trying to make peace. Yes, and the achievement for their island is given.

And then the mid game starts. Actually, by this time, it's time for us to line up dragons and buy out heroes with the Dragon Will feature (-30% for dragon upkeep). If our island is not all ours yet - you need to attach whoever you can, or capture by force, on our island in different cities there are a lot of useful buildings, achievements and other useful things. There is no special strategy here, because the map is full of chaos. The most important thing is that in the end we cannot allow it - the last stage of the ritual is with the enemies, it takes 20 moves. I did not let anyone do the penultimate one just in case. That is, by the time of the penultimate ritual - you should already have at least 4 armies with dragons. Usually, by the time of the penultimate ritual of the Whirlwind, only 2 enemy races remained. Most often it was the Cult of Pleasure and the Last Bastion. But anything happened in the game, you need to be ready for anything. In general, we send 2 armies to the eastern large continent, and 2 armies to the southern island. And we regularly interfere with the enemies to carry out the ritual. do not forget that now we can capture any city, but not all of them are favorable for us. Cities are divided into three types for each race, green, orange and red.

The red ones are the most difficult to master, there are the biggest unrest, the construction is the slowest. In new regions, I always built up entertainment buildings to the maximum, as they increased public order and brought income.

And often he froze the heroes for a certain number of moves, until public order returned to normal at least a little. Do not forget about the rituals, one of them also helps to maintain public order.

In general, in the mid-game our main task is not to capture the entire map, with 3-5 armies this will not work, most likely, you will be surprised at the number strong armies, which the enemy rivets. And in what different places he constantly tries to attack, run all over the map from you and annoy you in any way. So far, our task is simply to disrupt the rituals of the surviving races and eat the enemy territory bit by bit. As soon as our income grows to the full content of at least 6 armies with dragons, we can already begin a full-fledged offensive. And move on to the winning late game.

In general, everything is already easy in Late Game. I started to carry the whole map with 6 full-fledged armies with dragons, in the end I already had 9 of them. If you have reached this stage, you can easily handle it yourself.

General recommendations.
Diplomacy, keep an eye on this, especially in the early phases of the game, try to make trade agreements as much as possible. Until the mid-game - this will be one of the main sources of income. From this it follows that we track unique and resource buildings in each city and rebuild them.
You are constantly gaining influence in one way or another. Often there are situations where you are invited to either receive it or spend it on something. I recommend spending it exclusively on top lords, who give discounts to the maintenance of the necessary types of troops. Basically, they cost 60 influence in addition to money. Occasionally, I've spent Influence to increase public order for an entire race to avoid rebellions. He took several heroes of the Royal Advisor, who increased the tax rate and the Priestess of Isha, who completely protects the lord and army from non-combat losses. Actually everything. But the main thing is the heroes, with a discount on the maintenance of dragons. I tracked them in the mid-game and bought them all the time, it greatly reduces the cost of maintaining the army.
Start the development of the lords from the bottom line, this helps more than pumping the lord as a combat unit. We pump secondary and necessary lords in the same way. And do not forget to take Immortality at level 20, so that in the event of a defeat or murder by a hero, the lord does not disappear and can be restored. And do not forget that in the army with dragons we cannot put the lord on flying units, we leave him on horseback.
It makes sense to go through all significant battles on the legend only manually, often you pull out obviously losing battles, even the usual Lothern guard against dragons. But with the advent of dragons, this is partly not the case. Since dragons also have a skill that is very powerful and useful, but it is often useless to use 2 or more dragons on the same unit - you do not have time to clearly play each unit in microcontrol without a pause, especially considering that the cooldown for dragon breath is not great . Therefore, with the advent of dragons, I often played auto-battle. Especially 1x1. When there are a lot of armies - I played manually. First, he took out the enemy’s rifle units with his breath, and then, as a hero on a horse, kited non-shooting units, flew dragons and burned everything and everything. When the breaths ended, he already finished off the remnants with dragons. Minimization of losses and gain. True, the more shooters the enemy has, the more difficult it is. One more moment. While I fought with the Lothern Marine Guard and attacked cities with walls - I didn’t build towers and rams, I attacked manually, my hero was already on a dragon, I put up an army at some angle of the wall, away from the gates and enemy towers, flew like a dragon on the attack, and led the guards under the walls and simply shot the enemies of the guards and claws on the walls. In such tactics, the hero will not interfere with the artifact to restore health in battle.
I think it's obvious to everyone that initially we make those improvements that help the current armies. Believe me, the Lothern Sea Guard with all the upgrades works wonders.
Personally, I scored after him. The more cities - the more variations in which of them the ritual will be involved, respectively, a lot of running around the armies of chaos that appear somewhere and climb on you, plus the called-up armies, so I refused it and won by destroying all races.

Well, that seems to be all. What I described is my personal experience and the way of passing on the legend. I am sure that someone may go through a completely different scenario, but I hope my guide will help you in some way, you will learn something new and it will become a little easier for you to play this game. Moreover, part of what is described is suitable for all races. Good luck with this amazing game :)

SA introduced the line of High Elf units in Total War: WARHAMMER 2 (II).

Few things look more magnificent than an army of high elves. Close ranks of white-clad warriors march across the battlefield alongside proud knights, mighty mages and ancient legendary creatures. The High Elves are an elite force that, warrior against warrior, is capable of surpassing almost any other race in the world of Warhammer.

Over the long millennia of their existence, they have honed every fighting style - whether you're looking for phalanxes of spears, unstoppable horsemen, well-aimed archers or peerless charioteers, you'll find them here.


Players choosing High Elves will be able to choose from the following Legendary Lords to play their Grand Campaign with:


Prince Tyrion is the greatest elven warrior alive today. Such is his prowess and intelligence that the bards of Ulthuan sing that he is the new incarnation of Aenarion, and many, even outside the island, believe this. Ever since Tyrion began his meteoric rise to glory, many have said that he is destined to lead the elves to a brighter future, and that he will one day wear the Phoenix Crown. But if Tyrion knows about these rumors, he does not pay attention to them, keeping unwavering loyalty to Finubar, and caring only for the safety of Ulthuan and the Eternal Queen, whom he is ordered to protect not so much by his duty as by his heart, because for many years he remains a favorite Alariel.

Tyrion is undeniably one of the greatest warriors, but as much as he is on the battlefield, he is just as weak in politics. And although he does not hide his thoughts and seeks the truth where others see only the intricacies of lies, his honorable pedigree will allow him to leave behind the nobles who consider themselves skillful intriguers for a long time to come. After all, no one wants to fight the warrior who expelled N'Kari from the Phoenix Sanctuary, who killed Urian Bladepoison on the Finuval Plain, after all.


Teclis is Tyrion's twin brother, but it's hard to find two other brothers that are more different. And if the curse of Aenarion had not yet left a clear imprint on Tyrion, it made his brother sickly and stinging. Teclis's feeble body is supported only by magical elixirs. And although he is inferior to Tyrion in everything, no one who has seen him will call Teclis the weaker of the twins - just a completely different fate awaits him. Teclis was endowed with a magical ability that surpassed not only those of Ulthuan, but of the rest of the world. Though few in Naggaroth speak of it, even the Sorcerer King himself acknowledged Teclis's superiority, and after the Battle of Finuval Plain took care not to openly confront his young blood brother. It is even claimed that Teclis is almost as powerful as the Great Necromancer Nagash, but, fortunately for the Old World, he devoted his life to fighting the forces of death and Chaos.

The twins' views on strategy are just as different. If Tyrion sees his main task protection of Ulthuan, Teclis seeks to preserve the rest of the world. It was these views that made him help Magnus the Pious during great war against Chaos and after that establish Colleges of Magic in the empire. Since then, Teclis has traveled to many lands, sharing his wisdom with those in need and using his magic to hold back the dark hosts of Chaos. Therefore, the legends of Teclis will be remembered long after the heroes of the sword are forgotten, for his actions that not only decide the outcome of a battle or campaign, but shape the very shape of the future world.



Legendary melee lord
Mount: On foot, Malandir (Elven Steed)

Legendary Lord Mage
Mount: On foot, Armored Itilmar Steed

Lord of the Melee
Mounts: On foot, Armored Ithilmar Steed, Great Eagle, Sun Dragon, Star Dragon

Ranged Lord
Mounts: Foot, Elven Steed, Great Eagle, Moon Dragon, Star Dragon


melee hero

Hero Mage
Mounts: On foot, Armored Ithilmar Steed, Ithilmar Chariot, Great Eagle

Hero Mage
Loremaster of Hoeth
Transport: On foot

Melee Infantry

Great Gate Guard (only available in the campaign as Ulthuan's Gate garrison)
White Lions of Chrace
Sword Masters of Hoeth
Phoenix Guard

Ranged infantry:

Archers with light armor
Sea Guard of Lothern
Lothern Seaguard with Shields

Melee Cavalry:

Ellyrian Raiders
Ellyrian Bow Raiders
Silver Helmets
Silver helmets with shields
Dragon Princes of Caledor


Tiranoc Chariot (Ranged)
Ithilmar Chariot

combat vehicles

Arrow thrower "Eagle Claw"


great eagle
Burning Spire Phoenix
frosty phoenix
solar dragon
moon dragon
star dragon

Total War: Warhammer 2 High Elves

Elves are strong with their arrows... not surprised? In general, this is indeed a banality, then let's say that it is more interesting.

Elves are strong Marines. Their main strength is versatility. The ability to shoot allows them to strongly order the enemy ranks, which in general will not surprise you either. Then we will tell you something that will not be clear to you from a simple description.

Advice: every time you take your army to the battlefield, remove the attrition tactics from the marines. A spearman who, standing on a hill, would rather run away from a busy height, is practically useless. Often there are cases when, forgetting about this simple button, infantrymen scatter when the enemy approaches. This simple maneuver can ruin all tactical superiority on the battlefield.

In combat, you can perform the following feint:

You can divide the troops into two or even 3 camps. The front should be deeper than the flanks, and they, in turn, should be deployed so as to be able to fire on the entire territory up to the fighters on the other side.

In this case, various options for the enemy's actions are possible:

1. Attack of the main forces in the center.

In this case, you can attack the enemy with arrows along the flank or even go to the rear. There is no need for the flanks to engage in close combat, the arrows will do their job.

2. Attack of the main forces on the flank.

By maneuvering, you can turn the flank and center so that the enemy is in a vice.

3. Attack distributed throughout the army.

After protecting the shooters (who should stay behind the marines), you can open fire on enemies attacking the flanks. Thus archers on the right flank will be able to shoot infantry attacking the left flank and vice versa. Archers in the center will be able to choose their target.

Advice: Don't forget that the target you choose for archers is likely to be more worthy than their own choice. It makes sense to tell the archers to "hold position" so they won't chase the enemy, but they won't turn around to fire.

Archer armies are good because the enemy will not want to wait for a shower of arrows and will attack. If the enemy decides to take a defensive position before the enemy approaches within range, you can provoke him to attack if you fire artillery.

You can, of course, recruit an all-Marine army and they will be very effective, but why pay more?

The fact is that, no matter how effective spear archers with shields and good armor are, not all of them will participate in close combat. Why? It's hard to melee all 20 units. Some of the soldiers will still stand in the rear, and fire through their own forces is fraught with falling into the allies. Why pay for additional equipment for close combat fighters if they will not participate in it?

Let's explain for one financial benefit. Units of pure archers will not affect the effectiveness of our army, but it will become cheaper. The benefit will be 118 coins against 172 (perhaps this figure includes factors that reduce the cost of maintenance, but the ratio remains the same).

The ratio can be 12 to 6, the main thing is to keep the archers behind the spearmen, but if there are fewer pure archers, it will be easier to protect them and cover the flanks.

We note right away that archers in additional armor will be more effective for battles, since at a low additional cost they will be more reliably protected.

The strength of the elves will be quite worthy, even if you make up an army entirely of marines. Additional squads will allow for some variety of tactics, but the ability to shoot for spearmen is powerful enough to use shooting as a substitute for these feints.

For all their versatility, the marines have low armor penetration, which is unpleasant in battle with heavy troops or monsters, so it would be beneficial to equip the army with a couple of armor-piercing units.

The strength of the elves - sea ​​guard, is also considered its weak side. They are effective in skirmishing and repelling cavalry, but melee infantry will gladly face them off... and win 1 to 1... if you don't take the high ground.

Monsters (dragons) are effective at undermining enemy morale and damage inflicted both in combat and abilities, so having at least one with you is quite useful.

Alternatively, you can use two heroes on the battlefield: a magician and a swordsman. The benefit of the magician is based on his ability to cast spells, and the swordsman is able to noticeably order the enemy's forces, or engage in battle with monsters - generals. Having a mage on the battlefield is very useful, otherwise you will not be able to cast spells, which is what the game mechanics are pushing for.


Influence allows elves to recruit very capable leaders and heroes, so it makes sense to make concessions to earn influence.

The abilities of the leaders can affect both the combat abilities of the army and the cost of its maintenance, etc. Some even have special strengthening spells.

Elf spellcasters (mages)

Magicians among the elves are represented by three schools: higher magic, life and light. In addition to the impact on the battlefield, on the territory of the province, magicians can also improve the chance to acquire magic items.

magicians of light especially effective against the undead. They give their army the Exorcism ability, worth 8. lowering the discipline of the enemy on the entire battlefield.

The spell "Network of Amintok" stops the enemy, who fell under its effect. This is the only spell that can stop the enemy entirely. Since your army will almost certainly consist of a large number of archers, they will be happy to shoot frozen enemies.

Light magicians are able to inflict damage both on groups of enemies and on individual units.

Support for fighters is represented by several spells, mainly focused on defense.

A life represented mainly by healing spells, interrupted by several defensive ones, one of which increases the target's damage, and a single area of ​​effect damage. There is no damage against a specific target in this school.

The meaning of choosing a magician from this school, as you might guess, is in treatment. An army that is worth adding such a mage is worth having strong warriors, which can be launched into battle and healed without the risk of their premature death from falling from a height of their own height. Monsters for example.

High mages have a buff that increases damage resistance to all fighters in their own army.

The damage ability is represented by several spells against groups, with one particularly effective against flying units and one against champions. Arcane Rift, in addition to damage, slows down the recovery of enemy abilities. The “higher ones” also have a healing spell in their stock. The effect on allies is expressed in faster reloading and improved melee attack, which makes it especially effective in assisting the sea guard.

Summing up the abilities of magicians, you can try to determine their specialization. Magicians of light by their mere presence increase the chances in the fight against the undead.

High magic improves the chances in the fight against opponents who like to use flying units. Their ability to increase defense is beneficial to any army, and the reload speed spell will improve the effectiveness of archers... or mounted archers, as further levels of the spell improve speed.

Life Mages, as already mentioned, increase the survivability of your strong fighters ... however, they can delay the approach of enemy troops. They will also help you survive the onslaught of enemy cavalry if you take time to heal - just before the attack.

Keepers of Hoeth

Special attention is given to the guardians of Hoet. They are also useful for any army, because they train it in their free time, and have good spells, and they don’t mind waving a sword. A jack-of-all-trades... though their choice of spells is limited.

Guardian spells are universal for any combat, as they have all types of effects. Pilots have one shock spell for the group and the hero, as well as one healing and two buffs. In addition to their spells, they have a passive ability that improves damage through armor. Otherwise, they are good swordsmen.

The similar versatility of these heroes allows them to be used on the battlefield as both a fighter and a mage, allowing you to hire a dragon instead of a mage.

The most noticeable minus of the keepers is that they cannot drive vehicles, and, accordingly, greatly improve their own characteristics at their expense.


Fencers and fighters in their purest form. They are special purpose melee fighters. Their swords, capable of penetrating any armor, will come in handy when the arrows are not effective.

In addition to their use in battle, nobles improve the influence and trading efficiency of their overlord.

Other squads

great eagle can be effective at first, since the conditions for its acquisition are not so high. It can be used to fight a group of troops, and enemy monsters, and heroes.

White Lions of Chrace especially effective in forests. They do a good job with the heavy infantry of the enemy, so they can be used as special forces.

Phoenix Guardians resemble improved white lions with the ability to fight large opponents. They are also protected from onslaught, which means they are effective for protecting the flanks from cavalry.

sword masters effective against enemy infantry, including heavy ones. Their ability to protect against arrows allows them to be placed on the front lines with greater determination.

dragons differ from each other in various indicators, one is a little faster than their counterparts, others are larger and hit harder. In principle, their use on the battlefield is almost the same. The flame ability deals heavy damage to enemy units.

ice phoenixes, in addition to improving protection, provide negative influence on enemy attack ability and reduces damage through armor by 10%.

fiery phoenixes curious about their ability, which resemble bombers. They send out a whirlwind that deals damage underneath. The amount of ammo per battle is 10.

All phoenixes increase damage resistance of allied troops.


The use of elven cavalry is quite common and not original. Note that with shields, warriors are more resistant to arrows. Princes are dragons powerful in their onslaught and protected by strong armor.

Artillery elves is not so remarkable as to be told about it additionally.

high elves

High Elf Features

High Elves (or Asuras) live on the rounded paradise island of Ulthuan, where they practice magic and gossip about who loves whom. At the center of this hideout is the not-so-blissful Great Vortex that each faction attempts to take over for one purpose or another.

This is done through rituals (ceremonies), which promote storyline each of them. To do this, the High Elves need special "travel fragments" that you will collect by completing missions and upgrading your settlements through the chain of main buildings (moving from an elven village to a city, etc.).

One of the best sources of resources for rituals are unique places where settlements are formed, each turn generating a large number of fragments. They are designated as such (glowing symbol of fragments). If you see such a settlement, then make sure you conquer it.

The "ace in the hole" of the High Elves can be called influence, which you increase by choosing answers to questions in pop-up dialog boxes. This influence is used to change the relationship between any two factions.

This can save precious trade deals or turn two other factions against each other, for example, while you muster an army to stab one of them in the back. You can also spend influence to recruit lords and heroes with special stats. For example, for 40 Influence I was able to get a mage that reduced local building costs by 30%. I never even sent him into battle. What for? It also brings great benefits to the capital!

Another feature of the High Elves is espionage, which allows you to see what your trading partners are doing.

And here is an example. By using influence to raise relations with the Bretons in the Southlands, you can make a cascade of trade deals with them and explore almost half of the continent without leaving Ulthuan.

Also of note is the High Elven Embassy building, which gives the faction a bonus to income from trade agreements. Make sure you produce every available resource and can actively trade them. Keep your trusted partner rating at the highest level to have the highest chance of success in diplomacy.

Climate is one of the new, interesting features in Total Warhammer 2. Although the world's climate is stable, each faction has its own preferences. It is technically possible to settle in any region, but if you locate where your people are uncomfortable, you will incur penalties to the time of construction and training of troops, public order, population growth and income.

These penalties become especially severe if you settle in a place that is uninhabitable. Asuras who like to be in the frozen regions and islands with a temperate climate do not use mountains, magical forests, jungles and will receive the highest penalties in the wastelands of Chaos, deserts and ordinary wastelands.

The unique position of the High Elf army is the blessing of Lilith, which, although slowing down the movement on the campaign map, increases many other parameters, including the amount of Wind for using magic (by 15%). Therefore, if you have a mage or Teclis in your army, then this blessing should be used just before entering the battle.

High Elf Technology

The High Elf technology tree is divided into two branches - military and trade. But those category names are a little misleading, as you'll find some useful military techs in the same trade development (such as Great Weapons, which increases weapon power by 5% for some elite infantry). However, for the most part, success in trade is due to the growth of the empire. The last level has some useful research gems, such as Sea Empire, which grants visibility to coastal areas around the world. Or "Quick Resettlement", which reduces the cost of building buildings in reclaimed settlements by 15%.

Military technologies are divided into four phases, each of which can be unlocked after the construction of certain buildings. Early in the game, it's wise to focus on technologies that complement each other and pair with the Supers of certain units. You won't have to fight a variety of armies here, so you don't have to worry too much about diversifying yours (or getting stronger units). For example, in Tyrion's campaign, Fire Phoenix and Eagle Talon will help you in these stages.

An example is indispensable! Take the "Wall of Spears" and "Naval Discipline". In addition to the effects that the technologies themselves provide, you will receive a 10% bonus to the strength of the Lothern Sea Guard, as well as five units to leadership and defense. While technically you don't have better ranged archer units, the Marines are one of the few ranged units that are also strong in close combat. They are almost as good as your dedicated archers, so we suggest getting access to them as soon as possible, focusing on technologies that will improve them. I am sure that with the sea guard you can win even in the later stages of the game.

Legendary High Elf Lords

The High Elves offer you the choice between two leaders for two different campaigns - the Order of the Lorekeepers and Lothern. You will control one of the twin brothers, Tyrion or Teclis, who are the descendants of the legendary Phoenix King and Chaos slayer Aenarion. The pair have opposing views on how to defend the Great Vortex and the elven capital of Lothern from the Dark Elves.

Tyrion is a practical warrior who gains abilities related to fighting, campaigning and commanding an army, while Teclis deals with magic. It can learn dozens of spells, allowing you to use various combinations such as Amintok's Web and Kasandora's Comet. Try it - it's real destructive force! He also gains a +10 relationship boost with High Elves and Humans.

Prince Tyrion's campaign shows the defense of the High Elf homeland. This is one of the easiest campaigns in which you don't experience the difficulty of managing an empire in the early stages of the game, and the factions around you offer a lot of opportunities to form confederations. With that said, the various factions of the High Elves do not sit around the same table discussing their main opponent. Unfortunately, the race is fragmented into several parts, and if you do not manage them correctly, you may even be able to civil war.

Teclis, despite being worn down by Aenarion's curse, is an adventurer. He spreads the magic word throughout the empire and fights the evil that has enveloped the country. This not an easy task, so expect a rougher campaign than with Tyrion. The campaign begins in the Turtle Islands on the west coast of Lustria and throws you into an almost instantaneous conflict between lizardfolk and dark elves. And here is one of best advice- try to get to the settlement of Tlaxtlan as soon as possible, where resources for rituals are produced. This way you can start getting precious fragments as soon as possible to continue chasing the Great Vortex.

High Elf Combat Tactics

The High Elves are a disciplined, flexible army with a good balance of infantry, cavalry and some impressive air units.

Spearmen are the earliest units you will have access to. And this is not a bad option to start the game, since these guys have some of the best defensive stats among the first level units. It is also worth unlocking long-range archers as soon as possible to get the classic composition of the army - spearmen in front, archers in the back.

An excellent second-tier unit is the Ellyrian Rogues. This shock cavalry has an additional Forward Deployment bonus, which means that at the start of battles you can place them anywhere on the field outside of the enemy's deployment zone. Hide them in the forest while the enemy marches in the direction of the main army, and then, when the battle begins, attack the enemy from the flank or from the rear.

Even more serious units will appear later. Dragon Princes are arguably the best shock cavalry in the game, while there is a very dangerous trio of infantry units - Swordmasters, White Lions and Phoenix Guards. Swordmasters are devastating troops that target enemy infantry, White Lions are mobile hunters with great ranged defense, Phoenix Guards are powerful "tanks" capable of taking down large units and one of the best infantry units in the entire game.

High Elf Phoenixes

One of the most powerful tactical advantages of the High Elves is the presence of flying units, which include great eagles, dragons and phoenixes. You will simultaneously unlock the fire and ice phoenixes, and with their help you can cause panic in the line of infantry and cavalry before they are completely demoralized by your melee troops. Unleash ice attacks on enemies with Ice Phoenixes to slow them down, then attack with Fire Phoenix while they are vulnerable.

The trade-off for all of this is that High Elves only get one artillery mount and have no ground monsters, so they can't strike fear and confusion into enemy units. This is a discerning choice for those who believe that war should be fought "in style" and that troops should be equipped in luxurious outfits and winged helmets.


Lizardmen Strategy

At the beginning of the game, it is desirable to complete active quests. Before you begin to replenish your treasury through trade, take possession of provinces and use the geomantic network. Most of the income will come from completed quests, which provide a decent financial boost to fortify towns and armies.

Another benefit of doing quests is that you get special items that are the lizardfolk's resource for completing the five great rituals that each faction must perform. These rituals feed energy from the Great Vortex located in the center of the game map, which gives the people certain boosts. Considering that the original purpose of the Vortex was to contain the forces of Chaos and evil, such actions inevitably lead to complications ...

When you begin the ritual, an energy connection will be formed between the Whirlwind and your three cities. Because of this, during the rituals, the Whirlwind weakens, which is why the forces of Chaos break into our world and attack those settlements in which the rituals take place. You need to be ready for this! Also, the energy beams from the ritual will be visible to the rest of the factions, who will immediately try to interrupt it.

If you're playing as Mazdamundi, then the most important early quest you should be aiming for is "Mirror, Mirror". As part of the task, you need to capture the "mirror pool" of Tepok, recapturing it from the Dark Elves. This place will bring you resources for rituals (every turn).

There is another similar place that generates resources - Tlaxtlan, south of the isthmus, which belongs to one of the lizardfolk tribes. You can go two ways - try to form a confederation by forging relations with a faction of your race, or resort to force capture.

Now where you can build and live is affected by the regional climate. Technically, you can capture any settlement, but not everywhere your people will be happy. The discontent of the people will lead to a decrease in the speed of construction, etc. Jungles, savannahs, and deserts are best suited for lizardmen. They receive the heaviest penalties (to public order, population growth, and income) for attempting to settle in the common and Chaos wastelands, as well as on icy lands. All other territories are simply “unpleasant” for them, which leads to insignificant fines. In short, just think about where you can see lizards in real life, and everything will become clear.

Geomantic Network and Lizardmen Technology Tree

One of the prominent mechanics of the lizardfolk is the geomantic net. It's a kind of network magical power, which stretches between metropolitan provinces around the world. The stronger your network, the more effective the edicts you issue, which, like in other games in the Total War series, offer your people provincial bonuses (less often, boosts for the entire empire).

Lizardmen get a set of edicts of their own, but not only can they be enhanced through the Geomantic Network. But, as a rule, they will be more powerful. Depending on the level, the issued edict for production will give an incentive to increase income, population and public order. An order-related edict will let you learn about the actions of enemy heroes, increase siege times, and can remove corruption and disease. Edicts of War give a bonus to the strength of the Winds of Magic, increase the strength and leadership of the local army, and reduce the cost of a set.

The strength of the geomantic network depends on several factors. First of all, in order for the network to operate at maximum strength, it must be connected to cities of equal or greater geomantic strength. To strengthen the network, you need to build geomantic pylons, and later - other buildings in those cities that are connected to the Network. A nice bonus is that these structures also increase the amount of gold produced. In turn, this gives the lizardmen a chance to become the best faction economically. If a neighboring settlement is held by another faction, then the strength of its geomantic network is determined by your relationship with them - the better the relationship, the stronger the network.

Settlements you control that are not directly connected to the geomantic network can benefit from these connections by creating special constructs. They can be built at the second and third levels, and also increase the gold income in the provinces.

Each army on the campaign map can take one of several positions, including "march", which speeds them up (but makes them more vulnerable), and ambush, which allows them to surprise enemies moving through the region. However, lizardfolk have their own unique position. It increases your chances of intercepting units moving underground, reduces your chances of being ambushed, and increases your visibility. In this position, some units also get the Forward Deployment ability, which means that at the start of the battle you can deploy them anywhere (outside the enemy's deployment zone).

Each faction has a unique technology tree. Lizardmen have eight technological chains, each of which is unlocked by building certain buildings. But they also have two unique tech chains - one halfway through the entire tree and one at the end. You will open them when building mid-level buildings. Unlocking these special technology chains will not only grant you access to fantastic new technologies, but will also allow you to take advantage of ongoing public order bonuses. This is very useful, because almost any people living in the world of Warhammer are not too happy with the fact that they are on the brink of war.

There is no perfect way to progress through the technology tree - it all depends on what priority goals you have at a particular moment. Want to power up your skinks? Go down their technological chain. Want to focus on population growth and industry? Then you are interested in a completely different chain.

Legendary Lizardmen Lords

You can choose between two leaders in the campaign. Mage-Priest Mazdamundi and Grand Warlord Krok-gar are available. While Mazdamundi is responsible for protecting the rainforests in Lustria and finding resources to perform the rituals, Kroq-gar travels to the outlying regions of Arabia, a land infested by ratmen. In the Krok-Gar Campaign, you will have many bonuses related to battles. If you would like to spend time enjoying the game without worrying too much about anything, then it is recommended to choose Mazdamundi.

In battles, Mazdamundi is a ranged caster. It is best surrounded by one or two strong units (for additional protection). Looking at your skill tree, you will find an abundance of spells. There are also healing skills, as well as those that are aimed at destroying cities and destroying several units at once. "Network Amintok" and "Comet" should still be a favorite combination for any magician.

Krok-Gar, meanwhile, doesn't use spells like Mazdamundi does, but his skills include passive army bonuses, combat buffs against enemy units, powerful weapon etc. In fact, there is still one magic spell - the “Hand of the Gods”. It sends a focused death ray at a single target. Great for destroying enemy heroes and large units.

Both leaders have access to four unique lizardfolk rites that you will unlock as you progress through the campaign (e.g. win the first battle using an ambush, create a star chamber, etc.). Fans of good defense can try out the Rite of Sotek, which causes the forces of the jungle to resist incursions, causing attrition. You can never go wrong if you choose the Rite of Primal Glory, which will put powerful monsters at your disposal. Raptors can be summoned three times per batch.

Lizardmen Fighting Tips

Given their unconventional origins, lizardfolk are remarkably balanced and militarily strong. They are unshakable in battle - it will take a lot of effort to force them to leave the battlefield. The benefits of this are obvious, but the downside is that you will need to tell them yourself when to leave a potentially lost battle.

To equalize the morale of the lizardmen, the developers made them prone to impulsive behavior - they can go berserk and act reckless in battle. Monsters can feverishly begin to stomp not only opponents, but also allies. Saurus Warriors are some of the best mid-level infantry in the game. They have a huge supply of HP and high weapon damage. Armor, melee attacks and defense are more mediocre stats. They also have no armor piercing damage.

Lizardmen Artillery is unique in that their Bastiladon and Stegadon can also engage in regular combat.