A new cadet engineering school for gifted children has opened in Voronezh. Air Force Academy

The cadet corps, also known as an engineering school, opened at the Air Force Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin on September 1, 2015. A class of 29 boys was recruited, having completed 9 classes of ordinary schools and having a penchant for mathematics, physics and computer science. Before entering the cadet corps, the guys lived mainly in Voronezh and the Voronezh region, but there are students from other regions - Rostov, Belgorod, Lipetsk regions and the Republic of Crimea. Four students of the engineering school are from military families.

Head of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin” Gennady Zibrov and the head of the engineering school Vladimir Shevchuk showed the head of the region the main premises of the new building: classrooms, including those equipped with specialized equipment, a medical unit, a canteen, a library and a residential floor. The engineering school is designed for 80 students - 40 people each in the 10th and 11th grades, if we draw an analogy with general education. But this year, one 10th grade was recruited, since the cadet corps had just begun its activities. On the next year, when today's students move on to the next course, another class will be recruited. This year there were a lot of applicants, but only 29 people who showed a sufficient level of knowledge passed the competitive selection. Basically, cadets live at school, in rooms for two, and on weekends they either get a leave of absence home, or spend time with classmates and educator officers, attending various excursions within the region.

Gennady Zibrov noted that the four-story building of the cadet corps was built in just five months, while the quality of work and decoration did not cause any comments. The technical content of the classrooms is also at a high level. The governor entered the specialized class of optics and radio electronics and the class of mechanics and unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft, where the cadets demonstrated the knowledge they have mastered since the beginning of the school year.

By the end of 2015, four more specialized classrooms will be equipped to train students in specialized disciplines - the design of aircraft and aircraft engines, radio-electronic technologies.

This is a unique institution of general education. Three of these have been created in the country with the assistance of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. We can say that this is a target set of guys who want to become military. Talented, active, prepared people are accepted here, and it is important for us that today 70 percent of students are Voronezh boys. Children and their parents can pay attention to this institution and prepare already in the primary grades in order to enter and get a good education here, and not only in terms of knowledge, but also good physical training, moral education, that is, to get a full-fledged citizen, - Alexei emphasized Gordeev.

He especially noted the energy, optimism of the students and the fact that they like to study at the engineering school, that they responsibly approached the choice of their future profession.

We are glad that such an institution has appeared. Our Air Force Academy is the largest military university that solves many military tasks. Such an integrated multidisciplinary approach is not only prestigious and important for the development of the defense capability of the country's Armed Forces, but also sets a high level of education in the Voronezh region as a whole. One can only thank the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the head of the academy and be equal to what is being done here,” the governor said.

The four-storey building, where the cadets will study and live, has just been commissioned. On the plate with the coat of arms of Russia it is indicated: "Construction period 03/16/2015 - 08/30/2015". The brand new building has an ultra-modern "stuffing": classes and laboratories equipped with the latest technology, a gym, a library, and comfortable living quarters.
The preparation of students will be carried out according to the program of 10-11 grades with additional training courses developed taking into account the military-professional orientation of education. Pupils of the school will have to master mechanics, aerodynamics, nanoelectronics and more. The cadets will learn the design of complex mechanisms using 3D screens, and ten unmanned aerial vehicles will help them learn the basics of aviation technical systems.
Training equipment tested by myself Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation Viktor Bondarev who inaugurated the school. According to him, in the future, similar educational institutions will be created in Siberia and the Far East. In this case, the experience gained in Voronezh will be taken into account. Head of VUNC Air Force "VVA" Gennady Zibrov for his part, he emphasized: “The school was created so that gifted children study here, who in the future will become cadets of the academy, receive engineering diplomas and advance military science, create new models of military equipment.”

The custom comes from post-war Stalingrad
On September 1, a solemn formation dedicated to the Day of Knowledge took place on the parade ground of the Air Force Academy. According to the special custom of the university, the start of the new academic year was given by striking the bell, which is a relic of the educational institution. It was found in 1949, in the war-torn Stalingrad. At that time, the Military Aerodrome Technical School of the Air Force was created here, which is considered the "progenitor" of the current academy. In 1950, when the school opened, the tocsin of the same bell sounded instead of the symbolic first bell. Since then, it has been an annual tradition associated with September 1st.

Branches will remain at the academy for the time being
In August 2015, the Krasnodar branch of the VUNTS VVS VVA became an independent university. The decision to reorganize was made by the Russian government. At the same time, it became known that it was possible to separate two other branches - Syzran and Chelyabinsk, and in the near future. However, according to the head of the academy, no structural changes are expected in the academy during this year. “Now the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation adheres to such a position - until the branches reach a high level of scientific potential, highly qualified teaching staff, their educational and material base will not be brought to perfection, independence will not be given to them, ”gennady Zibrov explained. At the same time, he clarified that the Chelyabinsk branch is already close to the standard required to give educational institution independent status. As for Syzran, work in this direction has only just begun. Gennady Vasilyevich also emphasized: “Even if the branches are withdrawn from the Academy, we will still work closely to improve the quality of education.”

The first cadet school of aviation engineers in Russia was opened at the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin in Voronezh in 2015. There are two such cadet corps only in St. Petersburg - at the Military Academy of Communications and the Military Institute of Physical Education. The correspondent of RIA Voronezh visited the unique school and saw how the cadets who passed the rigorous selection process live and study.

Why do we need a cadet corps?

For the same as the final classes of any school - the completion of a complete general education and preparation for entering universities. The main difference between the cadet school is that only boys who have graduated from the 9th grade of a general education school, have an inclination towards engineering sciences and are well aware of mathematics, physics and computer science are taken here. Corps graduates will not have any advantages over other applicants (including the Air Force Academy itself), except for enhanced engineering training - it can also come in handy when entering civilian universities and institutes.

Photo - press center of the government of the Voronezh region

What is this preparation?

Education of pupils of the cadet school is carried out according to the programs of secondary general education for grades 10 and 11, but with integrated programs aimed at developing creative abilities and shaping the scientific interests of gifted children. To involve them in research activities, taking into account the military professional orientation, once a week the guys go to classes at the faculties that exist at the Air Force Academy.

How to enter the cadet corps?

Upon admission, the children had to pass exams in general education subjects, and pass physical training tests, medical examinations, and professional selection.

During the first recruitment of future cadets, the competition for admission to an engineering school was 2 people per place. With a recruitment plan of 40 people, only 29 were able to enter - the selection of candidates was so tough.

We did not pursue the figure of 40 people, but recruited exactly those children with whom it was really possible to work. Here we are striding forward very widely, we cannot delay and wait for those who are lagging behind to catch up,
Vladimir Shevchuk

head of the cadet corps

A gifted student from any region can become a cadet of an engineering school. The first enrollment in the cadet corps included children from Voronezh and the Voronezh region, Rostov, Belgorod and Lipetsk regions and the Republic of Crimea.

How is a building different from a school?

Teachers in general education disciplines also passed the strictest selection. All of them are the best teachers of the Voronezh schools, having passed the competition from 8 to 20 people for a place, depending on the discipline. Classes in military specialties are conducted by senior officers of the academy.

Photo - press center of the government of the Voronezh region

In addition to the mandatory classrooms in the subjects of the basic cycle of the federal component in cadet corps In addition, four specialized classes have been created: the class of mechanics and unmanned aerial vehicles, the class of electronics, radio electronics and nanoelectronics, the laboratory of optical research and technology, the laboratory of thermodynamics and heat transfer.

- If you look at the schedule, then they have a maximum of an hour of free time throughout the day. Everything else is study: additional classes in 16 disciplines in addition to the main ones, plus several specialized classes and enhanced physical training,” Vladimir Shevchuk said.

Where do engineering school cadets live?

Especially for the cadet corps, a separate 4-storey building was built on the territory of the academy, inside which there are classrooms, laboratories, a canteen, rest rooms and bedrooms.

Photo - Evgeny Sribny

The residential area occupies the 3rd and 4th floors and is divided into small sections. Each section has two rooms designed for two cadets, a shower, a toilet and a dressing room. There are several lounges in the same area.

All the guys are on state security. In addition, they receive a small monetary allowance.

What do cadets do during the day?

The morning of the cadet starts at 6:20, and only on Sunday you can sleep longer - until 7:20. As in any military university, the morning is scheduled every minute: making beds, washing, building, exercising, breakfast. From 8:30 to 14:10 training sessions in the classrooms. Like at school, everyone training lesson lasts 45 minutes. After the lessons - a break for lunch, and then another 2 hours of additional classes in special disciplines. Then another 2 hours of self-preparation. Also, the daily schedule necessarily includes classes in sports sections, circles and clubs. At 22:00 - lights out.

Photo - Evgeny Sribny

And when to rest?

The only day off is Sunday. Twice a month - from Saturday to Sunday - cadets from Voronezh have the right to receive leave and go home. Those who remain in the cadet corps (usually 3-4 people are recruited) are taken out by the officer on duty, the educator or the head of the school on excursions around the city. On Sundays, when there are no days off, the entire personnel of the cadet corps goes on excursions around Voronezh or the Voronezh region. The engineering school has holidays that coincide in time with the holidays in regular schools. In addition, on Saturdays and Sundays, relatives and friends of the cadets can come to the corps.

Almost three dozen Voronezh high school students this year became pupils of the new cadet engineering school for gifted children. They went through a serious competition and a tough selection, and now all as one intend to link their fate with the army. Moreover, everyone is given the opportunity to continue their education at the Air Force Academy.

regular lesson physics at the cadet engineering school. All students are wearing 3D glasses. On the screens - a model aircraft engine.

"You can look at it from all sides, from all angles to see the engine in dynamics," explains the teacher.

By moving a computer mouse, any detail can be seen in great detail, even the movement of pistons and the operation of valves. The Cadets say that such classes cannot be compared with the lessons in general education schools.

“At school, for example, at most they will show just some figure, and nothing more. And here you can see a hologram, and it will tell you in more detail. Better than any cinema,” says cadet Fyodor Sankov.

To get to these desks, they all went through a tough selection. Out of more than 100 applicants, only 29 successfully passed the entrance examinations.

“There were also a lot of dropouts on the aptitude test. And in the end, only the best of the best reached the test for academic subjects,” says cadet Alexander Gusev.

Now they live and study in the new cadet corps. Their first half of the day is spent in the classrooms. Solve problems, write dictations. In the second - practical and optional classes.

The cadet school itself was created at the Voronezh Air Force Academy. It is on the basis of its departments that part of the classes take place. For example, in the audience they can not only tell, but also show the plane. He just doesn't fly. Engines disabled. Otherwise, all systems work properly.

"If you move the aircraft control stick, you can move the pedals, and everything will react - left-right, back and forth. Feel like an operator of an aviation complex - that is, a pilot," the teacher says to one of the cadets.

"I did not expect such a multifunctional aircraft. Again, it's a lot of new sensations," says cadet Dmitry Borunov.

Someone likes the profession of an airplane pilot, others choose helicopters. There are those who see themselves as a design engineer. Many also attend an optional course on unmanned aerial vehicles. For this, the school management specially bought several quadrocopters.

"To learn how to change course - this will happen after two weeks of continuous flights every day," the teacher promises.

They have been here for only two weeks, but have already firmly decided to link their future fate with the army. All as one dream of becoming cadets of the Air Force Academy after graduating from school.

“They themselves dream, and we would like this so that their talent does not go unnoticed, that it is in demand in our country, and that it, of course, is useful for our state,” hopes the head of the Air Force Academy. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin Gennady Zibrov.

In the meantime, two difficult academic years lie ahead. According to the leadership of the school, all this time the pupils have to prove that they are worthy of the title of cadet. There will be no favors for anyone. If you study, then only "excellent".