The most unusual lessons. Ordinary and unusual lessons

Julia Friday

The most unusual hobby. Choosing a new hobby

Unfortunately, not everyone can call their work their favorite. In this case, a hobby comes to the rescue - an activity during which you can take your soul off and relax after a hard day's work.

Most people prefer standard hobbies like reading books, knitting, or cycling. What do you know about unusual hobbies?


The need for new activities appeared when people began to realize that they could not choose a hobby from those they already knew. Some active unusual hobbies appeared due to a mixture of different activities, some out of pure curiosity.

One thing is clear - rappels are fond of conquering high-rise buildings with their hands and feet without any insurance. The hobby may also appeal to fans of parkour - extreme overcoming of urban obstacles (fences, high steps and fences, distances between buildings, sheer walls).


If you are a fan of surfing or windsurfing, be sure to try a new kind of water sport - kiting. This hobby rightfully fits into unusual hobbies as a mixed style of activity.

Kiting is the ability to control a light board on the water with a huge kite. The difficulty lies in lifting the kite into the air and standing on your feet in strong winds while balancing on the waves. Learning to kite is hard. But those who master it forever forget about other unusual hobbies.

Types of creativity

Unusual hobbies include quiet hobbies - such as creating sculptures and paintings. But what materials are used for this?


Microminiature is a kind of three-dimensional visual arts, which is based on the creation of sculptures and compositions of tiny sizes. The direction was formed at the end of the twentieth century, as denoting miniature works in any branch of art. Magnifying glasses, microscopes and loupes are used in the process.

For example, craftsmen carve unusual paintings on rice and poppy seeds, prepare horseshoes for fleas and dress flies.

Despite the complexity of implementation, everyone can learn how to make small figures. Start with larger pieces - for example, try creating clothes and household items for dried grasshoppers and cockchafers. Be patient - the work will be long and painstaking, but the result is worth it.

An interesting kind of miniature work is carving on a pencil rod. Craftsmen carve intertwining patterns and unusual chains in mini format from the body and the core of a pencil, striking with their precision and accuracy.

Alternatively, miniature figures are cut out on the top of the pencil.

To learn this skill, start with a simple carving on the body of a pencil, gradually going deeper and moving to the core.

Pictures from nails

From the name it is clear that nails are the main material for working in this hobby. Boards can serve as the basis different sizes and shapes, furniture walls and even apartments.

Just draw a sketch with a washable pencil and start hammering nails around the perimeter. Where the thickness of the lines is wider, drive in several nails side by side, creating chiaroscuro effects.

One of the varieties of such a hobby is threading nails with threads.

Just drive them around the perimeter of the image at a small distance from each other, thus preparing the base. Now wrap their legs with threads, moving from one nail to another or in a chaotic manner, depending on your creative idea.

paper art

An easy way to keep yourself occupied in your spare time. First, a sketch of the work is created on a piece of paper. With the help of scissors, cutters, needles, knives and tweezers, details of a complex image are cut out and attached to each other on a suspended base sheet, creating a three-dimensional figure.

The pinnacle of art is considered to be unusual figurines that have been carved and designed, but not separated from the base sheet.

A three-dimensional picture acquires a unique charm if you put lighting next to it at the right angle. Try to create sculptures from only white paper - they will seem light and airy.

Scotch tape pictures

An unusual hobby is complemented by such an art form as creating pictures from adhesive tape. This hobby is very economical - all you need is a white translucent rectangular glass and colored adhesive tape.

Work on the drawing takes place according to the following algorithm:

  • measure the adhesive tape to the required length;
  • stick it on the picture at the right angle and in the right place;
  • trim any excess tape or tear off.

This technique makes it easier to create paintings that show close-up objects or portraits of people. Despite the fact that many of the works are made with adhesive tape of the same color, each time an original, unique mood of the characters is obtained.

Tire sculptures

This hobby can rightfully be included in unusual hobbies. Using tires as a working material, experienced craftsmen create realistic figures of animals, plants and fairy-tale characters.

The Korean sculptor Yong Ho Ji was very successful in this art. He prepares the wire frame of the future figure, after which he covers it with solid or cut tires. The complexity of his work lies in the fact that the master must create the most realistic sculpture: lay out the features of the face, designate the hairs of the fur, the curves of the paws.

This activity is a bit like carving work: the tire can be cut in such a way as to get a flower, a star, a snowflake out of it. And you can cut several strips, triangles or squares from it, and then connect them in the right order.

At first, try to create simple figures from old tires. They can decorate a flower bed in the yard or country cottage area. Gradually, you will hone your skills to such an extent that you can form complex realistic sculptures.


An interesting art that appeared relatively recently - with the introduction of professional cameras. The literal translation of the word is drawing with light.

Take a camera with a shutter speed and a light marker - it can be any luminous object. Put the camera on a tripod and set it up to shoot in the dark for a while. Stand a short distance in front of the lens and start drawing the image in the air with a marker. The camera will capture it as a ready-made bright picture on a dark, slightly blurred background.

This type of creativity is very useful - preparation for the workflow helps a person learn how to photograph, because to shoot in the dark you need to be able to choose the right mode.

A list of unusual hobbies will help you decide on your favorite pastime. It is possible that in the future such a hobby may develop into your main occupation.

Take it, tell your friends!

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The main difference between a non-standard lesson and a regular one is not stereotyped, out of stereotyped, to some extent informality. In a non-standard lesson, there are no strict requirements for how exactly the lesson should be conducted, an unusual lesson is more creative, liberated, requiring direct involvement from all participants and leading to an emotional attitude to the subject of study, to the participants in the lesson, its actors.

Often an unusual lesson is also distinguished by the fact that the teacher does not clearly declare the learning objectives of the lesson, they are, as it were, hidden, and become clear to children only after the lesson. In such a lesson, marks may not be given in their usual sense.

The benefits of non-standard lessons

  • H non-standard lessons help to get rid of: each student finds himself in a non-standard situation and can prove himself from an unknown side.
  • H non-standard lessons help to increase students' interest in the subject.
  • H non-standard lessons develop thinking, logic, teach children to reason, make decisions and be responsible for their own actions.
  • H non-standard lessons help children find contact with each other, teach them to work in a team, they are good prevention (although conflicts can occur in the lesson), non-standard lessons teach to communicate.

Eight ideas for unusual lessons

  • Debate lesson. A dispute initiated by a teacher on a socially significant and controversial topic. Children express different points of view on the stated topic, it is not necessary to speak with their personal point of view, children may be deliberately given a point of view with which they do not agree, but within the framework of the lesson they must defend it.
  • business game. At the lesson, a life situation or problem is reproduced, and within the framework of the lesson, it is “played out” and solved.
  • Lesson conference. This type of lesson is most in demand in high school. The children are informed in advance about the topic of the conference, the class is divided into groups, each of which receives a topic for preparing a report.
  • Lesson-meeting. A third person is invited to the lesson (writer, scientist, veteran, traveler, military man, foreigner, etc.).
  • Lesson-concert, dramatization. Such lessons are most suitable for literature, literary reading, foreign language lessons.
  • Integrated lesson. Lessons taught in two or more subjects at once, often by two teachers (literature and physics, English language and biology - the more unexpected combination, the more interesting). The task of the integrated lesson is to show the connection between various items, between the subject and real life.
  • lesson game. A lesson in which children play, for example, analogues of the television games “Own Game”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” (excellent student), “What? Where? When?" and others. Such lessons are great for consolidating and summarizing knowledge on a subject, like initial or final lessons at the beginning or at the end of a quarter.
  • Lesson study. The difference of this lesson is that at the entrance to the solution of the problem posed in the class, a hypothesis is put forward, and further actions are reduced to the algorithm. As a result of the work, children must formulate conclusions, interpret the result of their activities.

A non-standard lesson aims not to entertain, but to learn with interest

And what non-standard lessons do you use and do you use at all? We look forward to your feedback in the comments and articles.

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Our private school has a tradition of immersion classes, subject weeks, unusual lessons.



Article "Unusual lessons in a private school"

Vinogradova Galina Ivanovna, teacher of computer science and ICT

PEI "School of Economics and Law", St. Petersburg

A modern lesson is not only "the main form of organization of the educational process", but also a meeting place with the student's personality. The meeting begins from the first days of the child at school, in the classroom. The brighter, more exciting and more convincing it is, the more successful and joyful further education goes.

Ordinary and unusual lesson - what's the difference.

In Russian, the meaning of ordinary means: ordinary, common, generally accepted, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary. The direction of synonyms is very neutral. They also have positive meanings: ordinary is normal and even permanent. Therefore, we can say that an ordinary lesson is good, as a time-tested guarantee of normal and stable knowledge for a normal and stable life.

An ordinary (traditional) lesson consists of the stages of the process of educational cognition:

  • learning new material,
  • formation of new knowledge and skills,
  • consolidation and systematization of knowledge,
  • control and evaluation of the results.

Positive synonyms for "unusual" in Russian are presented as wonderful, strange, exotic, outlandish. Here already appears a hint of surprise, expectation of a miracle, the discovery of a mystery.

There is another meaning of the unusual - it is a tradition.

Our private school has a tradition of immersion classes, subject weeks, unusual lessons.

1. English Immersion Lessons

Take place twice a yearEnglish immersion lessons. For a week in the first semester and a week in the second semester, students from grades 2 to 11 are immersed in the language. The usual training regimen is changing. Every day - English and no other pre metov . Immersion in the language is carried out by teachers who are native English speakers.Immersion implements the method of active communication with native speakers.

2. Subject weeks

During the academic year, there aresubject weeksin history, physics, literature, biology, social science, computer science, mathematics, English.

During each subject week, priority in the curriculum is given to the chosen subject. The programs of their subject weeks are thought out and implemented by teachers in cooperation with children. The program of each subject week involves students of all age levels. On Monday - the opening of the subject week. Each student of the school has the opportunity to show himself, his abilities, skills to the whole team of children and adults in a particular subject. During the week, competitions, KVN, a game by stations, quizzes are held, wall newspapers are published. Traditionally subject weeks end on Friday with a mass action. On the same day, the results of the week are summed up: the most active students are awarded, classes that have shown themselves throughout the subject week in various events.

3. Unusual (non-traditional) lessons.

Our school has unusual lessons twice a year. On this day, in each class, according to the schedule, all the lessons are unusual. Homework not set. Students are looking forward to these days.

To the number non-traditional forms of lessons include:project method, video lesson, excursion lesson, performance lesson, travel lesson, interview lesson, essay lesson, integrated lesson, musical lesson.Unlike a traditional lesson, the structure of an unusual personality-developing lesson is divided into an introductory, main and final part.

  1. Introduction ("Challenge", 5-7 minutes, "I want!"): organization of students' attention, mobilizing the beginning of the lesson ("initial motivation"), updating students' knowledge, setting learning objectives.
  2. The main part (“Implementation, discovery of knowledge”, 15-20 minutes, “I can!”): a variety of training tasks, multi-aspect analysis of the material, problematic issues, the need to choose solutions, establishing connections, resolving conflicts.
  3. The final part (“Reflection”, 10-15 minutes, “I know, I understand. I myself!”): The wide use of various options for individual, pair or group work of students, during which they check how well they have learned new material.

Unusual lessons evoke big interest in children. What can make a 2nd - 6th grade student think, start thinking about a particular task, question, task, when these tasks are obscure, difficult, and sometimes not interesting for him? Anyway - not coercion. In order to maintain the attention of children during the lesson, it is necessary to organize active and interesting mental activity. Unusual lessons will help here. After all, any non-traditional lesson is a “big game for the whole lesson” with its own rules and attributes. And the right game can teach children a lot.

The possibilities of unusual personality-developing lessons are great: they are a means of forming the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, a means of activating students in the process of educational work, as well as one of the ways to stimulate and develop interest in learning. But at the same time, they implement the teaching, developmental and educational tasks that are set in each lesson. In such lessons, discipline problems disappear, the guys work with great dedication, interest and do not jump out of their seats when the bell rings, but wait for the lesson to continue.
Many tasks in these lessons are performed by students in a playful way, which is very attractive for students in grades 2-6. Interesting in content, they create a positive emotional background: looseness, interest, desire to learn how to perform the proposed tasks, and awareness of one's success helps to reveal the psychological capabilities of students, increase their self-esteem, self-confidence.

In unusual (non-traditional) computer science lessons, I use the following techniques:

1) Refusal of the template in the organization of the lesson.

2) The maximum involvement of class students in active activities in the lesson. Various forms of group work in the classroom (work in pairs, in groups - students really like it).

3) Amusement and passion as the basis of the emotional tone of the lesson (interesting tasks).

4) The development of the function of communication in the classroom as a condition for ensuring mutual understanding, motivation for action, a sense of emotional satisfaction.

5) "Hidden" (pedagogically expedient) differentiation of students according to learning opportunities, interests, abilities and inclinations (tasks according to the interests and abilities of students).

6) The use of assessment as a formative (and not only the resulting tool), self-assessment of students, reflection.

In unusual lessons, students are given the opportunity to:

  • express yourself from the position of a creative subject;
  • engage in activities to test their capabilities;
  • show your interest and activity;
  • to develop cognitive abilities more widely.

Modern teachers are faced with the question of how to organize the educational process so that it forms a steady interest in learning among students, relieves tension, and helps to form skills. learning activities, had an emotional impact on children, thanks to which they would form more solid, deep knowledge. Many teachers are looking for different unconventional ways"revitalization" of the lesson, attracting students to active work, a variety of forms of explaining new material. Of course, in no case should the traditional lesson be abandoned as the main form of teaching and raising children, but it is also possible to give these traditional lessons some originality, attractiveness, so that the children would be interested in the lessons, so that it would arouse in them a desire to learn.


  1. Karpushina, N.N. Non-traditional lesson form: concept, organization, analysis [Text] / N.N. Karpushina // Mathematics. - 1998. -№9. -p.12-13
  2. Kulnevich S.V., Lakotsenina T.P. Unconventional lessons in primary school: pract. manual for teachers beginning. schools. - Rostov-on-Don: Teacher, 2002. - 152 p.

In a week, festive lines will be held in all schools of our country, the first bell will ring - and all students will sit at their desks. Children will begin to study mathematics, chemistry, physics, literature ... But in some schools, in addition to the usual subjects, educational program introduced unusual courses that surprise our children, and sometimes envy. In our review of the 8 most unusual subjects that students study in different countries planets.

Japan: Admiring Nature

Some schools in Japan have a very unusual subject - "Admiring Nature". Its goal is to teach students to appreciate beauty environment which, due to worldwide computerization, modern children simply do not notice. During classes, children study the features of the development and interaction of flora and fauna. For these observations, teachers give them grades, and at the end of the year, students even take exams.

Germany: Lessons in Happiness

An unusual subject has not yet been introduced in all schools in Germany, but in one of the educational institutions of the city of Heidelberg, happiness lessons are taught by the director of the school himself. the main task students - learn to live in harmony with yourself, listen to your heart and just be happy. There are no exams in this subject, but each student by the end of the year must implement own project: shoot a "kind" video or do charity work.

Israel: Theory and Practice of Cyber ​​Warfare

In some schools in Israel, an unusual subject has been introduced - "Cybersecurity". The reason for the introduction of this lesson was the great cyber dependence of children, which began to be discussed not only by parents, but also by doctors. In theory and practice lessons, students are taught how to behave in in social networks how to properly react and respond to comments. Also, most of the subject is devoted to dependence on computer games and how to deal with it.

Bashkiria: Beekeeping

In Bashkiria, there are more than a hundred schools that have their own apiaries. In beekeeping lessons, children are taught how to properly care for insects, collect honey, and more. The fact is that the Republic of Bashkiria is considered one of the best honey producers in the world. And, in order not to lose this honorary title, in some educational institutions such an unusual item was introduced.

Australia: Surf Lessons

The inhabitants of the green continent can rightfully be called the best surfers on the planet. And, to keep the title of the best conquerors of the waves, surfing lessons were introduced in all schools in Australia. The authorities of the country have done everything possible to ensure that a tourist who rides better than the locals does not accidentally appear on the beaches.

Armenia: folk dances

The Armenian authorities are doing everything to ensure that the younger generation does not forget the traditions of their beautiful country. That is why a special course was introduced in all schools - folk dances. At the lessons, schoolchildren are taught not only choreography, but also talk about the history of dances. Schoolchildren do not have the opportunity to "slope" from this subject: at the end of the school year, children take exams. If you do not get a good mark in this discipline, you can stay in the same class for the second year.

USA: Scientific discoveries

All American schools have introduced an unusual subject called "Scientific Inventions". Its goal is to unlock the potential of young scientists. After the theoretical course, all students are given one task - to invent something new. Students are given a whole year to complete it. After completing the course, students present their inventions to the whole class, discuss the relevance of the project and give marks.

Russia: Financial Literacy Lessons

Some Russian schools have introduced a very interesting subject - "Financial Literacy". In the classroom, children are taught how to properly manage money, how to plan a family budget. The lessons also talk a lot about how not to become victims of financial fraud. The materials for the lessons were developed as part of the project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation." So far, such a subject has been introduced only as an elective, but it is possible that soon such a subject will become mandatory.
Children do not always try to avoid lessons in schools. Especially if the subjects are interesting. Or schools are not like everyone else. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material on

8 most unusual subjects that students around the world will study In a week, festive lines will be held in all schools in our country, the first bell will ring - and all students will sit at their desks. Children will begin to study mathematics, chemistry, physics, literature... But in some schools, in addition to ordinary subjects, unusual courses have been introduced into the educational program, which cause surprise in our children, and sometimes even envy. In our review, 8 of the most unusual subjects that schoolchildren study in different countries of the world.

Japan: Admiring Nature

In Japanese schools, children are taught to admire nature In some schools in Japan there is a very unusual subject - "Admiring nature." Its goal is to teach schoolchildren to appreciate the beauty of the environment, which, due to worldwide computerization, modern children simply do not notice. During classes, children study the features of the development and interaction of flora and fauna. For these observations, teachers give them grades, and at the end of the year, students even take exams.

Germany: Lessons in Happiness

In the German city of Heidelberg, special happiness lessons are held. An unusual subject has not yet been introduced in all schools in Germany, but in one of the educational institutions of the city of Heidelberg, happiness lessons are taught by the headmaster himself. The main task of students is to learn to live in harmony with themselves, listen to their hearts and just be happy. There are no exams in this subject, but by the end of the year each student must implement his own project: shoot a “kind” video or do charity work.

Israel: Theory and Practice of Cyber ​​Warfare

In Israeli schools, children attend a special course - cybersecurity. In some schools in Israel, an unusual subject has been introduced - "Cybersecurity". The reason for the introduction of this lesson was the great cyber dependence of children, which began to be discussed not only by parents, but also by doctors. In theory and practice lessons, schoolchildren are taught how to behave in social networks, how to respond and respond to comments correctly. Also, a large part of the subject is devoted to addiction to computer games and how to deal with it.

Bashkiria: Beekeeping

There are schools in Bashkiria where they study beekeeping In Bashkiria, there are more than a hundred schools that have their own apiaries. In beekeeping lessons, children are taught how to properly care for insects, collect honey, and more. The fact is that the Republic of Bashkiria is considered one of the best honey producers in the world. And, in order not to lose this honorary title, such an unusual subject was introduced in some educational institutions.

Australia: Surf Lessons

In Australian schools, children are taught to surf The inhabitants of the green continent can rightfully be called the best surfers on the planet. And, to keep the title of the best conquerors of the waves, surfing lessons were introduced in all schools in Australia. The authorities of the country have done everything possible to ensure that a tourist who rides better than the locals does not accidentally appear on the beaches.

Armenia: folk dances

Folk dances are studied in all schools in Armenia The Armenian authorities are doing everything to ensure that the younger generation does not forget the traditions of their beautiful country. That is why a special course was introduced in all schools - folk dances. At the lessons, schoolchildren are taught not only choreography, but also talk about the history of dances. Schoolchildren do not have the opportunity to "slope" from this subject: at the end of the school year, children take exams. If you do not get a good mark in this discipline, you can stay in the same class for the second year.

USA: Scientific discoveries

A special course has been introduced in US schools - An unusual subject called "Scientific Inventions" has been introduced in all American schools. Its goal is to unlock the potential of young scientists. After the theoretical course, all students are given one task - to invent something new. Students are given a whole year to complete it. After completing the course, students present their inventions to the whole class, discuss the relevance of the project and give marks.

Russia: Financial Literacy Lessons

Some Russian schools have introduced a financial literacy course Some Russian schools have introduced a very interesting subject - "Financial Literacy". In the classroom, children are taught how to properly manage money, how to plan a family budget. The lessons also talk a lot about how not to become victims of financial fraud. The materials for the lessons were developed as part of the project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation." So far, such a subject has been introduced only as an elective, but it is possible that soon such a subject will become mandatory.