Delicious pitted plum jam recipe. Plum jam five minutes

In the first recipe, preference is given to the Hungarian plum, many housewives love to use this variety for canning. Do you know why?

The representative of this variety is not only tasty and very fragrant, it is very easy to remove the stone from it, which is very important when cooking pitted plum jam. Hungarian can be used not only for cooking jam or marmalade, it can be salted, dried, dried, marinated, juiced, etc.

So, plums for cooking jam should be ripe and even a little overripe, just a little bit, the main thing is that they be without wormholes.

It should also be noted that a plum dessert for the winter can be prepared not only with the addition of sugar, plum jam can be cooked with the addition of honey, alcohol, chocolate, cocoa, in any case it will turn out very tasty.

I would also like to recall a light white coating on the fruits, it will not be removed with cold or warm water. Therefore, we advise you to lower the plums in small batches in hot water literally for 15 - 20 seconds, then immediately rinse them in cold. This will help remove the white wax.

Well, now let's go directly to the recipes themselves, and let's start with jam from plums with a stone. Gloria Nikolina made this preparation from Hungarian for the winter.

Plum jam from whole plums with pits

The ingredients are given for approximately 1 jar of 0.7 liters, which is convenient for calculation. The output depends on the degree of boiling.

  • Plums (variety "Hungarian") - 0.7 kg,
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg,
  • Water (hot) - 150 ml.

How to make plum jam

As always, plums should be washed before cooking. Then lightly prick them with a fork or knife.
Place the prepared berries in a deep container, it is better if it is a saucepan with non-stick coating. Pour the plums with sugar, mix gently and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

We will cook jam with seeds in three stages.

After an hour, pour hot water into the pan with berries and send the pan to the fire. Bring the berries to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Simmer plums in syrup over low heat for another 10 minutes. Then take the pot off the heat and let it cool down. During that time they absorb right amount sugar syrup and become sweeter.
After the jam has completely cooled, put it on the fire again and bring to a boil, turn off the heat and cool the sweet dessert again.

For the last third time, put the plum jam on the fire and boil. Let the jam simmer for 8-10 minutes.
Canning jars are best sterilized. Spread the jam in the prepared container and close the lids (screw or turnkey). Leave to cool at room temperature, turning them upside down, you can without additional wrapping. Then store homemade jam in a cool place.

Plum jam with mint and cinnamon

Pitted plum jam cooks quickly and has a spicy unusual taste due to the addition of cinnamon and mint. Such plum jam can be perfectly stored for up to 2 years at room temperature. Jam plums can be used for fillings in oven pies, syrup - as a gravy for pancakes and cheesecakes.

plum jam recipe with cinnamon and mint

  • plum (weight pitted) - 500 g,
  • sugar - 450 g,
  • cinnamon - 1 stick,
  • mint (can be dried) - 2 sprigs.

Remove the pits from the plum and cut into 4 pieces.

Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 2 hours.

Add mint and cinnamon, bring to a boil, cool. Remove mint and cinnamon.

Drain the fruit in a colander.

Boil the syrup for 7-10 minutes.
Add plums and bring to a boil.
Arrange in sterile jars, roll up.

Sliced ​​plum jam

Ingredients for making pitted plum jam:

  • Plums (Hungarian) - 1 kg,
  • Sugar sand 700 - 900 grams,
  • Citric acid - ½ teaspoon (optional).


Rinse the plums and lightly cut each berry around the entire circumference, then turn a little and divide into two parts. In this case, all halves will be neat, but you can separate the plums with your hands without using a knife, in which case the edges will be torn. It's up to you to decide which way is best for you.

Pour the prepared plums with sugar and leave for 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally so that the juice released from the plums mixes with sugar.

Put the saucepan with plums and sugar on the fire and bring to a boil. Stirring, cook for another 20 minutes on minimum heat.

Remove the jam from the heat and let it cool down for 3-4 hours. Then put it back on the fire and bring to a boil. Once again, cool the plum dessert and boil the jam again for the third time. When you cook jam for the third last time, add citric acid. This item is at your discretion, you can do without lemons.
Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up with boiled lids.

To make your plum preparation even more unusual and tastier, we recommend adding peeled walnuts to the jam when cooking. Unusual and very tasty!

I have loved jams since childhood. What delicious jams my mother does not cook to please us! One of these delicacies is fragrant red plum jam.

In general, raw materials for plum jam can anyone. Both yellow and blue plums can be used to make it. It is the variety of plums that determines what the jam will be, slices or whole fruits with seeds.

If yellow or purple plums, as well as thorns, are easily divided into slices and the stone pops out of them well, then such large red plums do not really want to part with the stones.

So, in order not to damage the juicy pulp, mother cooks such plum jam from whole fruits, and we, children and grandchildren, gather at the table and eat it instead of sweets with tea.

How to make jam from whole plums

When cooking whole plum jam, sometimes they start with blanching. We will omit this point, just pierce each whole plum with a toothpick.

In general, such jam can be called lazy. No time is wasted on the painstaking cutting of plums into slices.

Do not consider the following advice a departure from the recipe. It happens that you buy a bag of beautiful plums, nectarines or peaches in the supermarket. That's just beautiful, but it tastes like ... you can't even pick up words. This recipe will help fix the situation.

The ratio of products in the recipe is given for 1 kg of plums, the proportions can be easily changed upwards.

Fruits and berries


Sliced ​​plum jam- a very tasty and original dessert for the winter. Such a plum delicacy, along with a cup of tea, will be a warming and soothing remedy for you on cold winter evenings. Be sure to stock up on such a miracle for the winter, and you are guaranteed to be provided with a wonderful mood for the whole winter period. In addition, home-made jam according to this step by step photo recipe, is not just a homogeneous plum mass, it is a canned sweet and sour syrup with plum slices. In winter, it is much more pleasant to enjoy whole pieces of fruit, because it is fruit pieces that bring back memories of a hot summer, while they also melt divinely in your mouth.

As you have probably noticed, it takes four days to prepare plum jam. However, don't panic right away! In fact, you will spend very little of your free time. Most of the preparation of this delicacy takes only the infusion of jam, which is exactly what takes the whole day. On the first day of making a plum dessert, you will have to spend only half an hour. But in the next three - no more than ten minutes. By the way, in order to cook a fruit delicacy with slices according to the instructions below with a photo, you need to choose the appropriate variety of plums. It is advisable to use those varieties in which the seeds are very easily separated, so that in the end the plum slices come out very appetizing and without defects.

So, let's start preparing a very tasty preparation for the winter!



    For making plum jam for the winter We recommend using Hungarian plums. Fruits of this type have a very juicy pulp, from which, by the way, the bones are very easily detached. Wash the fruits thoroughly and separate from the stalks.

    Using a knife, cut the plums into two parts, after which we remove all the seeds from the fruits.

    Now we need a wide pan, while it should not be too high. Its bottom should be covered with a layer of plum slices. The fruits should be in the container with the skin to the bottom.

    Next, sprinkle a layer of plum slices with granulated sugar, after which we cover the sugar with a new layer of fruit. Each part of the plums should be sprinkled with sugar. At this stage, sugar should be used a third of the indicated amount in the ingredients of this recipe. We clean the pot filled in this way in a convenient place for the whole day.

    The next day we return to wonderful fresh jam. The granulated sugar should already be all melted and transformed into syrup. Due to the formation of syrup, water is not needed to prepare the treat.

    We put the resulting slices in syrup on the smallest fire, after which we heat it. Attention! The jam should not boil, it should warm up slightly. After that, we pour the rest of granulated sugar into the heated delicacy and again set it aside for a day.

    Already on the third day of making plum jam, you can see that the plums began to change color. They become more red. So, the contents of the container are slightly warmed up again and for the last time we clean it in a suitable place for a day.

    On the fourth day, bring the delicacy of plums to a light boil. This time we will sterilize the jars. The container in which the jam is cooked should never be covered with a lid, it must be cooked without a lid.

    After the finished delicacy has completely cooled and thickened, we decompose it into processed jars, and then close the lids. Plum slice jam for the winter is ready. Until winter, it can be in any convenient place.

    Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for making plum jam for the winter with spices, nuts and cocoa

2018-07-28 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


63 gr.

254 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Plum Jam Recipe for the Winter

Everyone knows beneficial features plums - it helps strengthen blood vessels, helps in the fight against anemia and normalizes blood pressure. To benefit not only in the summer season, but also all year round, from plums you can cook delicious jam.

Plum jam is very thick, with a rich aroma. it can be boiled in slices or as a sweet puree, add other fruits or nuts. Such a preparation can become not only a dessert for tea, but also a filling for sweet pies or buns.


  • kilogram of ripe plums.
  • one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for plum jam for the winter

Plums put in a basin with cold water and wash thoroughly. Remove fruits with spoiled sides, remove leaves and tails.

Cut each plum in half and remove the pits. Cut large plums into 4 slices.

Transfer the pieces of plums to a saucepan or an enamel basin, pour sugar and leave until the juice begins to stand out from the fruits.

Put the saucepan on the stove, turn on the heat and bring the sweet mass to a boil. Switch off the stove after 5 minutes.

Let the plums cool and turn on the fire again. As soon as they boil, immediately remove from the stove and let cool again.

For the third time, boil the plums for 5 minutes.

Rinse and rinse small glass jars thoroughly clean water. Transfer the hot plums in sugar to jars and immediately tighten them tightly with metal lids.

Allow the jam to cool at room temperature and store in a dry, cool cellar for storage until winter. Serve with pancakes, pancakes or just as a dessert for tea.

Option 2: A quick recipe for plum jam for the winter

Many housewives tend to make more preparations from berries and fruits in the summer in order to enrich their winter diet with vitamins. But if the jam is kept on the stove for a long time, almost all the useful substances from the fruit disappear. You can avoid this if you make jam under the code name "Five Minute", when cooking takes no more than 5 minutes.


  • kilogram of plums;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar.

How to quickly make jam from plums for the winter

Rinse the plum thoroughly, remove the cuttings and leaves. Cut the fruit into halves or quarters if the plums are very large. Remove bones.

Put the plums in an enamel pan, pour sugar on top, mix well.

Turn on a small fire and cook the plums, stirring constantly with a spatula so that the jam does not burn to the bottom of the pan. Bring to a boil and keep in this state for about 5 minutes.

Sterilize jars and lids in advance, scald with hot steam. As soon as the jam is ready, immediately spread it into jars, and cork with lids using a seaming machine.

Turn jars upside down, wrap in a warm towel. Leave the jam like this until it cools down.

Return the chilled jam to its normal position and store it in the basement.

Option 3: Plum jam with spices for the winter

If you add spices to jam from plums, you get a very fragrant dessert that can surprise all guests with its unexpected, amazing taste. This jam goes especially well with herbal tea and will help keep you warm on cold winter evenings.


  • 12 dried cloves;
  • 2.5 kg. ripe plums;
  • 2.5 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2.5 kg. granulated sugar.

How to cook

Pour into a bowl cold water. Pour plums into it and leave for 8-10 minutes. Then drain the water, and rinse the plums a couple of times. running water, thoroughly washing each fruit.

Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. With a sharp knife remove the skin if the plums are blue, but you can leave it on yellow fruits - this variety has a soft skin, and this will not affect the taste of the jam.

Cut the peeled plum into four slices, put in a saucepan and pour sugar. Leave for about an hour for the juice to stand out.

Put on the smallest fire, do not cover with a lid. Cook for about an hour, stirring occasionally with a spatula. Remove from stove, leave overnight.

After 12 hours, add cinnamon and cloves to the jam, put on fire again and cook for half an hour. Remove any foam that forms immediately.

Remove spices from jam, otherwise they will give too strong aroma and spoil the taste.

Rinse the jars thoroughly, rinse and steam from the inside. Pour the jam, filling the containers to the very top and tightly tighten the lids.

Turn jam jars upside down, wrap in a warm blanket or towel and leave until it cools.

Put the cooled plum jam in the cellar, and in winter enjoy a fragrant, delicate dessert.

Option 4: Plum jam with cocoa for the winter

Ordinary jam almost never surprises anyone, but chocolate jam is rarely tried. According to this recipe, plum jam turns out to be completely unusual in taste, fragrant and healthy. Especially it will appeal to those who cannot imagine their life without chocolate.


  • 15 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 4.5 kg. ripe plums.

Step by step recipe

Fold the plums in a large basin, pour cold water and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Then change the water and wash each fruit thoroughly with your hands.

Cut the plums into 2 halves and remove the pits. If the peel is very dense, then it must be removed.

Pour enough water into a wide pot to cover the bottom. Pour plums into it, close the lid and put on medium heat. When the water begins to boil, reduce the power of the fire to the very minimum and cook for about half an hour.

When the plum becomes soft and releases juice, turn off the stove and let the fruit cool.

Using an immersion blender, puree the plums. Or rub it by hand through a colander with large holes. By the way, this method will allow you to quickly separate the skin.

Add to plum puree 500-600 gr. granulated sugar, mix well and put on fire again. Bring to a boil, reduce the power of the stove and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring frequently.

Add remaining sugar and cocoa powder and stir. Taste and add more sugar if needed. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Wash small glass jars well and sterilize with any convenient way. Then pour still hot jam over them and hermetically cork with metal lids using a special key.

Cool the jam at room temperature and store in the cellar until the onset of cold weather.

Option 5: Plum jam with nuts for the winter

To cook an unusual delicacy of plums and nuts, you need to take strong, early varieties fruits, otherwise they will boil too much and you will get not jam, but plum-nut paste. Walnuts are best to choose, but hazelnuts and almonds are also suitable - to the taste of everyone.


  • two kilograms of plums;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 400 gr. walnuts;
  • a couple of cinnamon sticks;
  • glass of water.

How to cook

Wash the plum thoroughly in running water, remove dry cuttings and leaves. Cut each fruit into halves, remove the seeds.

Divide the peeled walnut into quarters, lightly dry in a dry frying pan.

Combine plums and nuts in a saucepan, pour water and pour sugar. Add cinnamon and place saucepan over moderate heat.

When the mass begins to boil, reduce the power of the fire to the smallest and cook for another 20 minutes, immediately removing the foam that appears. Plums should soften, but not boil into a shapeless mass.

Turn off the stove, remove the cinnamon sticks from the jam, otherwise they will add bitterness.

Rinse the jars with soda solution, rinse well and sterilize over hot steam along with the lids.

Arrange the jam in jars, filling them to the very top. Seal tightly with lids using a special key. Turn upside down and wrap in a warm towel. When the jam has cooled, store it in the cellar.

Plum jam with nuts can be served as a dessert for the holiday: pour into bowls, and top with a pile of whipped cream.

Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for making plum jam with a stone: classic, five-minute for the winter, with almonds, with peaches, in a slow cooker

2018-06-25 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


48 gr.

194 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Pitted Plum Jam Recipe

Plum jam can be boiled in slices, whole with or without pits. There are several dozen varieties of plums, all of which are used for various preparations. In our selection of recipes, we will look at options for making plum jam with a stone. Let's make a sweet treat different ways, add various additional ingredients. Let's cook first classic recipe, then five minutes and other ways for every taste.


  • one and a half kg of plums with a stone;
  • four hundred ml of water;
  • one and a half kg of granulated sugar;
  • two cans of half a liter.

Step-by-step recipe for plum jam with a stone

First of all, you need to sort out all the plums. For preparations, only whole, undamaged fruits without defects, strong and unspoiled are used. Otherwise, when you open the jam, you may see the seeds, and the plums themselves may deform and open.

Now rinse the plums in running water, and drain in a colander. Then it is best to wipe them with a clean cloth or thick paper towels.

The next step is to prepare the sweet syrup. Mix the indicated amount of granulated sugar and water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the syrup over the plums and let cool completely. To speed up the process, put the pan next to the window or in a draft. But in no case, not in the refrigerator - the jam will be spoiled.

Now we put a container with plum and sugar syrup on the stove, turn on the fire. First, simmer until boiling and immediately remove from heat. We cool completely. This will take six or seven hours.

Then we repeat this step two more times.

Prepare clean, sterilized jars and lids. For the last time, boil plum jam with a stone and immediately put it in jars. Screw on the lids and turn over. So we check the tightness of our workpiece.

If the jam does not leak, wrap it in a blanket and forget it until it cools. After the plum jam is sent to a cool place for storage.

Option 2: A quick recipe for Pitted Plum Jam

Here is a recipe for plum jam with a five-minute bone. The secret lies in the fact that the preparation takes really five minutes, then we will fill the jam with syrup for a long time. After a quick boil and decompose into banks. We will get a sweet jam with strong and tight plums.


  • eight hundred grams of plums with bones;
  • six hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • one hundred and fifty ml of water.

How to quickly make plum jam with a stone

We take a pan with a thick bottom and walls. Pour water into it, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil, constantly stirring the mass with a spatula. We need to dissolve the sugar completely. This will take five minutes of active boiling.

Now let's take a look at the plums. Wash them quickly and prick all over with a fork on each plum.

Pour the plums with boiling syrup and leave for twelve hours.

After we put it on the fire, bring it to a boil again and leave it again for the same amount of time. Repeat the procedure four more times.

Then we put beautiful marmalade plums in jars, pour syrup and cool. After that, you can send it for long-term storage.

Option 3: Pitted Plum Jam with Almonds

In this recipe, we use a little trick. We will replace plum pits with almonds. This will be a little surprise for those who will try the jam, not knowing about a little trick. Plum jam will turn out more interesting.


  • kilogram of plum varieties "Hungarian";
  • eight hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • teaspoon lemon acid;
  • almonds and vanilla.

Step by step recipe

First, sort out the entire plum and rinse. Let dry and tear off the tails. We take Chinese sticks and stick them in the place where the tail grew. Gently press and the bone will be removed.

We take almond nuts and insert one thing into each plum.

We put the plums with almond stones in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave in this form for a day. We need the plums to give their juice.

Now add water, put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil and turn off the fire. Then the jam should be infused for at least twelve hours.

After the specified time, bring the jam from the plums to a boil again and cool again. This procedure is repeated five times.

Now it remains to boil the sixth time. Bring to a thick syrup. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid and a pinch of vanilla.

Pour the jam from the plum with a stone into clean jars, twist the lids and put them away for long-term storage. Although, for sure, you will want to quickly try what happened.

Option 4: Pitted Plum Jam with Peaches

This option is somewhat similar to the previous one. We will also replace the bones with nuts, but this time with walnuts. In the jam itself, add a little peach. The recipe is for one jar of jam.


  • two hundred and twenty grams of granulated sugar;
  • one large peach;
  • four walnuts;
  • three hundred grams of plums with bones.

How to cook

For cooking, you need beautiful and hard plums. Sort them out, rinse them well and pat them dry with paper towels.

Carefully squeeze out the bones. It is convenient to do this with a special device, but Chinese sticks will do. We take out the bones through the base of the stalk.

Cut the walnuts into quarters and scald them with boiling water. Insert a piece of walnut into each plum.

Stack plums with walnuts to the bank. Alternate layers with slices of peeled peach.

Fill with boiling water and close the jar with a lid. Let stand for a few minutes.

Drain boiling water into a saucepan. Pour sugar into it and bring to a boil over medium heat. Dissolve the sugar and pour the syrup back into the jar.

Now we twist tightly with a lid, cool and leave in a cool place for storage.

Option 5: Plum jam with a stone in a slow cooker

Let's make delicious jam from plums and bananas in a slow cooker. Just select the desired program, prepare the ingredients and get an amazing jam.


  • a kilogram of jam with bones;
  • three glasses of granulated sugar;
  • three bananas;
  • teaspoon lemon juice;
  • one hundred grams of almonds or walnuts, if desired.

Step by step recipe

For cooking, it is best to use a medium-sized variety of blue plums. They need to be washed, tear off the tails, if any. Dry and put in a multicooker bowl.

Some housewives make punctures with a fork or a toothpick so that the plums do not burst when boiling.

Sprinkle granulated sugar and turn off the "Baking" program. Set a timer for forty minutes.

Sometimes check what is being done in the bowl, you can mix it periodically.

We take out the nuts from the shell, remove the excess rubbish and partitions. Chop them finely and ten minutes before the timer goes off, add them to the multicooker bowl. Stir lightly, but do it very gently.

So, the timer has worked, turn off the program, go to the heating mode. Quickly peel the bananas and puree them with a blender.

Turn on the “Baking” program again, add banana puree and mix gently.

We bring to a thick mass, the consistency of jam with the lid open. Set the timer for twenty minutes.

At the very end add lemon juice, stir and turn off the fire.

Note: You can boil the plum jam to your desired consistency. The longer you simmer the fruit mass, the thicker the jam becomes.

At the very end, while it is hot, pour it into jars and cool. After the jam can be sent to a cool place for storage.