Psychological mysteries. What do cows drink What does a cow drink milk test

December 27, 2011, 23:27

94NN03 S006SCH3NN3 P0K4ZY8437, K4KN3 U9N8N73LNY3 83SCHN M0ZH37 93L47L N4Sh R4ZUM! 8P3CH47LAYUSCHN3 83SCHN! CH4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZOOM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YAS 06 E70M. G0P9NC. LNSH 0PR393L3NNY3 LU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747E70. It's an erectometer. The patient of the sexologist should press the pads with his finger and say what hardness his penis corresponds to in an erection.
Choose: two combinations
So if: MELON AND TOMATO: This combination is chosen, as a rule, by balanced, calm and purposeful people. They are tactful and balanced. These people have good taste. They love modern, stylish things. Men of this type are gentle and affectionate, many consider them even feminine and weak-willed. Often men of this type define themselves as creative people. True, such men are often egocentric. Women of the melon-tomato type are gentle and caring, good wives, faithful lovers. They are impressionable, passionate and constant. CUCUMBER AND WATERMELON: This is the most creative type of people. About men of such a warehouse they say "devils are found in a still pool." Their explosive nature is not immediately recognizable. But then life with such - as on a volcano. They have an idea, the implementation of which requires a large share of adventurism and determination. Women of this type are capable of many decisive actions, but they are in their emotions and irresponsible. They can break all the dishes in a fit of anger. Such women often hide their grievances, but do not forget them - they save up. Subsequently, this threatens the husband of such a woman to become a target for a splash of all accumulated negative emotions. Among this type of people, inventors and scientists are most often found. TOMATO AND WATERMELON: People of this warehouse are sociable, talkative. It is often said about such people that they "know how to live." They are active and cheerful. Men of the watermelon-tomato type are lazy, like good food, good cars and good sex. They prefer to have established manners and places of work and residence. It is not often that they become earners. Women of this warehouse love the hearth, homebodies, economic. They create coziness and comfort. People of this warehouse are less capable of meanness, lies and betrayal than others. They do not like and do not know how to weave intrigues. CUCUMBER AND MELON: Indeed, these products are more often preferred by men. If such a choice in this test is made by a man, then most likely he is serious and courageous, weakly prone to bad habits. It is easy for him to achieve his goals. He is reliable and responsible. Women of this type are good bosses. But in life and family life they are not the best, they do not like to wash, wash dishes, clean up. But they can become a true friend and a good adviser. ATTENTION TEST: you have to find the child who is in the room. Good luck.

NEXT TEST: This is a psychological test that all Finnish recruits, both men and women, must now take. The purpose of the test is to identify potential problems in the head of the soldiers, so that doctors and commanders look more closely at them during their service. The idea behind the test is very simple. The recruit looks at the sheet and calls out the numbers located inside the circles. If the recruit sees the numbers in all six circles, he is healthy. If the future soldier does not see the number in several circles at once, he should be checked for color blindness - color blindness. And if the recruit does not see the numbers in only one circle, then he may develop the following problems ... The circle is not visible 1. Increased aggressiveness, conflict. It is recommended to pay a lot of attention to the contrast shower and physical exercises. Circle 2 is not visible. Mental abilities are reduced. When serving in the general branches of the military, additional measures are not required. The circle is not visible 3. Gasterimargia (gluttony). Reinforced soldering, more exercise, sedentary work and work in the kitchen are contraindicated. The circle is not visible 4. Sadism. In a mild form, an appointment to the teaching staff is recommended, in a severe form - to the disciplinary department. The circle is not visible 5. Latent (hidden, repressed) homosexuality. Attacks of poorly controlled attraction to people of the same sex are possible. Additional measures are not required. The circle is not visible 6. Schizophrenia. A full check-up with a psychiatrist is recommended. TASK: I took 100 rubles from you. Went to the store and lost them. I met a friend and took another 50 rubles from him. I bought 2 chocolates for 10 rubles. I have 30 rubles left. I gave them to you and I owe you 70 rubles. And a friend 50 rubles. Total 120 rub. Plus I have 2 chocolates. Total 140 rubles. WHERE 10 RUBLES!???

Test Read line by line! Answer IMMEDIATELY - WITHOUT THINKING! What color is the snow? What color is the notebook sheet? What color is sugar? What color is the refrigerator? What does the cow drink? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results Is it really milk? ;) So, here are four questions, they should be asked in that order. An important feature: in this test, the interpretation of each answer is given immediately after it, and not at the end of the entire test. This very well establishes a high level of trust and interest in further passing the test. Questions 1. You are walking along the road and suddenly a wall blocks your way. Describe this wall and your actions. 2. What is your favorite color, describe it and how you feel about it. 3. What is your favorite animal, why? Describe it. 4. Imagine that you are near water, a large volume of water... Describe it, what it is, your feelings and what you will do... Interpretation 1. Reaction to problems, obstacles to life path how do you overcome them. 2. This is how you see yourself, your qualities. 3. (This always causes embarrassment.) And this is how others perceive you. 4. Attitude towards sex. Test for the bride “The road to the beloved” Girls turn on the imagination: 1. You are going home to your fiancé. There are 2 roads leading to it. The first road is straight and short, but it passes through a wasteland that is boring to walk on. The other road is very long, but it leads through a picturesque park, which is very pleasant to walk in. Which road will you take? 2. You continue on your way and see 2 rose bushes. On one of them - only red, on the other - only white. You decided to cut some roses and give them to your fiance. How many roses will you give and what color will they be? 3. You came home to your fiancé, but he is not at home, and one of the relatives opened the door. You need to find your boyfriend's room, but you don't know where it is. What will you do? Will you look for it yourself or ask the one who opened the door? 4. You go to your fiance's room and want to leave a bouquet of roses in it. Where will you put them? On the table or on the bed? 5. Your fiancé returned home, but it was already dark outside and you decided to stay with him for the night. You go to bed in different rooms. Waking up early in the morning, you decided to go to him. Will he still be sleeping at this time or will he wake up already? 6. It is time to return home. Which road will you take? Short but boring or long but interesting?
Answers: 1. The road is your attitude towards love. If you chose the short cut, it means that you fall in love quickly and easily. If you have chosen a long road, then this means that you do not rush into the pool with your head and prefer to get to know a person well before falling in love with him. 2. The number of roses you give your fiancé indicates how much you are willing to give and receive in your relationship. Red roses are how much you give, white roses are how much you expect to receive in return. For example, if you chose 18 red and 3 white roses, then this means that you give your love by 90%, and you are ready to accept 10% from your fiancé. 3. The answer to this question symbolizes your attitude towards solving problems in your relationship. If you decide to get an answer from another person, then this means that you are afraid to solve problems yourself and wait for everything to be settled by itself. If you look for a room yourself, this means that you are ready to solve all problems immediately and will make every effort to do so. 4. The place where you left the roses symbolizes how you want to see your fiancé. If you left them on the table, then this means that you want to see him as a business person, and if on the bed, then this means that you, first of all, see him as a lover. 5. The answer to this question symbolizes whether your attitude towards the groom can change after the wedding. If you answered that he will sleep, then your feelings will remain the same, but if you answered that he will be awake, then this means that your attitude may change. 6. The road home means how long your love will last. If you chose the short road, then your feelings may soon fade away, and if the long one, then your love will last for many years.

Tests::: Test your brain!

Answer out loud and then check your answer (below).

1.Question: What do you put in a toaster?

Answer. BREAD. If you put something else, be careful! If you said "bread", go to question 2.

2.Question. Say the word "far" 5 times. Spell it out: d-a-l-e-k-o. What do cows drink?

Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk", please don't attempt to answer the next question. Your brain is obviously overworked and may even overheat. Maybe you should take a break and read Funny Pictures magazine. If you said "water", go to the next question.

3.Question. If the red house is made of red bricks and the blue house is made of blue bricks and the pink house is made of pink bricks and the black house is made of black bricks, what is the green house made of?

Answer: Green house made of glass. (Green house - greenhouse. Note. translator). If you answered "Green bricks", why the hell are you still reading these questions? If you said, "Made of glass," go to question 4.

4. Question. Twenty years ago, an airplane was flying at an altitude of 10 km over Germany. If you remember, 20 years ago Germany was politically divided into two parts - West and East. And so, during the flight, two engines failed. The pilot, feeling that the last engine is also about to stall, decides to make an emergency landing. Unfortunately, the engine stalled early and the plane crashed on no man's land between West and East Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? In West Germany or in East or in no man's land?

Answer. Of course, it is not necessary to bury the survivors! If you said anything else, you are a real dumbass and you should never be involved in rescue work after a plane crash. If you answered "they don't bury the survivors," then move on to the next question.

5.Question. If hour hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute, how many degrees will it move in an hour?

Answer: One degree. If you said "360 degrees" or anything other than "One degree", you don't belong here. Turn off your computer and go do something else.

Water plays a very important role for any living organism. With its help, salts, nutrients that enter the body from food are transferred. It is also responsible for the removal of toxins, toxins, helps regulate body temperature. That is why every farmer should provide free access to fresh clean water for his cows.

What does a cow drink

The main source of liquid for a cow is water. The animal receives a small amount of liquid from succulent feed. Some farmers give dairy cows whey to improve milk quality. But sometimes it happens that the cow begins to drink urine and colostrum.

The latter happens quite rarely. In both cases, this is a signal to give the animal more water.

Water balance of the cow

Water balance is a complex of processes of assimilation, distribution and removal of fluid from the body of a living being. The main waste of liquid in the body of a cow: the production of saliva and milk. A small proportion leaves the body with sweat, and is also spent on maintaining the normal functioning of all systems.
A cow secretes about 90–190 liters of saliva per day. She needs it to chew food. Milk is 85% water, so to produce a kilogram of this product, an animal must waste 3-4 liters of water. As a result, it turns out that one cow should absorb 60–80 liters of fluid per day.

Important! The norms for each individual are purely individual and depend on different indicators.

How much water does a cow drink per day

As mentioned, the volume of fluid consumed is influenced by a number of factors, among them:

  • type of food and its nutritional value;
  • food combination in the diet;
  • physiology of a particular individual;
  • ambient temperature and humidity.

But still, the approximate volumes of fluid required for the normal existence of an animal can be calculated. So, for every kilogram of dry food eaten, a cow should receive 4–6 liters of liquid.

From this it follows that if a cow gives about 20 liters of milk per day and eats 17–18 kg of dry feed, then she needs 70–100 liters of water. If the animal is more productive, then it should receive up to 130 liters of fluid.

It is best to equip cowsheds with automatic drinkers. In this case, it will not be necessary to constantly monitor whether the animal has water, and the cow will have free access to the liquid. She can drink whenever she wants and as much as she wants.
If it is not possible to arrange automatic supply, then in hot weather you need to drink 10 times a day, in spring and autumn - 5-6 times, and in winter - 4-7 times.

Features of drinking after calving

After calving, the cow is in dire need of fluids to recuperate and start milk production. As soon as the calf is born, its mother needs to be given a bucket of warm water or a mash of 1 kg of bran and 100 g of salt diluted in a bucket of water.

Important! It is advisable to give two buckets, but if the cow drinks less, do not force him to finish drinking. Liquid temperature should be +25°C .

Other liquids and water additives

As additives, you can use bran, salt. The first are bred in a ratio of 2-3 kg / bucket. Salt should be 100 g per 10 liters. Salt water is usually given only after calving. You can steam some grain feeds in water to make them softer.

The introduction of whey into the diet of cows improves the quality and quantity of milk, as well as normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of cows. The recommended dose is no more than 45–68 kg per day. Whey is mixed into the feed instead of some components.

Possible problems and solutions

If the animal is thirsty and has free access to water, then it will drink the amount of liquid that it needs. But there are times when a cow refuses to drink or consumes less liquid. The reasons for these phenomena and how to solve them will be discussed below.

Reasons for not drinking water

The main reasons for not drinking can be:

  • poor access to the drinker;
  • the water temperature is outside the range of +8–15 °С;
  • do not like the taste, aromatic qualities of impurities;
  • a foreign object has entered the stomach;
  • stuffed stomach.

If you have cleaned the drinker, poured fresh water at a suitable temperature, put it in a convenient place, and the animal still refuses water, most likely it has problems with the digestive system. It is necessary to establish whether there are other symptoms indicating the disease.

Did you know? The skin on the nasolabial mirror of cows is similar to the pads of human fingers. Her fingerprint, like a fingerprint, is individual and unique. This feature is used in the state of Indiana (USA) when searching for stolen animals.

If the cow is absolutely healthy, but still does not want to drink, some farmers advise resorting to a little trick. It is necessary to lubricate the nasolabial region of the cow with herring or give her a little more salty food. Then she will be thirsty.

Why do cows drink urine

Many farmers have noted this phenomenon more than once: a cow licks urine from the floor or drinks it while a neighboring individual urinates. This phenomenon is not the norm, although it will not bring much harm to the animal, except that the urinated individual may be a carrier of some kind of infection and will pass it on to others through urine.

It has not yet been possible to establish the exact reasons for this phenomenon, but it is suggested that such behavior, first of all, may indicate dehydration. The reasons also include metabolic disorders, the presence of a large amount of dry food on the menu.

In addition, drinking urine may indicate the development of subclinical ketosis and acidosis, and indicate a lack of protein and minerals in food.

In such cases, it is necessary to review the diet of the cow, provide free access to water, and also conduct a blood test for the presence of minerals, an analysis of milk for urea and pH levels. Based on the data obtained, you can more clearly present a picture of the problem and understand how to solve it.

When can you drink milk after calving?

As soon as the cow calves, her body begins to produce colostrum. This is the main source of food for the calf, but people do not like it because of the peculiar taste, although some people like it. Over time, colostrum is replaced by milk. This takes 7 to 10 days.
Only after this period of time has elapsed is the milk suitable for human consumption.

Did you know? A cow's udder holds 11–23 liters of milk.

A cow consumes a huge amount of fluid per day. That is why it is very important that she has free access to it. It is also necessary to monitor whether the animal drinks, because without liquid it cannot live for a long time.

181. Question for backfilling
Under some pretext, a person is offered to quickly answer the following questions:
- What color are refrigerators usually? (of course everyone says: "White")
- What does the cow drink? (Here, 90 percent answer: "Milk", - because they are "jammed" at the first question and answer).
And cows drink water. The test is over, the results are clear...

182. I see a bear
A long corridor or room is desirable (it all depends on the number of participants in the action) and a moderate state of drunkenness, definitely not the last stage, because. the effect will be blurred. The main thing is that at least one person in the company plays this game for the first time, the rest may already know everything, they will still have fun. So, everyone lines up in one line, shoulder to shoulder (the newcomer is the last), the "leader" is the first. Then everyone takes turns, stretching their hand forward with the words: "I see a bear !!!" - squat down, i.e. the leader sat down, then the person next to him, etc. until the last. When the last one sat down, the “leader” pushes this entire unstable structure with all his might (you need to push not with your hands, but with your shoulder, as if falling on your side, but quite strongly). It's a domino effect. The main thing is not to kill the last one, because. with the appropriate skill of the "leader", the last 2-3 people fly off very far. Delight indescribable! Small recommendations for the "leader". The main thing is to explain to everyone what and when to do so that people do not sit down all at the same time, only in turn (while sitting down, there are frequent failures in the form of participants falling ahead of time). You need to put people tightly, and yourself a little (20-30 cm) move away from the one standing next to you so that there is room for "manoeuvre". And last, from personal experience, the ideal number of players is from 7 to 10.

183. Problems with light
Cool joke, but requires preparation! I did this at school. Arrived 30 minutes before class started. It was winter, it was dark outside. I went into the office and no one was in the office. I soaked a small piece of paper in water, unscrewed the light bulbs and stuck the piece of paper on the light bulb socket, so that the current would go to the light bulb through the paper!!! So he did with all the lamps :-) And then he left and then he came with everyone a little later. The lesson has begun. All the lamps burned normally, but then they began to fade as the paper dried out and there was no contact. so all the lights went out and the lesson was cancelled.

184. Shoe Surprise
A very simple draw. At a party, a slime is put in the boot of the most emotional girl. Who does not know, this is such a jelly-like ball that, being thrown at the wall, spreads like the eponymous cartoon character about ghosts. It used to be sold everywhere, now you have to look. When the girl is going home and changing her shoes in the hallway, her foot finds something very nasty in the boot:.. P.S. It is better to stand nearby at this moment, because. the girl might fall. Hello to all the girls of the Union!

185. Smart program
The draw is intended primarily for programmers. This is another way to play (usefully) a teacher. At one time he himself received a credit in this way. The matter is simple. You approach the teacher and confidently say that you have developed a program that recognizes the color of a floppy disk. Naturally, the teacher begins to prove with foam at the mouth that this does not happen. Here you need to bet on the "test" (or, what the hell is not joking, on the "5" in the exam). Any mouse should be put next to the computer that will be used to demonstrate the program, and the working one should be hidden somewhere (so that it can be used behind the dumbfounded teacher). And now the hour of triumph - the teacher puts a black floppy disk and presses Enter. The computer, turning the disk drive, writes "black", writes "white" on white, and so on all the time, without error. And the whole point is to write an ordinary program that reacts to pressing the mouse buttons, for example, if you press the left button - it writes "black" on the screen, if you press the right one - it writes "white". And the funniest thing is when the teacher starts cheating and tries to insert a floppy disk, say, red (in my case, the teacher did just that). This can be foreseen, for example, with a phrase like "the devil knows. I think it's red." And you can program simply for a sequence of mouse clicks or for a double click.

186. AutoCorrect
It is proposed to consider such a joke. For an employee whose computer is nearby, in his Word in the autocorrect column, we do something like the following. The word "someone" or some other, not so common, but still regular, is replaced by a phrase, for example, "some kind of garbage." The effect is amazing, and the scatter of consequences is large - from just bewilderment and laughter to dressing down and laughter through tears.

187. Inverted screen
It was in the 80s when we studied at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. We had such a hefty TV in the hall of the hostel, either "Horizon" or "Ruby". On the night of March 31-April 1, a friend and I got inspired, we sneaked into the hall, removed the back cover from the TV and flipped the image 180 degrees. This (at least in Soviet televisions of that time) is done very simply: such a coil is turned, put on a kinescope, and that's it. The TV starts showing upside down. After that, we also turned the TV itself over and went to bed. The first TV viewer who came into the hall in the morning saw an upside-down TV and, first of all, spent a lot of effort to put it right. The TV was big and heavy. You can imagine what happened when he turned it on. But the funniest thing happened for us later. Our electrical engineering friends did not begin to think about the essence of the phenomenon, but simply put the TV upside down again and watched it all day.

188. Secret love
A prank my wife played on me. She called the pager and asked the operator to send a message in half an hour like: "Darling, I missed you very much. Call me." And when I get a message half an hour later, she asks in such an angelic voice: "Darling, who is this?" And I, drenched in sweat and blushing, tried to explain that something like this is not me and the pager is not mine. Generally worried...

189. I'm pregnant...
And this is how my very amorous employee was played. A message came to his pager: "Andrey! I'm pregnant. Call me back!" That's all. Let him torment himself with conjectures.

190. Heard a ringing...
For this trick, you need to prepare a little. We take an ordinary tape recorder and a small speaker (a speaker from a computer will do). Then we record on a tape recorder (you can use a computer with a sound card instead of a tape recorder - it will be even easier) some nonsense like screams, groans, crying - anything. Then we extend the speaker with any wire and hide it, let's say, behind the sofa. We set the timer so that it works about a minute after the girl's visit. When she comes, put her on the sofa and, under a plausible pretext, leave. Well, now you can hide behind the door and enjoy in a crack ...

191. Electric box
This prank requires a box of matches and, preferably, a faint-hearted victim. The victim needs to be informed (or even bet on something) that with the help of a box of matches it is possible to generate electricity, that is, to make a spark. Then you need to remove three matches from the box and stick them into the closed box between the box itself and the sliding part parallel to each other so that the match heads are at approximately the same distance, while these preparations must be done as carefully and slowly as possible (it gets on your nerves). Now you need to take the box with one hand so that the matches stick out towards the victim, and with the other hand somehow rub the box, but also so that it is not clear what exactly you are doing (it also gets on your nerves). Then you need to ask the victim to VERY SLOWLY connect the heads of two adjacent matches (tilt them towards each other). Of course, nothing will happen. Now you need to ask the victim to bend the third match to the other two, so that all three heads are connected, of course, also VERY SLOWLY. Here the victim should already be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. As soon as all three heads are connected, shout sharply and loudly: "BA-BOOM!!!". The main thing here is that the victim, out of fright, does not move a stool over your head ... The whole procedure has been tested repeatedly on different people. Operates flawlessly.

192. Two mice
I'll tell you about one joke that I played on my boss. The fact is that the room where we work is small and the tables are close together. And my desk is located directly opposite the desk of the head of our department, literally back to back. Our computers are recumbent and lie on the tables, you can say priests to each other. Well, I brought a mouse for a COM port to work from home, and at work we have all mice for PS / 2. I waited until no one was left at work and installed a second mouse on my boss's computer. If someone has not yet understood, then I explain that two mice in the system - this does not mean two mouse cursors in the system. He put it on his desk and covered it with all sorts of papers. The next day it all started. Somewhere before dinner, when the working tension subsided a little and the mood to play pranks appeared, I remove the papers from his second mouse and cover mine with them. And I start moving this mouse slowly. The chief blinked his eyes frequently, apparently the cursor zigzagged. In the meantime, I don’t touch the mouse, the chief blinked his eyes and decided that it seemed to be. After about two minutes, he grabs his mouse again, and so do I. It moves the cursor up, after which I move it down. The result is stunning: the cursor took, and fell down the screen. The chief, of course, was surprised, but he coped with his feelings and continued to move the cursor to where he needed to, but that was not the case. The cursor reached the middle of the desktop, but could not go further. And rightly so, because I pull it in the opposite direction. Another attempt! The barrier is broken (it was I who released the mouse). The boss is just confused and calls me: "Look, - he says, - how the mouse is buggy." I come up and do not notice anything special (the mouse is left on the table). "Well," I say, "probably the processor is overloaded. It happens." I take my seat. But after short intervals, the mouse cursor shows remarkable intelligence. Another employee came up. "Here. Here. It will be right now," the boss tells him. This mouse fuss would probably have continued for a long time, but then I could not stand it, fell face down on the table and shook with laughter. But my boss has a sense of humor, laughed along with everyone and forgave me. Well, in fact, I didn’t format the screw for him.

193. Powder for a snack
Hello, I want to participate in a common fun business. It is proposed to take a large bright box from some washing powder of a well-known brand, pour out the powder or wash something with it, and place a plastic bag in the box (for hygiene) and pour white powder into it. baby food. With this box, you need to get into public transport, where there are not very many passengers, and start eating the contents of the box so that it can be seen by other passengers. The reaction of others is unpredictable...

194. Horror
A blindfolded man enters the room and his hands begin to be led along the lying "pharaoh" from the bottom up (the role of the "pharaoh" is played by one of the dedicated participants. The rest of the "victims" are waiting outside the door). Mournful music and words sound: "This is the pharaoh, here are his legs, this is the pharaoh, here are his hips, this is the pharaoh, here is his stomach, ..., here is his head, this is the pharaoh, here is his BRAIN!" With these words, the victim's hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, shells, etc.) mixed with ketchup. P.S. Everyone screams, even the guys.

195. We bet that ...
Especially for students! How to make money on a mug or two of beer by the dispute method. Once, about 30 years ago, I used it myself, until the whole institute found out about it. Of course, you need to choose the appropriate moments and company. 1. I bet you can't step over a pencil. I'll put it on the floor, and you won't step over!!! How to win an argument? Lay the pencil flat on the floor against the wall. 2. I bet that you will not budge me, even if we stand on the same newspaper opposite each other. Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you find yourself on the side where the door does NOT open. Try it, you will definitely win a glass of beer!

196. Egg on the head
In the hand in front of the "victim" is taken a raw egg. Better if "the victim is sitting." Then we go behind the back of the “victim”, put the egg quietly somewhere, and put the hand with the fingers in the bundle to the head of the “victim” so that the fingers lightly touch the hair and quickly clap the other hand on the back of the hand. Then we run our fingers along the sides of the head of the "victim" from top to bottom so as to lightly touch the hair. A complete illusion that an egg was broken on the head.

197. Guess the number
Once, in those days when I was young and naive, my brother showed a trick: a sheet of paper is placed on the table, any coin is on it (the main thing is that the notch along the edge is not erased). The brother says: "Press the coin with your index finger and think of a number from 0 to 20, now I'll guess it ... After that, he took a simple pencil and outlined the coin 5 times in each direction and asked me to draw the edge of the coin from the forehead to the chin. I And then he did the same, but across the forehead a couple of times, under the eyes, on the cheeks... He carried out all the manipulations with unnatural facial expressions, obviously depicting a giant of thought or a genius of hypnosis. !"
- But no, - I say, - ice cream from you! (we argued about it).
However, he was not at all upset, but on the contrary, he cheered up, immediately counted out the money: "Drive to the store, and you will buy me at the same time." And just then the doorbell rang, went, so I open it, a neighbor came in from the bottom and from the threshold: "What, are you playing Indians?" The bro is in a fit on the couch, he can’t breathe, - then it dawned on me ... Well, at least I didn’t have time to go to the store.

198. Frame bounce
A button is taken, a fishing line is tied to it, and this simple device is pinned to the victim’s window, but from the side of the street (it is desirable that the victim lives on the first floor). Then the fishing line is taken and pulled (it is desirable that the fishing line is long), take it 2 wet fingers and slowly scrape up and down. At the victim's house, it seems that the frame is about to fly out. I laughed for a long time when I did this to a friend. If only you could see his face.

199. Spicy shooting
At the party, agree with the owner of the apartment and film the toilet bowl on video in advance, standing on a chair and raising the camera higher. Well, sort of like a hidden camera. It is important that the image does not shake. When someone goes to the toilet during the party, quickly brief the group and turn on the recording. Upon returning, the victim will see on the TV screen an image of the toilet where he had just visited, and the whole company is rolling with laughter. Naturally, the first thought of the victim will be that "everyone saw" ...

200. Obshchagovsky
We hang a LARGE sheet of cellophane from the window (sold in household stores). The sheet should be so long that it should overlap the window on the floor below. Downstairs, of course, they don’t like it, and from there demands are made to remove the cellophane. In response, express something offensively ignoring. The natural reaction of the offended is to pull the end of the cellophane in order to rip off "this disgrace." And when the lower end of the cellophane is drawn into the room, you pour a bucket of water along the cellophane "chute" ...

Psychological riddles- these are riddles constructed in such a way that our subconscious makes us give the wrong answer to things that are obvious to us. Psychological riddles help you learn to think outside the box, and also help improve memory, attention and allow you to cheer up. Do you want to laugh at yourself? Then go ahead! Just follow the following rules:

You need to answer quickly, without hesitation and without wasting time. And most importantly - do not cheat!

Psychological riddles "Weak link"

1. You are in a competition and you have overtaken a runner in second position. What is your current position?

Answer: (If you answered that you are now the first, then you are absolutely wrong.
You passed the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second
positions. Try not to make a mistake in the second question.)

2. You overtook the last runner, where are you now?

Answer: (If you answered the penultimate question, you are absolutely wrong again.
Think. How can you overtake the last runner? If you run after him, then he is not the last. The answer is it's impossible. It turns out that using your brain is not your strong point. Anyway, here's another question.)

3. Do not write anything or use a calculator, and most importantly - you must answer quickly.
Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

Answer: (Did you get 5000? Again wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try to recalculate on a calculator.)

4. Mary's father has five daughters:

Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think fast.

Answer:(Chuchu? NO! Of course her name is Mary! Read the question again.)

Psychological riddles of "Association".

1. Look at White list paper. What colour is he? (answer: "white" - of course!). "What does the cow drink?"

Answer: (If you answered "milk" - then you are mistaken! The cow does not DRINK, but GIVE milk!).


What flows through the veins?
What do vampires drink?
-What do mosquitoes drink?
-What light are we crossing the road to?
Answer: (TO RED?????! You made a mistake - of course the correct answer is Green)


Say new
- new
- Say, new, new
- new, new
- Say, new, new, new
- new, new, new
- Say, new, new, new, new
- new, new, new, new
- The capital of the USA?!
Answer: (Naturally, New York is not true. Correct answer is Washington)

Psychological riddles "Logic!"

The father decided to marry off one of his three daughters.
The first wants to get married, the second does not want to, and the third does not care.
And he decided to give each of the daughters the same saucepan with a lid, pour the same amount of water into them and put on fire.
The first to marry should be the one whose water boils faster.
Q: Which of the three daughters will marry first?

Answer: ( third, she doesn’t care, so she won’t look under the lid, otherwise the water will boil faster)

A well-known psychologist once came up with the following riddle. Ten dwarfs were captured by an evil wizard. At dawn, the wizard will put on hats (white and black) for everyone, and it is not known how many of those and other hats will be (maybe, for example, 5 black and 5 white or 10 black and not a single white - everything is decided by the wizard). You will need to guess which hat you are wearing (say its color). If the dwarf guesses the color of his hat, the wizard lets him go; if not, he kills him. If the wizard notices at least one attempt to tell others the color of their hats, he will kill everyone at once. How, knowing this, can the dwarves save at least nine out of ten?

Answer:(to agree to the gnomes in advance that if, for example, the first gnome sees an odd number of white hats, then he says that he is wearing white, and if it is even, then he says that he is wearing black. The rest of the gnomes calculate their color, and the first one can only guess.)

It so happened that the son of the professor's father and the father of the professor's son had a fight.
Who got into a fight, if it is known that no professors took part in the fight.

Answer: ( professor's brother and professor's husband. The professor is a woman)