Green roof do it yourself. House with a grass roof: we will weigh all the pros and cons

Owners of private houses pay more and more attention to the issue of environmental friendliness of future construction. An original and aesthetic solution will be the choice in favor of a green roof. This type of roofing was previously used in countries with a warm climate. But now it has become a trend and is used to create cozy places where you can relax and enjoy clean air. Many are interested in the question of how to make an eco-friendly and aesthetic roof with your own hands.


  • Environmental friendliness. The green coating will saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Noise isolation. Thanks to a thick layer of roofing, a green roof will protect against possible noise.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • The area will be noticeably less dusty.
  • A green roof will protect the roofing pie from damage.
  • Unusual appearance.

At the moment, green roofs are divided into two types.:

  • Extensive. The choice in favor of this type will be optimal for cases where there is a need to reduce time and effort when caring for the roof. The slope of the roof for the device of such a system should be no more than 45 degrees. Suitable for places where there are no exits to the roof: for example, at industrial facilities, shopping centers, terraces, garages, gazebos, bus stops.

Suitable for such a roof perennials various varieties that are unpretentious in care - frequent watering or cutting is not required. It is important that these plants tolerate winter well.

  • Intensive. The advantage of this type is the possibility of exploitation. Can be applied to any building. It is most popular when organizing the roof of a private house. For such a roof, it is necessary to lay paths. The presence of trees and shrubs is also welcome, you can organize a whole garden on the roof, providing it with lighting and watering. You can also leave room for multi-tiered flower beds, alpine slides and ponds.

An intensive green roof will allow you not only to rest from the hot weather in the shade of the garden, but also lower the temperature in the room. Protection from the scorching sun will be a layer of soil and greenery. Furniture can be placed on the roof: chairs, tables, deck chairs.

When installing a green roof, one should not forget about some requirements:

  • Ensuring safe operation. To do this, it is necessary to provide parapets and fences with a height of at least 120 centimeters. They must support the weight of the people on it. It is important to provide for the installation of special fortifications and wind shields.
  • Environmentally friendly materials should be chosen as materials.
  • It is important to protect the supporting structure from damage caused by corrosion or mold.
  • It is necessary to provide insulation for the roots of plants.
  • Do not go beyond the values ​​of loads on the carrier system. Both static and dynamic loads should be taken into account.
  • When arranging utility rooms, for example, to store inventory, their weight should be taken into account in the calculations.

It is better to decide on the type of roof when drawing up a house project in order to make all the necessary load calculations at the planning stage. This should be done to avoid the formation of cracks in the supporting structures. If this is not possible, then when organizing a green roof, it is still necessary to make calculations to ensure the strength of the structure. If it is not enough, then it is better to strengthen the supporting structure in front of the roof device.

Do-it-yourself roof gardening

It is worth noting that container gardening, when plants are placed in pots or boxes, has nothing to do with a green roof.

In order to produce roof greenery using an extensive method, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors: stability, strength and condition of the roof. The possible thickness of the soil is calculated based on the strength of the floor. The choice of plants will depend on this, because they also have weight. Reinforced concrete construction is best suited for these purposes. It will make it possible not only to create soil soil of 40-50 centimeters, but also to plant shrubs and trees. If you are not sure about the strength of your roof, then you should think about organizing a "carpet" containing various cleanings, saxifrage and rejuvenation. In this case, a layer of soil can be made 5 centimeters.

green roof layers

  1. Waterproofing.

Plant care involves the use of water, watering plants. But such maintenance of a green roof can be detrimental to the structure of the roof. To avoid this, a waterproofing layer is used, which is used as a polyethylene film, liquid rubber, polymer membranes, etc. For correct device waterproofing it is laid on the existing roofing. If it is not, then it is necessary to ensure the presence of a continuous crate.

  1. Root barrier

It is placed on top of the waterproofing layer to provide protection from germinating roots. Foil or polymer film is suitable as such a barrier. You can use special waterproofing, which has anti-root additives. They do not allow the root to grow into the material, damaging it. A root barrier may not be needed if you choose a groundcover type of plant to plant, such as sedum or lawn grass.

  1. drainage layer

Drainage allows you to distribute water over the surface. At the same time, it retains part of the water, and excess moisture leads to a drain. For sloping roofs, the issue of water flow is solved in a natural way - only holes are provided at the corners of the roof. For flat roof everything is more difficult. Before the waterproofing device, surface profiling is provided to prevent stagnant water. The lower drainage can be expanded clay of medium and large fractions. You can use special artificial mats. They perfectly provide moisture retention for plants, without interfering with the escape of excess water into the drain. An example is geomats. They are a rough washcloth, consisting of plastic flexible mesh-lattices.

  1. Filtration layer

Its purpose is to protect drainage from blockages. It is able to retain unwanted precipitation from the ground. Geotextile is the most common material for the filtration layer. The geotextile helps to avoid soil and drainage mixing that can occur over time.

  1. Geogrid

It is used only for flat roofs with a slope of more than 25 degrees, because it is necessary to fix the soil to prevent it from slipping. The geogrid is lightweight. Outwardly, it looks like a honeycomb construction made of plastic. With small slopes of the roof, wooden partitions are usually dispensed with. They can be used as an aesthetic addition by laying them out in the form of a geometric ornament. It is also necessary to provide for the presence of wooden boards around the perimeter to provide a fastening edging.

  1. fertile substrate

The thickness of the soil layer depends on the choice of the type of plants planted on the roof. For example, turf grass and ground cover types will grow comfortably with a soil thickness of 5-10 centimeters. If you set out to grow a full-fledged garden on the roof, then it is necessary to provide a soil layer of 1 meter. There are a number of requirements for soils. Suitable light in weight, medium in mechanical composition, porous, moisture-intensive, with neutral peat, which is filled with fertilizers or mixed with fine expanded clay. Provided that the construction of the floors is strong enough, use light soil, adding expanded clay (15-20%) to it. To plant cleaning, you need to take 1 part of sand and 3 parts of peat. In case of roof sodding, the top layer of the substrate is mixed with lawn grass seeds.

Plant selection


  • small root system;
  • frost and drought resistance;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • not requiring careful maintenance.

Most often, saxifrage, thyme, sage, young, rough kotula, small-bulbous flowers, etc. are used for roof gardening purposes. Moss and lichen can also be used, provided that the house is in the shade.

For a roof with a turf base, it is better to use dwarf or creeping shrubs and trees, unpretentious grasses and vines, and plants that densely cover the soil. Thanks to small bunches of daffodils, crocuses, scillas and muscars, landscaping can be provided already in the spring.

The main task of any roof is to retain heat in the house and protect it from wind, rain, snow, ultraviolet rays and other adverse atmospheric factors. However, the acute shortage of places for construction and the environmental problems of megacities have led to the fact that additional tasks are assigned to modern roofing. One of the modern fashion trends in modern architecture is the creation of a "green roof", where you can arrange a flowering lawn and even grow the necessary vegetables and herbs.

What it is?

Not all urban residents have the opportunity to fully relax in a forest clearing or enjoy the mountain air - often there is simply no time for such trips. High-rise buildings, narrow streets, exhaust fumes from passing cars and hot asphalt have a negative impact on a person every day. That is why the owners of private houses and cottages work tirelessly to ensure that their home is as close to nature as possible - they use environmentally friendly materials in construction and equip flower beds, lawns and rockeries.

A very interesting technological solution came to Russia from the Scandinavian countries- This is a "turf earthen roof", which is quite often built on small houses in Norway. This design assumes the following: the roofing material is covered with a clay bedding, and it serves as the basis for the formation of a sod layer 10-15 cm thick, where the grass was planted. Such houses looked very attractive, however, such a design requires additional strengthening of the bearing supports - not only is the soil “pie” itself quite heavy, but winter period added to it snow masses, and not every building could withstand such a load. That is why sod roofs almost ceased to equip over time. Perhaps this idea would have remained an idea if in our days landscape designers they did not remember the forgotten Scandinavian traditions.

Now "green roof" is far from uncommon in big cities. Roofs, partially or completely planted with living plants, can be found in shopping malls, office centers and elite residential skyscrapers. Not so long ago, the owners picked up the fashion country houses, who began to actively plant greenery on the surfaces of outbuildings in summer cottages.


Like other types of roofing systems, eco-roofs are similar to layer cake, although its components differ in some features of operation. The creation of a green roof should guarantee reliability and practicality in terms of important criteria: foundation strength, good water protection and reduced heat loss. The roofing "pie" of this type of roof has the following layers:

  • base- it can be made of wood or concrete, most importantly - it must have a large margin of safety that can bear the weight of the earth and the plants themselves;
  • waterproofing layer is extremely important for reliable protection of the structure from moisture ingress, plants require regular watering, therefore, rather high requirements;

  • barrier mounted above the waterproofing material to prevent the germination of roots in the main roof of the building. If it is not installed, then the plants will take root in the previous layer and damage it;
  • drainage used to evenly distribute moisture over the entire surface of the roof, retains some of the water, preventing the plantings from drying out, and removes excess moisture through the drain;
  • filter- a layer of geotextile that limits the ingress of small particles into the drainage;
  • geogrid it is installed in order to prevent the "scattering" of the earth under the influence of rain and strong winds;
  • substrate- directly the soil, which is poured onto the geogrid with a layer of 5 to 20 cm; its thickness depends on what exactly you plan to grow: for ground cover flowers, a layer of 5 cm will be enough, but for growing vegetables you will need about 20 cm.

Pros and cons

Large-scale landscaping is one of the necessary conditions existence in a frantic rhythm of modern megacities, built of concrete and glass. At the same time, narrow streets do not allow building flower gardens and flowerbeds in cities - as a rule, small areas of parks and squares are allocated for this. That is why the arrangement of a green roof solves a very important task - it allows you to significantly improve the environmental situation and at the same time use the usable areas in the most rational way.

The advantages of this technology include the following factors.

  • Structural reinforcementvegetative layer reliably protects the roof from various mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations and adverse effects natural phenomena. The roof, "covered" with a green layer, can be used for more than 20 years. However, let's not forget that this is true only for reinforced structures with a large margin of safety.
  • Efficient use of rain and storm water - the soil can retain more than 30% of precipitation. A green roof reduces the chance of flooding. In addition, water, instead of being drained into a storm drain, is used to irrigate the surface and contribute to a good crop.

  • Exceptional thermal insulation performance- a layer of turf is considered a very suitable material for this purpose, it retains heat in winter, prevents heat from entering the house in summer, and also promotes efficient air circulation, thereby forming a favorable microclimate in the room.
  • The soil absorbs noise well, so the inhabitants of the house can be sure that they will not be disturbed by the sounds of rain or hail.
  • Organization of a recreation area– an attractive roof can become a harmonious place for family leisure and meetings with friends in a comfortable environment.

Owners modern mansions they often equip small pools on such roofs and install sports equipment. In addition, the green roof improves the overall environmental background, gives garden plot stylish and unique look.

Despite the obvious advantages, the eco-roof also has disadvantages.

  • Heavy weight- drainage and soil give a load of approximately 50 kg per square meter. meter, this leads to a significant increase in pressure on the floor of the building.
  • High price- green roof equipment involves the use of only environmentally friendly materials, and they are quite expensive. Therefore, the equipment of a green roof is much more expensive than the arrangement of a conventional one.
  • The complexity of the installation technology– the construction of an eco-roof and the corresponding increase in pressure on the supports requires the mandatory drawing up of a design project created according to accurate calculations allowed parameters floor loads. It is impossible to do this without having the skills of such planning, so you need to seek help from specialists.

Please note that experts do not recommend converting an existing roof into a green one., since the old foundation and existing floors may simply not withstand a significant additional load.

The arrangement of such a roof is suitable for new houses, where the necessary strength of the supports is laid down at the design stage of construction work.


Depending on the parameters of the use of eco-roofs, intensive and extensive types of landscaping are distinguished.

Extensive roof

Such structures are created on pitched roofs with an angle of inclination of not more than 45 degrees. The features of the layout of these buildings are such that they do not provide access to the roof. Accordingly, it cannot be used normally. At the same time, low-growing perennials are used for landscaping roofs, which sow the coating, create a decorative appearance and at the same time protect the roof from mechanical influences and precipitation. Used for landing undemanding plants, which do not require special care and abundant watering - for full growth and development, they have enough natural precipitation.

Extensive roofing provides several options for landscaping.

  1. undersized vegetation cover- at the same time, the height of the soil does not exceed 6 cm, the earth is planted with drought-resistant ground cover plants of several types, due to which continuous flowering can be achieved from May to October. This is the simplest and easiest way to landscaping;
  2. green roof- the roof is made out like a lawn, often rolled types of coatings are used for this purpose.

Intensive landscaping

It involves the arrangement of eco-roofing on flat surfaces that can be used by the inhabitants of the building. Such buildings have exits to the roof, are equipped with a parapet that protects against possible falls, and special paths for comfortable movement. Here you can grow not only a grassy lawn, but also plant large shrubs and even fruit trees. Of course, such a design requires special attention during construction and operation. This garden needs the same maintenance as above ground gardens and flower beds.

Laying technology

Green roofs can be created in absolutely any climatic region. In itself, the device of such a roof with your own hands is not difficult, but time-consuming.

Ecoroof layers are:

  • base;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing;

  • protective layer;
  • drainage system;
  • filter;
  • priming;
  • plants.

As a base, insulation, as well as steam and water insulators, you can use the most various materials. In any hardware store now there is a wide selection in a large price range.

The easiest way to complete the arrangement of the eco-roof is to use a rolled lawn as a topcoat. If the roof is straight or its angle of inclination does not exceed 10 degrees, then the seeds can be planted directly into the ground. If the slopes are steeper, then during the rainy season and snowmelt, such an unpleasant phenomenon as a landslide may occur. So that the soil does not “slide down” down, layers of soil are laid between special barriers.

A very important part of a green roof is the installation of a drainage system. It is very important to understand the relevance of competent drainage: since water cannot enter the house, therefore, it needs to find a way out in some other place, otherwise it will remain in the roof and simply turn sour. This will lead to root rot and plant death.

As the main drainage, geotextiles are used, as well as sand or fine gravel. Additionally equipped with a drainage system.

As a rule, use one of the proposed options.

  • Drainage platesplastic panels profiled type, which are attached to each other and mounted over the entire surface of the roof. The mechanism of action is as follows: water accumulates in the “blades” of the panels, and if it is in excess, it flows into the plates located below. Thus, the water is cascaded down and then flows into the downpipe.
  • Drainage mats have a similar principle of operation, but faster in installation. In addition, mats contribute to increased waterproofing. This method is not good for all types of roofs - it is not used for flat and overly steep roofs.
  • Drainage boxes- drainage of a flat roof involves the use of special systems that contribute to the forced removal of moisture from the roof, as a result, water enters the funnel. and from there - into the storm sewer system.

A green roof is an original type of roof, in which soil with plants planted in it is used as a covering. Despite the apparent simplicity of creating such a flooring, the technology for its creation has a sufficient number of moments that are difficult to implement, which cannot be ignored.

The history of the use of green roofs goes back to the distant past, when this roofing option was used for the most various types buildings. You can find examples of use both in the description of the architecture of ancient buildings, the memory of which will be preserved in the history of architecture, and in stories about the life of ordinary peasants who used turf as a material for roofs because of its availability.

Modern green roofs are created according to the established technological process, which implies the existence of differences between the application of the roof on private houses, multi-storey buildings, as well as on premises with different types of roofs. Despite the fact that in Russia we meet quite rarely with plantings on the roofs of buildings, in recent years our country has adopted the accumulated Western Europe experience of their creation.

Is There a Benefit from Building Green Roofs?

The main advantage that a green roof provides is an incomparable aesthetic pleasure.. More beautiful material than greens, it is unlikely to be found to cover. However, it is rarely used and main reason That is the requirements for the structure.

Depending on the types of roofs, which we will talk about a little later, requirements are set for the supporting structures of the building. Since, with the most dense plantings, the foundation will have to withstand an additional load of up to 250 kg / sq. M, not every building will be able to cope with this task. And if at the design stage additional weight can be taken into account in advance, then with finished buildings everything is more difficult.

For multi-storey buildings, you will have to get project documentation and approval for work by regulatory authorities. In addition, it will be necessary to provide change plans, for which it is better to turn to professional architects.

The cost of building a green roof will be slightly higher than conventional roofing options, but behind this minus there are many positive aspects.

If we talk about the financial side of the issue, then the benefit, of course, will not be immediately noticeable. It will manifest itself, for example, in the service life of the materials used. Thus, the waterproofing layer can last up to two times longer, and saving on electricity will reduce the cost of maintaining the building.

Due to the fact that plants are excellent heat-insulating "material" (their temperature even on the hottest days does not rise by more than 6 degrees due to the circulation of juices in the trunk), the need for cooling the premises is reduced. In addition, being applied in large quantities, such plantings are able to reduce the temperature not of a specific building, but of entire settlements, where the air becomes hotter due to the heating of surfaces. Ground flooring helps to reduce heat loss in winter time, which means that less money will have to be spent on heating.

Continuing the conversation about the benefits of a green roof specifically for urban conditions, we must not forget about the absorption of liquids - during the rainy season, the soil is able to hold up to a quarter of the volume of water that has fallen on it. This reduces the load not only on the structure of the drain of the building itself, but also significantly helps city communications.

Another plus is air filtration. Due to the fact that plants are able to trap a large amount of dust that enters the room, the need for air conditioning is reduced.

Heating and cooling costs (depending on the season) of buildings are also reduced, since the thermal conductivity of such roofs has a distinctive feature: in summer time the roof does not allow the sun's rays to overheat the structure of the building, and in winter it does not allow the heat to leave the premises unhindered.

Another advantage is that there is no need for regular repairs. A green roof can live up to 50 years without interference in its structure, due to the fact that the soil will protect building materials from the effects of natural phenomena. In this case, more or less difficult work may be required only during the active growth of plants, when they need watering.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that there are a lot of advantages in the operation of a green roof. The only question that remains is how to install it and whether the help of specialists is required, or you can do the work yourself.

Preparing for the construction of a green roof

Before starting construction, it is necessary to prepare all the required materials and a work plan. If you do not have experience in this profile, then it is better to entrust this stage to the designer, who will carry out the necessary calculations, taking into account the weight of the structure, the requirements for drainage and absorption of solar radiation. A high-quality roofing pie is the key to a long service life of the roof, as well as the absence of problems at the construction stage.

Initially, you need to decide on the design of the green roof. It should be borne in mind that there are two types of such a roof - extensive and intensive. In the first case, it is assumed that there will be little vegetation, as a rule, an ordinary lawn acts in its role. The soil layer here is small, up to 10 cm, and the load on the load-bearing elements of the building structure will increase by no more than 150 kg/sq.m.

The second green roof technology involves a large number of plants of various types, including shrubs and dwarf trees. This type of green roof is often referred to as a "roof garden", but this is not the case, as there are other criteria for distinguishing between a "green roof" and a "garden". In any case, the amount of soil here can vary from 0.5 to 1 meter, which creates additional requirements for the building structure. For instance, wooden houses can't handle that kind of load.

One of important points, which cannot be passed by - assessment of the existing roof for suitability for soil placement. Since the earth is a loose material, it should not be laid out on roofs with an inclination angle of more than 30 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to initially assess the existing angle of inclination of the slopes, and if it does not meet this requirement, the roof will have to be redone.

WITH flat roofs there is also a difficulty - in the absence of a slope, they will not provide runoff, which means that the liquid will stagnate and harm the root system. It is necessary to think in advance how it is preferable in a particular situation to create the required angle (0.5 - 3 degrees). There are two options: laying out expanded clay in the appropriate proportions, or installing load-bearing structures at an angle using a cement-sand screed.

By the way, about structures: for flat roofs, as a rule, concrete slabs are used as a base, and for pitched roofs - a solid gain on which screens are laid (for example, waterproof plywood). Since such a design will not support a lot of weight, only extensive plantings are expected.

The choice of plants is also best done at the planning stage. In the conditions of Russia, it will not be possible to ensure a constantly blooming green roof due to climatic conditions, so it is worth choosing herbs that are most resistant to frost and sprout early. Of course you can arrange winter Garden on the roof, but this is a completely different procedure.

Work plan

Once the base has been laid and the type of green roof selected, the green roof can be installed.

The roofing cake must be laid correctly, since it depends on it how durable the resulting structure will be.

  • The first layer is waterproofing. The durability of materials depends on how correctly it is laid. In the case of a pitched roof, most of them will be woody, which means they will rot quickly if the layer is not airtight. Yes, and with flat roofs, a leak can turn into trouble in the form of repairs. For a waterproofing layer, most often choose a conventional polyethylene film or polymer membranes (their advantage is that an air layer is created). Please note that there should not be any gaps in the waterproofing. To avoid mistakes, it is often performed in two layers.
  • At the stage of work with thermal insulation, which is laid in the next layer, cork slabs will be needed. Foam polyurethane and expanded polystyrene can replace them. The plates are laid tightly, you can connect them with glue. But it is not necessary to attach to the base, since waterproofing materials can be damaged. By the way, this layer is not needed for pitched roofs (after all, there is an attic) and for the green roof of their moss, which itself will do an excellent job.
  • To prevent the root system from growing, a layer of polymer film can be laid on the thermal insulation, which will prevent the growth of rhizomes in depth.
  • The next layer is drainage. It is necessary to ensure the drainage of excess liquid (by the way, it is necessary to lay sewers at the edge of the roofs). As a rule, traditional expanded clay with groats and medium fractions is used for drainage, but there are exceptions in the form of crushed stone, geomats, pumice, foam plastic grains.
  • In order to prevent soil and debris from penetrating into the drainage along with the flowing liquid, a filtration layer is laid on it. Geotextiles will perfectly cope with this task.
  • For cases with a pitched roof, it is necessary to use a batten that will provide soil retention. The larger the angle, the more likely it is that after rains and watering, it will slide down under its own weight, violating the very idea. If you make a green roof with your own hands, then you can use cells in the form of wooden partitions. If possible, then it is worth buying a geogrid in the form of cells.
  • Before moving on to the ground itself, you need to install borders around the perimeter that will hold the roofing cake together and prevent the roots from growing outside the zone allotted to the plants.
  • The next step is laying out the soil. Recall that its depth depends on the planned type of green roof. The composition also needs to be planned taking into account the vegetation that will be planted on the roof. Despite the fact that most herbaceous plants are unpretentious to habitat conditions, fertilizers must be present in the substrate (which will later have to be added in a timely manner).

Mistakes made when creating a green roof pie can cause it to break quickly. Therefore, for those who are not confident in their skills, it is better to take the advice of specialists.

Roof greening

If the installation of a green roof involves the use of a large area, then for the convenience of care, it is necessary to think in advance of the paths that will be required to care for the plants during watering or feeding.

The plants themselves can be planted immediately after completion of work. Remember that trees that reach a height of more than four meters cannot be planted on green roofs, even with a soil layer of one meter.

On the roofs of high-rise buildings, conditions will be almost comparable to desert conditions: sudden temperature changes, constant wind and no shade. In such conditions, mosses, frost-resistant grasses, ground cover plants, meadow flowers can survive.

Can everything be made easier?

If the procedure described above seemed too complicated for you, then you can do it differently: unpretentious plants are planted in pallets filled with earth, which are placed tightly on the roof.

Gradually creeping grasses will cover the wooden partitions and you will get a real green roof. Such a "roof" will hold up well on pitched roofs. This can only be done if the existing roof is sufficiently reliable and moisture resistant.

In addition, the weight of pallets with earth also requires additional resources from the building foundation and load-bearing structures. This is one of the easiest ways to create a green roof with your own hands, which spread in Europe many centuries ago.

“Green Roof” (grass) is the oldest roofing material. This is the roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and soil mixture.

This idea originated in Northern Europe and Russia. The inhabitants of Scandinavia have long insulated their homes natural materials, pieces of moss. In Russia thatched roofs to avoid fires covered with turf.

Rebirth, forgotten design solution, is associated with the name of the German architect Karl Rabitz. He revived the concept of "green roof" by presenting at the World Exhibition in Paris a house with green spaces instead of a traditional roof in the 19th century.

by the most simple solution roof gardening issue is container gardening. With this system, the plants are placed in boxes or containers.

“Green roof” is a way to emphasize the sense of style of the owner of the house. It will give your estate a unique original look.

"Green roof" are divided into two types - intensive and extensive. Intensive method, more complex and requires special care. But on such a roof you can make not only a green lawn, but also relax on it. The extensive view is unpretentious and can be located on roofs with a slope of up to 45 degrees. Access to such roofs is limited.

Studies conducted by scientists from the Scandinavian countries (and especially Norway) have convincingly proved that grass roofs can significantly reduce the level of air pollution, enrich it with oxygen and moisture. The most important thing is that the grass carpet of the roof creates a special energy in the home, where a person, tired of the modern hectic life, can again feel in harmony with nature.

However, greening the roof is beneficial not only from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic point of view. In particular, a grass-covered roof contributes to the conservation of heat and energy resources, can significantly reduce temperature fluctuations in a dwelling, and improves the sound insulation of a building.

The “green” roof owes its high thermal properties, first of all, to the air gap formed between the stems of plants.

Unlike modern roofs which heat up to 80°C on hot days (which causes air movement and, as a result, pollution of it with dust particles), a grass roof heats up to only 25°C, and due to convection, it practically does not lose heat. In addition, due to the “breathing” of plant roots, the temperature of the grass cover, even in frosts, is always above zero. The heat radiated from the walls of buildings is also partially absorbed by the grassy roofing carpet and accumulated by the soil layer and the moisture contained in the plants.

Thanks to these properties, houses with a green roof have an excellent microclimate. In the summer, a pleasant coolness reigns in such a dwelling. In fact, the grass carpet of the roof is a kind of natural air conditioning system.

Finally, the green roof is a great self-cleaning natural air filter. After all, the grass perfectly captures dust particles, and the rain washes them away again.

Roof gardening is a new direction in landscape design in our country. But every year the “green roof” finds its fans and pleases more and more admirers with its appearance.

How to make such a grass roof

The construction of a grass roof is similar in most cases. This is the carrier roof structure and a crate of not edged boards, on top of which the turf was laid.

Instead of the waterproofing that is widely used today from rolled bitumen or other materials, a layer of birch bark was laid on the crate, on top of which turf was laid in two layers or the soil mixture was poured for sowing it with grass seeds.

However, before touching on the technology of laying bark and turf, it should be noted that the own weight of a green roof is about 250 kg/m2. This means that the shear load (especially on roofs with steeper slopes) can move all the grass down. To avoid this, it is essential constructive element the green roofs had fencing. Their function was traditionally performed by sod-protecting beams or boards laid along overhangs - the so-called sod holders.

At the same time, when creating a grass carpet, the construction of the roof had to ensure unhindered runoff of rainwater from the roof slopes. To do this, it was necessary not only to choose the right shape of the sod holders, but also to properly attach them to the crate.

Strips of birch bark were laid overlapping each other. In the overhang zone they were laid in 5…8 layers. At the same time, the strips released from under the fencing beam and put on it were laid outer side up. This was done in order to ensure effective water drainage and protect the sod holder and the end parts of the batten boards from moisture. In addition, the bark laid with the outer side up is an important decorative element green roof.

To increase the life of the roof, the rest of the bark was laid with the outer side down, since the inner side of it provides more effective protection crates from the mixture of sigumic acids contained in the soil.

To protect the turf laid on the sides of the pediment from wind and water erosion, natural stones were laid on the edges of the pediment. Later, gabled wind elements, which were used as logs, began to be used for this. They were laid so that the ends protruded above the ridge. Connected logs crosswise. And since the logs had the same thickness as the turf holders, together they formed a kind of wooden frame for the entire roof.

In another version, a windboard was used to protect the turf from erosion. Attached it with wooden dowels, and covered with birch bark from moisture. Sometimes, instead of bark, a horizontally laid covering board was used.

One of the important elements of traditional grass roofs is a wooden gutter, which was made from boards connected to each other on screws at right angles or hollowed out from a tree trunk.

The weak point of grass roofs is openings (in particular for chimneys). To avoid water runoff along the walls of the pipe into the house, stone slabs protruding beyond the pipe were immured into its masonry.

Rice. Roof with grass in the area of ​​pipes junction 1- traditional design; 2 - modern execution.

At the same time, sheets of birch bark were placed under these slabs, diverting the flow of water to the roof. Stone slabs on the side of the slopes were arranged in steps, which contributed to a more efficient removal of rain or melt water from the pipe walls.

As a fencing element, a log is used here, supported by a thrust hook fixed under the crate. In this case, the hook, cut into the log of the upper crown, is fixed under the crate, and the round timber itself lies completely on the birch bark. So that water does not accumulate on the roof, slots are made in the sod holder for its drain.

Round timber, in turn, is also lined with birch bark. Despite the presence of such moisture protection, the sod holder still needed to be periodically replaced with a new one.

For example, when attaching a thrust hook over a crate, a space is formed between the birch bark and the sod holder, which ensures effective water drainage. And when fastening the enclosing element with the help of a dowel, special slots were provided in the sod holder for water drainage.

The solution is also interesting, when the fencing beam is attached to the side, with an indent of 5 cm from the edge of the overhang, which also ensures a quick runoff of water.

In all these cases, the sod holders are protected by birch bark. The overhang zone itself is covered with bark in several layers.

You can also apply the option of fastening the fencing beam using a powerful dowel, cut into the end part of the rafter. This method of fastening was used for roofs with hanging rafters protruding from the overhang by about 12 cm.

Often, in order to save wood, instead of logs or beams, boards 3 ... 4 cm thick and 12 ... 16 cm wide were used to protect the grass cover, depending on the thickness of the green roof.

To ensure water runoff, holes or cuts 3 × 3 cm in size were made on the lower edge of the board every 20 cm. On the side of contact with the turf, they were expanded, giving the shape of a funnel. Sometimes boards were installed without drain holes. In this case, they were fastened so that they protruded 2 ... 3 cm beyond the overhangs. For this, as a rule, persistent steel corners were used, which were screwed to the crate with screws.

norwegian roofs with a lawn instead of tiles - a byword for all neighboring peoples. Ironic Swedes have long drawn Norwegians with grass on their heads instead of hair. Charming lawn roofs today have become the same symbols of a country popular with tourists, like fjords, trolls and salmon.

grass roofs appeared in Norway and the Faroe Islands in ancient times. It was convenient and economical: construction material at hand, such roofs did not require special care, they served for a long time, and even helped to disguise themselves from enemies.

Naturally, those who care about the preservation of traditions, the Norwegians put them on now - grass roofs can be seen on modern hotels and restaurants, on private houses and public transport stops. In other villages, almost half of the roofs sway in the wind with green waves. They say they improve the microclimate, provide reliable heat and waterproofing, and stabilize the temperature in the house.

Many craftsmen do such roofs on their own. The technology is described in detail on the Internet. Several private firms also offer the service in Norway. Although new tools are used in laying grass roofs, it is still based on ancestral technology and a lot of manual labor, which is why such roofs are somewhat more expensive than ondulin ones.

First of all, fit several layers of dry bark. For water resistance, it can be impregnated with sheep fat or blood. Peat, straw, moss are laid on it ...

Many dream of building a cottage With landscape design on the roof a la the Vikings. They say: “Can you imagine, when the roof is mother earth, how will you sleep peacefully?”

The fact is that in the Norwegian roof there is a real biocenosis in its harmonious balance. Moreover, the roof simply must be wet, grass (and even bushes and trees) feeds on this moisture, along with all the microorganisms of living peaty soil. At the same time, it does not require painstaking care only due to the unique features of the Norwegian climate.

Rising up this summer on the famous rock Throne, along the roots of trees, like steps, you can unravel the secret of the Norwegian fauna. For such a thin layer of soil to bear fruit so abundantly, it requires almost daily watering. Humidity and raininess of the Norwegian climate, as you know, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Anywhere else on the planet, a grassy roof would quickly dry up and be blown away by the wind.

Where does the rain come from?. The Gulf Stream hits Norway. Warm evaporation, in turn, rests on the mountain range, cools and pours rain (in Bergen, on a sunny day, in general, I opened my umbrella five times!). The water cycle in Norway is the most intensive in the world. From here, they have 80 percent of hydropower and, in general, an excess of energy, which they generously share with Europe. And what is especially valuable, unlike oil, it is a renewable, or rather, inexhaustible resource! Here is such physics.

So main characteristic Norwegian roof is that, for all its functionality, it is also alive, fertile!

In eastern Norway beyond the mountain range, where the climate is drier - and the roofs with grass are an order of magnitude smaller.

Who first saw earthen roofs in Norway, remember the famous English lawn. The fact that it needs to be sheared, watered and rolled for 500 years is all a fairy tale for naive foreigners. Modern lawns have long been rolled out of rolls, mesh reinforced, planted in squares ... A year later, it does not differ from a 500-year-old.

But nowhere does it say about the main thing - about its composition. And the whole secret is in the peaty base of the soil of the British Isles. That is why there is no wind erosion (like we have), that is why the golf ball rolls like on a pool table. That is why the horse gallops over it without tearing the turf with horseshoes, and that is why only on the grass courts of Wimbledon it is possible to mow the lawn with a height of only 8 millimeters (!) - standard for the legendary Grand Slam tournament.

About the same and with grass roofs. Their creation is justified only in the conditions of the Norwegian climate and Norwegian turf. With us, if the craving for the roots has woken up, it is better to cover the roof with wood chips.

For several centuries roofing in Norway has been carried out using natural ecological materials. Green roofs in this country surprise no one and are traditional. Since ancient times, the peoples of Scandinavia have made roofs from peat, turf, birch bark and other natural environmental materials.

The descendants of the Vikings, the Norwegians, highly appreciated this method of roofing and managed to keep green roofs on their houses to this day. Almost until the beginning of the 19th century, turf was a universal material used to cover roofs in houses of all classes in Norway.

Over time, materials such as tiles, slate and others appear on the market. roofing materials, which gradually began to replace the ecological, beautiful and lovely grass roofs traditional for Norway. The “Advance of Civilization” began in the cities, but eventually reached the countryside.

Enthusiasts saved the green grassy roofs of Norway from complete extinction.

They organized and led a movement aimed at reviving old folk traditions. First, open-air museums, mountain lodges, ... and then green roofs made of grass and flowers again became simply popular and fashionable.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that such a roof roof is simply beautiful and gives aesthetic pleasure, it is quite cheap, durable, stabilizes the temperature in the house, improves the microclimate, providing reliable thermal and waterproofing. Therefore, green roofs have become popular again and at the same time have become a worthy alternative to new building materials.