Do they fry Adyghe cheese. Fried cheese: cooking recipes

Of the non-hard varieties of cheese in our country, Adyghe is especially popular. And not only because of the price, although its cost is one of the most significant factors. First of all, almost any manufacturer that has received admission to the market makes it with high quality. The second plus: it is not too salty and not too wet, which is often the case with feta cheese made by a not very experienced or not very responsible cheese maker. The third “for” is the correct, that is, a very large content of calcium and proteins in it. And the Adyghe different ways and with all sorts of delicious additions - just a delicacy!

The benefits of Adyghe cheese in culinary terms

Without a doubt, it can be eaten in a simple, "sandwich" version, and in slices, even without bread. However, some eaters find it tasteless and uninteresting. Moreover, if you supplement it with the usual fresh herbs and garlic, it is already going with a bang. And if you cook gebzhalia with his participation, you will be amazed by the flavor bouquet - Adyghe cheese is in perfect harmony with mint. Kvari is no less successful with it - the Georgian version of cheese dumplings. Soup and khachapuri are absolutely wonderful with Adyghe cheese (even indigenous Georgians agree with this opinion). And in a salad, it often “sounds” better than the same feta. So do not run to the counters with expensive varieties, try to cook your favorite dishes with Adyghe, budget, cheese.

The easiest fried Adyghe cheese

It is not necessary to immediately take on something complex and multi-component. Try fried Adyghe cheese with turmeric for starters. This is done extremely simply: a piece of cheese is cut into sticks, spice is rubbed into them and such “sticks” are fried in a pan. The only requirement is to avoid vegetable oils and use butter, preferably melted.

Cheese and batter

This recipe is just as easy, although it will take more time. To cook Adyghe cheese fried in batter, you must first do what the pieces will be dipped into. For batter, eggs and flour are taken for the following reasons: 1 egg - 1 large spoonful of flour. All this is well whipped with a mixer or whisk. Curry seasoning is also added there and evenly distributed over the batter. The cheese is cut with identical sticks, moistened in the mixture and fried in any vegetable oil. As soon as a beautiful golden brownish crust appears, the bars are removed and placed on a dish, where they can be additionally sprinkled with herbs.

Cheese crackers

In principle, we can say that this is an alternative recipe for preparing Adyghe cheese fried in batter, since the latter is still needed. However, the proposed cooking method guarantees you a dense crispy crust with the presence of a delicate and soft filling inside. First, according to the previous recipe, batter is made. Sprinkled flour should lie on a separate plate. The sequence of actions is as follows: each piece of cheese is rolled in flour, immersed in batter, and only then crumbled in breadcrumbs. And so it must be done at least twice! Then the future fried breaded Adyghe cheese is hidden in the refrigerator for at least a quarter of an hour. As the “shell” seizes, the sticks are quickly fried for sunflower oil on a big fire. By the way, if you wish, you can vary the taste that fried Adyghe cheese will acquire by adding various spices and seasonings. With the same garlic, you will get a wonderful beer snack.

Czech variant

The inhabitants of the Czech Republic also did not pass by such a wonderful ingredient. True, they offer to try sweet Adyghe cheese fried in honey. For the Czech recipe, honey, sesame seeds and salt are mixed in a bowl. Everything is taken at your discretion. dipped in the mixture and sprinkled with breading, after which they are fried very quickly. It is customary to serve them with liquid honey, but they are not considered sweet. Try it as an accompaniment to other dishes and you will see that the Czechs are right!

Tomatoes as accessories

Very good Adyghe cheese fried with tomatoes. However, for the successful implementation of this recipe, you will have to tinker. To begin with, in vegetable or ghee, you need to fry cumin - 2 teaspoons of grams per 450 cheese. Literally after half a minute, slices of 6 tomatoes, cut into 6 parts, are put into the pan. Turn them over until they brown evenly. Next come the cheese sticks and spices - turmeric, black pepper and salt. For about two minutes, the contents will be fried; as soon as a beautiful ruddy shade appears, half a glass of sour cream is poured in, and the container is left on the fire for another couple of minutes. They eat fried Adyghe cheese with hot tomatoes, seasoned with parsley and / or coriander.

Delicious fried cheese salad

First you need to cook breaded cheese - we already know how. Pine nuts are fried in another pan. If you want or can’t buy them, pines are suitable - also fried. In order for the salad with Adyghe fried cheese to suit your taste, you need to put washed lettuce leaves on plates, put ruddy cheese on them, and pour a small amount of chopped onion feathers, some olives and nuts on it. From above, this splendor is sprinkled with olive oil - and run to the table, since such a dish is supposed to be eaten until the cheese has cooled. When it cools, it will not be so tasty at all and much less fragrant.

Happy acquaintance with Adyghe cheese, a worthy competitor of brynza and feta!

Adyghe cheese is especially loved by vegetarians, because they can often replace meat in a familiar dish. However, meat connoisseurs will also like it, especially when fried. Crispy crust, delicate taste and the ability to combine cheese with absolutely any ingredients make it almost indispensable on any table.


Adyghe cheese is used to prepare many dishes: it can be fried, added to salads and casseroles, used as a filling for pies and for making sandwiches. Love this product and PP followers ( proper nutrition) because it is low in calories and useful composition, including vitamins A, B2 and PP. Cheese is often used to prepare diet goodies. There are about 260 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Regular consumption of Adyghe cheese in moderation helps prevent the appearance of oncological diseases. Since the composition contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, bone tissue also receives some benefit. Significantly improve the condition of nails, skin, hair. Enzymes have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, helping the body to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.

Vitamins and minerals strengthen nervous system and even help to cope with depression, insomnia and chronic stress. This product is useful for pregnant women and the elderly.


Fried Adyghe cheese can be harmful for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Also, excessive consumption of the product can lead to constant headaches due to the accumulation of tryptophan in the body. In addition, it is important to remember that those who suffer from any disease gastrointestinal tract, you should be careful with any fried foods.

Subtleties of cooking

In urban conditions, the easiest way is to fry Adyghe cheese in a pan.

Usually, for 300 grams of Adyghe cheese, 2 tbsp. l. butter, a clove of garlic and a pinch of spices. The oil should be as natural as possible (ideally rustic, to add a delicate flavor to the dish and create a sweetish aftertaste). Adyghe cheese is cut into small cubes. The oil is heated in a frying pan, then finely chopped garlic is fried in it for 10 seconds. After that, cubes of cheese are added to it and in the process they are sprinkled with salt and spices.

Fry, stirring, until the dish acquires a golden hue. Cheese should be served immediately, without waiting for it to cool, so that it does not lose its softness of texture.

No less tasty is the dish cooked on the grill. Initially, in addition to 300 grams of cheese, it is important to prepare 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and spices. You can take, for example, Italian herbs. The cheese is cut into large pieces. Then crushed garlic is mixed with oil and seasonings. After that, the cubes are rolled in this mixture and fried on each side over medium heat until crispy.

Adyghe cheese on the grill will also be surprisingly tasty. For 3 pieces of cheese, you will need about 6 basil leaves, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 grams of pine nuts and a teaspoon of honey. In addition, it is worth preparing salt, herbs, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. If you decide to cook a dish with sauce, then you will also have to take care of mayonnaise or sour cream in the amount of 5 tbsp. l., parsley - 1 tbsp. l. tablespoon, garlic cloves and black pepper. The cheese is laid out in a bowl along with basil, coarsely chopped garlic and olive oil. Everything is sprinkled with salt herbs, nuts, honey and balsamic. All ingredients are carefully mixed and settled for 30 minutes.

Next, the pieces of cheese are laid out on a grill and fried on both sides until a golden hue appears. Before you remove the cheese from the grill, you need to pour the rest of the marinade over it. The sauce is made from finely chopped garlic, parsley, sour cream and spices. Everything is mixed in a bowl and served to the table. It would be a good idea to complement the dish fresh vegetables and fresh bread.

At the stake, Adyghe cheese is usually cooked in foil.

In addition to a quarter of a circle of cheese, which is equivalent to 250 grams, you need to purchase a couple of medium-sized tomatoes, 1 yellow pepper, a bunch of herbs, vegetable oil and spices: salt, pepper, turmeric, bay leaves. Everything is cut into small fragments: cheese - slices, tomatoes - circles, and pepper - cubes. A foil is spread on the grate, where oil is poured and ingredients seasoned with turmeric, ground pepper and salt are laid out. From above, everything is again poured with oil and covered with foil. In this state, the dish is infused for 60 minutes, after which it is baked for 25 minutes over hot coals.

It is important to mention that If you replace wheat flour with corn flour, then the dish will have an amazing alluring aroma. You can also add spices or dried herbs to the flour. Also, if you dip the cheese not in water, but in wine - both white and red - you can give the dish an unusual flavor with a slight sourness. The cheese ingredient itself does not have to be fried for a long time, since the product is already, in fact, ready for use, so you need to focus on the color and condition of the crust. To avoid excess fat content, it is recommended to put Adyghe cheese in well-heated oil.


Below are the recipes for fried cheese, following which you can cook step by step delicious snack for a small amount of time.

Very often, Adyghe cheese is fried in breadcrumbs. Per 400 grams dairy product 1.5 cups of flour, salt, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 glass of water. First, the cheese must be cut into slices. The thickness of one piece should not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Then flour is poured into the container and mixed with a couple of pinches of salt. In another container, you will need to pour clean water in advance.

The oil is heated in a frying pan. Each piece is first dipped in water and then in flour, after which each side is fried on each side. Ready Adyghe cheese will need to be placed on napkins to absorb excess oil. This dish is usually served with something fruity or berry like jam. By the way, water in this recipe can be replaced with white wine - so the taste will be more piquant.

Fried cheese with tomatoes is also quick to prepare, but retains an amazing taste. For 200 grams of the Adyghe product, it will be necessary to prepare 200 grams of tomatoes. In addition, you will need a couple of sprigs of basil, 50 ml of vegetable oil and spices.

Cheese and tomatoes are cut into small cubes. Milk cubes are first fried in a pan, and then tomatoes with basil are fried. All the ingredients are laid out on a plate, after which the dish is sprinkled with spices and poured over with the oil used for frying. The dish must be served immediately.

The recipe for fried cheese in batter with nori - seaweed for sushi looks unusual. For cooking, you will need 150 grams of cheese, 2 sheets of nori, 3 tbsp. l. flour, 60 ml of water, 1 egg, oil and spices. The cheese is cut into sticks. The batter is made from a mixture of water, eggs, flour and spices. Nori is cut into small pieces, in which the cheese is wrapped. The oil is heated on the stove, after which sticks are sent to the pan, which are first dipped in batter. You need to fry Adyghe cheese until it is browned.

You can also fry the product in white crackers with an egg. For 200 grams of cheese, there are 150 grams of crackers, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. flour, butter and spices. Crackers are mixed with flour and spices in a spacious plate. The egg is beaten with a pinch of salt. The plates are cut into pieces, the thickness of which is 1 cm. Each bar is first dipped in an egg, and then in breading. The cheese should rest a little, after which the pieces are again dipped into the egg, then breaded and sent to the pan. Each is fried on both sides until a crust appears.

Sweet cheese will turn out if you cook it with honey and nuts. In addition to 300 grams of a dairy product, 80 grams of honey are taken, 2 tbsp. l. nuts, 50 gr butter, 100 ml milk and 3 tbsp. l. flour. Adyghe cheese is cut into convenient fragments. In a separate container, flour, cinnamon, vanillin are mixed. At this time, the nuts are crushed and slightly fried in a pan. Each piece of cheese is dipped into milk, then into flour and fried on both sides. Ready cheese is laid out on a plate, poured with honey and sprinkled with nuts. The dish should stand a little for 10 minutes before eating.

Fried cheese in pita bread is very satisfying and tasty. For 200 grams of cheese, you will need 2 sheets of pita bread. In addition, you need to prepare 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. starch and spices. First, the eggs are combined with spices, starch and mayonnaise - a batter is obtained. Then the pita bread is cut into rectangles, and the cheese into slices. Each cheese is rolled into pita bread, as if the filling fits into a pancake.

Finished bundles are placed seam down. Oil is heated in a frying pan, and each pita cheese is sent there, having previously been dipped in batter. Roasting takes place on both sides.

You can fry the ingredient without oil. It is only important that the pan is non-stick and well heated. If you do everything right, you can easily get a crispy crispy crust.

What do they eat with?

Like any cheese product, Adyghe cheese will feel great as part of a sandwich. It is recommended to supplement it not only with bread, but also with herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes. Fried Adyghe cheese goes well with various fresh vegetables, dill, parsley, cilantro, so serving with these ingredients will always be delicious. You can cut them into a salad, or simply arrange them neatly on a platter.

The dairy product is also combined with fruits - grapes and pears, as well as berry sauces, for example, lingonberry. There are no special restrictions in this matter - cheese will be combined with pasta, and with rice, and even with honey.

How to cook Adyghe cheese, see below.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

We take right amount Adyghe cheese, remove the packaging from it, send the dairy product to cutting board, via kitchen knife cut into layers 1–1.5 centimeters thick and transfer them to a plate.
Pour a little sifted wheat flour into a separate bowl, about half a glass. Add a couple of pinches of salt to it and mix the dry ingredients with a tablespoon until a homogeneous consistency.
Pour a glass of purified water into a clean deep plate and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Cooking fried Adyghe cheese.

Place a frying pan over medium heat and add 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil. After 2 3 minutes Dip the pieces of cheese in turn in water, then roll them in salted flour and put them on the bottom of a hot frying pan. Fry the slices of the dairy product on both sides, about each 1,5 2 minutes.
You don’t need to cook for a very long time, as soon as the cheese is covered with a golden crust, with the help of a kitchen spatula we transfer it to a paper towel, previously spread on the countertop, and give the paper the opportunity to absorb excess fat. Then we lay out the fragrant food on plates and serve hot to the table.

Step 3: serve fried Adyghe cheese.

Fried Adyghe cheese is served immediately after preparation. It is better to eat it hot when it is tender, juicy, soft inside and with a crispy crust. After cooling, the cheese becomes hard and loses its juiciness! As an addition to this dish, you can offer berry or fruit sauces, it is also very often served with stewed vegetables or used as a snack. Enjoy!
Bon Appetit!

Instead of wheat flour, you can use corn flour;

Water can be replaced with dry white wine, this will give the cheese a pleasant sourness;

If desired, spices such as ground black pepper, dried dill, parsley, cilantro, curry, paprika or ground bay leaf can be added to the flour;

Very often, cheese is fried in pure butter or a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil are added to it.

Soft young cheeses are used in various culinary masterpieces, and many of them are roasted, after which they become even tastier.

Having learned how to fry Adyghe cheese in a pan, you will discover it from the other side, because fried cheese is a real delicacy!

We will analyze how cheeses are prepared for frying, what ingredients are used for this, and what the finished dish is complemented with.

How to fry Adyghe cheese in a pan?

From the Adyghe cheese, made from the milk of cows, goats and sheep, many diet meals, added to casseroles, soups, sauces, filling pies and rolls, served with pasta and salads. And how good he is on his own!

The most useful product containing vitamins PP, A and B2, and a lot of minerals can be fried in a regular frying pan.

Here are a few best recipes frying this cheese!

Fried Adyghe cheese


  • 300 g of Adyghe cheese;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • A pinch of salt and pepper.

How to fry Adyghe cheese in a pan

Frying cheese according to this recipe is very easy: just stock up on fresh, or better, rustic butter. Real oil enriches cheeses with a sweetish aftertaste and a delicate creamy smell.

We prepare a delicacy like this:

  1. We cut the cheese product into a small cube.
  2. We heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the crushed garlic for 10 seconds: it will give the product a piquant flavor and aroma.
  3. Add cheese cubes, pepper, add salt and fry, stirring, until browned.

We treat guests and households with hot fried cheese: when cold, it becomes hard. This hearty dish quickly saturates and gives a pleasant creamy garlic aftertaste.

Adyghe cheese fried in breadcrumbs


  • 400 g of Adyghe cheese;
  • 0.5 st. white flour;
  • A little salt;
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook Adyghe cheese in a pan

No less tasty is the Adyghe cheese in bread crumbs: it provides the product with a crispy crust, which gourmets love so much! To fry breaded cheese, we master the following recipe:

  1. We cut the cheese into slices 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Pour into a bowl 0.5 tbsp. flour, not forgetting to sift it, and mix with 2 pinches of salt. Pour water into another bowl.
  3. Heat up a skillet with oil over moderate heat.
  4. We dip the cheese plates in water, and, rolling in flour, fry until golden brown on both sides.

We put the finished layers on paper napkins: they will absorb unnecessary oil. While the cheese has not cooled down, we quickly serve it to the table and enjoy the unique taste, flavored with sweet fruit or berry sauce if desired. And if you are drawn to sour, replace the water in the recipe with dry white wine.

Fried Adyghe cheese with tomatoes


  • 200 g of tomatoes;
  • 200 g of Adyghe cheese;
  • 2 sprigs of basil;
  • 50 ml of olive oil;
  • A little salt and black pepper.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home in a pan

Do you love Italian cuisine, full of surprises and amazingly delicious culinary masterpieces that Italians are able to prepare from ordinary, unremarkable ingredients? Then we will fry cheese with tomatoes:

  1. We cut the cheese and tomatoes into a cube measuring 1x1x1 cm.
  2. We heat the pan with oil and fry first the cheese cubes with basil leaves, then the tomatoes with basil.

Put cheese on a plate and cover with toasted basil leaves and tomatoes. Salt, lightly sprinkle with pepper and pour over the oil in which they were fried. Serve immediately before the dish is cold! It is eaten alone or with a side dish of pasta, potatoes or rice.

Adyghe cheese, grilled in a frying pan


  • - 3 slices + -
  • Cheese - 300 g + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -
  • Italian herbs- taste + -

How to fry Adyghe cheese in a grill pan

After frying pieces of Adygei cheese on the grill, you will get an incredibly tasty snack that will help out in any situation, especially when unexpected guests arrive. This fragrant cheese is grilled according to the following recipe:

  1. We cut the cheese into large pieces.
  2. Mix crushed garlic cloves with seasonings and oil.
  3. Roll the cheese slices in the resulting mixture and, turning on a moderate heat, fry, turning regularly.

We shift the browned pieces into saucers and delight guests and household members with an unusual dish!

Now you have learned how to fry Adyghe cheese in a pan: regular and grilled. Indulge your family with fried cheese regularly, alternating the suggested recipes to experience a new taste every time!

We offer cooking options for fried Adyghe cheese and dishes with its participation. After heat treatment in a frying pan, the product acquires a unique taste and aroma. Try to cook such a delicacy, we are sure you will like its taste too.

Fried Adyghe cheese - breaded recipe


  • - 360 g;
  • chicken selected fresh eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 35 g;
  • breadcrumbs for breading - 90 g;
  • ground red sweet paprika - 2 pinches;
  • dry Italian herbs - 1 pinch;
  • sesame - 40 g;
  • chopped greens (optional) - to taste;
  • refined sunflower oil.


Before frying Adyghe cheese in a pan according to this recipe, cut it into slices about five millimeters thick, and also prepare a liquid and dry base for breading. Beat a little chicken eggs, while adding a little salt and, if desired, finely chopped fresh herbs. In another bowl we combine light breadcrumbs, sesame seeds and wheat flour, add also a pinch of Italian dry herbs, ground pepper and paprika and mix thoroughly.

Now it remains only to decorate and fry the cheese. We dip each slice into the egg mass with herbs, then bread it in a dry spicy mixture and then hastily spread it in thoroughly heated refined sunflower oil. Let the delicacy brown on both sides, remove to a dish and serve.

Fried Adyghe cheese with tomatoes


  • Adyghe cheese - 380 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 440 g;
  • basil greens - 1/2 bunch;
  • olive refined oil - 85 ml;
  • ground black pepper and coarse iodized salt - to taste.


To prepare this amazing dish Italian cuisine chop the Adyghe cheese into cubes with a side size of about one centimeter and similar slices fresh tomatoes before washing and drying them.

Now pour a little refined olive oil into the pan, heat it up and fry the Adyghe cheese in it first until golden brown, supplementing it with basil leaves. Then, in the next portion of oil, brown the tomatoes, also adding fresh basil.

First, put the fried Adyghe cheese on the dish, spread the ruddy basil leaves and tomatoes on top, which we add a little salt, pepper and pour over the remaining oil from the pan.

This dish can be served with pasta or potatoes.

Salad with fried Adyghe cheese


  • Adyghe cheese - 120 g;
  • Bulgarian Bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • cherry tomatoes or lettuce pink - 220 g;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 small bunch;
  • sprigs of fresh basil, parsley and dill - to taste;
  • dried basil - 10 g;
  • ground paprika - 10 g;
  • ground black pepper and coarse iodized salt - to taste;
  • olive refined oil.


To prepare the salad, fry the cheese. We cut off a layer about one to one and a half centimeters thick and bread it in a mixture of dried basil and paprika. Now heat up a frying pan with a small amount of refined olive oil and brown the cheese in a spicy breading for about one minute on each side.

Rinse the cherry tomatoes and cut the fruit in half. If we use large salad tomatoes, then cut them into slices. bell pepper chop into large cubes. In the same way, cut the fried and cooled cheese. Put lettuce leaves on a dish, vegetables on top, seasoning them with salt, pepper and chopped herbs as finely as possible. Arrange cheese cubes on top, drizzle with olive oil and serve.