Affirmations for the wealth sector. Bagua affirmations

The Assistants and Travels sector is located in the near right corner relative to the front door.

Useful people and travel are associated with the trigram "I-Ching" Qian, which means "Heaven". The most active of all trigrams, associated with yang, Heaven has the qualities of strength, synchronicity, inspiration and confidence. Qian reminds us that our lives are shaped by action. Right action comes from the harmonious combination and use of intuition and intellect. We know that we are on the right track when we perceive people as "angels" and a place as "paradise". When people and place are in sync, they inspire and guide us, setting auspicious milestones along the path of life, and allowing us to realize our personal destiny.

Many of us have many stories to tell about how our lives have been enhanced or transformed by the words and actions of a mentor, client, bus driver, employer, or even a stranger. Touched by the heavenly experience of synchronicity, we suddenly realize that we are in the right place at the right time, or meet the right person at the right moment. It is at such times that we feel that the heavenly forces act in direct contact with us, easily and imperceptibly moving us to the next step.

Strengthen the Helper and Travel sector when you:

  • you want to find yourself new mentors, clients, buyers, employers, colleagues - useful people of various kinds;
  • would like to go on a trip in general or go to a specific place;
  • would like to feel a closer connection with your spiritual or religious beliefs, with those from whom you expect guidance - in other words, from "useful people" in the highest sense of the word;
  • want to move to a new home or take on another job.

You can activate this sector with:

  • posters, paintings, collages, photographs, images of spirit guides, deities, saints and angels, helpful people and guides in your life, places you have traveled or where you are going to go;
  • objects of white, gray and black colors;
  • quotes, statements or sayings related to spiritual guidance, useful people and travel;
  • Items that you personally associate with your spiritual or religious beliefs, useful people such as teachers, mentors, benefactors, clients, customers, and employees, places of special significance to you.

Along with placing various objects in certain sectors, the School of Black Hats also recommends the use of certain statements that will help you achieve your goal faster, because. give more direction to thoughts. This School of Feng Shui works with thought forms, which are then brought to life.

Examples of statements (affirmations) for this sector can be the following.

I constantly attract helpful, generous, loving people.

All the people with whom life confronts me love and support me.

Many useful people have made me happy, and I am glad, in my turn, to be a useful person for them too.

Great opportunities and favorable circumstances constantly arise in my life.

I travel as much as I want, to the places I want to visit.

I am at the right time in the right place and meet the right people at the right time.

You can come up with any statement that best suits your goals, write it and post it in this sector. Just do not forget that it is necessary to read it thoughtfully, imagining that what is written about actually exists.

I love myself, I love the whole world.

I am loved because I have been chosen by love.


accumulates wealth and favorable qi energy for the family.

Bagua sector - southwest. Love, marriage and relationships


I love myself, I love the whole world.

I am the source of love and happiness, the light of love burns in my chest.

I am ready to meet my loved one.

I am a powerful magnet for happiness and good luck.

I attract ideal relationships into my life.

I am loved because I have been chosen by love.

brings good luck to the owners of the house and their children, stimulates creativity.

Bagua sector - west. Children and creativity





My life is filled with creativity every minute, I myself create my life according to my desire.

I am able to create, I am able to create something new, something that was not there before me, and I do it all the time.

The birth of a child is a miracle. I easily and joyfully let this miracle and this happiness into my life.

Every day my friendly relations with children are getting stronger, we respect each other and trust each other.

I love my child and he loves me. We have a calm, warm, joyful relationship.

My child is always protected by Divine power!


the most significant symbol of support, providing protection and stability.




a symbol of support and protection, a powerful talisman of good luck in business.

Bagua sector - northwest. Helpers and travel




I'm always lucky with assistants. I am always surrounded by friendly and loving people.

The world is filled with wonderful people and I always meet them.

Traveling is wonderful, I love the road and trust it.

There will always be only green light on my way. Traveling brings me only joy.

I have the right to receive help and support from other people. I deserve it.


one of the most powerful and significant symbols of home protection from negative influences.

Bagua sector - northwest. Helpers and travel




I'm always lucky with assistants. I am always surrounded by friendly and loving people.

The world is filled with wonderful people and I always meet them.

Traveling is wonderful, I love the road and trust it.

There will always be only green light on my way. Traveling brings me only joy.

L has the right to receive help and support from other people. I deserve it.


wonderful, kind and strong helpers,

protecting you and attracting pleasant

in all respects people in your life.

Bagua sector - northwest. Helpers and travel




I'm always lucky with assistants. I am always surrounded by friendly and loving people.

The world is filled with wonderful people and I always meet them.

Traveling is wonderful, I love the road and trust it.

There will always be only green light on my way. Traveling brings me only joy.

I have the right to receive help and support from other people. I deserve it.


great symbol of money.




I'm always lucky!


wonderful feng shui business and monetary luck.

Bagua sector - north. Career and life path




I have many talents and abilities, I have everything to succeed.

I achieve everything I aspire to and even more.

I am learning to see the new possibilities that my life is full of.

I do what I like and get good money for it.

I am steadily growing and developing, my career is gaining strength and brings me success beyond all expectations.

I'm always lucky!


a popular symbol of good luck, a universal expression of good feng shui.

Bagua sector - north. Career and life path




I have many talents and abilities, I have everything to succeed.

I achieve everything I aspire to and even more.

I am learning to see the new possibilities that my life is full of.

I do what I like and get good money for it.

I am steadily growing and developing, my career is gaining strength and brings me success beyond all expectations.

I'm always lucky!


will provide you with support in business, good luck in your career, health and longevity.

Bagua sector - north. Career and life path




I have many talents and abilities, I have everything to succeed.

I achieve everything I aspire to and even more.

I am learning to see the new possibilities that my life is full of.

I do what I like and get good money for it.

I am steadily growing and developing, my career is gaining strength and brings me success beyond all expectations.

I'm always lucky!


symbol of concentrated knowledge,

helping pupils and students

mobilize your efforts to achieve the goal.

Bagua sector - northeast. Wisdom and Knowledge


Along with placing various objects in certain sectors, it is also recommended to use certain statements that will help you achieve your goal faster, as they will give your thoughts a greater focus.

Examples of statements (affirmations) for this sector can be the following:

I express myself through my work.

I attract support and favorable opportunities.

I am open to knowledge and living in accordance with my real needs.

I strive to achieve my life purpose through my work.

My work brings me joy, material wealth and satisfaction.

You can come up with any statement that best suits your goals, write it and post it in this sector. Just do not forget that it is necessary to read it thoughtfully, imagining that what is written about actually exists.

The best symbols of glory are: a figurine of a horse, striving upwards - a favorite symbol of great luck, success and glory; crystal pyramid - a symbol of constant striving upward, achieving goals and development; a golden fan is a magnificent symbol of a high position in society.

The most powerful affirmations for achieving fame, success are:

I believe in you!

I am the personification of good luck and success!

I am confident in the positive results of my business.

I am successful because I have been chosen by success.

I succeed in everything I undertake.

I do everything very well.

I deserve to be successful.

I easily let success into my life.

I am a magnet for money.

Well-being in any form is attracted to me.

I allow wealth to enter my life on a higher level than ever.

I deserve the best and accept the best.

I am grateful for all the goodness in my life.

I am successful (successful) in everything.

I excel in all areas of life.

I have a huge selection.

I am lucky!

Opportunities are everywhere and they come to me.

I have a lot of possibilities.

I have inexhaustible potential to earn money.

In the future, only great wealth awaits me.

When I wake up in the morning, I look forward to a great day.

My expectations and hopes lead to a positive experience.

Relationships will be great when each partner supports the other and helps him grow, develop and express himself; when both partners trust and yield to each other. Happiness will also fill you up if you love yourself completely - if you take the time to listen to your own desires and fulfill them for yourself.

You can never fix a relationship by talking and thinking about how terrible it is.

Love affirmations are:

My marriage (relationship) is made in heaven and manifests on earth.

I have a joyful intimate relationship.

Every day our marriage gets better and better.

My partner and I love each other very much.

My partner and I are ideally suited to each other spiritually and sexually.

I create love and romance in my life.

My partner is loyal to me.

I am irresistibly drawn to my partner.

I radiate pure, unconditional love for my partner.

The sector of Wisdom and Knowledge is located in the northeast of the room. The element of this sector is earth. Color - beige, yellow, terracotta and all shades of brown.

If your family has children who study at school or institute, then by activating this sector, you will help them achieve academic success. They will more easily perceive information, be more focused.

You can activate this sector with various crystals: a crystal ball, an egg, a globe, an owl and other figures.

You can place an owl, a snake and a globe made from other materials, such as semi-precious stones.

A very strong feng shui talisman of this sector is a pearl or a shell with a pearl, which personifies the achievement of the intended goals. It helps to concentrate the acquired knowledge. Install it on your desktop and you will soon feel the effect.

So let's start with the crystal. This item exists in order to attract positive energy and drive away the unfavorable. It is similar to the wind chime pendant, it performs the same function. To attract more favorable energy, install it in the sector of Knowledge and Wisdom so that it is always in the light, it makes no difference what it will be: electric or solar.

By the way, in order for it to attract positive energy, it is necessary to clean it, it will not be difficult. Purification should be carried out as follows: dilute salt in water and place the crystal for 7 days.

The next main symbols of wisdom are books and a globe. The globe displays the Earth, that is, the "mistress" of the sector of wisdom and knowledge. In addition, he attracts success and good luck in his studies. As for books, they help to gain knowledge and are a symbol of the zone.

According to ancient Chinese concepts, the snake figurine is considered a sacred animal, it contributes to the continuous movement forward. The owl symbolizes wisdom, because of this, its figurine will be very useful on your desktop.

This sector is located in the northwest of your house. Element: Metal. Color: white, silver, gold, metallic.

The Assistants and Travel sector is responsible for help and support from spiritually developed people. If you need financial assistance, and you know where you can get it from, feel free to put an object or thing that is associated with this person in this sector. You yourself will not understand how and why, but help will really come.

The Helper Zone gives us the opportunity for spiritual growth. If you are a believer, you can store things that are especially dear to you in this sector.

This sector of the patriarch, influencing the owner of the house. Here you can place portraits of people whom you consider your mentors. In this case, absolutely any person acts as a mentor, he can just be your friend. The Helper Zone should satisfy your need for communication. Therefore, it is recommended to put the phone here or build a cozy corner for communicating with guests.

The Assistant sector is easy to activate with a simple metal bell. It is enough to call him and ask for help, and help will come from the most unexpected sources.

Our lives are shaped by action. Right action comes from the harmonious combination and use of intuition and intellect. We know that we are on the right track when we perceive people as "angels" and a place as "paradise". When people and place are in sync, they inspire and guide us, setting auspicious milestones along the path of life, and allowing us to realize our personal destiny.

It is at such times that we feel that the heavenly forces act in direct contact with us, easily and imperceptibly moving us to the next step.

Tip #158 Engage with the Travel and Helper Sector

- you want to find new mentors, clients, customers, employers, colleagues - useful people of various kinds;

– would like to go on a trip in general or go to a specific place;

- would like to feel a closer connection with your spiritual or religious beliefs, with those from whom you expect guidance - in other words, from "useful people" in the highest sense of the word;

– want to move to a new home or take on another job.

You can activate this sector with: posters, paintings, photographs, images of spirit guides, deities, saints and angels, helpful people and guides in your life, places where you have traveled or where you are going to go; objects of white, gray and black colors; quotes, statements, or sayings relating to spiritual guidance, helpful people, and travel; items that you personally associate with your spiritual or religious beliefs, useful people.

Drawing up a wish map is one of the simplest, but very effective ways of embodying desires and goals. It seemed like magic, but the action of the wish card is easy to explain from a psychological position. There is such a term in this science as visualization. Clearly imagining the desired, a person on a subconscious level seeks to fulfill it. And the wish map is a great tool where all the goals are brought together, systematized and depicted on the canvas.

As a rule, in order to properly make a wish card, you will need a large sheet of A3 paper or even a drawing paper. There is also a computer version, but preferably a natural one: in this case, all your emotional emotions will be invested in the card, which will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your plan.

Popular questions for those wishing to make a wish card

Perhaps the main questions are: how and when to draw up a wish map? These are important points, because the implementation of the plan depends on how correctly it is drawn up. Filling is best done on the growing moon or on the full moon. Avoid any kind of eclipse.

The best are the first 12 days after the birthday (they symbolize the entire next year), two weeks after the Chinese New Year. But, again, it is recommended to check each time individually. For example, on December 21, 2017, on the day of the winter solstice, many astrologers do not recommend taking up mapping. The date itself is great: daylight hours are increasing, which means that everything planned will grow, but it is in 2017 on December 21 that the Sun will be in exact conjunction with Saturn, and it is responsible for the minimalism of desires, their adequacy, specificity. The planet evaluates how worthy you are of your plan, whether you can wait. Agree, not the most successful basis for drawing up plans.

Having decided on the day, remember that it is better to make a wish card at home alone, while the mood should be good, and the state should be relaxed.

To draw up a dream map, you can and should prepare in advance. Choose beautiful pictures from magazines (preferably new ones) that are associated with your desires. Write down what you would like to achieve. Think carefully about each item so that it is easy enough to present it when drafting.

☞ Video plot

How to map correctly

You will need colored pencils, felt-tip pens, colored paper, glue, scissors, a stack of bright magazines or pre-prepared pictures and a photo of the cardholder. The picture must be chosen carefully: on it you must be happy, in a good mood and open to new achievements.

Cut out pictures from magazines according to your desires. Try to choose the one that best suits your needs. For example, if you want to visit Italy, a photo of the Colosseum would be more appropriate than just a photo of European streets. If you want to buy an apartment, post a picture of the apartment, not the house. Choose bright and light pictures. Avoid dark plots and incomplete items. It is not forbidden to decorate the map with your own drawings, because the more effort spent on compiling, the more effective it is.

A photo of the cardholder is placed in the centers of the sheet, and around it are pictures with desires. Each of them can be signed with the appropriate affirmations, which additionally program for success. You can not leave free space, but do not overload the information map.

Ready-made affirmations for the wish card

An affirmation is a short phrase that represents a positive attitude and programming for success with repeated repetition. According to Feng Shui theory, the wish card is divided into 9 elements (I will discuss them below), and each of them has its own settings. The first sector is the central one - the owner of the card, his condition and health. The remaining sectors with approximate affirmations are presented in the table.

I am absolutely healthyMoney comes to me easilyEveryone wants to work with meMy relationship with my spouse is full of love and harmony
My family members are healthyI earn enough to meet all my needsThe number of my subscribers is growing every dayI am worthy of love
Every day I look betterMy income is growingI received an award for my workI am surrounded by people who appreciate me
Children and creativityHelpers and travelCareerKnowledgeFamily
I feel inspiredI went to the carnival in VeniceMy business is growing wellI am fluent in EnglishRelationships in my family are full of harmony and love.
My child is very smart, gifted and healthyI travel twice a yearI hold a high, interesting positionI got my MBAWe often travel as a family
My child is happy because I am his motherMy friends are happy to respond to any suggestionsI get decent pay for my workMy knowledge grows every dayAll members of my family are accomplished individuals

This is just a sample list of affirmations for general understanding. It will be ideal if you come up with captions for the pictures yourself. The only rule is that all attitudes must be positive, showing that the desired has already happened and the absence of a “not” particle in the wording.

☞ Video plot

Instructions for creating a Feng Shui wish map

According to Feng Shui magic, the wish card consists of 9 main segments that correspond to the cardinal points:

  • Central Sector of Personality and Health;
  • Glory sector;
  • Sector of love;
  • Sector of creativity and children;
  • Travel and Assistant Sector;
  • career sector;
  • Knowledge Sector;
  • family sector;
  • wealth sector.

It is into these nine sectors that the paper must be divided. Do not worry if you do not know where which side of the world will be relative to the location of the finished work in the apartment: the main thing is the general order. Each sphere has its own color value, and the following colors are recommended for better implementation.

Health sectorYellowCareer sectorBlue
Glory SectorRedKnowledge sectorBeige or light brown
Sector of loveDark brownfamily sectorGreen
Sector of creativity and childrenWhitewealth sectorLight green or light green
Travel and Assistant SectorGray

Rules for filling out a wish card

  • You should start working from the central sector - the sector of your personality and health, and first of all, your photo is pasted there. It can be a series of pictures, and even a edited photo. For example, you can put your face on the ideal body and make a note accordingly. The main requirement is that the photo should radiate positive emotions. It is advisable to choose an image of the time when you felt truly happy.
  • The next is the sector of glory. Then move clockwise. Place everything related to general recognition here: cups, awards, perhaps some star at a concert. Just pictures from magazines are also suitable, which can be supplemented with your own photo.
  • The sector of love is responsible for relationships and love. If you have a loved one, post a joint photo with the appropriate affirmations. If you are in search, stick a picture of the most similar man in terms of type, you can supplement it with a description. It is not forbidden to use wedding symbols.
  • The zone of creativity and children is filled depending on your desires. These can be photos of a pregnant woman, a toddler in a cradle, their own children, and everything that is associated with creativity.
  • The travel and helper sphere contains symbols of places you would like to visit. For example, your image next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa or a photo of Disneyland. Assistants can be those whose help you count on, organizations and even intangible entities will do.
  • In the field of career, place everything related to it. Photo of the place of work, real or desired, position. Think over everything to the smallest detail, down to the color of the walls of the office you occupy.
  • The knowledge zone contains pictures that talk about gaining new knowledge: photos of scientists, universities, diplomas and much more. Again, you can use the installation by gluing your photo to the body of a university graduate.
  • The family sector accommodates everything that is associated with home warmth and comfort: holidays at the same table, quiet evenings. Suitable not only spouses, but also parents, and other relatives, even friends.
  • In the field of finance, pictures associated with material success are pasted: apartments, houses, cars, a bag of money, and so on. Be mindful of the accuracy of the installation, and do not replace one with the other. For example, if you want a Bentley car, take the trouble to find and paste it in, not a Mercedes.

☞ Video plot

How the wish map works

If, after reviewing the sectors, you came to the conclusion that for the most part everything suits you, and you would like to refine only a couple of points, remember that you can’t do this.

The wish map should be harmonious, which means that all areas should be filled evenly. Do not try to stick pictures at the same time in several zones, go sequentially. Form clear desires, ideally with time intervals for their fulfillment. Imagine, visualize, feel as if the event has already happened.

So, the map is ready. What's next? Hang your finished work where you can see it all the time. Only in this case, constantly seeing it before your eyes, your subconscious will begin a program for the implementation of the plan. It is desirable that the card be hidden from prying eyes. In order to start the mechanism for fulfilling the plan, astrologers recommend that you place some simple desire on the Whatman paper. It can be a box of delicious sweets, going to the cinema to see an interesting movie.

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How to activate the sector of Knowledge, Wisdom and Self-improvement.

We talked about the location of the sector, favorable colors and shapes, the impact on it and, accordingly, on your perception of new information, success in education and other self-improvement in the article When planning the activation of the sector, also read the recommendations on how to arrange according to Feng Shui sector of Knowledge, because it is important to remember that any activation can be carried out only in an already harmonized space.

Preparing to activate the sector.

Activating the Northeast sector of the room, like any other, as well as the Northeast sector of individual rooms, requires prior cleansing space. And, both literally and figuratively. As we already wrote, you can carry out. If the ritual seems too complicated, then you can use the ordinary flame of a candle (you can use a church one), and walk around the entire room, especially lingering in dark corners, mezzanines, etc. At the same time, you can read a prayer or say positive statements.

Influence of affirmations.

When clearing space, as well as activating the sector, use the positive statements below, or replace them with your own, in order to quickly achieve your goal. The influence of affirmations is more likely from the field of psychology and the work of the subconscious than feng shui, but no less effective. Therefore, repeat them mentally with a distinct feeling of imminent changes in your life that will begin to occur in the coming days! Important: do not use the “not” particle in your statements, for example, it is wrong to say “I am not poor”, it is better to say “I am rich”, etc.

I easily absorb new information!
I like learning English!
I can easily learn new things!
I find time for classes on ... (indicate what you would like to do)!
I am in harmony with myself!
My soul and body are in harmony!
I easily concentrate on lectures (seminars)!
I easily pass all exams (sessions)!
It is easy for me to improve my body and spirit!
I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others!

Ways to activate the sector of Knowledge and Self-Improvement.

Option 1.

Put within the sector any items that you associate with Knowledge and Improvement of the spirit and body. For example, textbooks, books, foreign language courses on disks, your own working materials, drawings, etc. Put here everything that is associated with success in self-improvement for you personally. If you have photos where you are awarded a diploma, certificate, medal and other awards related to the acquisition and implementation of knowledge, or you are thanked for your success, they can also become an excellent symbol of your personal growth and self-development. Globe, wise owl and snake will also become excellent mascots of this sector. It is in this sector that a bookcase or library can be placed in the best possible way.

Option 2.

Position here moving objects that attract positive Qi energy. For example, various mobile phones. They should be silent and be out of sight of the person sitting at the desk. It is believed that Qi energy shows great interest in such moving objects, and lingers more in such places, bringing good luck and other benefits to the sector, as well as to the owners of the house. This method is one of the simplest and most versatile, which even a beginner in the field of Feng Shui can use, since its use is not capable of causing harm for any reason. Avoid mobiles that make sounds - air bells, wind chimes, etc. They are more likely to distract from class than to help focus on what is being studied. Choose mobiles that are made, for example, of felt, leather, cardboard.

Option 3.

Can be put here white pearl or use paintings that depict a pearl in one form or another. You can also make a small stroke of white in a round shape, which will give rise to creative energy in the Earth sector, and you and your children will begin to "assimilate" information much easier and easier, and will also achieve significant success in education. In general, the pearl symbolizes the accumulated “layer upon layer” of wisdom and can help students and their teachers mobilize their strength and potential for success.

Important! Pictures in this sector should "radiate" harmony, self-improvement, personal growth. No harmful landscapes and other Sha. Stagnant objects like swamps and deserts will significantly slow down the learning process to the point that you will start to re-read each paragraph to get to the bottom of what is being said. And if there are active objects in the picture, for example, stormy rivers, waterfalls, animals in motion or with a gaze watching you, you will not be able to concentrate because you will jump from one thought to another without stopping and without delving into. Such knowledge will soon fade from memory, and, perhaps, long before the upcoming exam or lecture.

Option 4.

Place in the Northeast sector of the room or apartment desk or office person involved in the educational process. It can be a schoolboy, a student, or a graduate student, and even a teacher or professor. The northeast is an ideal place for doing science, self-education, and reading books. New information will become more accessible and will be stored in memory for a very long time. This option is especially relevant for underachieving schoolchildren and students. Often it is not their fault.

Option 5.

Supposed using the energy of earth and fire in reasonable quantities, and numbers 8 and any objects in the amount of 8. These can be crystals or intergrowths of crystals, ceramic products, pyramids or triangular objects, as well as red or terracotta colors that feed the Earth. As an example, put here 8 books, 8 crystals, 8 pens with pencils, etc. Even better if they are red.

As you can see, the options to activate the Knowledge sector are for every taste. You do not need to implement all the recommendations at once, choose the most suitable for you personally and feel the enormous potential of the sector that can bring incredible ease in learning everything new into your life and strengthen your self-control!

The team of DragonGate Masters wishes you successful activation of the space around you and success in exams and in mastering new knowledge! For the latest news, follow us on social networks. Widgets for transitions can be found in the Promotions section!

Good luck on the way!

P.S. We inform you that copying or using materials from this article without the appropriate permission of the author, as well as linking to our website, is illegal and entails full liability in accordance with copyright law.

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