Astrological forecast for August Libra.

Summer gives representatives of this zodiac sign new opportunities. Stop carefully weighing all the pros and cons, start acting already. The Libra woman will be able to conquer any height and depth, there would be a desire. In order to succeed, you just need to decide in advance on further priorities and focus on them to the maximum. Step to the left, step to the right - execution. For prevention, you can criticize yourself, too often you praise yourself.

Career Olympus has already been waiting for your decisive actions, how long can you run after men? It's time to become a strong and independent woman who can solve her own problems. Hard times have come and the representatives of the weaker sex must choose a goal and confidently go towards it. IN Lately you have become unusually emotional about everything that happens around you. Let work colleagues whisper behind your back, it’s not a fact that they decided to discuss you. You tend to spend a lot of time and nerves worrying about how you look. Trust me, it's redundant. The Libra woman strives to surprise others with her new outfits, perfect styling and unusual manicure.

August 2018 should be devoted to self-improvement, sign up for business courses, attend several trainings and boldly use the acquired knowledge for work. Confidently leave behind all competitors, and you will be able to come to the finish line much faster. Health problems can only arise if you bring yourself to a nervous tick.

auspicious days in August 2018 for Libra: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30.

Love horoscope for August 2018 Libra

Everything in your life is somehow completely boring and monotonous, it's time to act. It's time for free female representatives to start an affair. Just do not spray on several men at once, just choose one and you can safely go through all the stages of the candy-bouquet period with him. A young lady can also take the initiative, according to statistics, most men are embarrassed to be the first to get acquainted. And if you behave modestly, you risk being left without a soulmate. Most of the handsome men are already busy, and here you still don’t know what you want. While these swings of the pendulum are present, it will not be possible to build strong relationships brick by brick, but as soon as you become bolder, the man will be yours.

No vulgar make-up and defiant outfits, you are not like that at all. A true gentleman pays attention to all the details of the image of his companion, you risk immediately being blacklisted. Just be yourself, don't overthink anything and everything will work out. On the next date, the lies can be revealed, then you will feel embarrassed and it is unlikely that your communication with the guy will continue.

Libras in love enjoy their soulmate, arrange romantic dates and just want to be around. Such a sincere impulse should be not only on your part, if a man does not strive to support your enthusiasm, why do you need him at all? The most important thing is mutual feelings and harmony in relationships. If something goes wrong, it should alert you and push you to make an important decision.

Married couples have studied each other too well not to try to decide conflict situation. With this person, you managed to go through fire, water and copper pipes, and you remained faithful to him. Spend a weekend in the company of loved ones, you can go for a walk to the mall with your children to eat ice cream and watch an animated film on the big screen. On August 11, on the day of the new moon, it is better not to make strategically important decisions and not to chop off your shoulder, just think, we had a little fight, make up tomorrow.

Finance Horoscope for August 2018 Libra

Sometimes you want to be a "co-pilot", let the companion decide everything. This month you will be able to achieve much greater success if you do not show excessive initiative. The influence of the Moon will be beneficial for people born under this zodiac sign at the beginning of the month. You can safely count on career advancement. Without any doubt, it will definitely be well-deserved. Your leadership is enough, you can continue in the same spirit, and there is nothing not to worry about. It's time to start saving money, you are too wasteful.

A new phone, laptop and TV can wait a little longer. No shopping, the Libra woman must control herself and not allow herself to break down over trifles. Sales bypass the tenth way, you should cut the cost of products. Every day you buy a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar, is it really impossible to do without it. Or is it the mood for the whole day? Such an attitude at the end of the month will definitely cost you a pretty penny, you should not forget about it for a minute. Make it a rule to record all your income and expenses, what do you spend most of your salary on? Try to cut costs and save a little each month. Why buy a gym membership if you don't go there regularly? get busy better at home so it will be much cheaper and more efficient.

In August 2018, it is not recommended to borrow or lend money to anyone, you risk falling into a debt hole. Libra is one of the most conscientious signs of the zodiac, they are ready for anything for their loved ones. You can be a little selfish, just a few months. You are used to helping everyone around, but those around you are not particularly eager to provide you with any help, take this information into account. On August 26, on the new moon, you should not solve any important business issues, this day is unfavorable for meetings.

Health Horoscope for August 2018 Libra

You are extremely susceptible to any emotional impulses from the outside, try to limit your time spent with depressed people. Always complaining male representatives can proudly call you their best friend and all because you are always ready to listen to them. How much weakness can you show? It would not be time to get rid of such acquaintances, it would be better to go to a psychologist for an appointment. You listen to them for free, sympathize and give advice right and left, is it really possible not to take care of yourself at all? You can easily be “infected” with negative emotions and then you will walk around in the state of a zombie girl with a desire to kill.

The season of exacerbation of joint diseases usually comes in the fall, but your active lifestyle can play a trick on you. When was the last time you rested? Something is clearly going wrong in your life if you constantly load yourself with work, and then come home in the evening like a “squeezed lemon”. On weekends, everything happens exactly the opposite, you just can’t fall asleep, insomnia has already become a faithful companion. Only sleeping pills do not need to be swallowed, the opposite effect may begin and you will not be able to sleep for several days. It is better to consult with a specialist, pour out your soul to him and tell him about everything that worries you. The problem will be solved - get the right diagnosis and you can start to deal with the difficulties that have arisen in your life path.

The Libra woman must learn not to pay attention to the opinions of others, these are just people and they just express their opinion. Usually, negative emotions those persons who experience a feeling of envy are sent to your address. You should not worry about this, continue to work on yourself every day, and the cherished results will become your faithful companions.

Read the horoscope for August 2018 for other zodiac signs:

The beginning of the last summer month is good for staying at home. Libra will like rest in the country, homework. Especially people of age and everyone who is attracted to the garden and the garden.

Libra will feel that working on the ground gives them strength, but it’s still not worth processing. Many want to make repair work. Especially where something was left unfinished, and these imperfections were very annoying.

Loneliness will not tire you either, you will like solitude, which will be your own desire. Some will be lucky to find a treasure or something like that. It is possible that interesting little things from the past will be found in the country attic. In the first decade of the month, Libra will get maximum pleasure, especially if they do not conflict with children and loved ones. Although not the best scenario can also come true, and then you have to be sad.

The sun will be in the zone of friends, and Libra will certainly be in the company. Although not only like-minded people will gather there, but also those who are able to spoil the holiday. Those representatives of the sign who remain at work can count on honors or vice versa: you are guaranteed surprises from the team.

Friendships can lead to unexpected problems, the desire of the second half to create, love and have fun may not be approved by you. Although there will be smoke on the holidays.

Many Libras will be on vacation and have fun in full. They will be able to attract gifts, tips and just the salary of the second half.

In the second half of August, Libra will become more optimistic, enthusiastic and inspired. Optimism will not leave them. The accumulated knowledge, experience, property should serve for the benefit of people. The danger will be hidden in excessive impulsiveness. Libra will want a lot and certainly ideal. They will want others to notice their perfection: the planet of beauty will enter the 1st house, and Libra will simply admire themselves.

Libra has great perseverance at this time, they cannot be broken, but this position is not conducive to love. But it helps to achieve success where perseverance and stability are needed.

Libra will be ready to fight for power, rush to adventure and will be able to endure pain and wounds for the sake of glory and recognition.

Love and family

Society is not as good for Libra as home and family, which the representatives of the sign will admire in the second half of August. Scales diligently build a nest and work on the topics of the hearth, tirelessly. In August, a new friendly acquaintance is coming or old connections will remind you of themselves.


After August 11, Libra will feel self-confident and attractive. Including business and work. However, the appearance of ill-wishers and some news that will not please you is not ruled out.


After the eclipse, finance may begin a new chapter: new sources will appear or old ones will be updated. Someone will be lucky to earn money by speculation on the stock exchange or in business, some Libra will return to their former watering place and get their own. The affairs of the second half will improve if they are active at work.


There is a fire hazard. In the middle of the month, Mars returns to the fourth house of Libra: the stress of indefatigable sports can affect your well-being. Sports can become dangerous. Get your thyroid checked if you experience extreme irritation.

If you have something in mind, then you will certainly achieve what you want! At least that's what the horoscope for August 2018 says Libra, compiled for your zodiac sign. This month you will be able to discover new talents and previously unknown facets of character. Your energy and ambition can crush any obstacles! If insecurity and old complexes often appear in you, then the time has come to get rid of them. Take action and you can take your place in the sun!

An accurate astroscope for August warns that in the first decade of the month, Libra may have friction and disagreements with some people around. Most likely, these will be work colleagues or other acquaintances, for example, neighbors in the stairwell. Libra should, if possible, not intervene in the conflict in which they will try to be drawn. The misunderstanding that has arisen will be perfectly resolved without the participation of Libra.

Lucky amulets and factors for the Libra sign in August:

Color: Blue

Animal: bison

Stone: Demantoid

lucky number: 17

Name: Christina

Horoscope for August 2018 Libra

As the horoscope for August 2017 promises, Libra will be in a great mood throughout the month. The period will bring a number of favorable events leading representatives of the sign to success and fulfillment of desires.

You attract the attention of people like a magnet, many want to make friends with you. In any company, you are the center of attention. But beware of becoming proud, otherwise you will lose your admirers.

Libras are real workaholics, in August they will not be afraid of any difficulties. In August, the life of Libra is eventful, so the energy may not be enough for all the achievements. Try to be charged with positive energy from active people.

During the periods of lunar eclipse (7.08) and solar eclipse (21.08) it is necessary to slow down a little. Do not make important decisions related to work and family matters. Spend these days responsibly and calmly.
At the end of the month, Libra will begin to seek solitude. Get some rest and think about your plans for the future. Do not rush to share your ideas with others.


The horoscope for Libra for August 2017 promises good health to the representatives of the sign. But perhaps a slight deterioration in well-being and fatigue during periods of eclipses. It is better to postpone operations.

Try to eat healthy food in August, do not overload your stomach, do not drink alcohol. It is possible to accumulate toxins, so stick to a healthy lifestyle, drink more clean water, eat fresh vegetables and fruits.


The Libra horoscope for August 2017 opens up new horizons for the representatives of the sign. The month is perfect for building relationships with partners. Possible career advancement. Try to fulfill all your duties on time, do not accumulate unresolved tasks. But don't forget to rest healthy sleep will help you increase your productivity.

In the second half, professional affairs will slow down, ill-wishers will become more active. Make important decisions carefully, consider all risks.

At the end of the month, Libra should sort out the paperwork and clean up the workplace.


The financial situation of the month will be stable for Libra. Big profits are not expected, but receipts will be regular. Material support from partners and close people is likely.

The beginning of the month may bring some conflicts with friends related to money, which will lead to disruption of plans and a decrease in income.


As recommended love horoscope As of August 2017, Libra needs to control their negative emotions and pessimistic outlook. Try to get through August calmly. Support your loved ones, do not arrange quarrels over trifles. Better go on vacation together.

Meetings with old acquaintances and friends are possible. But do not dedicate anyone to the plans and secrets of your family. This can result in gossip and complication of relations with the second half.

At the end of the month, the situation will improve and stabilize. Try not to spoil this idyll. Do not violate the personal space of your loved one.

Man - Libra

As the horoscope for August 2017 promises, Libra - a man will meet the woman of his dreams. You even decide to legitimize your relationship and purchase a new home for you. Family Libra will have a wonderful relationship with their soul mate if you stop bickering over trifles. Be honest in relationships.

Don't risk your finances. Carefully plan every step in your business so as not to burn out. August will bring Libra a tempting job offer.

Woman - Libra

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, Libra - a woman should pay attention to those who are next to her. Some of the men you know are not indifferent to you. Be more open, don't be modest. Fate will give you a chance to meet the man of your dreams. In a relationship with a chosen one, quarrels may arise because of his friends. The stars recommend Libra to go on vacation with their soul mate.

Libra women need to start fighting their bad habits. Stick to a diet, avoid junk food.

The financial situation will not be easy. You are now dreaming of a vacation, but you don’t feel like working at all. But with due diligence, you can climb the career ladder and secure a good income.

The life of Libra at the end of the summer of 2018 will lose stability. This will be a direct consequence of the intense struggle that your patrons and antagonists will unleash among themselves. The number of your friends and enemies will be equal, and therefore each star tandem in turn will pull the “rope” over itself, provoking major turns in your everyday reality.

So, to begin with, we list the list of your enemies. In August 2018, they will be Saturn and Jupiter. This powerful planetary tandem, if desired, can bring you a lot of problems (starting from matters related to your career, ending with your health).

Fortunately, most of the attacks from these planets will be repulsed by your August patrons in a timely manner. They will be your traditional leader, Venus, and her authoritative fellow - a star named the Sun.

Whenever you find yourself on the verge of a serious illness or major problems, these planets will get you out of trouble. You will call it a miracle, a blessing of Destiny, magic that comes to you from somewhere above. However, you are able to help your powerful patrons. To do this, try to be as careful as possible about your well-being, and also do not make hasty decisions.