Quick methods to relieve stress reactions. Basic methods of dealing with stress

How to relieve stress and tension: simple ways to deal

Good afternoon friends! We, the Valitov brothers, are again glad to meet you again on our blog. Today we want to help many of you understand the issue of how to relieve stress and tension.

After all, stress, in its negative aspect, adversely affects not only the health of men, women, adolescents, but also children.

It drains their nervous forces, energy; reduces immunity, leads to depression or chronic fatigue.

This disease of the century affects a huge number of people, therefore, today we will look at how to get rid of negative emotions, relieve stress and manage it.

What is stress, what symptoms does it manifest in an adult or a child. With what folk remedies it can be removed at home, you will learn about this later.

Stay with us on our blog! Further it will be interesting!

Defining the concept of stress

The frantic rhythm of modern life involves many people in a network of stress and nervous tension.

Stress refers to the external pressure of certain factors that have a negative impact on a person, unbalance him. nervous system with a psychological component.

Most often, this condition is experienced by many men, women and children before the threat of life, during dangerous situations or major domestic troubles.

At the same time, not only negative emotions shake the human nervous system. Great happiness or joy is also capable of disturbing mental balance with its shock.

How to recognize stress

You can determine the appearance of a stressful state in a person by his:

  • Sharp fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • Nausea
  • Headaches.

In adult men or women, emotional stress and nervous tension are manifested:

  • Pain in the heart or back;
  • High blood pressure;
  • The development of diabetes or oncology;
  • insomnia;
  • Increased anxiety;
  • Depression.

In a child, stressful conditions are usually accompanied by:

  • Increased irritability;
  • muscle tension;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Weight loss or gain;
  • Pain in the back or abdomen;
  • dysfunction Bladder or intestines.

It is at this point in our story that we want to give you a little rest to talk about your son.

After the death of your beloved dog, your child has become very distracted, withdrawn, and his inadequate actions bother you a lot? Clearly, your fears are not accidental.

Heed our advice! Urgently talk to the child, calm him down, try to distract him, and if this does not help, consult a psychologist to develop a favorable strategy for dealing with the negative emotional state of your child.

Why stress is dangerous

Stress is familiar to everyone. However, these statistics do not bode well.

Especially if prolonged stress or nervous strain exhausts the human body, deprives it of moral and physical strength.

At the same time, even if a man or woman outwardly looks calm, behaves with restraint, stress from the inside undermines their health, provoking:

  1. Increased fatigue.
  2. The appearance of psychosomatic diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension.
  3. Immune suppression.
  4. Poor resistance to viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Irritability.
  6. Short temper.
  7. Apathy.
  8. depression.
  9. An increase in blood sugar levels.
  10. Trouble at home or at work.

Ways to relieve nervous tension and stress

The modern rhythm of life puts an increased load on the human nervous system, which affects his psyche and physiology.

Therefore, everyone needs to know what simple methods can be used to remove stress at home. Let's consider several options.


In the simplest way, a person in an unforeseen life situation, as a primary remedy for relieving tension, can be advised a few simple folk remedies time-tested:

  • Initially, change the situation, take a walk in the fresh air, shopping helps a lot;
  • Drink a glass of water or a cup of chamomile and mint tea;
  • Eat a piece of orange or dark chocolate;
  • Dampen a regular towel in cool water and apply it to your face for a few minutes;
  • Keep your hands busy with something: knitting, embroidery, computer typing;
  • Shout into a pillow;
  • Try jumping or walking up and down several flights of stairs.


Meditation is very good at home to relieve stress. This requires:

  • ventilated area;
  • Silence;
  • Peace;
  • Pleasant music;
  • 15 minutes of free time.

Where to begin?

  1. Get into a comfortable sitting position.
  2. Straighten your back.
  3. Relax and close your eyes.
  4. You can pronounce the words "love", "happiness", "health".
  5. Instinctively observe what thoughts will visit you.
  6. Don't judge them by letting them disappear.

Long-term training will begin to slow down negative thoughts, and then lead to their complete disappearance.

After meditation, you can connect autogenic training. They will quickly restore nerves, make you more balanced and calm.

Breathing and relaxation exercises

Simple breathing exercises will help overcome stress and its consequences at home. They must be performed at least once, but 2 times a day is better.

After all, breathing is one of the basic unconditioned human reflexes. It affects all vital processes. Therefore, to strengthen the nervous state, he needs:

  1. Take 5 to 10 breaths through the nose. They should be deep and calm. In this case, exhalations must be made through the mouth and each time it is desirable to focus on the feeling of filling the lungs with air.
  2. In order for the inhalation or exhalation to be really slow, they must be performed in four counts.
  3. Then you need to connect the diaphragm to these breathing exercises. To do this, take a deep breath so that the efforts of the lungs are transferred to the diaphragm, and the stomach and chest are inflated.

Over time, when these exercises will be performed easily, it will be possible to connect gymnastics to relieve stress.

Usually, nervous tension involuntarily blocks the muscles, most often it is:

  • shoulder area;
  • Jaws;
  • Mimic muscles;
  • Hand area.

Here it is good to alternately knead the cervical-collar zone while inhaling.

You need to rotate your shoulders or relax your facial muscles.

Prolonged stress prevention

  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Swimming pool visit;
  • Physical education and sports;
  • Weekends in nature;
  • Listening to calm music;
  • Sex with a loved one.

There is an interesting book Antistress. How to beat stress, anxiety and depression without drugs and psychoanalysis”, in which you will find very interesting ways to deal with your stress. With the help of this book, the author promises to normalize his emotional state.

If you want to know more about ways to relieve stress, we advise you to become a subscriber of our blog.

Take care of your nerves, good luck to everyone!

Goodbye, see you again!

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Something is constantly happening in our life - we are running somewhere, we are in a hurry to do work, we meet different people. Among other things, the media, the Internet, advertising, and other irritants, from an annoying fly to a neighbor with a puncher, want to take over our attention every now and then. We live in constant tension, for many people the state of stress becomes chronic.

But as soon as you leave the city for a couple of days, life takes on a completely different shape. You sleep better and breathe easier, and you don’t have to run anywhere, and there are much fewer fictional problems. Why is this happening? You reduce the impact of stress. And for this it is not necessary to leave somewhere - in the article we have collected some exercises that, without changing environment.

To get the most benefit, use relaxation techniques with other techniques such as proactive thinking, humor, skills, and exercise.

Autogenic relaxation

The word "autogenic" means that the power comes from within, that is, it is a form of self-hypnosis. With this technique, you use both visual imagery and awareness of the body and its sensations to reduce stress.

This technique was invented and popularized by the German psychiatrist Johann Schulz. He identified six key exercises:

  • Muscle relaxation made possible by the repetition of phrases such as "My right arm is getting heavy." In the same way, you can "appeal" to other limbs of your body.
  • Passive concentration, in which a person focuses on the feeling of warmth, is expressed by the phrase "My hand becomes warm."
  • Initiation of cardiac activity: "My heart is calm."
  • Passive concentration on the breath by repeating the phrase "I breathe calmly."
  • Focusing on warmth in the abdominal region: "My solar plexus carries warmth."
  • Passive concentration on the coolness emanating from the region of the skull: "My forehead is cool."

progressive muscle relaxation

With this relaxation technique, you focus on slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle group. The technique helps to literally see the difference between tension and relaxation, which has a positive effect on mood, including because it returns us to the current moment in time.

The essence of the exercise is to consistently strain and relax the following parts of your body for 10-20 seconds: shoulders, stomach, legs, arms, forehead, eyes (squinting), neck.

With this technique, muscle clamps go away and you completely relax the whole body.


Here you create mental images in your head to take a virtual journey to a peaceful place.

To relax, use as many of your senses as possible. For example, if you imagine yourself on the ocean, focus on sounds, smells, and even bodily and taste sensations.

You can close your eyes, sit in a quiet place, loosen tight clothing, and focus on your breathing. Strive to focus on the present moment and think positive.

Diaphragmatic breathing

Every day you inhale and exhale several tens of thousands of times, but you will be surprised to learn that you often do it wrong.

If you have ever watched a child or a pet sleep, you have probably seen that their stomach rises much higher than their chest during breathing.

Babies naturally breathe with their stomachs until the constant stress of modern life retrains them to do so from their chests.

Diaphragmatic breathing is also called abdominal or belly breathing - this is exactly what a natural, natural process is. During times of stress, your chest shrinks and your breathing becomes shallow and fast. It's called chest. This is a good indicator that you need to consciously change the situation.

Breathing with the help of the chest causes a state of alert response: heart rate and blood pressure rise, blood is directed towards the brain and muscles, and stress hormones are released. That's all fine if you're physically threatened, but if it's about, say, public speaking, such a reaction doesn't make any sense.

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Then inhale slowly through your nose, concentrating on lifting your belly above your chest.


Meditation keeps you in the present without getting emotionally involved in worrying about the future and thinking about the past.

There are many ways to meditate. From simple: you can try the so-called. Or find apps for your phone or videos on YouTube and just follow the instructions.


Yes, any physical exercise will reduce stress, but yoga is superior to any of them. It slows down breathing and heart rate, lowers blood pressure levels, and helps reduce cortisol in the body.

Yoga for breathing

One of the methods of therapeutic breathing is Sudarshan kriya yoga. Breathing exercises in this type of yoga have been extensively studied and found to be beneficial for relieving stress, anxiety, PTSD, depression, substance abuse, insomnia, and mental illness.

  1. Close one nostril with your thumb.
  2. Inhale slowly through the other nostril for 5 seconds.
  3. Now close the other nostril, releasing the first, and exhale slowly.
  4. Repeat the process, starting with the other nostril.

Emotional Freedom Technique

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a form of acupressure in which "energy meridian" points are stimulated with the fingertips. It is called "acupuncture without needles."

It is said that it can be used for states of excitement and anxiety, phobias, obsessive thoughts, insomnia, and also to eliminate negative emotions. The technique has many followers and no less critics. Its postulates have not been confirmed by science, but you can try it as a technique for relaxation.


This is a type of alternative medicine that uses the effect on the body of volatile aromatic substances obtained from plants.

If we talk about a particular fragrance, then you can hardly go wrong if you choose lavender. It is the most studied and universal of all essential oils and relieves stress, anxiety, relaxes and stabilizes mood.

Departure to nature

And yet, if you have the opportunity to go to nature, be sure to do it. This will lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate while increasing heart rate variability.

It is not necessary to go to India or Nepal, just visit the nearest park or forest.

We wish you good luck!

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it's extremely important to be able to manage your stress because it can lead to potentially serious physical and mental health problems. Relaxation techniques are a great way to deal with stress.

However, when faced with high demands and responsibility from day to day to the tasks and methods of relaxation, often retreat. This is because many people do not understand the full benefits that come from using these methods regularly.

Relaxation techniques play a key role in reducing stress symptoms by slowing heart and breathing rates, lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow to major muscles, reducing stress hormone activity, easing muscle tension, elevating mood, improving concentration, alleviating fatigue, and reducing anger and frustration. .

Basically, relaxation techniques help in refocusing your attention on something calming and increasing awareness of your body. It helps push thoughts of stress out of your head. In addition, I would like to emphasize that these methods help you improve your health.

While using relaxation techniques to reduce stress, you should also practice other positive coping techniques, including positive thinking, managing your time, exercising, getting enough sleep, eating only the right products and get help from family and friends.

10 Simple Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress

  1. Guided Rendering

Visualization and imagery, also known as imagination management, is an effective method for reducing stress. These methods involve the systematic practice of creating a detailed mental image in your mind of an attractive, calm setting or environment.

This serves as a distraction element to redirect your attention away from what is causing stress to an alternative focus.

Visualization even affects many cognitive processes in the brain, including motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. It also boosts motivation and boosts self-confidence, which is very important for stress reduction.

In 2012, a study on complementary therapies in clinical practice found that visualization helps reduce perceptions of stress and reduce dyadic distress, as well as reducing psychological and physical complaints.

Guided imagery has also been shown to patients to help manage headaches, reduce the frequency of migraines, alleviate fear and anxiety before surgery, and even reduce side effects cancer treatment, according to a 2008 report by the Mayo Clinic Health Letter.

Guided visualization can be done different ways. Here is one of the most simple ways do it:

  1. Sit comfortably in a quiet place where no one will disturb you and close your eyes.
  2. Take a few slow, deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
  3. Imagine yourself in a beautiful place that you would like to visit.
  4. Focus on the various sensory attributes present in the imaginary place to make it more vivid in your mind.
  5. Keep doing this until you feel relaxed.
  6. Slowly bring your consciousness back to the present.
  7. Open your eyes and return to your real world.

2. Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is another effective stress relief technique. It includes two main steps: the first is intentionally tensing the muscles, and the second is intentionally releasing that tension.

In 2014, a study published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research reports that progressive muscle relaxation is effective in reducing anxiety levels among students.

Back in 2015, a study published in the IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health found that using progressive muscle relaxation as a treatment helped reduce pain and stress while improving overall well-being among patients suffering from chronic low back pain.

Most progressive muscle relaxation practices start at the feet and work their way up to the face.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position.
  2. Take a few minutes to relax by practicing deep breathing.
  3. After you feel relaxed, switch your attention to your right leg.
  4. Watch for a few seconds to focus on the sensations in your leg.
  5. Slowly tighten the muscles in your right leg, squeezing as hard as you can.
  6. Hold for a count of 10 and then relax your right leg.
  7. Stay in this relaxed position for 30 seconds, breathing deeply and slowly.
  8. Then switch your attention to your left leg. Follow the same sequence of muscle contraction and release.
  9. Continue the sequence slowly moving up the body to work the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, back, neck and face in this way.

3. Yoga

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and manage anxiety as it radiates peace and tranquility to the mind and body. It includes a range of moving and still postures to help calm your mind and relax your body.

Corpse Pose, or Shavasana in particular, is a simple yet highly effective yoga pose for reducing stress in all your muscles and providing complete relaxation. It also improves sleep, relieves headaches, as well as mild.

Yoga is also good for improving overall health and fitness. In fact, it helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure.

  1. Lie on your back comfortably with your legs slightly apart.
  2. Place your arms at your sides, palms up.
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply from your belly (diaphragm to be precise).
  4. Close your eyes and relax the muscles in your body.
  5. Maintain this position for 5-15 minutes.

You can also try other yoga poses such as Child Pose (Balasana), Downward Facing Dog (ARDHO Mukha Svanasana), Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) and Leg Up Wall Pose (Viparita Karani) to induce relaxation.

4. Tai Chi

Tai chi, a series of slow, fluid body movements, is also very effective in relieving stress.

A series of movements will force you to focus, relax and consciously think about the circulation of vital energy throughout the body. It helps to calm the mind and reduce stress.

During the practice of tai chi, the main focus is primarily on breathing and attention to the present moment. Tai chi is a low-impact exercise, which makes it also suitable for older people who are unable to do complex exercises.

In 2013, a number of studies were conducted in psychiatric clinics in North America, and doctors came to the general conclusion that tai chi is indeed effective in reducing depressive symptoms, stress, anxiety, and other negative moods.

Tai chi is best learned in a classroom or with a private instructor who is an expert in it.

5. Relaxing music

Listening to music has an extremely relaxing effect on the mind and body. Slow and soothing music plays a particularly important role in reducing stress hormone levels in the body.

Also, music can steal your attention, thus acting as a distraction to help you explore your emotions. In addition, certain music is suitable for meditation, which initiates the relaxation response.

In 2003, a study from the New York Academy of Sciences reported that music is a powerful tool in inducing a more positive and happy disposition in many people. Listening to music after stress can have a strong effect on reducing the post-stress response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

Another study published in 2013 by PLoS ONE indicates that music has positive influence on the psychobiological systems of stress. In fact, listening to music when stressed can lead to a decrease in the psychological response to stress.

A recent 2016 study from Imperial College London reports that attending cultural events can affect endocrine activity and down-regulate stress. This conclusion was in line with 22 previous studies showing that listening to music under controlled conditions, either in a laboratory or hospital, can lower cortisol levels.

When your stress levels are high, grab your headphones and enter the world of music.

6. Deep breathing

Whenever you are under stress, just take a few deep breaths in and out. This will provide immediate relief from stress. In fact, deep breathing is a simple yet powerful relaxation technique.

Deep breathing reduces the effects of stress by slowing your heart rate and lowering your blood pressure. It even oxygenates your blood, helps your body function properly, and clears your mind. The more oxygen your body receives during a Deep Breathing workout, the less tension, shortness of breath, and anxiety you will feel.

Another 2010 study published in the Spanish journal Revista de enfermería suggests that guided breathing therapy helps reduce cortisol levels in the body. Deep breathing even for a few minutes reduced cortisol levels.

In addition, deep breathing works like meditation and gives you a break from everything that bothers you, as your attention gets redirected to the breathing process.

  1. Sit up straight and close your eyes.
  2. Put your hands on your stomach.
  3. Inhale slowly through your nose and feel the breath begin to fill your belly.
  4. Count to 5, and then reverse the process, exhale slowly through your mouth as well.
  5. Repeat these steps for 5-10 minutes.
  6. If it's hard to breathe from your belly while sitting, try lying on the floor.

7. Meditation

During times of stress and anxiety, you can also practice meditation, an age-old relaxation technique to control stress and lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, helps to improve several negative aspects of psychological stress.

Focus or attention meditation means sitting comfortably and trying to focus on your breath so that your mind's attention reaches the present without being distracted by worries about the past or the future.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry suggests that mindfulness meditation has beneficial effects on anxiety symptoms in generalized anxiety disorder, as well as increased stress reactivity and coping as measured by the Stress Challenge Lab.

Another study published in the Journal of the Thai Medical Association the same year reports that mindfulness meditation reduces blood levels of cortisol, suggesting that this may lead to reduced stress and may reduce the risk of diseases that arise from stress, such as mental disorders, peptic ulcer stomach ache and migraine.

8. Laughter

Laughter is a great medicine and very effective method relaxation that can help reduce stress in just a few minutes.

A good sense of humor can lighten your load and mentally bring about physical changes in your body. Essentially, it increases the oxygen intake of the air and increases the endorphins that are released into your brain. Endorphins improve mood and reduce stress levels, which are caused by the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. It also cools the stress response and even helps in reducing the physical symptoms of stress.

Later, in 2008, a study by the American Physiological Society reported that simply looking forward to laughter boosts health, hormone protection, and also reduces potentially harmful stress hormones.

The next time you're stressed out, you just need to start watching a funny movie or video. You can even read comics, or hang out with people who make you smile.

9. Self-massage

There is nothing wrong with overcoming stress with a relaxing massage. In fact, massage is a great technique to keep stress in check.

Massage, which involves pressing, rubbing, and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, is a valuable part of complementary and alternative medicine for reducing stress, pain, and muscle tension. In addition, massage stimulates sleep, which is difficult to come by when trying to deal with stress.

A 2005 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience reports that massage has a positive effect on lowering cortisol levels, increasing serotonin and dopamine levels in the body. Serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness.

Try taking a few minutes to massage yourself between tasks. A gentle foot massage after a hard day can help you relax. You can also visit a professional massage therapist.

10. Walking breaks

When you feel stressed, take breaks to just walk for 10 minutes. Walking boosts endorphins, which can reduce stress hormones and ease mild depression.

Walking is a type of rhythmic exercise that involves both arms and legs. This is a very effective stress relief program when done mindfully. This means that you must be fully involved in the moment, focusing your mind on what your body is feeling. Instead of focusing on your thoughts, you need to divert your attention to the sensations in your limbs and feel how the breath complements your movements.

While walking, make sure you breathe deeply. If possible, try to take a walk in nature, or at least in a nearby park. Nature has a calming effect on the mind and body. It also provides the added benefit of getting vitamin D from the sun.

At the end of your walk, you can even call one of your friends or family members. The encouraging voice of a loved one can help you see joyful prospects ahead.

People find themselves in stressful situations every day of their lives, whether it's the pre-holiday fuss, the search for new work, giving a presentation, being stuck in a traffic jam, or even parenting. Phrases such as “I am so exhausted”, “There are too few hours in the day”, “I am constantly working” and so on speak of depression in everyday life. If you feel like you are constantly under pressure, it's time to think about how to make your next year less stressful. I’ll tell you about ways to relieve stress not only by training, but also by other actions.

What is stress? US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines stress as " physical and psychological reaction of the body to any excess stress". Stress itself is not positive or negative. The quality of life is affected by how a person reacts and acts in a certain situation.

There are two types of stress: eustress and distress.

eustress“Positive” stress that accompanies pleasurable events, such as buying a new car, having a baby, or being promoted. This stress is positive and even needs to be experienced.

"Negative" stress, or distress- what people say with the words "I'm stressed." Distress is any situation that negatively affects a person's life. Typical distress situations are divorce, financial problems, the loss of a loved one, or poor work-life balance.

Symptoms of negative stress

Stress can cause psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems that affect health, energy, peace of mind, and personal and professional relationships. Everyone reacts to stress differently, but common symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • insomnia
  • depression
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Skin problems
  • Digestive disorders (diarrhea or constipation)
  • Attention disorders
  • Irritability
  • Persistent cold symptoms
  • Elevated heart rate

If you do not notice and manage these symptoms, they can lead to serious disorders and diseases. For example, cancer, heart disease, immune deficiency, high blood pressure, and arthritis. According to studies, 75 to 90% of patients who visit doctors complain of stress-related illnesses.

How to relieve stress

The best way to relieve stress is to incorporate stress reduction exercises into your daily routine. Following the tips below will help you become happier and healthier in the new year:

Practice, train and train again

Exercise is one of the best ways to help your body in times of stress. Studies have shown that even 20 minutes of exercise three times a week can help reduce stress levels. Choose what you enjoy the most, such as walking, jogging, cycling, gardening, or dancing.

get enough sleep

We often feel like we don't have enough time in the day to sleep. Given the high levels of activity and stress in modern life, most people need 8 full hours of sleep. This may sound frivolous, but a good night's rest increases a person's physical and mental capabilities.

find free time

Take some time out of your busy schedule for yourself.

Try to do something that you enjoy every day, whether it's a lunchtime walk, reading the newspaper, exercising, or watching your favorite TV program.

Eat healthy food

"Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are! ". Eating healthy foods is a proven way to relieve stress symptoms. During the day you should eat bread, dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables. Always have breakfast and limit your caffeine and alcohol intake.


For some stressed people, even a standard workload can seem overwhelming. Determine what is most important to you, prioritize and do everything in turn. After completing one task, move on to another.

Be realistic

Learn to say "no"! If you're constantly feeling the pressure of everyday life, you may have taken on more than you can handle.


Laughter relaxes tense muscles, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and exercises the muscles of the face, diaphragm, and abdomen. Laughter boosts the immune system and causes the body to release pain-fighting hormones.

Keep a positive attitude

When our lives change for better or worse, our body needs time to recover. A positive attitude helps reduce the time it takes to recover. By learning to see the “bright side of things,” you can help your body fight the negative effects of stress and improve your health.

Try to relax

When you're stressed, your muscles are tight and tight, and your breathing becomes shallow and fast. One of the easiest ways to resist stress is to take slow, deep breaths. Yoga classes are a great way to learn how to relax and learn deep breathing techniques.

stretch tension

During times of stress, your body tries to protect itself by tensing your muscles. Usually in the neck area. Described below simple exercises Stretching and rotating will help relieve muscle tension.

Stretching the neck muscles

Stand up straight, straighten your back. Tilt your head, bringing your right ear close to your right collarbone, without raising your left shoulder. Gently move your head down until your chin touches your chest. Repeat the exercise for the left side of the body. Describe a large circle with your shoulders from front to back, bring your shoulder blades together. Hold the position for two seconds, then relax your body and repeat the exercise again.


Use your left hand to massage your right shoulder, and right hand- left. Fingers should move easily, but firmly. Begin massage from the shoulder blade, then move up to the neck and finish with a head massage.

Always remember - stress is born in the head.