The best diets for kidney and urinary tract disease. What diet is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract? Diet of sick kidneys and bladder

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Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis)

Urethritis- an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the urethra.

This disease affects people of both sexes.

The disease often occurs as a result of the action of bacteria, although it can also be caused by non-infectious factors: irritation chemicals, contraceptives, permanent injury to the penis (for example, in cyclists and riders), metabolic disorders, prolonged stay in the urethra of rubber catheters.

Provoking factors can be hypothermia, stress, nylon clothing, sexual intercourse.

Symptoms: pain during urination, mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, itching and burning inside the urethra. But there is also a latent course of the disease, which is manifested only by minor discharge from the urethra.

Urethritis is dangerous for its numerous complications: narrowing of the urethra, impotence, infertility, kidney disease, etc.

Cystitis- an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the bladder. The causative agents are viruses, bacterial flora, chlamydia, Trichomonas, fungi that spread through the urethra, penetrate from the immediate environment (vagina, intestines) or from the kidneys.

Symptoms: frequent and painful urination, blood and pus in the urine, lower back pain, fever.

Acute cystitis- infectious and inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Symptoms: sudden onset of the disease (after hypothermia or another provoking factor), frequent and painful urination, pain in the bladder, radiating to the perineum, heat, chills.

Chronic cystitis often occurs as a complication of other diseases of the urogenital area. Prostate adenoma, bladder stones, narrowing of the urethra and other causes lead to its development.

Forbidden: coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages that irritate the urinary tract.

Prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma is a disease that affects men over 50 years of age. The disease is expressed in a benign growth of gland tissue. The prostate gland is located under the bladder and covers the urethra leaving it. As a result of the growth of adenoma, squeezing of the urethra and a violation of the process of urination occur.

Signs of the manifestation of the disease: weak urine flow, difficulty starting and ending urination, incomplete emptying Bladder.

When urine is retained in the bladder, the likelihood of infection increases. Adenoma is often observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle with insufficient physical activity, and in overweight people.

Prostatitis- Inflammation of the prostate gland resulting from infection. The infection can penetrate from the urethra, bladder, testicle and epididymis, as well as from the skin, teeth, ears, tonsils.

The disease is promoted by: stagnation of blood in the organ (due to rhythm disturbances and perversions in sexual life), constipation, hypothermia, sedentary, sedentary image life.

Symptoms: fever, pain in the perineum, genitals, lower abdomen, frequent and painful urination, difficulty urinating (up to complete delay).

An exacerbation of chronic prostatitis may be indicated by discomfort and dull pain outside or at the end of sexual intercourse, in the perineum, frequent urination, and sexual dysfunction. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, as well as the exclusion from food of spicy and salty foods and alcoholic beverages.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is manifested by the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. The stones have different chemical composition(phosphates, oxalates, urates, etc.), shape, density and size. Stones consisting of salts of oxalic acid (oxalates) are brown or dark gray, dense. Stones from uric acid salts (urates) are red-brown, less dense. Stones from phosphoric acid salts (phosphates) are gray-white, crumble easily.

If the urine is constantly contained in a high concentration of salt, but there are no stones yet, then this indicates uric acid diathesis. A common form of uric acid diathesis is oxaluria, in which the content of oxalic acid salts is increased in the urine. Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of this form of uric acid diathesis. Foods rich in oxalic acid are excluded from the diet: cocoa, chocolate, sorrel, spinach, parsley, rhubarb, onions.

Causes urolithiasis varied:

1) metabolic disorders;
2) malformations of the anatomical development of the urinary tract;
3) hereditary nephrosis- and nephritis-like syndromes;

4) climatic and geochemical conditions;
5) eating habits (consumption of large amounts of protein, salt, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, etc.);
6) increased function of the parathyroid glands, etc.

Symptoms of urolithiasis:
sudden onset of low back pain (often after physical activity, shaking, heavy drinking), often accompanied by nausea and vomiting; pain is given to the iliac region; an attack of colic may be accompanied by fever. In many cases, an attack of urolithiasis ends with the release of salts or a small stone. Stones stuck in the ureter disrupt the outflow of urine and provoke the development of acute inflammation.

At the stage when there are no stones yet, but only salt metabolism is disturbed and there is occasionally sand in the urine, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the appearance of stones. Nutrition can be of great help in this regard.

When prescribing therapeutic nutrition, the chemical composition of stones, the chemical composition and reaction of urine, the characteristics of metabolism, as well as the condition of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system and the digestive organs are taken into account.

In case of urolithiasis with the formation of stones from uric acid salts (urates), a diet is prescribed that helps to reduce the formation of uric acid and shift the urine reaction to the alkaline side.

Recommended: a slight decrease in the amount of proteins (up to 70-80 g) and fats (up to 8090 g, mostly refractory); physiological norm of carbohydrates (400 g); drinking plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters of fluid) between 4 main meals; table salt is limited to 10 g; the amount of alkalizing products (dairy and vegetable) increases.

1) rye and wheat bread, baking is limited;
2) low-fat varieties of meat, poultry and fish boiled, stewed, baked 2-3 times a week (150 g of meat or 160 g of fish); it is allowed to fry meat, fish, poultry after preliminary boiling;
3) vegetarian soups: vegetable, potato, dairy, with the addition of cereals, okroshka, beetroot soup, borscht, cabbage soup;

4) milk and sour-milk drinks, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese and dishes from it; milk jelly;
5) vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries in their raw form, in any culinary treatment and in the form of juices; cranberries, lemons and other citrus fruits, watermelons, peaches, dried apricots, apricots, pears, beets, cucumbers, dried fruits are especially recommended; black radish juice with honey; vinaigrettes, salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, vegetable caviar;

6) honey, jam, non-chocolate sweets;
7) porridge in a small amount;
8) 1 egg per day;
9) unsalted butter and ghee, vegetable oils;
10) weak tea, weak coffee with milk, rosehip decoction, wheat bran decoction, kvass, fruit drinks, water with juices.

Excluded: coffee, strong tea, mushrooms, kidneys, liver, brains, legumes, canned meat and fish, sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, salted cheeses and snacks, sorrel, spinach, cauliflower and soups from them, rhubarb, figs.

fruit diet: 1.5 kg of permitted fruits, raw or baked, eat in 5 doses during the day.

Kefir diet: 1.2-1.5 liters of kefir (or any other permitted fermented milk product) to drink in 6 doses during the day.

Potato Diet: 1.5 kg boiled in their skins or baked potatoes to eat in 5 doses during the day.

In urolithiasis with an alkaline reaction of urine and precipitation of phosphorus-potassium salts (phosphaturia), a diet is prescribed that restores the acid reaction of urine and prevents the formation of sediment. According to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, this diet corresponds to physiological norms.

But it limits products with an alkalizing effect and rich in calcium (most vegetables and fruits, dairy products): products are recommended that change the reaction of urine to the acid side (flour products, cereals, fish, meat), drinking plenty of water on an empty stomach or between meals (if no contraindications).

1) soups on a weak meat, mushroom, fish broth with noodles, cereals, legumes;
2) meat, fish, poultry; small quantities of canned fish; eggs in various types (preferably only egg white), at least one per day;
3) different kinds flour products prepared with restriction of yolks and milk;
4) cereal porridge on the water;

5) sour cream as an addition to dishes; butter; vegetable oils;
6) pumpkin, green pea, mushrooms, sour varieties of apples, cranberries, lingonberries;
7) honey;
8) sugar, jelly and kissels from sour fruits and berries, confectionery;
9) weak tea and coffee without the addition of milk, rosehip broth, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks.


1) salted and smoked fish and meat;
2) vegetable, fruit and milk soups;
3) milk and sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheese;
4) vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, canned vegetables, potatoes;
5) vegetable, berry and fruit juices.

Meat and cooking fats are limited. Metabolic disorders in the body can lead to cystinuria - increased formation of the amino acid cystine in the body and its excretion in the urine in large quantities. Diet for this disease: it is recommended to completely exclude fish, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cheese, egg white, take ascorbic acid and vitamin B6.

B.Yu. Lamikhov, S.V. Glushchenko, D.A. Nikulin, V.A. Podkolzina, M.V. Bigeeva, E.A. Matykin

Health cannot be bought, so it is worth taking care of it. If a doctor has prescribed a diet for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, then it must be followed. Otherwise, there is a high risk of deterioration in well-being, which will lead not only to a hospital, but also to other unpleasant consequences.

Causes of the formation of the disease

Disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system lead to serious complications in the processes of the whole organism. Metabolism is especially affected, there are failures in the excretion of the processed liquid, the absorption of useful microelements is deteriorating. For this reason, a certain diet therapy is prescribed to eliminate this disease.

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. They perform not only an internal secretory function, but also cleanse the body, removing fluid and filtering incoming harmful substances.

The main risk factors for kidney disease include:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • non-compliance with the principles of healthy eating;
  • hypothermia of both the whole organism and the pelvic organs;
  • infectious and venereal diseases;
  • frequent nervous breakdowns;
  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking certain medications.

General information about therapeutic measures

Treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system is as follows:

  • the use of medicines;
  • diet therapy;
  • therapy of certain manifestations of the disease;
  • physiotherapy procedures.
    • The main principle of the therapeutic diet:

      • unloading of the urinary system;
      • cleansing the blood of harmful substances;
      • stabilization of the work of metabolism;
      • getting rid of edema;
      • normalization of blood pressure.

      Diet principles

      Only properly selected nutrition contributes to the improvement of the patient's condition. Medicine offers several types of diets that allow you to normalize the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. When prescribing a certain diet, the doctor focuses on the course of kidney disease. In certain cases, the diet can be changed based on the personal characteristics of the human body.

      Video about nutrition for kidney disease:

      The general requirements of the dietary table are:

  1. Reducing the amount of protein consumed. This moment refers to the key in diseases of the urinary tract. This is due to the fact that proteins include nitrogen compounds, which are extremely difficult for diseased kidneys to cope with. With a large accumulation of these elements, intoxication is possible. If the disease becomes severe, a protein-free diet lasting 2 weeks is recommended.
  2. Fluid intake control.
  3. Complete refusal or restriction of the use of salt and salty foods. Salt is a natural sorbent, so reducing it in the diet leads to the elimination of puffiness. During treatment, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of gas-free water daily.
  4. Calculation of daily calorie intake.

In some cases, the use of oxalic acid may be limited.

The following products are prohibited for consumption:

  • fat meat;
  • broths prepared with mushrooms or fish;
  • smoked meats, sausage, canned food;
  • salted cheese;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fast food;
  • spicy seasonings.

Daily nutrition during the diet should include 500 g complex carbohydrates, 80 g protein, 70 g fat. The calorie content of products should be equal to 3000.

To normalize the level of metabolic processes, it is necessary to use:

  • products from vegetarian cuisine;
  • river fish;
  • lean meat;
  • bread and crackers without salt;
  • vegetables cooked with a double boiler;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • dried fruits;
  • dairy products.

Sample menu for illness

Nutrition for problems with the kidneys and urinary system should be organized according to the following example:

  1. Breakfast includes a vegetable salad, while the vegetables must first be boiled, if desired, a small amount of sour cream can be added to it. It is also allowed to eat cottage cheese, slightly dried bread, rosehip broth.
  2. For lunch, you need to cook an omelette, boil buckwheat, adding a small amount of oil to it. You can drink a glass of juice if you wish.
  3. For lunch, you need to eat vegetable soup, a little boiled meat. It is not forbidden to eat potatoes in uniform and a glass of jelly.
  4. In the afternoon, it is advisable to cook a small amount of pasta, drink a glass of yogurt. One baked apple is allowed.
  5. For dinner, you need to cook steamed rice cutlets. If desired, you can eat some dried fruits and drink jelly.

Such nutrition will contribute to a quick recovery in a short period of time. If it is not adhered to, then the state of health may worsen and more aggressive therapy will be prescribed.

  • Diet Tips for Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease

Dysfunction of the kidneys and excretory system leads to an imbalance of the whole organism. In particular, metabolic processes and the excretion of waste fluid are disturbed, the water-salt balance and absorption are destabilized. useful substances. Therefore, one of the main stages of therapy is a special diet for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Causes and types of kidney and urinary tract diseases

The kidneys are one of the main checkpoints of the human body. In addition to the internal secretory, hematopoietic, metabolic, ion- and osmoregulatory functions, they play an important role in cleansing the body, filtering and excreting fluid.

Cause disruption of the excretory system can:

  • weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body and pelvic organs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • frequent stress;
  • unbalanced or malnutrition;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • taking medications.

These factors can cause:

  • nephritis;
  • pyelitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • oxaluria;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • etc.

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Overview of Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease

The treatment of problems with the organs of the excretory system, including those affecting the kidneys and urinary tract, requires an integrated approach that includes:

  • drug treatment;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

In addition, doctors prescribe a dietary table, the purpose of which is to:

  • unloading the urinary system;
  • cleansing the blood of metabolic by-products;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removal of edema;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • stabilization of water-salt and hydroelectrolyte balance.

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Diet Tips for Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease

Based on the specific functions of the excretory system, the correct diet is one of the key elements of therapy for the most various diseases urinary tract and kidneys.

Modern medicine offers several types of dietary tables: No. 6, No. 7, No. 7 (A - D) and No. 14, used to treat diseases of the urinary system. They are prescribed depending on the type, form and stage of the disease, as well as on the characteristics of the development and course of the disease. In addition, the diet may be slightly modified according to the individual characteristics and history of the patient.

For any therapeutic diet for diseases of the excretory system, the common is:

  • protein restriction;
  • control over fluid intake;
  • salt restriction;
  • strict daily calorie intake.

In some cases, the restriction may affect oxalates (oxalic acid and its derivatives), urates (salts of uric acid) and other chemical elements.

Restriction of protein intake is a key aspect of the dietary table for diseases of the urinary system. This is due to the fact that the product of protein metabolism is nitrogenous compounds, which diseased kidneys simply cannot cope with. These formations accumulate in the blood and can provoke severe intoxication. In particularly difficult cases of the disease, a protein-free diet can be prescribed. Compliance with the diet should be supervised by a doctor. The maximum duration of the diet is 14 days.

When protein intake is limited, the calorie content of the daily amount of food decreases. In addition to the fact that the decrease energy value meals is fraught with poor health and a negative impact on metabolic processes, low calorie meals consisting of fats and carbohydrates can provoke the breakdown of proteins deposited by the body "in reserve", which will lead to the formation of nitrogenous compounds.

Salt is a natural sorbent. Therefore, limiting or prohibiting the use of salt is a preventive measure that prevents the development of swelling and stagnation of fluid in the body. During the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, the daily rate of fluid is reduced to 1.5 liters of clean non-carbonated drinking unsalted water.

These limitations imply that any therapeutic diet in without fail includes a list of prohibited and acceptable foods, the method of processing them and the allowed serving size. And if the list useful products varies depending on numerous factors, then in the approach to the question of what food is unacceptable for consumption during the treatment of the excretory system, doctors are unanimous. This:

  • fatty meats;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fish and/or mushroom broths;
  • smoked meats, sausages, canned food;
  • beans, beans, peas;
  • soy and by-products from it;
  • sorrel, spinach;
  • garlic and onions;
  • radish;
  • salted cheeses;
  • fast food and fast food products;
  • seasonings and spices that add spice;
  • cocoa and its derivatives (including chocolate).

In accordance with general recommendations, diet therapy should be based on products with diuretic properties. At the same time, you need to cook them without adding salt. Daily rate useful nutrients during the treatment of problems of the urinary system and kidneys include:

  • 70-80 g of protein;
  • 70-80 g of fat;
  • 400-500 g of complex carbohydrates.

The average calorie content should be equal to 2800-3000 kcal.

Restoring a relative balance in metabolic processes and alleviating pathological conditions in diseases of the excretory system will be facilitated by a diet that includes:

  • salt-free bakery products and crackers;
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • light vegetable soups;
  • low-fat varieties of meat and river fish;
  • steamed vegetables and dishes from the indicated types of meat;
  • vegetable and meat stews;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • cereal dishes;
  • dairy products;
  • baked apples;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruit drinks, kissels, fruit juices;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs.

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An example of a daily diet for the treatment of diseases of the excretory system

Morning: salad boiled vegetables with sour cream, cottage cheese, slightly dried white bread, rosehip broth.

Lunch: one egg omelette, boiled buckwheat with a little oil, juice.

Day: vegetable soup, a small portion of boiled meat, jacket potatoes, jelly.

Snack: a small portion of durum wheat spirals, a glass of curdled milk, a baked apple.

Evening: rice steam cutlets, some dried fruits, jelly.

An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of milk with unsalted cookies.

Dietary nutrition in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract is one of the key elements in the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the excretory system. the main task therapeutic diet - relieving the load from diseased organs, reducing swelling and pathological conditions that caused the disease, as well as restoring normal water-salt balance and metabolism.

Given the wide range and specifics of diseases of the excretory system, only the attending physician can give advice on the appropriateness of diet therapy, permissible and prohibited foods, their quantities.

Diet for kidney diseases, if not crucial, it largely helps the treatment of the underlying disease. Patients who methodically take medications, drink the recommended herbal decoctions, but do not monitor their diet, are doomed to a chronic process. For any kidney disease, it is important to adhere to the principles proper nutrition and, in some cases, tight time limits are necessary.

Let us first analyze the basic principles that all people suffering from kidney disease must observe.

The attitude to food proteins in kidney disease should be careful. Once in the body, the protein breaks down into many components, including nitrogenous substances. With impaired kidney function, they accumulate in the blood and begin their harmful, poisonous activity. With exacerbation of nephritis and other renal pathologies you are shown a low-protein diet, limited to 50 grams per day. Reception, only half of the required protein can be taken from animal products.

Protein-free diet for kidney disease is prescribed for acute renal failure and exacerbation of chronic. Such a diet does not last long, since the patient loses not only harmful nitrogenous elements, but also useful amino acids. A protein-free menu is prescribed for a period of 2 weeks, after which they switch to a low-protein diet.

Life-giving moisture

One more important aspect nutrition for people suffering from chronic kidney disease - water. It is difficult for a diseased organ to cope with a large amount of fluid, and the retained fluid begins to form edema. It is by them that one can sometimes recognize a kidney patient on the street - renal edema is located under the eyes, making the face puffy and stale.

In chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, the amount of fluid should be limited. At least up to 1.5 liters.

The daily volume of liquid is not only drinks, but also first courses and fruits.

If, in a chronic illness, water should be removed as much as possible, then in some acute conditions, its volume is increased. These are diseases caused by infection. For example, frequent cystitis in women requires plenty of fluids. The more liquid enters the body, the more often a person will urinate, which means that infectious agents will have to leave the body naturally.

With urolithiasis in women and men, you should also drink a lot. Stones prone to dissolution will not withstand the massive water load, turn into sand and leave you safely.


A product that threatens great trouble for all renal patients. Requires a hard limit. Salt will have to be abandoned. Sometimes partially, sometimes completely. Even if you suffer from inflammation of the urinary tract or bladder, and try to drink more, table salt will try to retain excess water, and with it the infection.

Therefore, recipes for people with kidney disease do not contain salt. In fact, any kidney diet is salt-free. It can be used in tiny amounts, adding a little salt to already cooked food.

The approximate allowable amount of salt is 2-3 grams. per day.

We'll have to try to break the habit of salty, but there is no other way. Such a restriction is especially difficult to implement for men, because it is they who are more often adherents of harmful, but tasty food.

Nutrition for pyelonephritis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, especially in the second half, pyelonephritis often develops. The reason is - a double burden on the kidneys. Therefore, during pregnancy, women should strictly monitor their diet - limit liquid, salt, in the second half do not consume too much protein. If you think that pyelonephritis that occurs during pregnancy will leave you after childbirth, we hasten to disappoint. This will only happen if your menu is appropriate. If dietary principles are not followed, the disease can develop into other complications of pregnancy - hypertension, nephropathy.

Women who already have chronic kidney disease should be especially careful during pregnancy. In this case, your nutrition recipes must be correct from the very beginning. This will help keep you and your unborn baby healthy.

We impose a ban

It is quite difficult to calculate the amount of protein, salt and calorie intake on your own. Therefore, it is necessary to start a diet with the exclusion of products that are frankly harmful to the kidneys. This list is quite extensive.

Products prohibited for use in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract:

  1. All animal fats.
  2. Fatty varieties of meat and fish products.
  3. Canned products.
  4. Marinades.
  5. Smoked products.
  6. Strong broths.
  7. Pickles.
  8. Mushrooms.
  9. Chocolate.
  10. Coffee, cocoa.
  11. Carbonated drinks.

Nutrition for children

A sample menu for children with kidney disease should be carefully calibrated. The calorie content of nutrition for children should be high enough, since metabolic processes in a growing body proceed quickly, and significant restrictions will lead to additional pathologies - anemia, metabolic disorders, and others. Therefore, the protein component of the menu needs to be supplemented herbal products sometimes soy protein. It is better if recipes for children with chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases are prepared by a professional nutritionist. Having in front of me sample menu for two weeks, it is much easier for parents to monitor the diet of children. There are also special product interchangeability tables with which you can diversify the sample menu for children. By the way, recipes for children's dishes can be used during pregnancy. A diet intended for children is quite appropriate here.

Diet for urolithiasis

The optimal diet for urolithiasis depends on what types of stones have settled in your body.

Urate stones do not like an alkaline environment, which means that recipes should help change the reaction of urine to the alkaline side. except general restrictions eliminate all acidic foods from your diet, give preference to a dairy-vegetable non-acidic diet, eat sweet fruits. Stones of urate composition will not tolerate such mockery of themselves. If you eat right, they will simply dissolve and treatment will not be needed.

For uraturia in children or during pregnancy, proceed in a similar way.

Alkaline and urates are incompatible.

Urate antagonists are phosphate stones. Phosphaturia often occurs in children if parents fill the children's menu recipes with sweet and dairy products. If phosphates have taken root in the body, the diet should be urgently “acidified”. During pregnancy, with the help of proper nutrition, phosphaturia can also be eliminated. No special treatment is needed.

It is difficult to defeat oxalate stones only with a diet. Too bad they are alive. Your food recipes should not contain oxalic acid. It is she who contributes to the violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, and helps to form oxalate stones. If oxaluria occurs during pregnancy, a woman is prescribed a strict diet, they can be hospitalized in the pathology department. Treatment for oxaluria will be carried out after childbirth.

If the bubble hurts

Bladder infections lead to cystitis. Anyone who has encountered him at least once remembers how unpleasant it is. Bladder diseases are especially painful for men. Due to the peculiarities of the urinary tract and excretory canal, they suffer from inflammation of the bladder much more.

Acute inflammation of the bladder requires the exclusion of all fatty and sugary foods. Coffee, tea, alcohol are completely prohibited.

But you need to drink a lot with pathologies of the bladder. Choose fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, unsweetened compotes. After the inflammation subsides, go back to your normal diet gradually.

Treatment of cystitis is required. In the chronic course of cystitis, dietary violations can cause exacerbations.

Renal colic

Pathology causing acute pain. Occurs when kidney stones enter the space of the urinary tract and move out. If sand moves, damage to the urinary tract may not occur. When advancing stones bigger size possible injury to the urinary tract. Against the background of traumatic injuries, inflammation occurs, cystitis develops.

During renal colic, a person should not be fed, but a lot of drinking is needed. This will speed up the process of removing stones.

What remains?

After reading our material, did you feel that life with a chronic kidney disease gives a solid crack? And you don't want to go into the kitchen? Bland recipes without salt, lack of fried steaks will dishearten anyone! Do not despair. Go to a nutritionist, make an approximate menu for your disease. You will see there a much smaller list of restrictions than we have described. Systematically carry out treatment and get well soon, and then it will be possible to implement the most sophisticated, even if slightly harmful, recipes. But this is after.

In the meantime, we give you recipes for one day so that you know what to build on.


  1. Beet salad dressed with sour cream;
  2. Cottage cheese.
  3. Salt-free bread and butter sandwich.

Breakfast number 2

  1. Buckwheat porridge boiled in milk.
  2. Steam omelet.
  3. Herbal tea.


  1. Vegetable soup.
  2. Baked meat with potatoes.
  3. Fruit.


  1. Pasta with apples baked or vegetable stew.
  2. Kefir, bun.

At night, drink a glass of milk with honey.

We think the example we gave is not boring. Just do not make a mistake in the choice of meat and the method of preparation. Then the treatment will go faster, and with it the mood will improve!

Acute and chronic kidney disease cannot be cured without strict adherence to the diet. These organs have a serious burden of detoxifying the body and removing its waste products. If the kidneys cannot function properly, the body begins to swell, intoxication occurs, and the consequences can be most serious.

Problems in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system can be signaled by severe pain, difficulty or too frequent urination, uncharacteristic urine color, bloody streaks, or white sediment in the urine. If you find yourself experiencing such phenomena, you should immediately go to a doctor who examines the symptoms and prescribes treatment immediately. The doctor will give advice on nutrition, which must be followed until complete recovery.

A diet for sick kidneys is prescribed in order to unload them as much as possible. Therefore, first of all, the amount of table salt, which retains water in the body, is limited. This is especially important in hydronephrosis, when the normal outflow of urine is disturbed and, when overloaded, kidney edema may develop. The basis of the diet should be carbohydrate foods that do not irritate the kidneys.

The amount of protein on the menu will have to be limited. When it breaks down, nitrogenous compounds are formed in the body, with which diseased kidneys cope with great difficulty. In the acute period of diseases, the protein is completely excluded. At the recovery stage, it is introduced into the diet gradually and not more than 50 grams per day.

It is important to closely monitor the quality of products - they must be fresh and natural, without chemical dyes and preservatives.

In chronic kidney disease in remission, you can not strictly limit the amount of protein consumed, but in this case it is useful not to eat meat and fish 1-2 times a week. The same recommendations must be followed when lowering the kidney.

Features of the diet according to diagnoses

A diet with a cyst, especially for a woman, should contain a lot of milk and dairy products with a reduced percentage of fat. These products have lipotropic properties and promote the resorption of the cyst. In addition, they have a lot of calcium, which is washed out of the body with frequent urination.

With pyelonephritis in remission, onions and garlic can be gradually introduced into the diet in small quantities. The daily amount of fluid in this disease increases to 2 liters per day. It is better to do this with decoctions of diuretic herbs and anti-inflammatory herbal preparations.

The diet for cystitis does not recommend an even distribution of the amount of food eaten during the day, but such a regimen in which the bulk of the food is eaten before 15 pm. And in the evening, food should be as light as possible. In this case, at night the urinary system is maximally unloaded.

With salts and kidney stones, the diet is determined after the chemical composition of the deposits is revealed. With oxalates, products containing oxalic acid are excluded from the menu. With urates, alkalizing foods are used in food. With phosphates, on the contrary, they are acidifying, and milk and fruits will have to be abandoned. Such nutrition will prevent the formation of new deposits.

If there is such a serious problem as oncology, the diet should be set individually by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the patient's condition. In the case of surgical intervention after removal of the kidney, the most strict diet is prescribed, which spares the remaining organ, which received a double load. It is important to eat and drink with one kidney often, but in small portions.

Neoplasms such as angiomoilipomas of the kidney are not malignant. With it, it is enough to follow the general recommendations for the nutrition of people with diseased kidneys. They limit the amount of fat and contribute to the resorption of education.

In any case, in order to achieve the maximum result of treatment, the diet should be agreed with the attending physician, who will adjust it from time to time based on the state of the body and the results of laboratory tests.

Kidney menu

The menu for the week is compiled independently. It is advisable to cook food immediately before use and eat warm. Cold food causes cramps and is completely excluded. Use only approved products for cooking.

What is the diet made up of?

  • bread and flour products, including pasta;
  • lean meats and poultry;
  • lean river fish;
  • milk and dairy products with low fat content;
  • various types of cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables, juices from them;
  • in limited quantities - eggs (1 per day).

Completely excluded from the diet:

An example daily menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast: any porridge or vegetable stew; weak tea; a cheese sandwich.
  • Lunch: steam omelette with or without garnish; vegetable juice or salad.
  • Lunch: soup or borscht with vegetable broth; steam cutlets; vegetable salad; compote.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad or dessert (jelly, berry mousse, pudding); oat cookies.
  • Dinner: fish fillet with vegetable garnish or vegetarian cabbage rolls; kefir.

Before going to bed, if desired, a glass of warm milk or kefir.


1. Diet for acute and chronic renal failure

2. Diet treatment for nephrotic syndrome

3. Acute, chronic glomerulonephritis and diet therapy

4. Pyelonephritis and urolithiasis


List of literature sources


An important role of therapeutic nutrition in the complex therapy of kidney diseases is determined by pronounced metabolic disorders, possible violations of the digestive organs.

Diet therapy is built taking into account the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease and provides for the need to spare the kidneys, leveling metabolic disorders, potentiating the action of diuretics and others. medications. The possibility of concomitant circulatory failure determines the need to spare the organs of the cardiovascular system.

The main differences during dietary therapy relate to the amounts of protein, salt and water, which is determined by the clinical form, the period of the disease and the functional ability of the kidneys. The presence or absence of edema, high blood pressure, azotemia, albuminuria, hypoproteinemia and their severity matters. So, the presence of azotemia determines the need for protein restriction, with edema and high blood pressure, salt is limited. Noteworthy is the fact that there is no fluid retention in the body against the background of salt-free diet, in connection with which the allowable volume of fluid consumed is determined by diuresis plus 500 ml(extrarenal losses).

Since edema may be associated with proteinuria, the presence of ionoproteinemia in the absence of azotemia dictates the need for protein enrichment in the diet.

It should be borne in mind the need to enrich the diet with potassium when prescribing a number of diuretics that contribute to its excretion in the urine and can lead to hypokalemia (dichlothiazide, furosemide, etc.).

Therapeutic nutrition for kidney diseases involves the use of renal diets No. 7a, 76, 7, such as Giordano-Giovanetti and special unloading diets (sugar, apple, potato, rice-compote, watermelon, pumpkin, etc.), which contribute to the removal of fluid and underoxidized products exchange from the body, lowering blood pressure and reducing azotemia.

Among the main pathological conditions of the kidneys, in which dietary therapy deserves special attention, are acute and chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, acute chronic glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, kidney amyloidosis (however, with amyloidosis of the kidneys, therapeutic nutrition is similar to that in nephrotic syndrome).

1. Diet for acute and chronic renal failure

Acute renal failure is characterized by a sudden and rapidly progressive impairment of all functions of the nephron with the development of azotemia, profound disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism, acid-base balance, arterial hypertension and anemia of the patient.

Depending on the mechanism of action, the etiological factors of acute renal failure are usually divided into prerenal(acute blood loss, traumatic and operational shock, transfusion of incompatible blood, crushing of tissues, toxic-coinfections, indomitable vomiting, mowing, etc.), renal(poisoning with metal salts, organic compounds, poisons of plant and animal origin, drugs, etc.) and postrenal(compression and blockage of the urinary tract in urolithiasis, prostate adenoma, tumors of the pelvic organs).

Therapeutic nutrition in acute renal failure is aimed at preventing the breakdown of tissue proteins, sparing the kidneys to the maximum and correcting metabolic disorders. It is built differentially in accordance with the stage of the disease.

In the initial (shock) period, diet therapy is in many cases impossible (unconsciousness due to shock, trauma, condition after abdominal surgery, etc.); therefore, in this period, treatment is usually reduced to parenteral administration.

In the stage of oliguria, fluid intake should be limited to 400-500 ml per day plus the amount of fluid lost during vomiting and diarrhea. It is also necessary to sharply limit the introduction of potassium, since its concentration in the blood plasma increases, which is associated with tissue destruction and impaired excretion of potassium by the kidneys. The content of sodium in the body, despite possible losses during vomiting and diarrhea, usually increases as a result of a violation of its excretion by the kidneys; in this regard, the content of sodium in the diet is also subject to drastic restriction.

Increased protein breakdown and impaired excretion of nitrogenous waste products by the kidneys contribute to a sharp increase in their content in the body, which dictates the need for a strict restriction of protein in the daily diet (up to 20-25 G) subject to its sufficient calorie content (at least 1500 kcal). A lower caloric content of the daily diet can increase the breakdown of own (tissue) proteins, which in turn leads to an increase in hyperkalemia. It is advisable to provide the missing calorie content mainly due to easily digestible carbohydrates, which help to improve the functional state of the myocardium, liver, and kidneys. In this regard, levulose is especially indicated, which, under conditions of acidosis, can be transformed by the damaged liver into glycogen. The introduction of fats should be limited, because in the process of impaired metabolism, ketone bodies accumulate, which can increase the already existing acidosis.

With the onset of the polyuric stage, protein restriction in the diet should be continued until residual nitrogen in the blood returns to normal. Increased diuresis determines the need to drink plenty of fluids. With the onset of diuresis over 1500 ml the content of potassium in the diet can not be limited; moreover, with a further increase in urine volume, it is necessary to enrich the diet with potassium, since its content in the blood tends to decrease. The introduction of sodium should be carried out under the control of its content in the blood and excretion in the urine.

Chronic renal failure (uremia) can develop with chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis, bilateral pyelonephritis, polycystic and amyloidosis of the kidneys, hypertension and atherosclerotic kidney damage (nephroangiosclerosis), diabetic glomerulosclerosis, kidney damage with systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, chronic circulatory failure and less than other diseases.

In connection with the violation of the filtration capacity of the kidneys, nitrogenous slags are retained in the body and the specific gravity urine. As a result of the compensatory reaction of the body, reabsorption in the tubules changes, contributing to the excretion of accumulated nitrogenous wastes with a large volume of low-concentrated urine; moreover, the observed polyuria often contributes to the convergence of edema. Large amounts of sodium and potassium are lost in the urine; acidosis develops. In the future, when the filtration capacity of the kidneys falls even more, oliguria develops, which leads to a further increase in residual blood nitrogen.

Diet therapy for chronic renal failure is aimed at reducing the effects of azotemia, combating acidosis and other metabolic disorders with maximum sparing of the kidneys.

The amount of protein in the diet is subject to restriction depending on the degree of renal insufficiency. According to most nephrologists (E.M. Tareev, M.Ya-Ratner, M.S. Vovsi), the amount of protein should be reduced to 0.4-0.6 g per 1 kg of body weight per day, which approximately corresponds to the nitrogenous minimum of the body. It is recommended to use mainly vegetable proteins, the metabolic products of which are more easily excreted from the body. In addition, plant products rich in alkaline valences contribute to the alkalization of the body, which has a positive effect, since acidosis develops in chronic renal failure.

To ensure sufficient caloric content of the daily diet, it is necessary to increase the content of carbohydrates and fats in it.

Salt should not be severely limited. In the absence of edema, the introduction of 4-5 G salt. Moreover, with compensatory polyuria, when a lot of sodium is lost in the urine, the amount of salt in the diet must be increased (up to 5-6 G per 1000 ml liquid) 1 otherwise, dehydration may occur with a further decrease in glomerular filtration. When metabolic acidosis occurs, it is recommended to replace 1/5 of the injected sodium chloride (salt) with sodium bicarbonate (soda) - 2-3 G.

Fluid intake is not limited, and with compensatory polyuria it even increases to a volume corresponding to daily diuresis plus 500 ml(extrarenal losses). The introduction of a sufficient amount of fluid is necessary to flush nitrogenous toxins from the body.

The development of anemia dictates the need to consume foods rich in cyanocobalamin, folic acid, iron (lettuce, potatoes, apples, tomatoes, oatmeal and pearl barley, etc.).

With mild renal failure (urea clearance 30-40 ml/min) the diet approaches the treatment table No. 76 with the issuance of 4-5 g of salt to the hands and the introduction of a sufficient amount of liquid. Periodic (once a week) fasting days are shown by prescribing diet No. 7a or taking into account the individual tastes and wishes of the patient, special fasting rations (sugar, pumpkin, rice compote, watermelon, potato, apple, etc.). Due to the low calorie content, fasting days are necessary in the conditions of patient compliance with bed rest; fasting days contribute to the removal of nitrogenous toxins from the body.

Genitourinary diseases - an indication for a special diet, the purpose of which is to normalize the amount of purines in the body, as well as reduce the concentration of salts and uric acid.

Types of diseases of the genitourinary system

The following organs are affected by pathology:

  • kidneys,
  • Bladder,
  • ureters,
  • The organs of the small pelvis.

An infectious process can develop due to the introduction of fungi, viruses or bacteria into the body.

There are the following diseases of the urinary system:

  • Urethritis. Accompanied by discomfort and burning during urination. Mucopurulent formations with an unpleasant odor stand out from the urethra.
  • Balanoposthitis. A disease common in men. It is accompanied by itching and soreness of the genital organs. The main cause of the pathology is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Prostatitis. Damage to the prostate. It occurs against the background of weakness, discomfort in the perineum, pain in the lower abdomen and weakened erection.
  • Vesiculitis. Inflammation of the seminal vesicles in men. The main symptoms of the disease: weakness, discomfort during urination, pain in the perineum and inguinal zone.
  • Vaginitis. The defeat of the mucous membrane of the vagina in women. The problem is accompanied by purulent discharge, itching and a feeling of irritation of the genital organs (literally burning).
  • Orchiepidimitis. Inflammation of the testicles and their appendages. The affected areas swell and increase in size, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Cystitis. Pathology extending to the bladder. When urinating, patients feel burning and pain in the pubic area.
  • Pyelonephritis. Kidney damage. Most often, it develops as a secondary disease when bacteria enter the kidneys from the bladder or urethra. The disease is accompanied by fever, symptoms of intoxication, loss of appetite.

The basic rules of the diet for genitourinary diseases

In order for the treatment of genitourinary pathology to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of nutrition and drinking regimen.

The basic principles of the diet for genitourinary diseases:

  • It is important to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. The liquid activates the entire urinary system and helps to cleanse the organs of toxins that are excreted in the urine.
  • You need to limit the amount of milk you drink as much as possible. The calcium contained in it can cause the formation of kidney stones, which will aggravate the course of the underlying ailment.
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat.
  • Eliminate all foods containing oxalic acid from the diet - citrus fruits, strawberries, sorrel. This substance irritates the mucous membranes of the urinary organs.
  • Avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • Avoid salt completely. The product adversely affects the metabolic processes in the body and slows down the withdrawal of fluid. In this case, the kidneys experience a great load, and the inflamed mucous membranes experience severe irritation.
  • To stabilize the functioning of organs urinary excretion, it is necessary to enrich the diet with vitamins B6 and A.
  • In the treatment of pathology with diuretics drugs in the diet introduce products with a high content potassium- raisins, dried apricots, prunes, baked potatoes.
  • When dealing with urinary tract infections it is recommended to arrange unloading days, during which only vegetables and fruits are consumed.

What can you eat and drink with diseases of the genitourinary system?

Diet does not mean that you have to literally starve. The list of acceptable products for people with diseases of the genitourinary system is quite diverse.

For genitourinary diseases, foods and drinks are allowed:

In addition to these products, doctors and nutritionists are arguing about the possibility of using honey, because in some cases it can cause problems with defecation and urination, but at the same time, honey has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

What foods and drinks are strictly prohibited and harmful?

The main objective of therapy is to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the urinary system, so nutrition should be appropriate.

Exclude from the diet:

  • smoked meats, pickles and spicy dishes.
  • fried, pickled and canned food.
  • Fatty meats: pork, lamb.
  • Spicy vegetables: chili pepper, radish, radish.
  • Some types of fruits: bananas, peaches, exotic foods (such as passion fruit), sour apples.
  • Some types of greens: sorrel, parsley.
  • Spices.
  • Oils plant and animal origin.
  • milk products, containing a large amount of fat: cheeses and sour cream.
  • Pasta.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Sauce dressings and mayonnaise.
  • Products containing GMOs.
  • Sugar.
  • Confectionery (with the exception of those allowed from the previous list).
  • Chocolate and chocolate drinks.
  • Citrus and their juice.
  • Strong tea and grain coffee, carbonated drinks.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Diet in the stage of exacerbation and remission

Some foods that should not be consumed in the acute stage of genitourinary diseases are allowed in small quantities at the stage of remission.

The acute stage of the pathology is characterized by significant inflammation of the walls of the bladder or genital organs, so the main goal at this stage is to remove as many waste products of bacteria and viruses as possible. During this period, the diet implies an increased amount of fluid consumed - from 2 liters per day. With an increase in temperature, this figure can be increased to 2.5 liters.

In the acute stage, fruits and vegetables with a diuretic effect are useful - melons, watermelons, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini. For a while, you should stop eating dairy products, especially cheeses. In case of genitourinary diseases, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice or compote - these berries contain substances that suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

During the remission of the disease, there are no strict dietary restrictions - the main thing is to exclude smoked meats, pickles, fried foods and conservation. In small quantities, it is allowed to consume sour-milk products and cheeses with a low salt content. Drinking regimen during remission is up to 2 liters per day. Preference should be given to herbal teas, natural fruit drinks, fruit juices, compotes.

Experts attach great importance to the method of cooking. After all, the same dishes prepared in different ways differ significantly in the content of minerals, vitamins, salts and insoluble substances. In addition, the foods consumed should have the correct ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For this reason, doctors recommend that patients with genitourinary diseases introduce fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, wholemeal or bran bread, and eggs into the diet.

All food must be fresh and natural.

Cooking is carried out taking into account the following rules:

  • Vegetables subjected to a minimum thermal processing.
  • Kashi Okay boil down to a slimy consistency.
  • Fruits are baked to reduce the level of acid in them.

Menu for the week

When compiling the menu, use the lists of allowed products and the recommendations of your doctor.


Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge on water, low-fat cottage cheese, Apple juice.
2nd breakfast. Lingonberry or cranberry jelly, rye bread.
Dinner. Soup with vegetables, boiled chicken breast, rosehip broth.
afternoon tea. Ryazhenka or kefir.
Dinner. Fruits (apples or pears), kefir.


Breakfast. Green apple, oatmeal, herbal tea.
2nd breakfast. Fruit juice, crackers or bread.
Dinner. Vegetable okroshka, baked potatoes, cranberry jelly.
afternoon tea. Kefir or ryazhenka.
Dinner. Omelet with dill, rye bread, beetroot or carrot juice.


Breakfast. Muesli with skim milk, berry juice.
2nd breakfast. Herbal tea, apple or pear.
Dinner. Soup with croutons, boiled veal, dried fruit compote.
afternoon tea. Cranberry jelly, bread.
Dinner. Baked potatoes, boiled low-fat fish, fresh vegetable salad, kefir.


Breakfast. Berry puree, herbal tea.
2nd breakfast. Cottage cheese with dried fruits, apple juice.
Dinner. Soup with vegetables, boiled rice with fish, fresh vegetable salad.
afternoon tea. Vegetable salad, apple juice, baked pear.
Dinner. Steam cutlets with stewed vegetables, kefir.


Breakfast. Millet porridge with the addition of 1 tsp. sunflower oil, unsalted cheese, chamomile tea.
2nd breakfast. Berries, rosehip decoction.
Dinner. Soup with cereals and chicken breast, casserole, cranberry juice.
afternoon tea. Baked apple, crispbread, cranberry jelly.
Dinner. Vegetable okroshka, steamed diet meatballs, herbal tea.


Breakfast. Oatmeal, herbal tea with 1 tsp. honey.
2nd breakfast. Cottage cheese with fruit, pomegranate juice.
Dinner. Ear out low-fat varieties fish, whole grain bread, carrot juice.
afternoon tea. Apple compote, cottage cheese or casserole.
Dinner. Milk soup with rice, kefir.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots, green tea.
2nd breakfast. Apple-carrot salad, cranberry jelly.
Dinner. Potato soup, stewed pumpkin, crispbread, vitamin tea.
afternoon tea. Pear or kiwi, berry juice.
Dinner. Steamed fish, boiled rice, ryazhenka.

Every week, one or another product can be replaced with another permitted one, so that the diet is as varied as possible. At the same time, it is important to monitor the reaction of the body - if the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor to adjust the diet.

Therapy of genitourinary pathologies cannot occur without observing the rules of nutrition. Against the background of drug treatment, the diet will avoid complications and smooth out clinical picture ailment.