Number magic: the numbers of your luck. Magic numbers can change your life for the better

The esoteric study of numbers is called numerology. Its creator is Pythagoras, who was sure that the number is material, and argued that numbers affect the life and character of a person. Numerology is often associated with digitology - a system of methods for determining the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. She searches and studies interpretations of the relationship between digital combinations and events that occur in a person's life.

The influence of numbers on a person

Numbers accompany people all the time. The most important combination is the date and time of birth. The second, no less important, is the number of the name. These two combinations radiate certain vibrations that affect the personality. Such numbers are called a personal or personal code, number.

But not only personal codes have magic. All the numbers that accompany life or even during the day - the time on the clock, the dates of birth of loved ones, the date of moving, job change, lunar days, apartment numbers, houses, cars, etc. - have their own magic and mystery.

The science of numbers can tell about:

  • fate
  • character;
  • relationships with others;
  • talents and potential;
  • mascots, lucky signs, flowers and days that will bring good luck.

Numerologists believe that the magic of numbers is powerful force. And if this power is used correctly, then a person can achieve great results.

number magic

Numerical magic is the basis of many esoteric teachings. Each number from 1 to 9 has a power. Ancient people personified numbers with the Gods, identified with the elements and forces of nature. People who understood how to use this magic received powers that could create and destroy. The sacred secrets of numbers were revealed only to a select circle of people.

Now it is enough to press a couple of keys and you can calculate your personal number online. This requires a small amount of time, the ability to filter information and the desire to learn the magic of numbers.

Numeric value of letters

Calculation of numbers in numerology

Science has developed several number systems. In numerology, decimal is usually used, which involves the study of numbers from 0 to 9. To correctly interpret dates and numbers, you need to convert them to a single digit.

Calculation example personal number by date of birth:

  • the person was born on March 5, 1982;
  • to calculate the personal code, you need to add up all the numbers;
  • 05.03.1982 - 0+5+0+3+1+9+8+2 = 28;
  • we lead to a single-digit number: 2+8=10, 1+0=1;
  • The lucky number in numerology is one.

The meaning of numbers from 0 to 9 in numerology

Number 1

The unit is a symbol of the beginning. Her magic lies in the creative energy, which carries the creative potential and the light power of the Universe. In philosophy, the meaning of the number 1 is interpreted as a spirit that is not subject to time and space.

Unit Talismans:

  • wand;
  • Sun;
  • dot;
  • mandala.

Sometimes, due to the inability to find the golden mean, carriers of the number 1 move from positive impact to the extremes.

They are characterized by such features: arrogance, pride, excessive selfishness, lust for power, anger, cruelty, impulsiveness.

Number 2

Two symbolizes the duality of the world, the interaction of two opposites: feminine and masculine. The talismans of the number 2 are:

  • female;
  • bowl;
  • moon sickle.

The positive qualities of a deuce include: softness, calmness, caring for others, striving for harmony. Owners of a deuce become excellent parents - they are affectionate and caring, they treat their child with special tenderness and love. Such people support, appreciate individuality, respect the opinions of others.

Negative qualities: inconstancy, frequent change of mood, and with it decisions. Twos are moody and emotionally unstable. Sometimes they close themselves from reality and plunge into the world of illusions. They need to learn to control their emotions.

Number 3

Three in Christianity has a sacred meaning: it symbolizes the unity of the spirit, soul and body. The talisman is the Christian Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit.

The carriers of the trio are drawn to science, knowledge, new skills and abilities. Among them are often creative personalities. They easily find an approach to people, they know how to correctly convey information to listeners. They can realize themselves in teaching, psychology, philosophy.

Positive features:

  • kindness;
  • sociability;
  • responsiveness;
  • generosity;
  • striving for order.

Negative qualities:

  • self-confidence;
  • frivolity;
  • pursuit of pleasure.

Number 4

Four in numerology symbolizes stability, confidence, stability, balance. Four Talismans:

  • sides of the world;
  • elements of nature;
  • square.

The owners of the number 4 are confident in themselves and their decisions, they are hardy, hardworking, practical and responsible. They are reliable life companions and business partners. They have a stable position in society.

Negative traits include excessive perseverance and gullibility. A person under the influence of 4 unconditionally trusts others and is often deceived. Four people are too boring and boring.

Number 5

Five - a symbol of independence, freedom, activity. The talisman is a five-pointed star, a pentagon. The patron planet is Mercury, the most mobile in solar system.

Five people are eternal travelers. They value freedom of movement, choice, action and negatively perceive any rules and restrictions. Fives are sociable, cheerful, witty, easily endure change.

It is difficult for such people to sit in one place, so they rarely move up the career ladder. More often they realize themselves in freelancing: they can earn money on travel, blogs, photography, etc.

Negative qualities: cunning, talkative, prone to deceit, can break the law if it interferes with their freedom.

Number 6

The patron of the six is ​​Venus. Ancient people considered Venus the goddess of love and fertility. The six symbolizes sacrifice, service to other people, devotion and loyalty.

Six people have a number of positive qualities:

  • faithful;
  • honest;
  • responsive;
  • devotees;
  • humane;
  • kind;
  • sensual;
  • optimistic;
  • have a subtle sense of taste.

Long list positive traits character is accompanied by minuses: excessive sacrifice develops into suffering that is not needed either by the person himself or by those around him. Sixes have bouts of jealousy. Sixes, protecting a loved one, can be cruel and ruthless to the offender.

Seven is a strong number. In numerology, its sacred meaning is harmony, a balance between the spiritual and material world. Much in the world is connected with the number seven: the colors of the rainbow, the notes in the octave, the degrees of evolution, the chakras, the seven days of the creation of the world.

Seven people are prone to searching for themselves, their path, destiny. They have a well-developed intuition and rich imagination. Sometimes they are endowed with supernatural powers. Such people value the spiritual more than the material, but strive for harmony in everything.

The number 7 symbolizes the absence of material attachments.

Owners of 7 are smart, wise, balanced, calm people. They are polite and respectful towards others. They differ in understanding and ability to listen, therefore they often associate their lives with psychology. Constantly developing, mastering new skills.

Negative qualities: prone to fanaticism, idealism, too suspicious.

Number 8

In numerology, the figure eight symbolizes infinity, it is also considered the number of karma. In a person's life, the number eight is responsible for wealth, financial success, abundance and material wealth. The talisman is the sign of infinity - the inverted figure eight.

Eight people are winners in life. It is not difficult for them to find out what they want, they easily get theirs. Always confident in your choices and decisions. They have leadership qualities and know how to manage people. They are honest and fair.

A person under the influence of the figure eight confidently goes to his goal. Differs in business flair, perseverance and courage. Successful in life, easily copes with difficulties and obstacles.

Negative qualities of the eight: arrogance, arrogance, rudeness, coldness, vanity.

Number 9

They say that the nine is the strongest, because it is the closing one, the last of the single numbers. Nine has the characteristics of all previous numbers. Mars is considered the patron planet. Nine is the fiery energy that drives a person.

Nine people are very purposeful: they see the goal and see no obstacles, they go ahead to victory. If someone specifically gets in their way, then you should not expect good from the nine, because it will go over their heads and not even notice.

Positive characteristics of the number 9:

  • confidence;
  • courage;
  • colossal energy;
  • leadership skills;
  • assertiveness;
  • the ability to defend one's opinion;
  • spiritual wisdom;
  • self-development;
  • learnability.

Nine is a symbol of a completed cycle, since the next is the number 10, representing new order. So, in order to move forward, you need to destroy the boundaries. Symbolism of transformation. The magic of the nine lies in the final accomplishment.

Cons: cruelty, rudeness, short temper, anger.

Number 0

Zero by itself has no numerological value. If zero is in front of the number, then it reduces its impact. If zero comes after a digit, it increases the influence of the first digit. Therefore, the numerological account begins with one.

Pythagoras created a special system, thanks to which, by date of birth, a person could get answers to a number of questions. The concept of "magic of numbers" is most accurately reflected in this system.

The square of Pythagoras can tell about many qualities of a person:

  • Character;
  • Bioenergetics and passion;
  • Internal warehouse of personality;
  • health and sexuality;
  • The development of intuition;
  • Logic and prudence;
  • The degree of grounding of the personality;
  • Communication with higher powers;
  • talents;
  • Expression of a sense of duty;
  • Intelligence level.


In life, the magic of numbers manifests itself every day. If you master this magic and learn how to use it, you can attract luck, success, love, happiness into your life. Using special numbers, you can attract wealth, easily solve problems or get rid of them altogether.

Numerology can reveal amazing secrets

In search of happiness and the key to a long and prosperous life, a person resorts to various tricks, spends magical rituals and ancient rites, uses the power of talismans and amulets. He tries to prevent undesirable events in his life, to avoid them by studying astrological forecasts, trying to comprehend the secrets of palmistry and numerology. All this together is a powerful toolkit, using which a person is able to control his own destiny.

Numerical and digital magic in esotericism was actively practiced in Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Greece. True, in those days numerology was not used in the form that is familiar modern man. In those days, it was a teaching accessible only to selected people - alchemists, astronomers, healers, shamans, etc. Not a single world religion at that time recognized numerology, believing that it was a tool of the Devil.

Over time, when such scientific disciplines as astronomy, physics, mathematics (including algebra and geometry) came to new level development and were already quite well distributed, many religions stopped looking at numerology as a “fiend of Hell”, and its supporters were no longer accused of demonism and persecuted.


Numerology today, as in ancient times, is considered the science of numbers, but these numbers are not simple, but magical, although they have nothing to do with magic itself. They are called magical for a different reason - simple mathematical manipulations with them make it possible to obtain very accurate predictions regarding a wide variety of life situations and events. Great Application numerological science, like esoteric science, received in astrology, using its digital subtleties and aspects in its calculations and algorithms.

A bit of history...

Secret knowledge about numbers has been known since ancient times.

The exact date or period of time during which the foundation for the formation and development of numerology was laid is unknown. In ancient times, Egyptian, Indian, Roman, Babylonian and Greek scientific minds used numerology in their practice, they simply called numerology otherwise - arithmomancy (or the science of predictions by numbers).

If we talk about the version of numerology that was developed in the West inXVIcenturies before the beginning of our era, then the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras should be considered its author. He was the first to discover the vibration of numbers and its influence on the fate of a person. He was also able to successfully combine the developments of the Phoenician, Druid, Egyptian and Arabic mathematical systems into a single complex, including the science of human nature. Traveling a lot different countries(Egypt, Chaldea, etc.), staying in southern Italy, Pythagoras became the founder of a special philosophical society - the Pythagorean school, in which geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy were the main sciences.


Numerology practices the principles of simple addition according to a certain principle, as a result of which their sum must be represented by a single digit. All single digits belong to the numeric range. The numbers of this numerical series in occult practice are characterized by a certain meaning and are endowed with certain properties, images, concepts.

Numbers surround us everywhere, you just need to learn how to use knowledge about them

Numerical values ​​are also actively used in magical practice. alphabet letters, they are determined by the serial number of the letter in the alphabet. To get the numerological meaning of any word, phrase or expression, it is enough to add together the alphabetical serial numbers of the letters that make them up. The magic of numbers surrounding each of us in the form of various codes, addresses, significant dates, apartment / house numbers and various technical devices(including serial numbers) affects our destiny.

Even a ticket for travel by any transport is fraught with a numerical code of an event that can happen to us on a trip. Each of us in the wardrobe has a “happy” thing and one that you subconsciously want to get rid of, no matter how much it cost you. When purchasing clothes, it seems to us that we are guided by the “like / dislike” principle, in fact, we subconsciously choose our fate, not clothes. This, in principle, applies to the acquisition of any things / objects - from small household items to furniture, cars and real estate. You can check this when you start, for example, bank card. Usually you choose the one you like best by the numerical number, just like a sim card for a mobile device.

This is the same numerical magic, discovered at one time by Pythagoras, transformed over several centuries and dressed in a new, simpler and more accessible form. The teachings of the Pythagoreans were the basis for the emergence and development of various European secret societies - Masons, anthroposophists, Rosicrucians, Kabbalists, etc. In each of them, the meanings and reading schemes of certain numerical combinations were individually developed, but they took the laws of the concept proposed by Pythagoras as the basis of their teaching .

Numerological science, transformed into gematria, received special significance in Kabbalah - the Hebrew doctrine of the universe, God, man and their relationships. Kabbalists endowed the numbers with special power and filled them with a special divine meaning. Representatives of this trend were able to expand the concept of Pythagoras, using the principle of his numerical square to solve a variety of purposes and their own esoteric doctrines with their many magical Kabbalistic squares. With their help, you can decipher almost all the events taking place around us.

Dürer's square "Melancholy"

There are a huge number of magic squares that perform different functions. Kabbalists were convinced that the 3 x 3 square represents the forbidden name of the Lord. Alchemists claimed that using it you can turn the metal into gold bars. During the Middle Ages, such squares were made (cut, minted) from silver and kept with them as an amulet / talisman / amulet. European society began to use such magic squares at the time when the plague struck Europe. Europeans believed in their powerful protective properties. Albrecht Dürer on one of his engravings depicted such a magic square, known as "Melancholia":

Kabbalah deciphers historical dates, individual words and large texts and names, predetermines the fate of people, the likely consequences of future events, etc. However, Kabbalah assumes the duality of each number when it acts as a unit of measurement, but at the same time it can reveal the secret the spiritual side of any subject. When in the 19th century the veil over the secrets of the nature of magnetism, electricity and light was ajar, humanity, pushing back the old occult concepts about the meaning of numbers, started talking about the vibration of energy, its influence on a person.


The main principle she practices is based on simple addition. The number series is the original, from it you can form all other numbers of different orders. The Pythagoreans developed a system for reducing a large number to an elementary one by adding up its digits, its constituents. If the addition results in a two-digit number, it should also be reduced. In a word, the addition algorithm goes through this cycle until the result of this mathematical operation is an elementary number from the range of values.


Similar to astrology, using numerology, you can study the nature of any event, phenomenon, action, object and the person himself, her knowledge allows:

  • reveal the special properties of a person's character;
  • determine his abilities, predispositions and vices;
  • identify its strengths and weaknesses;
  • predict the future;
  • study the impact of certain events on it;
  • indicate a favorable time to make an important decision;
  • choose a positive geographical point for living within the city/region/country;
  • warn against possible danger;
  • identify dates favorable for important business meetings, conclusion of agreements/contracts;
  • help choose a partner for a marriage union, determine the compatibility of the characters of future spouses;
  • identify positive areas of activity for self-realization, etc.

Each number corresponds to a specific value, such an individual interpretation of them and allows you to decipher all the events listed above. Since both numbers and letters (including Latin ones) are subject to decoding, the possibilities of numerology are quite wide.

Each person has their own individual cycle based on certain numbers that can be obtained as a result of some calculations on their date of birth, name, street name (or city / region / country) of their place of residence, car brand, etc. Based on the calculations obtained, you can build a personal numerological horoscope.

If, for example, you want to determine the nature of your future partner, you need to use his date of birth data and a table of values ​​that looks like this:

The decoding of the meaning of each cell of this square and their general interpretation can be found on a specialized website on the Internet.

With its help, you can give an accurate assessment of the events that have already occurred, study real life and the events taking place in it, trends, as well as look into the future. In this case, information concerning the present and future time is of the greatest value. If a person cannot change the past, then he can try to correct his life today or tomorrow.


Similar to astrology, using numerology, you can study the nature of an event, find a lucky / unlucky number for yourself, determine the number of wealth / poverty, etc.


Numerology, based on the magic of numbers and numbers, has its own monetary “magic”, in its power, for example:

  • deciphering the meaning and energy strength of any banknotes;
  • search for "lucky" or "unlucky" bills;
  • determining the date of a successful/unsuccessful transaction;
  • the possibility of attracting money, etc.

Numbers and money are closely related concepts, since the invention of digital signs is associated with the need to calculate something, determine its value (in equivalent) for purchase or sale, etc. The solution of monetary issues in numerology is carried out according to different schemes and principles, but all of them are aimed at achieving a single result - to determine the financial potential of a person and direct his activities in the necessary (beneficial) direction.


The calculation of the money code must be performed on the banknote with which you are lucky (it can be sudden money, transferred change, the result of a successful transaction, etc.). The dignity of the banknote itself does not matter, because for us it is not its face value that is valuable, but the number that can bring financial luck. To determine it, you should add together all the numbers that make it up.

A two-digit result must be reduced to one digit, so the digits of the two-digit result are summed up to a prime number. If the first addition gives you values ​​equal to 10/11/12, you do not need to simplify them, because these numbers have a special meaning. True, if you want, you can simplify these numbers too, analyze them, and then simplify and take into account both results. Having received the necessary data, you will only have to decipher the result of these simple calculations using the table of values:

Number code Code value
1 Good luck in the trading field and any financial endeavors.
2 An unfavorable code that promises losses and financial loss.
3 A code that attracts money and increases capital for business and creative people.
4 Helps to open new profitable financial prospects.
5 It helps to improve the image, increase authority (requires some effort).
6 A very good number for attracting money, improving the financial side of the business. Particularly favored by jewelers and people involved in antiques. (This is the main magic number of properties of the Pythagorean square!)
10 Attracts good luck, but does not bring financial stability.
11 Helps to make useful and promising (financially) acquaintances.
22 Stability code.

The magic properties of the square of Pythagoras can be used to calculate the code by date of birth and to determine the money amulet. The riddle of this square is that the sum of the digits in all its columns and diagonals, as well as in the middle row, is 6:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

As can be seen from the calculations, the result equal to 6 dominates, but in two cases (upper and lower lines) a different result was obtained (respectively - 3 and 9). Therefore, codes 3 and 9 are also considered successful, although not as powerful as code 6.

If you put a drawing of this square on a lucky bill or write the number 6 on it, it can be used as your powerful money amulet.


No one can control their own destiny, but with the help of numerology, you can have a significant impact on the development of many events in life. For successful interaction with the outside world and the society in which you live (be it a party of friends or a business meeting, a romantic date), it will be useful to assess the current situation using simple numerological calculations. To determine the prospect of a relationship with another person, you need to know your number of the day and the number of the day of this person (as well as other participants in any important event or meeting). The number of the day and the number of the name are calculated using the following numeric and alphabetic values:

It is not difficult to calculate the number of the day, add together the number of the day, month and year of your birth, and then the number, day and year of the alleged event (or the person you are interested in). Bring the results to a simple number, analyze each result separately according to a special table of values ​​​​(it can be found on a specialized website on the Internet). After that, summarize the re-simplified results and analyze again against the table of values.

Be sure to keep in mind that the first 9 calendar months are influenced by numbers from the range, and the last three belong to the number series. This is due to the fact that the 10th month (October), when simplified, takes on a value equal to 1 (10 = 1 + 0 = 1 ), 11th month (November) = 2 (11 = 1 + 1 = 2), 12th month (December) = 3 (12 = 1 + 2 = 3). We see that the method is simple and does not take much time for calculations, but it can bring great benefits.

Every person dreams of getting knowledge about the coming day, numerology partly provides an opportunity to look into the future. Of course, she cannot answer all questions, show the exact result and give clear advice, but she can orient us in the right (correct) and safe direction - in her power. It is able to describe in detail the trend of the day, the character of a person and relationships, the prospect of events, etc. With the help of simple numerological calculations, you will know what you should pay special attention to, what to strive for, which traits of your character to develop and which ones to control, with whom can build family life or boldly enter into a business relationship.

In many mystical traditions, the magic of numbers is the basis and foundation for the alchemical Great Work. Each number is a sacred secret of being, keeping in itself universal principles universe. The one who has known the sacred meaning of numbers becomes able to operate with reality, turning lead into gold.

The magic of numbers is the basis of most esoteric and magical systems. In each figure, from one to nine, ancient archetypal images are hidden, which the ancients personalized in the images of the gods, identified with the forces of nature and the qualities of the elements. The one for whom the magic of numbers revealed its most hidden depths, he mastered the enormous power with which it was possible to both create and destroy. Therefore, deep magical knowledge was kept secret and protected from the eyes of the uninitiated.

Today, in the age of computer technology, if you wish, you can find almost everything. But this did not make knowledge more accessible than it used to be. Now seekers face a new task on the path of knowledge - to separate the important from the unimportant, the true from the false, the wheat from the chaff. Among the terabytes of information, you need to learn to find what is worthy of attention and be able to cut off what leads astray.

When studying the magic of numbers, it is worth remembering that everything in the world is relative, and much depends on the starting point. There are many number systems in the world, such as:

  • 2-digit - used in programming and consisting of zeros and ones;
  • 10th - modern system digits from 0 to 9;
  • 12-decimal - used in modern calendar and astrological systems;
  • 16-teric - the calendar system of the ancient Slavs;
  • 22-ary - Tarot system - Egyptian tradition;
  • 24-ary - Rune system - Scandinavian tradition.

In this article we will talk about the nine-digit system of numbers, the magical knowledge of which was brought to Europe by the great Initiate - Pythagoras of Samos. Each symbol in this system: from 1 to 9 is not an empty quantitative designation, but an incarnation of the Great God. And just as the Trees of Life emanate from each other, forming a hierarchy of worlds, so the numbers of the numerological series flow from each other, symbolizing the flow of the divine principles of the universe.

Number 0

Zero has no numerological value. By itself, without other nearby figures, it is abstract and symbolizes the eternity of the cyclic processes of the Universe. Everything comes from zero and everything falls to zero.

Symbolic image of the number "0". A snake biting its own tail; Black hole; World Egg.

Symbolic correspondences of the number 0:

  • point as a hole;
  • a snake biting its own tail;
  • world egg.

In the philosophy of numbers, zero is a state of being, bordering on non-existence, existence merged into one with non-existence. Just as the potential for the development of a being that has yet to be born is contained in the embryo, so the whole world, not yet created and not manifested in any way, is contained in zero. Therefore, the account in numerology does not start from zero, but from one. One is the first principle of the manifested world and the beginning of all things.

The meaning of the number 1

The unit is a symbol of the Highest Unity, indivisibility and integrity of the Divine principle. The meaning of number 1 is God, the Great Father. This number contains creative creative energy, through which the Higher Consciousness creates the world.

The esoteric meaning of the unit is the active masculine principle. It carries a life-giving force, rushing, like a light wave, with the maximum possible speed across the expanses of the Universe.

Another meaning of the number 1 is the action of the Holy Spirit, spiritualizing and all-penetrating. In the magic of numbers, the unit is the essence of the manifestation of active action and the principle of existence, concluded in constant movement.

Manadala - a symbol of the integrity and unity of the universe

The meaning of the number 1 is revealed in the mythological image of Atman-Brahman, which is the light of awareness, beyond divisions and suffering. The philosophical concept of this number is pure spirit, outside of time and space. Pythagoras compared the unit with the Great Monad - the image of the world soul.

Number 1 symbols:

  • beam - the principle of perpetual motion;
  • the wand is a symbol of power;
  • phallic symbol - masculine;
  • mandala - a symbol of the Pophyogorean Monad;
  • dot - as the beginning of something.

The astrological meaning of the number 1 is the Sun. Being the center of the planetary system, the Sun is the source of life and necessary condition development of the entire organic world. In the structure of the human psyche, the Sun controls the personality of a person and is responsible for his individuality and self-expression.

Positive qualities of the Sun number 1:

  • royalty;
  • pride;
  • nobility;
  • strength and power;
  • valor;
  • championship;
  • unselfishness;
  • generosity.

In the explicit world, one does not occur in its pure form. Everything material is a reflection. And absolute unity exists only in the consciousness of Brahman itself - the Father and Cause of the entire Universe. What a person can operate with is spirit already mixed with matter.

The sun is the physical manifestation of the archetypal qualities of the unit

It should be understood that the magic of the number 1 is the magic of solar energy in all aspects of its manifestation, both positive and negative. After all, the Sun, which gives life, is also capable of incinerating with its rays. So, in Egyptian myths, two sides of the sun are represented. Ra - the father and patron of all mankind, angry with people, turns his fiery eye into a ferocious lioness Sekhmet, who in a rage destroys recalcitrant lawbreakers.

The principle of unity is contained in every expression of will and aspiration. But a broken measure in the use of the magic of the number 1 will lead to a shift in positive aspects to extremes. Departure from the "golden mean" makes the positive aspects disharmonic, and the Sun manifests its scorching nature.

Negative qualities of the Sun and the number 1:

  • anger;
  • arrogance;
  • propensity for violence;
  • pride;
  • lust for power;
  • egocentrism;
  • impulsiveness.

The meaning of the number 2

In the magic of numbers, two is a symbol feminine. On the Tree of Sephiroth, this is Bina - the Archetype of the Great Mother, whose essence is the restraining power of form. The number 2 is the principle of the duality of the world. The creative process of creating life is possible only in the interaction of two opposites: active male and passive female.

Number 2 symbols:

  • mother woman;
  • moon sickle;
  • vessel or bowl.

Two corresponds to the astrological sign of the Moon - the planet that reflects the light of the Sun. Pythagoras called the number 2 the Divine Spouse, which is nature, and not only earthly, but also, invisible to us, cosmic.

Symbolic images of the positive aspects of the Moon and the number 2. Holy Mother of God. The Grail. The second Arcana of the Tarot is the Priestess.

Positive qualities of the Moon and number 2:

  • motherhood;
  • insight;
  • softness;
  • depth;

In ancient Greek mythology, the number two corresponds to the goddess of fertility Demeter in the form of Mother Earth. In the Christian tradition, this archetype is represented by the Mother of God, who gave birth to a divine child.

The magic of the number 2 is the magic of astral forms. But in contrast to the eternal existence of the Consciousness, any form will one day turn into dust, therefore the entire material world is an imaginary. Only the One Spirit is immortal. Forgetting about this, consciousness plunges into an illusion. And then in the character of the personality, the Moon begins to show its shadow side.

Negative qualities of the Moon and number 2:

  • emotional instability;
  • capriciousness;
  • unreliability;
  • inconstancy;
  • variability;
  • tendency to go into the world of illusions;

Symbolic image of the dark aspect of the Moon and the number 2 in the image of the goddess Hecate

The meaning of the number 3

Three is a sacred symbol, both in the magic of numbers and in other esoteric systems. The number 3 is a sign of the Universe at all levels of reality. The Divine Triad consists of three hypostases of the One Absolute: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. The triad is also present in the structure of the human essence: in the trinity of spirit, soul and body.

Number 3 symbols:

  • Slavic Triglav;
  • Christian Trinity;
  • Tao symbol.

In number magic, the principle of trinity is a continuation and addition of the law of duality. Opposites are both in opposition and in unity, which is reflected in the sacred symbol of Tao.

The principle of trinity is the law of the construction of everything manifested. Only through three points can a plane be drawn. The triangle is the first figure in geometry. And the presence of three dimensions is necessary for the existence of space. The three primary colors form the entire spectrum of colors.

Symbols of the trinity of the universe. Tao symbol. The Holy Trinity. Slavic Triglav.

In Vedic numerology, the number 3 corresponds to the planet Jupiter - the god of knowledge and wisdom. This archetype personifies the authority of power and law.

Positive qualities of Jupiter and the number 3:

  • mercy;
  • generosity;
  • discipline;
  • patronage.

In magic, the number 3 stands for order, development, integration, and growth. In numerology, the triple is responsible for the craving for science and education. However, in the human personality, due to the existence of the principle of polarity, the qualities of the number 3 can also acquire a negative aspect.

Negative qualities of Jupiter and the number 3:

  • excessive self-confidence;
  • striving for the unattainable;
  • pursuit of pleasure.

The meaning of the number 4

Four in the magic of numbers displays a form, a static figure, an extreme degree of materialization. Four points in space create a volume from the plane. Therefore, the meaning of the number 4 is stability and firmness.

Number 4 symbols:

  • equilateral cross;
  • 4 cardinal directions;
  • 4 elements of nature;
  • cube or square.

The number 4, as a symbol of the stability of the material world, power and stability of physical forms

In Vedic numerology, the number 4 corresponds to the lunar node: Rahu. Rahu paired with Ketu reflect the two polarities of the human personality: the external manifested and the internal unmanifested sides.

The meaning of the number 5

If 4 is a form, then the number 5 is a spiritualized form: 4 + 1. Also, the number 5 denotes the entry of the sacred trinity into the dense world of matter: 3 + 2.

In magic, the number 5 is the designation of a person. The most common magical symbol of this number is the pentagram or five-pointed star. Direct position this sign - top up, denotes the power of the spiritual over the material, unity over duality. The inverted pentagram symbol is used in dark cults. This sign denotes the predominance of the material over the spiritual.

Number 5 symbols:

  • five-pointed star;
  • pentagon;
  • a square with a dot in the center;
  • cross with a point of intersection;
  • Vitruvian Man;

The number 5 corresponds to the planet Mercury - the smallest and most mobile planet in the solar system. According to Hindu cosmology, Mercury is the planet of youth.

Positive qualities of Mercury and number 5:

  • information transfer rate;
  • interaction, exchange;
  • sharp mind;
  • desire for knowledge;
  • contacts and communications;
  • dexterity;
  • love for travel.

In number magic, 5 is a symbol of dynamic knowledge and awareness. This number symbolizes looking beyond the system represented by the number 4. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of trade and travel. V Ancient Greece and Egypt called him the father of wisdom and wealth.

Number 5 and five-pointed star pentagram - a symbol of a human being

The negative side of the archetype intersects with the inverted star symbol. The material in a person can take precedence over spirituality, and consciousness begins to identify itself with the mortal body.

Negative qualities of Mercury and number 5:

  • cunning;
  • talkativeness;
  • deception.

The meaning of the number 6

In number magic, the number 6 denotes the perfect form. The symbol of this sign is a hexagon or a six-pointed star. The geometric shape of the hexagon is a honeycomb cell, which is present in the principle of building crystals.

Crystals are representatives of the elements of the earth, the most ordered and dense. Like the number 6 in magic, they represent a perfect immovable structure. For this reason, the six is ​​associated with evil spirits. Peace, ideal and symmetry are the prerogative of the devil, as opposed to God, who is - life, movement and change.

Venus is the goddess of love, beauty and fertility.

On the other hand, the number 6 and the corresponding symbols in magic also denote the fullness of the system, beauty and perfection.

Number 6 symbols:

  • honeycombs;
  • six-pointed star;
  • a cube with six sides;
  • Apple;
  • diamond.

In Vedic numerology, the number 6 corresponds to Venus - the goddess of harmony, love and fertility. This archetype is associated with pleasure and a sense of beauty.

Positive qualities of Venus and the number 6:

  • beauty;
  • penchant for art;
  • discriminating taste;
  • love relationship;
  • caress;

In number magic, the six refers to the material world. Everything related to money savings, property, luxury and pleasures is connected with it. The negative aspects of this sign will be appropriate.

Negative qualities of Venus and number 6:

  • jealousy;
  • thirst for pleasure;
  • laziness;
  • idleness;
  • hedonism.

The meaning of the number 7

The seven played a large role in many traditions of magic and esotericism. The seven is a fusion of the four and the three - the form and the spiritual triad, the material and the divine. Also, the number 7 is the spiritualization of the ideal form of the number 6 through the magic of the number 1. The symbol of this principle is a hexagon with a dot in the center.

Symbols of the number 7. A six-pointed star with a center in the middle. 7 chakras. 7 colors of the rainbow.

In number magic, 7 also means 7 stages of evolution, displayed in 7 notes of the octave and 7 colors of the rainbow. It is a symbol of deep reflection and esoteric knowledge. Pythagoras called the seven a cosmic number.

Number 7 symbols:

  • Rainbow;
  • six-pointed star and center in the middle;
  • seven pointed star;
  • 7 notes;
  • 7 main chakras;
  • 7 days of creation.

The number 7 is also a karmic sign. The presence of sevens in the numerological map of the personality will give rise to aspirations for spiritual search and enlightenment.

Positive Qualities of Number 7 and Ketu:

  • connection with the divine;
  • patronage of higher powers;
  • vision of the mystical nature of things;
  • perfection and integrity;
  • completeness.

The number 7 corresponds to the lunar node Ketu. This number makes a person indifferent to material wealth, and directs the ray of his attention to the knowledge of the subtle essence of things.

Negative qualities of the number 7 and Ketu:

  • excessive idealism;
  • destruction;
  • rebellion;
  • fanaticism;
  • going to extremes.

The meaning of the number 8

Eight is a sign of infinity and a display of a higher law, from which no one can escape. This is an inevitable transition, a change of poles, a change.

The number 8 in mythological images personifies the aspect of destruction. In the magic of numbers, the eight is compared with Saturn, the god of time and the patron of old age. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was depicted as an old man devouring children.

Number 8 symbols:

  • sight of Infinity;
  • eight pointed star;
  • eight pointed cross.

The number 8 is a symbol of the cyclicity and completeness of the universe

In the magic of numbers, 8 is a sign of inevitability. Archetypally, the image of the number 8 is death and transformation. On the other hand, 8 is a symbol of the infinity of the cycle of rebirths. And death is only a transition point, destruction in the name of new creation.

Positive qualities of Saturn and number 8:

  • revival;
  • Justice;
  • following the law;
  • honor and morality;
  • cosmic order;
  • longevity.

Eight symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle after the consciousness goes beyond the number 7. This number is the designation of a new octave of the musical staff, a repetition of eventfulness at a new level of being.

The point of intersection in the symbol of the number 8 carries the meaning of the restored balance. This is the point of retribution, karma and transition from one state to another. It is also a symbol of realization, achievement and embodiment.

The value of the number 8 lies in harmonious relationship with the law. The one who lives according to the laws is patronized by the planet of this number - Saturn, the god of time. Saturn in number magic carries the meaning of limitations. This is a force that restrains movement, establishes a framework, aimed at ordering chaos.

Negative qualities of Saturn and number 8:

  • cold;
  • sullenness;
  • loneliness;
  • pessimism;
  • gloom.

Severe god Saturn devouring children with attributes: scythe and hourglass

The meaning of the number 9

The magic of the number 9 is a huge strength and power. Being the last digit of the numerological series, it includes the qualities of all previous digits. This symbol is patronized by Mars - the god of war and destruction.

The number 9 is the archetype of a strong warrior man, a king-in-chief who leads his people to expand their borders. If Saturn is a silent reminder of time and the inevitable but smooth manifestation of its laws, then Mars is development and transformation through rapid destruction and purification.

Number 9 symbols:

  • 9 muses of Pythagoras;
  • 9 months pregnant;
  • eight-pointed star with a center in the middle.

In the magic of numbers, nine, whose patron is Mars, is associated with the element of fire and its properties. Fiery energy gives incredible will and desire for action. This is the archetype of penetrating power, incinerating everything in its path to victory.

Positive qualities of Mars and the number 9:

  • courage;
  • spiritual wisdom;
  • integrity of perception;
  • enlightenment;
  • energy;
  • the spirit of victory;
  • progress.

Nine consists of three triads, which symbolizes the completion of the cycle, fullness and limitation. After 9 comes the number 10, which is the unit of the new order. The further path is possible only through the destruction of the borders. Thus the law of transformation is manifested in this symbol.

The magic of the number 9 is the magic of final achievement and fulfillment. In esotericism, it is a symbol of the constancy and integrity of the system, the principle of cyclical events.

Negative qualities of Mars and the number 9:

  • irascibility;
  • uncontrollable anger;
  • dissipation of energy;
  • aggression;
  • cruelty;
  • rebelliousness.

The next number after nine is ten or one at a new round of evolution. secret meaning of this number is contained in the mystical symbol Tetraxis, denoting the harmony and universality of nature. If nine is the number of the integrity of understanding, then ten is the designation of the integrity of the system itself. Symbol 10 is the closure of the cyclic circle. The snake bites its own tail and the end becomes a new beginning.

Sacred Tetractys of Pythagoras

In numerology, there are certain numbers and combinations of numbers, with which you can attract what you want into your life, speed up processes and even manage time!

What magic numbers attract good luck

In order to use the magic of numbers for your own purposes, you need to know about their properties.

  • If you want to increase something, for example, your income or the number of fans, then your lucky number will be 1 and 7. One is energy and purpose, seven is a mysterious action. And the sum of these two numbers gives 8, the number of infinity. How to apply the magic of these numbers in practice? Yes, very easy! For example, when counting, receiving or touching money, say to yourself: "seven plus one."
  • If you want to be lucky everywhere and in everything, repeat the number 21. Say it out loud, whisper or think about it when you need to urgently attract good luck. This number will be an excellent good luck charm for those who were born on the 21st, or live in an apartment on the 21st. If you are haunted by this number in life, then you are lucky!
  • If you do not have time to do something and want the time to last longer, the number 91 will help you. One is the beginning, nine is the end. Thus, you slow down time for yourself, since these numbers cover the entire time cycle.
  • If you want to stop time, for example, in order to delay an unwanted meeting, repeat “four” to yourself. The four is able to slow down the action, delay the process.
  • If you, on the contrary, want to speed up time or any process, say to yourself: "twenty." A two is an increase, and a zero is a counter to all difficulties.
  • If you are starting any important business and you want to enlist the support of higher powers, then repeat to yourself: “forty forty”. This number will help you fulfill your plan.

According to numerology, the magic of numbers can be a great help in any business. Try to attract happiness, money, luck, love into your life with the help of magic numbers, manage your time and protect yourself from trouble! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2014 09:00

The numbers have magical property help us in the most important points life. With the help of proven...

From the point of view of geometry, the phrase "Pythagorean Square" has no meaning. However, in numerology there is ...