Rules for writing instructions. How to write a job description

5.1.What is an instruction?

An instruction is a legal act issued or approved in order to establish rules governing the organizational, scientific, technical, technological, financial and other special aspects of the activities of institutions, organizations, enterprises (their divisions and services), officials and citizens. The main purpose of instructional documentation is to teach a sequence of actions or to provide assistance as a reference for training.

Instructions are also issued to clarify and determine the procedure for the application of legislative acts and administrative documents (for example, orders). Instructions for filling out and maintaining accounting documents are constantly issued.

A job description is drawn up for each employee of an institution (organization). The job description has a unified form and the same text structure for all positions: general provisions, functions, official duties, rights, responsibility, job relations.

Instructional documentation may also be a description of the operating system of the computer, instructions for performing a job or special task, or a software manual.

What are the basic principles for creating instructional documentation?

good instructions are precise, clear, complete, consistent and effective. Each of these characteristics is a guide for the author of the instructions.

First principle: avoid uncertainty. The more specific the instructions, the better. It's better to say "turn left at the big oak tree where there is a house with a green tiled roof that says 'for sale'" than to just say "turn left at the big tree." When describing intelligibly, avoid words that have multiple meanings or are meaningless. Accuracy - important aspect clarity.

The second principle: be clear. Instructions should be prepared for specific recipients. Target your message to the intended audience. If you are preparing documentation for a computer system, you need to consider the level of knowledge your audience has about the system. The use of jargon and acronyms may be acceptable in some classrooms and unacceptable in others. In addition, the instructions can be made more understandable by using short sentences, common words and good links.

Third principle: provide full information. Instructions can be clear and understandable, but still fail if they are incomplete. If you miss any important step in the description of the methodology, then this may lead to the impossibility of completing the task. In addition to defining all the main actions or elements of your instructions, consider the possibility of various problems or questions. As one means of checking your instructions for completeness, ask yourself the following questions: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?

Fourth principle: be consistent. The instructions issued will be easier to implement if they are consistent and consistent. Distinguish structural levels within your instructions and make them obvious to the recipient. For example, treat each major step in the same way in written instructions, agree on each step of the next level as well, and so on. Each basic step is preferably started with new page, use the same font and formats, and start with a brief summary.

Fifth principle: Be efficient. Efficiency means minimizing instructional text while respecting the four preceding principles. Efficiency is not easy to achieve because clear, unambiguous, understandable, consistent instructions are likely to be lengthy. However, you should look for ways to minimize your instructions. For example, starting each of the seven actions with the phrase "Your next step in completing the task..." is inefficient. Instead, use a similar phrase once, and then, after the colon, list all seven actions.

Efficiency is often achieved through the use of brief generalizations that characterize the contents of the instruction, for example: “Installing this software includes three main steps and takes eight minutes. However, before installation, you must find out your serial number and the amount of RAM in your computer. Brief summaries (overviews of intended actions) help to avoid the inefficiency of going through part of the path described in the instructions until it becomes clear to you that you do not have enough equipment or information to complete the task.

Where should I start preparing instructions?

When creating guidance documentation, in addition to applying the basic principles, you should also consider how this information can be used by your audience. The pilot of the aircraft refers to the list of necessary actions and conditions each time before takeoff. A computer specialist refers to the instructions in order to remember the key combination for a rarely used command. The new employee follows the instructions prepared by his predecessor to cope with challenging task. An applicant for a position studies job descriptions to assess the level of his interest in this position.

Each of these documents has a clear purpose and features related to its intended application. In preparing the instructions, the following list of questions that you should find answers to before starting to write the documentation will help you:

  • What is this documentation for?
  • Am I writing documentation for an individual user or for a group of users?
  • Will the user refer to this documentation more than once?
  • How long will this version of the documentation be used? (What is her lifespan?)
  • Is a glossary needed?
  • Have I checked the documentation for perception by an untrained user?
  • Is the writing style appropriate for low level potential users?
  • Should an index be included?
  • What visual reinforcement, visual aids would be helpful?

5.2 How should formal intercompany instructions be drawn up?

The instruction is drawn up on a common form. It is approved by a special administrative act or directly by the head, as evidenced by the approval stamp corresponding in form. The approval stamp has two design options:

President of Joint Stock Company "Olymp"
signature V.L. Plotnikov

Order of the Minister of Health of Russia
15.11.2011 № 287

A note may be made on the instruction that it is an annex to the administrative document. When an instruction is approved by an administrative document (for example, an order), it sets the deadline for the introduction of the instruction, lists the necessary organizational measures, and indicates the responsible executors.

What for?

There are only two ways to improve employee productivity. The first is to increase their interest in the result of work and competence; the second is to reduce potential failures and errors, to form algorithms and technologies for performing a particular task. In both cases, we, as one of the tools, need standards or instructions or described technologies.

Essentially, it is a document that describes HOW to perform a function. The most common form of this document is corporate standards, consisting of an array of instructions of a smaller order.

I will share my observations on how best to draw up such an instruction so that it is working. Working - this is realistic, helping to guarantee the desired result in the process of executing the instruction procedure; measurable.

If a person whom we considered fit for this job could, picking up an instruction for the first time in his life, do this job with a solid B, then the instruction is good.

What to write instructions for?

It is important to understand that standards and instructions are needed for tasks that an employee may not be able to do at the start. That is, coming to the company from another place of work, he may not own some kind of technology.

Usually these are two groups of functions:

Specific functions of the company, or a specific way of solving a problem. For example, your company has its own, special way of sorting goods in a warehouse. Do you need it to be done in a certain way? Then you need instructions.

Key functions that depend on the personal competence of the employee. These are tasks that do not have a strict algorithm of actions and the employee decides how to complete them, with some degree of freedom. For example, the sale function. Yes, I have general principles good sale, but also high share personal experience and knowledge of the character. In this group of functions, we either have to select people with a certain level of competence and the same understanding of the task as we do, or unify the function into instructions.

What are the principles in writing standards and guidelines?

  1. Atomic structure = 1 task = 1 instruction or algorithm

When creating a "skeleton" of standards, I recommend dividing the concept of process - procedure - operation. A process is a set of activities aimed at a goal. The process of selling, the process of manufacturing shoes, the process of preparing the store for opening. A procedure is a sequence of actions within a process. For example, the procedure for establishing contact with the buyer; heel turning procedure; floor cleaning procedure. An operation is an action/I within a procedure. For example, in the procedure for cleaning the shelves there will be actions - pour water, apply a cleaning agent, etc.

Instructions are written at the level of action disclosure within each important procedure. A work instruction is a built-in sequence of operations that allows you to perform a procedure.

  1. concreteness

Standards and rules should not imply the possibility of ambiguous interpretation. This is not always easy, since many concepts from the category of "friendliness", "cordiality", "desire to help" strive to be misunderstood. The rules you declare must be definite and specific. You must define specific pieces of service, moving from the general to the specific. It is not enough to say that you need to say hello to the buyer. This can be done in completely different ways. Standing or sitting? "Good afternoon" or "Hi"? Shake hands or kiss? To avoid later disagreements, you need to be very specific when you describe the rules. It is up to you to choose the level of detail that you need. Of course, you should not go as far as measuring the width of a smile, but the more specific the description is, the easier it will be for your employees to understand what exactly you require from them.

  1. algorithmic

Structured texts are easier to read, understand and remember. If we claim that our sequence of actions will lead to a result, then the sequence itself must be. And there must be a clear confidence that these steps will lead to the result. For example, in order for the buyer in the hall to make contact, you must first approach him, then smile, then say “good afternoon”, then say “What interested you?”. In many tasks, the sequence itself is ambiguous, and you yourself have to choose which option seems to be the most correct for you.

Algorithm example. Purchasing administration process.

1. Take the selected goods to the checkout.
2.Pack the goods and support the buyer's decision"A good choice!"
3. Find out about the availability of a discount card / Tell about the discount program in the absence of a card.
4. List all purchased products.
5. Pay attention to the rules for caring for products. Give the buyer a memo on the care of the selected product or pay attention to the label. "Please take care of the product
6. Clearly state the amount of the purchase.
7.Clarify the form of payment with the buyer
8. Accept money from the buyer. Count money in front of the buyer, check the authenticity of banknotes
9. Name the amount received from the buyer, the amount of change. "Thank you, your thousand rubles, your change is 50 rubles."
10. Calculate the change in full view of the buyer.
11. Issue change along with a check and a shopping bag.
12. Give advertising and information booklets to the company "Please take this booklet with our new products, I think you will be interested"
13. Say goodbye and invite the buyer to come back again"Good luck, come back often!"

  1. Evaluation Possibility

Any instruction or standard has a second part - a meter. If we have agreed to do the work in a certain way, then we need a tool that will allow us to evaluate whether the instruction is being carried out. For example, I have instructions for baking a pie and the measure is the size, weight, and taste of the reference pie.

The presence and use of the meter is the only condition for the implementation of the instructions. The method of comparing the product / action obtained as a result of executing the instruction with the standard - this is the mechanics of measurement.

Therefore, we need two things - a standard (a description of the result of actions) and a comparison tool "standard - fact". On the simple level: there is a reference part - there is an instruction for its manufacture and an automatic machine that measures deviations. At the level of work standards, the same is used. There is a desired behavior - this is the standard. For example, when a customer objectes, the sales representative maintains a calm voice, agrees with the customer's right to think so, and asks clarifying questions about the reasons for the objection. There is actual behavior recorded at some point in time. And there is a scale for comparing the standard with the fact. The most typical comparison tool is a checklist or a scale of gradations of behavior. The bottom line is that we add measurable indicators to the behavior, for example, points. And we get a rating scale.

An example of a scale in a checklist:

  1. Ideology

In the work standards, not only the HOW to do it block is important, but also the WHY and WHY to do it block. This principle works for instructions of the second type. When each employee can have his own understanding of how to do this job correctly. Every adult person has his own vision of the world and his own understanding of good work. And often, his own vision seems to him more true than yours. Therefore, in complex or important standards, a motivating block is needed. This is a brief explanation of why you offer this particular solution. This helps to work out the possible resistance of the employee and once again remind you of the key principles of working with you.

Example: Store standard. Block Expansion sale.

Why is it important to expand the check?

If we always sold only what the buyer asks for, the institution of sellers would no longer exist! In each store there would be a machine where the client would enter his request and the robots would take out the goods to him.

In real life, the buyer often does not buy what he asks for; buys more than planned; buys what he remembered thanks to the seller. It is important for us to sell, so we always offer the buyer something else, additional positions to his choice.

There is a simple law of sales: it is much easier and faster to sell to a person who has already bought something from you than to a new buyer. Why? Because your buyer trusts you and has already come to terms with the fact of losing a certain amount of money. Figuratively speaking, "his wallet is already open." Also, you already have some information about this buyer, have already established contact with him. Starting to work with a new customer, you spend time “entering” a dialogue, working out his basic needs, etc. That is why it is important to remember about order expansion. It is valuable for the seller to sell not what the buyer already wanted and asked for, but what the seller offered him.

  1. Positivity

You can't try to avoid anything. Our thinking is so arranged that it is simply not possible to move “toward avoidance”. I can't come up with "no customer complaints". Tell me what I should do, not what should not happen. It's like putting a team on the field with the goal of not losing. Not to win and not even to draw, namely not to lose. If I am a football player, I know how to play to give a good pass or score a goal, but how do I play with the goal of "not losing"!? The "don't be rude" rule can mean such implementation options as being silent, being polite, joking, etc. What do you want? Formulate the task positively!

An example of positive wording:
When we showcase a product,
We remove the model from the bracket or shelf;
We keep the goods carefully and carefully.

  1. Visualization and simplicity

It is unlikely that you will have a desire to read a multi-volume book written in 10 font, without spaces, pictures, tasks. If we want our salespeople to NEVER READ the standards, let's write them in "bookish" language, on ordinary A4 sheets, put them in the "CASE #" folder and forget about them forever. If we want to create a working document, then we need to remember that it is better to see once than to read many times. Simplify your instructions with a) comic book pictures; b) diagrams c) drawings d) thesis presentation e) video instructions e) playing fields, etc. Try to make the document readable, understandable and presentable.

  1. Reachability

"No client should be left without attention!". Frequent slogan. Are you sure this is possible? Even during peak hours? Even in the highest season? Will you really be ready to apply sanctions if you see how the seller, torn between buyers, does not have time to say “Hello” to one of the customers? Or is this standard not always achievable? Will you be ready, as a manager, to make a decision to bring additional staff to the hall during “peak hours” so that the standard is met? If you set requirements that are questionable, you can assume that they do not exist. Such tasks demotivate employees more than they entail. Any instruction must be feasible and adequate to the workflow. If some step can be omitted and the result does not change, why do we write it? If we ourselves understand that this requirement will not be fulfilled always and by everyone, then we think again whether it is worth writing it.

What is the structure of the work instruction?

1. Purpose and result of the instruction. Why do this and what should be the result of actions.
Example. Fitting instructions (for the store)
The purpose of this stage is to organize the fitting of selected products and jointly select the most suitable models.
Why is a sample needed? Only by trying on the product, the buyer can really appreciate it. Therefore, it is very important to interest the buyer and "lead" to the fitting room. When the buyer is in the fitting room, the likelihood of making a purchase increases dramatically, provided that the seller correctly identified the needs and then serve him to the maximum ...... ..

2. "Start and finish." Triggering event for starting work on this instruction and an event describing the boundaries of the end of the instruction.
Example. Start - if the screen on your tablet goes blank - refer to algorithm 1
Finish or border - If your customer does not leave the fitting room for more than 15 minutes and does not answer your questions - stop picking products and start figuring out what happened))

3. Algorithm, description of actions to achieve desired result. HOW do we do it? Better abstract.
If we are talking about an employee's communication with someone, it is better with a few (2-5) examples of suitable phrases. Speech modules in several variations are needed to show an example, and the variability of examples insures against memorizing the “correct phrase”

4. Description of several typical mistakes. How do we NOT do it?

5. Scheme or description of several, key options for the development of the situation with solutions. I especially recommend for sales standards.

6. If necessary - the scheme of interaction according to the current instruction; limits of competence and necessary contacts.
Example: if the cash register breaks down, you need to call A.P., tel ... ..
Each instruction or standard requires instruction B - an evaluation sheet, according to which its implementation will be evaluated. This will allow the specialist, firstly, to understand that everything is serious. And secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of your behavior according to the instructions yourself.
Example. Criteria for evaluating efficiency at the "Trying on" stage

7. If the instruction was written for a conveyor-type function, then the completion procedure. How, when and to whom the employee informs that the work is completed and its results can be taken away.

8. Criteria or self-examination form.

How to write a good instruction?

There is only one principle here - not the one who KNOWS how to do it should write, but the one who KNOWS how to do it and does it best of all in terms of performance. But since usually the best performer is not always able to formulate texts, then there are 2-3 performers. These are the carriers of technology - the best specialists and compiler (one who can write).

  1. The specialist/s show how they do it. Compiler writes down
  2. The performer tells how to do it. The compiler checks the technology.
  3. The compiler does it himself, according to the instructions of the performer, and corrects the technology.
  4. The technology is being tested on other employees - try to do as it is written. Adjustments are being made.
  5. The technology is being tested on a "blank slate" - a person who has never done this work. If not a specialist could do the work based only on the instructions, then everything is fine. If not, adjustments are made.
  6. The technology is taking off. Training on technology and "exam" on its possession of employees begins.
  7. The technology is updated either on a scheduled basis (once a quarter or half a year), or “from above”, in case of urgent critical changes.

To create a production instructions, it is necessary to study and describe in detail the production or technological processes. It can also describe physical, chemical phenomena, equipment operation rules or adjustment work. The compiler of the instructions has a great responsibility and he needs to delve into the production process in detail.

You will need

sample instructions

safety requirements


1 Write an introductory part of the production instruction. Here reflect the scope and purpose of the document.

2 Reflect the requirements for labor safety in the main part of the document, before the job description. Here you can indicate links to available labor protection instructions, sanitary norms and rules, or compose the text of specific requirements. Here also indicate the personal protective equipment used, safety requirements for components, assembly units and materials.

3 Describe the technological sequence of actions, operations. Describe the processes in simple phrases denoting the action on the object, accompanied by an indication of the parameters (if necessary). Write down information about the required process mode, i.e. parameters of temperature, pressure, power, etc., required during the operation.

4 Specify what equipment is involved in technological process. Specify the names of fixtures, tools and measuring instruments in accordance with the technological documentation for them. By assigning a letter code to tools and fixtures, you can shorten the text of the description of operations.

5 Make a description of the operation of the equipment in the form of a list or sequence of actions of the personnel serving it. There may be clauses about the duties of personnel during the preparation of equipment for operation, during its operation, breakdowns and emergencies, as well as upon completion of work on the equipment. In addition, the responsibility of personnel in the maintenance of mechanisms and work on them is mandatory.

6 Break large text into sections and subsections. Number paragraphs and subparagraphs. Provide tables or graphic illustrations, if necessary.

7 On the first sheet of the instruction, indicate its name (above), the industry to which the production belongs. Below on the right there should be a signature on the approval of the instruction, the position and date of the approver. Next, place the main text of the instruction, which, if necessary, transfer to subsequent pages. To the right and below separate field indicate the composition of its performers and the last name, first name of the developer and controller.


About the development of Production Instructions


This Regulation has been developed on the basis of the requirements of the Unified System for Technological Documentation (ESTD), ECTS, GOST 12.0.004 and taking into account the letter Federal Service on labor and employment of November 24, 2008 N 6234-TZ « On job and work instructions” and determines the procedure for the development, approval and application of production instructions for working professions of LLC “” (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

General provisions

1.1. Production instruction- This is an organizational and legal document that defines the main functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee in the exercise of his activities in a particular profession.

Production instruction- this is a document that determines the procedure for personnel to operate any equipment: acceptance and delivery of a shift (if necessary), start-up, switching on, shutdown, withdrawal for repair, actions in case of accidents, etc.

1.2. Production instructions for employees of each structural unit are developed by the head of the structural unit on the basis of the "Regulations on the structural unit". Job descriptions should be specific and actually describe jobs.

1.3. Production instructions are reviewed in a unified manner in accordance with changes in the structure and staffing of the Organization, as well as after certification.

1.4. The meaning of the production instruction as an organizational document is as follows:

Fixes legal status and the place of the employee in the management system;

Defines the tasks, functions, rights and obligations of the employee;

Allows you to reasonably evaluate the results of activities;

It is the legal basis for the certification of an employee, determining his disciplinary and material liability;

Establishes organizational bases of legal activity.

1.5. Production instructions are reviewed once every 5 years.

1.6. The retention period of production instructions in the Organization is 45 years after they are replaced.

1.7. Keeping original production instructions responsible person on the personnel work of the Organization. If necessary, certified copies can be kept by the heads of structural units and used in the current work of structural units.

2. The procedure for the development and execution of production instructions

2.1. Production instructions are developed on the basis of the organization's staffing table, the All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, positions of employees and tariff categories OK 016-94 (OKPDTR), instructions for the operation of manufacturers for equipment, tools and fixtures used at the workplace of a worker of a particular profession by the head of a structural unit who is responsible for the workplace.

2.2. Before developing production instructions, it is necessary to carry out:

Study of the technological (production) process, identification of potential hazardous and harmful production factors that arise during its normal course and in case of deviations;

Determination of safe methods and techniques of work, their sequence, as well as

technical and organizational measures to be included in the instruction;

Determination of compliance with the safety requirements of the equipment used,

devices and tools;

Study of design features and the effectiveness of the means of protection that

can be used in the performance of relevant work.

2.3. The requirements of the instruction must be set out in accordance with the sequence of the technological (production) process, taking into account the types of equipment, fixtures, and tools.

2.4. The text of the instruction should include only those requirements that relate to the safety of a particular type of work and are carried out by the workers themselves.

2.5. Production instructions for workers should not contain any references to other normative and normative-technical documents (except for references to other instructions for workers). The main requirements of these documents should be taken into account by the developers of the instruction. If necessary, the requirements of these documents should be included in the instructions.

2.6. The requirements of the instruction must be brief and clear, taking into account the specific conditions and specifics of the work performed, and not allow various interpretations. The terms used in the instructions must comply with the terminology adopted in the regulatory documents. When using terms that are not established in these documents, the texts of the instructions should provide their definitions or explanations for them.

Replacing words in the text of the instruction with letter abbreviations (abbreviations) is allowed provided that the abbreviation is fully deciphered when it is first used.

2.7. The instructions should not use colloquial expressions, as well as professional and technical colloquial terms.

The text should avoid expressing the requirements in the form of a ban, and if this is not possible, explain the reason for the ban. Individual points of the instruction should not be strengthened with the words “categorically”, “especially”, “strictly necessary”, “unconditionally”, etc., since all points of the instruction are equally important and mandatory. Separate provisions of the instruction can be illustrated with drawings, diagrams, photographs explaining the meaning of these requirements.

The form of the statement of requirements should be prescriptive: make, turn, move, register, etc.

2.8. The instructions must include requirements that can be met by the workers themselves and do not contain organizational and technical requirements, the fulfillment of which is not necessary to ensure the safe performance of work and the creation of normal sanitary conditions at the workplace.

2.9. The instructions should not include the duties of the heads of the unit, because their knowledge is superfluous for the worker.

2.10. The instructions must set out the procedure and requirements to ensure the safe conduct of work. If the safety of the work is due to certain standards, then they must be indicated (the size of the gaps, distances, height, voltage, concentration, etc.).

2.11. The text of the instruction should be divided into sections (if necessary, into subsections) and paragraphs and numbered in Arabic numerals: sections - within the instructions, subsections - within the section, paragraphs within the subsections (in their absence - within the sections).

Since the "Introduction" does not carry instructional instructions, it is possible not to carry out numbering inside it.

2.12. The name of the instruction should indicate the type of profession for which it is intended. The developed draft instruction, with a list of used normative and technical documentation, should be sent for consideration to the interested services and structural divisions. After reviewing and summarizing the comments and suggestions, a final draft instruction for employees is developed.

2.13. All instructions are assigned a number (letter abbreviation - designation of the type of instruction, Arabic numerals - subdivision number (if necessary), serial number according to the List, year of development)

For example: PI 01.01-2012 - Production instruction for ________ ( profession name)

2.14. Production instructions must be executed in the form given in Appendix 1

3.2. Approximate content of sections of the Production Instructions:


1. General Provisions

2. Characteristics of works

4. Responsibility

5. Description of the workplace and types of equipment in use

6. Description of the operation of equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices.

6.1. Definition and purpose

6.2. Technical specifications

6.3. Description of the production process

6.4. Conditions for conducting the production process and (or) operating equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices

6.5. Preparation for repair

6.6. Current service

6.7. Production Problems and Solutions

7. A list of local regulatory documents, the requirements of which the worker must know and comply with.

The title and content of the sections of the Production Instruction may be changed depending on the specific conditions of the workplace and the work performed.

3.3. In the "Introduction" section

3.4. In the section "General provisions" should be reflected:

Full name of the profession (exact name in accordance with the staff list, indicating the category of employee in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations of Workers, Positions of Employees and Wage Categories;

In whose direct subordination is the employee (in addition, to whom is he subordinate for the period of absence of a superior person);

The procedure for hiring and dismissal, on the proposal of which person the hiring is carried out, with which official the appointment is agreed;

How the work is organized - independently by the employee, in accordance with the work plan of the structural unit or according to the flexible or other work schedule approved by the Director of the Organization;

Has an irregular working day been established for the employee, if his profession is included in the list of positions, specialties and professions with irregular working hours approved by the order of the Director of the Organization;

Whose oral and written orders are carried out by the employee - in addition to the orders of the immediate supervisor or in his absence;

Qualifications to education, work experience - are developed on the basis of ECTS;

What an employee should know.

3.5. The sections "Characteristics of work", "Rights", "Responsibility" should reflect the requirements determined by the ECTS for this profession and additionally prescribed specific types of work determined by the employer that are not included in the ECTS, but necessary for the production activities of the organization's division (combination of professions, special types jobs requiring additional training, etc.).

3.6. In the Section "Description of the workplace and types of equipment operated"

given short description a workplace with the definition of specific boundaries or an indication of the sections of the subdivision or territory where the worker performs the work, types of equipment, the mechanisms used, tools and devices that serve and are used by the worker in the performance of the work performed in accordance with the Section "Characteristics of work".

3.7. In the Section "Description of the operation of equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices"

Taking into account the requirements of the Manuals or Instructions for the operation of equipment, mechanisms, tools and fixtures from manufacturers, the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation and specific operating conditions determined by the organization, the following are described:

Definition and purpose of operated and used equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices or references are made to other local regulatory documents that determine the procedure for the safe operation of specific mechanisms, tools and devices;

Specifications operated equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices included in the service facility at the worker's workplace are indicated from specific Manuals or Instructions for the operation of equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices from manufacturers;

The description of the production process is made with the indication of the necessary parameters for conducting the process, interaction with other production processes or the actions of other workers;

The conditions for conducting the production process and (or) operating equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices are determined by the requirements of the Manuals or Instructions for the operation of equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices of manufacturers, the Rules for the Device and Safe Operation and specific operating conditions determined by the organization;

When preparing for the repair of equipment, the procedure for shutting down the equipment (de-energizing, disconnecting, disconnecting, etc.), freeing the equipment from products and oils, etc. is determined. actions;

At ongoing maintenance equipment, mechanisms, tools and fixtures, the procedure for inspection, lubrication, maintenance is determined, service periods, lubrication maps, etc. are determined. operations;

Production failures and methods for their elimination are usually drawn up in the form of a table in accordance with the recommendations of the Manuals or Instructions for the operation of the equipment of the manufacturers and the specific operating conditions determined by the organization.

3.8. In the Section “List of local regulatory documents, the requirements of which the worker must know and comply with”, reference is made to specific Instructions on labor protection by profession, Instructions on labor protection and safe operation and other types of Instructions, the requirements of which the worker must know and comply with when performing work in accordance with this production instruction

Each of us today is regularly faced with the need to study all kinds of instructions for using a particular product.

They accompany us literally everywhere. We are buying household appliances and study the instruction manual, buy headache pills at the pharmacy and immediately look at the attached instructions for medical use.

Why are there pills and equipment! Go to a simple supermarket, pick up a package of pasta. What will you see on reverse side? Not a kind of instructions for use ?!

This is where the fun begins...

The nature of the presentation of information is fundamentally different. Sometimes, it seems that a secret message from the special services fell into our hands, which is not possible to decipher, or vice versa - they explain to adults almost on the fingers how much two plus two will be.

Convenience and ease of use of the product has always been a significant “leverage” of influence on the adoption of the decision to purchase by the target audience.

For example, when looking for a new tablet on the Internet, if possible, we will definitely download and review the instructions for its operation.

Managed to veil it in incomprehensible terms? Then get "as a reward" the refusal to purchase and the joy of your competitors, who provided customers with adequate, clear and understandable instructions demonstrating that it is easy to "make friends" with our tablet.

Writing a quality product manual is an art. Let's open the curtain and take a look "behind the scenes" of its creation.

So, what should you pay attention to when compiling an instruction manual that will “work” for sales?


The specificity and degree of detail are those parameters that are determined according to the level of preparedness of the target audience. Here the optimal balance is selected, focused on a potential buyer.

For example:

After pressing ____, a welcome window appears.

After pressing ____ in the ____ corner of the keyboard, a welcome window appears on the screen with the inscription "____".

Most often there are instructions containing more detailed information. But be careful! You should not bring the details to the point of absurdity and excessiveness, otherwise you risk angering and losing the client:

After pressing the ____ key with your finger in the upper right corner of the keyboard, a welcome window appears on the screen with a dark blue inscription "____" located in the middle.


We have repeatedly talked about the importance of structuring information in texts. This presentation facilitates the perception of the material by the audience. The instruction manual is no exception.


  1. Insert a disc into the drive.
  2. In the window that appears, click ____.
  3. Select menu item ____.

Insert the disc into the drive, then in the window that appears, press ____, and after that select the menu item ____.

In the first version, we see step-by-step structuring of information. Clear, easy and understandable. The second option looks and is perceived differently - it is more “heavy”.

positive and correct

Think it doesn't matter? Wrong! For a positive result, you need to think positively and speak positively through the text with the target audience (may the ardent opponents of tautology forgive us).

Nobody likes rudeness and dullness. Therefore, tune delicately and very correctly potential buyers ONLY positive.

Here's what it looks like in practice:

Remove the monitor from the box and carefully unpack it. Hold on all sides to keep it intact.

Remove the monitor from the box and unpack. Try not to drop or break it in the process.

NO to three "C": abbreviations, synonyms and doubts

When compiling instructions for the use of the product, it is desirable to avoid any "intonation uncertainty". Feel free to cross out various "perhaps, probably, perhaps."

Abbreviations are allowed only if the full wording was given at the very beginning of the manual, next to which its “condensed form” was indicated:

Transport company(TK) answers ____.

Your All-In-One (MFP) is working ____.

Operating system(OS) starts ____.

Use of synonyms and jargons is unacceptable. No need to "show off" your erudition and confuse users with different terminology.

When it comes to, for example, mobile phone, then you should not use words such as “mobile phone”, “mobile phone”, “telephone set”, “cell phone”, etc. in the text of the instruction.

Flickering frequent repetitions? But you are not creating a work of art, but an instruction manual. The client should understand it, not evaluate your style and vocabulary.

Long live the imperative mood!

Use imperative mood- encourage users to action (call, advise, warn, prohibit).


To turn on the phone, press ____.

The ___ button is responsible for turning on the phone.

Press ____ to turn on your phone.

Turn on the phone with the ____ button.

Finishing touch

Worst of all, if a person, due to a “confusing manual”, could not understand how to use the product, and refused to purchase it. That's why…

After the finished instruction has been fixed on the “screen sheet” of the monitor by pressing the “save” button, it will not be superfluous to check whether it is understandable to your target audience.

We do not write “word canvases” with a simple description of a number of necessary actions, but we develop clear, logical and visual guides.

Usage guides that encourage users to buy.

How-to articles… They are loved by readers, customers, and web authors.

We have ordered a series of articles-instructions!

Readers for comprehensive guidance and problem solving, customers for growing reader loyalty and increasing their own expertise. And web authors for the ease of writing these articles for sites and the demand in the market.

True, there is one drawback.

The instruction should be written according to the rules and take into account all the features of this type of article. Ready to learn all the rules, features and nuances?

Then we start ... in the format of instructions, of course. 🙂

Step number 1 How to start writing an article-instruction for the site

Of course, in theory. Before you write, you need to understand how do it. You remember that the right freewriters write the right articles, right? 🙂

Rules for writing an article-instruction:

1. The article must be useful

The main thing in the articles is the benefit!

After all the main task instructions - solve reader's problem.

If the reader needs to urgently resolve the issue or there is little information on the network, then he will read even a gray article, without formatting and pictures. Just to understand what to do.

But this does not mean at all that you can write instructions without accents and lists.

Do you want your income as a copywriter to grow? Then the articles should be catchy and appetizing.

And to be useful →

2. The instruction must be detailed

And you can follow this rule writing an article only in one case: if you have ever done what you describe. Then you will touch on the nuances, give advice and save you from mistakes.

Hence the conclusion →

3. The instruction must be expert

How to measure a boa constrictor - a task for an expert

Yes, if you've never pitched a tent, don't try to write an article about it. It definitely won't be reliable.

But a reader who gets hung up on some point will definitely blacklist your site or write an angry review. And instead of loyalty, you will get a solid negative.

Therefore, another rule for writing an article →

4. The instruction must be visual

Use photos, videos, screenshots, illustrations. The main thing that the reader was very clear and understandable.

Don't forget lists and subheadings.

How is it, forgot about lists and pictures?

It is very convenient when each step is highlighted with a separate subheading. In this case, the information looks structured and easy.

Step number 2 Determine the range of topics for writing articles-instructions

It's hard to find topics that are NOT suitable for this kind of article.

Medicine, jurisprudence, cooking, needlework, repairs, raising children - on any topic, you can write instructions.

For example, “How to cure dry cough in children”, “5 stages of filing a claim”, “ Step by step recipe cooking a real diflop with croutons”, “Comprehensive instructions for using a soup cooker”.

What to do if you are "off topic"?

There are only three options:

  • choose topics that you understand for writing articles

For example, if you are a mother who decided to find a decent income on maternity leave, write on children's topics or choose what interests you: your hobbies, profession before maternity leave, etc.

  • write based on customer experience

For example, the customer installs skinali. He shares his experience with you, corrects articles or supplements them with cases from his own practice.

  • get the right experience

We will not write on unfamiliar topics

Yes, prepare a diflop, set up a tent, write an article-instruction. True, this is only possible if the topic for writing articles is interesting and promising.

It is hardly worth starting all the fuss for the sake of a single instruction. You probably have a lot of other hobbies and knowledge, don't you?

Step # 3 Choose the type of article-instruction

Surprised? Puzzled? Yes, there are several types of instructions, or rather four:

  • simple step by step instructions
  • practical instruction
  • instructions with a preliminary statement of the problem
  • flip instruction

Simple step by step instructions

Suitable if the reader is well aware of the existence of the problem and wants to solve it.

Therefore, it is enough to devote a couple of paragraphs to the problem itself, and devote the main part of the article to a step-by-step solution.

Workshop Instruction

Detailed instructions in the format of a master class, sometimes in video format or with many photos.

For example: "How to sew a fancy dress for a girl" or "How to learn to set goals."

Instructions with a preliminary statement of the problem

I haven't finished talking about the problem yet

If the topic is for your audience new, then it is worth paying special attention to the formulation of the problem: up to 30-50% the entire text.

After all, the audience may not suspect that it has a problem.

For example, your readers use "regular" deodorants that contain aluminum salts. And they do not even suspect that these substances increase the risk of breast cancer. Tell us in detail about the dangers and risks, and only then tell me how to choose a safe product.

Flip instruction

Suitable if you want to report multiple issues or bugs.

For example, “10 Newbie Freelancer Mistakes” or “5 Main Causes of Families Breakup in Russia”.

Moreover, in this type of article, the emphasis is shifted from instructions to problem, which is served in negative light.

Step number 4 We draw up a plan for writing an article-instruction

Unfortunately or fortunately, you cannot write a good article without a plan.

Briefly write down all the points of the article writing plan, make notes if additional information, figures or facts are needed.

What about the plan, please?
  • Start with the purpose of the article

What do you want to tell readers? What problem to solve? What should site visitors do AFTER reading?

  • Now start heading

Most often, headings are chosen for instructions that are relevant to the needs of the audience.

These are titles that begin with words like: "How to choose food for a Chow Chow puppy" or "How to write an effective headline for a commercial offer"

If you give an answer to a question in the article, then the question mark in the title is NOT put.

Another option - use of numbers: "12 steps to successfully pass the exam" or "5 stages of preparation for the perfect wedding."

  • Now lead queue

Outline the problem, hook the reader, intrigue, give hope.

The reader should understand that this article is for him and he will find the answer to his question.

  • Main part of instructions

For a typical instruction, describe in detail all the steps needed to solve the problem.

If you decide to write an article with a problem statement - carefully consider the problem from all sides.

If you are writing a flip instruction, then keep in mind that each item is a description of the problem, the reasons for its occurrence, and solutions. As the saying goes, "everything in one bottle."

  • Summarize

At the end, draw conclusions, sum up and be sure to make the reader act. Do you remember the purpose of your article?

Step number 5 write instructions

And now turn the short abstracts of the article writing plan into a detailed, detailed, reasoned story.

That's it, your instructions are ready.

It remains only to check it and send it to the customer. By the way, for this purpose it is very convenient to use a checklist. It will help to notice and correct errors in time.

Where to work out the technique of writing articles for websites?

Is it easy to write instructions? It depends on practice. The more practice, the easier it is to write articles.

But how do you practice if you don't know how to write articles? Under the supervision of experienced coaches at the article marathon.

You need to train under supervision!

They not only teach how to write articles of six types, draw up a content plan, select keywords and link articles, but also give you training on real customers who have a working business and who pay you for the articles.

Such customers are interested in long-term cooperation, so perhaps you will find customers for a long time.

Ready to practice on real clients under the supervision of four successful experts? Then welcome to the article marathon!

In the meantime, tell me, do you know how to write articles-instructions? Have you ever had to write all kinds of instructions? What tricks do you use when writing how-to articles for websites?

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