Orchid flower that symbolizes. Feng Shui Orchid: Meaning and Secret Meaning

A wild orchid can be found in different parts of the world, on almost any continent, except that there is no such luxury in Antarctica. And everywhere people consider her the personification of the most beautiful feelings and qualities. Until recently, this beauty was only a dream of most flower growers, and today, despite the whimsicality and capriciousness, she is found among many lovers of domestic plants.

But, an orchid is not only a plant with unusual, delicate flowers created by nature. People for centuries believed in its unearthly origin, composed legends and tales, associated with mysticism. It is not surprising that even today modern flower growers are sure that the shape, appearance and even color of an orchid matter and should be taken into account when choosing a pet - for home or as a gift.

If you look into the scientific literature, it turns out that this plant is a representative of the orchid family, belongs to the class of monocots and the type of asparagus. In Russian, the family that includes this incredibly luxurious flower, recognized throughout the world as an aristocrat among other plants, is called more than trivial - orchid.
Actually, the translation of the name of the flower from ancient Greek cannot be called beautiful either - “orchis” means “testicle”, as it was called because of the rounded rhizomes. But in Latin, "orchid" sounds much more noble - "descended from God."

Of course, both names have the right to exist, but what the orchid symbolizes in Latin - and this is nothing more, nothing less, but “higher perfection”, does not fit at all with a simple “testicle”.

In various countries, the orchid flower has different meaning associated with cultural characteristics:


In the country, the time of flowering of these luxurious flowers coincides with the celebration of the New Year on lunar calendar. This period falls at the beginning of spring and the orchid is a symbol of warmth, love, and renewal for the Vietnamese. Its incredible aroma intoxicates, causes passion and seething in the blood.

European countries

Here, the orchid is innocence itself, a symbol of perfection and elegance.

Latin American countries

In many states, the flower not only has a huge symbolic load, but it also acts as a national symbol. It was used and continues to be used in rituals, for the manufacture of amulets and amulets.


The Chinese associate the main meaning of the orchid with its ability to disperse dark forces and protect them from them. Archaeologists have discovered images of a flower dating back to 500 BC. e. Around the same time, Confucius, in one of his treatises, compared "the words of beloved friends to the most delicate scent of orchids."


For the Greeks, there was no plant more sacred than the orchid.
It becomes clear that the orchid was not just a part of many cultures, but occupied a significant place in them.

The meaning of colors of different colors

To carry love and beauty - this is the main meaning of the orchid in modern world, however, as it turned out, the value of the plant is affected by its color.

  • White - a symbol of creativity, helps people clearly feel the benefits and harms of their own words and deeds. In addition, a white flower is associated with such concepts as purity, innocence and tenderness.
  • Red and ruby ​​shades - associated with purity of thoughts and passion. Its roots have long been used for rituals associated with attracting the attention of the second half. As ancient beliefs say, a flower with red petals will certainly help to achieve mutual love, push for decisive action, even if a person is rather lazy and unhurried.
  • Pink - its goal is to fill a person's life with beauty, pleasure and get rid of all sorts of problems and troubles.
  • Yellow and orange - awakens people to action - decisive, without undue reflection and doubt. Flowers of sunny shades can inspire a person, help in creative endeavors.
  • Light blue and blue are rare species of orchids, originally obtained through the selection of Dutch and American flower growers, are the personification of spirituality and contemplation.
  • Purple is a symbol of deification, admiration and reverence.
  • Green is a gentle plant that brings happiness, prosperity and luck. And also it promises good health, a long and fruitful life.

Regardless of color, any of the orchids is able to influence the mood and desires of a person, but it is done delicately, unobtrusively.

Orchid - a female flower?

There is a widespread belief that this is an exclusively "female" flower, but this is not entirely true. Although she is the patroness of the fair sex and helps them make the world more beautiful, brighter and cleaner, the orchid is not contraindicated for men.

To say more - this plant often acts as a talisman for long love relationship. And bouquets of these luxurious flowers are considered an ideal wedding talisman that enhances the feelings of the groom - he is literally fascinated by his beloved, holding delicate petals in her hands.

Why is an orchid considered an insidious plant?

Given the centuries-old history of the flower, it is not surprising that a lot of rumors and speculation hovers around it. Some of them literally discourage any desire to start such exotic vegetation in the house and at the same time, most often do not have any evidence.

For example, the glory of an “energy vampire” has entrenched behind a flower, which literally draws “all the juices” from the inhabitants of the house. Moreover, even Taoist teaching does not dispute this theory, although it encourages the cultivation of various colors. Plant growers have studied this phenomenon in detail and found out that in orchids of certain species, pollen has a slight sedative, lulling effect.

But you can also hear how this representative of the orchid family is called "husband". Yes, it is considered a female plant that maintains the beauty and attractiveness of ladies, but it does not drive the representatives of the stronger sex ... However, there is a bad omen - it is believed that the orchid makes men and boys pampered, weak, effeminate.

Actually, if the grower is confused by this superstition, you should not completely abandon such beauty, it is enough not to place a flower in the matrimonial bedroom and children's sons.
The owner of an exotic plant should be wary if the ward wilts and falls ill - this is a sure signal that a significant crisis is coming in the family. But it’s not worth thinking that in this way the orchid spreads negative energy, on the contrary, it warns of possible problems.

The relation of Taoist practice to orchids

The Feng Shui teaching positively evaluates these plants, according to the recommendations of the Taoists, it is possible to grow orchids in a home, but following some rules and taking into account a number of nuances. Naturally, it is important to take care of fastidious beauties so that they become home decorations and acting talismans and amulets.

A sickly, withering orchid will not be able to endow the inhabitants of the home with positive energy, be a symbol of youth and good mood. For this, she needs to be healthy, strong, blooming.

In addition, according to Feng Shui, the orchid should be located in a certain place in the room:

  • in the southeastern part - to success and financial well-being, the orchid will help achieve the location of fortune;
  • in the South-West - perfect option for the house where the family lives; the flower will contribute to the restoration of subsided feelings and passions, will be a talisman for calm, friendly relations and mutual understanding between spouses; it is better to give preference to red and ruby ​​\u200b\u200borchids;
  • in the east - in this part of the house it is recommended to put an orchid to people who care about their health - their own and those close to them; many ancient peoples believed that the orchid was able to improve well-being, give strength to fight diseases, give vigor and strength; for these purposes, it is better to choose flowers of white or any light shade;
  • in the northern part - as a rule, this direction is used for business meetings, which means that the flower should contribute to making the right decision, tune in to the appropriate wave; it is believed that the orchid is a symbol of prosperity, a stable income, a successful career;
  • northwest side - a plant located in this way will help to improve damaged relationships with relatives and loved ones.

The orchid is a multifaceted source of energy that can release its power by sharing it with others. Of course, if you help the plant and place it in the "right" place. An orchid pot can be placed in the bathroom if there is a source of natural light in the living room. It is not bad for a yellow and orange flower to allocate a place in a creative workshop - it will maintain an appropriate atmosphere and encourage the owner to non-standard and bold experiments.

Orchid - when and to whom can I give?

Undoubtedly, when an orchid is given, it delights the recipient. But, different kind superstitions and signs, many are forced to doubt - is this flower an appropriate gift? In fact, if you take into account some features, the plant will turn out to be not just good, but a wonderful, memorable present:

  • blue or blue orchid - can be presented to mother or lady of the heart, thereby confirming that they are unique and inimitable, like this rare flower;
  • red - a color that signals passion, is given as a love confession;
  • pink - a great gift for a woman or girl for any celebration, perfect for wedding bouquets;
  • white - it is appropriate to give mom for the birth of a baby; and also suitable for creative individuals - artists, musicians, poets, whose works are not without sadness and melancholy;
  • purple is a symbol of respect and admiration, therefore, you can give it to a colleague, mentor, parents and other people who evoke similar feelings; not suitable for young girls;
  • yellow - a good, cheerful and positive gift for colleagues, friends, buddies;
  • orange - suitable as a present for any positive event, symbolizes courage, pride, enthusiasm;
  • green - with it happiness and good luck come to the house, therefore, you can present it to people who want to wish it from the bottom of their hearts;
  • motley - and screams about the passion of the donor, is considered an unspoken proposal for a more serious relationship.

As you can see, this flower can be given - it sometimes turns out to be more eloquent than words.

Bouquet with orchids

Most often, these beautiful flowers perform "solo" - they are completely self-sufficient and do not need a spectacular addition. However, they look good with other representatives of the flower world:

  • with freesia - a fragile and sophisticated orchid goes well with refined and aristocratic freesia, it is better to use flowers with long stems in a bouquet;
  • with roses - such a bouquet will look royally luxurious, but not pretentious, a girl can go down the aisle with this, bringing wisdom and innocence to the newly created family at the same time;
  • with peonies - these large, rounded flowers add volume to the bouquet, this combination will be an excellent option for a bride dressed in a magnificent princess outfit; florists recommend not being afraid to play with contrasts, combining bright flowers with light ones, for example, snow-white orchids with raspberry peonies;
  • with feces - two flowers with unusual shape together create incredibly spectacular, harmonious bouquets; if you take plants of the same shades, then the bouquet may look almost uniform; if you experiment with contrasts, then the combination can turn out to be bold, playful;
  • with alstroemerias - a combination for courageous, strong-willed people with an active lifestyle.


Flowers, which are considered "descended from God", can cause a lot of conflicting feelings, but most often it is admiration. A lot of legends, conjectures, superstitions hover around them, however, this does not scare away flower growers, but only stirs up their interest.

A bouquet of orchids is not only a wonderful addition to a gift, but also a great surprise that you can make yourself. Moreover, orchids are special flowers that are perfect for presenting not only to ladies of the heart, but also to anniversaries, as well as teachers.

There are a huge number of different varieties of orchids that do not leave indifferent any connoisseur of true beauty!

Orchids in the language of flowers

The heroes of the occasion, who received a luxurious bouquet of flowers as a gift, often ask themselves the question: “What does an orchid mean in the language of flowers?”. It must be said right away that this beautiful flower has more than one meaning.

It can symbolize wealth, beauty, love, and even strong passion, which the giver wants to convey in an unexpected surprise in the form of a bright bouquet.

The value should be considered individually, since in each case it can differ significantly.

The value of orchids of different varieties

Speaking about the meaning of an orchid flower, you need to pay attention to the varieties, colors, number of buds in a bouquet or pot.

  1. For example, the popular orchid aganizia symbolizes beauty. A bouquet of these flowers is suitable for a gift to your beloved woman, to whom you want to convey your admiration for her appearance and inner qualities through a bouquet.
  2. No less popular are phalaenopsis, perfectly adapted to breeding at home. They are the guardians of family well-being, and also protect the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye.
  3. Most often, vanda orchids are bred in the house, which, according to popular opinion, settle love and reduce the number conflict situations in family.
  4. The most common orchid variety is the cymbidium. It is he who is considered to be the main symbol of delight, beauty and deep reverence. These flowers should be given to the person whom you respect and put above most other people.

Orchid Color Meaning

No less importance is attached to the color of the orchid. For example, white is a symbol of pure virgin love. A young guy can give such a bouquet to his beloved, proving the seriousness of his intentions and the depth of feelings. If you want to make your soulmate a surprise in the form of red orchids, then in the language of flowers, in this way you can convey your passion to the lady of the heart. Red orchids are the main proof of your burning desire to possess a partner and give her your tenderness. As for the quantity, here, as with the flowers of other varieties. The more buds there are in the bouquet, the higher your feelings will be appreciated.

Orchids in a pot

Many hostesses are interested in the meaning of an orchid flower for the home. We have already understood that in most cases, orchid bouquets symbolize love, admiration for a person and deep respect. But what do the decorative flowers that grow at home in pots mean? Undoubtedly, orchids have a very attractive appearance, but are all varieties useful for keeping at home? We can safely answer this question - undoubtedly, yes.

Orchid is a flower of love and prosperity, which will bring good luck to the family and help maintain ideal relationships with all family members.

Today we have revealed to you a little secret of what orchids of different varieties, colors mean, and even indicated how the quantity and method of maintenance can affect the symbolism of a flower. Now you know for sure that this charming flower will always become a faithful assistant in proving sincere feelings and will make the hero of the occasion smile. However, do not forget that flowers should be given not only on special occasions. The best surprises are those made for no reason! They are highly valued by the fair sex!

Representatives of the flora are life companions. They surround us everywhere. In gardens and parks, in offices and apartments, with their presence, plants not only decorate them, but can cause joyful feelings, and sometimes even admiration.

Flowers on the window

City apartment or private house impossible to imagine without indoor plants. Choosing pets from a large order of flora, which fill the hearth with beauty and comfort, we do not think about their meanings. When choosing a plant, the main criterion is the appearance. Necessarily in the decorative collection there are flowering plants. Among them, the leader is the orchid. She's gorgeous. A flowering plant causes a huge wave of emotions.

A bit of history

In order to find out the meaning of the flower (we are interested in the orchid in this case), let's look into the past. Beautiful, striking in its perfection. The translation of the name speaks of the divine origin of the flower. He was sung in verse, depicted on canvases. It was appreciated. Amazing legends were made about such a flower as an orchid. defines its unusualness, sophistication and perfection. Its price was high. The orchid was considered an "aristocratic" plant. He was represented as a fantastic creature, a representative of unearthly civilizations. In the Amazonian belief, the beautiful goddess bore the name Orchid. The meaning of the flower is associated with this beautiful legend. It tells about the goddess of light, who chose to keep her love and move as a plant to the world of people. So there was an amazing flower - an orchid. The meaning of the flower is love and tender passion.

natural feng shui elements

Accommodation flowering plants It's not just interior decoration. Each plant carries a special semantic feature. It is very important to know the meaning of the flower. Orchid in Feng Shui is associated with fertility.

The sophistication and beauty of the plant is associated with the pursuit of excellence. It is a symbol of abundance and spiritual growth, beauty, purity and abundance. Orchids growing in an apartment or office will certainly help attract wealth and success in all areas. At the very least, his presence testifies to the wealth of the owners. The price of this plant is still considerable.

Flower meaning: orchid depending on color

A traditional gift is the splendor created by nature - a luxurious orchid plant. best gift do not invent. What flower to give so that the present has a certain meaning? In this case, a certain color is selected. The meaning of colors depends on it.

An orchid in orange, green, purple or lilac can speak of feelings of gratitude. Such flowers are presented to business partners or colleagues. They can be given not only to women. A man will be pleased to receive such a present. A declaration of love and passionate passion will be orchids of delicate light shades. White and pink orchids will be a great gift for your beloved woman.

These fantastic plants can not only serve to express feelings. They have a beneficial effect on their owner. The meaning of a flower (an orchid of various colors) is individual. There is an opinion that it is the orchid that is the source of harmony.

Flowers are able to absorb negative energy. They have a positive effect on mood. Everyday contact with the beautiful representatives of the plant world is the best cure for depression and dissatisfaction.

The combination in the bouquet

Orchids are used to compose flower arrangements, symbolizing bright feelings, sophistication, nobility. Orchid is a talisman loving woman, keepers of family happiness. The inclusion of this flower in the solemn wedding bouquet will be indispensable.

A great combination will be callas and the meaning of the flower enhances the purpose of the bouquet. The two plants complement each other perfectly. Calla is a talisman from evil and misfortune, envious people and diseases. The orchid, in turn, is a love talisman. Their combination symbolizes a strong union of loving hearts. emphasizes the solemnity of the event. A bouquet of callas and orchids is a symbol of purity, tenderness, innocence and family happiness.

In this article you will learn:

The Feng Shui orchid, symbolizing prosperity, love and wisdom, has a powerful energy field that actively influences a person. With the right arrangement in the apartment, exotic flowers will perfectly complement the interior and become a magnet for attracting vital energy.

The meaning of a flower, depending on the color

Each shade of flowers has its own meaning and energy, so the ancient doctrine of harmonizing Feng Shui space ascribes some magical properties to orchids:

  1. White orchids are a symbol of tenderness, femininity, love and purity. They will give a feeling of calmness and peace, will help to meet true love.
  2. Pink and lilac flowers will inspire you to find harmony, give you a sense of inner attractiveness and charm.
  3. Red flowers fill the surrounding space with positive energy that will inspire you to achieve your goal.
  4. Yellow orchids symbolize financial well-being and wealth in the house.
  5. Variegated, orange and purple flowers will become a source of vitality, increase activity and help to cope with depression and apathy.

Flowers of any shade give a lot of positive emotions, filling the space with freshness and improving its energy.

Where, according to the rules of Feng Shui, is an orchid

Feng Shui teaching involves placing orchids in a suitable sector so that the properties of a houseplant are fully manifested and energy flows are activated. Therefore, when arranging, it is recommended to take into account some details:

  1. Think over the place in advance - the flower does not accept changes and can get sick, and according to Feng Shui, diseased plants spread the destructive Sha energy.
  2. You can not install this houseplant near air conditioners so that the flower does not dry out.
  3. The place should be warm, bright and sunny, as these flowers do not tolerate cold well.

  • office - to attract wealth;
  • living room - to create a harmonious atmosphere in the family;
  • hallway, but not near the entrance;
  • glazed loggia or winter garden.

The placement of flowers in the apartment depends on the sector that it is desirable to activate - each of them is responsible for a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200blife:

  • northern - contributes to achievements in professional activity, improvement of financial situation;
  • eastern - improves health and brings harmony to family relationships;
  • western - reveals talents, activates creativity;
  • southeast - brings success;
  • southwestern - enhances the passion of the spouses;
  • northwestern - helps to improve relations with partners or patrons.

Not every room can put a plant. For example, an orchid in the bedroom or children's room is not the best choice.

Orchids as a gift - to whom and what

As a gift, orchids are suitable for a woman of any age, because, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, they are women's flowers. The plant protects from misfortune and negativity, and also helps its owner:

  • remain charming and gentle;
  • prolong youth and maintain freshness;
  • highlight attractive features.

When choosing a cut flower or bouquet as a gift, it is worth considering the meaning of the orchid and the feelings that the donor puts in:

  1. White flowers are recommended to be presented to loved ones as the personification of sincere intentions and admiration.
  2. Pink, as a symbol of tender and reverent feelings, are given to beloved girls.
  3. Red and motley symbolize passion and hope for a further continuation of the relationship. Bright red flowers are also suitable for people who are thirsty for changes that they cannot decide on.
  4. Yellow orchids will be a great gift for a person who dreams of climbing the career ladder and succeeding in life.
  5. Orange, purple and green flowers, symbolizing nobility, can be presented to work partners or colleagues.

Close people can be presented with a houseplant - a symbol of tenderness, care and love. The shade is selected depending on the properties that I would like to endow the gifted.

Activation of the magical properties of a flower

A natural talisman has a powerful energy that needs to be activated correctly. For this, special items are useful:

  1. Glass figurine (elephant, lotus), attracting happiness and harmony. Place the orchid next to it in a glass vase without chips or cracks. Hang a picture on top with a red background.
  2. Aquarium, which is recommended to be placed near the orchid. Alternative option is small decorative fountain, which is dominated by elements of glass or stone.

It is necessary to put orchids away from sharp corners of furniture or ledges so that they do not disturb the interaction of the plant with Qi energy.

Images of orchids are energetically no less powerful than fresh flowers, so it is not recommended to place embroidery or paintings in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.

How a plant can harm the owners of the apartment

The choice of indoor plants should be treated with caution, since the mood and health of all family members depend on it. According to Feng Shui, if placed incorrectly, orchids can harm the owners of the apartment:

  1. Due to the peculiarity of the flower to absorb energy at night, you can not leave the orchid in the bedroom. The plant can negatively affect a sleeping person, who, after waking up, will be tired, irritable and apathetic. Perhaps this statement is due to the specific aroma and active release of carbon dioxide, so it is better to put the orchid in a well-ventilated place so as not to experience insomnia or headaches.
  2. It is also not recommended to put a flower in the children's room in order to avoid whims, frequent illnesses and overwork of the child.
  3. The plant affects the health of men and boys, suppressing their masculinity and destroying the aura. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave flowers in a room where a man spends a lot of time.

It is important to remember that the quality of the radiated energy depends on the condition of indoor plants. Groomed or diseased flowers will not give positive emotions to the owners and will bring significant harm, absorbing Qi vital energy from space.

Helpful Hints

The orchid is a beloved and most beautiful flower by many. The first mention of it appeared in the 7th century BC, but some experts studying plants claim that mankind got acquainted with the orchid much earlier. This is one of the oldest flowers, which has been a symbol of harmony, purity, purity and perfection for a very long time.

Even our ancestors considered the orchid chosen flower, it was given to loved ones, showing the purity of thoughts and expressing their respect. There are many signs about the orchid, some of which talk about the difficulties of artificially breeding a flower, and some about personal experience ancestors.

Read also:Why in no case should you sweep and wash the floors at night in the house: signs

Orchid in the house: bad omens

A lot of signs endow these beautiful flowers the properties of an energy vampire, which you do not need to keep in the house. It is said that energy vampire plants draw energy from people living with them under the same roof. The teachings of Feng Shui do not argue with this sign, which is better than others for most plants in the house and only encourages the presence of flowers in a person's life.

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It turns out that the whole point is that the pollen of several species of this flower lulls a person. There is also an opinion that the orchid is a male plant, but in fact everything is exactly the opposite. In fact, a female orchid, she helps the fair sex, at times increasing the attractiveness and femininity of her mistress.

The orchid has a negative effect on the male sex, it can make a man effeminate and pampered. For this reason, do not plant your plant in the rooms of married couples, men, and little boys.

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The bad omens associated with this flower do not at all prohibit planting, but impose some restrictions. Being vampires, orchids are active at night, so they must be ordered to enter the bedroom. Be sure to make sure that the male part of your family has minimal contact with the flower. Settle the beauty where men are the least.

This is a female plant, do not decorate the rooms and offices of men with it.

Orchid in the house: good signs

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We have already said above that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is possible to grow orchids in the house, subject to certain precautions. In this case, you will be able to avoid their negative influence, and they can become a real mascot for any woman, helping to be creative and develop talents.

But in order for the orchid to treat you well, take care of it properly, protect it from diseases and prevent the plant from wilting. The flower is able to prolong the youth of a woman, her health and good mood, it enhances all feminine qualities and endows with attractiveness.

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The orchid will expel negative energy from the house and attract positive. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the color of the plant, because different colors have their own effect. Among other things, this plant will be your protector, save you from a guest who has conceived evil, drive him away, provoking poor health.

Secret and overt enemies of the hostess of the orchid are faced with headaches, a variety of disorders and anxiety.

Signs with orchids of different colors

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According to Feng Shui, orchids of different colors have different effects on their owner. For example, purple and red orchid flowers are designed to fight human laziness. They are great for dieters, quitters and those who decide to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Such plants, combined with your will, will help you achieve what you want. Also, red flowers will help you finally do what you always put off until next Monday or tomorrow. Yellow flowers are needed in the house for those who decide to climb the career ladder, they bring prosperity to the house.

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The same can be said about orange flowers, they help a person to be more active and engage in an active lifestyle. They are ideal for someone who believes that his life energy is running out, who suffers from laziness and cannot begin to implement his ideas in any way.

Orange orchid helps to find inspiration and supports creative people. Pink and white orchids are for those who don't even know what they are. inner harmony but wants to find it. They are simply necessary for women who see black colors around, are prone to depression and melancholy.

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Moreover, pink orchids will help you find inner attractiveness and charm. All in all, this flower is great. any will do a woman who dreams of protecting herself from negative energy, emphasizing her attractiveness and developing her creative features.

Orchid Care

Now let's talk about caring for this beauty. The fact that the orchid requires rather scrupulous care, and it is rather capricious, everyone knows. In order for a flower to bloom again, you need to know what contributes to this and follow the care regimen. In this case, the orchid will delight you with amazing flowers for 2-6 months. Moreover, some species, such as vanda and phalaenopsis, can even bloom all year round.

For orchid bloom

1. Find out the age of the plant

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If you've purchased a plant that isn't blooming and isn't even going to flower, it's probably very young. Orchid different types begins to bloom at the age of 1.5 - 3 years.

To understand that the flower is old enough, count the number of shoots. An adult plant that is ready to bloom has 5-8 shoots. If an orchid begins to bloom earlier, then you should not always rejoice at this. The thing is that after flowering, a young plant may need more strength to recover than it has. Because of this, the orchid may die.

2. Find a permanent place for the flower

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Many orchid lovers are aware that moving a plant is a lot of stress. The flower is hard going through even the most insignificant movements. The plant is very sensitive to light. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to rearrange the orchid, place it on the same side of the light source where it was in its original place.

Do not move the pot while watering. When moving, the growth of the flower stops, especially if this coincided with the appearance of the peduncle.

3. Pay Attention to Your Roots

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Everyone who deals with orchids knows that the roots of a flower take Active participation during photosynthesis, for this reason it is extremely important to ensure that they receive enough light. Since it is better not to move the plant once again, it is better to think about the roots in advance. For example, don't get ceramic pots, plant your flowers in clear plastic instead, as these pots tend to have a lot of drainage holes.

It is also not recommended to choose a pot with corrugated walls, because the roots of the orchid will eventually grow to uneven surface. Moreover, sharp elements in a pot can harm the root system, and therefore the entire plant.

4. Set the right lighting

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Sunlight is one of the most important factors influencing the flowering of a plant. If the orchid does not have a full daylight hours (10-12 hours a day), it will not bloom. For this reason, in winter and autumn, when there is very little natural light, it is necessary to illuminate the plant with lamps.

There are so-called phytolamps that illuminate plants, giving them the necessary bright light, without drying the air.

© Edward Olive

If your flower has released a peduncle in winter or autumn, be sure to make sure that it does not die due to lack of light. After all, without additional illumination at these times of the year, the peduncle will either stop developing or die.

If you do not have the opportunity to give the entire plant additional light, try to organize additional lighting only at the tip of the peduncle. It is important to ensure that neither the peduncle nor the rest of the orchid heats up.

5. Take care of the allowable temperature difference

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An active catalyst for the flowering of most types of orchids is a small difference in the ratio of day and night temperatures. That is, for your plant to bloom, during the day the air temperature should be 4 to 6 degrees higher than at night.

Of course, throughout the year it is somewhat problematic to create such conditions, however, from late spring to early autumn, keep flowers outdoors, where temperature changes occur naturally.

With the onset of a cold snap, when the orchids must move into the house, the room in which the flowers live must be regularly ventilated. However, this should be done with caution, because the plant is also afraid of drafts.

6. Provide proper watering

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Water your orchid after the soil is completely dry. This will prevent root rot. This rule is universal for all seasons, and is suitable for orchids of any age. But there is one exception. After the flowering period is over, watering should be reduced by about a month.

When an orchid completes its flowering cycle in nature, seeds begin to set in it, which must fly several kilometers in different directions. This happens only during dry periods, during the rainy season it is excluded. Therefore, try to provide your flower with conditions close to natural, so that the plant often blooms and is healthy.