Writers' letters to their beloved women. A vulgar letter to a beloved man

Ursula Doyle

Love letters of great people. Book two. Women

© Ursula Doyle, compilation, 2008

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian.

LLC "Publishing House "Good Book", 2010

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Dedicated to the memory of four great women:

A.D. and M.I.S., A.D. and N.D.


Prior to the publication of this book, another edition was published under the title " Love letters from great people". His appearance sparked a debate about whether people write love letters these days. The participants in the discussion came to the conclusion that modern means communication has succeeded in supplanting the words written on paper, and the ability to men force yourself to write a letter (and send it in addition). But readers (mostly women) complained not so much about the fact that the place love letters usurped text messages from mobile phones and messages on e-mail how much for the irrevocable departure of those times when men talked about their feelings, and not just grumbled, lying on the couch. Interest in reading romantic (and even not so romantic) outpourings of men who lived in other historical periods is probably due not to the personal qualities of these men, but to the fact that such outpourings are very rare in our time, whatever form they may take.

As noted in the preface to the publication, men's letters differ markedly in style, mood and, alas, the degree of sincerity: sometimes one gets the feeling that some great men wrote them for posterity or in the belief that a love letter is just another way to show off your talents. When compiling this volume Reading the letters produced quite a different impression. For great men, prominent historical figures, the choice of lovers and wives was only one of the many aspects of life; they owed their greatness to achievements in other areas - in science, travel, conquest, political games, creative aspirations. All these fields of activity have opened up to most women relatively recently, so, regrettably, the women mentioned in this book owe their fame either to those whom they married or to those whom they brought into the world: only through association with famous husbands or letters of these women have been preserved by their offspring. Marriage completely determined the fate of many of them. I cannot and, of course, will not assert that women are sincere more often than men, that women are less capable of pretense and posturing. The bottom line is that matters of the heart could irreversibly change the fate of a woman, although they did not at all affect the fate of a man. It is hard to imagine that any of the great men in 1712 wrote like Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in a letter to a loved one shortly before escaping with him against the will of her father: “What we are doing makes me tremble. Will you really love me forever? I fear and I hope. For a woman, the consequences of a wrong decision, one wrong step, could be truly catastrophic.

Of course, women are also mentioned here who despised conventions, did not obey their relatives and fought for the opportunity to independently manage their own lives. As a rule, these women were unusually smart, rich, and therefore independent. This in no way diminishes the importance of their accomplishments, just keep in mind that the bar for women's path to success has been set almost at an unattainable height. And, of course, there are women on our list who were actively encouraged by their wonderful spouses. For example, the husbands of Abigail Adams and Isabella Beaton supported them and wished them success in any endeavors.

There are sad stories here too. They tell not only about love that ended in tragedy, but also about the dangers and troubles that lay in wait for women on their life path: from lack of rights, lack of education and economic independence to the threat of life during difficult births and the likelihood of death of children in infancy. Antibiotics and suffrage have changed everything, at least in more economically developed countries (it is worth noting that, according to the appalling statistics of the UN, of the 536,000 deaths of women in childbirth that occur annually, 99% occur in less economically developed countries). It is unlikely that the feminist slogan "You have come a long way, child" applies here, but it is sometimes useful to remember the progress women have made since Mary Wollstonecraft wrote her famous article in 1790 " Protection of women's rights».

In this list of love letters, I am struck by the tenacity of women, despite seemingly insurmountable difficulties, their perseverance, courage, stoicism, wit, charm and generosity. The love they write about takes many forms: condescending, deceitful, ambiguous, ambitious, selfish, erotic, chaste, and insane. Nevertheless, it is love and at the same time a legacy worth cherishing.

Ursula Doyle, London, 2009

I watched all those stupid girls jumping out for the first person they thought they could live with. And, apparently, she was waiting for a person without whom I could not live.

Nora Doyle, 1917–2007

Lady Joan Pelem

... I swear, I have never been so happy as when I learned from your letter that the Lord does not leave you with his mercy and protects you from enemy machinations.

This letter was written by Lady Pelham to her husband, Sir John, in 1399 from their Pevensey castle in East Sussex. Sir John Pelham was away at the time, helping Henry Bolingbroke raise troops for an attempt to overthrow Richard II, which later turned out to be successful. Pevensie was besieged by Sir John's enemies, and Lady Pelham, without panicking, asked her husband if he could soon return home.

Lady Joan Pelham to Sir John Pelham

February 13, 2013, 04:06 PM

I wanted to please you interesting selection for the holiday. But I found so many letters that I decided to divide them into two parts. Read and enjoy)) Love letter to Denis Diderot - Sophie Volan I cannot leave without saying a few words to you. So, my darling, you expect a lot of good things from me. Your happiness, even your life depends, as you say, on my love for you! Fear nothing, my dear Sophie; my love will last forever, you will live and be happy. I have never done anything wrong and I am not going to tread on this road. I am all yours - you are everything to me. We will support each other in all the troubles that fate can send us. You will ease my suffering; I will help you with yours. I can always see you the way you were in Lately! As for me, you must admit that I have remained the same as you saw me on the first day of our acquaintance. This is not only my merit, but for the sake of justice, I must tell you about it. Every day I feel more alive. I am sure of loyalty to you and appreciate your virtues more and more every day. I am confident in your constancy and appreciate it. No one's passion had a greater basis than mine. Dear Sophie, You are very beautiful, aren't you? Watch yourself - see how it suits you to be in love; and know that I love you very much. This is a constant expression of my feelings. Good night, my dear Sophie. I am as happy as a man can be who knows he is loved by the fairest of women. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Constanze Dear little wife, I have a few assignments for you. I beg you: 1) do not fall into melancholy, 2) take care of your health and beware of spring winds, 3) do not go for a walk alone - or better yet, do not go for a walk at all, 4) be completely sure of my love. I write all the letters to you with your portrait in front of me. 6) and in the end I ask you to write me more detailed letters. I really want to know if brother-in-law Hofer came to visit us the day after I left? Does he come often, as he promised me? Do the Langes come in sometimes? How is the work on the portrait going? How do you live? All this, of course, is of great interest to me. 5) I beg you to behave in such a way that neither your nor my good name is damaged, also watch your appearance. Do not be angry with me for such a request. You should love me even more because I care about our honor with you. V.A. Mozart A love letter from Victor Hugo to his beloved Adele Fouche A few words from you, my beloved Adele, changed my mood again. Yes, you can do whatever you want with me. And tomorrow I will certainly die if the magical sound of your voice and the gentle touch of your adored lips do not breathe life into me. With what conflicting feelings I went to bed! Yesterday, Adele, I lost faith in your love and called for the hour of death. I said to myself: “If it is true that she does not love me, if nothing in me could earn the blessing of her love, without which my life would lose its attractiveness, is this not a reason to die? Should I live only for my personal happiness? Not; my whole existence is dedicated to her alone, even against her will. And by what right did I dare to covet her love? Am I an angel or a deity? I love her, it's true. I am ready to gladly sacrifice to her whatever she desires - everything, even the hope of being loved by her. There is no greater devotion in the world than mine in relation to her, to her smile, to her one look. But can I be different? Isn't she the purpose of my whole life? If she shows indifference to me, even hatred, it will be my misfortune, the end. But won't that hurt her happiness? Yes, if she is unable to love me, I have only myself to blame. My duty is to follow on her heels, to be near her, to serve as a barrier to all dangers, to serve as a saving bridge, to stand tirelessly between her and all sorrows, demanding no reward, expecting no gratitude. Only she will give infinite happiness if she sometimes deigns to throw a pitying glance at her slave and remember him in a moment of danger! Like this! If she would only let me devote my life to anticipating her every desire, fulfilling her every whim. If she would only permit me to respectfully kiss her delightful footprints; if she even agrees to rely on me in difficult moments of life. Then I will have the only happiness I long for. But if I am ready to sacrifice everything for her, should she be grateful to me? Is it her fault that I love her? Should she feel like she's obligated to love me? Not! She may laugh at my devotion, accept my services with hatred, repulse my worship with contempt, without for a moment having the right to complain of this angel; there will be no moral right to suspend my generosity towards her, a generosity that she neglects. Every day of mine must be marked by the sacrifice made to her, and even on the day of my death, my unrequited debt to her will not disappear. These are the thoughts, my beloved Adele, that visited me last night. Only now they are mixed with the hope of happiness - such a great happiness that I cannot think of it without trembling. Is it true that you love me, Adele? Tell me and I will believe in this amazing idea. You don't think I'll go mad with joy throwing my life at your feet, sure that I'll make you as happy as I am happy, knowing that you'll admire me just as I admire you. ? ABOUT! Your letter has restored peace in my soul, your words spoken this evening have filled me with happiness. A thousand thanks, Adele, my beloved angel. If I could prostrate before you as before a deity! What happiness you have brought me! Adieu, adieu, I'll spend a delightful night dreaming of you. Sleep well, let your husband take the twelve kisses you promised him, in addition to those not yet promised. Beethoven's letter to his beloved Even in bed my thoughts fly to you, my immortal love! I am seized by either joy or sadness in anticipation of what fate has in store for us. I can either live with you or not live at all. Yes, I have decided to wander away from you until I am able to fly and throw myself into your arms, feel you completely mine and enjoy this bliss. That is how it should be. You will agree to this, because you do not doubt my loyalty to you; never another will take my heart, never, never. Oh, God, why part with what you love so much! The life I now lead in V. is hard. Your love makes me the happiest and unhappiest person at the same time. At my age, a certain monotony, stability of life is already required, but are they possible with our relations? My angel, now I just found out that the mail leaves every day, I must finish so that you receive the letter as soon as possible. Be calm; be calm, love me always. What a longing to see you! You are my Life - my Everything - goodbye. Love me as before - never doubt the loyalty of your beloved A. Forever yours, Forever mine, Forever we are ours. Jack London to Anna Stransky Dear Anna: Did I say that all people can be divided into types? If I did, let me clarify - not all of them. You're slipping away, I can't attribute you to any species, I can't figure you out. I can boast that out of 10 people, I can predict the behavior of nine. Judging by words and actions, I can guess the heart rate of nine out of ten people. But the tenth is a mystery to me, I am in despair because it is higher than me. You are the tenth. Has it ever happened that two silent souls, so dissimilar, so suited each other? Of course, we often feel the same way, but even when we feel something differently, we still understand each other, even though we don’t have common language. We don't need words spoken aloud. We are too incomprehensible and mysterious for this. The Lord must be laughing, seeing our silent action. The only glimmer of common sense in all of this is that we both have a frenzied temperament big enough to be understood. True, we often understand each other, but with elusive glimpses, vague sensations, as if ghosts, while we doubt, haunt us with their perception of the truth. And yet I dare not believe that you are the tenth person whose behavior I cannot predict. Am I hard to understand now? I don't know, maybe it is. I can't find a common language. Huge temperament - that's what allows us to be together. For a second, eternity itself flared up in our hearts and we were drawn to each other, despite the fact that we are so different. Do I smile when you get excited? That smile that can be forgiven - no, it's an envious smile. For 25 years I lived in a depressed state. I have learned not to admire. This is a lesson that cannot be forgotten. I'm starting to forget, but that's not enough. At best, I hope that before I die, I will forget everything, or almost everything. I can already rejoice, I am learning this little by little, I rejoice in the little things, but I cannot rejoice at what is in me, my innermost thoughts, I cannot, I cannot. Am I unclear? Do you hear my voice? I'm afraid not. There are many hypocrites in the world. I am the most successful Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine There wasn't a day that I didn't love you; there was no night that I did not squeeze you in my arms. I do not drink even a cup of tea, so as not to curse my pride and ambition, which force me to stay away from you, my soul. In the midst of my service, whether at the head of an army or checking camps, I feel that my heart is occupied only by my beloved Josephine. It deprives me of reason, fills my thoughts. If I move away from you at the speed of the Rhone, it only means that I may soon see you. If I get up in the middle of the night to go to work, it's because this way I can bring the moment of returning to you closer, my love. In your letter dated 23 and 26 Vantoza, you address me as "You." "You" ? Ah, damn! How could you write such a thing? How cold it is!... ...Josephine! Josephine! Do you remember what I told you once: nature has rewarded me with a strong, unshakable soul. And she fashioned you from lace and air. Have you stopped loving me? Forgive me, love of my life, my soul is torn. My heart, which belongs to you, is full of fear and longing ... It hurts me that you do not call me by name. I'll be waiting for you to write it. Goodbye! Oh, if you stopped loving me, then you never loved me! And I will be sorry! Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine in Milan(November 13, 1796, sent from Verona) I don't love you anymore... On the contrary, I hate you. You are a vile, stupid, ridiculous woman. You don't write to me at all, you don't love your husband. You know how much joy your letters bring to him, and you cannot even write six quick lines. But what do you do all day long, ma'am? What urgent matters take up your time, prevent you from writing to your very good lover? What prevents your tender and devoted love, which you promised him? Who is this new seducer, new lover, who claims all your time, preventing you from taking care of your spouse? Josephine, beware: one fine night I will break down your doors and stand before you. In fact, my dear friend, I am worried that I do not receive news from you, write me quickly four pages, and only about those pleasant things that will fill my heart with joy and tenderness. I hope to wrap you in my arms soon and cover you with a million kisses, burning like the rays of the sun at the equator. Bonaparte Mark Twain - Livy
Livy, dear, today we climbed up and down steep hills, with dirty and wet shoes, in a rain that did not stop for a minute, with joyful whooping for six hours straight. All the way I was alert and fresh as a lark, and arrived at the place without the slightest feeling of fatigue. We washed, emptied our boots, ate, undressed, and went to bed for two and a half hours while our clothes and equipment dried and our boots were cleaned. Then we put on still warm clothes and went to the table. I have made some nice English friends and will see them tomorrow in Zermatt. Gathered a small bouquet of flowers, but they wilted. I sent you a full box of flowers last night from Luckerbad. I have just sent a telegram for you to telegraph the family news to me in Rifel tomorrow. I hope you are doing well and having as much fun as we do. I love you, my heart, you and children. Give my love to Clara Spaulding and also to the kids. Wagner - Mathilde Wesendonck Is my sweet muse still far away? Silently I waited for her visit; I didn't want to bother her with requests. Muse, like love, makes happy freely. Woe to the fool, woe to the poor of love, if he wants to take by force what is not given to him voluntarily. They cannot be forced. Is not it? Is not it? How could love be a muse if it allowed itself to be forced? Is my sweet muse still far away from me? Charles Darwin - Emma Wedgwood I can't tell you how much I enjoyed visiting the Maers. I was looking forward to a future serene life: I really hope that you can be as happy as I am. But when I think about it, it scares me that you're not used to this lifestyle. This morning I was thinking about how it happened that happiness, and silence, and solitude, have such a beneficial effect on me, a sociable and purely rational person. The explanation, I suppose, is quite simple, I mention it because it will give you hope that in time I will become less uncouth and rude. It is all to blame for the five years of my journey (and, of course, the last two years), which, one might say, became the beginning of my real life. Despite the active lifestyle that I led there - admiring unprecedented animals, traveling through wild deserts or impenetrable forests, walking around the deck of the old Beagle at night - only what was happening in my head gave me true pleasure. Forgive my selfishness, I am talking about this in the hope that you will ennoble me, teach me to find happiness not only in building theories and comprehending facts in silence and loneliness. My dearest Emma, ​​I fervently pray that you will never regret anything, and I will add something else - you will receive on Tuesday: my dear future wife, God bless you ... The Lyells came in after church today; Lyell is so busy with geology that he needs to unload; as a guest of honor, I dine with them on Tuesday. Today I was a little ashamed of myself, we talked for about half an hour and all about geology, and poor Mrs Lyell sat next to me like a monument to patience. I should probably practice with the female sex, though I haven't noticed Lyell showing any remorse. I hope in time to strengthen my conscience: few husbands seem to find this difficult. After returning, I looked into our living room several times, which you will readily believe. I suppose my taste in color choice has already been spoiled, since I claim that the room looks less ugly. I had so much fun being in the house that I must have looked like an overgrown child addicted to a new toy. But still I am not quite a child, because I long for a wife and a friend. John Keats - Fanny Brown My dear girl! Nothing in the world could give me more pleasure than your letter, except you yourself. I am almost tired of being amazed that my senses blissfully obey the will of that being who is now so far away from me. Without even thinking about you, I feel your presence, and a wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my joyless days and sleepless nights have not cured me of my love for Beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not around, and I am forced to overcome in dull patience an existence that cannot be called Life. Never before have I known that there is such love as you have given me. I didn't believe in her; I was afraid to burn in its flame. But if you love me, the fire of love will not be able to scorch us - it will be no more than we, sprinkled with the dew of Pleasure, can bear. You mention "terrible people" and ask if they will prevent us from seeing each other again. My love, understand only one thing: you fill my heart so much that I am ready to turn into a Mentor, as soon as I notice the danger that threatens you. In your eyes I want to see only joy, on your lips - only love, in your walk - only happiness. I would like to see only pleasure in your eyes. Let our love be a source of pleasure, and not a shelter from grief and worries. But if the worst happens, I can hardly remain a philosopher and follow my own prescriptions; if my hardness hurts you, I can't! Why should I not talk about your Beauty, without which I could never love you? Only Beauty is capable of awakening such love as my love for you - I cannot imagine otherwise. There may be another love for which, without a hint of mockery, I am ready to have the deepest respect and admiration for it. But it is deprived of that strength, that flowering, that perfection and charm with which my heart is filled. So let me talk about your Beauty, even if it is dangerous for myself: what if you are cruel enough to test her Power over others? You write that you are afraid - if I think that you do not love me; these words of yours instill in me a painful desire to be near you. Here I diligently indulge in my favorite pastime - I do not miss a day without stretching a piece of white verse longer or stringing a couple of other rhymes. I must confess (since I've mentioned it) that I love you even more because I know that you loved me exactly as I am, and for no other reason. I have met women who would be happy to be engaged to Sonnet or to marry Roman. I saw your Comet; well, if it served as a good omen for poor Rais: because of his illness, sharing company with him is not very fun, especially since he is trying to overcome and hide his illness from me, releasing dubious puns. I kissed your letter up and down in the hope that you, putting your lips to it, left the taste of honey on the lines. What did you see in your dream? Tell me your dream and I will give you an interpretation. Always yours, my love! John Keats Alfred de Musset - George Sand (1833) My dear Georges, I need to tell you something stupid and funny. I'm writing you foolishly, I don't know why, instead of telling you all this after returning from a walk. In the evening, I will fall into despair because of this. You will laugh in my face, consider me a phrase-monger. You will show me the door and start thinking that I am lying. I'm in love with you. I fell in love with you from the first day I was with you. I thought that I would recover from this very simply, seeing you as a friend. There are many traits in your character that can heal me; I tried my best to convince myself of this. But the minutes that I spend with you cost me too much. It's better to say it - I will suffer less if you show me the door now. Tonight, when I... [Georges Sand, editing Musset's letters before publication, crossed out two words and cut out the next line with scissors] I decided to tell you that I was in the country. But I do not want to make riddles, or create the appearance of an unreasonable quarrel. Now, Georges, you will, as usual, say: "Another annoying admirer!" If I am not quite the first person you meet, then tell me how you would say it to me yesterday in a conversation about someone else - what should I do. But I beg you - if you are going to tell me that you doubt the truth of what I am writing to you, then it is better not to answer at all. I know what you think of me; saying this, I do not hope for anything. I can only lose a friend and the only pleasant hours that I spent during the last month. But I know that you are kind, that you loved, and I entrust myself to you, not as a beloved, but as a sincere and faithful comrade. Georges, I am acting like a madman, depriving myself of the pleasure of seeing you during the short time that remains for you to spend in Paris before leaving for Italy. There we could spend delightful nights if I had more determination. But the truth is that I suffer and I lack resolve. Alfred de Musset Henry VIII - Anne Boleyn My beloved and my friend, my heart and I place ourselves in your hands, in humble prayer for your good disposition and that your affection for us would not decrease while we are not around. For there will be no greater misfortune for me than to aggravate your sorrow. Separation brings enough sadness, more than I ever imagined. This fact reminds me of astronomy: the farther the poles are from the sun, the more unbearable the heat. The same with our love, for your absence has separated us, but love retains its ardor - at least on my part. Hopefully yours too. I assure you that in my case, the longing for separation is so great that it would be unbearable if I were not firmly convinced of the strength of your feelings for me. Seeing no possibility of being near you, I am sending you a little thing that is closest to me, that is, a bracelet with my portrait, with the device that you already know about. How I would like to be in his place, to see you and how you will rejoice in him. Written by the hand of your faithful servant and friend, G.R. Gustave Flaubert - Louise Colet (Croisset, Saturday, one in the morning) You speak very tender words to me, dear Muse. Eh bien, get such tender words in return that you cannot even imagine. Your love saturates me like a warm rain, I feel washed by it to the very depths of my heart. Is there anything in you that does not deserve my love - body, mind, tenderness? You are open in soul and strong in mind, there is very little poetic in you, but you are a real poet. Everything about you is lovely, you look like your chest, just as snow-white and soft. None of the women I knew before can compare to you. It is unlikely that those whom I desired are equal to you. Sometimes I try to imagine your face in old age, and it seems to me that even then I will love you, maybe even more. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller - Charlotte von Lengefeld (August 3, 1789) Is it true, dear Lotta? Can I hope that Caroline read in your soul and conveyed to me from the depths of your heart what I did not dare to admit to myself? Oh, how heavy this secret seemed to me, which I had to keep all the time, from the moment we met you. Often, when we were still living together, I gathered all my courage and came to you, intending to open up, but courage constantly left me. I saw selfishness in this striving of mine; I was afraid that I cared only about my happiness, and this thought terrified me. If I could not be to you what you were to me, then my suffering would upset you. With my confession, I would destroy the wonderful harmony of our friendship, I would lose what I had - your pure, sisterly disposition. And yet there were moments when my hope revived, when the happiness that we could give each other seemed to me infinitely higher than all reasoning, when I even considered it noble to sacrifice everything else to him. You might be happy without me, but you would never be unhappy because of me. I vividly felt this in myself - and on this then I built my hopes. You could give yourself to another, but no one could love you more pure and tender than me. For no one else Our happiness could not be more sacred than it has always been and always will be for me. All my existence, everything that lives in me, everything dearest in me, I dedicate to you. And if I strive to ennoble myself, it is only in order to become more worthy of you, to make you happier. The nobility of the soul contributes to the beautiful and indissoluble bonds of friendship and love. Our friendship and love will be indissoluble and eternal, like the feelings on which we built them. Forget everything that could hamper your heart, let only your feelings speak. Confirm what Caroline let me hope for. Say that you want to be mine and that my happiness is not a sacrifice for you. Oh, convince me of this with one single word. Our hearts have been close to each other for a long time. Let that only alien thing that has hitherto stood between us fall away, and let nothing hinder the free communion of our souls. Goodbye, dear Lotta. I long for the right moment to describe to you all the feelings of my heart; they made me happy and unhappy again for so long. And now this desire alone dwells in my soul. ...Do not hesitate to permanently ease my anxiety. I give into your hands all the happiness of my life. .. Goodbye, dear! Lord Byron - Lady Caroline Lamb My dear Carolina, if the tears that you saw and which, I know, I should not have shed, were it not for the excitement that overwhelmed me at the moment of parting with you - the excitement that you should have felt during recent events; if all this had not started before your departure; if all that I have said and done, and yet am ready to say and do, has not sufficiently proved what my feelings are and always will be towards you, my love, then I have no other evidence for you. God knows, never before this moment did I think that you, my love, my dear friend, could be so violent. I can't express everything, now is not the time for words. But I will feel a sense of pride and take sad pleasure in the suffering that you have experienced. And because you don't know me at all. I'm ready to leave, but with a heavy heart. For my appearance this evening will put an end to any ridiculous story that the events of this day could give rise to. Do you now think that I am cold, ruthless and self-willed? Will others think so? And your mother? The Mother to whom we must sacrifice much more, much more than she will ever know or imagine. "I promise not to love you"? Ah, Carolina, those promises are in the past! But I will explain all the confessions in due course and never cease to feel all that you have already witnessed; even more than that - what my heart knows and, perhaps, yours. May God forgive, protect and bless you forever. Your most devoted Byron R.S. This is what your mockery has led to, my dear Caroline. Is there anything in heaven or on earth that could make me as happy as you once made me? And now no less than then, but more than now. God knows, I wish you happiness. Even if I leave you or you, out of a sense of duty towards your husband and mother, leave me, you will understand that I am telling the truth when I promise and swear that no person, no occupation will take the place in my heart that belongs and will be belong to you forever, until my death. You know, I would gladly give up everything here or even in the afterlife for you, so can my motives be misunderstood? I don't care who knows about it and how it can be used - it's for you, only for you. I was yours and now I am yours, completely and completely, to obey, honor, love you and fly with you, when, where and how you please. Honore de Balzac - Countess Evelina Hanska How I wish I could spend the day at your feet; laying her head on your knees, dreaming about the beautiful, sharing her thoughts with you in bliss and rapture, and sometimes not talking at all, but pressing the edge of your dress to your lips! .. Oh, my love, Eve, the joy of my days, my light in the night, my hope, admiration, my beloved, precious, when will I see you? Or is it an illusion? Did I see you? Oh Gods! How I love your accent, barely perceptible, your kind lips, so sensual - let me tell you this, my angel of love. I work day and night to come and stay with you for two weeks in December. On the way, I will see the Jura mountains covered with snow, and I will think about the snowy whiteness of the shoulders of my beloved. Oh! Inhaling the fragrance of hair, holding your hand, squeezing you in my arms - that's where I draw inspiration from! My friends are amazed at the invincibility of my willpower. Oh! They do not know my beloved, the one whose pure image cancels out all the chagrin of their bile attacks. One kiss, my angel, one slow kiss, and good night! Francois Voltaire to Olympia Dunoyer It seems to me, dear young lady, that you love me, so be ready in these circumstances to use all the power of your mind. No sooner had I returned to the hotel yesterday than M. Lefebvre told me that I must leave today, and I could only postpone it until tomorrow; however, he forbade me to go anywhere before departure; he fears that madam your mother will not offend me, which may resonate with him and the king; he didn't even give me anything to object to; I must certainly leave without seeing you. You can imagine my despair. It might have cost me my life if I did not hope to be of service to you by depriving you of your precious company. The desire to see you in Paris will console me during my journey. I will no longer persuade you to leave your mother and see your father, from whose arms you were pulled out to make you unhappy here. * I will spend the whole day at home. Send me three letters: one for your father, another for your uncle, and a third for your sister; this is absolutely necessary, I will deliver them at the agreed place, especially the letter to your sister. Let the shoemaker bring these letters to me: promise him a reward; let him come with a block in his hands, as if to correct my shoes. Attach to these letters a note for me, so that when I leave, this will at least serve as a consolation, but, most importantly, in the name of the love that I have for you, my dear, send me your portrait; make every effort to get it from your mother; he will feel much better in my hands than in hers, for he already reigns in my heart. The servant I send to you is unconditionally devoted to me; if you want to give him to your mother as a snuff-maker, he is a Norman and will play his part very well: he will give you all my letters, which I will send to his address, and you can forward yours also through him; you can also entrust him with your portrait. I am writing to you at night, not yet knowing how I will leave; I only know that I must leave: I will do my best to see you tomorrow before I leave Holland. But since I cannot promise this for sure, I say to you, my soul, my last forgiveness, and, telling you this, I swear by all the tenderness that you deserve. Yes, my dear Pimpetochka, I will always love you; even the most frivolous lovers say so, but their love is not based, like mine, on complete respect; I bow to your virtue as much as to your appearance, and I only pray to heaven that I may be able to borrow your noble feelings from you. My tenderness allows me to count on yours; I flatter myself that I will awaken in you the desire to see Paris; I am going to this beautiful city to beg for your return; I will write to you with each mail through Lefebvre, to whom you will give something for each letter in order to induce him to do his job properly. Farewell once again, my dear mistress; remember at least occasionally about your unfortunate lover, but remember not for the sake of being sad; take care of your health if you want to save mine; above all, be very secretive; burn this letter of mine and all subsequent ones; let it be better that you be less merciful to me, but take more care of yourself; let us console ourselves with the hope of a speedy rendezvous, and let us love each other all our lives. Perhaps I myself will come for you; then I will consider myself the happiest of men; as long as you come, I'll be quite satisfied. I want only your happiness, and I would gladly buy it at the price of mine. I will consider myself highly rewarded if I know that I have contributed to your return to well-being. Farewell, my dear soul! I hug you a thousand times. A few days later. (1713) I am held captive in the name of the king; I can be deprived of life, but not love for you. Yes, my dear beloved, I will see you tonight, even though I have to lay my head on the chopping block. For God's sake, do not speak to me in such gloomy terms as you write. Live but be secretive; beware of madam your mother, as your worst enemy; what am I saying? Beware of everyone in the world and trust no one. Be ready for the time when the moon appears; I will leave the hotel incognito, take a carriage and we will rush faster than the wind to Sh .; I'll grab ink and paper; we will write our letters; but if you love me, console yourself, call on all your virtue and all your mind to help ... Be ready from four o'clock; I'll be waiting for you near your street. Farewell, there is nothing that I would not endure for you. You deserve so much more. Farewell, my dear soul. To be continued!

Mozart, Napoleon, Jack London ... How they loved their women: sometimes they behaved stupidly and recklessly, they were jealous and angry, but how they loved! We have started the program. And we decided to set our members up for work with the help of love letters from great people from the past. We share this inspiration with you. SMS are resting 😉

Dear little wife, I have a few assignments for you. I beg you:

1. do not fall into melancholy,
2. take care of your health and beware of spring winds,
3. don't go for a walk alone - or even better, don't go for a walk at all,
4. be completely sure of my love. I write all the letters to you with your portrait in front of me.

6. And in the end, I ask you to write me more detailed letters. I really want to know if brother-in-law Hofer came to visit us the day after I left? Does he come often, as he promised me? Do the Langes come in sometimes? How is the work on the portrait going? How do you live? All this, of course, is of great interest to me.

5. I beg you to behave in such a way that neither your nor my good name will suffer, also watch how it looks from the outside. Do not be angry with me for such a request. You should love me even more because I care about our honor with you.

V.A. Mozart

I don't love you anymore... On the contrary, I hate you. You are a vile, stupid, ridiculous woman. You don't write to me at all, you don't love your husband. You know how much joy your letters bring to him, and you cannot even write six quick lines.

But what do you do all day long, ma'am? What urgent matters take up your time, prevent you from writing to your very good lover?

What prevents your tender and devoted love, which you promised him? Who is this new seducer, new lover, who claims all your time, preventing you from taking care of your spouse? Josephine, beware: one fine night I will break down your doors and stand before you.

In fact, my dear friend, I am worried that I do not receive news from you, write me quickly four pages, and only about those pleasant things that will fill my heart with joy and tenderness.

I hope to wrap you in my arms soon and cover you with a million kisses, burning like the rays of the sun at the equator.


I sincerely ask you, madam, a thousand times forgiveness for these stupid anonymous verses that smack of childishness, but what can I do? I am also selfish like children and sick people. When I suffer, I think of the people I love. I almost always think about you in verse, and when the verses are ready, I cannot overcome the desire to show them to the one who inspired them to me. And at the same time, I hide myself, like a man madly afraid of the funny - isn't there some kind of funny element in love? - especially for those whom she did not touch.

But I swear to you that I explain myself for the last time; and if my fiery sympathy for you lasts as long as it lasted before I said one word to you, we will live with you to old age.

No matter how absurd all this may seem to you, imagine that there is a heart at which you could not laugh without cruelty, and in which your image is imprinted forever.

Une fois, une seule, aimable et bonne femme
A mon bras votre bras poli.

I just received your letter. It calmed me, now I know how you and the children are doing. It was as if I saw my dear family in front of me and heard you all talking to me together ...

Last night I had a dream that I was in Newton, in a room with you and a few other people. And you decided that the moment had come to announce that you were no longer my wife and that you wanted to marry another man. You broke the news with such absolute calmness and composure - addressing not only me, but the whole company - that it paralyzed all my thoughts and feelings. I didn't know what to say at all.

Then a woman told those present that in this state of affairs, that is, with your refusal to be my wife, I automatically become her husband. Turning to me, she very coldly asked which of us would announce my mother's wedding! How we divided the children, I do not know. I only know that my heart suddenly seemed to break loose, I began to scream, protest and threw a tantrum, in the midst of which I woke up. However, the feeling of unspoken resentment and gross insult hovered over me for a long time, and even now has not disappeared. You shouldn't be so careless when you come into my dreams.

Oh, Phoebe [goddess of the moon], I want you very much. You are the only person in the world that I need. Other people are more or less bearable. But I probably always endured loneliness much more easily than someone else's company, until I met you. Now I am me only when you are with me. You are the most beloved woman. How could you scare me in my sleep like that?

Your husband

Dear Anna: Did I say that all people can be divided into types? If I did, let me clarify - not all of them. You're slipping away, I can't attribute you to any species, I can't figure you out. I can boast that out of 10 people, I can predict the behavior of nine. Judging by words and actions, I can guess the heart rate of nine out of ten people. But the tenth is a mystery to me, I am in despair because it is higher than me. You are the tenth.

Has it ever happened that two silent souls, so dissimilar, so suited each other? Of course, we often feel the same way, but even when we feel something differently, we still understand each other, even though we do not have a common language. We don't need words spoken aloud. We are too incomprehensible and mysterious for this. The Lord must be laughing, seeing our silent action.

The only glimmer of common sense in all of this is that we both have a frenzied temperament big enough to understand. True, we often understand each other, but with elusive glimpses, vague sensations, as if ghosts, while we doubt, haunt us with their perception of the truth. And yet I dare not believe that you are the tenth person whose behavior I cannot predict.

Even in bed my thoughts fly to you, my immortal love! I am seized by either joy or sadness in anticipation of what fate has in store for us. I can either live with you or not live at all. Yes, I have decided to wander away from you until I am able to fly and throw myself into your arms, feel you completely mine and enjoy this bliss. That is how it should be. You will agree to this, because you do not doubt my loyalty to you; never another will take my heart, never, never. Oh, God, why part with what you love so much!

The life I now lead in V. is hard. Your love makes me the happiest and unhappiest person at the same time. At my age, a certain monotony, stability of life is already required, but are they possible with our relations? My angel, now I just found out that the mail leaves every day, I must finish so that you receive the letter as soon as possible. Be calm; be calm, love me always.

What a longing to see you! You are my Life - my Everything - goodbye. Love me as before - never doubt the fidelity of your beloved

Forever yours
Forever mine
Forever we are ours.

Sofya Andreevna, it's becoming unbearable for me. For three weeks I say every day: today I will say everything, and I leave with the same longing, repentance, fear and happiness in my soul. And every night, as now, I go over the past, I suffer and say: why did I not say, and how, and what would I say. I take this letter with me to give it to you, if again I can’t, or if I don’t have the courage to tell you everything. Your family's false view of me is, I think, that I am in love with your sister Liza. It's not fair.

Your story stuck in my head because, after reading it, I became convinced that I, Dublitsky, should not dream of happiness, that your excellent poetic demands of love ... that I do not envy and will not envy the one you are love. It seemed to me that I could rejoice in you as in children.

In Ivitsy I wrote: "Your presence reminds me too vividly of my old age, and it is you." But then, and now, I lied to myself. Even then I could have cut everything off and gone back to my monastery of solitary labor and passion for work. Now I can do nothing, but I feel that I have made a mess in your family; that a simple, dear relationship with you, as with a friend, an honest person, is lost. And I can't hoot and I don't dare to stay. You are an honest man, hand on heart, slowly, for God's sake slowly, tell me what to do? What you laugh at, you work for. I would have died of laughter if a month ago I had been told that it was possible to suffer, as I am suffering, and I am happily suffering this time.

Tell me, as an honest man, do you want to be my wife? Only if with all your heart, you can boldly say: yes, otherwise you’d better say: no, if there is a shadow of self-doubt in you. For God's sake, ask yourself well. It will be terrible for me to hear: no, but I foresee it and find the strength in myself to bear it. But if I never be loved by my husband the way I love, it will be terrible!

Livy dear,

six years have passed since I achieved my first success in life and conquered you, and thirty years since Providence made the necessary preparations for this happy day by sending you into this world. Every day that we have lived together gives me confidence that we will never part with each other, that we will not regret for a second that we have connected our lives.

Every year I love you, my baby, more and more. Today you are dearer to me than on your last birthday, a year ago you were dearer than two years ago - I have no doubt that this wonderful movement will continue to the very end.

Let's look ahead - to future anniversaries, to the coming old age and grey hair– without fear and despondency. Trusting each other and firmly knowing that the love that each of us carries in our hearts is enough to fill all the years allotted to us with happiness.

So, with great love for you and the children, I welcome this day, which gives you the grace of a respectable lady and the dignity of three decades!

Always yours

You only want a few words from me. What will they be? When the heart is full, it can overflow, but the real fullness will remain inside ... No words can tell ... how dear you are to me - dear to my soul and heart. I look back and in every moment, in every phrase you said and every gesture, in every letter, in your silence I see your perfection.

I don't want to change my words or appearance. My hope and goal is to keep our love, not to betray it. I rely on God, who gave it to me and, undoubtedly, will help to save it. That's enough, my dear Ba! You gave me the highest, most complete proof of love that only one person can give to another. I am grateful - and proud that you are the reward of my life.

Dear Fanny,

Are you sometimes afraid that I don't love you as much as you want? Dear girl, I loved you forever and unconditionally. The more I get to know you, the more I love you. All my actions - even my jealousy - are manifestations of Love; in its fiery flame I can die for you.

I brought you much suffering. But it's all about Love! What can I do? You are always new. Your last kisses were the sweetest, your last smile the brightest; the last gestures are the most graceful.

When you passed my window last night, I was overwhelmed with such admiration, as if I saw you for the first time. You complained to me once that I love only your Beauty. Do I have nothing more to love in you, but only this? Do I not see a heart endowed with wings that took away my freedom? No worries could divert your thoughts from me for a moment.

Perhaps this is deplorable, not joyful, but that's not what I'm talking about. Even if you did not love me, I could not overcome my total devotion to you: how much deeper must my feeling for you be if I know that I am loved by you. My Mind is disturbed and disturbed, besides it is found in a too small body.

I have never felt that my Mind took complete and complete pleasure from anything - from no person but you. When you are in the room, my thoughts do not scatter, all my feelings are concentrated. The anxiety about our Love that I caught in your last note is an endless pleasure for me. However, you must no longer suffer from such suspicions; I believe you unconditionally, and you have no reason to be offended by me. Brown has gone, but Mrs. Wiley is here; when she leaves, I will be especially vigilant for you. Bow to your mother. Your loving J. Keats.

My dear Josephine,

I'm afraid you got wet last night, because as soon as the door of my house closed behind you, it began to rain. I take this opportunity to return your hat and express the hope that everything is all right with you this morning and you have not caught a cold.

I tried talking to your Hat. Asked her how many tender glances below her brim she had seen; how many tender words she heard next to her; how many times it was thrown into the air in moments of delight and triumph. And did she happen (and if it happened, when) to tremble from the feelings that overwhelmed her mistress. But she proved she could keep secrets and didn't answer any of my questions. All I could do was try to surprise her by saying different names one after the other. For a long time she remained imperturbable, but suddenly, hearing one name, she definitely shuddered and her ribbons fluttered!

I wished her all the best. I hope that she never covers her aching head, and the eyes that she protects from the sun's rays will never know tears, but only joy and love.

Dear Josephine, Best regards,
Yours Daniel Webster

My dear Emma,

all your letters, letters dear to me, are so entertaining and reveal your essence so fully that, after reading them, I experience either the greatest pleasure or the greatest pain. It's another best thing about being with you.

I only wish, my dearest Emma, ​​that you always believe that Nelson is yours; Nelson's alpha and omega is Emma. I can't change - my affection and love for you lies beyond this world! Nothing can break it, only you. But I don't allow myself to think about it for a moment.

I feel that you a true friend my soul and dearer to me than life itself; I'm the same for you. Nobody can compare with you.

I'm glad you made such a pleasant trip to Norfolk. I hope one day to catch you there and bind you with bonds of law, stronger than the bonds of love and affection that bind us now ...

I cannot leave without saying a few words to you. So, my darling, you expect a lot of good things from me. Your happiness, even your life depends, as you say, on my love for you!

Fear nothing, my dear Sophie; my love will last forever, you will live and be happy. I have never done anything wrong and I am not going to tread on this road. I am all yours - you are everything to me. We will support each other in all the troubles that fate can send us. You will ease my suffering; I will help you with yours. I can always see you the way you were lately! As for me, you must admit that I have remained the same as you saw me on the first day of our acquaintance.

This is not only my merit, but for the sake of justice, I must tell you about it. Every day I feel more alive. I am sure of loyalty to you and appreciate your virtues more and more every day. I am confident in your constancy and appreciate it. No one's passion had a greater basis than mine. Dear Sophie, You are very beautiful, aren't you? Watch yourself - see how it suits you to be in love; and know that I love you very much. This is a constant expression of my feelings.

Good night, my dear Sophie. I am as happy as a man can be who knows he is loved by the fairest of women.

Happy Birthday, Princess!

We grow old and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each other's minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little - and maybe sometimes we take each other for granted.

But sometimes, like today, I think about it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I have ever met. You still amaze and inspire me.

You change me for the better. You are my desire, the main reason for my existence. I love you so much.

Happy Birthday, Princess.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

A beautiful erotic letter to a man is a great way to stimulate a romantic relationship. The original message, permeated with sensuality and passion, will not leave anyone indifferent. There are several options when writing this kind of letter, depending on the specific circumstances:

Your acquaintance took place recently. In this case, it is recommended to call on all your secret desires and thoughts, to present yourself as depraved enough to attract the attention of the chosen one. Describe your wildest fantasies about him and his virtues, about what you want to do when you are in his arms.

A beautiful erotic letter to a man should evoke strong emotions and excitement for both you and your chosen one. You can add some rough notes to the message, instead of the banal “I love”, use a passionate “I want”. Take advantage of women's sites and forums or look at erotica, there you will learn a lot of useful things for your writing.

You have been together for a long time. When a couple lives under the same roof for a long time, everyday life and problems begin to crowd out passion in a relationship. best way out becomes an intimate letter. You can come up with something new, a role-playing game or an unusual pose that can turn ordinary relationships around. It is necessary to describe all these ideas in your message, bright and sensual.

An example of erotic writing

Hello, my dear, beloved, dear ... Every day of our separation for me stretches like an eternity. Every night I remember your caresses, feeling the gentle touch of your hands with every cell of my body.

My lips remember your kisses, which burned in moments of unforgettable bliss. Your hugs and hot breath drove me crazy. My memory gives me over and over again the memories of the irrepressible passion that our bodies radiated. In her impulse, you covered all my silky skin with caresses. In those moments, I was suffocating with happiness ...

Erotic message to a beloved man

Every day I count the minutes before meeting you, and, as luck would have it, they stretch like an eternity. From unbearable longing, I give free rein to my fantasy, which draws me the moment of our meeting, and how we again indulge in unearthly pleasure. I feel your hot breath and merge with you into one single.

I want to feel your excited body again and completely dissolve in you. I want to enjoy you all night, all day, day and night. Forget about everyone and everything with you. I want to melt in impulses of passion and fly away from the unprecedented bliss that you gave me every time.

Erotic letter sample

My dear, good! I want you to know - I completely belong to you! I'm waiting for you and burning with impatience. My body is waiting and yearning for love. Only with you I was able to fly into the heavens in a moment of bliss and descend to the earth inspired with pleasure.

My dear, dear. I miss you and only memories help me overcome the painful days in separation from you. Only they send me your image, your smell, your voice. My heart yearns for you and sometimes it seems to me that I can overcome all distances on the wings of my love, just to be with you.

P.S. I love you... I'm waiting for you... I want you...

Ways to send a beautiful erotic letter to a man:

  • Email. The most traditional option. Having received an intimate letter during work, your chosen one will undoubtedly be pleased and intrigued.
  • SMS message. A fast and easy way to deliver your erotic desires.
  • Letter on paper. An option for lovers of old romance. Such a message can be hidden in a pocket, bag or somewhere else where your loved one will definitely find it.

The most important thing is to be frank, bold and depraved, fantasize, do not be shy about your feelings and desires. Your man will be satisfied, and the relationship will be filled with new sensations and emotions.

When you feel aroused in separation from a partner, imagine a love scene with a partner, giving vent to your sexual sensations. In a letter to your partner, outline what you want to do, then describe the love scene and how you feel, as if everything is really happening. Here is an example of a letter from a man to his wife.

"Expensive. How I miss you. I feel so excited, but I can't see you to touch. How I love touching your beautiful naked body. His graceful curves, your beautiful breasts give me pleasure and drive me crazy with desire. I love to touch your hard nipples and suck them.

At this moment, I imagine holding you in my arms. I feel your warm soft body pressed against mine. I like to hold you tightly to me. I breathe in your gentle scent, and my love for you grows stronger. I kiss your tender lips and my whole body trembles. Gradually, our kiss becomes more and more passionate, and you open your mouth for me. My tongue penetrates your mouth and its wetness excites me even more.

I hold your head in my hands and stroke your beautiful hair. I like to run my fingers over your body, knowing how it turns you on. I love the light touch of your fingers on my body. Just as you give me pleasure with every touch, I know that you also enjoy my caresses.

I like to take off your bra and feel the tenderness of your breasts and the hardness of your nipples. I know that you want me just as much as I want you. I submit my love to you. You are all I want. I am burning with the desire to connect with you, to merge with you, to enter your warm and moist womb.

As soon as my fingers just touch your wet womb, even more excitement permeates my body. Slowly and rhythmically, I move my finger in a circle until it touches the clitoris. I pick up the pace, you start to breathe heavily, I increase the speed and pressure.

I can feel that you, like me, want more. Everywhere touching you, I hear your gentle response sounds. My hard erect cock that was longing to enter you finally got what it wanted. What heavenly bliss to penetrate into your sacred chamber, what love overflows my heart, what passion is born in me. I begin to slowly sink deeper.

Time stopped. Finally, we are one. I move forward and fill you, hear your loud cry and feel you surrender to my presence. I keep moving back and forth, back and forth, my cock getting harder and harder. Every movement inside you soothes the most tender strings of my soul. I feel like I'm ready to explode, but my tension eases when I hear your delicious moans of pleasure.

Together we plunge into the sensations of love, pleasure and ecstasy. All my love rushes to you when you reach orgasm. Your breathless moans of pleasure peak, and a sparkling burst of pleasure explodes in me as I reach relief. And we plunge into an intoxicating unity, clinging to each other, our naked bodies are intertwined, I find peace. My life is at peace and I feel so complete again. I thank God for you and for the special gift given to me from above - to love you and be loved by you.

Beautiful erotic letter to him - beloved guy, man.

Erotic mail.

L darling, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me. Please read everything from start to finish.

This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence".

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your appearance. You are so sexy.... From the ends of your hair to your heels! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because…. I'll tell you why now.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. I also learned to look for and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine body is my talisman. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you are when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You get turned on, and I love to say it all. Talk and repeat... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want all these games to never end. And I am ready to continue them indefinitely myself!

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly throwing every attribute of clothing far beyond our room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. Yes, I explain when you understand everything yourself. I'm sure you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself, then, were frightened and did not expect. I was even ashamed, although there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them with romantic music. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. Oh how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I, in response, whispered yours, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. yet…. yet….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings. By the way, about flights of feelings…. Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after sex, do not try to get it out of me. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Kind of a strange desire, isn't it? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute of ours. I want, as then, in a hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue .... We lived in each other! They only drank, in between, grapefruit juice, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! Doesn't offend you, I hope my compliment is like that? I have never said such a compliment to anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter but you? I don’t consider our telephone conversations, which “met” with us when you were on business trips, to be vulgar. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with banal questions…. “What are you wearing now?”, “What panties are you wearing?”, “What color panties?”. I loved it all... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else! I can't live without your body, I wrote it already. Handsome you are my sexy .... Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got! I kiss you in all your places!

E rhotic writing is a message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen one.

Erotic Poems for a man, a guy.-, Beloved about Love frankly.

Tell him that. -, Phrases, words that excite men.

What else can you write to your loved one? -, Love letter.

Love Disability. -, How to drive a man crazy with love?

Any man is pleased when he is loved, when he is admired, when he is taken care of. For a woman who gives him happiness, he will be ready for anything. But it so happens that life and everyday life kill romance between lovers. If you want to add tenderness and passion to a relationship, I suggest writing a letter for your loved one.

Remember how long it has been since you received postcards and letters? A man will definitely be delighted with such a surprise and appreciate your efforts. But so that he would once again be convinced of how unpredictable and amazing you can be, so that he would again see a passionate and desirable woman in you, we will write not just a letter, but an erotic message.

Of course, your loved one will be pleased to read an erotic letter when you are not around. He will think about you and want you even more. But don't give up on the idea of ​​making a surprise for someone dear just because you live in the same apartment. Just ask him to check his mailbox after dinner if he doesn't do it himself.

A man will be surprised at an unexpected letter, rejoice at the words that are written in it, and then, for sure, will not let you fall asleep soon.

What do you need for erotic writing

It is not necessary to look for a holiday for a gift such as a letter. Please a man just like that, without any reason. After all, you are also pleased when your loved one makes gifts not only on the eighth of March and birthday.

In order to please her husband with an erotic message, not so much is needed. First you need to find a pen and a piece of paper. It will be great if you find another envelope and a few stamps at home. If not ours, then buy them at a stationery store or at the post office.

Of course, you can write a letter not by hand, but type it on a computer. But, you see, your husband reads the printed text every day in electronic messages. But the text written by your hand will be much more pleasant to read, even if the handwriting is not at all legible. It will even add mystery and intrigue to the message.

Even the fact that a man knows your handwriting and immediately guesses it is very good. If he may not recognize you by handwriting, then it is better to sign the letter. For intrigue, you can not write the name on the envelope, but it is desirable under the text itself. Otherwise, a man may begin to fantasize and think about who could write him a letter and represent not you at all. And this is not at all what we want.

In addition to the above stationery, you will also need about an hour of free time.

Make sure that no one can interfere with you at this time. Turn off your phone and close the door. While you are writing a message for a man, focus only on him and your feelings. So the text will turn out to be more sincere and of high quality.

The main condition for writing an erotic letter is to put a piece of your soul into it. Your letter to a dear man should be honest and frank. Write what you might have wanted to say for a long time or what you would never have dared to say. Open yourself to your loved one from a new perspective.

So where do you start writing?

It is better to start a letter with an appeal to a loved one. Think, maybe you need to start the words "Dear Dmitry", or maybe it would be better to write "Hello, my gopher." It all depends on how you are used to communicating with a man. But still it is better to give preference to a more serious option. You are writing an adult letter with a completely non-childish purpose. Try to do without "babies", "seals" and "hamsters". Let a man feel like a man.

What can be written in a frank letter to a man?

After the greeting, the letters used to write news, weather or something interesting. So are you. Write to your beloved man that recently you were left without him a little longer than usual and realized how madly you missed him. And it doesn't matter that in recent days your maximum distance between each other has been like from an apartment to a store around the corner. Write that you alone were terribly cold and chilly. Write about how you would like him to warm you, hug you and not let you freeze.

Write, for example, that you wanted to keep warm and while you were looking for a blanket, you remembered what you did together on it the last time. Maybe it will even be a story that you put the kettle on for the same purpose, and the thought of sex in the kitchen came to your mind. Ask if he minds. Let this be a rhetorical question.

If your relationship has not yet reached sex, then remember another moment in your life when your man could turn you on, even if it was touching his hand or texting him at night. Well, if you can’t surprise your man with sex in the kitchen, then you can write that you warmed up without him in a hot bath. And you missed him so much. There are countless options for such spicy stories. I'm sure you can come up with a lot of similar options if you want to.

The main thing in this part of the letter is to make it clear to your beloved that you missed him, that you needed him. Thus, the man will delve into your letter with even greater interest and delight.

In the second part of the letter, the addressee is usually asked about his affairs, news and other aspects of life. You can also ask the man something.

Ask, for example, if he remembers that sex in the kitchen that you mentioned above. Ask if he would like to repeat. Write whatever you'd like and don't forget to mention something specific and special, like the way he kissed your back, or how bossy he was, and you felt completely defenseless.

If this is too much for you, write something more decent. Maybe it will be a story about how you like it when he kisses your hands. Ask him to repeat.

It is very important that you can hook his memory and make him feel the passion and excitement that he once experienced with you.

Then ask him in a letter if he likes it when you, for example, take off his shirt or lick your lips. Do not be afraid to go too far, your man will understand you correctly. You can ask if he wants you to moan loudly with him or bite his earlobe. Let your man's fantasy begin to draw pictures and images in his head.

Just do not stretch the poem into 10 sheets. Let it be a page and a half essay about how you want it. Write in clear and accessible words.

How to finish a letter?

Finishing the letter, write that you love him very much, write that you need him. After the man is a little aroused, remind him that you need him. This will be an insanely nice line.

At the end of the erotic message, write to your beloved “thank you” for having him. So reliable, native and the best. If you are overclocked to write the page completely, do not rush, this is not the end.

There should be a line with your name on it. Write something simple like "Your Tanya". Add "Kiss".

And the most interesting is the “postscript” section. Recall that you recently bought new underwear and ask your loved one to let you know if he wants to see it. Or that he has a "great ass". In short, it should be a line for which he will reread the letter again and again.

When you finish writing the letter, reread it and put it in an envelope. For effect, you can sprinkle the leaf with your perfume or kiss it with painted lips.

It remains to sign the envelope, seal it and, sticking a stamp on it, send it. If you live together or not far away, throw the letter into the mailbox yourself, so it will definitely not be lost.

That's all you need to please your loved one with an erotic message. After he reads it and evaluates it, bring the fantasies from the letter to life. He must know that your pleasant surprises ends even better.

  • How to write a letter of erotic content to a loved one in order to convey to him all your feelings of body and soul?
  • How to arouse his feelings and make them mutual?

Take an example! And then you can go to the real world of intimate illusions and material sensations of the bliss of the body and a rainbow of spiritual emotions!

Erotic mail

Dear, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me again. Please read everything from start to finish. This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence" that comes from my soul.

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your looks… You are so sexy….. From the tips of your hair to your toes! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because….

My desires

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every inch of your body. Touch with fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like it better? I love touching your baby. Do you remember which part of your body I call that, and why? Not in order to humiliate your dignity, but in order to express my love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can I? .. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. Learned to seek and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine body is my talisman

I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when my body touches yours. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you are when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You get excited, and I love to tell you all this again and again ... Say and repeat .... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want these games to never end. And I'm ready to continue them to infinity!

It's nice to see that you're happy

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly tossing every piece of clothing far out of the room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. But what am I explaining when you understand everything yourself? .. I'm sure that you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

In my memories

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself then were frightened and did not expect. Even ashamed, although it was not necessary. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them to the music of passion. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. You turn me on ... Oh, how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I whispered yours in response, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. yet…. yet….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings ...

By the way, about flights of feelings….

Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after intimacy did not try to get it. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Kind of a strange desire, isn't it? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute for nothing. I want, as then in the hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue ..... We lived in each other! They just drank, grapefruit juice in between, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! You do not offend, I hope, my such a compliment? I never told anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter except you? I do not consider ours vulgar telephone conversations who "met" with us when you were on business trips. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with questions and very banal ones .... “what are you wearing now?”, “what panties are you wearing?”, “what color panties?”. I loved it all so much... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else!

Can not live without you

I can’t live without your body… Handsome you are my sexy…. Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long, long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got!

I kiss you in all your places!

- this is an intimate message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen one.

What else can you write to your loved one? -

Love Disability -


  • How to write a letter of erotic content to a loved one in order to convey to him all your feelings of body and soul?
  • How to ignite his feelings and make them mutual?

Erotic mail

Dear, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me again. Please read everything from start to finish. This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence" that comes from my soul.

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your appearance… You are so desirable….. From the tips of your hair to your toes! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because….

My desires

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every inch of your body. Touch with fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like it better? I love touching your baby. Do you remember which part of your body I call that, and why? Not in order to humiliate your dignity, but in order to express my love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can I? .. First - hands, then - neck, chest, tummy, and further, further .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. I also learned to search and find certain zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine warmth is my talisman

I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how you ignite when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You are on fire, and I love to tell you all this again and again ... To say and repeat .... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want these games to never end. And I'm ready to continue them to infinity!

It's nice to see that you're happy

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly tossing every piece of clothing far out of the room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. But what am I explaining when you understand everything yourself? .. I'm sure that you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

In my memories

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself then were frightened and did not expect. Even ashamed, although it was not necessary. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them to the music of passion. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. You turn me on ... Oh, how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I whispered yours in response, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. yet…. yet….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings ...

By the way, about flights of feelings….

Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after intimacy did not try to get it. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Kind of a strange desire, isn't it? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute for nothing. I want, as then in the hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue ..... We lived in each other! They just drank, grapefruit juice in between, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! You do not offend, I hope, my such a compliment? I never told anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter except you? I don’t consider our telephone conversations, which “met” with us when you were on business trips, to be vulgar. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with questions and very banal ones .... “what are you wearing now?”, “what panties are you wearing?”, “what color panties?”. I loved it all so much... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else!

Can not live without you

I can’t live without your body… You are my desired handsome…. Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long, long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got!

I kiss you in all your places!

Erotic letter- this is an intimate message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen one.

What else can you write to your loved one? —

Love Disability -